Just Stop Talking

As if the behavior of Progressives wasn’t ridiculous enough the titles to their articles are even worse.

“Sanders gains in poll as he pauses campaigning for Impeachment.”

I’ve read a lot of captions over the years but this one made me laugh.

In other words the Liberal voters like him more when he stops talking.

I have a strong feeling if fantasy rape Bernie dropped out of politics and took a lifetime vow of silence his polls would shoot to the moon.

Their next write up states “Tulsi Gabbard files 50 million dollar lawsuit against Hillary Clinton for Russian Asset claim.”

I know some Republicans and Independents think fondly of Gabbard as they believe she doesn’t always line up with the Liberals and also served in the military.

So did John Kerry, John McCain, and Buttigiggy.

Gabbard supports Bernie and believes in man made Climate Change.

Two strikes is enough.

Still the entire premise is hilarious.

Gabbard said Hillary is lying and slandered her and these lies cost her 50 million dollars?

So much for public service.

It appears Tulsi was eyeing the Obama plan.

Come in worth fifty bucks and leave worth millions.

Barack filled his own pockets and gave billions to Iran.

Of course the Biden family makes them both look like pikers.

Groping Joe has reportedly set himself and his son Hunter up with millions of American tax dollars, and even more from corrupt countries and criminal organizations, outside of the U. S. A.

Talk about a poorly named little boy.

Poacher would be a more appropriate forename as Joe’s son is better known as a dead beat dad, taking money for nothing, and sleeping with his deceased brother’s wife.

This is also referred to as the Progressive Trifecta or the Bill and Hillary playbook.

Not to be outdone Hillary, always known as one with tact, created her own headline with “Nobody likes Bernie”.

This is remarkable coming from the most hated politician in these United States.

Unlike Bernie, Biden isn’t sitting in the Senate gaining votes because his mouth is closed.

Due to having most of the attention to himself Joe in his infinite wisdom decided to fire off with his support of Criminal Foreign Nationals known as DACA by saying, “They’re more American than most Americans are because they have done well in school.”

Had a Republican said this it would be called speaking in code, taking shots at American students who happen to have black skin, yet because he is a Democrat he reportedly continues to get the support of the people he slandered and tried to scare with, “Y’all being put back in chains.”

Elizabeth Warren was blasted by the truth and an American father and then fell back on the Social Security ruse that too many Americans continue to believe.

The reality of Social Security is this.

When the ability of the United States to borrow trillions of dollars stops, so does Social Security.

Medicare does too, by the way.

Black face Ralph Northam declared a “State of Emergency” in Virginia and was then surrounded by reportedly thousands of Americans exercising their Constitutional Rights and practicing their Free Will.

As fast as they assembled they departed, leaving the situation better and cleaner with their arrival, showing the Liberals a very simple lesson.

Tens of thousands can move quickly in and out of any area at any time and unlike Liberals don’t leave feces, trash, and urine behind.

Finally the Progressives floated the title “Oust Trump or it’s not going to stop”.

Now, I’ve been very clear on the actions that will be taken if President Trump is removed but I thought it a better fit to use another title that was found in Newsweek a few months ago.

“Pastor warns if Trump is removed from office, guys that know how to fight will hunt down Democrats.”


Jason Kraus



Three Male Krackers and one Female Kraken

Even with careful study and a discerning mind it is, at times, difficult to get a grip on the Liberal thought process as it feels as though I am watching a deformed, warped subspecies try to drink water with a fork.

Now we know it’s never going to happen but they continue forward dipping the prongs into the glass and stabbing themselves in the face all the while proclaiming that it isn’t working because President Trump keeps moving their hand or climate change has caused the water to evaporate before it has a chance to reach their ever flapping maws.

Ah the classic Liberal.

Wildly insecure, in constant need of validation, and low to no impulse control.

I’d compare them to a five-year-old child, but I was once five, and never scratched the surface of Progressive puerility.

Speaking of a five-year-old, Never Trumper and sadomasochistic author Stephen King described the idiotic mindset of the Liberal perfectly by stating, “I would never consider DIVERSITY in matters of art. Only quality. It seems to me that to do otherwise would be wrong.”

