The Whole World’s Gone Country

For an American such as myself there seems to be a never ending stream of items to discuss. 

The RONA allegedly resurfaced but only in areas where “protests” weren’t taking place.

Maybe those people are sick enough.

According to reports most cell phones now have a COVID 19 tracker.

The key word here is TRACKER.

It’s getting interesting to say the least.

The mask wearing started again but only for those who are either too stupid or too scared to accept the fact that they are cutting the amount of oxygen that their bodies need to survive.

I was in a store where an overweight man, pushing a cart full of death, was wheezing under his veil. 

I almost stopped and told him to remove his affectation but what’s the point.

Libs need consequences for their actions besides I don’t do free therapy anymore.

For those of you who’ve been with me for a while you know I was very clear and even did videos on “mask wearing.”

Anyone wearing a cover-up is inhibiting the amount of oxygen one needs and at the same time making your heart work harder to get said oxygen. When this occurs you of course take deeper breaths which INCREASES the chance that you will inhale material, fibers and yes viruses.

Wearing a mask is not only psychosomatic, it is harmful to your health.

It took the medical community a while to get beyond their fear of being ostracized but there are now PLENTY of Doctors who will tell you EXACTLY what I stated months ago.

Stop wearing the masks where you can.

I know many have employers or customers who are requiring this.

We all have choices to make.

Do the best you can in the situation you are in and get that mask off as fast as possible.

With all that this week ended up being a throw back to an old Alan Jackson song “The whole world’s gone country” as a college running back in Oklahoma called out his coach for watching One America News.

The coach proceeded to apologize for everything except wearing a mullet. 

Come on Billy Ray Cyrus. 

Now there’s a man who has a lot to apologize for.

Lady Antebellum made the melodramatic choice to change their name to Lady A after the dolts, who’ve made millions under this moniker, were told that Antebellum was attached to slavery.

That’s a bit of a stretch, but if they are truly serious they need to give up all of their money, bow down to Farrakhan, proclaim that White People are the Devil and go give free concerts in Minneapolis without security.

In for a penny in for a pound Lady Autonomous.

Let’s see how long you last in the “Zone”.

As if that wasn’t “country” enough, the just returned Dixie Chicks, decided that Dixie was “racist” and had to go.

They are now the Chicks.

How Liberally misogynistic of them.

I’m sure the “rapper” Huey is quite pleased . . . oh wait . . . he was Popped, Locked and Dropped but that’s okay because whoever shot him wasn’t carrying a Confederate Flag, Law Enforcement or White.

Don’t you just love it when Country and C RAP crossover.

The new Country where instead of losing your wife, house, car and dog you lose yo bitch, yo crib, yo ride and Michael Vick.

Nascar decided to show its “Wokeness” in its support of a Bubba who was triggered by a rope tied to a garage door.

One could only imagine if Whiny Wallace ever walked into a Strings.

Never mind the rope had been there for at least a year and hundreds if not thousands of people had passed by without an issue.


Ol Black Lives Matter Bubba “raced” to CNN where he found a safe space in the squeeze of Don Lemon. 

The same arms that embraced his brother Jussie not too long ago.

If that wasn’t enough the Liberal Karen’s and Casper’s, the unfriendliest ghosts you know, ran to their computers and ferociously called for the beating, rape and murder of the phantom lone knot weaver who apparently stalked Chubba Bubba and left a calling card twelve months in advance of a man who only makes left turns, and according to his record, does so quite poorly.

Not sure how one would do this but the clairvoyance of this fictional character, to know exactly which garage would be cry baby Bubba’s, is damn impressive and if we can find this twine winder I’d like to ask when we will finally get some prosecutions of the many criminals in today’s Washington D. C. 

Oh Jason, we all know the answer to that. 


While Juicy’s Nigerian cohorts in Chicago were reportedly going to turn on him Ol Hubba Bubba the Hamas Supporter started to feel the heat as the White Liberal Guilt that had rushed to his defense (Richard The Dick Petty) was now licking its wounds around the Klan table muttering about being “Jussied” again.

Liberals are either the stupidest form of sub-human on the planet or they have the worst luck.

They so badly want to genuflect for the “oppressed black man” to cleanse their guilt ridden souls of the pampering, the privilege, the trophies and free toilets for all business men in Philly who have neither a business or clients, but cannot seem to find an actual BLACK MAN to extol who hasn’t lied, cheated, robbed or killed someone.

