Take a Bow Mr. Trump

Dear President Trump,

I know too many people in these United States do not understand the Federal Reserve.

I also know you are NOT one of these people.

With that said, it would be politically and economically wise to stop verbally hammering Jerome Powell and RATHER take a victory lap.

You are the reason sanity has slowly begun to be restored to our system(s).

The criminal acts, yes I said criminal, of Bernanke, Yellen, and Obama to not only suppress interest rates but to basically create a monopoly thereby forcing money into the markets should have already fallen apart.

It is my contention that had Hillary Clinton been elected she and her “administration” would have forced interest rates into the negative category, just like the BOJ and the EU, in order to prop up the bubble Obama created.

As stated earlier too many people in America have no idea how dangerous this has been, would be and still is.

They simply focused on their 401k’s and other investments not realizing our ultimate investment is the United States Dollar.

Nobody wants a weak body.

Nobody wants a weak military.

Nobody wants a weak leader.

Nobody with a brain wants a weak dollar.

Yet in spite of the vitriol and sheer stupidity coming from every facet of Washington D.C. you have been able to maneuver this incredibly monstrous ship known as the United States economy into clearer waters.

Although this seems very easy for me to understand I know Liberals will struggle with what they’ve just read as Common Core doesn’t allow for actual events otherwise known as reality.

Let me explain this with facts.

Obama and the Fed under his watch were like the baseball players in the Nineties.

They were ingesting and injecting incredible amounts of steroids. Home runs went up as humans became bigger faster and stronger.

When the steroids were removed the home runs dropped dramatically.

Obama was playing on steroids and the markets went to a certain level.

You’ve removed all the steroids and unlike home runs in Major League Baseball the markets went HIGHER.

They’ve done so well under your guidance the Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates the ENTIRE TIME.

This is called Leadership.

Through your personality and removal of oppressive regulations, the United States economy has flourished and the markets have soared proving yet again the American Entrepreneur, Business Owner and Worker are the greatest assets this country has.

Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand.

Less than five percent of the Earth’s human population creating the largest economy in the history of Man.

Take a bow Mr. Trump and the credit.

It’s been well earned.

More importantly, you touting these very real and easy to see accomplishments, will draw attention to what is happening now and what should NOT have happened in the past.

Knowledge is indeed Power Mr. President.

Use the Bully Pulpit to teach and your place in history will write itself.

Jason Kraus




Free Education. You get what you’ll pay for.

Decades ago I had a discussion with my father. I’d heard something on the radio and it’d resonated with me. As we spoke I mixed it into the conversation. My dad gave me a weird look and then ripped what I said apart in about ten-seconds. Of course I was home from college and filled with an “education” so I just ignored him. What did this hardworking, dedicated, intelligent, bear of a man who’d only RAISED me and PAID my way through college know that I didn’t?

Excuse me for a second while I pause to laugh at my own absurdity.

It took a few years of life experience to realize how wrong I’d been. Once I did the next time I saw my dad I asked him if he remembered that particular conversation. He said he did.  I told him I was 100% wrong and that he was 100% right.

He nodded and said, “Yes I know.”

We still laugh about that every once in a while.

Fortunately for me I had a father willing to set me straight on the things that were true and the things that were not.

I feel for the kids these days.

The propaganda has been so overwhelming over the last few decades that those that even bother to look for facts find it difficult to weed through all the garbage in an attempt to glean a bit of knowledge.

Furthermore the “education” they are given hasn’t prepared them to be able to read and understand the knowledge that has been provided for centuries from the minds of Socrates, Plato, Locke, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison and Maslow.

They’ve been lied to for so long they think the definitions of words have changed so let us provide the children and the self-loathing Liberals a clear path to the truth through simplicity.

The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic.

It isn’t a Democracy, Democratic Socialism, compatible with Sharia or a Representative Republic.


If you feel the need to argue…don’t.

If you feel the need to explain…stop.

If you feel the need to justify or rationalize…go see a counselor.

I don’t do free therapy anymore.

As I’ve explained this in depth over the years I will not go into Article 4 Section 4. I will not go into Socratic Theory. I will not go into John Adams stating that all Democracies commit suicide.

I will explain this simply.

Stop popping the newest version of Ritalin called Adderall, put down the edibles and your cell phones and PAY ATTENTION Libs and Millenials.

Your lives may depend upon it down the road.

Concept Number One:

Americans do not have Democratic Rights, Democratic Socialist Rights, Sharia Rights or Representative Rights.

We have Constitutional Rights.

Not convinced?

Let’s use your words.

“I can say anything I want. It’s my Right” or “I don’t have to talk to you I have the Right to remain silent” or “you can’t tell me what to do, you aren’t the boss of me, I’m not your slave.”

Sound familiar?

Of course it does.

I’m sure most of you have said these things at one time or another, probably to your parents or step-parents.

Putting aside those Rights have nothing to do with talking to your parents, your statements are true because those Rights are listed under very specific Amendments in a document most of us call the United States Constitution.

We call them CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and I strongly suggest most of you give the 1st Amendment a break, start exercising the 5th and learn which political Party actually brought about the 13th.

Silence is golden and in many of your cases dramatically needed.

Furthermore while Democracy ends in Tyranny, Socialism and Sharia are both paths to slavery, in one form or another.

Hijab, Sickle & Hammer, or Klan hood.

Slightly different roads all ending at the same destination.

Concept Number Two:


When I was a child Diversity pertained to economics as the divergence of different stocks, bonds, property, cash, gold, etc.

The idea was to have monetary DIVERSITY to ensure one did not have “all of their eggs in one basket”.

This is still the best way to protect your financial freedom.

Today however the term Diversity is used to explain the “mixing” of humans with “different color skin” in society.

Another word for this is Bigotry.

Some will struggle with this because it gets too close to their “safe spaces” so I want to be very clear.

Anyone who believes taking a human with one color skin and putting that human into a group of humans with a different color skin will make that situation “better” based on skin color, is a complete and utter idiot.

The proximity to the sun of your ancestors doesn’t make society better or worse.

Behavior does.

Sending Jason Kraus to play for the Golden State Warriors isn’t going to make them better because I happen to have “white” skin just like having Steph Curry write my columns isn’t going to make them better because he has “black” skin.

Both situations would be dramatically WORSE.

I cannot hit a thirty foot jumper all day long and Curry can barely speak let alone write coherent truthful thoughts. I’m not picking on Curry. Most of the players in the NBA cannot give a thirty-second interview without stuttering, muttering, or “guttering” the English language.

