Each week I choose a few things to discuss.

I cannot cover it all.

The absurdity in California alone would fill a 24-hour 7 day a week period.

Speaking of absurdity a story was passed along to me that I thought I would share.

An incredibly large and successful corporation made an announcement that due to the new tax law it was to give each of its employees a one thousand dollar bonus.  Upon hearing this one employee was giddy and telling others about the company’s decision.  This employee then stated that although they wanted the money they still didn’t like the new tax law because it gave “money to the rich and corporations not the people who need help.”

This is why I call Liberals Stupid Humans.

The new tax law is barely in place yet the evil “corporation” just gave out one thousand dollar checks to tens of thousands of EMPLOYEES who are neither “rich people” nor “corporations”.

They can do ANYTHING they want with this money.

Pay their rent, car payments, groceries, credit card bills, utilities, medical insurance, go to the movies or heaven forbid, save it.

Apparently this mental midget used their’s to buy “legal marijuana” in California.

They’d have to be stoned.

Nobody can be this dumb.

Then again we have Bernie the Corn Kernel Sanders calling for resistance (this guy is the ultimate staph infection) and the spread of Liberalism to every corner of the country.

Why don’t they “resist” the one thousand dollars?

If corporations and capitalism are so evil then “resist” the cash you are being handed.

Have you no pride, no strength, no moral turpitude in your own beliefs?

Of course you don’t, now sit down and shut up.

It’s safer for you bottom dwellers to be at lower elevations where damaged lungs, hearts, and brains need less oxygen to survive.

In other matters ICE just announced that they are doubling their efforts in California.

It’s about damn time!

If one wants to gamble one would go to Vegas where opportunity to do so is on every corner.

If one wants to remove millions of humans, California’s corners, neighborhoods, schools, jails, prisons, and emergency rooms are the place to be.

Half of the criminals in the United States here illegally, (yes that is what they are, CRIMINALS) probably reside in the Number One Sanctuary State.

ICE should be camped out in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Francisco and Sacramento.

Once a massive purge is complete and the Rule of Law is back in effect we can initiate a new Census.

California will probably lose a dozen seats in the House of Representatives, if not more, due to a massive decrease in population.

What do you mean Jason?  Illegals can’t vote.

Actually they can and do out here in the Golden State (See Loretta Sanchez), but even if they couldn’t, or didn’t, the lovely Census takers count every human they come across, legal or otherwise.

This information is then used to add or subtract House Seats.

Sounds crazy and illegal huh?

It’s been happening for decades.

Still, ICE is making this too difficult.  Just come out and deputize ten thousand AMERICAN Citizens here in Cali.

We’ll have this mess cleaned up in no time.

The all Volunteer Immigration Protective.

It’s coming one way or another.

Too many VIP’s (Very Irritated People) have had enough.

Dear ICE,

Just deputize myself and others solely for the removal of criminals in California. We will make it a bipartisan effort as Citizens across our Land arrive to protect and defend these United States.

It won’t cost you one thin dime or a fat one as a matter of fact.

Ready when you are but don’t dawdle.

Too much longer and we won’t be making requests out here.

We’ll be making statements that begin and end in Retribution.

We are no longer interested in Justice, not that it would matter.

She’s been deaf, dumb, and blind for quite a while if not deceased.

When a criminal can “find a gun”, try to “shoot seals” while murdering an American woman and then walk free, Justice is long gone.

Long, long gone.

We are at the ready and waiting…for now.

Liberals and La Raza have been running around unchecked for decades.

The days of Checkers are over.

This isn’t a game.

Jason Kraus

Stay the course Mr. President

Dear President Trump,

It’s been a while since I have last written.   I thought it appropriate to reach out now.  First let me say well done.  The constant barrage of hate and vitriol being launched in your direction is quite stunning and frankly disgusting.

I sometimes ponder how I would react to this absurdity and I have to admit your overall responses have been much more calm than what would have come from me.

Again well done.

The corruption and nightmare left behind by Barack Obama appears to have finally caught the attention of some in Congress. Of course none of this is new to those of us who care about our country.

