Time to remove the unholy alliance

Josh (it’s hilarious his last name is) Earnest stood up in front of the world and stated Donald Trump disqualified himself from being President of the United States with his statements about Islam.

Hmmm…did the Freedom of Speech disappear along with Obama’s red line?

Paul (I wish I was in Janesville) Ryan stood up in front of the world and declared Donald Trump’s statements about Islam to not be representative of the Republican Party.

Maybe that new beard is putting too much stress on his ability to read and understand things like polling.  Trump’s numbers went UP with Republican voters.  Then again what else can we expect from a person who learned about Washington D.C. from none other than Barney Frank.

Do your research Paul Ryan supporters. If you are honest with yourselves you will not like what you find unless you are a believer in the government borrowing trillions of dollars.  Who do you think just approved the debt ceiling be removed?  Kind of a bizarre concept…borrow and spend as much as you want until 2017.

Nothing quite like “compassionate conservatism” or “progressivism” to ruin a country.

Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs…if you think the Republican and Democratic Parties aren’t both responsible for driving us into an economic catastrophe…well…here’s your sign.

Let us return to our original topic.

Months ago Trump spoke about our need to close our porous border or in other words…enforce the law.

I’ve been talking about this for years but better late than never.

He spoke about rapists and killers coming through the border from among other places, Mexico.  He stated facts (human trafficking happens every day through the border or in another word…slavery…and if you think these traffickers aren’t raping and killing children and women I suggest you trade places with one of the victims) and was called a racist by truly ignorant minds.

Mexico is a nation…albeit a corrupt one.  (Then again who are we to talk after almost 24 years of Clinton, Bush, and Obama.)

Being from Mexico makes one…a Mexican.

Mexican is not a color.  It is a nationality.  It is impossible to use the term Mexican and be a racist for one simple reason.

Mexican is not a race.

In fact I will offer a factual angle.  Those who called him a racist were in fact the racists themselves.  They heard “Mexican” and with their inference showed exactly their cards.

To a racist “Mexican” means brown skin.

For those of you racists who haven’t traveled, Mexico has plenty of humans living within its borders that do not have a brown dermis.

Sorry La Raza.

Your dream of a nation filled with the brown “race” just shows how pathetic and racist you really are…and for goodness sake let us please stop calling humans with brown skin (who may or may not speak Spanish) Latino or Hispanic.

Talk about overt, mainstream racism.

I digress.

As most are now aware Donald Trump stated bringing in Syrian Muslims, when we’ve already proven we cannot vet them properly, (also cited by the FBI Director BEFORE San Bernardino) is a mistake.

He was again called a racist.

Maybe if he was in the FBI this would be okay.

Sigh…let us try again.  Syria is a country and Islam is systemic oppression.  Neither are races although Arab Sunnis and Shiites will tell you they are a “superior” race.

What’s that?  That kind of language sounds familiar?

Well now…that type of language titled “Eugenics” was found in America and used by a women named Margaret Sanger.

Yes that is the same Margaret Sanger, Hillary Clinton has said, she admires.

What’s that?  You think you’ve heard it somewhere else?

My apologies.  You have.

It was labeled “Nazism” and its leader was known as a guy named Adolph Hitler.

So lets clear this up.

Trump is talking about nationalities and systemic oppression (Islam) and is smeared as a racist by what Lou Dobbs calls the Unholy Alliance:

Republican National Committee, Democratic National Committee, and the Mainstream Media.

Finally we have arrived at our dilemma.

Two corrupt political parties, and a lack of ethics and courage in today’s coverage, by those who are uniquely protected by the 1st Amendment, in order to protect the freedom of the American Individual.

Problem found.

Now how do we solve our problem?

First we lead by example and speak from a position of truth and only engage in factual discussion.  The need to belong is so powerful the human animal will spew horrendous things looking for the attention of anyone or anything at anytime.

Don’t engage with this absurdity.  When lies float from their lips, cut them off.  This is a free country. You are free at anytime to provide the truth…or just walk away.

When someone is given a book and they eat the pages it is time to stop giving them books…and your attention.

Trust me they will return eventually.

Someone will have to bail them out of jail.

Joking aside (or was I?) we must change the dynamic, create new models, find new algorithms and these new ideas must be wrapped around one thing:  The Ethical Individual.

We must understand the difference between the human animal and the human being.  Animals cannot control themselves.  Human Beings are in control of their bodies and minds and use their actions to benefit themselves, others, and society in general in a positive self-sustaining fashion.

The fancy terminology for this is personal responsibility.

Personal responsibility is the reason America is strong and leads the way in life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness!

Happiness is a fluid creation.  You gotta go get it!

You gotta want to feel joy, spread love, and be FREE!