Some of the coaches and owners are even worse.

Steve Kerr, Gregg Popovich and Mark Cuban sound like morons every time they speak.

One is filled with White Guilt, the other is probably an alcoholic and if Mark Cuban isn’t on an amphetamine of some sort then they need to get that man to the Mayo Clinic.

Yes, these three happen to be white, which proves asininity is not only color blind but everywhere in the “Association”.

Pay attention kids because we are about to move on. Your success or failure in life has nothing to do with your “shade of grey”.

Skin color “diversity” is again BIGOTRY.

Learn it, love it, live it.

Finally we have “culture”.

Food, music, hair care products et al, have nothing to do with culture.

Culture is too important to be broken down by caloric intake, someone named Slim Shady or a weave.

How rice is prepared or who is rocking corn rows has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Culture is everything.

It is the choices that were made before you were born.

It is the choices that were made while you were raised and it is the choices you will make that will dictate what kind of life your children and grand-children will have.

There are only two cultures in human behavior.

Freedom and Oppression.

Individual choices and responsibilities or Dictator/State run programs.

Capitalism or famine.

Color blind or blinded by color.

Constitutional Republic or Democracy.

Success or failure.

The choice is yours my youthful friends but make no mistake.

Your choice will not “infringe” upon America for too much longer as we are steeled with the Truth, armed with Free Will and the greatest insurance policy known to Man otherwise known as the 2nd Amendment.

But for the grace of God go I.

On the other hand you Liberals, well, you haven’t any grace, and don’t believe in God so we won’t bother with the “thoughts and prayers”.

We will leave you with the three other words that bring you to tears.

Lock and Load.

Jason Kraus




We cannot suffer the fools any longer

It was cold that night in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, probably ten degrees. I was riding shotgun and had a slow boil going due to a piece of fecal matter supervisor, who treated the At Risk youth we were supposed to be helping, worse than he treated the staff. We’d had our “chats” over the last few months and as unfulfilling as they were to both of us I was beyond being angry with him.

It was now rage and I turned that rage right where I thought it had been earned.

I went off on God.

I left no stone unturned, no adjective, noun or verb was removed and to describe it as profane would be describing it mildly.

I questioned how an all powerful Being could allow children to be sexually, physically and emotionally abused by their parents and then sent to a camp where the guy in charge was a raging a-hole.

I sneered at the all powerful Father with an anger that knows no fear and dared Him to shut me up.

My friend, the driver, sat very quietly, as my rant went unanswered by the Big Fella Upstairs. When I paused for a breath my friend attempted  a small joke that I didn’t bother to acknowledge. I was locked in and ready to play my trump card.

“If this is all you got God, then come get me now. I f#$%ing dare you.”

Ten-seconds turned into ten minutes as the car came to a stop at our destination.  I stepped out, more disgusted than ever, when I froze in my tracks.

For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you know what happened next.  For those of you who haven’t, well, let’s just say, The BIG FELLA UPSTAIRS reminded me who indeed was in charge…and it wasn’t me.

From that point on I’ve never questioned God.

Our conversations are always me saying thank you.  On an average day this happens about one half dozen times. Fortunately for me most of my days are better than average so our short chats happen quite a bit.

Recently I was doing some home improvements and as I was working through my twentieth can of spray foam insulation the mundanity of it made me smile and look skyward. This time it wasn’t to say thank you but rather a question. Not a question of blame but rather a question I’ve asked  many times over the years.

“Am I where you want me to be?”

Now I am not saying God spoke to me.

It’s possible the fumes from the spray foam may have altered my consciousness. What I am saying is my brain fed me an instant reaction and it is one I have not had in a very long time.

Lead by example with kindness.

I should also mention I did inhale quite a bit of wood/pellet smoke from a newly installed pipe that was leaking.

With that said the thought hit me again.

Lead with kindness.

I nodded slightly and then continued the conversation by asking another question.

What do we do with those who are deaf to the truth?

The answer was immediate.

Take them by the hand my son.

My next question arrived just as fast.

What do we do with those who will not see?

Put them on your shoulders my child.

After checking the label on the spray foam one more time I posited this to the Big Fella Upstairs.

What do we with Evil?

My immediate thought was “build an Ark” followed by the famous line from the movie that kept millions out of the water “you’re going to need a bigger boat”.

I like to think God has a sense of humor.

Of course I’m not Noah or Roy Scheider.

Although appreciative of the comical break I inquired again.

What do we do with Evil?

My mind was silent, at least on this topic, for the rest of the day. I’ve had this happen before and I did what I do when braced with a subject I cannot immediately fix.

I let my brain sit with the issue and moved on to other things in life. I no longer vacillate as it has never provided me with a positive answer, simply a headache.

Two days later sitting in traffic I watched as many empty vessels around me behaved in ways that could only be described as sad when immediately the answer to my question came to fruition.

“Do unto others as they have done unto you.”

Instantly I knew the phrase was incorrect. I knew the saying was “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” BUT that’s not the message that I received or kept receiving.

As many are certainly wondering “were any of those empty spray foam cans left in your truck?”

There were not and I’m not starting a “religion” or saying The Big Fella Upstairs was talking to me.

As I’ve said many times the name is Jason Kraus not Jesus Christ but I do believe if we “ask” the right questions “we shall receive” the appropriate answers.

So, what do we do with those that lie, cheat and steal from the United States Citizen?

What do we do with those who have sworn to protect and defend America yet continue to do the exact opposite?

What do we do with elected officials who ignore the molestation, rape and murder of our fellow Americans and encourage Human Trafficking through our open Southern Border?

We’ve tried being kind, generous and “christian-like”.

It’s only getting worse.

Historically, new technological advances have made life on Earth better for Humans but today’s “advancements” have turned too many into drugged, lazy, creatures who live only to meet their next immediate need at someone else’s expense.

Do unto others as you would have done unto you doesn’t work with Evil.

It simply makes one a target, then a victim.

Yet, do unto others as they have done unto you won’t work for me either.

We aren’t animals.

As I sat down to write this column the message became clear.

One does not stop molestation, rape and murder by committing these acts, nor does one stop these things by “taking them by the hand”.

We do what AMERICANS have done for almost three centuries.

From the crossing of the Delaware, to the swamps of South Carolina, from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, from Normandy to the Mekong Delta.

We give thanks, say grace and pray that we are indeed on God’s side.

Then we grab them by the neck and “hang em high” for all the world to see.

We may laugh at the foolish but we cannot suffer the fools any longer.

