Housing by Color of our skin

With Barack Obama readily admitting there is no plan for ISIS, or ISIL, Sunni or Shiite Islam, while sending more American troops to Iraq, the “Do Nothing Congress” (as maligned by uninformed progressives. This Congress has approved Obama’s more than doubling of the debt)  actually stopped (for the time being) the trade agreement known as TPP.

For the first time that I can remember the Democrats in Congress did something with which I agree.  It was the Democrats in the House that shut down Obama’s version of NAFTA.

Let us not get too excited here.

The Democratic Politicians didn’t do it to protect America.

They did it to protect the unions that funnel millions if not billions of dollars back to the Democratic Party and I am sure they will get in line when certain promises are made.

This is also another reason to completely disregard most Republican politicians.

Their constant whining and moaning about Obama (while quietly approving his decisions by funding them) only shows their hypocrisy or lack of ethics by supporting him on a massive trade program that will not benefit America.

Yet continuing to put our military in harms way without a coherent plan, ridiculous rules of engagement AND getting shut down by his own party on a subversive trade program apparently wasn’t enough for the man leading the most “transparent” administration in American history.


While the Democratic Mayor of Baltimore was thanking the Nation of Islam, Barack Obama sent a La Raza supporter to Congress.

Yes America.  You are reading that correctly and for all you Obama supporters who don’t want to believe it…it’s all on video for the world to see.

Yes, I do realize some of you may support The Nation of Islam and La Raza’s views as well.

Of course this makes you a racist, misogynistic, homophobic traitor but hey what do you care, right?  What do you care about freedom?

We will remember that when the pendulum swings.

For those of you who are not familiar with these groups, I strongly suggest you educate yourself.

This type of culture (oppression), and humans, are currently in the White House, and no it doesn’t matter if you don’t “agree”.

As has famously been stated many times you are entitled (currently) to your own opinion but you aren’t entitled to your own facts.

Overt racism, sexism, and hidden homophobia reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Now for those of us with any common sense we’ve known this for quite a while.  But it appears this type of sense isn’t so common anymore.

I digress.

The La Raza individual’s name sent by Obama to Congress is Julian Castro.  The Democratic Party has openly stated many times they now want a Latino or Hispanic (make up your mind please Democrats, doubling down on your racism is exhausting) to be in the Oval Office next so they reached into Texas and snatched an “Affirmative Action” recipient (his words) out of San Antonio and named him Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

So let’s get this straight.

A La Raza enthusiast (according to reports his mother founded this hate group) has been put in charge of Housing for America by a man who takes counsel from Al Sharpton (need I say more), and supports politicians who thanked a group who called for the killing of all “blue eyed white devils”.

I wish I was making this up.  But wait this actually gets worse.

La Raza Castro sat in front of Congress with Barack Obama’s “new” plan.

Housing by color.

That is…skin color.

Now I have listened and read many different comments on this about this being racism.

Well…yes it is.

More comments about this being wrong were added. Dropping humans into neighborhoods, providing them free or massively subsidized housing based on the color of their skin and then calling it diversity is idiotic and horrendous.

Yes, yes, and yes.

Where everyone is missing the boat is…this isn’t new.

“Progressivism” reared it’s ugly ahead in the Clinton years as Slick Willie deregulated (yes Democrats that was your hero the sexual predator who did this) Glass/Steagall while forcing banks to loan to humans without white skin.

Loans the banks knew would never be paid.

As this putrid decision started to take place in small concentrated groups that had only one thing in common (they weren’t white) the lid was blown off as the repeal of Glass/Steagall allowed the stock market to get involved.  Pretty soon everyone and their brother were given loans.  They actually created a name for this.  I’ve spoken with lots of real estate people over the years.

They started calling these loans NINJA loans as in No Income No Job.  I believe the A was added to actually complete a real word.  NINJ just doesn’t sound right although I can think of a few words starting with an A that would fit nicely.

So for all of you reading this right now let me be very clear.  Everything in here and every column I write is verifiable, factual, information.  It will take most of you less than ten minutes to search the internet and find all this data yourself.

Of course you actually have to care, Obama supporters.

As Clinton unleashed his racist housing plan the American Housing Boom (see fraud) started.

Progressivism had a new mantra.

The American Dream known as Freedom was replaced.

The new American Dream was Home Ownership as if humans in China, Russia, or Cuba didn’t own houses.

As the reign of the man who struggled with the definition of “is” and interns in general, came to an end, the Progressives handed the baton to the next Boomer in line who feigned concern about racial housing and then jumped on board with both hands allowing it to spread at an even faster rate like leukemia through the American economy and eventually many parts of the world.

The new term the Progressives created was “Compassionate Conservatism”.  The King of CC then launched us into Iraq borrowing trillions of dollars while sending out stimulus checks and telling Americans it was patriotic to spend!

Of course the housing market collapsed taking over leveraged highly politically connected banks with it and the uber wealthy started screaming at Bush threatening him with heaven only knows. Bush caved, bailed out the banks, and the responsible homeowner and taxpayer have continued to be robbed ever since.

Mission Accomplished!

Americans took a deep breath, cast aside Hillary Clinton, closed both eyes, told themselves no one could be as bad as Bush, ignored truth and facts, and elected an overt racist whose own pastor had called for God to damn America (on video) and whose own wife stated the only time she’d ever been proud to be an American was when her husband was elected.

Never mind the defeat of Nazism, the Civil Rights Movement, or walking on the moon.


