Community Organizing

Back in my twenties I was a Sheriff’s Deputy assigned to a County jail for a little while.

One day a very rambunctious inmate who’d been caught smuggling items while working as a “trustee” (I know…hilarious) decided losing his privilege of being outside the jail every day wasn’t enough and attempted to stir the pot.

He was one of those guys who’d bullied others his entire life because he was generally larger than the average male…and a lot larger than every female.

Let’s just say this type of guy was one of those guys who, had he been an illegal, would have been released and deported 5 times only to return to hurt Americans and other illegals.

But he was an American so we had him locked up…for a little while.

After all, this took place…in California.

The land of sanctuary cities and strict rights for child molesters and rapists.

The State that keeps building “affordable housing” but not any “affordable water”.

The State that blames the almond farmers for using all the water but ignores the marijuana fields stealing agua on a daily basis.

The State that just had an anti-gun politician incarcerated for…running guns!

Yes this is the State of the Obama and Jerry (Only Flush When) Brown supporter and yes California has the most people (citizens or otherwise) receiving food stamps,  subsidized housing, and “free” medical care in all the land.

Don’t believe the propaganda that uses terms like per capita and then points at Kentucky or West Virginia.

When it comes to a failed debt ridden, public union controlled State that is now letting everything die because of gross mismanagement and over-population…California is the place.

I didn’t even mention the CalPERS State Pension program that is underfunded…while the stock markets are at all time highs.

Get ready for pennies on the dollar State Employees while taxes are being raised on those left in the ever shrinking private sector to pay for those pennies.

But I digress.

The aforementioned inmate was removed from his relatively cushy cell and re-classified into what was called minimum security.  Minimum security was a large room filled with bunk beds that held approximately 50 to 75 inmates at a time.

In comparison Maximum security held two inmates per cell or sometimes just one inmate if the prisoner was dangerous enough.  I remember one time I dealt with an inmate who was covered head to toe with tattoos.

He was in for…I am getting off track.  Maybe another time.

The minimum security inmates were habitual drunk drivers, or multiple misdemeanor criminals like possession of certain drugs, burglary, etc.

Generally no one in this pod had any “arrests” for crimes considered “violent”.

Don’t get me wrong.

First of all I said “arrests”.

Secondly you wouldn’t want any of these pieces of work living in your neighborhood.

But in the “justice system” they were deemed relatively benign.

Classification is very important to a working jail.  If you allow a trouble maker access to a large group of people and that trouble maker is able to get them going in the same direction…well…another word(s) for this is “community organizing”.

As we all know this doesn’t work well…for anyone.

Because the troublesome inmate, let’s call him Tool, was classified incorrectly he had access to over 50 inmates for days that were bored, sleep deprived, and most importantly, belonged to nothing.

Tool decided to use his skills of manipulation, and his willingness to threaten the weaker inmates, into backing him one night.  He’d only been in the pod for a few days but things were quickly getting out of control.  The weaker inmates that didn’t go along were beaten and the rest fell in line.

A radio call went out from the deputy watching over the pod.

“I need backup in B pod.  Having trouble with “Tool”.  Probably need more than one.”

As I mentioned earlier this pod was filled with small time criminals.  I’d walked into the Pod by myself hundreds of times and never felt like I was in any danger.

On the other hand every time I walked into the Max pods I always went in completely aware that any of these guys could be a threat to my life.

As I arrived at B pod, two other deputies were there.  One male, one female.  For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you will recognize the female as “Caitlin”.  (Please no Bruce Jenner jokes.  That was a perfectly wonderful name when I wrote the book and as you will see Caitlin is someone you can count on).

The three of us walked into the pod and Caitlyn told Tool to come on out.  As I looked at him I noticed at least 10 other inmates standing behind him in a show of solidarity and with threatening looks on their faces.

Again, he was told to come on out.

His answer had something to do with having sex with ourselves.

I smiled an unpleasant smile as I watched a couple dozen other members of the pod slowly fan out behind the community organizer.

Now for anyone who’s been in this kind of situation you know order has to be restored.  The inmates literally cannot run the asylum otherwise everyone’s lives are in danger.

The longer the criminals are allowed to be in “power” the worse it is for everyone…this ironically includes those who support this behavior.

Imagine if someone like this ever got to a position of authority where they could do anything they wanted and no one stopped them…well…I guess we don’t have to imagine this.

It’s happening every day.

Now as I stated before I knew this had to be dealt with.  I also knew three on thirty wasn’t going to go very well for the three.

Did we have more deputies on shift?

Yes we had a few but six or seven on thirty or forty still wasn’t going to be pretty…for the six or seven.

This was a habitual problem at this particular jail.

Poor leadership and grossly understaffed shifts.  My verbalization of these issues to my supervisors, including the Sheriff, was one of the reasons I was eventually invited to leave…permanently.