Okay Jason, I am with you!  I want joy!  I am spreading love!  I am FREE but there is a storm brewing and we are in the eye in the hurricane.  What do we do?

First we show our appreciation to the Big Fella Upstairs for the gift of Free Will.

Second we say thank you to America, and the greatest species of the human race known as the American, that allowed most of us to be born free and receive the greatest home field advantage in the history of man.

Finally we join to together in protection of Freedom and our way of life, to ensure that the choice “to be” or “not to be” is always in the positive.

To be…is the answer.

“Be” well and “Be” free to the best of your abilities.

America is counting on you…and so am I.

I only ask that you share the message.

I will take care of the rest.

One last thing.

We aren’t in the eye of the hurricane.

We are the hurricane…with both eyes wide open.

Jason Kraus


United States Senate 2017

Do not feed the beast

Recently through Skype I was interviewed again by Michael Higgins and Darcy Savage.  Wonderful people to speak with and I strongly suggest everyone find Michael’s page at VoxPopuli.

The purpose of our mission never changes:

To bring like-minded Americans together.  Shoulder to shoulder.  One voice at a time.

Michael made a comment that a friend mentioned the length of our last interview being too long for the average listener.

In the beginning this was mentioned to me about my columns…never mind the fact that it only took five minutes to read most of them.

I will attempt to deal with what I believe are the primary issues in America with as much brevity as possible.

Federal Debt:





Border Control:






Systemic abuse of women and children.  (That’s enough for me)

Climate Change:

Big Fan!  Without it none of us would be here.

Global Warming:


The Earth is slightly cooling and has nothing to do with us and everything to do with the Sun.  (Even the egomaniacs known as John Kerry and Barack Obama are no match for the Sun…or US for that matter).

By the way this is the same group of geniuses who predicted decades ago Earth’s natural resources would run out.

We flare natural gas into the air daily and don’t have enough room to store all the oil.

Give it another ten years and the Al Gore types will be back to tell us we have to create more CO2 to HELP warm the Earth and I’m sure there will be a few Bernie Sanders acolytes around to repeat the absurdity known as Progressivism.

One more thought.  Climate Change, Weather, and Pollution are three different things.

Reverse Racism:

As opposed to Forward Racism?

Racism, like ignorance, is color-blind, and both are found in the Klan, Black Panthers, CAIR, and La Raza…just a few groups historically supported by the Democratic Party although Reince Priebus and the RNC took their shot at joining the color of skin crowd leading to citizens across the United States re-registering without a party preference.

Fools to the right, racists to the left.

Crony Capitalism:

Doesn’t exist.

Don’t blame Capitalism for the human animal’s lack of ethics…but if you must…call it what it is…Corruption.

Illegal Immigration:

Incorrect.  Any human who is not an American Citizen entering our country without written documented permission is not an immigrant.

Legally they are criminals:  8 U.S. Code § 1325

Selective Enforcement of the Law is government persecution and prosecution and will eventually lead to retribution, vigilantism, or revenge.

A society either has the Rule of Law or it doesn’t.

Currently we do not.

Let’s try and speed this up.  I’m trying to keep this under five minutes.

“Carbon Footprint”, “White Guilt or Privilege”, “African American”, “Latino or Hispanic”, “It takes a village”, “Radical Islamic Terrorism”, “You didn’t build that”, “Moderate Muslim”, and the “One Percent”.

Carbon doesn’t have toes, a heel, a sole…or a soul.

White Privilege, African American, Latino or Hispanic are all nonsensical terms created by obtuse minds to label and divide.  White, black, and brown are colors.  Human is the race and the reason for the difference in color is proximity to the sun over tens of thousands of years.


It doesn’t take a village…it takes two loving, responsible, ethical, PARENTS to raise a child.

Radical Terrorist, Moderate Muslim, Jihadi, all have the same common denominator:


The question is Sunni or Shiite.

The answer is neither.

You didn’t build that…yes we did and that also includes the corrupt individuals in Washington DC.

Yes we built them too.

This is on us to reclaim, remove, and restore.

This, and unfortunately more, is all terminology and propaganda brought to these United States to divide us, by the worst political generation, in the history of America:

The “Me Generation”…so aptly named.

If you find yourself using this terminology or trying to “see their point of view”…don’t.

You are only feeding the beast of oppression.

Starve the propaganda and leave it on the side of the road.

Crows need to eat too.

Jason Kraus


United States Senate 2017


An American problem requires an American solution

I was never much of a talker when it came to violence or threats.  Always seemed like a waste of energy to me never mind my best one liners always came hours AFTER the fact.  I’ve never been a patient person in this respect either.  If you have a problem with me or one of my friends speak your mind and move forward otherwise have a Coke and a smile.