I recall you even mentioning this concept about one Hillary Clinton before you were elected.

“You’d be in jail,” if I was President.

You are now President.

Let’s make the rest of that sentence happen.

I’m not going to walk down 2017.  It is behind us now.

History can be beneficial but those who dwell in the past waste the present and rarely have a future.

Let us push forward in speed and scope to ensure that America is indeed free again, safe again, and always great.

We have cancerous traitors at every level of our Judiciary and Justice Department and their aim is squarely on you.

Tax cuts aren’t going to stop this.

Recognition of Jerusalem isn’t going to stop this.

Removing the Obamacare penalty isn’t going to stop this.

These parasites are panicked and rightly so.

They are panicked that the lid on Pandora’s Box is about to be lifted, and that the People are about to not only see the Emperor without clothing, but that the Emperor has lots of friends without attire in both the Democratic and Republican Parties.

It is my opinion and educated estimation that a dangerous time lies ahead for not only you but the entire concept of Freedom, the Constitutional Republic known as the United States and Adam Smith’s premise that society is better served when Individuals pursue their greatest dreams.

With this said you are in a position of strength and although storm clouds are on the horizon you are well equipped to navigate this time in our history extremely well because I believe you understand where your greatest strength is found.

It is found in US.

It is found in the Individual Human known as The American whom at a moments notice from the bully pulpit will put our shoulders next to yours in the greatest showing of ferocity the planet has ever witnessed.

We are but one call, one tweet, one word away.

We are your greatest strength, and in that strength we will not falter, but the outcome of your personal experience rides upon one thing.

The keeping of your word.

“America First.”

“We will build a great big wall.”

Many have compared you to Reagan.

Learn from his mistake of Amnesty that we are living with now.

DACA is your Achilles Heel.

Let not a 21st Century Homer write your story.

Be brave, be bold, and be certain as long as your word is good, ours is as well.

America First.

American ONLY.

Jason Kraus

Twas the night before CHRISTMAS

Twas the night before Christmas, the coal without lumps, because in the White House, was a man named Trump.

His demeanor calm, his hair all a flow, set the liberals on fire, gaskets a blow.

The perplexed Dems had just voted no, for a cut in taxes, for plumbers like Joe.

They gnashed their teeth and laid on the floor, as the Obamacare penalty, was thrown, out the door.

Our taxes are rising yelled Libs with raised dander.

That’s what happens when you support Bernie Sanders.

Regulations were dumped, more oil will flow, the erasing of Obama, go Donald go!

The New Normal be damned, we like the old, where America is free, and happy, and bold.

Where children have teachers, not political pawns, who poison young minds with their progressive con,

Where doctors practice the Hippocratic Oath, where trust can be found, not patient loathe

Where public trust is restored to institutions, and politicians stop engaging in prostitution.

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the House the Donkeys were stoned and the RINOs soused.

As the Progressives were lying, and deceptively spinning, America smiled, we keep winning and winning.

The secret slush fund was discovered, in use, and the last laugh, went to Doctor Seuss,

Whose children’s stories weren’t racist, but timeless, unlike the Obama mindless.

Oh those Obama few with low IQ, it won’t be much longer when they’ll ask, Doctor Who?

What happened to little Barack, will wonder those, who only gather in flock, while the rest of us mock.

Like a powerful storm or a good vacuum cleaner, Hussein was whisked off the stage, like his brother Tony Weiner.

Markets are up, unemployment is down, yet all we see is Schumer’s perpetual frown.

Of course I meant Amy, she’s part of the mob, and she’s the only Schumer who has a real job.

Twas the night before Christmas, what’s under the tree, a pair of cuffs, made for Hillary?

Is that a jump suit measured for James Comey, covered in orange, get used to it homey.

Shoulder to shoulder, America ROARS, because of AMERICANS, not Al Gore.

The return of Freedom, Strength, and Prosperity, we are back on track, MERRY CHRISTMAS to thee.

As this piece rolls on, with humor and rhyme, everything happens, one voice at a time.