Well now look at Christine!

All full grown in his big boy hypocrisy pants!

Of course Progressives are lost here.

What did he say that was so bad Jason?

I can hear AMERICANS reading this right now laughing but in all earnestness how does one explain Liberal to a Liberal?

They somehow got lost on the birds and the bees and are now uncertain whether they should stand or squat in the lavatory.

(2) They think open borders will raise wages and lessen “climate change”.

(3) They’ve created fictional humans called Hispanics and Latinos.  Just for fun ask them to describe the difference. It’s hilarious. If you really want a good laugh ask them to describe an Asian-American and after they do ask them on which continent are Russia and India found.

(4) That smoking pot will cure all cancers and create better drivers while somehow making medical and vehicle insurance cheaper.

These people aren’t too cool for school, they’re too stupid to breathe or in Clinton context “I did not inhale” with that woman Miss Lewinsky.

Yes Slick Willie, we know what you did to that poor blue dress.

Talk about wild insecurity, constant need for validation, and NO IMPULSE CONTROL.

Insert the definition of “is” and a laugh track right here.

Diversity is another term for skin color bigotry and what Carrie up there is trying to say (It appears Heebie Jeebie Stevie has some issues with women) is that Art should be judged on its MERITS but other menial items like employment, promotions, surgery, academics, law enforcement, and the MILITARY should be a bigoted concept where preference is given to specific melanin deposits, regardless of merit, but ART well now ART must be judged through a lens of Progressive Affirmative Action Purity.

How Liberal of him!

Not to be outdone by Swastika Stephen the Democratic Presidential con-artists/candidates were back on the CNN stage although not much had changed.

How interesting it is that they so mightily struggle when not given the answers.

By the way Donna Brazile, I hope Seth Rich haunts every moment you have left on this Earth you miserable wretch.

Parenthetically, Bernie Sanders still believes that women fantasize about being raped simultaneously by three different men and the Liberal women still line up behind him and say please sir may I have another.

Like a Weinstein Progressive Casting Couch.

Elizabeth Warren continued to lie and has lied so many times she is starting to make Jussie Smollett look credible and yet the Progressives continue to line up behind a woman who makes Hillary Clinton appear stable.

Ol HRC might not be able to load herself into a van anymore, and there is no doubt she is one hateful shrew, but at least with Hillary her motives are clear and consistent.


For her own protection Elizabeth Warren shouldn’t be allowed to walk around without headgear and a bite stick, as she appears to be constantly having seizures, and she should never be alone with any type of fluid filled bottle without a nipple attached.

I fear she may drown.

If Epstein wasn’t safe . . . .

The current leader of the Presidential Diversity Party is a bigot from Delaware who called Barack Obama “clean” yet according to reports the “blacks in South Carolina” are his firewall against the Rapey Communist (Sanders) the Cherokee Communist (Warren) and the “Queer” Communist (Buttigiggy).

What’s crazy about that last sentence is it is all true and DOCUMENTED, unlike thirty percent of the Democratic Party.

The “blacks in South Carolina” have been told by the DNC that they have four choices.

Three male Krackers and one female Kraken.

Now that I think about it, put that aforementioned fork, in the Democratic Party.

They might not know it yet but one way or another . . . .

They are done.

Jason Kraus



It’s Called California

A few days ago I was having a conversation with a friend. He’d just had one of his cars broken into and was struggling as to why it happened.

“They took twenty bucks and a pair of sunglasses. What’s the point?”

It’s called California.

The State with the best year round weather (Hawaii not included) beautiful forests, incredible mountains, serene deserts, and the Pacific Ocean, has become a dump.

Horrible roads, crushing taxes, trash, graffiti, human waste and a harmful school system has forsaken the gifts of nature.

I looked at my friend and said, “People say all the time that things are changing. They are wrong. Things have changed. The only question now is what are we going to do about it.”

Sadly in California, not much.

There is a reason for this.

California is now filled with other nationalities and groups.