It isn’t about being tough.  It is actually the opposite.  I don’t like to wait for an unpleasant outcome to arrive.  If I know something has to be dealt with I want it dealt with now so I can move on with the positives in my life.

I don’t want to dwell on things that have to be handled.  Just handle them and move on.

But handle them we must.

I had a problem in college one time.  Something was said to me I didn’t like and a threat was made.  Without getting into specifics a fight broke out.  I ducked when I should have bobbed and lost some blood and part of a tooth.  My dance partner ended up breaking a bone in his hand.

What can I say…I have a hard head.

There ended up being other repercussions from this incident for me…maybe I will cover this in my follow up to Late Bird, but regardless, as I’ve said many times…no one wins in a fight.

One side just loses more.

That day I was the “more”.

But the fight must be fought to ensure our way of life continues.  It is those who ignore or cower from the battle that are the worst amongst us.   They prolong the agony of the behavior of the wicked and weaken systems.

Systems society counts on to maintain order, to thrust freedom forward like Capitalism and the Rule of Law.

Only those with an agenda contrary to liberty still support a Clinton, a Bush, a Sanders, a Rubio, or an Obama.

Political correctness and generational guilt has allowed hate groups like La Raza and CAIR to go unchallenged.

Barack Obama blames Christians for their “past deeds” when they are murdered in the Middle East or Africa.

Jeb Bush says illegal entry into America is “loving”.

John Kerry spat in the face of every French citizen with his rationalization and “understanding” of the Charlie Hebdo murders.

Nancy Pelosi’s reference to a group that puts its children on the front lines with grenades, known as Hamas, as a “humanitarian” organization, is treasonous.

Our problem isn’t in Russia, or China, or even the Middle East.

Our problems are those who continue to support the individuals and their ilk listed above.

We have an American problem that will require an American solution.

If you are asking yourself “what should I do?” the answer is simple.

Step into the fray by putting your name on the line or supporting those who will.

We cannot afford to lose anymore blood or teeth.

We aren’t a country of “refugees” or immigrants.

I was born HERE.

My parents were born HERE.

My grand-parents were born HERE.

We aren’t European, African, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, black, white, brown, blue, or green.

We are Americans.

It’s up to us to make sure it stays that way.

Jason Kraus



The Enemy of my Enemy is not my Friend

I was a sophomore in high school in the mid eighties and dealing with a couple of upperclassmen who were bigger and stronger than I.  For those of you who’ve read Late Bird a part of this story will sound familiar. This was sometimes a daily thing because I would not cower to them.  We’d exchanged words plenty of times and suffice it to say I hated these two individuals and their friends.

One day I hustled to my next class, rounded a corner and froze.  The two bullies were standing right in front of me…facing each other.

As a child, teenager, and an adult I have always fallen into the “peacemaker” role.  When problems occurred in my life I have always tried to work through them with words first.  One tool I frequently used was the isolation of  the person most angry which allowed them to drop the “tough guy act” and calm down.  But sometimes certain people will not behave properly, no matter what is being said to them, and when they turn their anger towards the “peacemaker” (me) my ANS arousal (fight or flight) kicks in immediately.

For me the option of “flight” isn’t an option at all, so fight, is the only one left.

I am not a subscriber to the theory “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Evil will always be evil.

Oppression is always oppression regardless of new labels (Democratic Socialism), old acronyms (RINO), or systemic abuse of women and children (Islam).

The enemy of Freedom will always be the enemy of Freedom.

I digress.

As the two aforementioned bullies faced each other profanity and threats rang through the corridor.  I vividly remember my first instinct was to move forward and step between them.  It’s how I am wired.  I am intrinsically motivated to create peace.  To stop instability.  I don’t like chaos.  I abhor violence and am willing to jump into situations to bring it to a stop.

It isn’t courage or bravery.

I just can’t stand and watch horrible people hurt others.

But standing in front of me now were two horrible people.  I hope both of them became productive members of society as they grew older…but I doubt it.

Oppression never sees the light on its own.  Oppression must be eradicated over and over again until it no longer exists and yes I used the word eradicate and the phrase over and over again on purpose.

As I instinctively moved forward my brain immediately sent a signal.


Have you lost your mind?

If you get in between these two they will both turn on you.  I stood there for a second and then backed up and waited.  My body continued to process the situation in front of me and finally resolve and a resolution set in.

I hoped these two would destroy each other.

Evil on Evil.

Oppression on Oppression.

Sunnis (Islam) and Shiites (Islam) have been killing each other for centuries.

“Democratic Socialists” or Communists”  (U.S.S.R United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic) have killed millions and continue to murder their own citizens as I write this sentence.