So as each of you, enjoy your day, please join me in spirit, and in the sun’s rays,

To be thankful for, OUR country, the beacon of Hope, known as Lady Liberty.

Let us embrace this rare air, and be always grateful, to the Big Fella Upstairs.

Twas the night before Xmas and all through the house, Merry Christmas to all,


Jason Kraus

Freedom still isn’t Free

Writing has never been a problem for me.

When I hear others refer to “writers block” my first thought is it might be time for them to look for something else to do.

My dilemma is not having something to say.  Mine is how many things I want to say, fighting with the things, that need to be said.

I publish one column a week, but most of the time, I have others, that just aren’t ready for public consumption.  This week was a little different.

After Alabama’s self-flagellation on Tuesday I felt only one thing.

It wasn’t fear, disgust, or anger.

It was rage.

Make no mistake this rage provided me with plenty of material but a major part of protecting Freedom is providing unequivocal truth with passion.

Not rage.

The Alabama outcome immediately took me back to the re-election of Obama.  It is my opinion, that one day in November, changed my life, and put me on a completely different path.

I wrote Late Bird, and had it published, which took me around the country meeting phenomenal Americans from Oklahoma, to Michigan, to Florida, to New York.

Always a silver lining if we look hard enough.

Still the return to that night in 2012 was difficult.  It seemed insane to me that Alabama would behave like California.

Talking head after talking head on the television, radio, or internet either rationalized or piled on.

It was either an anomaly or a wave of Liberalism headed our way.

I am not someone who wallows or drifts emotionally, spiritually, or physically.

When positive things happen I thank the Big Fella Upstairs.

When negative things occur I assess them, make adjustments if necessary, and then push forward.

Emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

I do not cast blame or ask for help from above.

My feelings are this.

God has given me Free Will and the prior generations in America have given me Freedom.

Asking for anything else would be greedy and I am not a greedy man.

I have been given the two greatest gifts possible.

The rest is up to me.

Throughout this week I have seen many times where people in America have asked WWJD?

What would Jesus do?

Some use it as a home base.  A measurement of what is Right and Wrong.

Others use it as a weapon to attack those who believe in the greatness of the message of Jesus.

Fortunately for me I do not carry his responsibility.

My name is Jason Kraus not Jesus Christ, and I am not here, nor do I have the power, to absolve sin, or offer a path to spiritual absolution.

I am here to protect these United States from all enemies foreign and domestic.

I am here to push Freedom Forward, to further light the path, that generations before me, carved out of the wilderness.

I do so without hesitation or reservation and will do so until my very last breath.

I will be breathing a very long time.

I guarantee it.

Each day, each minute, each second that we are on this planet, and can gratefully call ourselves Americans, is a beautiful gift.

Let not that gift be wasted by fear, apathy, or even rage.

Rise and stand with your fellow Americans shoulder to shoulder and be prepared to remove the scourge found at all levels of government in today’s society.

Emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

As American citizens each and every one of you is a gift that must continue to keep on giving.

To do so elongates your life, strengthens your soul, and most importantly guarantees that the gift known as Freedom is paid forward to the next generation, and the next, in the form of Liberty not Liberal.

You the American Citizen will guarantee that the United States of America will never go quietly into the night.

You are the beacon of hope, of passion, of determination.

Nothing in life is more important than Freedom.


I’ve said it many times and I will state it again.

This is OUR country.

Prepare to ensure it stays that way.

Jason Kraus

Stranger than fiction

First let me say thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes. Very kind and humbling to have so many of you from all over America take your time and give it to me.  I am blessed.

Now, let’s get to work.

It was quite a week.  The Senate Republicans figured out someway to actually pass a bill and moved to conference with the House. It appears the heavy lifting is over although what will be left in the bill is anyone’s guess.

Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?

As long as DACA isn’t in there I am fine with the rest and yes I live in California.

Of course Liberals are complaining about debt, referring to debt as “deficits”, and doing both while Barack just left us with 20 trillion.

Thanks Obama.

Now I don’t expect subhumans like Democrats to understand debt or deficits.