It’s all in the book.

Tool and I engaged in some back and forth.  I will spare you the verbiage.  It wasn’t a bunch of niceties to say the least.  But even though this situation had to be handled it couldn’t be handled in the middle of the room.  Too many others would fall into the gang or pack mentality if I or one of the other deputies went down.

So we pretended to back down while returning to a safer location.  I, Caitlin, and the other deputy slowly walked back to the pod door while engaging Tool in conversation.

His side was a bunch of threats towards me and the other deputies.

Now…this is a crime.

But back then and in today’s society we aren’t willing to deal with anything proactively.

We’d rather wait until a young woman gets murdered on a pier taking pictures with her dad by an illegal alien.

Our side of the chat was getting the three of us back to the door while making the required extraction in the safest possible manner.

He’d been instructed to come out.

Come out he must.

Tool was really feeling his oats that day.

I don’t know if he’d been cheeking his meds and took them all at once, or got his hands on some wicked Pruno, but he was running his mouth like there was no tomorrow telling us what he was going to do to us, how he was going to do it, and naming body parts.

As we retreated to the door he and his group kept coming forward.  His confidence was growing as he thought he smelled weakness.  As I stood right inside the door he was about a step away from me.

Caitlin was outside the door with the other deputy and two more that had arrived.

I looked at Tool and counted at least thirty inmates spread out behind him in a lackadaisical pattern.  It reminded me of a time in my life where a line of kids spread out in front of me with different balls in their hands waiting for a command to fire from a much larger and older bully I was having a problem with because I’d testified in court against his step-dad about a crime he’d committed.

Just like the kids most of the inmates didn’t want to be there but their fear of the bully/community organizer was greater than the unknown so the tension kept building and the one thing we know about convicts is they have no impulse control.

I knew I couldn’t let this happen inside the pod but I also knew order had to be restored.

“Play time is over.  Time to come out.  The longer this takes the harder it’s going to go on your time here,” Caitlin told him.

She was right.

Tool was an out of county transplant.  We were getting paid to house him.  What this really meant was his original county PAID to get him out of their jail.

He could be sent back and have extra time added to his sentence or even be sent to prison.

Let’s just say his retort wasn’t appropriate.  His mixture of incorrect grammar, poor usage of verbs, and lack of auditory punctuation was astounding…and this was before Common Core.

Tool wasn’t the best communicator and definitely not the sharpest in the shed.

After he finished his attempt at sentence structure he threw one of his hands up in the air.

Out of instinct my left arm went up in defense of my face to block his potential strike.

Tool freaked out and threw a lazy right that I stepped under while I grabbed him in a bear hug and lifted him right out of the pod.

It happened so fast his “community” just stood there in shock as I put him up against the wall to hand cuff him.

Unfortunately Tool wasn’t having any of it.

He started flailing around and trying to hit me and the other deputies who were trying to restrain and hand cuff him.  Tool was not a small guy and I knew if I let go of him things were going to get a lot worse.  But before we could control his arms he started kicking the inside of my right knee with his right leg.  His foot missed me the first time but not the second.  I knew I couldn’t let him do that again or he’d bust my knee.  As I tried to get some leverage and protect my knee he kicked me in the other knee.  As all this was happening I could hear the screaming of inmates rushing towards the door.  The air was getting hot as the screams got louder.  Everything in me was telling me to turn around as my back was a wide open target.  In the blink of an eye I will never forget the sound of the woman who stepped into the fray and literally covered my back.   Caitlyn stood in front of me, and the door, screaming at them to get back and for the deputy in the pod to “close the f*&cking slider!!!”

Now that was an appropriate usage of profanity.

I’ve thanked you over the years a few times “Caitlyn” but God bless you sister.

That would have been ugly.

“Tool” was still kicking me on the inside of both knees so I took him to the ground for his safety and mine.  He ended up with a knot on his head (from the floor) and I ended up with a messed up shoulder that to this day will sometimes act up.  Of course baseball could also have been the culprit.  I did throw my body all over the diamond.  Nevertheless two cortisone shots over the years in my Tool/baseball shoulder gets me through the day.

Tool the Community Organizer was re-classified and stuck in Maximum security where he got into more trouble and was shipped back to his home county.

If I had to place a bet I’d put my money on him being in prison or dead.

Ah the life of the Community Organizer.

Locked down…or six feet under.

Jason Kraus



Faux News…the only French the “liberal” knows.

Exiting my local gym a few days ago I paused and looked to my left.  A Prius was idling (maybe it was parked, you can’t hear them).  On the back of the bumper was a sticker that said Faux News in big bold letters and in parentheses below (FOX News) in case their attempt at humor wasn’t understood.  I guess that makes sense.  Liberals in general aren’t the funny type.  They are very faux serious.