We now have a situation where Sunni Muslims (Saudi Arabia, ISIS, etc.),  Shiite Muslims (Iran, Hezbollah, etc.), and the Communists (Russia) are all killing each other.

Evil on Evil.  Oppression on Oppression.

Never step between Evil eradicating Evil.

The enemy of our enemy doesn’t make them our friend.

Our problem is an enemy of Freedom currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and is being enabled by a majority of Congress.

Sitting in the White House is a man who supports Shiite Islam…whether you want to admit that to yourself or not.

This same man has also removed missiles meant to defend our allies from Russia while telling Sergei Medvedev to tell Vladimir Putin that he (Obama) would have more “flexibility” after the election in 2012.

Obama’s flexibility now has the Middle East in flames, Russia stoking the fire, and Europe being infiltrated and bombed.

France is now apparently reaching out to Putin because Francois Hollande is a political baboon, a coward, and a Democratic Socialist.  The French Citizenry is now on the front lines because they elected an enabling  Islamic apologist.

Germany has one as well in Angela Merkel.

France has now had its people murdered twice this year by Islam.  They finally closed their border…hundreds of citizens too late.  Hollande is incompetent and scared and is reaching for the only hand being offered…Putin.

Vladimir Putin is a murdering thug and evil personified.

The enemy of your enemy does not make them your friend.

France is opening the door for what it believes is the lesser of two evils.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

Collective Islam is nothing compared to the Russian Bear and both pale…to the American Lion.

Regardless, Americans cannot fall into the trap of siding with Communism or Islam.

Oppression is oppression is oppression.

Time to remove all enemies of Freedom…and that starts in Washington D.C.

Our government isn’t protecting us anymore.

Our biggest protection right now can be found in the water or in other words…The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

But those beautiful waters do not encompass us completely.  We have a massive unprotected backdoor that has allowed human trafficking (slavery) to grow and grow.

Oppression is oppression.

France has been infiltrated by Islam and Communism and willingly elected Democratic Socialism while abandoning the Franc and embracing the Euro which is collapsing under economic idiocy like Quantitative Easing and negative interest rates.

Coming to a theater near you whether you want to see the movie or not…or you can get involved.

You can stand UP!

I will be on the California ballot for the United States Senate.

I encourage anyone reading this to find an elected office in your community and put your name on the line following these guidelines:

No campaign contributions.

No salary upon election.

One term.

If we want things to truly change for the better then we must lead by example.

Everything starts with the reflection in the mirror.

Time to take a look.

Jason Kraus

2017 United States Senate



An American for United States Senate

“The greatness of America isn’t found in our differences. It lives—within our truths.

In our agreement with one another to pursue happiness: to engage life in its fullest capacity.

America isn’t easy. She isn’t supposed to be. Easy belies weakness. America is hard, like the hands of a farmer or the backbone of a soldier.

She gives unconditionally, allowing for the growth of her people. Despite our struggle with right and wrong, she is the beacon guiding us through the night, into safe harbor, providing the most important lesson the world has ever known: The lesson of freedom.

It hasn’t been said lately and never enough.

We thank you America.

We won’t let you down.”

For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you will recognize the above quote.  For those of you who haven’t the words above were written as a dedication to the greatest country in human history.

These United States.

Late Bird was written with a purpose.  To show a better way, a brighter path for America.  A collection of individuals could make a difference with the premise completed by an American with no political affiliation be elected to serve the People in the White House.

Presented in the text was a story based on my life that also included a complete overhaul of our taxation system, dissolution of many Federal entities, and an immigration plan that would actually work.

This information can be found on our website aleadernotapolitician.com under the United States Personal Responsibility Act of 2017.

The completion of Late Bird opened many doors as I have been interviewed on radio, television, and print media.  More importantly it connected me to you.  Through social media, the book, and our weekly columns it is fair to say at least 500,000 people have read something I have written.

This has happened because of YOU.

One day, one voice, one American at a time continued and continues to step into the fray with me and strengthen our message of America First, American Only.

Our path to the Presidency is small but still currently open.  With the voters removing the House Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House resigning just recently these actions have proven everything is possible these days and because of the complete collapse of the Democratic and Republican Parties we will continue to leave the possibility of a White House run open while opening another door.

That door will be to the United States Senate.

I live in California.  In 2016 there is going to be a brawl for the seat being vacated (thankfully) by Barbara Boxer.  I will be in that brawl.  We will make an official announcement in January and continue with the same ethics presented in Late Bird.

No campaign contributions.

No salary.

One term.

Service to the people.  Service to America.

It will cost approximately $6000-$7000 in fees to be on the ballot for the United States Senate in California.  I will pay these amounts myself.