The Golden State is filled with self-proclaimed Indians, Russians, Chinese, Pakistanis, Mexicans, Hispanics, Latinos, Africans, Liberals, Progressives, Democratic-Socialists, Communists, Sorenos, Nortenos, La Raza, MS-13, Iranians and Persians, homeless, Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, and Queers.

California even has people who don’t know who they are, but know that they don’t know which is better than not knowing what they don’t know.

This is called the Bay Area Rumsfeld Effect, or in other words the idiot who tried to Marshall Plan Iraq, which Obama turned into ISIS, while funding Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah with pallets of cash.

Aloha Snackbar!

This, according to the media, is of course all President Trump’s fault.

I digress.

California will continue its slide into chaos because the one group that it must have is leaving in droves.

This group made up of free thinking Individuals is known as AMERICAN and they have had enough and are leaving the mess behind for greener pastures in Tennessee, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, etc.

According to reports so many AMERICANS have left, the largest populated State in the Nation will lose a seat in the House of Representatives, for the first time.

I have no doubt, if all the criminal foreign nationals were deported, California would lose more than one, and our hospitals, schools, jails, and prisons could stop having fifty-two different interpreters on call.

We might even be able to get through the DMV in an eight hour period or not be required to have “Real ID” otherwise known to Democrats as “voter suppression”.

Still, where are my manners.

How selfish of me to be discussing the plight of Cali when Climate Change is burning down half of Australia.

Oh wait, what’s that Russell Thornberg?

Two dozen down under were indicted for ARSON?

Yep, sounds like Climate Change to me.

Out here on the Left Coast we call that PG&E or the homeless burning toilet paper.

Speaking of the Left Coast the Golden Globes kicked off in So Cal.

Ricky Three Sheets to the Wind Gervais fired off with several minutes of hilarity.

It was funny to watch the Liberals sit there and take shot after shot about their idiocy, hypocrisy, and support for their “God” Harvey Weinstein.

Tom Hanks and crew sat fugly in their suits and dresses, having just stepped over needles and urine, fresh from arrival in their limos and jets, ready to consume more in three hours, than the entire country of Haiti, also known as CFC.

Clinton Foundation Corruption.

Liberals thought I was referring to Chlorofluorocarbons . . . oh who am I kidding.

They have no idea what I just said, or how to even pronounce it.

It’s kind of like Qasem Soleimani or in Liberal speak yes I’ll have a Salami Quesadilla.

Good ol Liberals, you’d think for once they’d approve of President Trump as they are looking for everyone but themselves to consume dramatically less.

That’s one Qasem who will forever be carbon neutral.

Let’s just call it Late-Term Abortion and get this party started.

We know Progressives love to drink wine while selling baby parts.

Why don’t we protect the babies and abort the Liberals.

We can start in California.

Jason Kraus



John Roberts: The Boy Who Wants to be King

2020 has now arrived and for the Liberals (Communists) it appears their diatribe will continue.

Same insanity different year.

Ever a supporter of oppression, Yahoo was off and running with a story published by the New York Times, attempting to explain the thoughts and virtues of one Chief Justice John Roberts regarding the “Impeachment”.

Roberts was given to us by the “Decider in Chief” also known as George “Nucaler” Bush.

The same George W. Bush who allowed the criminality of Bill Clinton (see Fannie and Freddie) to not only go unpunished but continue until the American Banking system had to be “bailed out” by the Federal Reserve’s funny money and of course Warren Obama Supporter Buffett (see Wells Fargo, Bank of America).

The New York Crimes reported that Roberts wrote, “We should reflect on our duty to judge without fear or favor, deciding each matter with humility, integrity and dispatch, as the new year begins, and we turn to the tasks before us, we should each resolve to do our best to maintain the public’s trust that we are faithfully discharging our solemn obligation to equal justice under the law.”

This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so egocentric, riddled with sophomoric platitudes, and hypocritical to say the least.

Where was all this “reflection” during the Obama years?

Where was this concern with “discharging” their “solemn obligation to equal justice under the law” or  “maintaining the public’s trust” in-regards-to FISA in general, the corruption found in the Clinton Foundation, and the stalking of a United States Presidential Candidate?