Yes looking at you OJ or as another hero/creation of Affirmative Action once asked, “Can’t we all just get along?”

We sure can Rodney, as soon as you stop racing down the freeway at three digits high on crack. 

Fortunately for all of us Mr. King was joined by Can’t Breathe George, ensuring at a minimum, the greater safety for pregnant women and their babies.

Something Progressives kill every day. 

Come on already dumb White Libs.

If you truly “love the Black Man” with your best Jerry Maguire voice, and hated Donald Trump, you could have delivered my first choice as a Presidential candidate.

All you had to do was change your affiliation to Republican and then vote properly. 

Had you done so and then repeated that process in the General a man named Dr. Benjamin Carson would now be President.

Alas, you couldn’t do that! 

Dr. Carson, a Neurosurgeon, isn’t your kind of Black now is he.

He’s humble, successful, articulate and wise. 

You White Libs can’t have a Black man with those qualities. 

In fact you have a name for these Individuals. 

You call them DAN’s and TOM’s.

I know AMERICANS around the country reading this now are asking what is a DAN but you White Liberals know because it was you who came up with the term.

Biden called Obama “clean” and you White Libs thought that was funny.

Obama gave a eulogy for a Klan member and all you white Libs snickered about keeping the “boy in his place.” 

Now the “DAN’s” as you call them are turning on you as you race to kiss their feet, call traitors heroes, and shine their shoes.

Get off your knees Chik-fil-a and to all you wanna be Alpha Males out there, looking at you Bret Pill Popping, Alcoholic, philandering FAVRRRREEEE and no Mary still doesn’t want you. 

If any human drops to a Nike Layoffs knee Kaepernick style, and tries to shine your shoes, be an actual MAN and stand them up.

Look them in the eye, tell them they are free, live in the greatest country in the history of Man and to never bow or scrape. 


Otherwise all who willingly take advantage of those on their knees will be forced to join them as the traitors they are to Freedom, to America, to simple human decency.

Keep wearing those Antifa hoods and Black Lives Matter masks Liberals.

They’ll make great targets after you’ve defunded all the cops.

Jason Kraus

Defund Police for Muslim Rule in Minneapolis?

by Daveda Gruber:

Addressing the elephant in the room on Tuesday, Representative Steve Green R-MN., said that Antifa and Muslim organizations plan to “police Minneapolis under Muslim rule.”

Two weeks ago the Minneapolis City Council voted to abolish the city’s police force. So what does the city have in mind to replace current law enforcement?

Green has stated, “What you’re looking at, in my humble opinion, is communism moving into Minneapolis and St. Paul.”

Green went on to say that Antifa and Muslim organizations plan to “police Minneapolis under Muslim rule.”

The New York Times reported that “many have called for relying more on self-policing by the community, in the way attendees often do at events like music festivals, with the police stepping in only when a true emergency arises. Some cited as an example how, in the days after the killing of Mr. Floyd, teams made up of dozens of members of the American Indian Movement patrolled streets and directed traffic in the Little Earth housing community in Minneapolis.”

In 2016 Minneapolis Muslims in man-on-the-street interviews openly say that they preferred Islamic law over American law.

Sharia patrols are common in Germany, Britain, and even New York City.

In New York City there is a Muslim Community Patrol (MCP). They wear uniforms that closely resemble New York Police Department uniforms. They also drive cars that appear, at a glance, to look like NYPD cars.

They enforce the “fundamentals of the Sharia.”

Siraj Wahhaj, who is a Muslim leader said, “The mosques need protection and the MCP cars can help stop people who were not following the rules and regulations of the sharia, doing what they’re not supposed to be doing, but still doing it.”

A Muslim man with the MCP said, “Muslim women being out after dark, Muslim men hanging out in the corners doing dope, Muslims drinking liquor,” and enforcing, “basically, the fundamentals of the Sharia.”

If Muslims patrols are initiated in Minneapolis, they would probably perform in the same manner.

Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar’s 5th Congressional District is the jihad terror recruitment capital of the United States. Sharia law promotes waging war against and subjugate unbelievers so, it isn’t likely to be a priority to stop young Muslim men who engage in jihad activities.

Islam historically has never had any difficulty coexisting with authoritarian governments and can coexist with Antifa enforcers.

