Socialism is fiction and Democracy always fails

A few days ago I heard a talking head state that President Trump was going to meet with the “opposition leader”.

I laughed as meeting with Nancy Pelosi was and is a waste of time.

The talking head was referring to Venezuela.

That made me laugh even harder as though the two factions in Venezuela have any real differences. Neither one of them is giving up control of “State Run” businesses like Citgo.

The talking heads continued to repeat the same garbage.

Protection of Democracy.

Socialism works when done properly.

Rich people suck.

As I’ve explained many times Socialism doesn’t exist anywhere on the planet, including Venezuela and Democracy always turns into Tyranny.

Socialism is purely fictional and Democracy by definition always fails.

Take it up with Socrates DimWits.

They did sort of get one thing right.

Rich Liberals do suck.

Speaking of people that suck Tom Brokaw decided to do his best Dan Rather/Brian Williams impersonation and started to talk about “Hispanics.”

His stupidity and bigotry was jumped on by many which continued to show how dumb Liberals really are.

My only issue is that the usage of the term Latino never occurred.

Come on already Progressives! At least be consistent with your asininity!

I love it when White Guilt morons create new words for the nationalities known as Mexican, Guatemalan and Honduran.

I was born and raised in California. I’ve known plenty of Mexicans.

I’ve never once heard them call themselves Hispanics or Latinos.

Supporters of La Raza and hatred of America?

Yes I have seen that.

The United States stole their land?

This is untrue but I’ve heard that as well but never, and I mean NEVER, have I heard a Mexican use the term Hispanic and then when confused, change to Latino.

These are the words of the White Privileged Democratic Voter who are doing their very best to make San Diego a part of Tijuana.

Hepatitis A and children selling Chiclets for all!

Speaking of hepatitis Kamala Harris wants to get rid of an entire industry in America.

Never mind the lack of “health” care and millions of jobs that would disappear overnight, her fix is to “get past it all” just like she did with Willie Brown.

Harris sells herself as an African-American (which as those of us with knowledge know doesn’t exist) slamming into every branch, as she scampers even further up the Stupid Tree.

Her mother is Indian and her father is Jamaican.

I know she isn’t very bright but neither one of these nations is found on African land or American soil.

While on the subject of not very bright, a column was recently published that had the new Speaker of the House and the word intelligence, in the same sentence.

As the writer appeared to construct fantasy it can only be said that anyone coupling intelligence and Aunt Nancy must forever be required to use only monosyllabic verse.

Anything beyond grunts from this “journalist” should be dealt with as a threat to themselves.

Finally the week was complete with another Liberal announcing their run for the Presidency and proclaiming to now be a centrist.

Howard I know nothing Schultz decided that because he said health care and college will never be free he is now squarely in the “middle”.

Thanks Einstein.

Schultz supports illegal entry into our country and free bathroom breaks for vagrants but doesn’t allow citizens, who are exercising their legal Right to carry, in his shops.

How very “independent” of him.

At least he didn’t talk about his cheekbones.

Ol Howie finished off with “nothing is free.”

On this he is correct.

What’s coming down the pike to the anti-American Liberal Progressives in America has been well earned.

The only thing left for Americans to do now is collect.

Jason Kraus



“It was a beautiful day, the sun beat down, I had the radio on, I was driving.”

I knew exactly what Tom Petty was saying and had felt that way many times over the years in my vehicle.

This week I should have stayed in my truck.

Although the weather was gorgeous in NORTHERN California, the human condition was anything but.

Mostly, due to their own behavior, also known as stupidity, a few due to the behavior of someone else, also known as criminality and the rest due to a lack of any behavior also known as apathy.

Where’s Al Gore when you need him?

Let the climate change begin!

According to the Democratic Party’s new “genius” Alexandria I’m way in over my head Cortez, the world has twelve years before it ends.

Damn this girl is good!

She just solved the National Debt, our Medicare Debacle and the Ponzi Scheme known as Social Security all in one sentence.

The “bartender” has spoken. 

With that now infamous feces eating grin she took YOLO (You Only Live Once) to brand new heights!

Socialism for all!

Get in where you fit in!

The ultimate Hope and Change!

Hang in there Type 2 diabetes lovers! You can handle Mickey D’s and Starbucks for twelve more years!

Yes you can!


Just increase your medication(s). Don’t worry about your liver or kidneys.