Roberts the Ridiculous condescendingly continued on in reference to We the People by stating in a “concerned” posit “We have come to take democracy for granted, and civic education has fallen by the wayside.”

Diseased homeless camps, urine, feces, and crack in the streets, and daily human trafficking through our “border” and he’s concerned about the “wayside”.

The man who manipulated the wording of the Unaffordable Care Act to satisfy his own central nervous system (greed or fear) and lied to the citizenry while forcing Americans to pay for healthcare for tens of millions of criminal foreign nationals under the penalty of IMPRISONMENT and/or financial ruin is lecturing us on civics while using Democracy as his pillar.

For the love of all that is holy these United States are NOT a Democracy!

George W. Bush . . . the gift that keeps on giving.

Still, let us use this as a teaching moment for all to see.

This is what happens when we allow weak, stupid humans to make decisions for the rest of us.

In a Democracy John Roberts would be non-existent as courts, laws, and “justice” have no role.

Democracy under Socratic Theory is simple.

Majority over Minority otherwise known as Mob Rule.

The most important concept drilled into the Constitution is the concept of the Individual.

Of Free Will.

That the Individual, unchained of oppressive forces, could and would prosper by applying the yearning to be free, to their own goals and dreams (Adam Smith).

John Roberts believes he and he alone is the soul of America and this unelected ignoramus reigns supreme over four Communists, three Americans, and a crying calendar making connoisseur who apologized for things he apparently never did.

All heil the Monarch John Roberts who believes his power so great he can intimidate the President of the United States with veiled threats aimed at a trial where he carries little sway, and that Nancy Pelosi, will not begin.

The Times, attempting to put lipstick on this Judicial orifice wrote, “Roberts began his report, as is his custom, with a bit of history, recalling a riot at which John Jay, an author of the Federalist Papers and later the first chief justice, was struck in the head by a rock “thrown by a rioter motivated by a rumor.”

The lies and corruption upheld by this “Chief Justice” aren’t “rumors” or “motivated” innuendo.

They are the breakdown of our society, our nation, and our way of life.

I will add a thought as a bit of solace for the “concerned” John Boy who wants to be King.

We aren’t rioters and I say this with the peace of a prepared citizenry.

If your cranium is touched by anything it won’t be a rock, but have no fear Chief Justice, as we aren’t interested in you or your Progressive brethren’s empty head(s).

Your necks will be just fine.

Jason Kraus



Talking to Liberals isn’t Working

As a child the popular belief was that the discussion of sex, politics, and religion in mixed company was never to occur.

This then morphed into all people have an opinion, and regardless of facts, their opinion was valid.

Finally, the everyone gets a trophy parental generation taught their children that political correctness, otherwise known as stupidity, was the new mode of communication.

The kids were also introduced to new verbiage.

American was racist but African, Asian, Hispanic, Latino, and Native were cool.

Nigger was out and Nigga was in!

Whore was done and Ho was da bomb!

Gay was gone and Queer was Kwon!

Tramp stamps, face tattoos and nose rings for all!

Every sentence, phrase, or utterance had to have a “like” a “you know” or an “uh”.

“Like, you know, like, uh, that face tattoo is like dope you know my nigga” or “She be like my ho, you know bro, cuz she be da chit aight!

The term Bigotry was replaced by Diversity, depending upon the color of one’s skin.

White males were bigots.

Everyone else was diverse.

Excepting of course all white women, who supported America, were now stupid, black humans who supported America were now Toms and brown humans who supported America were traitors to their “race”.

Oral sex wasn’t sex and the definition of “is” became fluid along with everyones gender.

Which room to use to urinate or defecate became so confusing to the Progressives they finally collapsed in mental exhaustion and began pooping and peeing on the streets, crack laced needles be damned.

When a Liberals gots to go a Liberal gots to go!

Criminal behavior had become so rampant in Democrat cities that a new fix had to be found and the Dems were up to the challenge.

They decriminalized everything, especially the behavior of criminal foreign nationals, which has led to even more Americans and legal immigrants being murdered.

The Liberal fix to stop the murder of United States Citizens by foreign nationals?

Make everyone an American and then allow them to chain migrate their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, kids, friends, local barber, and ex-girlfriends.