Minnesota state Democratic Representative, Mohamud Noor of Minneapolis, didn’t repute Green’s statements.

Noor has said that rather than talk about things that inflame people and create division, Minnesota needs to address the challenge before it.

He said, “Talk of Antifa/Islamic rule in Minneapolis might “inflame people,” so keep quiet. Keep quiet, that is, if you oppose such an eventuality, not if you favor it.”

Noor went on to say, “Minnesota is awake. They understand the challenges; they have been hearing the challenges for far too long. And we can’t wait any longer.”

Green seems to have hit the nail on the head and it appears that things are moving along in the direction he has stated.

How many Democratic cities will eventually have Muslim policing? How long will it take before the Muslim policing increases and infiltrates the Christian and Jewish communities?

Folks, the numbers of Muslims in America has grown. The numbers of Muslims in government is staggering.

I wrote an article that names all the Muslim members in U.S. government.

Here is the link if you are interested in seeing:

The Islamification of America

I call on all Conservative Americans to vote in droves on November 3rd. Vote for Republican candidates. Vote out the Democrats and Muslims.

Vote RED down the line and save American values.

Stay free! Keep America Great! #Trump2020!

Follow @DavedaGruber on Twitter.

Do New Strzok Notes Given to Flynn Lawyer Exonerate Flynn?

by Daveda Gruber:

Former fired FBI agent Peter Strzok penned notes and they have been turned over to Sydney Powell and the legal team of General Michael Flynn.

The former national security adviser, Flynn, is still involved and his freedom at stake in the ongoing case against him.

FOX News claims that Powell has stated that the documents further exonerate Flynn.

A notice of discovery correspondence between acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin and the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Tuesday, along with a letter from Sherwin to Powell and Flynn attorney Jesse Binnall was obtained by FOX News.

According to FOX News, Sherwin and assistant U.S. Attorney Jocelyn Ballantine wrote, “As we have previously disclosed, beginning in January 2020, the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri [EDMO] has been conducting a review of the Michael T. Flynn investigation. The enclosed document was obtained and analyzed by USA EDMO during the course of its review.”

They went on to write, “This page of notes was taken by former Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok. While the page itself is undated; we believe that the notes were taken in early January 2017, possibly between January 3 and January 5. These materials are covered by the Protective Order entered by the Court on February 21, 2018; additional documents may be forthcoming.”

The contents of the documents could not be disclosed because of a protective order but there are two hand written pages and they are heavily redacted.

Justice Department (DOJ) and Flynn’s lawyers continue to fight to try to get the case against him dismissed before a judge who is considering it.

Last month the Justice Department made a move to drop its case against Flynn. that decision was made after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case. That included newly discovered and disclosed information pertaining to the case.

DOJ officials have said that they concluded that Flynn’s interview by the FBI was not tethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Flynn.

It is also alleged that the interview was conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.

On January 22, 2017, Flynn was sworn in as the National Security Advisor.

On February 13, 2017, he resigned after information surfaced that he had misled the FBI and Vice President Mike Pence about the nature and content of his communications with Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak.

On May 22, 2017, Flynn rejects an order to hand over documents.

Invoking his right against self-incrimination, Flynn declined to comply with a Senate subpoena of emails and other records related to any dealings with Russians, as part of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election

Flynn enters a plea deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Then between December 1, 2017 and December 4, 2018, Flynn participates in nineteen interviews with lawyers from the special counsel’s office or the Department of Justice.

That leads to injustice at its peak in the prosecution of Flynn.

U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri Jeff Jensen said in a statement last month, “Through the course of my review of General Flynn’s case, I concluded the proper and just course was to dismiss the case. I briefed Attorney General Barr on my findings, advised him on these conclusions, and he agreed.”

The case still rests with the federal judge who is overseeing the case. That judge would have to make the final determination to dismiss it.

The wheels of justice move rather slowly.

Through investigating on my own, I’ve come to determine that Flynn was set up by the FBI.

It is difficult to imagine what Flynn and his family have gone through since certain people within the FBI sunk their viscous teeth into the General  who had a distinguished 33-year Army career that included top-level intelligence posts and promotion to the rank of three-star general.

I pray this new evidence, now fully reviewed by Powell, has some information that will lead to the exoneration of Flynn once and for all.