We will also need 100 signatures from California registered voters to be put on the ballot.  Those signatures can be from any registered Californian but because they need to be filed in the very county the citizen resides I am requesting assistance in El Dorado County where we can file them all at once.  If you reside in El Dorado County and will provide your signature please contact me, Onyx Pike, or Violet Giovanni.

Although the Senate seat is meant to represent California, the United States Senate sets a tone for change in America, which is why things are getting worse.  This seat affects every American and because of this I need each one you across our great nation to join me shoulder to shoulder to help us spread the word of Freedom, of Peace, of Capitalism.

The door is now open.

We will walk through.

For all of you across these United States who are willing to help us create name recognition please contact Violet Giovanni.  She has already gathered with many of you and your passion and exceptional creativity will be needed.

Too many voices aren’t being heard.  This is your opportunity to join me and have your voice, energy, and strength propel us forward removing corruption, fear, and crushing debt.

One day, one voice, one American, one Senate seat at a time.

Although we all require Freedom there is nothing bumper stickish about it…Freedom isn’t Free.

I am done holding the line.  It is time to move forward.


Right now.

Jason Kraus



Why is the Federal Government forcing us to save then punishing us when we do?

Last century the United States Federal Government enacted a “new” program or in other words…creeping Democracy.

The program forced Americans to put money away for usage in their golden years.  It’s pretty easy to see the motivation.  The humans at the “top” didn’t think the humans at the “bottom” were smart or responsible enough to save their money.

Yes it really is that easy.  Of course this program is called Social Security.

For sake of this column let us accept their premise that some humans simply will not plan for their future.

That after 40 plus years of working they don’t have anything.

They experienced the “Bernanke Wealth Effect” rather than real wealth that creates capital.

Capital like property or “real” estate. After 40 plus years they haven’t a home, a car, cash, bonds, gold, or a hat to hang on the rack.  Fortunately Big Brother has been siphoning off a part of their wealth (as well as their employer’s wealth) and holding it in a nice safe place where it will be returned to them at a later date.

All’s well that ends well.  Big Brother’s safety net did its job never mind the fact that Big Brother forced it out of you and if you didn’t make it to the Golden Age Big Brother simply kept the money.

Now those of us with any common sense know all the money being extracted from employers and employees (not to mention the sole proprietor who pays both halves) is not being saved or held for us in a nice safe place.  It is being used to fund never ending wars, corruption, and bail outs (I’m sorry I said corruption already).

How do we know the money isn’t there?

Barack Obama told us so when he stated “Social Security Checks will not go out if the debt ceiling isn’t raised”.

Some will inquire as to the whereabouts of the money being removed from us right now in the name of Social Security.

See above aforementioned corruption, wars, etc.

Eventually there will come a day when the United States Government cannot raise the debt ceiling anymore.  When this happens economic triage will take place.  Whomever is in charge will have to make a decision as to importance of items that need to be paid.

On that list is the military and the U.S. bonds already sold or in other words:

National Security and the Full Faith and Credit of the United States.

I know for a fact the powers that be, Republican or Democrat, will pay the bonds first knowing full well if they don’t our currency will probably collapse.

Next will be the military although when this time does arrive I am fairly certain you will see “conscription” take place with those already in the service followed by “emergency” procedures requiring all soldiers to accept whatever means of payment the government chooses.

All Essential Federal Employees will fall under this directive as well.  The Non-Essential will be “laid off” until the “crisis” ends.  Social Security payments will first be dramatically reduced and then means testing will erase all for some.

This isn’t a worst case scenario.  This will happen eventually without massive changes to our systems and every politician and economist in D.C. knows it which brings me to my point of this entire column.

This collection of economic insanity that has already borrowed, spent, and borrowed more money than is ever going to be earned and then taxed, wants to punish, even further, those of us who have been SAVING OUR MONEY for our later years.

Their new goal is to push interest rates lower driving them into negative territory (already happening in parts of Europe) to force Americans to take their money out of our savings accounts and spend it thereby completely negating the entire purpose of Social Security…to save money for our later years.

I don’t care what you look like, believe in, or who you sleep with.  When your Congressman or Woman, or House Representative vote to raise the debt ceiling and do not stop the Federal Reserve’s criminality of suppression of interest rates and creation of negative rates while stealing our money (Social Security) that they’ve already spent and then force us to remove our money from banks by penalizing us for SAVING THE MONEY in the first place:

Your Freedom as you know it is at risk.

Whether you want to believe it or not.

Jason Kraus



The Ignorance of Democratic Socialism, RINOS, and Donkeys

As in all entertaining stories we have heroes and foils.  Currently the story of politics in America is stacked with overwhelming foils and few heroes.  Many believe the Republican Party will eventually crumble.  Although anything is possible it is the Democratic Party that is in real trouble.