I started laughing as I walked to my fossil fuel burning, beautiful nine year old, loan free truck.  As I loaded my gear into the back I continued laughing at the absurdity of the Obama Acolyte.

Let me first say I am not a big fan of FOX News.  They have definitely lost their way.  To call themselves fair and balanced and then stack each show with Bush and Obama apologist/propagandists is asinine.  I rarely watch it anymore because they are usually well behind the internet or my personal Facebook news feed when it come to timely factual information.

Of course they are miles ahead of MSNBS who could not report a fact if their lives depended on it.  I will occasionally watch the Morning Joe Show to see how many times the “progressives” (see traitors) couch their words or struggle with facts they don’t want to report.

It’s like watching children eat sour candy with their faces contorting trying to squirm their way through the Obama Administration’s lack of ability to tell the truth.  The other shows on MSNBS don’t even try.  They just open their mouths and let the lies fly.

I’d like to welcome Brian Williams aboard.  He’ll fit in perfectly.  Maybe he and Sharpton can get together and make up combat stories about saving each others lives.  Oy vey!

The reason I laughed about the Prius, Faux News sticker is because…it’s funny.

The electric car may end up being the worst invention ever.

First it still burns…fossil fuels.

Where do these people think electricity comes from?  Captured lightning strikes? Solyndra?

I mean come on already electric car owners. You are driving around in overpriced vehicles that still burn energy coming from coal or natural gas.  In case you weren’t aware…both are fossil fuels or in other words…they come from the Earth.

There is nothing wrong with coal or natural gas.  It’s all in the application.  In fact there are many wonderful things about coal and natural gas.  One of these things is referred to as heat in the winter to keep from freezing to death.

What’s that Prius owner?  You are using less of these things than the rest of us not to mention you get to drive in the car pool lane with only one driver?

The driver part is true…for now.  But here in California you are about to be sent a yearly bill because you aren’t paying enough gas tax for the roads you are driving on.

What?  You weren’t aware of this?  It sounds like a bait and switch?

That’s because it is but never fear Jerry Brown should have a new vehicle for you to head to Bakersfield on soon.  You can trade in your cars and ride the train!

You don’t want to go to Bakersfield?  Well there’s always your bicycle.

Maybe you’ll just keep your car and pay the bill?

Sounds good.

I’m sure driving around in a vehicle surrounded with many batteries running at maximum capacity should be fine.

You are akin to your own little nuclear power plant!  I’m sure that will be great for your skin.

But I do have one question while you’re driving around in your mini Chernobyl giving FOX News free advertising…where do you think all these batteries filled with acid go once they are no longer useful?

I should ask Tesla founder Elon Musk?

I guess I could but why would I want the opinion of someone who is creating moving objects surrounded by acid whose business is largely supported by government grants.  Grants that will disappear overnight along with many electric cars when the 18 trillion dollar debt bubble bursts forcing the State of California to triple your fees because…well hey…they know you have the money.

How do they know this?

Because you’ve been saving it up driving on the roads the rest of us are paying for!

Never fear progressive poindexter.  I am sure your Czar Barack Hussein Obama will come up with something similar to Cash for Clunkers to get your radio-active death traps off the road before he exits stage left to retire in Palm Springs, where the grass is green, while the rest of the State dies from overpopulation and poor planning.

Ah…don’t you just love the smell of progressive hypocrisy in the morning.

Of course we have real issues happening in the world.  Whether someone wants to drive an overpriced Nine Volt around with some French on the back bumper is part of freedom.

Free to be as tuned out to the real world as possible.

Unfortunately freedom can collapse when left unattended and ignored and this ignorance is forcing a collapse in and on America.

The taxation burden being put on the American worker is egregious.

The debt being piled on the American citizen is a crime.

The brutality happening throughout America to women and children because of our open border is unforgivable.

I read hundreds of comments (almost daily) on the internet about taking America back by force.

“America is too far gone.  Voting doesn’t matter anymore.  Everything is so corrupt”.

Fair enough.

This is why we are here.  To provide a better path.  A brighter way.

But before everyone locks and loads why don’t we try it my way first.

Overwhelming movement through social media.

Furthermore I am now ready to travel throughout America anywhere, any place, any time  to deliver my love for America in full throat!

You gather one hundred lovers of freedom together (or more) and I will be there.

No cost to you.

I will pay my entire way to wherever you are.

You gather the voices and we will roar together…in every State in this great Union.

I will never stop.  This about duty not desire.  Our need to belong as humans is primary to our survival.

We BELONG here…in these United States.

Never ever forget…this is OUR country!!!

Ten million voices, three percent of the nation, coming together.

Shoulder to shoulder.

One voice at a time.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


For whom the bell tolls

It is a troubling thing to listen to “educated” people defend Islam.  Many will point to the 1st Amendment as a Constitutional Right to practice this particular belief system.

It isn’t.