While all this was taking place Nancy Pelosi decided Donald Trump was a danger to America, impeached him, and then refused to try and have him removed.

Bat-feces crazy Pelosi then approved President Trump’s USMCA and invited him to speak to the Nation.

Danger Will Robinson Danger.

Finally our refusal to discuss subjects over the last few generations has millions believing that they control the climate here on planet Earth.

Sixteen year old Swedish dupes, twenty-eight year old bartenders, and too many Liberal Boomers to count all believe human consumption has shortened the lives of humans to twelve years, significantly less if President Trump is re-elected.

Liberals think Crust is the worst part of pizza, Mantle is related to Mickey, and the Core needs to be Common.

They cannot explain the basic structure of the Earth even though it was just given to them.

What they are certain of is that we as Americans are killing the planet with our appetites for gas, beef, and bullets.

Their fix for this?

Legalize tens of millions humans and open the border to tens of millions more.

My beginning premise was that we were taught to talk to each other differently and after the last thirty years there is at least one thing that certainly is true.

Talking to Liberals, in any fashion, isn’t working.

Whenever you are ready Virginia, we are at your service.

You’ll make the inevitable trip to Washington D. C. significantly shorter for us all.

Jason Kraus



In War There is no Substitute for Victory

A week ago Nancy Pelosi feigned a pious attempt at finding the Lord.

The media lapped it up like sweet cream.

Others were disgusted by her usage of a higher power, in which prior to that moment, she has had no need.

I on the other hand was reminded of a line in a song titled Breakeven.

“Just prayed to a God that I don’t believe in.”

Here’s the song:

Desperation can do that to the faithless and without a doubt the Liberals are desperate as they fear they are losing their grip on America.

We are witnessing the effects of decades of corruption and the breakdown of government at every level.

Crushing debt, secret courts, the return of certain infectious diseases, lack of the enforcement of Law and currency manipulation are just a few of the symptoms.

As the stench has grown their behavior has become even more erratic (and will continue to do so) and someone in the Swamp decided that the ruination of a President could stem the tide.

They are wildly incorrect.

In fact their Pelosi Pocket Impeachment of President Trump has proven Clausewitz correct.

Politics/War are one in the same and the War has now officially begun.

Although many shots had previously been fired, this particular move forces those feigning blindness, to now see and choose a side.

Freedom or Oppression.

America or Tyranny.

Over the years I’ve written about many subjects pertaining to the protection of these United States.

I’ve exercised the Pen.

Sadly to no avail.

It is now time to remove the Sword and hone her blade.

“In war there is no substitute for victory.”

Human behavior is quite easy to predict.

A diseased organism will continue to maim, infect, and destroy until and only until it is eradicated.

For those righteous souls who will stand at the front, shoulder to shoulder, and deliver the parasites unto deaths door, I guarantee you will not stand alone.

It is time to put away the asking of patience, of compassion, of anything at all.

For those who pray that God is with America I say this.

God has done enough.

The rest is up to us.

Still, for those who continue to tilt their eyes to the sky let us pray, as Lincoln stated, that God is not with us rather We the People are with God.

The time is near.

Be ready to move.

Prepare your bodies and minds to have the strength of our ancestors who realized early at Lexington and Concord one simple truth.

Freedom isn’t free.

This won’t be decided by trials, scribes, “Q” or kangaroo courts.

This will be decided by the People of The Great Experiment.

From this point on our decisions will decide whether “great” will be deservedly attached to our generations.

It is time to do unto others as they have done unto us.

Jason Kraus



Frosty the Bitter Snow Troll

Impeachment panting, Progressive ranting and holiday music.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Only eleven more to go according to AOClueless, then again we may never see another, as stated by the current Tweaker Speaker, if President Trump is re-elected.

It is beyond the written word to explain the lack of intelligence that must occur in those who vote Democrat.

Cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face doesn’t even come close.

The Progressives continued forward with Impeachment through the “Contempt of Congress” television holiday dramedy known as Here’s Your Sign.

I’m beginning to miss Hallmark.