According to AOClueless you won’t need them in a little over a decade because it will be the Earth that kills you not high fructose corn syrup and trans fats.

I blame this all on Gene Wilder.

He never should have let the Oompa-Loompas out.

Now they are running wild, begging illegals for votes, blaming children on school tours for being attacked by bigoted adults, releasing child molesters daily into our communities because of prison “over-crowding” and trying to one up each other as to how long a woman has to decide whether or not she wants to keep her “unborn child”.

Supposedly one of the differences between Humans and the other animals is the capacity to know the difference between Right and Wrong.

What is amazing here is that the Liberal-Progressive-Socialist-Traitors actually do know the difference.

They just don’t care.

It makes no difference to them how many babies are cut into parts and sold.

It makes no difference to them how many in Law Enforcement die.

It makes no difference to them how many children are drugged, sodomized and sold through our open border.

To them all of these things are collateral damage.

Part of a “war” they are fighting to instill and install Oppression.

Wars are pretty easy to win when only one side fights.

Then again that’s not called a war.

That’s called France.

Nous ne sommes pas français!

“The credit goes to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood.”

For those who do not recognize the aforementioned words they are part of a quote created by one Theodore Roosevelt and are found in a speech titled Citizenship in a Republic.

No Democracy in sight.

With only twelve years left, the leap into the arena is already past due.

Let the “credit” seeking begin.

Jason Kraus

Let em sleep with the fishes

Where do I begin?

I’ve said many times over the last decade that the best days for America were always ahead. When the Individual is not constrained by oppressive forces all things are possible and there’s never been a greater example of personal freedom than the Land of Liberty.

This Great Experiment known as the United States has continued to roar loudly in the face of corruption, ignorance and even stupidity but after a week of watching Congressional Representatives scour Washington playing Where’s Waldo I am reminded of one of the greatest movie lines in history.

“You’re gonna need a bigger boat.”

Aye Chief Brody we just may.

This boat could be akin to an Ark and it might be time to file on two by two as another great flood may be more than necessary to clean out the vermin living in Washington D.C.

Of course I jest as we all know cockroaches can survive anything especially while they vacation in Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Senoritas bringing margaritas to a formerly indicted Senator and friends.

Sounds like a really bad Jimmy Buffett song.

In that I am being redundant.

The lifelong dope smoking hippy who sings about being intoxicated in too many facets of his life apparently doesn’t like the sober mind of President Trump.

One guy builds towers.

The other guy can’t find a shaker of salt.

One guy employs a Sara and a KellyAnne.

The other guy listens to a Nancy and smokes Mary Jane.

Ol Jimmy.

“Wasted away again” in a cloud of Democracy and reefer where inanimate objects are “immoral”.

At least Jimmy can blame the drinking and drugs, pray tell what is Pelosi’s defense?

Aunt Nancy is all one needs to know about the ultimate demise of the Democratic Party.

She resembles Hillary Clinton in that this is the best the Liberals have to offer.

Someone has to oversee the paste eaters.

Like most Progressives she believes Hamas (a terrorist group) is a humanitarian organization and that Sharia “Law” is “compatible” with the United States Constitution.

Let’s make this easy for the oral Play Doh inhalers.

Insert any nation into that sentence and see how that sounds.

Russian Law is compatible with the United States Constitution?

I don’t think so, never mind Russia doesn’t have the Rule of Law, rules or laws, for that matter.

Chinese Law is compatible with the U.S. Constitution?

Maybe to Dianne Feinstein.

Mexican Law is compatible with our Constitution?

La Raza Tom Perez and Sonia Sotomayor think so.

Let’s put a pink vagina hat on this and sum it up with an analogy.

Democrats are the clean needle Party.

They believe that heroin users are the “victims” and that providing them with clean needles will solve all of their problems.

It shouldn’t be too much longer before we see Democratic Presidential candidates standing in front of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings with a six pack and a wet wipe.

These and a billion other reasons are why Americans continue to look at each other in befuddlement as no one can figure out how all the stupid kids are now in charge.

They aren’t.

They think they control the climate and the Amendments.

The Big Fella Upstairs has the first.

We have the 2nd.

Liberals will never understand Freedom let alone themselves.

They will continue to repeat the past as they ignore facts and counsel.

Icarus thought he could fly…until he couldn’t.

Progressive can’t fly and that aforementioned boat is already spoken for.

