Income Tax will never work

It is very clear to those of us who pay into the current taxation “system” that it isn’t working.

Some will say it is broken and needs to be fixed.

Broken implies it worked at one time.

Taxation of any behavior that we want more of is foolish and contrary to growth.

Taxation of work through income tax has been a disaster that’s been covered by the creation and massive consumption of credit.

Not only are humans living well beyond their means all around the world…”Governments” are too.

Through Central Banking, greed and corruption the United States taxpayer is sitting on a monetary time bomb that politicians continue to add more explosives to while resetting the clock.

For those not familiar with the aforementioned statement this happened when they REMOVED the debt ceiling.

Yet here we are listening to the same “experts” who admitted they completely missed the housing bubble.

The same experts who know Fannie and Freddie are a disaster but continue to ignore them as housing inflates again.

The same experts who force us to fund future “retirement” programs while punishing those of us who save our money with zero interest (and soon to be negative) on our capital.

The same experts who think we can mint trillion dollar coins to pay off our debt.

The same experts who believe the creation of a wealth effect is the same as real wealth.

The same experts who are worried the “island of Guam” will tip over if too many humans geographically move to one side.

Yes you read that right.

These people aren’t experts in anything except lies, deceit, and destruction.

This isn’t debatable. The numbers are in.

The last twenty plus years of Clinton, Bush, Obama have been an abject failure.

It’s time for the truth.

Ethics matter.

Self sustaining systems matter.

Enforcement of Law matters.

All of our issues are correctable.

No problem is too great for the American Citizen who values life, liberty, and is willing to pursue happiness.

All incumbents out.

All forms of income tax removed.

Our borders are closed.

It’s really that simple.

Don’t let the “experts” tell you it’s complicated.

It isn’t.

Doing the right thing is never wrong…or complicated.

Jason Kraus

United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

Three Choices…Two Choices..One Choice.

Just when it appears the insanity cannot reach greater heights the “Democratic Socialists” in California chime in yet again showing their ignorance of human behavior.

If one can earn $15.00 an hour washing dishes then it seems safe to assume the servers and cooks should be making at least $18.00 an hour. Serving and food creation both require greater skills than washing dishes. The Assistant Manager would probably get $20.00 an hour, the Manager $25.00 an hour.

Every job just listed requires almost no training.

Imagine what the workers at Jiffy Lube will want.

Let us take this one step further.

Can you imagine what State Workers are now going to require?

An even further step.

What are all these professors and administrators going to do for a living when the kids stop going to school? If you are making $52,000 a year managing a Taco Bell why would you borrow tens of thousands of dollars for a degree?

Shoot, if you are making $30,000 a year washing dishes why even go to high school?

Maybe these Politicians are on to something here.

Let’s make it $20 an hour to wash the dishes that way we can start employing kids at the age of 10. I washed dishes for free at the age of 8.

It was called chores.

I would have loved to make $30,000 before I turned 10.

Imagine all the money we will save not pouring it into junior high and high school education.

Of course there go more teaching jobs….yes Liberals that was sarcasm…sad that I had to put that disclaimer in here.

I laugh sometimes when I hear the “experts” talk about the growing economy and low unemployment. They point to government “statistics” even though those “stats” have proven time after time to be wildly inflated or even false.

The only way the crushing debt laid on the American People by both Parties will be dealt with is through a closed border, deportations (to raise wages never mind enforcing the rule of law), and removal of all forms of income tax (raising wages even further).

Even then trillions are going to have be written off.

If these things do not happen (and soon) a very real decision will have to be made in the next few years.

What or who gets paid?

Only two of the things listed below will be able to be paid as the debt grows assuming the Fed can suppress interest rates forever (which they cannot).

While Lagarde and Yellen keep up their charade of Bernanke’s wealth “effect” American savers continue to be robbed of interest.

The three things that will head the list are below:

Military (Defense)
Interest on Debt
Social Security

Whether Americans want to believe this next statement is irrelevant as the brutal reality of debt will never change.

There will only be enough resources to pay for two of the three listed above in the near future…and only one if these politicians continue borrowing trillions more.

Which two do you think the Government will choose?

Or…which one?

Anyone telling you the statement above isn’t true is either lying to you or ignorant of economics and human behavior.

They also don’t have an answer for this mess.

I do.

The answer is…YOU.

Use your voice to vote out all incumbents and put in Citizens who actually care about OUR country.