Jason Kraus




Zero Consequences

As Donald Trump was racing from State to State spreading the message of the greatness of America, the Progressives, Hamas supporters and bigots, ( I know, I know, redundancy) were apparently “hoping” for divine intervention.

All of a sudden “thoughts and prayers” started to sound pretty good to the non-believers.

Of course it does seem blasphemous from the Party who booed the Big Fella Upstairs but then again their cult hero Meryl Streep called the rapist known as Harvey Weinstein a “God” so I guess their hypocrisy and debauchery truly knows no bounds and in knowing no bounds I’d like to introduce…Oprah!

I’m not sure what happens to Liberals when they head south in America.

Obama started to drawl, Hillary discovered hot sauce in her purse, and Ms. Winfrey, well Ms. Winfrey found Jesus!

Sadly she didn’t discover any grammar as she reportedly stated, “Jesus don’t like ugly”.

This from the close friend and business partner of the aforementioned Weinstein.

Whoo boy, if Jesus aint down wit ugly then Harvey, Harpo and Hillary be in a mighty fine pickle.

You see,”The Devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal, he was in bind, cause he was way behind, and he was willing to make a deal.”

Insert guitar riff here.

Sadly for those dribbles, none of them can play the fiddle, so ol Charlie stepped in the middle, while they piddled, and answered their riddle, with three quick shots of Winfrey drivel.

“And you go to hell and you go to hell and you go to hell!”

She be right.

Jesus don’t like ugly.

Yet some ugly did occur Tuesday night.

Wildly uninformed, ignorant and foolish humans who call themselves Liberals decided the booming economy, removal of senseless regulations, and the Rule of Law were things to vote against.

Their message of free healthcare, open borders and hate the white man (educated or not) cost them six year positions while gaining seats they will have to defend in two.

Common Core math strikes again.

As previously mentioned the Republicans did gain seats in the Senate (at least until the Dems find enough “uncounted ballots” in Florida and Arizona) while the Party of Clinton took control of the House of Representatives.

The insanity found in the House was credited by the media to “Blacks, Hispanics, and college educated White woman.”

I guess “Blacks and Hispanics” don’t matter enough to the Press to differentiate their “educational level” or gender.

Hillary thinks they all look alike.

How very Margaret Sanger of her.

Sounds like White Privilege to me.

As the night continued the media grew angry that the Blue Wave didn’t appear.

The “Trump Party” actually GREW the Senate while losing less historical seats than both Clinton and Obama.

MSNBS and CNN tried to spin the results but it became harder and harder when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was elected.

Every member of the imbecilic Press KNOWS they are smarter than the former bartender.

Of course this isn’t saying much, on either side.

Still, with the spin complete, reality set in.

The Anti-American Party’s message was loud enough to take back the People’s House.

Many will ignore this fact, others will rationalize, some will argue.

All of it is a waste of time.

The only question we should have is why and the answer is quite simple.

Zero consequences.

Dear President Trump,

We are with you but it is time for you to understand the attacks on you and Americans in general are only going to increase.

They will increase because those who have broken the law are never punished.

The first thing that should have happened, thirty-seconds after you were sworn in, was the firing of James Comey and the second should have been the indictment of Hillary Clinton.

Not only did the Rule of Law require these things but EVERYONE in America, regardless of Party, was expecting it.

When it didn’t happen the wheels came off the car.

Waters, Ellison, ANTIFA, etc., threatened, stalked and beat humans while more illegals flowed into the country.


Zero, unless you count the murder of American Citizens.

We know the Democrats don’t.

With your initial election we American Citizens knew we’d bought some time.

Two years later that time is up.

Firing Jeff Sessions is two years too late.

Cutting Poopy Pants Acosta off now is two years too late.

The Party of Hate hung in there for twenty-four months and Nancy Pelosi will now set the tone.

The tone of endless investigations, violence and Impeachment.

Of Russian Collusion, Anti-Semitism and Constitutional compliance with Sharia.

I’m sure one of your attorneys has explained that the Progressives only need the votes in the House to Impeach you.

They have them.

There’s nothing left to negotiate, nothing left to be Bi-Partisan about.

Their behavior has been REWARDED by too many voters.

It’s only going to get worse.

It’s time for you to bring in new voices.

Voices that will tell you the truth.

Voices that will stop telling you to be patient and to not worry about the “rhetoric”.

The votes are in.

The thugs are winning because they aren’t being stopped.

It is my estimation that you have about three weeks before things explode on many levels.

You cannot count on the Republicans in the House or the Senate.

They will hang you out to dry as soon as they think they can.

Your strength comes from the support of We the People and that support has lessened.

You have the hammer but it will not matter unless it is wielded.

Wield it you must.

Hillary Clinton is positioning herself for another run.

She is currently their strongest criminal and I guarantee she won’t make the same mistake(s) this time.

She will choose a Bernie or a Warren as her underling and that should be enough to get her over the hump.

For the sake of America you must cut her off at the knees NOW and indict her.

This can only be the beginning.

A message must be sent otherwise elections won’t matter anymore.

Rules won’t matter.

Laws won’t matter.

The mob won on Tuesday and it’s coming for you Mr. President and they’ll keep coming until they feel their behavior in a very physical way.

The AMERICAN population is ready.

Make the call.

The longer you wait the harder it will be.

Jason Kraus




Making America Great Again

We have a few days to go before America decides whether to continue forward, or drown, under a “blue wave”.

Fictional Progressive fantasies like the Creature Kavanaugh and Trump/Russian collusion have disappeared only to be replaced by Liberals who scream about free healthcare, white supremacy and Republican anti-Semitism.

Void of a soul and searching for a voice to lead them out of their land of lunacy, the Democrats lurched from one created catastrophe to the next in search of their mantra to “never let a good crisis go to waste”.

Ah the brilliance of Rahm Emanuel continues to cost Chicago citizens their lives.

Then again they are the ones voting for the crisis contaminant.

Attempting to remain relevant, the lame-duck Speaker of the House forged ahead, in his quest to say stupid things and in general be the Liberal known as Paul Ryan.

Speaking of saying stupid things some “actor” I’ve never heard of decided to state that, “there will be blood in the streets if Democrats lose”.

I could be wrong but aren’t all of these people already supposed to be in Canada?

It appears the Democrats are panicking and are now saying virtually anything that pops into their addled, rattled and cattled traps.

Moo Progressives Mooooooo.

Speaking of animals that travel in packs another Lib decided to open his maw.

Lo and behold Senator Spartacus again arrived on the scene to impart more liberal “wisdom” on us poor peasants.