Truth and Bigotry

By now most casual news readers have come across a George Orwell attributed quote or thought somewhere on the internet.

One such idea is “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

For those of you who have been with me for a while you are acutely aware that the Truth is the only thing I produce.

The Truth can make some uncomfortable, and be brutal for others, but this is what we do here.

If I cannot prove it I don’t use it.

Each century of historical human behavior has its own level of deceit.

As things get “better” they also get “worse”.

Those that need this explained should head back to CNN or Yahoo News as the Truth is about to be released and there is no doubt “you can’t handle” it.

Black Lives Don’t Matter.

Never have. Never will.

I’m not going to explain this either as I have a simple rule with the stupid.

Never verbally engage a fool as one only double the fools in the conversation.

Be gone with you Keyboard Warriors.

You bore me.

“Black Men” in America kill more humans than any other color in the United States.

This is a bigoted FACT with actual statistics.

Try and make sense of that one.

The only factual argument against this is that life is an individual experience and no one should be grouped with another based on something with which they have no control (skin color) but that logic doesn’t seem to matter in “today’s” Orwellian world so Black Men are the ones that other humans, especially other Black Men and Women, should avoid to lessen the chances of being assaulted, robbed or killed.

Many across America are reading this now and asking,”Did he just say Black Men and Women should avoid other Black Men, and if they did so, would lessen their chances of being assaulted, robbed or killed?

According to the color coders, Jesse Jackson and FBI statistics the answer is resoundingly YES.

Right now Liberals are beside themselves, as they try to rationalize the usage of grouping humans by color, dealing with the facts of the behavior of said group and supporting the abortion of exactly that group.

Oh if only the Libs had listened to Hillary’s Hero known as Eugenics Margaret there wouldn’t be any Blacks at all by now . . . or poor White folk but that is TOO much truth for the Dems so let us step aside as they plummet down the rabbit hole.

Black Slave Labor did not build the United States.

Again as I’ve explained this ad nausem I’m not going to bother with a FACTUAL breakdown of history.

I will simply point to California (at least before the Libs took over) as being one of the top ten economies IN THE WORLD without one drop of Black Slave Labor.

Furthermore when the War Between the States was over a good portion of the South was burned to the ground and had to be rebuilt.

It was called Reconstruction and it was done by FREE men and women.

Facts are facts.

Progressives and White Guilt RINOS can keep blaming Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben but in the end syrup and rice are still going to be around.

The new call across Liberal Land is that Blacks must be in charge of everything, in order to right all the wrongs of the White Supremacist Nazi Klan world they’ve been forced to be in, because they were ripped from their original homes in Africa.

Again, let us not bother with the factual historical data of how the tribes sold captives of other tribes to slavers, many who were Muslim.

Let us just ignore the Muslims in America historically, and right now, who HATE these United States and want to see its demise.

Yes, looking at you Farrakhan and your disciples known as Ellison, Omar, Sarsour, Kaepernick and Obama.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Yes Liberals, this is easy to find on the Net as all of these names, and many more, support Hamas.

Some have called for the killing of Whites, Jews and Toms but let not the facts get in the way.

Let us continue with our skin color bigotry and point out that, “Africa” is filled with “Black Labor” and yet is the poorest “continent” on Earth.

I’ve never understood the usage of a land mass to explain humans but African-Americans do it all the time so let us also point out that Africa is filled with Black Humans and is the deadliest continent for humans to live on.

Hmmm . . . I’m sensing a trend of bigotry.

Africa is filled with “Blacks” and is the least safest place to live in the world.

“Blacks” in America kill more humans, including other “Blacks” than any other color in the U. S..

In fact cities that are run by “Blacks” including but not limited to Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, etc., rank as the most dangerous places to live, but as I mentioned before, the call is for “Blacks” to run everything.

From a color coded concept this does not appear to be a good idea but what do I know.

I’m just a crazy freckle faced ginger.

Still if “Blacks” were in charge what would happen to Affirmative Action, the Congressional Black Caucus, Guam?

Would it finally tip over?

Would Ebonics overtake Spanish?

Would OJ and Jussie finally come clean?

Would Dave Chappelle still call his kids little niggers and would that still be considered funny?

Would Dr. Ben Carson, a NEUROSURGEON, be treated as having one of the finest minds in his brethren, or would he continue to be called a Tom for his support of Donald Trump who interestedly enough received an NAACP award?