One Democratic Congressman made a statement not too long ago:

“We’ll have the black vote, the gay vote, the Hispanic vote, the labor vote and the liberal vote…we’ll have it all.”

Before I continue on I would like to point out how easy propaganda is to spot these days.  The quote above was printed in the SunSentinel but the story was written by the Associated Press.  The writer’s bias is easy to spot…only one word was capitalized.  The Congressman made the statement VERBALLY.  The writer changed the importance of only one word through grammar.

I digress.

The Congressman’s name is Alan Grayson and apparently he serves at the pleasure of certain people in Florida.  The audacity of Grayson as a straight white male to proclaim “we’ll have the black vote, the gay vote, and hispanic vote” sounds strikingly like a plantation owner.  As though “blacks” and “hispanics” all think in lock-step.

By the way Alan referring to humans by their skin color is…well… RACIST and I am sure the “gays” just love being labeled that way.

Some Democrat supporters will shake their heads and proclaim this is just one guy.  Really?  The front runner for President is an admirer of Margaret Sanger otherwise known as the Queen of Eugenics.  The guy in second place think men fantasize about raping women while masturbating and women fantasize about being raped by three men simultaneously while having intercourse.  How do we know this?

He wrote it DOWN!

Wow and WOW.

But if that wasn’t enough the two leaders of the “Democratic Party” took shots at the only reason either of them have any money at all.

Capitalism and a Constitutional Republic.

Bernie Sanders wants to do away with the evil known as Capitalism and replace it with Democratic Socialism which would for all intent and purposes remove our Constitutional Republic.  (A few more Supreme Court Justices like Roberts, Sotomayor, and Kagan and the job may be complete.)

In other words he wants to completely remove the foundation of the country others around the world regularly put their lives on the line in order to reside.

Hillary Clinton (The Clinton Foundation worth at least hundreds of millions of dollars) wants to “rein in” Capitalism.

Neither one of these two have had a job outside of government for decades.

Let me see if I can explain this in a way they might understand.

Without Capitalism there is no profit.

Without profit there is nothing to tax.

With nothing to tax they are both broke…but then again so is everyone else.

Ah yes…the misery loves company crowd.   Let’s try it a different way.

Capitalism is inherent to us.  Working to provide water, food, and shelter or in other words SURVIVE has been around since the dawn of man.  It isn’t going to change.  Capitalism happens everywhere including prison.

Socialism is a fantasy of Liberals who spent too much time watching Fantasia.

Socialism isn’t Robin Hood.  It doesn’t take from the rich and give to the poor.  Socialism in America robs the middle class, bloats the government, and creates more poor.

But whether you like that description or not without Capitalism there is no profit, no middle class, no government, no socialism…just poor and war.

A better Margaret once said “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

We’ve already done that.  That’s why we are almost 20 trillion dollars in debt never mind unfunded programs like Social Security, Medicare, and State Pensions across the country.

It’s also the reason why the RINO’s are having a Trump Party and the Democratic Party is dead.

Trump is giving the Elephants a chance.

Clinton and Sanders are leaning on the stake Obama drove into the Donkey that stopped braying a long time ago.

Regardless, the Elephant will join the Jackass.

Time for the Lions of America to awaken and restore order to what has turned into a jungle.

Jason Kraus





CNN, Clinton, and the Klan

Whether we refer to it as the eyeball test or Malcolm Gladwell’s theory covered in his book Blink (our brain gives us all the info we need in most situations in the blink of an eye) the message is the same.

Listen to what your body tells you.

Too many in America aren’t doing this anymore.  Denial, rationalization, willful ignorance, or idolatry has taken us down a road that too many won’t understand how dangerous until it’s too late.

As I watched the CNN Democratic Presidential debate my brain gave me all I needed to know in the blink of an eye.

The Party of “Racial Diversity” had five white faces on the stage…sort of.

Four white and one orange, if we want to be accurate, as Martin O’Malley appeared to have borrowed John Boehner’s tanning lotion.

Then again maybe he was trying to channel his inner Elizabeth Warren.  Someone should have told him “orange face” is “racist” or Orange is only the new Black on NetFlix.

Just ask Syracuse or St. John’s University.

But let us give Martin the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe the reason he looked so orange was the rest of the panel appeared to resemble Casper the Friendly Ghost.

My brain then took in the next obvious factor.

The Party of “Gender Equality” had four men and a Clinton.

Yes Hillary is a woman but because of the damage done by her husband to more women than we will ever know, and her constant covering up of his crimes, my guess is O’Malley would be a better voice in support of female rights except he apologized for saying “all lives matter” so maybe he doesn’t care about our American sisters either.