Whorey Corey made the statement “we need to understand that words matter” after the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting.

Thanks genius, although it finally looks like the groper got one right.

Words do matter and a friend of his has called for the murder of JEWS many times.

This friend of Corey is also a friend of Keith Ellison and Barack Hussein Obama.

Their friend’s name is Louis Farrakhan and the Sunni Muslim has been calling for the murder of cops, whites and Jews for quite a while now.

Could you imagine a white Jewish police officer???

I’m guessing Barry and Louie would have to have their Pampers changed.

Farrakhan has made his hatred of the Sons and Daughters of Abraham quite clear yet we’ve never heard a peep from Ellison.

We’ve never heard even a whisper from “Words Matter” Booker either.

Obama basically winked and nodded for eight years yet somehow this is all the fault of the man who moved our embassy to Jerusalem.

Sharia supporter Maxine Waters called for Democrats to get in the face of Republican politicians.

One of them actually shot and almost killed Steve Scalise.

Eric Holder told Democrats to kick them.

I guess he ran out of an access to guns to run through our Southern border.

Hillary (Soon to be the Democratic Presidential nominee for 2020) Clinton stated that, “Civility” can only begin after the Democrats take back either the House or the Senate.

How civilized of a woman who “jokes” about black males all looking alike.

So until then I guess it’ll be a brawl on the boulevard or if Farrakhan has his way “cops, crackers, and termites” will be stacked in the streets.

It appears someone’s bow-tie is a little too tight.

So tight in fact it is cutting off the blood to his brain and appears to be doing the same to the Democrats.

Liberal lunacy was found on Fox News as Shepard Smith stated “There is no invasion” happening at the border.

He’s sort of right.

The invasion isn’t “happening”.

It already happened.

Reagan made it legal.

Clinton, Bush and Obama made it worse and the invasion that, “Isn’t happening now” is the primary reason Donald Trump was elected.

I wonder how ol Shep thinks all those Dreamers got here?

He need only ask Chris Matthews.

Mr. Thrill Up His Leg stated for the record, “Democratic Politicians want the border open for the votes, Republicans for the cheap labor.”

Probably the most sober statement Matthews has ever made.

Definitely the most truthful.

If all that isn’t enough, and it should be, we have now received reports that under the Obama regime (2009-2013) dozens of American spies were killed due to “leaks” coming from Google.

Yep, the same Google that’s been molesting their employees so much a “walkout”ensued.

American men and women putting their lives on the line to gather incredibly important intel were murdered years ago and we are just finding out about it now.

These “leaks” were “found” by none other than Obama’s favorite country.


I could write about the multiple connections to Iran both Obama and Valerie Jarret have but very few Liberals will care as it appears two of the many goals of the Progressives is to overthrow these United States and kill as many Jews as possible along the way.

I will say this to my American Brethren who practice Judaism.

For too long many of you have voted Democrat.

The Party you have pledged your blind loyalty to have embraced CAIR, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and the aforementioned Farrakhan.

Stop listening to pseudo-intellectuals like Alan Dershowitz. His “interpretation” of the United States Constitution is like the weather in San Francisco.

It changes every twenty minutes.

It appears too many of you are unwilling to see the truth so I will lay it out clearly.

Islamists want you and your children slaughtered and they, along with La Raza, have overtaken the Democratic Party formerly known as the Ku Klux Klan.

Perez, Ellison, Sarsour, etc., own the DNC.

Break away from Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg.

They are Judas.

They are Brutus.

They are Benedict Arnold.

Join your fellow American Brothers and Sisters who proclaimed long ago to “Never Again” vote Democrat.

So here we are with days to go before the “biggest election of our lives” happens AGAIN and I will lean on the poetry of one Steven Miller.

Clowns to the left, Jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Just where we are supposed to be.

In the middle of it all, vocalizing, sweating, swinging and bleeding if we must to ensure that Freedom continues forward in the only way it will.

The American Way.

Jason Kraus




The Writer writes the text, the Reader writes the story

Writing can be a two-fold positive experience.

First, there is the joy that comes with creation.

If that sounds like a fortune cookie saying, it’s because it is.

In fact that little strip of paper has been taped to a mirror in my warehouse for almost a decade.

I ate the cookie and consumed the message.

The second part is watching the response.

As a wise owl once hooted, “The writer writes the text, the reader writes the story”.

Let me use some of your words to provide an example.


One comment stated, “Jason Kraus has a way of translating today’s ‘distasteful’ political scene into a more humorous view of the political tragedy that surrounds us. One needn’t agree with what Jason says, but, if you aren’t careful, you just might come away with an unexpected smile and a clearer view of the politics of the ‘Left’.”

Another commenter wrote,”PERFECTLY stated ~ he’s an awesome writer. There is NEVER any shortage of assinine (misspelled on purpose, pun intended) material from The Left, and our funny, talented, creative Trump supporting Memers keep me laughing NONSTOP. This past week has been epic. Laughing so much, so hard… I physically hurt.”

There were certainly others in this strain as I am blessed with so many of you across our great country who share your love and wonderful verbiage with me daily. I only wish I could put all of you in here but then it would end up being an infomercial on why “Jason Kraus is fantastic.”

Then again that does sound like fun but on a more serious note I am truly humbled and enjoy every positive comment.

As with all things though, there is always that yin to our yang, the Progressive versus the Patriot, ANTIFA against the AMERICANS.

One comment was so unintelligible my brain wouldn’t allow my fingers to type it in.

Another disliked the length, the topics, and said it was “repetitive”.

Finally one commenter asked,”Is this supposed to be funny?”

First of all, it was hilarious.

I know this because I was laughing while typing.

Secondly it is only “lengthy” and “repetitive” to those who don’t like the truth put right in their faces.

Of course nobody likes three stiff jabs followed by a wicked right cross but I am not the one creating all the drama.

I simply put it in its proper perspective or as another comment stated, this is “Good $hit”.

Good $hit indeed.

Yet here we are in the most incredible technological time in history and one half of the voting population actually believes Donald Trump won Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida because he “colluded with the Russians”.

Talk about writing your own story.

Now we see Barack Obama back on the stage telling anyone who will listen that he is responsible for the 4% growth in our economy and this is being parroted by the Abominations.

One need only to go to the “technology” to search and find hundreds of times where Obama stated our economy was now a 2% economy and that our nation should get used to it.

The same nation where Barack’s Common Core brought math results to a 14 year low.

Where Obama minions called for the murder of cops, crackers, and Jews.