If “contempt” is the charge the entire country could be impeached as our contempt for these soulless mongrels far surpasses impeachment and screams for their dangling from a pendulum that sways back and forth until each mutt is permanently silenced.

All I want for Christmas is a coup!

Democrats carried on with their attempted removal of Mr. Trump and whatever is left of our Southern border.

The House passed a BI-PARTISAN Bill giving de facto citizenship to criminal foreign nationals found around the nation on our farms.

Feliz Navidad!

As if America wasn’t already shackled with enough illegal interference Time Magazine decided to reiterate their self-loathing and place a face of hate, and a fabricated childhood, known as persona non Greta, on their cover.

The little Thorn Bird has forever changed the perception of Swedish meatballs and bikinis to Frosty the Bitter Snow Troll.

Gender neutered and carrot free of course.

Rashida Tlaib pushed forward with her joy of tweeting, and hatred, of everything America.

The lover of Sharia blamed White Supremacy for murder and the targeting of Jews at the hands of men who resembled Obama’s son known as Trayvon.

It was later reported by the Babylon Bee that she deleted the tweet while listening to I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas and a bizarre holiday rendition of Stevie Wonder’s Ebony and Ivory.

Obama appointed Inspector General Michael Horowitz found no “political bias” in his attempt to provide the Democrats with an early present.

When oh when will Donald Trump realize his keeping ANYONE from the previous Administration is the gift that keeps on giving CNN and MSNBS daily storylines.

Finally, in a moment of Christmas spirit it was a reported that the Catholic Church spent only ten percent of their annual collection on charity.

In other words they kept ninety percent of their “income” and spent it on themselves.

Bah humbug!

Sounds like a Progressive Sanders/Warren/Francis tax plan.

The atheist Bernie, Cherokee Warren, and a Godless Pope.

Rape, Lies, and Video tape.

We know Epstein has one somewhere.

Jason Kraus



In a New York Minute

It’s very clear the animal known as Progressive/Liberal/RINO is inexhaustible when it comes to verbal ranting. Over and over again they continue to give credence to the paraphrased proverb that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

Not that any further proof was needed, but after a week of “professorial” regurgitation, no one with a modicum of intelligence is listening anymore.

Ah, the thought process of the Liberal that supports Late-Term Abortion, Sharia, and the trafficking of little boys throughout the Catholic Church, known as Nancy Pelosi, must be a staggering collection of blind squirrels all asking themselves when one will finally find a nut.

Of course her mirror would provide the answer but one must be willing to look to find the truth.

Something that will never happen with those who practice Oppression.

Piggish Pelosi and her gaggle will continue to crush any and all in their path until they are stopped.

Although President Trump fires off a good Tweet the Liberals have learned that his bark is worse than his bite.

They’ve broken laws, threatened to rape his child, bragged about a coup that they are currently exacting, slandered, smeared, and stalked him.

They’ve blamed him for everything under the sun, including being a Russian spy.

They’ve told us that our civilization will end in 2020 and the world will die in twelve years.

The Party of the Apocalypse who promised flexibility to Putin, sold Uranium to Russia (yes it did happen), referred to Hamas as a Humanitarian organization and helicopter dropped pallets of U. S. and other currencies to Iran in the middle of the night, is now about to Impeach Donald Trump for “crimes” against the United States.

President Trump’s only “crime” is that he is too nice and as amazing as it is to say, he might be too nice to do the job, as the only people to go prison under his Justice Department have been his own supporters.

His unwillingness to prosecute Hillary, and refusal to not only fire James Comey but keep the man, were both crucial errors.

The hiring of Reince Preibus as Chief of Staff was absurd.

Jeff Sessions as Attorney General and the retaining of the Assistants from the Obama Administration was even worse.

It is exactly these decisions and many others including but not limited to the hiring of John Kelly, John Bolton, and Rex Tillerson that have excited, emboldened, and frankly strengthened his enemies, and more importantly the enemies of America.

Over the years I have defended Mr. Trump at every turn, even when I disagreed with some of his policies.

Interest rate suppression, reauthorizing illegal FISA courts, and constant social media bickering is antithetical to Freedom.

With that said I still support Donald Trump for very specific reasons.

