The Release of Ego

It is truly amazing the topics over which some humans fight. The battle over things such as skin color, which no one can control, to the fight over abortion, which is quite controllable.

Maybe it is inherent to the human animal to battle, then again that may be necessary as the only thing more abhorrent than war are those unwilling to fight to be free. Oppression is historical and commonplace around the world.

Too many Americans are trapped by their own doing here as well.

Should a soul, that requires to be free, protect and defend those who have no such requirements, and if so, how?

How does the good man or woman stop the abuse of those who abuse themselves?

Who ignore the gift of Free Will and the knowledge provided from millenniums of human experience and a collection of brilliant minds?

Should the horse be forced to quench its thirst, or rather allowed to lay next to the water, and ignore every instinct to survive?

Natural selection would say the animal stay as it lay in the situation of its own making, to succeed or fail, depending upon its choice(s).

That those whom survive, are stronger for the struggle, and those who do not, take their genetics with them, so as not to weaken the species.

Too many are being “forced to drink” which has weakened the animal known as Human, and degraded the intellectual curiosity, of the citizen known as American, that propels societies forward.

Due to this degenerative time in history, hubris has replaced humility. The concept of Leadership known as giving credit and taking blame has been discarded in its entirety.

For another age of enlightenment to occur, we must use very specific terminology to explain and propel our way of life forward, secure in the fact, that not all will sustain the journey.

New terminology will not be necessary. The usage of Ego will suffice.

Humans with detrimental behavior will always have “small” egos.  As the human grows and is aware of their own behavior, and how it touches others, ego can either strengthen, a positive response, or shrink, a negative response.

Those with growing egos are supportive, loving, strong humans that understand their own needs and desires and fulfill them without doing harm to themselves or anyone else.

Those with small egos are boisterous, loud, abusive, braggarts who abuse themselves and others. They are the genetic misfirings that have grown from decades of immorality, rationalization, justification and a lack of consequences.

It is the process of evolving or devolving.

The process of devolving is found everywhere today and sadly will continue to create an incredible amount of pain.

It is the evolution of the Ego that we need to understand and then pursue as the strengthening of the Ego is not the final step.

The final step is the release of Ego.

The evolution of the Human who accepts that the horse may not drink, yet still explains that the water is available.

It is the release of hubris and the acceptance of humility.

The understanding that all questions have answers but not all questions need answering.

It is time for a new way, a better path, and that with the grace of God we goeth.

Humble in our behavior, ferocious in our service, and loyal to our beliefs.

Jason Kraus

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