Where foreign nationals crossed into our country by the tens of thousands and were provided free water, food, shelter, medical care, schooling and licenses to drive but a Marine missed an exit and was incarcerated in Mexico for months.

Where Black Lives Matter was given “space to destroy”.

Barack was so lazy he even ripped off Jimmy the Martyr Carter’s old Progressive phrase.

The New Normal.

This should be expected from a man so apathetic, he was able to only use one vowel “I” reportedly dozens of times, in a recent thirty minute speech.

Obama: I am the greatest.

Just ask me.

Let us ask a different question.

How many times Liberals, does Lucy, have to move the football?

How many times does Michael Brown have to go for the cop’s gun?

How many children have to be trafficked and sold into sexual slavery because of our open border?

How many Libs?

How much is enough?

When will life matter? When will the pursuit of happiness matter?

When will Freedom matter to you wretched souls?

We know you’ll target Americans using the IRS.

We know you’ll abort babies and sell their bodies.

We know you’ll let our soldiers die and then blame it on a video.

You think my writings of your rantings aren’t funny?

Just wait until you are face to face with my brethren and I, known as AMERICANS.

You won’t find that funny either, and sadly for you, we won’t be laughing anymore.

Those that fail to read the text properly will have their story written for them and it won’t be with a pen.

Jason Kraus




Crazy Aunt Nancy, Cheekbones Cherokee and Eating Crow

My, my, how the Democrats do provide an incredible amount of writing material.

Where do we begin?

According to CNN, Kanye West went from a “genius” to a “house negro” overnight because he gave President Trump support and a hug.

“Bright minds” like Don Lemon and Dave Chappelle (where would we be without these two luminaries) both took shots at the former “genius”.

Now I’m not a fan of Kanye “I ain’t saying she a gold digger but she ain’t messing with no broke niggas” West BUT cop hating Don Lemon has never been relevant or coherent and dope smoking Dave Chappelle called one of his own children “little nigger” in one of his comedy shows.

I guess Chappelle figures because he’s a Muslim he can get away with it.

So to summarize, anti-American, bigotry, drugs, profanity and Sharia get a thumbs up from Liberals but hug Donald Trump and one becomes what happens when “negroes don’t read”.

Okay then.

It appears anywhere Kanye West pops up Taylor Swift isn’t too far behind.

I’ve enjoyed Swift’s work over the years as I find her to be an exceptional songwriter (new topics are needed) but if one is going to open their mouths they need to know what they are saying.

You “Should’ve Said No” Swift T.

Ms. Swift decided that her experience of breaking up with Hollywood boys equates to having knowledge about world affairs, our economy and Freedom and endorsed the Democratic Senatorial candidate from Tennessee.

Before her endorsement most of the polls had the Democrat slightly ahead.

After the endorsement the Republican jumped to the front, with one poll giving the Republican, a 14 point lead.

Because she’s young I’m going to cut her some slack but after that poll swing, one must inquire as to how many hearts, in the Volunteer State, did she break?

Not to be outdone was Willie I’ll smoke anything available Nelson. The stoned and tone deaf hippie decided to support the Democratic candidate from Texas for the U.S. Senate.

According to the polls, BEFORE Nelson endorsed the Dem, the race was within a few points either way.

After Nelson the Republican candidate jumped to an eight point lead overall.

Thank you Willie.

“You were always on my mind.”

Of course they are “polls” but  historically speaking, any poll that has the Republican ahead at all, should be a landslide win for that candidate.

Crazy Aunt Nancy was in the news again telling everyone that if the Dimwits win she will be raising taxes and protecting the criminals, known to the Libs, as Dreamers.

Sounds about right.

One day an after school special will have to be done on Humanitarian Hamas Pelosi.

I think Alyssa Milano would be perfect for the part. She wouldn’t have to do any research or bother with a script.

They both babble incessantly.

Speaking of babbling Cloth Cleaning Clinton decided to AGAIN support her lying, cheating, molesting husband and disagree with Monica Lewinsky that her husband’s behavior wasn’t a “gross abuse of power”.

I’m fifty-fifty on this one.

“Banging an intern” is not an abuse of power.

Lois Lerner and the IRS is an abuse of power.

Deserting American troops in Benghazi is an abuse of power.

Running guns through our open border is an abuse of power.

Helicopter dropping gold and cash in the middle of the night into Iran is an abuse of power.

I will also add the aforementioned items are all treasonous.

Cigars, a blue dress, and a Lewinsky?

Definitely gross but certainly not an abuse of power.

Hillary and Monica, still fighting over Billy’s Slick Willie.

Grow up ladies.

He moved on from you two a long time ago, targeted Haiti and someone known as “Energizer”…allegedly.

With all that going on Elizabeth Warren couldn’t just sit quietly, no no.

The Cheekbone Cherokee decided to finally address the stories of her Papaw and Mamaw and released DNA information that, wait for it, said that she in fact was not only NOT Cherokee but had as much Native American blood as a full blown Norwegian.

Bernie Scandinavian Gang Rape Sanders would be so proud.

The memes that followed were hilarious.

“She just found out that her Cherokee name is Eating Crow.”

“Elizabeth Warren is whiter than Ivory soap.”


Finally my favorite.

“An Indian, African-American and a Mexican walk into a bar…just kidding!  It’s just three white Liberals!”

What’s really funny (or sad) about this is that I don’t have to type in their names.

Everyone with a brain is already aware of these three stooges.

Speaking of stooges Rosie O’Donnell and Beto O’Rourke continue to leap into Moe’s arms.

O’Donnell has been and is still calling for Martial Law (she thinks it’s Marshall) to remove Donald Trump.

Nothing quite like Liberal Logic otherwise known as bonafidis moronicis.

Martial Law is imposed by each individual State, is at the purview of the Governor of said State, to be enforced in only that State.

Donald Trump is from New York and now lives in Washington D.C. (and rent free in the domes of  Liberals 24/7) but Rosie wants to declare Martial Law in California?

Yes, I am aware of Bush and Obama’s unconstitutional acts in 2007, 2012 and 2015 but these acts STRENGTHEN Trump’s hand in-regards-to Martial Law.

Democrats are indeed stupid humans.

Not to be outdone O’Rourke, who is again running for one of the United States Senate seats out of Texas, said he would impeach President Trump if elected.

The drunk driving, open border, La Raza supporting, weed inhaler should be immediately removed as a candidate for that statement alone.

Is that because you support President Trump Jason?

I do, but no.

Is that because you think President Trump hasn’t done anything to cause his impeachment?

He hasn’t, but no to that as well.