Push the urchins back into the sea and let em sleep with the fishes.

Jason Kraus

Treasonous Traitors

These days in America each week appears to have its own fits and starts. This seven day period was wrapped around the speech of one Donald J. Trump. Friends or strangers, the question that was asked of me the most was “Did you see President Trump’s speech?”

The question was sometimes asked with excitement, occasionally anger and always with passion.

My answer was this.

“No, I didn’t see or hear the President’s speech.”

At the time it was happening I was nowhere near a television or radio and missed it completely. Each person I spoke with seemed very surprised by my answer.

“His speech wasn’t meant for people like me, people like us,” I said.

“I am all in. We are ALL IN. The only thing I am listening for from Mr. Trump is THE CALL.”

I continued, “His speech was meant for the anti-American population known as Liberal-Progressive-Democratic-Socialists. It was a warning.”

Liberals really don’t get it.

As I’ve said many times President Trump was sent by us to stem the tide.

To give those who will defend these United States a breather, some space, a little time.

He is the carrot.

WE are the stick and it’s pretty clear the DimWits don’t like vegetables.

Well done Mr. President. The population known as AMERICAN is ready to go.

Of course a wall is needed. Of course it will cost a certain amount of money. Nothing worth having is free and of course it will save lives.

As I stated last week physical barriers always save lives.

In the world of reality, where too many these days don’t reside, physical barriers are called SHELTER.

Third on the list of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, only slightly less important than WATER and FOOD.

Shelter is nothing but a collection of WALLS that allow for the fourth item on the list of Human Survival to occur.


It’s very clear that Democratic Politicians and Democratic Voters don’t care about this.

Over the years they’ve embraced murderous dictators like Castro, Chavez, Khamenei and Putin.

Helicopter cash drops, flexibility and uranium anyone?

It’s time to secure OUR country and until that wall is built there is only one thing that will stop the rape, murder and trafficking of humans and drugs through our open border.

One thing and it won’t cost the Federal Government a single penny.

Not one thin dime.

It’s time for the those who can and those who will.

It’s time for the American Volunteer to secure OUR border and protect OUR country.

This will be done with precision, with purpose and with the repeated pull of a trigger.

After about a month our problem will be solved and then we can refocus our purpose on the reason all of this disease, degradation and death originally occurred.

The reason children continue to be raped, sodomized and butchered.

The reason Americans continue to die at the hands of illegals.

The reason opioids are rampant.

Anyone in public office that states they will protect foreign nationals here illegally is committing a treasonous act.

Make the call President Trump.

We here in the Golden State have a Governor who is calling for more illegals, when our law enforcement just lost a member, forever, because of an ILLEGAL.

Gavin Newsom is begging for the attention of the AMERICAN.

It’s time that attention is provided in a permanent fashion.

California is filled with elected traitors and these traitors are the primary reason so many problems are happening across our country.

Make the call Mr. President and let us go to work.

Americans have answered the call from the beginning.

This time won’t be any different.

Jason Kraus

Walls, walls, everywhere there’s walls.

Walls, walls, everywhere there’s walls and yes they do work. In reference to the Wall or anything else requiring facts, The Libs continue to trot out the “expert” card.

The “experts” say walls won’t keep foreign national law breaking combatants out.

The Dems and RINOS are good at using this “expert” moniker, however anyone with a modicum of sanity knows it is a lie.

Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen were all “experts” and completely missed our last housing crisis. Everyone knew that bust was coming except those that should have…or caused it.

They also suppressed interest rates which allowed the Federal Government to extricate more wealth from the private sector while it crushed the country with overwhelming debt and stole from our retirement and medical programs.

Our “experts” are the “best”.

The “experts” gave a Nobel Prize in Economics to a human who has been beyond wrong for years about our economy and markets overall.

They went even further and gave a Nobel Prize in Peace to a man who targeted American citizens for their political beliefs, embraced the murder and murderers of American law enforcement and sent one hundred and fifty-billion American tax dollars to the “greatest State sponsor of terror” known as Iran.

The “experts” told us that Donald Trump would NEVER be President. They even used percentages to explain their stupidity.

I love it when “percentages” are used by “experts” to explain “polling”.

Insert laugh track here.

Of course walls work.

They work every day.

How do we know this?

We have concrete proof.


Concrete and steel are used every day to keep specific humans out of our society.

