Eat Your Dirty Laundry

“I make my living off the evening news
Just give me something
Something I can use
People love it when you lose
They love dirty laundry”

For those of you who enjoy the music of the Eighties you may recognize the writing of Don Henley and his hit song Dirty Laundry.

As a teenager Henley’s voice resonated with my generation as the man once called Golden Throat recorded “The Boys of Summer” and then delved deeper with “The End of the Innocence” and “The Heart of the Matter”.

The dichotomy of Henley (Texas born yet liberal leaning) is an interesting one.

For those of you who have been with me for a while you know I do not practice hero worship.

I can and do appreciate the strengths of others while not accepting or engaging in their flaws.

Henley is a perfect example of someone who communicated what millions thought and felt in one venue, while supporting propaganda (knowingly or not) in another.

It is striking that someone so in tune with many parts of the human condition known as life, and the absurdity of the “media”, would still support the politicians who manipulate and lie to said media which in turn lies to the citizenry.

This is a linear equation gone wildly awry.

I digress.

“Dirty Laundry” splays and fillets the “press” (as well as those who follow blindly).

Many progressives will attach “Dirty Laundry” to a network like Fox News and even Henley himself has reportedly made comparisons to one Rupert Murdoch and Dirty Laundry.

Of course this is absurd as the song was written in the Eighties while Fox didn’t appear on the scene until the Nineties but one should never allow facts to get in the way of a good liberal tale.

Does Fox fall under the intended umbrella of the lyrics by Henley?

Yes and yes but it is hypocritical (and factually incorrect) to attach only Fox, besides as stated earlier, the song was written in a prior decade.

There were plenty of three letter or alphabet networks spinning woes long before F-O-X.

Let us continue.

“You don’t really need to find out
What’s going on
You don’t really want to know
Just how far it’s gone
Just leave well enough alone
Eat your dirty laundry”

Henley almost appears Nostradamus like with this stanza as it explains the last thirty years.

Just live for the now.

“You don’t really want to know just how far it’s gone”.

My guess is too many are going to find out in a very painful way “just how far it’s gone”…if they haven’t already.

This line unto itself is poignant and yet telling of how many Americans have simply tuned out, of not only society, but the responsibility of their own survival.

Instead they’ve decided to just leave well enough alone and EAT their Dirty Laundry.

Through apathy, ignorance, crushing debt, and an unwillingness to live by any moral code they’ve become their own oppressors.

By way of their own volition (or lack thereof) they will now live with the “lack of fruit” that is provided without labor.

A “let them eat cake” scenario created by their own hand as well as a complete reversal of the Invisibility of Adam Smith.

Combined with Newtonian Law or “action reaction” philosophy the demise of the cake eaters is of course of their own accord.

Truly stunning how many “college educated voters” are reportedly backing Hillary Clinton.

Then again it shows the decrepit education they received.

Hypochondriacal Studies or the Philosophy of the Dilatory doesn’t cover Free Will or Freedom and the entire concept of seventy-two virgins only brings me disgust with those who allow and enable this moronic mindset.

“We can do the Innuendo
We can dance and sing
When it’s said and done
We haven’t told you a thing
We all know that Crap is King
Give us dirty laundry”

The politicians have danced and sung, the innuendo is done, a new race has begun as living under debt is in full bloom.

Welcome to Progressive-Liberal-Compassionate Conservative-Democratic-Socialism or otherwise known as…Oppression.

“Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down”

Jason Kraus

Yes Liberals…Institutional Racism does exist.

Chris (“thrill up my leg” at the site of Obama) Matthews once stated it was impossible for black humans to be racist because “they” didn’t have the “power”.

So many things wrong with this sentence…and that man.

But it appears this false premise (lie) has now become part of the mantra of the Liberal Democrat.

If you don’t have the “power” you cannot be racist.

This ignorance is apparently transferable to other absurdities as well.

Because the fictitious “war” on Liberal women removes their “power” it’s “liberally” acceptable for them to attack women who don’t agree with their views.

Muslims are also “oppressed” so it is fine for them to harm Christians according to progressive dogma.