Then why Jason? Why should the drunk driving, open border, La Raza supporting, weed inhaler be removed for that statement alone?

Because it isn’t true.

If the Beto male were elected to the SENATE he still wouldn’t have a vote to impeach.

His vote would be to convict and remove.

That he doesn’t know this puts him on the same level intellectually as Maxine Bank Fraud Waters, Alexandria Vote For Me Because I Am Not White Ocasio-Cortez, and Pee Wee Herman, although I must admit Herman is slightly ahead of that trifecta of tools.


Can’t live with em.

Don’t want to.

With all of that it still appears the Democrats are on the field and in the game.

How is this possible?

The RINO Party is that bad.

As stated many times I am not a Republican.

I am an AMERICAN and we AMERICANS are tired of you RINOS but due to the treasonous Democrats we have little choice but to support you right now.

If the elections were today, it is my estimation that the Senate would have at least 54 Republicans.

If the elections were today, it is also my estimation that the Republicans would hold the House.

Dear Republican Politicians,

We support President Trump because he is an American First, American Only.

Too many of you are corrupt, selfish and morally bankrupt.

If the election goes the way I just mentioned, we will be giving you TWO MORE YEARS, to do the one and only thing we elected President Trump to accomplish.

We didn’t put him there for tax cuts.

We didn’t put him there to deregulate.

We didn’t put him there to exterminate ISIS, get rid of Yellen, or redo trade agreements.

These things are all FANTASTIC and we appreciate his strength, tenacity, and energy.

We are very aware he can walk and chew gum at the same time.

You RINOS on the other hand would probably fall down or choke to death awaiting your Obamacare you couldn’t get repealed.

Too many have forgotten or are pretending to forget why Donald Trump was elected.

“I will build a great big wall.”

It’s time you get on board the Freedom Train RINOS or you will soon find out the Democrats are toothless tigers compared to the rage of the roaring American Lion that will be coming to remove all traitors and restore OUR Republic.

God has blessed these United States.

Donald Trump is doing his part.

It’s time for you Republican politicians to learn, recite, and embrace three words.

Build The Wall.

Jason Kraus




There was never a Democracy that did not commit suicide

There’s never been a time where information is more available to humans and there’s never been a time when so many humans haven’t any information.

Information isn’t an opinion, a feeling, or an emotion.

Information is factual data.

How far it is to the next town that has gas, is never answered by “well it feels like”.

The answer is always given in time or distance.

This is information.

The rest of the cacophony is just noise.

For example we hear ridiculousness all the time such as “She is speaking her truth”.

There is no such thing as his or her truth.

There is only THE TRUTH.

His or her truth is either an opinion or a lie.

A very common example of this is polling.

Polling used to have a very important role in our elections but today’s polling is propaganda attempting to excite one group, depress another, or both at the same time.

For instance in this year’s Arizona Senate race, according to polling, the Democratic Candidate (until last Wednesday) was ahead by a couple of points.

A very simple search will locate a website called Ballotpedia.

On this site the results for the Republican and Democratic Primaries in 2018 are posted.

Total votes for all Democratic Candidates: 396,586.

Total votes for all Republican Candidates: 509,418.

Over one hundred thousand more votes for the Republican Candidates than the Democrats, yet some random polling person, makes five hundred calls to “selected voters” and reports that the Democrat is winning.

For the Democrat to win well over one hundred thousand Republican voters will have to stay home and not vote at all, after already voting in the Primary OR roughly fifty-seven THOUSAND Republican voters, who again already voted for Republican candidates in the PRIMARY, will have to switch and vote for the Democrat.

The only way this happens is complete and unadulterated fraud.

Of course some will point to the Independent vote but most Independents vote middle of the road and the Democratic Party crashed hard into the left ditch a long time ago.

The Arizona Republican should win in a landslide.

We can say this because we have proven facts that over nine hundred thousand Arizonans voted a certain way yet the “polls” (again until last Wednesday) said otherwise.

Indiana is even worse.

Total Primary votes for the Democratic Candidates: 284,681.

Total Primary votes for the Republican Candidates:  506,700.

There is no excuse on the planet that is going to explain 222,019 more votes and no I don’t care that the Dem ran unopposed.

Furthermore according to Open Primaries, Independents in Indiana, can vote in either Primary.

I’m sure they did.

Yet according to the polls the Democrat is leading by two and half points.

Another easy, but stunning disregard for facts, is the statement that the United States of America is a Democracy.

Democracy is fourth on the list of five in Socratic Theory.

Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, DEMOCRACY, Tyranny.

The idea of a Republic was to be better than Democracy.

To halt the slide into Tyranny.

It’s that simple.

Genius always is.

The concept of a Republic is to protect and serve the Individual unlike Democracy that protects and serves the Majority.

I’ll make it even simpler using some of today’s verbiage.

Democracy is the Pony Express.

A Republic is the Internet.

Democracies will never get better and will eventually succumb to the worst of human behavior.

A Republic will never get worse, because if it is lost, society reverts back to one of the other aforementioned forms of Socratic Theory.

Alexander Tytler spoke and wrote about this as early as the Eighteenth Century.

Socrates did it long before this and outlined his theory to explain the levels of the culture known as Oppression.

In those days it was very rare for the masses to get access to this type of information but today it is available in the blink of an eye, the touch of a keystroke, yet too many, do not bother.

They’d rather be fed by the idiot box known as the television trough.

Repeating half-truths, obfuscations, and outright lies without the slightest inkling of curiosity, to research the blather they bother not to wash or rinse, but rather repeat.

Silly statements, like “China is a Republic, so was the USSR” are so nonsensical, the term “stinking unwashed masses,” is most underwhelming in the description of these Homo sapiens.

A Republic is an opportunity but it is up to those in the Republic to decide what is important to the Individual and what is not.

What is guaranteed, in as much as behavior can be guaranteed, and what is not.

Hence, the creation of one of the greatest written documents in the history of Man.

The United States Constitution.

The genius of the document so great, while its words changed the world, the humility of the writers allowed, if needed, upgrades could be made.

Genius indeed.

The writers also understood the failings of Democracy and orchestrated very specific checks and balances inside the Constitution to ensure that an OVERWHELMING majority of the People must be in agreeance for any changes to occur.

Article Five covers this process in full.

In short, two-thirds or sixty-six percent, of both houses in Congress must agree to even propose an amendment to be sent to the States and three quarters or seventy-five percent of the States must ratify for the amendment to be added.

The same can be done in a national convention with the same percentages applying.