Michelle Obama was only impressed when her hubby was elected.

How droll.

Progressivism stepped right off the cliff and openly embraced racism, sexism, Sharia Law, crushing debt, corruption and anarchy.

Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Oakland.

If you don’t understand that list then I cannot help you.

What we are seeing from Obama, Sharpton, La Raza, etc, is moral and intellectual depravity.  The sad thing is, aside from inflaming the racial aspect, this isn’t new.  It’s come full circle with the Progressives starting with Clinton, through Bush, and currently Obama.

The question we have to ask ourselves now is when do we get off this ride?

I am offering a new way and a brighter path but you have to get involved.  Those of you on Social Security, Medicare, or receiving a pension that the government is overseeing are going to get hit.


Yes I know you paid into these things.  But unless and until we stop the borrowing and oppressive taxation on income this is only going to get worse.  For these programs to survive Americans have to be working.  We must abolish all income tax and free the American worker.

Coupled with a consumption tax and closing the border we can survive the nightmare progressives like Clinton, Bush, and Obama have created.

Otherwise none of these programs will survive.


The choice is yours.

Freedom or oppression.

This is simple for me…what say you?

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


All lives don’t matter

Black lives matter.

No they don’t.

No life matters because of the color of one’s skin.

White lives matter.


All lives matter.


This is another gift from the progressives in the Boomer Generation.

Everyone is important.  Everyone has something to offer.  Everyone is unique and talented in their own way. Participation ribbons for everyone!

Nil, nada, zero.

This is the reason Liberalism has been such a failure at everything.


There are billions of humans on the planet yet a portion of the Boomers (Obama supporters) believe they are uniquely qualified, one of a kind humans.  The mold was broken when they arrived.

They are “special”.

I know this for sure.  Their mold was definitely broken.

Let us “hope” it was thrown away.

We’ve all met these kinds of people or see them driving around with their Obama/Biden 2012 bumper stickers.

Although being here for 5 plus decades living in the freest society ever created they are broke, living on government programs, complaining about their kids, hooked on “medical” marijuana, complaining about their kids hooked on “medical” marijuana…you get the picture.

Rather than spending their productive years earning and saving money and serving America they spent their time tuned out and turned on.  It’s one of the reasons the pharmaceutical companies are making a fortune.  The largest American generation ever is now all over the age of fifty and in desperate need of type two diabetes medications, Xanax, and drugs to deal with sexually transmitted diseases.

Yep you read that right.  STD’s.

I guess this shouldn’t be a surprise as the leader of this cult following is the infamous criminal known as Bill “Slick Willie” Clinton…allegedly. (Yes I laughed when I wrote allegedly.)

If we could have kept this contained, America could have survived the most selfish generation ever, but unfortunately their love of sex, drugs, and Cherries Garcia spread like a cancer through Generation X and even more dangerously the Millenials.

The combination of Clinton, Bush, Obama, has left America not only broke but on the brink of a catastrophic currency collapse.

CBO…got to go.

Don’t believe me?

George Bush and his minions told the entire country if we didn’t bail out the banks the world would come to an end.

Barack Obama stated if the debt ceiling wasn’t raised Boomers on Social Security wouldn’t get their checks, the military wouldn’t be paid, etc.

This is classic narcissism.  The world wouldn’t have come to an end.  Just Bush’s world and many in America who weren’t doing the right thing by supporting themselves, counting on government (taxpayers) to carry them their entire lives.

Barack Obama’s threat was even more egregious.  To threaten to not pay the most powerful military (the only thing backing the American Dollar) is treasonous.

The Dollar isn’t backed by gold, silver, or the U.S government.  It is backed by the bravest of the brave.

The American Military.  Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines.

The next time you see a veteran or a current service member don’t just thank them for their service.

You better thank them for our way of life!

They are the only thing backing the dollar.  They are the only thing guaranteeing the value of our money.

The ONLY thing.

Those of you who want to pontificate about this are foolish and do not understand human behavior.  Crawl back from which you came.  This isn’t the Seventies.

You will not spit on our Veterans again.

But what really got the progressive Boomers screaming was the threat to cut off their social security.  “It’s my money! I paid into it!”

How about a reality check.

Unless you were self-employed (I doubt most of you liberals were) you only paid half of it.

The other half was paid by your employer (if you were employed at all).

Not only did your employer pay you a wage but they also paid HALF of your Social Security.  I don’t hear your employer screaming for half of your check.

As stated previously, unless you are self-employed.

I’m sorry Clinton/Warren supporters.  Let me explain self-employed.

These are the people who start businesses that turn a profit and create JOBS.

Yes Obama.  We did build our businesses, that paid the taxes, that constructed the roads and bridges, that communities could be built around, so you could show up as a carpetbagger and “organize”.

But I digress.

If you are self-employed you get to pay both halves.

Early on in my twenties I knew there was a very slim chance I would ever get my social security (socialism) back.

First and foremost I can do math.

Social Security is the ultimate pyramid scheme. (This was one of the few things Rick Perry was aptly able to communicate).

Whether you want to believe that or not doesn’t change the facts.  Nor does it matter what you “big government” or “reparation” mental defects think.

You and your type have crippled the country I love.  The country that has given me the only thing that matters.


Your opinions don’t matter anymore.

My freedom trumps everything about you.


As I’ve said many times let the adults handle it from here.

Have a Coke and a smile.

Returning to our premise requires we ask a question.

Whose life matters?

I am glad you asked.