When one listens to bonafide morons like Robert Third Reich or Paul Definitely not an Apostle Krugman, the concept of tax cuts causing debt starts to sound real to humans with IQ’s that never surpass, let alone arrive, at one hundred.

Of course we should expect this from the short bus Progressives.

They cannot decide on Latino or Hispanic.

They just know the term Mexican is “bigotry”.

Of course Mexican is a Nationality (also known as Citizens of Mexico) and Latino/Hispanic is a figment of Liberal La Raza imagination.

Kind of like Democratic-Socialism.

Speaking of sub or stupid humans Bernie Sanders decided to crawl out from under his rock to tell us President Donald Trump should now step down due to complaints by numerous women.

Liberal Land must be quite a place.

Sanders, who stated women fantasize about being raped while men fantasize about raping women is probably the Democratic Presidential favorite for 2020.

To be accurate he didn’t just state this.


Oy vey.

Still, some females believe Sanders is a voice for “their” gender.

Yes indeed these are Nasty Women.

Of course they are.  How else did Weiner, Lauer, Rose, and Associates hang around for so long.

Speaking of nasty vermin Colin Kaepernick was named Gastritis Quarantine’s Man of the Year.

Well done GQ.

He is a stomach virus.

Let’s send him to Guantanamo Bay where he can take a knee five times a day while spending time with Hamas, a group he did indeed endorse, for education, enlightenment, and execution.

Aloha Snackbar.

Traitors, traitors, everywhere there’s traitors.

President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and Hamas called for a day of rage.

My only question is how would that be different from any other 24 period?

What a bunch of parasites.  Without Israel the garbage wouldn’t even be picked up in “Palestine”.

Sounds like “Authority” to me.

Can’t handle their own filth, but are in a rush, to “handle” 72 virgins.

Speaking of filth Stuart Smalley decided to take the floor of the Senate to again prove he isn’t good enough, he isn’t smart enough and doggone it people don’t like him.

Sadly I have no doubt the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes will soon find another loon.

After decades of abusing women, John Conyers, decided to “retire” due to exhaustion.

According to Nancy Pelosi he is an icon.

Of course she thinks terrorists are humanitarians, and that the United States Constitution is Sharia Compliant, but shouldn’t that kind of terminology be saved for a Kennedy, a Clinton, or a Weinstein.

I know the Dems like their molesters but icon?

I know someone is being conned.

Speaking of cons the FBI continues to prove that they are indeed a “progressive organization” and that their acronym needs to be changed to FUBAR just like the rest of the Liberal world.

Finally, a big election is “rolling” through Alabama next week.

According to the mainstream media, otherwise known as Pravda, it is a choice between a “child molesting rapist and a Democrat”.

Putting aside the redundancy, this one is easy.

Bring it home Alabama.

War Roy Moore.

Jason Kraus

And then there were none….

I don’t think a day goes by where I don’t read, see, or hear from the media how horrible white men are.

The Nation of Islam called for the killing of all white people in America while Obama was President.

Barack never said a word.

Recently a “nurse” decided to tweet this piece of work:  “Every white woman raises a detriment to society when they raise a son. Someone with the HIGHEST propensity to be a terrorist, rapist, racist, killer, and domestic violence all star. Historically every son you had should be sacrificed to the wolves ….”

Well, okay then.

I don’t think nurses take the Hippocratic Oath but the concept of Do No Harm definitely missed this woman.

Still, this is happening in today’s world.  Many humans with black skin, brown skin, and bizarrely enough white skin calling for the killing and murdering of white males.

So, are white males the current and historical problem on Earth?

Would the world be a better place without white males?

Let us list a few and see.

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Jesus Christ.

Adam Smith.

Benjamin Franklin.

Louis Pasteur

Abraham Lincoln.

Albert Einstein.

Jonas Salk.

Robert Oppenheimer.

George S. Patton.

Frankly I could do this all day and night.  I haven’t even scratched the surface of the blight known as the “white male”.

Had these twelve white males been “murdered” or “sacrificed to the wolves” today’s world would not exist.