These Democrats are hard to follow unless we institute the rule of hypocrisy and the comprehension that they will Say Anything (excellent movie) to be elected.  Once we have our hypocrite/liar model in place they are much easier to translate.

I digress.

The last eye catching moment was the audacity of the Democratic Party to claim they are the Party of the “Youth”.  I’m not going to bother doing the research.  No one on that stage could possibly be south of sixty and we all know Hillary struggles with “email”.

These politicians have crushed the “youth” with catastrophic federal debt, punitive Obamacare premiums or fines, and stunning student loan insanity.

But if all that wasn’t enough Colonel Sanders decided to wade in with his love of “Democratic Socialism” and Scandinavian countries.

Hmm…this is more about the ear test…and a few historical facts.

You see the Democratic Party in all its glory was the Party of…Slavery.

Specifically of the black human.

Yes slavery existed in the Americas long before the Democratic Party.

The indigenous “tribes” murdered, raped, pillaged, and sold each other long before any European “invasion”.

The English sold the Irish up and down the Americas reportedly as early as the 1600’s.

They also sold “Afrikans” as did the Mohammedans (Muslims).

Humans have done and continue to do horrible things to each other.

Unfortunately slavery still exists in Africa and Muslim countries as accepted practices…whether you want to believe or acknowledge that or not.

Fortunately a man named Lincoln made a Proclamation about Emancipation  and an imperfect people in an imperfect world gave their lives for many reasons…one of them being the freedom of humans who did not look like them.

This is the only time in recorded history I am aware of that one “color” of human fought the same “color” of human to free another “color”.

Even in her infancy America was leading the way.

Or at least part of America.

The Democratic Party did not support Freedom for All and it appears nothing has changed as that same belief system, that skin color dictates our place in the world, was seen on CNN.

One of Hillary Clinton’s idols was a woman named Margaret Sanger who believed in Eugenics or black and brown or even “yellow” humans (a racist phrase made famous by The Boss ‘going to kill the yellow man’) are inferior to white humans.

“Weekend at Bernie’s” himself lauds the systems of Scandinavian nations knowing they are well over ninety percent…wait for it…Caucasian.

Removing Jim Webb from the equation the only thing missing on that stage were the hoods.

In case you didn’t recognize it America, that was a 21st Century Klan meeting.

To all Americans who fall on the wrong side of the Eugenics absurdity and still support the Democratic Party:

You are being taken down a brutal path.

Just look at parts of Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Baltimore, and New York City.

Time to blink twice, refocus and join your American Brothers and Sisters who believe in the “content of our character” not the “color of our skin”.

To all Americans who look like and still support Hillary, Bernie, and the rest of the hatred and bile coming from the Democratic Party:

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

But whether you are or are not is irrelevant.

I and millions of Americans like me are already standing shoulder to shoulder and are on our way to deal with you.

You won’t recognize us from our skin color because we all blend under the freedom of the red, white, and blue.

But we will recognize you as we do with all bullies and cowards from that yellow streak running down your back as you flee from the righteous rage coming your way.

It’s easy to run your mouths when you are the only one throwing punches.

We’ll see how you do when we stop holding the line and start moving forward.

I’m pretty sure that won’t be a tingle running down your leg.

Jason Kraus



They aren’t Blood

I’ve listened to Hillary Clinton call herself a hawk and John McCain’s answer to Iran given in song.

“Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran”.

Obama’s red line or Ric Santorum’s plan to “bomb them back to the seventh century”.

It doesn’t matter the Party anymore.

Politicians making threats others will have to risk their lives to enforce.

We’ve all heard the “blood and treasure” statement as though those two words can explain the sacrifice made by our best and bravest, who when called, continue to run into the fire.

They aren’t “blood” to their mothers and fathers who will never see their children again.

They aren’t blood to those of us who cherish and honor their service, and for far too many, their sacrifice.

They aren’t blood to their children who will never see their bright smiles again, or experience a kiss from Daddy or a hug from Mommy.

They are Americans.  They are our brothers and sisters.

But rather than using my words we would be better served to read the words of an American Soldier.

A Combat Veteran.

Words sent to me recently:

“I am silently staring off in the distance, fist clenched, tears running down my check. Seeing all that cannot be unseen, reliving all that cannot be undone. Watching brothers and sisters being blown away. Knowing that another soldier won’t come home.

You will never see this from me, because my face and self control won’t allow it. Never understanding why I laugh and tell a joke, or change the subject when you ask me if I have ever killed someone. I honestly know that you could not handle the truth, so please stop asking.

If I want you to know I will tell you.

Stop asking about war, all I will tell is the funny stuff.

Believe me there is very little of that.

A sight, a sound, a smell, that is all it takes for me to relive the worst moment of my life.

I am PTSD, and I am not what they want you to believe.