How would all this go?

Let’s take a look at Atlanta, soon to be referred to as The Night the Lights Went out in Georgia.

District Attorney-“Black”.


Cops are now refusing shifts, crimes is skyrocketing and that’s saying something in the Land of the Tomahawk Chop.

Reportedly their answer in Atlanta is “We are not answering 911 calls right now due to personnel issues.”

What to do, what to do?

Do we simply stand down and let the “Blacks” take over everything?

Doesn’t look too good in Compton, Oakland or Watts right now.


Maybe we take a “new” look at the idea of “color”.

Does having ancestors who were closer in proximity to the Sun matter?


Skin color, any skin color only matters to bigots.

A Black man in California is not responsible for the actions of a Black man in New York.

That is a fact.

Furthermore a Black man or woman who did not own slaves in either Africa or America is not responsible for a Black man or woman who did.

Neither are the Whites.

Still, if skin color is your primary concern, there are places one can go.

Whites can head to Canada as many who supported the King and dodged the Vietnam draft did.

Please take Joy Behar with you and make all of our dreams come true.

Blacks can head to Liberia.

No need to wait for Juneteenth.

Jason Kraus

Liberal Groups Warn Biden He Could Lose Election

by Daveda Gruber:

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee will receive a letter that was signed on Monday by over fifty left-leaning groups.

The groups feel that Biden’s response to the protests over the death of George Floyd were “far from sufficient” and that his past performance in the Senate needed to be addressed.

The letter, which was reported by The New York Post, states, “As a Senator, you not only supported but in many cases authored and championed laws that expanded mass incarceration, increased police powers, and exacerbated racial disparities in surveillance and sentencing. These laws broke apart Black communities and robbed many young Black people of a future. They are a part of the history that has led us to this moment, and their ongoing fallout has contributed to the outpourings of grief and anger we are seeing today.”

The letter goes on to condemn Biden’s present campaign commitment to add $300 million in funding for community policing programs. It also says that Biden’s campaign stance described as a Harding-like “return to normalcy” is insufficient.

The letter states that Biden cannot win the election without the enthusiasm of Black voters.

You can see the entire letter here:

Besides the Black vote becoming more of a challenge, Biden is constantly ridiculed for his gaffs, and there are many.

Within his own party, Biden faces more Progressive members whom have called for aggressive anti-police measures. They want defunding, or even abolishing, police forces.

The broader electorate disagree with radical measures.

Biden has called on Congress to pass a law banning the use of chokeholds by police. He would also like to see a stop to giving police forces military weapons.

The former Vice President would like to create a model “use of force” standard and to improve oversight and accountability of police forces.

In a recent USA Today op-ed, Biden said, “While I do not believe federal dollars should go to police departments violating people’s rights or turning to violence as the first resort, I do not support defunding police. The better answer is to give police departments the resources they need to implement meaningful reforms, and to condition other federal dollars on completing those reforms.”

It appears Biden has a deep hole that he has to climb out of because his presumptive voters are not all in agreement with all of his polices and beliefs.

One can imagine Biden clawing out of the basement and peeking around to see if everything was safe, comes to mind.

November is not that far away but I wouldn’t be looking forward to the debates with President Trump that will precede the presidential election, if I were Biden.

Trump 2020

New Cases of COVID-19 in Minneapolis & St. Paul?

by Daveda Gruber:

There has been a lot of mass protests after the death of George Flyod and people were all rather close; some wore masks but some of the protestors did not.

We’ve heard from health officials across the country and they have predicted many new cases would arise. They have also injected fear into people over this.

Minnesota health officials are conducting coronavirus tests for protesters at four sites in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Testing for COVID-19 has risen because of the protests, rioting and looting. More than 1,300 people who protested Minnesota’s Twin Cities and the results may surprise some people.

Very few new cases are showing. More than 3,300 protesters have gone to be tested and 40 percent, or about 1,300 have received their test results.

Only about 1.4 percent tested positive for the virus.

On Friday 13,000 test results statewide had 3.7 percent positive results.

That’s lower than the current seven-day average rate of positive tests, which also stands at 3.7 percent.

Even though the numbers are looking good, state Department of Health director of infectious disease, Kris Ehresmann, stated that there were not enough results to draw firm conclusions about the impact of the mass gatherings in Minnesota.