(1) I do believe he wants what is best for America.

(2) There are no other options.

Dear President Trump,

The rabid Liberals are indeed coming for you.

They’ve instituted a rallying cry and have absolutely no fear that you will do anything to stop them.

So far they are correct.

As I’ve stated many times, You are the carrot.

We the People are the stick.

It appears Progressives are unwilling to eat their vegetables and are going to Impeach you.

I know many think nothing will happen in the Senate but the “Swamp” is strong and by the time the complicit media is done Wagging the Dog there is a very real possibility that you will indeed be removed.

I say this without hesitation or reservation, if this does take place, plenty of us will be on our way to deal with every single politician that voted for this outcome.

We will do what needs to be done but your time and opportunity as President will be over.

Fortunately for us all, this juncture, has not yet arrived.

You currently have all the power to stop these traitors in their tracks but the head of your Justice Department sits quietly making worthless speeches, waiting for putrid IG reports, or indicting low level criminals for campaign finance crimes.

When you were a candidate you told “The Big Lady” to her face if you were President she “would be in jail.”

When you were a candidate you said you would do what it took to build a great big wall and stop the drugs, cartels, human trafficking and invasion of our country.

We believed you and gave you the Bully Pulpit.

None of these things have happened.

We the American People are still with you but it is time you start listening to us and stop listening to your echo chamber.

We aren’t winning.

We lost the House.

Democratic GOVERNORS are being elected.

Illegal Sanctuary States exist.

The country is being overrun by criminal foreign nationals who are doing tremendous damage, including the Wahhabis who struck again in Florida.

I personally heard three different languages spoken in a store this week in Northern California.

None of them were English.

We didn’t elect you to inflate the stock markets or “create” jobs.

Both of these things are cyclical and will move up and down, just as they historically, always have.

We elected you because WE ARE IN TROUBLE and WE KNOW that YOU KNOW.

We believe in your intelligence.

We believe in your heart.

Now, give us that New York Don and start dropping these traitors.

Jason Kraus



The Humpty Dumpty Democrats

Where to begin?

Why not at the beginning.

The Thanksgiving week started for me with a wonderful couple and a combination conversation. The first story kicked off with the man telling me a story that happened to him decades ago as a teenager on a golf course when he drove a beautiful shot into the group ahead.

One day I will write this up entirely, including the backstory with a bully who received his just desserts, but in the mean time I will continue with the abbreviated version of him later seeing the man, who he almost smashed in the back of the head, in the clubhouse.

As he began to apologize the tall fit man turned, clapped him on the shoulder, and said in a low raspy voice “never apologize for a great shot.”

With that Clint Eastwood gave a nod, smiled, and walked away.

The best part of the story may have been my friend’s imitation of The OutLaw Josey Wales.

Switching gears his fabulous wife took the reins and started to talk about the idiotic Liberals, the beer chugging Warren, and Impeachment.

We all laughed at the stupidity of the Dems, including but not limited to the second coming of Obama known as Deval Patrick and Michael “Mike” Bloomberg who once reportedly stated his place in heaven was already set aside.

There’s a joke here somewhere that starts with The Pope, Bloomberg, and Bill Cosby all expectantly standing in front of St. Peter.

I’ll have to come back to that.

So much Progressive/Rapist material . . . so little time.

Our lovely conversation ended with a statement about a Liberal “friend” to who she would enjoy “introducing” me.

I get this quite a bit.

Jason, I would love to see you talk to my (insert moronic Liberal friend, co-worker, relative here). That would be so much fun!

I generally laugh and ask do you like this (insert moronic Liberal friend, co-worker, relative here) because if you do it would be better for them if we don’t meet as Progressives are wildly insecure and also believe they live in a world where they can say anything they want without repercussion. I continued as I’ve said many times, “Liberals can’t handle the truth or being embarrassed when they are put on the spot with simple facts and immediately fall back into smug condescension. At that point I invite them to meander outside and work this out non-verbally.”

It doesn’t get prettier from there.

She laughed, implied she might enjoy seeing that too, and then asked the question we’ve all struggled to answer.

“How stupid are these people?”