The term being bandied about lately is “institutional racism”.  (See white men and selective white women)

One tenet with “institutional racism” is that regardless of color (except white) it is impossible to not be subjugated, coerced, or spat upon if you are someone who doesn’t have a pale face.  One “reporter” even argued that the three black police officers (out of six) charged in the Freddie Gray case in Baltimore were not really “responsible” for their behavior because they had no other choice.  They had no power and through decades and generations of having no power simply couldn’t think for themselves.  That the color of someone’s skin was so important their mind stopped working completely because of years of brainwashing.

Never mind the first recorded slaves in America were white (Irish), black humans owned other black humans (this is still called slavery)  and the indigenous people to America had slaves, as tribes fought and captured each other.

I’m sure Stockholm Syndrome was lobbed into the fray by the “progressives”.

Their usage of that word (progressive) has ruined an insurance company and a soup for me.

But I digress.

This “tenet” continued to grow when a college professor stated white college males are the “problem population”.  (You better hope not “professor”.  That’s a pretty large part of the American work force you and your cohorts will be needing to work to ensure you receive your social security and medicare.)

Another “leader” added that rioters needed “room to destroy”.  (We have rooms for people who destroy.  We call them prison cells.)

Finally we have the statement made by a very troubled soul, “minorities need safe space from white people.”

Strange but this sounds like segregation to me…which is illegal.

But hey who am I to argue with the MSNBS crowd.

Not that FOX doesn’t have some of these damaged people on their airways too but as we know with FOX they like to “balance” out their imbecility by keeping it “fair”.

I wonder if they pass out participation ribbons at the end of each show.

Still, this seems to be the prevailing opinion with the squeaky wheel crowd so I will do my best to support their belief system with facts.

You see…for once…they are correct.

We do have institutional racism.

We’ve actually had it for quite a while.

It’s called Affirmative Action and has crushed America for decades.

Affirmative Action denigrated every American by replacing meritocracy with yep you guessed it…institutional racism.  Some will argue this had to be done to “help” advance the black human in America.

This is an OVERTLY racist statement and hurt the advancement of our country.

It acts as though the black human needs extra help in order to succeed.

This is true ignorance (not to mention insulting to Americans who have black skin) and another reason the practice of Democracy (Majority over the Minority, or the grouping of humans,  rather than a Constitutional Republic which protects the individual) is crushing our culture.

Our culture of Freedom.

The United States Constitution is a rare and powerful piece of art because it understands and appreciates the human animal (regardless of skin color) in our truest form…as individuals.

When humans start grouping themselves together around things they have no control over (skin color) it is only a matter of time before appropriate individual societal norms, based on competition and the individual pursuit of happiness, will succumb, creating a void, allowing for the creation of new norms based on groups.  These new norms will predictably and historically lead to violence as the gathering of any humans who do not belong to anything will eventually cause battle.  Especially males.

As if this wasn’t cancerous enough more “groups” or “institutional racists” were created based on the color of human skin.

The political party that gave America the KKK also introduced The NAACP, the Black Panthers, La Raza, The Congressional Black Caucus, African-Americans, Latinos, Asian-Americans, and let us not forget the “white hispanic”. I could go on and on but you get the point.

Democracy…had enough yet?

Of course these are all examples of institutional racism that we hear, read, or speak about daily without a thought.  It’s not only incredibly sad but horribly debilitating to a free people and pathetically this propaganda is only found in the United States.

You don’t believe me?

Have you ever heard of an African-German?  How about an Asian-Spaniard?  Irish-Hispanics?  How absurd would it be if our border less “friends” to the south started calling themselves Latino-Mexicans?

This institutional racism is pervasive (and imbecilic) and was created by the same generation that is crushing us with debt, drugs, and sexual promiscuity.

It’s the virus called Boomeritis.

In the last three decades our entire society has been conditioned to embrace racial hatred and driven America into two corners.

Attack or defend.

So…how did this work out in Ferguson?


Murders have increased as police stand down as they justifiably believe they will be prosecuted for doing their job.

Politics is war by other means and make no mistake a war is happening.

On a daily basis we are inundated with putrid, vitriolic hate.

The question cannot anymore be “why is this happening?”.

In fact it is time to stop asking questions completely and start making statements.

A statement was posed to me recently on one of my posts.

It was very easy to understand.

It held no racial implications, pseudo-psychology, or excuses of any type.

It was only two words yet very clear.

The statement was this:

“Say when.”


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Available on Kindle, Ibooks, and Amazon.

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.