Is your life benefiting others?  If the answer is yes then your life matters.

If you aren’t benefiting anyone else, or even worse hurting others, then your life doesn’t matter.

How can I say this?

Because if you don’t care about your life…then why should I?

Let’s be clear.

If you don’t…then I won’t.

If you’ve abused children your life is worthless.

If you’ve raped women your life doesn’t matter.

If you believe there are 100’s of virgins awaiting your arrival then by all means…go find out.

All lives don’t matter.

Dunking a  basketball or hitting home runs doesn’t mean your life matters.

Throwing rocks at police, having multiple children with different men or women, or living on food-stamps your entire life doesn’t validate your existence.

Are you taking care of yourself? Is your life beneficial to others?

If your answer to these two simple questions is yes then…

YES.  Your life does matter.

If it isn’t yes then you are just taking up space.

If you are just taking up space then…

You don’t matter.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time



An article this week was written about a poll that proclaimed George “Mission Accomplished” Bush was slightly more popular than Barack “if I had a son he’d look like Trayvon” Obama.


This is like asking your preference between testicular or rectal cancer.

I think I’ll pass on both.

According to many news organizations the FBI has a fleet of airplanes and has been flying them all over the country “equipped with video and cell phone technology”.

In other words Big Brother is circling the skies listening and watching us.

I guess recording all our calls wasn’t enough.

Sounds like a scene out of the Hunger Games except this is actually true.

Where is Katniss and her bow when we need her?

The Obama Administration believes in this program so strongly it is being “managed behind fake companies to mask government involvement”. (Not a smidgen of corruption)

This gives the term “the friendly skies” a wildly different feel.

Of course what should we expect from the party that attacked law enforcement in Baltimore, had to call in the National Guard to restore order, and then thanked the Nation of Islam for their help.

Yes you read that correctly.

The “Mayor” of Baltimore thanked the Nation of Islam.

The same Nation of Islam that has called for the destruction of the blue eyed white devil.

The same Nation of Islam that is also known as the Black Panthers.

The same Nation of Islam that reportedly back in the 1970’s moved their belief system closer to an orthodoxy known as…wait for it….

Sunni Islam.

What’s that?

Don’t al qaeda and ISIS both practice Sunni Islam?

Why yes they do!

Ah Democracy (oppression) ain’t it great!

Especially when Barack (Nobel Peace Prize) Obama chooses to leave over a half a billion (yes that was a B) in military equipment including tanks and humvees for ISIS to use.

Please Obama supporters just stop talking.

Rand “we need to talk to people who don’t look like us or dress like us” Paul decided to put down his racism and love of fashion and tackle the Patriot Act.  Something finally came out of his mouth that actually made sense but with the Feds circling us Orville and Wilbur Wright style, he may be a bit late to the party.

Still any politician who gets verbally attacked by John “the issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should, I’ve got Greenspan’s book” McCain, might be headed in the right direction.

It’s too bad Rand doesn’t realize Israel is an ally.

Then again maybe I am being too hard on the junior senator from Kentucky who just wants to legalize blue”grass”.

That being said the aforementioned John, Paul, George, and Bingo  were all made to look like “les enfants” with the help of the Colonel, Bernie Sanders.

The self-proclaimed socialist Senator from Vermont wrote a position paper where he stated “a man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy, a women on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.”

Now that statement alone informs us all how liberal men think about women.

Sounds kind of like…Sharia.

But if that wasn’t horrendous enough (and it is) the Colonel doubled down and supplied us with how WOMEN think during sex.

“A woman enjoys intercourse with a man–while she fantasizes about being raped by 3 men simultaneously.”

Wow and WOW.

There are so many things wrong here.

How would Bernie know what WOMEN fantasize about?

Is he getting ready to have his own Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner moment?

The sentence is beyond troubling.

It shows the depth of perversion of not only his mind but of all the voters in Vermont who continued to send this disgusting, twisted, Clintonian type of animal back, term after term, to represent them.

Apparently in Bernie’s mind (and Bill’s), the women “want it”.

That he actually gave a number (3) shows forethought, and a truly loathsome, monstrous individual.

When I was a kid this kind of human was called a criminal but in today’s world the Democratic Party calls this man a Presidential Candidate while Republican politicians refer to him as “my friend across the aisle”.

Just another example of “progressivism” in both parties carrying the torch for Sharia-like behavior and the very real war on women and girls happening all around the world under the guise of religious freedom.

It is men like this who make me abhor the Democratic Party and despise any human who votes anywhere, any place and anytime for any Democratic candidate.

But because the Republican Party cannot do anything that appears to be sane we are stuck with sexual predators, racists, and economic idiots dictating to us on a daily basis.

Yet here we are lining up with the same options.

Clinton, Sanders, and Martin “I escaped Baltimore before it could be blamed on me” O’Malley, to the left.

Bush, Paul, and Marco “I’m for amnesty…no I’m not, no I am…just give me a drink of water” Rubio.

Ladies and Gentlemen.  If any of these people are elected as the next President we have no one to blame but ourselves and the ramifications for America will be devastating.


We can try something else.

We find someone who will close the border and remove income tax, which frees the American worker, and after this is complete, implements an energy policy that will benefit all Americans, not a few politicians and billion dollar companies.

We select someone who can put an immigration policy together that will serve America.  Not the Democratic Party by creating new voters, or the large corporations who want the cheap labor.

We elect someone who will not take campaign contributions or a salary and will only serve one term.