These humans are called convicts, the walls are called prisons and jails and they work very well but I guess what is good enough for Americans isn’t good enough for Mexicans, Hondurans, Guatemalans, etc.

The reality of the situation is this.

Democratic politicians are absolute idiots and they are only slightly higher on the intelligence ladder than those who vote for them.


Because of this I hear from wonderful Americans every day who ask me about the insanity we are witnessing. True blue citizens who continue to try and understand the Liberal Progressive mindset.

Don’t bother. It is waste of your energy, your money and your time.

Spending any effort trying to “understand” Oppression weakens our opportunity to remove it from our country.

Rationalization and Justification are only helpful tools to the human on lesser issues.

The survival of Freedom is not a lesser issue.

Oh Jason, aren’t you being a bit hyperbolic? Politicians come and go and the general consensus is life is pretty good.

For those who believe the current situation they are living in is guaranteed I offer you one Rashida Tlaib.

Rashida was just elected to the United States House of Representatives. Some of Rashida’s first stated words were delivered in this fashion.

“We need to impeach that motherfucker,” in regards to President Trump.

I can hear the “educated, suburban, wealthy women” that the Press continue to tell us vote Democrat coming to her aid.

“It’s just a little colorful talk.”

“It’s better than grabbing them by the pussy.”

“If a man said the same thing it wouldn’t even be brought up.”

You know the more I think about it Rashida does sound a lot like one of the Real House Wives of Suburbia.

What has television come to?

On a different note it appears “educated” and idiot have become synonymous.

Now Jason everyone has a Right to their opinion.

Actually no “everyone” does not have a Right to their opinion but let’s not stress out the Liberals with too much truth right now.

Let us focus on Rashida who calls herself a Palestinian-American.

Of course those of us with KNOWLEDGE know there is no such thing as a Palestinian-American, just like there are no African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Irish-Americans, etc.

There is only AMERICAN.

It’s why I continue to say America First.


Africa and Asia are huge land masses referred to as continents and Ireland is its own nation-State.

Now back to Rashida. By calling herself a Palestinian she overtly admits (proudly I’m sure) that she is a supporter/member of Hamas.

This is where the Real House Wives get lost.

Who doesn’t support Hamas? It’s great on crackers.

Hamas you educated #metoo vagina wearing suburbanites, not hummus.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that wants to kill Jews and as many members of the Great Satan as possible.

That’s you Alan Dershowitz and you Bravo viewers.

Yep, the United States House of Representatives has another Hamas supporting Sunni Muslim in place.

Well done Democrats. Well done.

But but Speaker of the House Aunt Nancy said Hamas was a humanitarian organization.

Yes your choice of electoral representation has been atrocious for decades.

Speaking of atrocious the Bronx sent a Representative that “looks like them” to Washington and kicked the bad White man to the curb. She then provided a small glimpse of the intellectual power coming from the voters in her district. Alexandria OC stated that America has three forms of government.

The House.

The Senate.

The Presidency.

Now that’s what I call an education.

Aristotle would be so proud.

Of course it could be worse.

The Senate just added a VoMitt and the cowardly lion who genuflected in front of Obama many years ago, continued to puke all over himself, as he stood in front of the Press, taking shots at a President who’d endorsed him and talked about “Representative Democracy”.

The Great Experiment and the Invisible Hand are truly incredible things.

Even bonafide morons can become millionaires and billionaires, Congresswomen and Senators.

God bless America.

Jason Kraus

A week to be remembered. A week to be forgotten.

To say this last week was interesting wouldn’t do it justice. It wasn’t any one thing in particular rather the culmination of events, that drew my attention. After having an interesting discussion with a Sunni Muslim, a wayward homeless traveling musician and finally a friend, I arrived at the same conclusion I’ve had for a while.

It’s just a matter of time.

To those Liberals who don’t understand what they’ve just read.


It will just be a waste of my words.

You will never comprehend love of country.

Love of these United States.

To my fellow Americans.

Please continue.

We have work to do.

While our work continues Nancy Pelosi vacations in Hawaii under Secret Service Protection while another member of law enforcement was murdered again by an enemy foreign combatant otherwise known as an illegal.

Some form of abuse by “illegals” on Americans happens every day.

As Democrats and RINOS continue to protect each other more children are trafficked, raped and murdered through our open border.