Many humans of all “colors” are doing nothing more than taking up space and are living in today’s comfort because of the aforementioned twelve and millions of other “white males”  historically known as the American Soldier.

Can’t you just hear the Nazis thumping their chests,”That’s right! White men are the right men!”

These idiots, who need to gather in a group of twenty-five to provide a full set of teeth, have no idea who those men were and how important they are.

If Hitler’s Youth had their way they’d have killed the “white men” also known as Jews.

That list would start with Jesus and include Salk, Oppenheimer and Einstein.

Look at that. The bigots known as Black Lives Matter and the Nazis have something else in common other than IQ’s below 85.

Good call!

Let’s kill off the geniuses and the Man whose life was so influential the measurement of TIME began.

We can head back to the caves and the bush and check each other for head lice while dying from Hepatitis A or in other words a Friday night in parts of Southern California.

Stupid White Men.

Sit down and shut up.

Stop curing polio.

Stop saving homes and lives from lightning strikes.

Stop alternating currents.  Stop creating modern physics.  That Theory of Relativity stuff is garbage.

Stop explaining Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, and Tyranny otherwise known as Western Civilization.

Stop all forms of travel by car, ship, plane, or rocket.

Stupid Wright Brothers.

Pathetic Henry Ford.

What were you thinking Neil Armstrong? A small step for Man?

Sit down Cracker!

For the love of God stop preventing the spread of disease by creating vaccines for a wide variety of things including mumps, measles, rubella, whooping cough, rabies and anthrax.

Just stop.

The “nurses” and the Nazis can’t take it anymore.

Then again I have a better idea.

How about all the white men, black men, and brown men known as AMERICAN keep working hard, saving our money, and being beneficial to others and prepare to deal with La Raza, Black Lives Matter, the Klan, Nazi’s, and the Nation of Islam in one big purging package.

These groups are all committing treasonous acts.

Morally that makes them parasites.

Legally that makes them traitors and punishable by execution.

As I’ve stated in the past rope is recyclable.

Let’s do our part to save the planet.

I’m quite sure General Patton would approve.

His only question would be “What the hell took you ‘sons of bitches’ so long?”

Jason Kraus

The Choice is a simple one

A few days ago I saw a comment that stated “Alabama Republicans would rather vote for a sexual deviant than a Democrat.”

I thought about it for a second.  I wasn’t sure at whom they were taking the shot.

I’m neither a voter in Alabama or a Republican (I’m an AMERICAN) but I’d never vote for a Democrat in any circumstance.


Now, I don’t know if Roy Moore is guilty.  The things being said aren’t good.  Of course the man has been in politics in Alabama for decades so it seems pretty convenient for the Liberals (Swamp) that nothing was said about this until AFTER the 2017 Republican Primary was finished.

So, how does one vote? Who does one believe?

A man accused of assaults on women or the Anti-American Party known as Democrat that’s been assaulting women for decades.

Let’s put a pin in that one for a moment.

A couple of weeks ago I was talking with a friend.  Smart guy, hard worker, quality human.  He relayed a story to me about his experience with “public bussing” back in the 60’s.  He’d been one of the students sent to a different school.  Upon his exiting the bus he was jumped by multiple “students” and had to fight his way through his first day at the new school.

Needless to say it was a rough experience, he gave as good as he got, but still took a pretty bad beating.

Our conversation turned to current affairs and he stated that although he agreed with Trump on many issues he wished he would stop using his Twitter account. He was tired of hearing and reading the “unpresidential” comments and statements.

I listened until he stopped and then started in.  I paraphrased Clausewitz, politics is an extension of war, that a war was actually taking place and that we were well beyond being nice or “presidential”.  I then asked him a question.  If back in the schoolyard, when he was being beaten by multiple people, had someone jumped in and defended him would he have cared what they said or what they did.

“No way.  Wouldn’t have cared at all,” he answered.

“That’s Trump.  He jumped into the fight and started smashing people and giving us a chance to bar the door and regroup without  violence. As long as he doesn’t amnesty anyone I don’t care what he says.  He’s buying us some time.”