Systemic oppression is never protected by the 1st Amendment.


I don’t need to cover the absurdity happening all over the world right now in the name of Mohamed.  Everyone, even Barbara Boxer, recognizes the murder, raping, and pillaging happening.  Obama’s ignorance or acceptance of this oppression shouldn’t surprise anyone.  Although he has lied about many things at many times his feelings towards Islam are very clear.  It’s why it was so easy for him to sit in a church for years listening to a horrendous person blast America.

Obama agrees.

Please ladies and gentlemen.  We should all be aware of this now.  As we say “this isn’t new news.”

What I find troubling is the conversation taking place about the “moderate Muslims”.  “Why aren’t moderate Muslims crying out against this barbaric behavior?”

Their silence tells you everything you need to know.  But let us simply discuss the human relationship dictated by Muslim practice.  Every country on the planet that is overwhelmingly controlled by either Sunni or Shiite Muslims is abusive and oppressive to women and children.  Women and children are property to be used or disposed of at the whims or behest of men.  Does this mean EVERY single Muslim man abuses the women and children in their lives?  Of course not.  Not every German under Hitler’s reign agreed with Nazism.  But the overwhelming majority either tacitly agreed or kept quiet.  Complicit by acceptance.

This is Islam.

Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc are all Islam dominated societies where women and children have no rights and are punished/killed if attempting to practice their free will.  The sexual abuse, genitalia mutilation, and beatings of women and female children are exactly what evil looks like unchecked.

Again this is Islam.

Do these things happen to every little girl in these societies?

Do they have to?

One is too much for me.

There will be some who will argue these things happen under Catholicism or century old practices of Christianity.  Your superfluous absurdity will fall on deaf ears.  Although I have no use for the Catholic Church I do believe in the greatness of Jesus.  But both things are irrelevant as I am neither a Catholic nor a Christian.

I am an American.

I am truly amazed at the lack of understanding of this oppression by American women who are voting for Democratic candidates.  From the President down I can name multiple elected Democratic politicians who support this oppression.

Democratic female voters.  Although I am not here to defend Republican politicians if you think they are more oppressive than current Democratic policies and statements you don’t know the soul of your own party.

Republican politicians will look like Sunday school teachers in comparison to Sharia Law.

“It will never happen here.”

It already is.

Every day as America is bombarded with more illegals or “refugees” the less safe and secure the female population becomes.  Not to mention our children.

I have written about this before but the influx of humans into America are coming from very violent societies.  They are bringing this violence with them.  This isn’t an opinion.  These things are getting worse every day.

When you combine this type of oppression with the incredible debt Obama has placed on us things become very simple to understand…and it isn’t pretty.

When our own rights are being used to protect humans from other countries it is only a matter of time before Freedom as we know it does not reign.

Freedom is an agreement among citizens.  If enough citizens do not honor the agreement then it becomes moot.  Our courts, elected leaders, and our own money are being used against us.

This is truly what the 2nd Amendment is about.  But it is much deeper than a gun.  The 2nd Amendment is our insurance policy in place to protect our agreement.  The 2nd Amendment isn’t about Freedom.

It’s about Free Will.

You may, as I will, go to dinner tonight or see a movie.  Everything appears okay.  Both of these things and many others were taking place in Berlin as bombs were dropped there during World War II.

There are many voices who believe we are past the point of return.  That America will require some type of revolution or civil war to return us to the path of Freedom.

War and all forms of it are losing propositions for all parties.  Neither side of humans engaging in battle win.  One side simply loses more.  We’ve been lead here by horrible decisions and worse behavior including our own apathy.

As I am not a patient man when it comes to others attempts at controlling my life I have to believe we still have a path, narrow that it may be.  I have to believe this and am here now as I have been for the last two years providing a new message and a better way through individual responsibility and systemic change.

A rebirth of America through work.

Not war.

But as the debt grows heavier on our shoulders and the violence increases in our towns we must move faster.  Our speed must be increased and our message of the greatness of America must quicken.

We cannot spend time on debate.  We aren’t asking permission.  Cast off the foolish who waste our time in needless and endless chatter.  We haven’t the luxury of the ill or uninformed.  Harden your minds and your bodies for the task at hand.

Embrace your lineage as descendants of the greatest collection of behavior in the history of the human animal.

Live well, speak freely, and render onto to those the love so earned, so cherished so given to us from the Earth and Above.

We hold these truths to be self-evident that we are FREE and to remain this way action must be taken.

Each one of you are now being called.  Not by me.  You are being called from within.  From the one place we all return to.  Our internal voice.

We cannot allow this to become a time “that tries a man’s soul”.

But we must move forward, faster than ever in advance of the brutality nipping at America’s heals.

For whom the bell of Freedom tolls.

It tolls for thee.

It tolls for America…if you are willing to roar.

Roar with me.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.