I’ve heard of someone in America who fits this description perfectly.

With that said it doesn’t have to be me…it doesn’t have to be you…but it has to be one of us.

Regardless of who…it is time.

A new choice must be made.

America First.

American Only.

Jason Kraus

“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus available on Kindle, Ibooks, and Amazon.

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


The Pen is powerful when backed by the Sword.

While America focused on how much air should be in an NFL football and Kanye West being bleeped off stage at the Billboard Awards, the Republican Party joined with Barack Obama to cost America more jobs through more “free trade” (Trans Pacific Partnership) with countries who continue to oppress their people.  Some uninformed souls will proclaim this agreement is good for America (it isn’t).

At this point Obama could state an apple a day will keep the doctor away and I would immediately stop eating apples.  The man is corrupt, way in over his head, and/or completely jinxed.  My guess is by the time Barack’s rule is over the word Obama will be synonymous with Benedict…as in Arnold.

While all this was happening our debt grew and grew and grew.

More humans entered America illegally.

Women and children were sold through our border and the sex rings (see slavery) existing in America dug their heels in deeper.

Just another day of Democracy.

The reason I continue to point these things out is because they are THE important issues that are crushing America and ripping freedom directly from us.

What’s that?  You don’t agree?

You will when you don’t have a job because someone here illegally is willing to do it for half the wage while collecting food stamps, welfare, social security, free medical care, and free education for their children.

You don’t want to pick fruit, lay drywall, or mow lawns?

It’s certainly better than starving to death but okay let’s try the next one.


You don’t care because it doesn’t affect you?

If you are on any government program (social security, medicare, medicaid, Obama doesn’t Care, unemployment, welfare, food stamps, disability, etc.) the debt is going to swallow you like a whale…and you won’t be as fortunate as Jonah.

Still not impressed?  You’re more of a YOLO (you only live once), Sixties, tune in, turn on, drop out kind of person?

Fair enough.  Let me ask you this then.  Do you have any women or children that you care about?

Yes?  Okay good.  I am sure you wouldn’t want anything to happen to them, for example, being snatched off the streets by gangs like ms-13 and sold through our open border to whomever has enough money where they are drugged and raped over and over again until they die.

So now I have your attention.

It takes a horrendous act happening to someone you care about for you to get involved.  To speak your mind?  To proclaim to the world that all of these things are WRONG!!!

What’s that?  I didn’t hear you…you’ll have to speak up pumpkin.

You don’t want to be called a racist or a bigot?

Who does?

Besides…are you?


Well then…who cares what “other” people say?

Many years ago a “friend” approached me and stated “can I give you some constructive criticism?”

First, there is nothing constructive about criticism.

Feedback can be given, teaching can take place, coaching is always a positive.  But there is nothing constructive about criticism…especially if you aren’t asking for help.  This is referred to as projection and has nothing to do with you.

Obama acolytes and Eeyore ingenues love “constructive criticism”.

It has everything to do with the criticizer trying to fulfill their own needs.  I answered very easily and with a smile.

“No thanks.”

The look on my “friend’s” face was instantaneous pain.  He had something he needed to expunge from his being and onto someone else.  The pain had to be released.  He was so shocked that I wouldn’t allow him to abuse me with his faux concern that he started to shake and then began blurting out his “construction” at me.

Now for those of you who know me personally, have read Late Bird, or enough of my columns you know I hate two things.

Bullies and being told what to do.

This “friend” of mine was now doing both.

I also am not much of a user of profanity.

There are so many wonderful words in so many languages available it seems to me that I am cheating  myself, taking a short cut if you will, to use profanity.

Besides, I just wasn’t raised that way.  My parents taught me to use language to my benefit not detraction or distraction.

I also learned very early “talking” (profanity or not) wasn’t going to provide a solution to every problem.

The “pen” is powerful, if and only if, it is backed by the “sword”.


In times of stress or anger I have been known to divest myself of the King’s English and use language commonly found in Queens.

This was one of those times.

As the constructive criticizer attempted to get their needs met at my expense I rattled off a quick, “hey what the f%*k did I just tell you?  I don’t want to hear your s*%t.”

I know, I know.  I am not proud of the verbiage.

It’s why I always try to channel my inner Richard Pryor these days when grace and subtlety are misunderstood for weakness.

My go to line is “have a Coke and a smile”.

Now I must admit there have been times when I’ve had to explain what Richard was saying and for those of you who  didn’t enjoy the comedy of Mr. Pryor the inherent intent of his comment was communicated in a five word gloriously constructed sentence that is very  clear…and was used by me when my friend didn’t take my first cue.  It went something like this:

“I just wanted to tell you what you were doing wrong…”

My answer:

“As I told you before I’m not interested now have a Coke and smile…and shut the f&*k up! (five words)

We are now at a place in America where we can no longer take hits from politicians on the “progressive left” or the absurdity coming from self-righteous politicians masquerading as Republicans.

It’s time for all of them to have that Coke (as in Coca Cola, Barack…not cocaine) and that smile.

The Democratic “Leadership” is flexible with Communism (an oppressive belief system that has killed tens of millions of humans), calls Hamas a Humanitarian Organization (a terrorist group that wants to kill all Americans and Jews), actively supports Shiite Muslims in Iran that believe in Sharia Law while feigning to not support Sunni Muslims while ISIS captures Ramadi, literally cutting the heads off of “infidels or apostates” (just in case you weren’t clear…we are the infidels).