Ehresmann said, “Our testing is a bit pre-emptive, if you will,” It is a different situation.”

I will presume that Ehresmann is being pessimistic and believes the numbers could somehow be larger out of concern for the health of people living in the “North Star State.”

Personally, I’m getting fed up with my own state, which is Pennsylvania, and the fear mongering that is going on here and all over the country.

There are states that shutdown everything and people were on lockdown for fear of contracting the coronavirus.

That may have stayed in place if not for all the people gathering in masses while protesting, rioting and looting.

Sometimes good comes out of a bad situation. This may have happened in this circumstance.

Unfortunately, another man has died at the hands of a police officer in Atlanta, Georgia. Rayshard Brooks, 27, was fatally shot by police at a Wendy’s drive-thru after officials said he resisted arrest and stole an officer’s Taser.

I don’t even want to think about what will happen over this man’s death.

Ten Times Biggest Trump Rally Signup Ever

by Daveda Gruber:

President Trump rescheduled his June Rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that was originally planned for June 19th to June 20th.

June 19th is celebrated as Juneteenth and is known as a remembrance of when Texas slaves were made aware of the end of slavery in the United States two years after the Emancipation Proclamation.

Tulsa, in 1921, was the scene of one of the most severe attacks on blacks in American history.

Because of the meaning of the date, black community and political leaders denounced the move and called on Trump to reschedule his rally.

Trump spoke with several people including Senator James Lankford, R-Okla., and Senator Tim Scott, R-S.C., and it was allegedly thought that the campaign schedulers didn’t understand the significance of the date of June 19th.

Trump campaign officials, in selecting June 19th, say it was not intended to be an aggressive move but some pushback was expected. They said that they were caught off guard by the intensity and, in particular, the link to the 1921 massacre.

Trump tweeted that he had moved the rally to Saturday, June 20, out of respect for the view of supporters and others who had asked him to.

Here are Trumps tweets:

As you can see from Trump’s tweets, they had 200,000 tickets reserved. Well that didn’t last long.

On Sunday, Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale tweeted this:

The campaign rally, now scheduled for the 20th, according to Trump’s campaign team, has received the largest number of ticket requests for any of his events.

There is nothing in the world like a Trump Rally and it appears Trump fans have missed going to them.

A silly thought comes to my mind. How many tickets could Joe Biden fans have ordered?

And people still believe polls?

In 2016, I was certain that Trump would win the presidency. Some people around me were very skeptical of my thinking.

But I knew Trump would win, do you know why? I had been watching Trump rallies on the Internet where the crowds were shown. I saw the support he had! I saw the excitement and the energy. I could feel it.

You can’t hide the truth, tell lies and believe your own lies and that is exactly what the MSM did.

God bless President Trump and God bless America!

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Those who’ve read Late Bird will be familiar with the many times my family moved as a child.

Each move created an opportunity for a “best friend”.

One individual that you knew was on your side.

My first best friend was named Paul.

Paul and I attended Douglas MacArthur Elementary in Lakewood CA.  A couple years later our move to Garden Grove provided a new opportunity with a boy named George.

George lived next door and we became best buddies almost immediately.

From Garden Grove we landed in Trinity County and eventually the best friend title was given to a kid named Boyd.

I’m sure some of you Beatles fans were thinking I was going to say John or Ringo.

From Southern to Northern California we all had two things in common.

We were American boys and as Tom Petty so eloquently stated we loved “American Girl(s)”.

Fast forward a few decades and things have changed quite a bit.

My friend Paul is now referred to as Asian.

My friend George is now called an Hispanic.

My friend Boyd is now a Latino or Puerto Rican depending upon the level of bigotry.

My new title?

Racist and white privileged.

Of course none of these things, starting with Paul and ending with me are true but too many in today’s America have subscribed to the concept of never letting the truth get in the way of a “good story”.

For example Gavin Newsom, current Governor of California, stood in front of cameras and stated that, “We (white people) are the problem.”

Today’s White men and women are responsible for everything that has “happened” to the Black population in America dating back to slavery.

On every level this is false but Gavin stood up and stated that he was a part of “We” so let us define what he has pled to.

In slavery, which still takes place on the continent of Africa, men, women and children are beaten, raped and murdered.