These are facts, are easily found in this incredible document, and provide excitement and joy to those who choose to read and bask in the light, found only, where freedom lives.

The United States is special for many reasons.

Compassion, intellect and perseverance are but three in a long list of blessed excellence but all items on that list are only there because of one thing.

The ferocious requirement of freedom.

Benjamin Franklin, genius personified, is credited with saying this to a woman who asked him a simple question.

“Well doctor what have we got a Republic or a Monarchy?”

“A Republic, if you can keep it,” he replied.

Even then Democracy was not an option.

It isn’t today either.

Thank you Dr. Franklin.

We’ll keep our Constitutional Republic.

One way or another.

We also thank those brilliant minds in the Eighteenth Century, who provided us one last check and balance, and made sure the 2nd Amendment “shall not be infringed”.

By ballot or by bullet.

Choose wisely Democrats, before the choice is made for you and let us all be reminded of the words of John Adams.

“Democracy never lasts long.  It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself.  There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.”

Keep threatening our way of life Liberals, and the option of suicide, will be removed.

Jason Kraus




Bend Over For Beto

Let’s recap the week.

The Democrats threw everything, including the kitchen sink, at Brett Kavanaugh.

Hopefully Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh remembers who it was that tried to ruin his life and who came to his defense.

These United States can’t afford anymore John Obamacare Roberts Liberals also known as “Compassionate Conservatives”.

While the Days Of Our Lives progressed, Keith Ellison and Cory Booker continued to be ignored by the #MeToo movement (I guess photos and an actual admission aren’t enough proof) Elizabeth Cheekbones Warren was found to have claimed tens of thousands of dollars in clothing donations that never happened (probably lots of tunics, buckskin dresses and moccasins) and Barack Obama decided that costing the Democratic Party over one thousand collective seats in government wasn’t enough and sent out a list of endorsements.

A few names stood out of this motley crew.

Stacey Abrams, Governorship, Georgia.

Ben Jealous, Governorship, Maryland.

Andrew Gillum, Governorship, Florida.

Kate Brown, Governorship, Oregon.

Abrams is reportedly hundreds of thousands of dollar in debt with fifty-thousand of it in, yep you guessed it, back taxes. She reportedly blames everyone including her parents, a sibling, student loans and credit card debt, like her MasterCard just jumped up and said, “Momma needs a new pair of shoes!”

Yes Georgians.  Let’s put this person in charge of your entire State.

Well done Barack.  Well done.

Jealous Ben had apparently forgotten he’d endorsed Bernie Sanders. When asked whether he was a Democratic Socialist he answered by swearing at the reporter and then denying the premise.

What was the reporter thinking asking a question that made perfect sense?

What I want to know is why didn’t anyone ask him if he agrees with Bernie that women fantasize about being raped simultaneously by three different men, or with his friend Louis Farrakhan, who wants all White people and Jews murdered?

Again Barry.  Well done.

Andrew Gillum, another self-proclaimed Progressive Democratic Socialist is somehow involved in an FBI corruption investigation in Tallahassee. My guess is someone looking suspiciously like James Coomey will eventually say Gillum was “grossly negligent” but because of his ability to “wipe away everything with a cloth” he’ll be allowed to continue forward in the election.

You are on fire Soetoro.

Finally we have Kate Brown of Oregon.

Among her many outstanding qualities, like forcing Sanctuary State Status down Oregonians throats, allowing the homeless to urinate, defecate, and fornicate in the streets of Portland, and supporting ANTIFA, she apparently is the Queen of Redactions.

According to Forbes, Katie Bar The Door Brown “redacted nearly 4,000 items from her official state calendar” and “redacted calendar entries on nine out of every ten days since taking office.”

Someone needs to get Downtown Brown an eraser.

She also “is flouting Oregon open records laws and blurring the line between the taxpayer-funded agency resources and her campaign activities. Furthermore, Brown used public funds for private purposes – during her time as secretary of state and as governor.”

I guess she figured if Obama could take all those vacations, she could too.

We will know in a month but I have a sneaking suspicion some of these candidates are going down in flames. A few may end up in prison which will only add to the Obama Legacy.

As bad as these endorsees are, and they are horrible humans, imagine how bad a Democrat had to be to not get the Abomination’s endorsement.

Dianne Chinese Spy Feinstein didn’t make the cut. I’m a little surprised Barry didn’t take this gimme.  Even Republicans are going to vote for Feinstein. There is no way Kevin Ponce La Raza De Leon can be allowed to win.

The aforementioned woman beater Ellison was left off the list.

I’m sure Obama will find some time during the day to face Mecca with Keith.

Finally Robert Francis O’Rourke, otherwise known as Beto, was ignored by the Iranian sympathizer. Could it be because Fredo Beto was caught driving drunk and then attempting to leave the scene of an accident?

How very Liberal of him.

Cause major problems for others and then flee before you are held accountable for your actions.

Sounds very Obama as well.

Still it seems a bit hypocritical of the leader of the Choom Gang. I mean come on Barry. You promised flexibility to Vladimir, you could at least genuflect for Beto.

That could be the new campaign slogan for Robert Francis.

Barry, Biden, Bezos and Bill want the Lonestar State to Bend Over for the Beto Male.

Fortunately more registered citizens voted for a guy named Cruz, than the entire Democratic field.

As the signs say.

Don’t mess with Texas.

Jason Kraus




Caffeine Christine

This week in America brought us a Phd from Stanford, who used a little girl’s voice (if you think she speaks to her students with that inflection and tone you are sadly mistaken) changed her written statement TWICE in the first sixty seconds of verbal testimony and couldn’t remember events that happened weeks prior like being polygraphed, whose idea it was or who paid for it, but could remember three decades ago that she was “100%” certain that something had happened to her and it was “Mr. Kavanaugh’s” fault.

Fine, let’s grant her assertion for a second (something Kavanaugh did too many times) and agree that “someone” held her down and rubbed themselves on “her”.  She thought that she might be “killed”.  When she escaped she hid in one room, finally making her way out of a house she cannot remember, and somehow returned home but can’t recollect how.

In this statement alone there are too many questions so I will level just one.

Why did you leave your best friend alone with males who’d assaulted you (allegedly) and thought they were going to kill you?

Yes, the same best friend who says she has no idea what you are talking about?

Would this have been so hard, Republicans?

Instead we received a bunch of questions and hand holding from an individual who has zero authority in the advise and consent area known as the United States Senate.

They alternated between five minute increments of nothing and five minute increments of imbecilic idiocy.