As an answer to this we have a sitting Senator proclaim he must run for President because the “world is about to literally blow up”.

Excellent sentence structure Senator.  Just excellent.

This sounds more like Lindsay Lohan than Lindsey Graham.

But of course the ridiculousness doesn’t stop there.

Boomeritis has struck again giving us a man who stated “if these folks want to return to a 7th Century version of Islam, then let’s load up our bombers and bomb them back to the 7th Century.”

This individual, who also wants to be President, throws around killing humans as a sound bite.

Kind of like Obama…and his red line.

This isn’t leadership, besides, as I have written many times, when dealing with evil NO WARNING should ever be given.

This brave soul isn’t even willing to put himself on the line.

No no.

Rick Santorum wants to put the lives of our best and bravest in harms way.

After Obama’s reign of bloviation is finally concluded some horrible things may end up taking place to restore order on the planet.

But only an egotistical maniacal fool would announce it for the world to hear and be forewarned.

But we should expect this…the man is an attorney.

Yet as the clown car of Republican choices for President fills, the Democrats continue to offer only one option.

A woman who lies at every turn about everything.

A woman who covers for her predator husband who preys on other women.

A woman who belongs to a party that is waging a war on other women by supporting Sharia Law.

What’s that?

What difference does it make?

“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”  Robert Frost

Let us forge into and onto new territory America!  Let us not “sigh” eighteen months from now as we stumble down the same road.  It is time to embrace the lineage in each one of us!  The blood coursing through our veins that screams freedom, trumpets courage, and requires truth!

The less traveled road is but up ahead…

It is time to make all the difference.

It is time to stand and fight with the tools and gifts granted to each one of you.  Bring your passions to muster and embrace your birthright given to you by generations of strength…decades of brilliance…and centuries of promise.

There is no fork.  The choice has been made.  The gauntlet thrown.

It is time to Stand and Deliver!

It is your time to be an Army of one and that Army shall stand…

Shoulder to Shoulder.

Let the scribes paint the story to the next of America’s generations that in this day, this time, America reclaimed truth and restored her people in all her glory…one voice at a time.

Let your voice ROAR!!!

What others may call you is irrelevant to your calling…the Calling of Freedom.

The Calling of the American.

“Where there is one American there are many” and on this weekend of Memorial it is time to embrace our duty and step into the void as so many American Heroes are currently and have in the past.

Gather your many brothers and sisters.

You are being called.

Right here.

Right now.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus available on Amazon, Kindle, Ibooks, and Nook.

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

Ring of Fire

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around does it make any noise?

I remember hearing this question as a young person.  I was fascinated by the idea of action-reaction or action-consequence, depending on your taste.

I’ve watched and heard many trees fall.

When I was present a sound was certainly made.  I’ve also walked through forests and witnessed trees on the ground laying silently knowing they had to have fallen, but for me, there was no noise.

It appears many in America have discovered Pavlov and are uncomfortably conditioned to “not hear” the sound of the tree…falling directly on them.

Then again…how much sound does it really make…and for how long?

I was in Oakland, CA last weekend for business.  Driving down Broadway everything appeared calm.  Commerce was taking place.  Cars and pedestrians were moving at normal speeds.  To arrive at my preferred location I made a couple of turns that took me down side roads.  I didn’t witness any “crime” but the collection of humans milling around with seemingly no destination while dressed in their pajamas definitely told those of us paying attention “trees” had fallen in this community many times and although they made no sound currently…the noise was deafening.

Upon my arrival I engaged in conversation with an auto dealer.  After exchanging pleasantries I commented on the armed guard that I’d passed up the street.

“Yeah this place got a little crazy a few weeks ago…you know the riots and all.  They actually burned over fifty cars just up the road.”

I turned and looked in the direction he had pointed.  There weren’t any vehicles left that I could see or any visible scars from this latest attack on America.  It was almost as if it didn’t happen.  But upon closer analysis the damage of decades of “falling trees” could be seen everywhere.

Unkempt streets, pock-marked with divots were the norm.  Gangs announced their presence with graffiti leaving a painfully dark energy amongst the humans attempting to survive.  Aforementioned pajama wearing dwellers stood in groups of two or three with slumped shoulders and bowed heads with the ever present blank stare of an animal having no thoughts of gain and nothing to lose.


Also known as Jerry Brown’s town.

Democracy in full effect.

The people in Oakland overwhelmingly vote for people like Brown, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama.  Although their city is a mess, taxes are out of control, and crime is rampant, they continue to elect the same dead wood, every election cycle, year after year.

The Oak is known to be a strong tree.

It appears it is time to free the Oak from this habitat.

It’s only appropriate as they’ve cut down all the trees anyway.

Let us rename Oakland.

I think Flush has a nice ring to it (and better water awareness).

As in only going down…when Brown.

Thanks Jerry.

Unfortunately this mindset isn’t only found in “Flush”.

It’s also grows like a tapeworm in Los Angeles, New York City, Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore.

Hmm…I am sensing a trend.

I often wonder as I drive down the road, while going to work, how America will turn out.

I feel a sense of duty to serve her in anyway she requires but these days…well it’s getting harder to know where to point my bullhorn.

Expensive cars whip by me at meteoric speeds, hustling and bustling to a wide variety of drive up restaurants who make our food and drink for us.

Two hundred dollar cell phones are attached to the ear of every person I see.  Some of them struggle with their pants and underwear but the phone is there nevertheless.