Gavin doesn’t speak for me or anyone I know as none of us have ever committed these acts but due to his statement, he and men and women who look and think like him, are apparently guilty of CRIMES and as such must be dealt with.

Newsom also referenced a George as well and spent time opining about the “Black population” as did many Liberals across America.

None of what they said was true but they roamed from camera to camera, State to State, celebrating the life of a pathetic piece of fecal matter who was high as a kite, attempting to pass counterfeit money and oh by the way served time in prison for assault and reportedly raped a woman.

Gavin and his Progressive cohorts ranted and raved that this man’s life was taken too soon.

Pointing a gun at a pregnant woman’s stomach, threatening to murder her and her child and again RAPE?

The only good thing that happened in this predator’s life is that it ended.

Sadly not soon enough.

I’m starting to miss Trayvon Martin and his baby photos.

At least he was filled with Skittles.


I’ve had many conversations with different people about the Floyd incident. Every single one started out saying, “Man that cop shouldn’t have been on his neck that long” or “What was the cop thinking killing that guy?”

My answer has always been the same.

We’ve been shown some footage or a photo.

No one has any idea what really happened.

You weren’t there and neither was I.

That’s what the trial is for.

Presumption of innocence until proven guilty but of course we don’t have that anymore either.

We have Clinton, Comey, Clapper Justice where felonies are committed and everyone gets their own book deal.

We have Kaepernick, Lebron, Farrakhan Justice where the only good White or Jew is a dead White or Jew while they live off the slave labor of Chinese children and embrace Muhammed and Mao.

We have Bill Barr Justice where Antifa stalked and assassinated high ranking American Law Enforcement specifically because they had black skin and yet continues to move with impunity from coast to coast.

Somehow those Black Lives Didn’t Matter.

The felon and abuser George Floyd, reportedly stoned on fentanyl and amphetamines, begged for his mother when death finally came calling.

If certain aspects of society are going to be blamed for events centuries ago then it only appears appropriate to honor his last request.

His mother should be ashamed and required to pay reparations to any and all this piece of garbage abused.

Speaker of the House Pelosi took a knee for Floyd and mumbled I can’t breathe.

A noose should fix that problem.

Jason Kraus

No Suing if You Go to a Trump Rally

by Daveda Gruber:

It is rather exciting that President Trump is staring rallies again. Next week, a rally is planned in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but there is one catch, you must agree to not to sue the Trump reelection campaign if you contract the coronavirus.

If you want a ticket to the rally, you must agree that you are aware of the risk of COVID-19.

“By clicking register below, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.; BOK Center; ASM Global; or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury.”

Here it is in a tweet by Paul Steihauser:

The president enjoys campaigning and had full intentions of resuming his rallies in July but the unset of protests in large numbers led him to get back to rallies sooner and one is scheduled for June 19th in Tulsa where the venue is an indoor arena.

Joe Biden has resumed small-scale in-person campaign events. All participants wear face-masks. Biden has not resumed in-person fundraisers or rallies.

Trump has already started his fundraising campaigns since the unset of COVID-19. On Thursday an in-person fundraiser took place in Dallas, Texas.

Since people are gathering in large numbers to protest, loot, burn down infrastructure and vehicles the president doesn’t see a problem with rallies.

It is understood that the virus is still not contained but people have different and conflicting views on its severity and cure.

Masks are still mandatory in some states but people various ideas on that too.

Theories are in abundance about the coronavirus, as well.

I’m not a doctor or a scientist but I do have my own thoughts on the issue.

Bill Gates and some high level Democrats have given money to Wuhan, China. Bill Gates wants the citizens of the world to be vaccinated. He owns a patent through a company, for a vaccine. If this were to be mandated, Gates would be a trillionaire.

I’ve written more extensively on some of these issues but let’s get down to the nitty gritty.

Who are the losers from COVID-19?

  1. The people who are sick or who have died.
  2. People in nursing homes who were infected when COVID-19 patients were sent to nursing homes.
  3. People who lost jobs and/or business when they could not work or open their businesses.
  4. Trump, because the good he did for the economy was washed away.
  5. Trump because he could no longer hold rallies for his supporters and people deciding if they would vote for him.

Who are the winners from COVID-19?