The aforementioned Sunni Muslim, Omar, provoked thought as he told me over and over how much he loved America.

I don’t know if he really does but at least he’s willing to say so, unlike Democratic-Socialist-Liberal-Progressives.

He also said Saudi Arabia and Iran are actually in cahoots. Cahoots is my word but it is difficult to argue with his assessment as they are both members of OPEC.

That Sunni/Shiite thing only seems to matter when they think it benefits them.

Iran’s (Shiite) been funding Hamas (Sunni) for a very long time.

Yes, I’m glad you asked, the same Iran that Obama’s Democrats gave 150 BILLION dollars to, yes BILLION with a B, but can’t find 5 BILLION for a wall that will save American lives.

Mullah Barack sent our tax dollars to the Ayatollah who then sent them to Hamas, as though Obama sending his minions to infiltrate Israel’s elections wasn’t enough.

Speaking of Hamas supporters good ol Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is garnering even more attention as the SheBigot continues to try and sell herself as a poor misunderstood servant of the People.

Take a break there OC…you deserve it.

I think the situation speaks for itself.

The SheBigot told the Stupid Humans to vote for her, because she isn’t white and to vote against her opponent, because he is.

This is exactly what the sheep did.


I know the Libs ( I told you to stop) won’t understand when I reference Newtonian Law so I will say it this way.

What goes around comes around Alex and it’s been my experience when it comes back around “it” takes no prisoners.

Still too complicated Libs?

Okay let me try it this way.

You don’t tug on Superman’s cape, you don’t spit into the wind, you don’t pull that mask off that old lone ranger and you don’t mess around with Slim.

Still don’t get it huh?

What’s that?

You want me to use Barbara Streisand lyrics to explain it?

Good one Libs…good one.

I’d try but it would be impossible for me to be that obtuse or obnoxious.

I lost you again with obtuse didn’t I Hillary Voters.

Okay moving on.

I’ll get you a coloring book and comfort animal later.

The homeless traveling musician (Teresa) was young (31) but the road and what sounded like a brutal childhood had aged her well beyond three decades. Still, she had an energy that resonated, as well as two dogs.

Man’s best friend otherwise known as God spelled backwards.

We spoke for about 10 minutes as she fed them and thanked me for the dog treats I’d given her. Her animals were in great shape and appeared very well cared for. She on the other hand will probably not see 40 if she doesn’t make some serious adjustments. I handed her a bottle of water and some founding fathers and told her to be safe on her way to Chico.

If I was choosing teams I’d choose Teresa seven days a week and twice on Sunday over Alex from the Bronx.

Finally a friend of mine called and ranted about the craziness of the world. He does this every few weeks and because he is a good man and an even better friend, I provide what I rarely do anymore.

Free therapy.

Now to be accurate my friend was 100% correct. I agreed wholeheartedly but that loop in our heads that sometimes takes over can be exhausting to others as the same topics get covered over and over again.

Today though he had a new thought to share with me. He told me he was in a group and someone started to talk about California, Trump and the Death Penalty.

My buddy said California used to be a great State until all the greed, stupidity and Liberals took over. He corrected them quite harshly (which is the best way to correct Progressives) about President Trump and said he is doing a great job and he better get that wall built.

“I hope he keeps the government shut down until we get what we want,” he said.

He finished by telling the group he was against the electric chair.

Finally the California Liberals heard something they could agree with.

My friend looked them right in the eyes and said the electric chair was horrible.

He wanted electric bleachers.

Amen Brother.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

The Liberals were aghast. After a few seconds one delicate flower asked my buddy if he was willing to “flip the switch himself.”

“Absolutely,” he replied. “I’d make it a televised event.”

That possibility is closer than America realizes.

Much closer and will start with the career criminals.

The ones sitting in Washington D.C..

Keep it shut down Mr. President.

It’s well past time to draw the line.

Jason Kraus

A Very Hilly Xmas

Every year at Christmas time I try to provide some levity with brevity and lessen the gravity, of our current political cranial cavity.

A situation that soon shall correct itself, without the help of Santa’s elves.

In the meantime let us borrow from Rudolph and Santa, and share a little Xmas banter.

A ditty that’s witty.

A song about the wrong, and I encourage you all, to carol along,

Or if you are so inclined, gather your mind and your behind, and record your time.

Singing a yule tide tune, that’s sure to make the Liberal loons, howl at the moon.

