by Daveda Gruber:
Conan, the dog who helped take down ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, was honored at the White House on Monday.
Conan is a male Belgian Malinois. He was named after Conan O’Brien because of his shaggy hair. Conan took part in the Barisha raid, which resulted in the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State, on October 27, 2019. He chased al-Baghdadi down into a tunnel before al-Baghdadi detonated his suicide vest.
The beautiful animal was injured during the mission but appears to be healed and in fine health now.
The dog appeared on FOX News during a surprise ceremony at the White House.
President Trump and first lady Melania Trump appeared with the hero canine, Conan, and Vice President Mike Pence.
The well behaved pup seemed to take a liking to the Vice President who was petting Conan during the media talk.
I love a good dog story and this is certainly a feel good story to inform you about.
I’d like to say, “Good dog, Conan; good boy!”
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