  1. Democrats because they blame Trump for it.
  2. Democrats because Trump banned travel to some countries and they could call Trump a racist for this.
  3. Democrats because they blame Trump for mishandling the pandemic.
  4. Democrats because they no longer have to rebut the state of the economy.
  5. Democrats because Joe Biden is not out in the public making a fool of himself. (This hasn’t worked out well because he still speaks from his basement.)
  6. Criminals who do not want to recognized.

Here are some facts about wearing a mask:

A mask is supposed to be used for a limited time. If used long term:

  1. Oxygen in the blood is reduced.
  2. Oxygen to the brain is reduced.
  3. You start to feel weak.
  4. May lead to death.

If you go into isolation in a hospital this is what you are subjected to:

  1. Vitamin C-100
  2. Vitamin E
  3. During 10 to 12 hours sitting in the sunshine for 15 – 20 minutes.
  4. Egg meal once a day.
  5. Sleeping a minimum of 7 to 8 hours a night.
  6. Drinking 1.5 liters of water per day.
  7. Eating warm meals and no cold meals.
  8. Consuming foods that boost the immune system, for example, high alkaline foods that are above the acidity of the virus.

Examples of Alkaline rich foods:

Green lemon

Yellow lemon








*Note that pH of coronavirus is between 5.5 to 8.5

How to not be infected by the virus is simple too. Build up your immune system.

I will reiterate that I am not a doctor or a scientist. These facts that I’ve shown you are through my own investigations.

I’m not telling anyone what to do. Do as you see fit. Wash your hands often as you should be doing anyways.

Would you go to a Trump rally during this pandemic? Would you wear a mask? I’m not hiding my face because I have nothing to hide it from and I don’t have the virus. If I were sick, I’d stay home but if I’m not sick, I’m protecting others from my germs, not myself by wearing a mask.

Stay safe and healthy!

Billy Prempeh: A New Generation of Leadership

by Daveda Gruber:

I run into many Congressional candidates in my adventure though social media and some have a more lasting impression on me than others.

William “Billy” Prempeh is one who’s name people will know and remember.

Prempeh is running for the 9th Congressional District of the beautiful state of New Jersey. He has been residing in Paterson, New Jersey, for his entire life.

He is the son of legal immigrants from Ghana, West Africa, who came to the United States in the late eighties. They immigrated here for a better life than the one they were living. They worked hard to attain what they had and their son, Billy, was born in 1989.

Prempeh is set on making his parents proud. He’s a first generation American and he wants to help the country that his mother and father risked so much to immigrate to. He feels that not doing his civil duty would dishonor his parents.

When Prempeh turned eighteen, while his friends were enjoying their college years, he decided to enlist in the United States Air Force.

He took an oath before God to defend his country, the United States Constitution and the citizens of this great nation against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Prempeh was stationed at RAF Mildenhall England, UK where he specialized as an Aerospace Ground Equipment Journeyman (2A6X2).

This tall and gentle man loves his country and is determined to Make America Greater than it is today. In his younger years, at the age of eighteen, Prempeh identified with Republican and Conservative values. He’s been a proud member of the Republican party since then.

Prempeh enjoys meeting his many fans on social media. He currently is the Front Runner for the Republican party in the 9th district of New Jersey.

This man has won the nomination of Hudson County, Passaic County, and Bergen County while having the support of the “Republican National Hispanic Assembly.”

Prempeh may only be thirty years old but he has the energy and strong beliefs that are needed to be a leader. He also has a strong connection to younger Americans.

He is a very strong supporter of President Trump.

Some of his policies:

Pro Life

Immigration Reform



Pro 2nd Amendment


School Choice

Term Limits

The Republican party needs some new fresh blood and new ideas to regain a solid bond with younger Americans. We must reignite the spark in our younger generation. We can set the path in the right direction by voting Prempeh in office.

The Democratic party has already began to show that new young leaders can make a difference but is that the difference that we, as Conservative Americans, want? No, I don’t believe so.

The Republican party must embrace our younger leaders and vote in good men like Prempeh because that is our future. We must not give away our Conservative beliefs and it is our obligation, as Conservative Americans, to set forth a path for our young leaders.

With pleasure, I am giving my endorsement to Billy Prempeh for New Jersey’s 9th Congressional District.

Here is a video of Prempeh speaking on term limits and legislation:

Here is a video where Prempeh is on Patriots in Tune with Toots Sweet and Jewels Jones:

Vote Prempeh!