Schiff Shifts on Los Angeles DA

by Daveda Gruber:

The District Attorney of Los Angeles, Jackie Lacey, is seeking a third term in office and Representative Adam Schiff D-Calif., had endorsed her a year ago.

Things have apparently shifted in Schiff’s mind because a progressive challenger has emerged during this time when law enforcement is dealing with criticism.

Schiff tweeted this:

California Assembly-Member, Laura Friedman, tweeted this:

The first black female district attorney in Los Angeles history stated to news outlets that she is proud of her work against racism criminal justice reform.

Lacey told newspaper reporters, “As the first African-American woman to hold the LA County D.A.’s office, I am proud of my record of taking on systemic racism and reforming criminal justice — from bail reform, to reducing juvenile cases by nearly 50 percent, to increasing our office’s focus on mental health treatment instead of incarceration. I am singularly focused on doing the work of the people of LA County during this time of crisis.”

It has been reported that that the same day that Schiff made his announcement protestors congregated outside Lacey’s home.

The protestors urged Lacey to file charges against the police officers who fatally shot Alex Flores and Daniel Hernandez. The shooting occurred in separate incidents in 2019 and 2020.

It appears that it did not help matters when Lacy apologized for the incident that her husband, David Lacy, had allegedly pointed a gun at approximately fifty Black Lives Matter protestors who were on their property and threatened to shoot them.

See Lacey pointing gun here:


About Daveda

I write for, and & Graphic Artist & Video producer. I adore journalism. Politics seems to be my preferred genre although I do not hesitate to write anything that strikes me as interesting. Researching and finding 'Breaking News' makes my blood rush. I've written seventeen books. and over that including books in conglomeration with others. Doing graphic art design has always been fun for me. Sometimes I incorporate this talent into my articles or when a special 'feature picture' is required. You can find me tweeting on: You can always find my articles on the sites I write for.
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