Otherwise get used to the “New Normal” introduced by Jimmy Carter and pushed through by Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

The choice is yours.

What will you do for your country?

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

California Senate Debate

America is screaming for a new way.

A brighter path.

The House Majority Leader (Eric Cantor) lost his last election to someone no one had “heard of.”

The Speaker of the House (John Boehner) voluntarily stepped down.

Even Barbara Boxer decided it would be better to “retire” than face the wrath of the California voter.

Of course her past proclamation and feigned outrage at what is happening to girls in Iraq provided the American people with an amazing view of a “politician”.

The abuse of women and children in this part of the world  has been going on for centuries.

So what does the media in California offer her citizens?

A debate with two Democrats and two Republicans…two career politicians and two former Party bosses.

Two corrupt wings.

One dying bird.

Americans on both sides of the aisle are lining up by the millions and casting votes for non-politicians (Trump, Carson) and perceived outsiders (Cruz and Sanders).

Americans have been very clear.

We do not want the status quo.

No more of the “crony” capitalism or in other words…corruption.

Yet here in California an American who has stood up, refused campaign contributions, a salary if elected to serve, and will only do so for one term, is being overlooked for career politicians or Party bosses by what will probably be the only debate in the Golden State before the Sample Ballot and Absentee Ballots are mailed.

Is it any wonder the Citizenry doesn’t trust the media anymore than a politician?

While our current government dances the tango Europe continues to explode costing the lives of more humans.

While our current government does the wave with a murderer at a baseball game more criminals were released in America who will then continue the pattern of being arrested again for murder or rape.

While our current government rebukes and blames a man for the breakdown of American society (who has never been spent a day in elected office) more money was released to the nation of Iran while admitting some of these billions would be used to fund terrorism.

As if that weren’t enough the Obama Administration continues to empty Guantanamo Bay of humans who we know are going back into the fight and have cost the lives of Americans.

These are indisputable facts that many in the media are ignoring or reluctantly covering.

They’d rather talk about a fictitious “war on women” than deal with the real war on women happening everywhere Sharia Law exists.

The same Sharia Law many Democratic Politicians think is just fine as support for Islam, Sunni or Shiite, is support for aforementioned oppression.

We are 19 trillion in debt, human trafficking (slavery) continues to happen through our Southern border, and a multi-generational drug problem, that is being ignored, grows worse.

Social Security is broke regardless of what the “experts” say.

Both Medicare and Medicaid have been hammered through Obamacare and a Boomer generation that has overwhelmed the system due to sheer numbers, poor nutrition, and irresponsible lifestyle choices.

Yet the first chance for Californians to hear a new voice is being shunned for four people who either supported Clinton, Bush, or Obama.

The worst generation of Presidents in American history.

These United States are through with Democratic and Republican lies and deception.

No more donkeys or elephants.


America First.  American Only.

My name is Jason Kraus.  I am registered No Party Preference.  California has designated me as an Independent and on that factor they are correct.

I am independent of corruption or said differently independent of Party.

If elected by the Great State of California I will be there to SERVE you.

To require the rule of law be enforced.

To remove all forms of income tax.

Free the American worker.

Close the border.

Protect the American Citizen.

I have created both an Economic Tax Plan and Immigration Policy that is comprehensive and will actually work unlike every plan I have seen from Presidential candidates.

Furthermore it is highly doubtful any of the “four” selected for the Senate debate in California have any plan at all.

Evil lurks where good Americans do nothing.

It is your time, our time to stand up and use the 1st Amendment to the very best of your ability.

Regardless of where you are in America the United States Senate position in California will affect you as each State sends only two Citizens.

Let your voice be heard now.

The phone number and email address to the television station KRCA Channel 3 is listed below.

916-446-3333 and

Use them both and stand shoulder to shoulder with me to require they put an American Voice on that stage.

Out here Channel 3 is an NBC affiliate.

I promise this to you.

Give me your voice and passion and require the NBC affiliate to have me on that stage and I personally guarantee “must see TV” in the likes never seen before.

Trust me my fellow Americans if on that stage I will change this election overnight.


Jason Kraus

United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions

No salary

One term

Leadership by example.


As the lies are being challenged many are attacking those who provide the truth.

Those who have bought into the corruption of our country are now howling as Americans fight back to restore the rule of law.

Last night in Chicago “Democracy” or mob rule was apparent for all to see.

This isn’t new.