The stock markets are at all-time highs, and according to the government unemployment is the lowest it’s been in decades.

The dollar is strong around the world, and again according to reports, and our lovely President, we aren’t at war anymore.

A Nobel award winning economist named Paul Krugman has proclaimed debt is not only good, but of it, we are much more in need.

You are in luck Paul, as debt, is the one thing we have in droves.

Republican politicians are now embracing Obamacare and the ever growing Medicare program.

Professor Paul from his ivory tower should love this as the debt piling on through everyone having “affordable healthcare” is astounding and on its way to astronomical heights. Right along with all believers in man made “Climate Change” this individual will go down as a “Flat Earther”.

Of course this is the same man who announced we could simply “mint” a few trillion dollar coins and pay off our national debt.

Good job Nobel.  Good job.

Between your awarding Paulie Shore Krugman a Nobel Prize in Economics and Barack Obama a Nobel Prize in Peace (America has been at war every second of his Presidency, not to mention the man hates half of America, most of Israel, wanted to bomb Syria, is “flexible” with Communist Russia, and has overtly chosen Shiite over Sunni Islam) it appears No Clue is more appropriate than Nobel.

Due to the sounds coming out of Paul and Barry’s mouths on a daily basis it is fair to say many “trees” have fallen on them.

If not so serious it would almost be laughable (almost) that we are being dictated to by people who refer to themselves as a Liberal with a Conscience (an oxymoron)…or were part of the Choom Gang.

I will give this one to Obama.

At least he owned it.  He liked(s) to smoke pot and/or cocaine.

Unlike Krugman who portends Liberals have consciences and pretends he understands economics.

But hey, maybe these two squawk boxes are right.

Is debt good?

Are drugs okay?

Type two diabetes is a sign of a wealthy people?

Abandoning American troops in foreign lands is now allowable?

Cops being murdered almost daily throughout America?

College professors stating the only thing wrong with America is the presence of white males?

So let us harken back to the beginning.

When a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound?

I don’t know whether an auditory effect actually takes place.

I do know this.

There are a lot of trees on the ground that are splintered, weathered, and strong.  They’ve absorbed and taken many hits for our country.  They are now covering America with their strength, intertwined in one another, as dry as can be, providing the tinder and awaiting the spark.

The spark that sets the American blaze in motion incinerating the lies and eviscerating the liars.

That spark is everywhere in America.  It is found in small towns, country stores, and mountain tops.  But most importantly it is found in every home who believes in Freedom and the Greatness of America.

Oh yes it is.

One need only know where to look.

For those of you still not sure simply gaze into the face of your beloved children and for those of you who do not have little ones just walk into your nearest room with a mirror and take a good look.

There’s your spark.

Shoulder to shoulder.

America awaits your arrival.


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus available on Kindle, Ibooks, and Amazon

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


When politicians haven’t any answers…it’s time to stop asking questions.

I was asked recently…”when are you running for President?”

I am not “running” for President.

I am offering to serve America. I will do so with ferocity and humility but trust me when I say there will be no “running” before, during, or after.

America doesn’t “run”.

We ROAR!!!

Do not put me in the same group with all those “running” around “exploring their options” or proclaiming their candidacies and then immediately begging and bragging about how much money they fleeced from American citizens.

“You have a problem…send me your money…I will fix it.”

Sound familiar?

Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative just clamoring for the bucks.

Let’s try it this way:

We have a problem…keep your money…we will fix it together.

How hard is this?  Apparently too much for the infantile behavior of the animal known as politician.

I guess the draw of Prom King or Queen is simply too much to bear.

America has three words for you corrupt wretches.

You disgust us.

A similar question arrived as well.  “When are you going to announce your candidacy for President?”

One radio talk show host even asked me if I’d filed my Federal paperwork to take campaign contributions.

Let me say this again for the hearing impaired.


Were the caps loud enough?

But you cannot win without money Jason.

According to who?

Who you Eeyore?

Who you Obama supporter?

Who you Bush apologist?


Besides, who said I wasn’t spending money.  I just said I won’t spend money from anyone else.  I am more than willing to spend mine.

It’s my money.

I earned and more importantly saved it.  I will spend it anyway I want in service to the greatest country in the history of man.

For example if you are reading this column in your email it is there because I paid a very talented individual to build our website.  The column comes to you with no charge but of course it cost money to get it there.

It is free though, for you, to forward on to your friends.

If you are reading this on Facebook I paid Facebook to “boost” this and all columns, as well as videos, to spread the message further beyond just our friends and family.  Again there is a cost to me, but none to you, to share the message on your page and thousands of others if you are so inclined.

Sharing is caring:)

What I have discovered is many of you are so inclined.

Because of the American spirit willing to fight and persevere, our message is being spread all over the country.  I’m receiving messages from everywhere in America wanting to be involved, to board the Freedom Train.

While the few grouse “it will never happen”…it is happening…right in front of their very eyes.

Stop blinking and get involved!

Although we are willing to pay the ultimate price for these United States we choose to LIVE!!!


Live free with us or live somewhere else.

We are fed up with the lies of oppressive governments, and “safe spaces” for criminals to abuse our cities.

Justice is gone.

But make no mistake…a reckoning is coming.

A burgeoning anger, that will not be controlled for too much longer, smolders. We will not sit idly by as politicians and a President tell snarky jokes as our cities burn and crumble with every passing day.

American children are abused by failing schools and neglectful or absent role models whom proclaim that the children aren’t theirs but rather the “communities” to raise or love.

