
Please read and share my articles to those you feel are ready to move with us “Shoulder to Shoulder” in rebuilding our great nation.

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Simply put the definition of Democracy is the Majority ruling over the Minority.  You may get some pseudo-intellectuals (lawyers/professors)  pontificating around the edges but stripping away all the noise Democracy is about the Majority dictating to the Minority. Those in the Majority think this is great...those in the Minority...not so ...
Recently I listened to Chris Matthews of MSNBC state "the Democrats want the border open for the votes and the Republicans want it open for the cheap labor". Chris Matthews has said many things that are wrong but on this one he is absolutely correct...and everyone knows it. When I ...
It appears the political world has decided Donald Trump is a powerful force.  DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus,  among many, have waded in with attacks in the Donald sweepstakes. "News" organizations such as FOX, CNN, and MSNBC have filled their airwaves with Trump quotes hoping ...
While in Oklahoma doors continued to open as lovers of freedom and readers of Late Bird spread the word all over the country.  Never doubt the strength of one American voice. Your voice.  My voice. OUR voice! Shoulder to shoulder. One voice at a time. The call of America has ...
Recently as I finished speaking with an office manager at a local successful business I was asked about my trip to Oklahoma. "I'm heading out to meet Americans face to face.  We've got some problems to fix." Behind me a young yet powerful voice resonated through the room. "Barack Obama ...
To anyone not in these United States, even the oppressors, America is equated with Freedom. Dictators and tyrants abhor freedom so they in return abhor America. This is something those of us who pay attention understand. People who practice Systemic Human Oppression such as Communism or Islam, regardless of nation ...
Back in my twenties I was a Sheriff's Deputy assigned to a County jail for a little while. One day a very rambunctious inmate who'd been caught smuggling items while working as a "trustee" (I know...hilarious) decided losing his privilege of being outside the jail every day wasn't enough and ...
I believe I was ten, maybe eleven. My family was visiting my aunt and uncle in Lakewood, CA. Standing outside in the front yard with my younger female cousin a voice erupted from across the street. "Hey Fatso!" I heard. I looked across the street. Who was this kid talking ...
The truth can be an interesting thing. When embraced it can bring strength and peace. I make it a point to write or speak about things that are true. Unfortunately some people simply cannot handle the truth because it doesn't fit their narrative. Let me give an example. The 1st ...
Exiting my local gym a few days ago I paused and looked to my left.  A Prius was idling (maybe it was parked, you can't hear them).  On the back of the bumper was a sticker that said Faux News in big bold letters and in parentheses below (FOX News) ...
With Barack Obama readily admitting there is no plan for ISIS, or ISIL, Sunni or Shiite Islam, while sending more American troops to Iraq, the "Do Nothing Congress" (as maligned by uninformed progressives. This Congress has approved Obama's more than doubling of the debt)  actually stopped (for the time being) ...
Black lives matter. No they don't. No life matters because of the color of one's skin. White lives matter. Nope. All lives matter. Wrong. This is another gift from the progressives in the Boomer Generation. Everyone is important.  Everyone has something to offer.  Everyone is unique and talented in their ...
An article this week was written about a poll that proclaimed George "Mission Accomplished" Bush was slightly more popular than Barack "if I had a son he'd look like Trayvon" Obama. And? This is like asking your preference between testicular or rectal cancer. I think I'll pass on both. According ...
Chris ("thrill up my leg" at the site of Obama) Matthews once stated it was impossible for black humans to be racist because "they" didn't have the "power". So many things wrong with this sentence...and that man. But it appears this false premise (lie) has now become part of the ...
While America focused on how much air should be in an NFL football and Kanye West being bleeped off stage at the Billboard Awards, the Republican Party joined with Barack Obama to cost America more jobs through more "free trade" (Trans Pacific Partnership) with countries who continue to oppress their ...
If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around does it make any noise? I remember hearing this question as a young person.  I was fascinated by the idea of action-reaction or action-consequence, depending on your taste. I've watched and heard many trees fall. When I was ...
Although I have written and spoken about this quite a bit I have been trying to write another article on the abolishing of income tax and the benefits it will generate to not only the American worker but to American companies and eventually free societies everywhere as the individual has ...
I was asked recently..."when are you running for President?" I am not "running" for President. I am offering to serve America. I will do so with ferocity and humility but trust me when I say there will be no "running" before, during, or after. America doesn't "run". We ROAR!!! Do ...
What a fascinating time in the world. Sometimes it feels as though I am watching a horror flick where the music becomes darker and the actor starts to turn a handle on a door that you know they shouldn't be opening.  Some people will scream at the TV, "NO! Do ...
To whom much is given much is expected. I was given the gift of being born an American and blessed with two parents who loved me. Much was given.  Much is expected. On Monday I sat with and was interviewed by a lovely woman (Danna Dennis Wilberg)and her talented crew ...

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