I left twenty minutes later.  On my way out my friend said, “you’ve given me something to think about.  I hear what you’re saying.”

Removing the pin let us return to the Alabama Senate election.

The Democrats are the gang surrounding Americans when they are alone and beating them with sticks while wearing hoods and hiding under the protection of thugs like UC Berkeley, Loretta Lynch’s Justice Department, Lois Lerner’s IRS, and James Comey’s/Jeff Sessions’s FBI.

Rules don’t matter, laws don’t matter, citizenship stopped mattering a long time ago.

There are currently only two choices for the United States Senator position in Alabama.

One who believes in the building of the Wall and deportations.

The other wants open borders and citizenship for all.

One has been accused of decades old crimes of which he has denied.

The other supports a sitting Senator who has admitted to assaulting women under the cover of comedy and uncovered by photography.

Liberalism is no laughing matter.

Just ask Kate Steinle’s family.

“Help me Dad,” were her last words.

Shot to death by an illegal invader who’d been deported multiple times.

Under Roy Moore, Kate Steinle, would still be alive.

Under the Democrats there will be more Kate Steinles.

“Help me Dad.”

Help her Alabama.

Help her now.

Jason Kraus

I wonder

Sometimes I wonder.  I wonder at the sunset and the sunrise.  I wonder at technology and how many stupid humans who’ve created nothing, think they deserve these incredible advances.

I wonder why a portion of the population believes the Earth is flat and the Moon landing never happened.

I wonder how many Liberals think Homo sapien is a slur.

I wonder how the crime of Rape (California Penal Code 261) became Sexual Harassment.

Maybe this happened when murdering American Soldiers at Fort Hood became work-place violence.

I wonder why humans with black skin, voted for a woman with white skin, who celebrated another woman with white skin, who championed their extinction.

I wonder why there are African-Americans but no African-Haitians, African-Somalis, or African-Egyptians.

I wonder why Barack Obama hugged and gave a eulogy for a Klan member but Donald Trump is the bigot.

I wonder why most teachers in the United States don’t know which type of government America practices.

I wonder if JFK came up with “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” while sleeping with Marilyn Monroe.

Actually I don’t, I just thought we could use a comedic break.

I wonder why Nancy Pelosi thought Hamas was a Humanitarian Organization.

I wonder if she confused them with the Nation of Islam.

They both want humans, that look like her, dead.

I wonder if the IQ of George W. Bush actually hits 100.

I doubt it but I wonder.

I wonder why wearing cotton is fine but a picture of cotton is racist.

I wonder how having a Late Term Abortion is Progress.

I wonder if Jeff Sessions is a coward or part of the Swamp.

I wonder why a shotgun is a rifle but an AR-15 is an Assault.

I wonder how many people think the AR in AR-15 means Assault Rifle.

I wonder why La Raza is fine but the National Anthem is racist.

I don’t wonder why homosexual men are in much better shape than homosexual women.

I do wonder why the Government decided that was important to study.

I don’t wonder why Bernie Sanders thinks men and women fantasize about raping and being raped.

I do wonder why Millenials think he is cool.

I wonder if the “women in Hollywood” screaming about “the culture that enables these men” understand they are the culture enabling these men.

I wonder if the #MeToo crowd knows the # also means pound.

I wonder if Roy Moore is guilty.  I know Al Franken is.

I wonder why everyone in Hollywood is saying they’ve been raped, assaulted or molested but no one is going to jail.

I wonder when Kevin Spacey will gain seventy-five pounds and be cast as Harvey Weinstein.

I wonder how long it will be before they both move to France to figure out how Polanski pulled it off.

I wonder if Americans will be willing to save France AGAIN.

I wonder how much longer it will take France to figure out the National Socialist German Workers Party and Islam are the same damn thing.

I wonder how much longer we will have to hit two for Spanish.

I wonder if a three will be added for Ebonics or Mandarin.

I wonder how 23 and Me says it is possible to be 17% Hispanic, 22% Native American but 0% AMERICAN.