Ah yes, as we’ve heard, it “takes a village”.

Or “your children aren’t yours…they belong to the community.”

Thanks MSNBC for your defining of a child. Truly progressive.

The “villages” are astray as members of the liberal belief system congregate in Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

Police now retreat ensconced in riot gear being bombarded by rocks, cans, trash, etc.

The Baltimore community “leader” set up “safe spaces” for the misunderstood to rant, scream, and ruin the labor of someone else while sprinting back to the “village” with bags of Doritos.

Is this what Nancy Pelosi meant by Obamacare allowing everyone to not work and find their passion?

Snacks for everyone including the Humanitarian Hamas?

Oy vey.

Where are you Hillary?

This is your village.

What do you mean you didn’t build that?

Oh yes you and Elizabeth did.

What does it matter?

Trust me madam it’s going to matter very soon.  You and your Chairman Mao sport coats will fit perfectly in Leavenworth.

Where are you Barack?

Too busy telling jokes someone else wrote for you?

Too busy making fun of Trump to notice all the carnage happening the next town over?

Destruction you put in place because of your constant attacks on law enforcement and comparisons of your own facial pigment.

Of course it isn’t Barack’s fault Obama supporters.

It’s Bush’s.

Pipe down Bush apologist.

He’s the one who gave us two terms of “dope and harangued”.

Still, Obama does have a way about him.

The “man” stares into the camera and tells America to do some “soul searching”.

Apparently on top of pseudo-economist, informational fabricator, and factually challenged  law professor, we can add the worst therapist ever.

The coupling of  the “soul searcher” with Eric Holder and his “America is full of cowards” comment only leads us to one conclusion.

The coward in the White House has nothing internally to search…although he does like to poke the “bear”.

But he, like the rest of the politicians, have been misinformed.

America isn’t filled with bears who are “flexible” with our ethics or draw “red” lines in the metaphorical sand.

America is filled with Lions who’ve been roaring for a while.

The roaring is your warning “soul searchers”.

When the American Lion goes silent…we’re done talking.

So pay attention Washington D.C.

You’re focused on the wrong issue.


If you force America’s hand we won’t be ruining our neighborhoods, running around with our faces covered like cowards.

We’ll be shoulder to shoulder, millions strong, with our heads held high, and Old Glory waving her strength, coming to you, in OUR capitol.

You better get this under control now because trust me, if you force us to go silent, a slap from our momma’s isn’t going to stop us.

Not that they would or would have to.

Real American mothers don’t raise felons.

Real American mothers raise men and women who serve the country…not themselves.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus available on Kindle, Ibooks and Amazon

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


Jerry, Barack, and the Force

Happy Sunday and welcome to “This is America 2015!”

Jerry Brown recently told Californians to take shorter showers in regards to the “drought” (see poor planning and over-population) happening across the Golden State.  At the same time he made this proclamation the local water district in my neck of the woods (Northern California) made a deal to sell our “surplus” water to another district for what I am sure will be a nice tidy profit.

I’ll take as long a shower as I want.

The hypocrisy here is stunning.  The Democratic Governor doesn’t care what we do in our “bedrooms” but the bathroom…well now…that’s open season.

Pretty soon Bullet Train Jerry will be screeching about flushing only when “Brown”.

Come on Democrats.  You know you laughed at that one.

Barack Obama recently pontificated on “mandatory” voting.  He believes it would change the American landscape forever.

The man elected twice by the freest country on Earth wants to force American citizens to vote.

Well…why not.

He’s forcing us into another war by actively siding with the Shiite Muslim population.

Understand the difference America.

ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Saudi Arabia equal Sunni.  Iran, Hezbollah, and for practical matters Hamas equal Shiite.  They hate and are killing each other as we speak.

There are no “good guys” here.  Obama is forcing us to choose the Crips over the Bloods.  This certainly isn’t Churchillian, or even Nevillean.  This is incredible irrationality…or simply by design.

He’s forcing us to financially supplement many health insurance companies by threatening us with fines or overtly keeping citizens tax returns.

He is forcing us into financial calamity with trillions in increases of our debt.

While the man golfs and poses for pictures with a selfie stick, children across America are being bullied and beaten.

While Obama chides Christians for being “judgmental” the “J.V.” team just cut the heads off the aforementioned group for being…followers of Jesus.

Hypocrisy knows no bounds.

I don’t believe in turning the other cheek.  The one time I did it almost cost me a broken nose.

Besides America, we are out of cheeks to turn.

It is time to acknowledge far and wide that the experiment known as Barack Obama has failed.

The debt has more than doubled, illegal entry to the United States is not only allowed but encouraged.

The Federal Government is in control of everything from our retirement (social security) health insurance (medicare, medicaid, obamacare) housing (fannie mae and freddie mac) interest rates (federal reserve) and education (common core and federal student loans) and everyone of these “programs” is living on borrowed time and will eventually collapse.

It’s not an “if” thing.  It’s a “when” thing.

Some people will excuse Obama for his actions.  Others will blame Bush.

In many ways I don’t even recognize my own country anymore.

When flying the flag is considered racist…we have a problem.

When United States taxpayer funded schools celebrate Cinco De Mayo as an American holiday…we have a problem.

When the ethics of the leadership of an American university (Michigan) have to be corrected by a football coach…we have a problem.

When the Supreme Court upholds a law that was created on one lie after another and those lies can be seen on video…we have a problem.