Bullying or gang mentality can be found everywhere in America these days as laws are ignored by millions and not enforced by Local, State, or the Federal Government.

Terminology like “racist” “bigot”, “xenophobes”, and “islamaphobia” are thrown at anyone who challenges the lies with truth while Obama smiles, sues Ferguson Missouri because a police officer defended his own life and tacitly approved of the FBI murdering a rancher with his hands up.

Baltimore creates safe space for room to destroy, Nation of Islam calls for the killing of all white people, a Democratic politician calls for the militancy of illegals against Americans, the debt is 19 trillion, negative interests rates are on the horizon, and Obama tells us Islam is woven into the fabric of our country.


We have a cancer in our country and it only grows because we allow it to.

Speak the truth at the top of your lungs ignoring all who attempt to stop you.

We are not ok and you are not alone.

You, me and millions like us are here engaging everyday.

None of this has been or will be easy.

Nothing worth doing ever is but make no mistake…we are coming for what is our birthright and nothing will stop us.

Shoulder to shoulder my fellow Americans.

One voice at a time.


Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions

No salary

One term

Leadership by example

No such thing as “human rights”

Contrary to popular belief there is no such thing as “human rights”. Those who make such claims have zero credibility and truly do not understand human behavior.

Every human is born with Free Will.

This doesn’t give you the “right” to anything.

Children (especially female children) born in many parts of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East have their Free Will suppressed and oppressed at birth.

They have no “rights” as a human and those societies do not value or recognize the “theory” of every human having rights.

As Free Will is a gift from above “rights” only exist in societies willing to define such things, and then most importantly, PROTECT them.

Unlike other babies around the world any child born to at least one American parent is born with Free Will (God given) and Freedom (American given through hard work, strength, and the ultimate sacrifice of many).

American Freedom is not a human right.

American Freedom is found in our Constitutional Rights.

Unlike human rights our Constitutional Rights are specific, ranked by importance (the Supreme Court was “legally” within its boundaries but realistically incorrect in its decision on the weight of each Right. If we lose any part of the 1st Amendment the greatest insurance policy known to man called the 2nd Amendment was meant to be exercised. If this were to occur the rest of the Amendments become irrelevant. War does not recognize “rights”) and clear.

Freedom of Speech.

Freedom of Religion.

No Islam is not a religion. It is systemic oppression and Sharia Law breaks many penal codes in America never mind introducing a different form of “government” within our own is treason.

Freedom of the Press.

Everyone should know what comes next but for those who don’t pay attention.

The Right to Bear Arms.

On this issue I want to be extraordinarily clear as it appears too many including members of the judiciary believe the 2nd Amendment is defined to only “militias” having this right.

Absolutely WRONG.

First, “militias” are made up of individuals.

Second, every Constitutional Right we have is placed in the custody of the American Individual Citizen.

The 2nd Amendment is no different.

The Right to bear arms is the right of the American Individual.

If this Right is removed from the American Citizen then by legal proxy ALL Rights can be removed from you.

Freedom is an all or none thing.

You cannot be a “little bit pregnant.”

You cannot be a little bit free.

Our Constitutional Rights are the difference between us and the rest of the world.

Those who will not fight for our right to wield the sword will fall under it eventually.

Let that not be you.

Stand with me now with sharpened swords in our scabbards and rely on the ferocity of our pens to guarantee our swords stay sheathed and scream down upon the wicked with your voice!

Let not the 2nd be forced upon us rather let your 1st protect the 2nd.

Each one of you has the Right of the American Pen.

Let the ink flow!

So it is written. So it shall be.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

Make your voice matter

Nothing in life stays the same.

Things get better or worse depending upon your outlook and desire.

The man or woman in the mirror is our biggest asset or worst liability.
The choice to excel, to pursue happiness is yours.

Millions in America make a positive choice and in spite of our government their lives improve.
On the other hand we have millions who wallow in doubt, self pity, or fear and waste the opportunity of living in a free society.

Which are you?

Do you engage, regardless of obstacle, requiring greatness from yourself while earning your way through life?

Do you cower at opportunity, swallow your opinion, and shirk your responsibility onto others while complaining that “you can never catch a break” or are being held back by a “racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic society?”

Do you use the word privilege as a tool as in “it is a privilege to be an American” or as an excuse to achieve nothing because some sixties burnout told you, no matter what, you have no chance because of your color, gender, or sexual preference.