Between coffee, cokes, giggles and jokes (and a card quickly placed in the pocket of one of her many attorneys) the farce known as Blasey Ford was thankfully ended on television screens near us all.

Never fear Libs.  I’m sure you will see her soon on Ellen, The View, MSNBC or with Shepard Smith.

After lunch (because these hardworking people never miss a meal) the country was re-introduced to a guy from Yale who seemed to struggle with the simplest of answers for an innocent man.

When the question is “did you assault this woman” the answer is NO! I DID NOT ASSAULT HER.

This is repeated every single time until they stop asking, not something ridiculous like “I’m sure something happened to Ms. Ford in her lifetime but there is no corroborating evidence.”

Unless you were involved you have no idea if “something has ever happened to Ms. Ford.”

My guess is this Progressive (Ford) is more predator than prey and make no mistake she put on an Emmy inspired effort.

Hey Brett!  This Liberal is trying to RUIN you.

Let your daughter pray for her.

It’s time for you and the rest of the Republicans in D.C. (not named Trump) to realize this is a brawl.

Cut those gloves off and get in there or get out of the way.

“Ms. Ford” has a Phd in the field of Psychology and sounded like a crazy person.

“Mr. Kavanaugh” has a law degree and has been nominated to sit on the United States Supreme Court yet at times sounded like someone who couldn’t find his way out of a paper bag.

What happened to America’s colleges and universities?

This I guarantee.

Caffeine Christine is lying about many things.  It’s difficult to pin down what exactly as this is a human very comfortable with fiction.

Both to herself and others as she practices rationalization and justification every single day.

Her story simply has too many holes, too many weird twists, too many bizarre behaviors.

Not to be ignored was Too Many Brewskis Brett.

We get it.

You like to drink beer.

Move along before they start tracking your “farts” again.

Ah the United States Senate, filled with a Willie Brown conquest, the employer of a Chinese spy, Vietnam stolen valor, and a never seen before creature known as Lindsey Graham.

Keep it up Lindsey. You may replace Sessions yet, not that that is saying much.

As the Democrats continue to roll around in the mud, trying to convince themselves, and others, that they have the “better way” I thought it pertinent to provide a quick reminder of what exactly we received from them during the Obama Abomination err Administration.

Under Obama, Hillary Clinton offered Vladimir Putin a reset button while Crimea was threatened and eventually overrun.

The Obama/Clinton team also backed the Muslim Brotherhood against Egyptians causing a war that saw many dead, and the OC, pushed out of Egypt.

These decisions by Obama/Clinton edged the Egyptians closer to Israel while Barack Hussein Obama attempted to subvert the Israeli elections from the outside.

With Obama failing in both Egypt and Israel, Russia saw an opportunity to be friendly with Israel, while still supporting both Obama’s and Putin’s friend in the region, known as Iran.

This is called hedging your bets and Putin does this very well, in as well as a murdering lying thug can.

Obama promised “flexibility to Vladimir” after the “next election” followed eventually by giving away murdering terrorists for a deserter (Bergdahl) and the release of 150 billion dollars, including a helicopter drop in the middle of the night, of reportedly gold, Swiss Francs, and American Greenbacks, to Iran.

Yes, the Iran that is referred to as the greatest State sponsor of terrorism on the planet.

That money went to Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and in Putin’s pockets.

This was admitted by John Kerry.

Obama implemented a red line in Syria that was ignored by all, including Barack, let ISIS become a murdering reality and forced General James Mattis to leave the military.

While this was taking place the Democratic National Committee, Democrats in general and the Clinton Foundation were receiving bribes for a wide variety of pay to play crimes, employing Pakistani operatives, Chinese spies and setting up private servers that did not have protection from foreign entities while allowing Clintonites like Huma Abedin to remove classified material and store it on her husband’s laptop while he trolled for victims.

A crime in which Carlos Danger was convicted and sent to prison.

We were told the economy would never grow, our best days were behind us and that our children would be the first generation to not be in a better position than ourselves.

In other words Jimmy Carter 2.0, the Georgian Goober replaced by the Chicago Con.

Sam Giancana would be so proud.

We were browbeaten with racism, bigotry, ethnic-cultural-trisexual-bathrooms, pussy hats, and safe spaces.

We were told criminals were cool, drugs were good for us, and that You Only Live Once so money doesn’t matter.

Go out and get a massage rather than a job.

Aunt Nancy said so.

The same Democrats that told the unemployed to not bother looking, were the same ones who didn’t read a bill, but then voted it into a law that made seeing a doctor harder, more expensive, and less safe.

Aunt Nancy again.

Finally the Democratic Party decided that losing elections nationwide, including the House and Senate, was something they had to address so they let a Communist, who called himself a Democratic Socialist, into their Party, where they lied, cheated, and stole any opportunity the guy had to win.

First place, Hillary “Wipe the server clean with a cloth” Clinton.

Second place, Bernie “Women want to be gang raped by men” Sanders and yes Bernie’s Ernies I cleaned it up. Your zero hero explicitly explained what women “want” and “how many” at one time.

Katie Couric even asked him about it in between her showing the world her anal cavity.

Couric’s colonoscopy and Sander’s sexual depravity all on one set. We’ve come a long way from Kardashian sex tapes…or not.

This MESS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Lois Lerner/IRS and ten trillion dollars of new debt was brought to us by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Sadly I’ve barely scratched the surface.

Yes Liberals, I know George W. Bush was a horrible President.

Of course he was. He’s a Progressive just like you.

All things stated above are TRUE yet according to the Press, the Democratic Party and Liberal/Progressives, all of these things happened because of a billionaire businessman turned President named Donald Trump who had neither access nor opportunity.

Let’s bring into focus what President Trump has done.

General Mattis returned to serve the nation he loves as Secretary of Defense?


Missiles shot into Syria, after the red line was crossed again, this time with an adult(s) at the helm?


ISIS completely destroyed trying to beg or sneak their way back into Saudi Arabia, parts of Africa, France, Germany, England, and Canada et al?


GDP well beyond two percent for multiple quarters, something we were told would never happen, while interest rates move HIGHER?


Unemployment at record lows for ALL Americans?


A porn star, creepy lawyers and whoever Ronan Farrow can muster up in a 24 hour period as Democratic mouthpieces?


The leading candidate(s) for the Presidential Election in 2020 for the Democrats are, wait for it, Hillary “Wipe the server clean with a cloth” Clinton, Bernie Gang Rape Sanders, Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren, and hiding in plain sight Liberal Jeff I’m a Flake?


Jason Kraus