I wonder if the guy that named his kid ESPN makes him take a knee.

I wonder if Michael Jackson’s white glove confused the Black Panthers.

I wonder when Americans will realize Public Unions aren’t looking out for the Public.

I wonder why Facebook sold ads to the Russians but no one is going after Mark Zuckerberg.

I wonder how many humans it would take before Hank Johnson realized Guam isn’t a teeter-totter.

I wonder if Congressman Johnson’s IQ is even measurable and if so is it higher than a potted plant.

I know the humans who voted him are higher than a kite.

I wonder if a Liberal was handed a rifle would they scream “assault” or sexual harassment.

I wonder if the person who sued McDonald’s for their coffee being too hot realizes they should have ordered covfefe.

I wonder why most government workers in Washington D.C. aren’t “essential” yet they are the majority employed.

I wonder who actually wrote the Red States Blue States United States line for Obama because I know it wasn’t him.

I wonder if snorting all that coke with the Choom Gang is why Obama speaks in monosyllabic verse with every other word being “uh”.

I wonder about the “Races”.

If there is a White Race, a Black Race, a Brown Race and thanks to the bigot Springsteen a Yellow Race what happens when the “Races” run together.

Is it a 100 yard dash? A marathon? Does everyone get participation colors? Is this when Red, Orange, Blue, and Green finally get their chance to shed the discrimination of being part of the rainbow or maybe the Red White and Blue gets to shed the insanity of it all.

I wonder when the Mainstream Media will start breaking Humans down into Tan, Beige, Olive, or Mauve.

Oh wait, they did, sans Mauve.  They call them Latino, Hispanic, or Asian-American.

I don’t wonder about Mauve…I just wanted to say it.


I wonder if the Democrats take the House will they try and impeach President Trump.

I wonder if we will let them.

Actually I don’t wonder about that at all.

Jason Kraus


Last Sunday many of you enjoyed the poetry found in my weekly column. I thought I would take the “rap” concept of rants and rhymes, while dropping dimes, and have a little more fun.

I have very specific rules when I write.
In creating cRAP I threw most of them out.

Before I began I did a quick search of the best “rap lyrics”.

For me to use any of them I’d have to throw out ALL of my rules as well as any sense of humanity.

Just can’t do that.

When it comes to the gutter…well if I’m in it I’m done talking.

So with a touch of a grin, let the facts begin.


Rapping ain’t hard, they aint no rules, just thump a beat and Shaqtin a fool.

When Biggie is Smalls and Tupac’s a poet, 420’s to blame, dontcha know it.

Legalize it all, pot cures cancer, as crumpled up cash spanks the local dancers.

A bleach blond bimbo dropping bombs on ladies, Slim Shady say what, let’s rob Haiti.

His name is what? His name is what? His name is Jan Brady.

Marcia Marcia Marcia you make me yack, Stan, Afghan, Lieutenant Dan, sounds like Chiraq.

Whatchoo talking bout Willis asked Gary C, forty years later, still no Hillary.

Dems subhuman, approvin vacuumin’, late bort tombin’ rose no bloomin’, “blacks and the poor” headstone groomin’.

Margaret Sanger, Bill’d banger, back alley hangers, but say no to mangers, heaven can wait, too much danger,

Her name is what? Her name is what? Her name is Ben Gatey.

Black lives matter, yeah says who, clowns that can’t spell Pinnie the Wooh?

Rick with a P, itch with a B, I just named Barack, and Jay Zee.

Aks me no questions I’s tells you no lies, if you know what I said, then yes, I’d like fries.

Bert and Ernie taught the ABC’s, now theys a Bernie teaching social disease.

Castro’s cool, Che all hail, Weinstein’s cash kept him out of jail.

Misogyny progeny, slope slippin’ Obamany, leading to neuropathy down the drain of progressive monopoly.

Ben, Matt, and George were all aware, but keep it real yo, bare mare is fair.

They got theirs, Harvey got his, who’s to care, not the Libs.

See rapping is easy cuz rules don’t matter, when strikes aren’t called everyone’s a batter.

