Something is in the air

Yes, Berkeley is calling for human population control.

I completely agree.  Let’s start in Berkeley.

Yes, Barack lies, probably about everything.

Yes, Democrats know this which is why they are Anti-American.

Yes, the Inspector General has detailed that a coup was attempted and many of those who attempted the coup are now running the Mueller “Investigation” and yes it appears that no one in the Obama Administration ever bothered to follow any rules or regulations, let alone laws.

Yes, Jeff Sessions is undoubtedly part of the “Swamp” and is doing his best to protect politicians at the highest levels in both parties.

Still, it feels like something else is in the air in America.

Maybe it’s because Obama isn’t on our television screens anymore.

Many times addition does indeed happen by subtraction.

Maybe it’s because it is Father’s Day.

My father is the quintessential example of continuing to move forward while expecting a successful outcome regardless of the task or the travails.

Happy Father’s Day Dad.  You are much much loved.

Maybe it’s that the economy is picking up, the markets are continuing to climb, and the Right To Try was put to work by President Trump.

Maybe it’s the feeling that citizens of the freest country in the history of the planet, are as prepared as they are going to be, and are ready to do what needs to be done.


Right now.

The monomaniacal ever present “Blue Wave” seems to be ebbing and flowing, depending upon the State.

November will be here shortly and either the House will stay with Trump, minus parasites like Paul Ryan, or it will go to the La Raza-Farrakhan-Hamas-Pelosi Party that will more than likely try to Impeach the President.

Yes, it can happen.

No, they do not need a legitimate reason.

They only need the votes.

Over the years I’ve spoken and written about readiness, formulation, and strength.

We are there now.

Rejoice in the fact, that if the bell is rung tomorrow, or tonight, we will indeed move into the fight.

Celebrate the concept that your preparation will continue to propel America forward.

Bask in the glow of the joy that comes with a strong back, a righteous cause, and a quiet mind.

There’s something in the air.

I can feel it.

That something is your time, my time, OUR time.

It’s coming.

Relish that it is. That you will have an opportunity to stand as an Individual while serving something much greater than ourselves.

Find each other.

Ones and twos, three and fours, tens and twenties.

It’s always darkest before the Dawn.

We are well passed the Dark.

The Light is breaking all around us.

Reach into the brilliance of Freedom, the radiance of America and pull yourself through!

We leave the hate, the snark, and the Oppression behind.  Find not a minute not a second for those who will not grow, will not awaken, will not evolve.

There is no room at the inn for those too inconvenienced with the Truth.

Leave the wretched souls of the ignorant behind to return their bones to the Earth.

Ashes to ashes.

Dust to dust.

This is the United States.

We are Her People.

So shall it be written, so shall it be done.

America First.

American ONLY.

Jason Kraus

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