If you understood the truth, then you would understand why it is a silent killer.”


The United States Combat Veteran is our first line of defense.

They aren’t blood.

They are the reason America remains free.

It is a dereliction of duty by American politicians to ignore the needs of the American Soldier.

It is a dereliction of ethics for America to ignore the needs of the American Soldier.

We must step into the fray for those who’ve already stepped into the fight and for those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Jason Kraus



Love One Another

Eckhart Tolle once wrote about the process of “presence” or “being”.

William Shakespeare spoke about this as well, long ago, in the ever famous line, “to be or not to be that is the question.”

I believe the concept of “being” is the positive evolution of the animal known as human, but it seems with all things, we take two steps forward and one step back.

In the second half of the 20th Century we turned the idea of “being” into immediate self-gratification.

Everything must be done right here right now with no thoughts or cares to or of our actions.

In the late Sixties and Seventies the Me generation lived for the “now”.

“Tune in, turn on, drop out”.

The Eighties were the Go Go, Gordon Gekko, Greed is Good times leading us into the Nineties and “the end of big government”…when really the beginning was just taking place.

Clinton, Bush, and Obama have now set America on a path of destruction and as this cycle of Boomeritis comes to fruition the kids are again starting down this road, just with a new moniker, picked up from the free love crowd.

YOLO…or You Only Live Once.

Sex, drugs, and rock n roll have “progressed” into oral (President Clinton said it wasn’t sex) copulation, Ecstasy and Meth, and rappers screaming homophobic, misogynistic, racist rantings about women and killing cops.

Rather than the beautiful poetry and angst given to us by Don Henley and the wail of an electric guitar captured forever with the lyrics ” I can tell you my love for you will still be strong… after the Boys of Summer… have gone” we have again “progressed” to “now I ain’t sayin’ she’s a gold digger but she ain’t messin’ with no broke niggas” brought to us by a man who compares himself to Jesus.

As the kids say these days…”he be trippin’.”

He be somethin’ all right.

I have no doubt this isn’t what Tolle had in mind and if Shakespeare were here now my guess is his head would be shaking followed by a short statement:

“Apparently we have chosen NOT to be.”

Not only have we chosen not to “be” but because of our unwillingness to do away with hero worship or looking to others for solutions in our own lives…we are right back where we started.

In the Seventies we had social unrest, problems in the Middle East (Iran), the Cold War (U.S.S.R), high unemployment, and a weak, feckless man whom some would call an anti-semite at the helm (Carter).

We are now in the 21st Century.  The year 2015.

Social unrest?


Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, etc.

Problems in the Middle East?


Of course Iran and for the record both Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden still exist.  They’ve just morphed into what is now known as…wait for it…ISIS.  Great job George.  Excellent work Barry.

The Cold War with the U.S.S.R?

Been replaced with “hot” wars happening in multiple places around the world with Russia…whether you are paying attention or want to admit it or not.

High unemployment?

Yes.  Just because they’ve changed the calculations and stopped counting people doesn’t mean they have a job.

They don’t.

A weak feckless man whom many call an anti-semite at the helm?

Yes, yes, and yes.

We couldn’t just have one coward serve as the last Commander-in-Chief.  We tripled down and elected the three worst Presidents the country has ever seen.

So with 19 trillion in debt and counting, human trafficking continuing unabated through our border, 47 million on food stamps, “refugees” who swear their allegiance to Allah running through Europe (and apparently soon here), Russia ordering us around, secret deals with Iran (who wants to kill us and everything we stand for) the Republican Establishment want to give us a third helping of Bush.

If this wasn’t laughable enough the Democratic Party cannot make up its mind whether Hillary should be indicted, if so when, and how they are going to roll out the Biden/Cheekbones team.

Excuse me.  For anyone not familiar with the college admissions issue I am referring to Elizabeth Warren.

When will we learn?

None of these people including Rubio, Sanders, Trump, or even Ben Carson are ever going to make your life better.

Although Trump is right on several issues and in my opinion Ben Carson is a good person neither of them have any understanding or control of your life.

They never have and never will.

You are the only one that will make your life better.

That will make America stronger!

That will push freedom forward for the next generation!


No more hero worship!  No more Popes, or Presidents, and certainly no more politicians!

YOU!  The American Citizen!  The beacon of Freedom!  Unleash the Lion in each one of you!

You, me, and millions of Americans standing shoulder to shoulder requiring the United States Constitution continue to guarantee its most important purpose.

The rights of the individual.

But in current times our days can be long and our burden heavy.

In these days comfort can be found in messages from above…written below.

Do unto others as you would have done unto you.

Or my favorite as depth is found in the simplicity of three words.

Love one another.

Jason Kraus