America has created the most opportunity of any country, for all people, in the history of man.
I for one am tired of hearing my country be run down by ignorant, lazy, malcontents who do nothing but hurt our way of life.

Yes I am talking about most members of the United States Congress as well as the Commander-in-Chief.
Some continue to opine that there is nothing we can do about their behavior.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

Through hard work and thousands of my own dollars I will be on the ballot in California offering to serve the people in the US Senate.

I was asked recently how I would get my name out to be recognized by the voters.
Newspapers, radio, television are all nice ( I’ve been in or on all three) but nothing is as powerful as social media.

More people are on Facebook than read every single newspaper in California…combined.
Technology has opened communication to everyone everywhere.

I have provided the link to every newspaper in California at the bottom. It’s as easy as clicking on the (f) next to each paper and typing in Jason Kraus for Senate, copying and pasting our press release picked up by Yahoo Finance (also at the bottom of the page) or just liking the work of others (Lucky Brand, Laura Watts Ruiz,etc) who have already done this. The more support shown on these pages the more they will cover us.

You can reside in South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Texas, Florida and even outside our great nation and help move the message of freedom in California with a keystroke.

Understand what kind of power you have at your fingertips…if you are willing to use it.

If you are willing to use it.

With that sentence we return to our premise:

Are you willing to engage, regardless of obstacle, requiring greatness from yourself while earning your way through life?

If your answer is yes then join me, as thousands already have, shoulder to shoulder and help to spread the message of a new day, a better way, a brighter path for America through the removal of all forms of income tax and the closure of our border.

Free the American Worker.

Protect the American Citizen.

The share button is a powerful tool that grows in strength with its usage.

Use it all day every day for the next three months and our mission to restore OUR country will take us to DC.

A strong work ethic and great expectations.

Sounds like each one of you.

Let’s go to work!

America awaits our arrival.

Let us not make her wait too much longer.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example…/jason-kraus-announces-candidacy-…

The End of the Me Generation

The sex, drugs, and debt population known as the Me Generation has dominated Washington DC for the last 20 years.

Because of this we are void of any ethical leadership in our country right now.

Our elected leaders in high positions are corrupt politicians that cover for each other…on both sides of the aisle.

Our appointed leaders are sycophantic yes men and women, who answer to the aforementioned aisle, and put career over Country…every time.

Our military leaders who have spoken truth to power have been fired, demoted, or made so miserable they’ve resigned or retired.

Our media leaders are owned by corporations who prefer ratings over reality.

Decades of this behavior have us teetering as a sovereign nation, while the solvency of our currency is, at a minimum, debatable.

Today it was reported an United States Supreme Court Justice (Scalia) passed away.

There will be many who will profess admiration for this man.

Others will express hatred.

I am not here for either.

The Supreme Court is now dominated by Me Generation appointees.

Six of the Eight were nominated by Clinton, Bush, or Obama.

Soon to be Seven of Nine.

Is it any wonder the family unit has been diminished, drugs usage is at astronomical proportions and debt (public and private) is greater than anytime in American history…or human history for that matter.

Some reading this now will fall into the “nothing we can do but wait for the revolution to start” crowd.

First that is untrue.

Second we need a reclamation not a revolution.

With the correct electoral decisions being made in 2016, the reclaiming of America will start in 2017 (which is why I always list United States Senate 2017).

The removal of Obama and replacement with either Trump, Cruz, or Carson is a good start but the viral infection known as progressivism/compassionate conservatism is alive, contagious, and resides in the highest court in OUR land.

This must be corrected.

Yes Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life, unless they choose to resign or retire, but they are subject to the same rules as any member of Congress or the Presidency.

They can be impeached.

The six justices appointed and confirmed by the Me Generation must be removed.

To some this may seem improbable.

It isn’t.

Events most of us thought impossible in our lifetimes are now taking place in front of us on a daily basis.
Historic debt growing every second, punitive taxation for NOT purchasing something, negative interest rates, identification and Constitutional Rights being given to humans here illegally, felons being allowed to vote, the ordered surrender of a part of our military to a hostile nation, the call by the Nation of Islam to kill white people and Black Lives Matter members to kill police officers or fry em like bacon.

A Federal Government who forced driving ranchers off a public highway, then shot, killed, and arrested them all while ordering United States Border Patrol to stand down letting criminals continue to overrun our hospitals, schools, jails, and prisons while suppressing wages by supplying cheap and illegal labor.