It’s only fair that we share, with the Progressive bunch,

They can at least entertain us once.

Without further ado or aplomb, I welcome one and all to sing, to hum, to bump the gums about the dumb bums until you’re numb on rum, or out of Tums and please enjoy… a very Hilly Xmas.

You know Nancy and Alex and Chuckie and Barry,

Billy and Willie and Louie and Harry,

But do you recall, the most famous traitor of all,

Bump ba da bump bump,

Hilly the red backed commie, couldn’t stand without a hand

(Like a Ginsburg)

Filled with so much hate and vodka

They picked her up and threw her in a van,

(Like a criminal)

All of the other Libbys, cowered and voted thrice in the booth,

They chose the red backed commie because they couldn’t handle the truth.

Like Jack Nicholson,

Then one shiny November day, the American people had enough,

They soared and roared and said no way,

And kicked the traitors in the duff. 

Bump ba da bump bump,

Then all the country was happy, as a red-haired man took the stage,

America dreamed of justice, and the red backed commie in a cage. 

Like a Weinstein.

Bump bump


Merry Christmas America, Happy New Year and have no fear.

2019 is near, a year in the Democratic mirror filled with jeers and leers and Hollywood tears giving Americans an opportunity to break out our gear!

So for one last time, in rhyme, dropping dimes, lemon-limes, I like most chimes,

I wish you a very Hilly Xmas with much hasten,


Kraus Jason

One bad apple

I used to think America was in trouble because of the crushing debt that was bestowed upon us by Clinton and Bush. Settle down Liberals. Clinton did indeed leave us with debt and a burgeoning housing crisis that made Warren Buffett wealthier. Barry Soetoro was then given the keys to the car and made them both look like amateurs by doubling the debt in eight years of Dope and Deranged.

Again Progressives settle down.

You can blame Bush all you like.

He is one of you and always will be. Michelle just loves herself some of the man who cost us the lives of thousands of our best and bravest because he couldn’t figure out the geographical difference between Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. 

Thanks W.

I’ve written about the Federal Reserve, our crumbling infrastructure, human trafficking through our open southern border and drug usage being problems that could eventually harm America to the point of no return. 

All of those things are certainly possible but after watching thirty-seconds of Cruella de Vil Pelosi and Uncle Tumor Schumer with President Trump, I came to the conclusion those aforementioned items are dwarfed by one thing. 

The Stupid Humans who voted for these imbeciles. 

Our collective problems lie in the fact that a majority of the voters WANT systemic oppression and regardless of proven data known as the truth, will continue to choose that type of existence. 

This isn’t new to human behavior. Let us peruse the world in which we live. 

Russians, Chinese and Indians have been living under oppression for as long as anyone can remember.  Africa is filled with humans who have no desire to try something new. The Middle East sans Israel continues to crank out people who fight over what some nutbag said centuries ago. 

So pray tell what is the solution? 

Better technology?

Possible but doubtful. 

The human condition seems to push through all new inventions and rear its ugly head. 

The condition of Good versus Evil and currently Evil is doing better than its historical norm. 

For any problem to be fixed, one first has to identify the issue.

The issue is US. 

There will always be bullies, punks and even dictators. 

Although most humans simply want to get “along” it only takes one bad apple to ruin the barrel or turn over the cart. 

When those “apples” aren’t removed or dealt with their rot spreads much faster than most realize.

Is it as easy as removing bad apples one at a time?

Yes it is although war, in its slash and burn mentality, seems to be the way that these things “work themselves out”. 

In today’s America we have a culmination of barrels, carts, and bad apples strewn all over the country. 

We weren’t willing to remove the individual rotten fruit and even validated its presence over the years with “legislation,” “executive orders” and “judicial review”. 

None of this matters anymore.

The Great Experiment has devolved into humans at our highest positions referencing skunk urine and our media bringing up “butt boys”.

If we are a measurement of our “leaders” then we deserve what is coming.

Fortunately WE are not. 

The solution is simple. 

WE all know what needs to occur. 

With that knowledge and personal preparation, we must allow any doubt or consternation, to evaporate. 

Let those who choose neither carry the burden of fear. 

We choose freedom, passion and pride in our country, in our beliefs, in our way of life. 

In doing so we guarantee, in the case of these United States, the pride will not goeth, as there will be no fall. 