Let me answer this with a quote from a Liberal writer.

“Elizabeth Warren is dynamic and brilliant.”

This was the first line written by a bonafide moron named Rick Newman.

Newman’s title is Senior Columnist for Yahoo Finance.

So many oxymorons here but let’s just deal with the statement.

Elizabeth Warren is dynamic and brilliant.

One definition of dynamic is “characterized by constant change.”

Now that I think about it maybe Newman is “punking” her as she has “constantly changed” from a poor Oklahoma white girl with cheekbones, to a Native American, to a Cherokee, and finally into the last real protected Class of the Democratic Party.

The woman who wants to be President.

I’d continue on with his description of Fauxcahontas but any person who needs a sippy cup to consume a malted beverage is a lot of things.

Brilliant isn’t one of them.

Besides, it is highly unlikely the Party of Diversity, also known as the Biden, Buttigiggy, Bernie Klan, is going to nominate Warren.

There’s only one “white woman” who has a chance in the Party of Bigotry.

Hillary the Horrible is standing by awaiting a brokered convention.

A gift afforded her because Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr refuse(d) to do their job.

Prepare and make ready to do the job ourselves.

For Freedom to continue it must be done.

One way or another.

Jason Kraus


Action Must Take Place

In a world where knowledge is supposed to be power we just witnessed a week where the powerful were completely remiss of knowledge.

The head of the Impeachment Inquiry, now known as Little Shifty Schiff, stated he would do everything he could to protect the name of the Whistleblower while then proclaiming to not know the name of said Whistleblower.

It is but a simple application of logic that it is impossible to protect something, of which you have no knowledge, as one wouldn’t know whether they were being successful, or not, in their plight.

It would be akin to asking a U. S. Marshall to protect a confidential informant yet never introducing the two.

AOClueless was feeling left out of the drama and proceeded to proclaim that Trump was clearly engaged in extortion and bribery.

Fascinating stuff here as most criminals will tell you one doesn’t generally extort and bribe at the same time.

It’s kind of like spitting into the wind . . . or voting Democrat.

Hang in there Alex, only eleven and a half more years to go.

The Speaker of the House stated that President Trump was an imposter.


Grossly Incompetent Pelosi is either under the impression that Mueller’s Russian Collusion Delusion is still on tap or she’s posing as someone who isn’t sober.

The greatest measurement of Democratic fluidity and productivity was the soiling of Eric Swalwell’s pantaloons while “allegedly” flatulating on MSNBS.

Now that was proof of Liberal knowledge.

I’m sure the cows were amused.

LIEUTENANT Colonel Stay Puff Marshmallow VindMan was quite fluffed about his role as Head of all things Ukraine.

Putting aside his ridiculous testimony it is amazing to continuously uncover so many foreign nationals supporting the Liberal Progressive agenda.

Vindman’s paternal connection to Russia only exacerbates Feinstein’s Chinese spy, the DNC’s Pakistanis, the Palestinian Tlaib, the Somalian Omar, the Iranian Jarrett, and La Raza who is everywhere, including but not limited to, Attorney General Xavier Becerra in California and Sonia Sotomayor on the United States Supreme Court.

Add in Obama bending over at the waist to show his flexibility for Putin, and one hundred and fifty-BILLION dollars overnighted to the Ayatollah, that cost the lives of American soldiers, one can only wonder how much longer Americans will allow forty-million plus criminal foreign nationals to run wild in America.

One can only wonder.

Finally, it appears someone connected to the greatest suicide ever has been charged.

Two guards, who reportedly falsified documents, were indicted.

My guess is both of them will suddenly come down with terminal cancer or be “robbed” while walking home one night Seth Rich style.

Everyone knows Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.

With that said, and there can be no doubt, knowledge alone is currently irrelevant.

Action must occur.

Indictments, perp walks, prosecutions, and maximum penalties must take place.

As long as the Trump/Barr Justice Department does nothing to stop the Oppression, coming from the Power that hates this country, the degradation and ruin will continue.

Trump tweets, Barr speeches, promised IG reports and leaks aren’t going to stop this.

10,000 strong might do it.

100,000 would be better.

Jason Kraus