Not to mention running guns through our southern border that resulted in murders including one of our own Border Patrol agents and the trafficking (slavery) of humans, predominantly women and children.

The Supreme Court has done nothing but enforce the oppression happening under the Me Generation.

For the removal of Supreme Court Justices to happen we must gather and elect citizens who will voice the truth with the ferocity of the righteous and then be fearless in requiring action be taken.

Leadership is not about being in charge.

Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.

I am here to provide truth and facts while offering to implement the above mentioned actions with humble ferocity and without fear.

The choice is yours.

Do nothing while dying a little more each day as the yoke of tyranny tightens.


Stand with me shoulder to shoulder roaring from everywhere in America throughout California guaranteeing American representation in DC!!!

Decisions made by the US Senate will affect you one way or another…regardless of where you live.

This is OUR country!

Time to remind these politicians who they serve.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

Without the 2nd Amendment there is no 1st.

It is those in any society who wish to oppress that scream the loudest about the tools that keep them from harming others.

California alone has had elected officials rant about individual gun ownership only to discover later these same officials were trafficking in automatic weapons.

The 2nd Amendment isn’t about a gun.

The evil try to portray this and only the foolish or naive are willing to believe.

The 2nd Amendment is about freedom, more importantly maintaining freedom, and is the greatest insurance policy ever created.

If you don’t want to own a weapon, as a free person, that is up to you.

But, as God is my witness, your choice to not will never trump the choice of any other free person to do so.


Your rights stop at my nose and in some cases well before that.

It must be clear to any rational American that most levels of the Federal Government are corrupt and oppressive.

The overwhelming debt is a form of oppression.

The ignorance of the rule of law is a form of oppression.

The lies from the Bully Pulpit over the last 24 years are a form of oppression.

The complete takeover of housing, banking, medical insurance, education, etc., are all forms of oppression.

The reason the 2nd Amendment is receiving attention is because so much pressure is being applied to the freedom of Americans…and we’ve had enough.

The best outcome for any insurance policy is to never be used.

This is my desire and the reason I am here now.

We must push forward in defense of America roaring at whatever volume is required to ensure our swords do not escape their scabbards.

But make no mistake those swords must stay sharpened and at the ready.

American Freedom has requirements.

Resistance to tyranny.

Removal of tyranny.

The Pursuit of Happiness.

The 2nd Amendment protects the 1st.

Enough said.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

Make your choice count

“You are free to choose but you are not free from the consequence of your choice.”

Many in these United States do not understand or appreciate how many humans around the world are not free to choose for fear of imprisonment or death.

The greatness of America has allowed each new generation to inherit freedom while teaching individual responsibility…until the late sixties.

After 40 plus years of the incremental breakdown of the family unit, rampant sexual irresponsibility, and the allowance of credit to anyone with a pulse, every American child born in the last decade will have less freedom and choices than their parents.

Today’s choices will guarantee our future. Your individual decisions will shape a greater or lesser opportunity for our children.

That is sowed shall be reaped.

The level of success or pain in this reaping depends on our decisions today.

The choice to do the right thing is always correct.

Let us not allow those that do, to be punished by those who do not.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

You are the Voice

Let us forge ahead in this new year, leaders by example with the truth as our shining light, our beacon in the night, and our strongest weapon.

It is the strength of one voice, the American individual, that propels freedom forward.

You are this voice that resonates and permeates the land of the free and the home of the brave. Roar with it into each sunrise, each sunset, and all in betwixt and between using the gift of free will and embracing the responsibility of ensuring freedom lasts through the coming generations upon the soil of these United States.

The greatness of America is found in the extraordinary example of you, the ethical American, born and bred in the cradle of fierce competition protected by a loving God that allows growth through persistence, the pursuit of happiness, and the one true paradigm of the human experience:

To love one another.

Your example is the catalyst to a better day, a brighter path, a freer nation.

America is the canvas for our pens and swords. We must use both wisely with the comprehension that the sword is used in protection of freedom, the pen in its creation.

While the sword is kept sharp the pen must always be flowing. Yes we are the sword but more importantly you are the pen.

Stand with me now shoulder to shoulder and let loose the roar of the American Lion that provides shelter to our allies and such a fear in our enemies that they simply lay down and pray for the ever famous mercy of the American as their reckoning arrives.

Enemies both foreign and domestic.

The world is changed by your example.

Require it be for the better.

Jason Kraus United States Senate 2017