A mouthpiece on Yahoo stated that Donald Trump is in trouble and no longer has a defense. 

Oh he has a defense. 

Unleash the American Lion Mr. President and let the reckoning begin. 

Jason Kraus

The fist is mightier than the tweet

Michelle Obama took the time to state that people around the most powerful tables in the world “aren’t that smart”.

Yes Michelle, we know.

You at one time were found at those same tables.

A Democratic Senator from Hawaii bumbled through a statement so verbally bizarre, I won’t bother with her actual words.

Suffice it to say Mazie Hirono thinks she is a genius and the voters are morons.

The majority of voters in the State of Hawaii have proven that one of her premises is correct and it isn’t that she is comparable to Albert Einstein.

Sheryl Sandberg leaned in a little too closely and found herself nose to nose with the Soros spin machine.

Two Libs meant for each other.

Another Senator from New York decided to tell men that they suck, their time is up, and that Intersectionality is here to stay.

I’m guessing someone saw Kirsten Gillibrand on Tinder and didn’t swipe right.

In other Progressive news Gregg Popovich’s San Antonio Spurs are 12-14 continuing to prove that ANYONE could have coached the Spurs to championships when Tim Duncan was on the team.

RINOS continue to provide the example of blathering idiots while “questioning” James Comey for the umpteenth time. Comey, who said he wouldn’t testify in a closed door session, did indeed testify in a closed door session, proving that morons are not only found in both parties but are also on the same side.

Finally, Democrats and RINOS also known as Lindsey Graham (didn’t take him long to return to form) are fretting and frothing about the death of one Jamal Khashoggi.

I understand Obama, Farrakhan and Pelosi being upset about the killing of a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Hamas but actual Americans?

The Lindsay known as Lohan has more credibility than the one known as Graham.

Of course the next Speaker of the House has publicly stated that, “Hamas is a humanitarian organization” so what do I know.

I know that with enough votes the “majority” has allowed humans into Congress, that OPENLY support terrorist groups.

Welcome to the suicide of a nation through the work of Democracy.

I also know these vitriolic pieces of fecal matter are laser focused on one thing.

Dear President Trump,

The hyenas are circling and ready to attack as a pack.

In case you aren’t clear YOU are the target and they are coming for everything you have and want you, at a minimum, in an orange jumpsuit.

They are trying to make an example of you and send a message to the citizenry that even a billionaire will be cut to shreds, let alone the average citizen, who attempts to stand up.

By continuing to bring in cabinet members from the past you are continuing to refuel the Swamp as you refill their ranks.

You need to bring in a “sacrificial lamb”.

Someone who will take one for the team.

Bring in your Hector for eight weeks.

Someone who will fire Mueller and his entire probe and indict those we know are guilty like Hillary Clinton and Lois Lerner.

Someone who knows they are only there to demolish the rotten core and tear it down completely including removal of the foundation.

I will happily volunteer my services.

No pay required and I will bring my own security.

This can happen literally overnight and then if/when the heat is too great for YOU, simply call this individual in and demand their resignation or if it will strengthen your hand, fire them.

Give the Press their Achilles moment while completely removing what you keep calling a “witch hunt”.

If it indeed is a “witch hunt,” and it is, then bring it to an end.

In Greek mythology Agamemnon had a great horse built as a “gift” to Hector’s people.

Rather than welcome the Trojan Horse, you need to BURN IT DOWN where it stands, with all the enemies of America inside.

I can guarantee this.

If you don’t send a message soon and I mean before January, the pressure that you’ve been justifiably feeling, will feel like a warm blanket in 2019.

When the House returns to the Democrats their plan and policy of hate, destruction and anti-Americanism will continue.


Because it is working.

When one side fights without rules, the other side dies.

Time to get us in the fight Mr. President.

This isn’t an uptown limousine New York City soiree.

This is a Republic, Washington battle.

This is a Northern California mountain-folk brawl.

This is a Longwood Florida, Menominee Michigan, Oklahoma City Oklahoma, Peoria Arizona free-for-all.

This fight is with our fists and for the survival of America.

You need to untie our hands.

Tweets aren’t going to do it.

Jason Kraus


Occasionally I write about the absurdity of the Liberal Lifestyle that seems to never take a break. I comment on things that have been reported en masse.

This week was a little different.

