While our National Guard was apparently being disarmed by the Mexican (Drug Cartels) military, the Democrats decided to focus on “environmentalism” by creating a Senate Caucus that will deal with “Race and Class”.
Let me help you Libs.
You are losing the race because you haven’t any class.
According to one of the Democratic Senators “Often times black and brown communities are the ones that suffer the biggest consequences of pollution.”
Whoa whoa whoa!
What is this black and brown stuff?
You Libs need to be Progressive with your bigotry.
African-American, Hispanic, or Latino are your 21st Century choices.
Why are there two different options of bigotry for the “brown” people?
I don’t know.
Maybe the Senate will create a Caucus and get us an answer to that.
In other action happening in Washington D. C. , a few voices SLOWLY are starting to ask whether or not Barack Obama was responsible for the spying on then Presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Of course he was.
It can be a bit surreal to listen to talking heads finally start to discuss things that EVERYONE already knows.
Speaking of talking heads Cheekbones Warren has announced it is time to impeach Donald Trump…again.
The beer swilling “Cherokee” apparently doesn’t understand she has no authority during the Impeachment process.
Then again she thinks the United States is a Democracy.
Unsurprisingly so does Humanitarian Hamas Pelosi.
Who down with HHP!
Aunt Nancy the ultimate acronymic three letter virus.
How do Libs feed themselves?
With other People’s money!
Thank you. Thank you. I’ll be here all week.
In other Dumb Lib News it appears Medicare will start to run out of money in about seven years.
I’m sure putting everyone on it will make it all better.
Due to the limited intellect of the Liberal let us explain this issue with song.
Hush little Libby don’t say a word, don’t bother with the truth, just follow the herd.
If that herd shifts to reverse, Medicare will be there, with your hearse.
Too late Libby, stop that wailing, Sarah was right, you should’ve listened to a Palin.
Okay enough singing. Let us continue in sotto voce to soften the blow to the Dims.
According to “scientists” (propaganda) “feedback loops will make climate change even worse.”
Let’s use the AOC translator to explain this further.
“It’s like you know, like, yeah, (hair flip) like, instead of like twelve years, like it’s like now six years, until we all like die.”
I cannot speak for all but in my opinion, in the case of Progressives, the sooner the better.
Six years is like way too long, dude.
Ya feel me.
Surely you do.
I do and don’t call me Shirley.
Of course Shirley is better than Kareem.
Speaking of worthless humans Bernie Gang Rape Sanders is leading the Democratic Party’s Presidential nominee process without actually being a Democrat.
This shouldn’t surprise anyone. The Party of Criminality wants to count illegals as citizens in the next Census.
What’s one more comrade on the Hindenburg leading his flock back to their Schultzstaffel roots.
The Dims appear to enjoy the repetition of consonants.
The SS, the KKK, the CBC.
One can only imagine their stupidity with the addition of a vowel.
Jason Kraus