We have a fungus among us,in the Waters Maxine, you know Bill’d hit that, back in his teens.

Damn right that last line’s crass, but “everyone’s doing it”, showing they ass.

Puckered lips, nips that slip, underwear strips, pants don’t fit, Portlanders on trips, too many hits, internet pimps, Bloods and Crips all ripping off Gladys Knight and the Pips.

Their name is what? Their name is what? Their name is Blank Slatey.

Locke or Rousseau, Naughty by Natcha, it’s called the truth, not cause I hatcha.

Unhappy, don’t blame me, you’re a member of society.

For a picture clearer, find a mirror, Lady Liberty’s screaming, HEAR HER.

Give rap a shot, it just aint hard, theys all sound like a bunch of tards.

Grills of gold, neck tats to remind us, what idiots sound like with gingivitis.

Yes I know, I enunciate, I come from the sticks where we don’t procreate.

Like rabbits in heat, EBT cheats, behavior repeats, sheep on the bleat, progressive peeps dropping kids on the street, with promises of free meat and wheat.

Spin your lies, your tales of woe, just stop “spitting” about bitches and hoes, spend more time at Fishes and Loaves.

Crystal and cash, like a bunch of chumps, not long ago ya begged, for the money of Trump.

Now with no basis, he’s a racist, who’s faithless, froth the saneless, meth and Khat make it painless.

What the fuss, shook my head in disgust, how long is that short bus?

That bus is yuge, the stench is strong, can hear em now, bring on the gong.

This ain’t rap, dis is lyrics, you need a beat to hear us, cheer us, fear us.

Oh word baby bird, you’ve been heard, you just don’t know the difference, between nouns and verbs.

Let’s stop pretendin’ and spendin and focus on the endin’.

Those that are left better focus on the mendin’.

Through the char, bars, scars, crashed cars, and D.O.R’s your time, is now “ares”.

Yes that should’ve been OURS…FO SHO.

But if I didn’t tell you, YOU’D NEVER KNOW.

Be skinning that truth, just like the cat, not some candy baking, shady making, parasitic gnat.

Peace out and word to your mums, progressive harlots raising bums in slums.

That’s right I just said it, not that it matters, you can’t “red” it.

Chuck D, K Stevie, Greggie P, Slick Willie, Dems love OPP, Dindunuffin says Hillary.

Their name is what? Their name is what? Their name is slut shaming, hate baiting, masters of, fake ratings.

No you aren’t the bee knees, playa please, too much Democracy, too much cheese.

Keep yo fists in the air, youse so rare, antifa memes, la raza preens, you sound like CAIR.

Or maybe OJ, it just don’t fit, screaming bout healthcare, welfare, and gubmint.

Child molestation, deforestation, an angry nation screaming we’re not Haitian.

A Corey pleas and calls for help, Hollywood is silent, won’t even check Yelp.

Trump said pussy, on the tape, Bernie wrote it down, women like rape.

By three different men, at the same time, liberals just laughed, that isn’t a crime.

See I told ya, this isn’t hard, DC and Acting, a House of Cards.

But dis aint rap, youse didn’ rhyme bigga.

You’re right I didn’t.

Go figga.

Socrateez, please, another gangsta with a sheet, Play Doh who, cracker jus beat feet.

Creator of Western Civilization?

Nope dope, indoctrination, besides we got Kanye Nation, just tripping yo, we gots Play Station.

And that ain’t all, Libs got Snoop, the dawg added izzle, to all the poop.

Shnizzle, my dizzle, little bizzle, nizzle, pizzagateglizzle.

Ah the swan song from the smokers bong, “can’t we all just get along?”

I’m not burdened with the yearning or the turning, cheek’s just fine, it’s all good, I’ll pass on the wine, sober minds would.

I’ve scratched the itch, and relieved my chest, have an American day and God bless.

For those who are Atlas and holding the boulder, you aren’t alone.

Shoulder to Shoulder.

That should do it, no reason or rhyme, we stick to it.

One voice at a time

Jason Kraus