I don’t watch too much “news” anymore as it never provides anything new. Listening to malcontents attack President Trump, regardless of network, while cowards who never match the attackers ferocity, occasionally come to his defense, is beyond boring.

It’s like watching a re-run of now canceled Murphy Brown or the View live.

There’s not enough “legalized” Mary Jane in the world to numb that pain.

Facebook on the other hand provided me with the classical Liberal gibberish. One Progressive was on video whining his way through an explanation of why it would be cheaper to let the “refugees,” that are throwing rocks and bottles at our Border Patrol and fighting with Tijuana Law Enforcement, into these United States.

Let us pause to recognize, for the first time in recorded history, Tijuana and Law Enforcement, in the same sentence.

For those of you who’ve been to Tijuana you know exactly what I mean.

I digress.

After watching about sixty-seconds of the Bernie Sanders acolyte on my phone I scrolled to the next item with a thought I seem to have quite a bit these days.

How stupid are Liberals actually?

Besides his premise being faulty, which I will discuss in a bit, he tried to explain the Constitution, Federal Law, and Treaties. Just enough information to be dangerous and wildly incorrect. It’s funny how Americans have to follow our laws but Mexicans, Guatemalans and Hondurans seem to not have that issue.

Don’t get me started on the DNC’s Pakistanis, Clinton’s Russians, or Feinstein’s Chinese.

The only thing he stated that was indeed a fact was “this is my opinion”.

Sadly it was.

An incredibly misinformed one to be sure.

This video had been shared by other Stupid Humans who didn’t bother to fact check anything he said.

It just sounded good and made their White Guilt feel better (Ward Connerly and Shelby Steele were right) so by all means push that garbage around the country.

Kind of like The Conners.

These are the times when I miss a good Farrakhan video. The man is an anti-American hateful bigot but damn child he doesn’t hide!

He puts it all out there.

“I’m not anti-Semite,” Farrakhan said, “I’m anti-termite!”

So is the Democratic Party that Alan Dershowitz keeps voting for.

Just ask second in command Keith Ellison or Barack Obama or Linda Sarsour or any number of Liberals who laughed and danced with the Khan on stage at Aretha Franklin’s funeral.

Chain of Fools who have no self-R-E-S-P-E-C-T or R-E-S-P-I-C-T according to Al not so Sharpton.

Still, it appears too many voters in America are willing to embrace this way of “thinking” as the House flipped to the DimWits.

Unsurprisingly their morals or lack thereof are only surpassed by their lack of knowledge of how economies work, the circulation of money or Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand.

Adam who?

Oh…just another privileged White man.

We want Diversity screams Yahoo News!

I know…those stupid White men.

What were Edison and Tesla thinking?

Without those two “idiots” three quarters of today’s human population would have never existed.

That AC-DC thing is pretty important to, I don’t know, virtually EVERYTHING we do in today’s society.

Things like heat, fuel, production and distribution of food, and of course EBT cards.

Whatchoo talkin’ bout Willis?

Yep…no Arnold Drummond without Alternative Current.

No Jay-Z either.

Thanks Nikolai, you dumb White bastard.

I can feel the Liberals struggling right now. They’re not sure what I’m talkin’ bout but they have a sneaky suspicion it has to do with the phrase Back in Black or as they now know it Back in Africa-America.

I’ve scoured the map.  Where the hell is this place?

I think I finally found it.

It’s in fantasy land right along with the aforementioned Liberal video “talent” who said it would be cheaper to just let the “refugees” in.

Here’s where the Liberal Logic finally meets Wile E. Coyote.

Would it be cheaper to disband the Border Patrol completely?

Sure it would.

Of course with that thought process we should also get rid of all law enforcement, jails, prisons, the military, Medicare and Social Security.

Look at that!

I just balanced the budget that Obama never bothered to have.

If cheaper is the measurement then let’s get rid of all social programs, food stamps, welfare and affordable housing.

It’s cheaper to not keeper!

Finally if everything is about “cheaper” then let’s introduce a different caliber into society.

A couple in fact should do the trick and will be needed as criminals and “refugees” roam around America making things dramatically less than Great Again.

I proffer the caliber that is as true as its maker and as skillful as its suitor.

I offer in service to “cheaper” and to Make America Great Again the calibers known as .223 and 5.56.

With passion, with purpose and with pride, unleash your index fingers!

As the Obama acolytes love to say…YES WE CAN !!!

Jason Kraus