But when the Leader of the Free World continues to rationalize the behavior of systemic oppression (Islam) in general by comparing and contrasting said behavior with distortion, disinformation, and dishonesty we don’t have a problem…we have an emergency.

So my fellow citizens I ask you.  How much more do you think our society can take before it breaks?

How much more before you are ready to actively involve yourself in moving our message?

A message of freedom, personal responsibility, and the pursuit of happiness by the individual.  A message of assertive action and leadership by example to rid ourselves of “democracy” and restore our Constitutional Republic and the freedom and protection of the American individual.

Of the People, By the People, For the People.

Or do we just get in line and wait for Jerry to show up at the door with his bucket for our weekly shower.

One term, no campaign contributions, no salary, close the border, abolish income tax and free the American citizen to do what we do better than any nation on the planet.


Work not war.

Work with me to free the people.

Shoulder to shoulder.  One voice at a time.

This is OUR country!

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.




Lies, Damn Lies, and Gruber

It is truly an amazing thing when the human animal ignores its instincts. I read a theory one time pertaining to the fact that in the blink of an eye our brain/instincts give us every piece of important information about the situation in front of us. I completely agree.

It takes me no more than a blink of my eyes to process what is happening in my present situation.

The problem is most of us will ignore, justify, or rationalize the things we are seeing putting us in potential danger. This is happening now. For years I’ve discussed the fight or flight mechanism in all of us. When danger appears adrenaline will immediately release into our systems allowing us to fight or run.

For anyone who has ever been in a fight or dangerous situation you know the controlling of this adrenaline must take place otherwise it can become a paralyzing force. What we’ve witnessed in America for quite a while now is that third option.

Rather than fight or flight many will freeze or do nothing when confronted with danger. Part of this is due to our society generally being peaceful. Most of us aren’t having to physically defend ourselves on a daily basis. This is of course a good thing but the skills needed to stay sharp begin to fade, and as the body goes, so goes the mind.

America is blinking and not wanting to believe what she is seeing.

It seems almost impossible if not absurd to seriously question the motives and belief system of the President of the United States.

Collectively the majority has looked the other way or simply closed their eyes to the reality that is now here.

Using Barack Obama’s own words I can call him unpatriotic. He proclaimed this about George Bush crushing us with debt. He makes Bush look like an amateur in this department.

I can use Obama’s own words to prove he is an overt liar. Keep your doctor, health insurance, not a smidgen of corruption, heard about things on the news. These are all lies easy to prove.

Jonathon Gruber actually backs up Obama’s lies with lies of his own not to mention calling Democratic voters stupid.

Lois Lerner “apologized” for her part in the corruption and then took the fifth.

We KNOW Obama is being updated on everything long before it ever hits the press in print or on television.

What’s even crazier about all of this is Obama and his minions are on VIDEO lying. We don’t need to search for proof. It’s everywhere and in color! You don’t have to read about it in black and white or worry about “context”.

The man has lied so many times about so many things I am amazed anyone even tunes in anymore.

Now many Obama supporters are staring into the abyss knowing they were had. What’s worse is they know they were manipulated by a man and his cohorts who used issues very dear to them.

Whether you agree with their views isn’t the point. The Obama supporter is very passionate about specific individual issues. Things that go to their very core fulfilling their need to belong.

As most of us know these issues are race, amnesty, abortion and homosexuality. Please do not fill up my page or email with your beliefs on this. This isn’t the point of this column.

The point is to show the Obama supporter knows they’ve been lied to and is hurt deeply by this. As they continue blinking their eyes they don’t want to believe they’ve been used…but deep down they now know they have.

Don’t get me wrong. There will always be some humans who will never accept the truth.

How do I know this?

Bush still has a few supporters.

But as the curtain is pulled back Obama’s supporters are sadly realizing he not only isn’t there for them…he never intended to be.

Their lives aren’t better. Sadly things have actually gotten worse. The influx of even more illegals suppresses wages and bombards our schools and hospitals. The politicians and media can try and spin it by creating new formulas to make the numbers look better but everyone knows the truth.

47 million on food stamps/welfare.

18 trillion in debt and rising.

You give me trillions of dollars I can make anything look good on a spread sheet.

The problem is the spread sheet is a lie just like Obama and the dollars aren’t free.

America, do you really think we can ignore this without repercussion?

Just blink brothers and sisters of all races, religions, and creeds. It’s time to deal with the cancer amongst us. If we wait too long this disease will spread everywhere requiring a medication none of us want and many won’t survive. Debt has no loyalty. When it comes calling it will wipe out everything in its path.

It your time. It’s my time. It’s our time. As one of my favorite lines of all time says,

“It’s the fullness of time.”

But you have to rise, hold steady your vision, and share the message. I will never stop but this is a monumental task we are undertaking. I need your help every day to continue making a difference. As we build this platform together one voice at a time my only goal is to serve you free of corruption by never taking a single penny in campaign contributions. To not accept a salary.

Power is a tremendous responsibility. Anyone thinking they will not be hardened through the process is foolish which is why I am only willing to serve be one term. For the good of the country the authority of the Presidency must not be held in any hands longer than one term. Besides if things haven’t improved in four years four more isn’t going to make them better. In fact we now know the worst comes out of these people in their second terms.

Unlike the last three narcissists to hold this position I am not egocentric. I also know I am fallible which is why I’ve put in my own check and balance.

One term.

Anyone unwilling to do the same should never be trusted with such power.


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring America one voice at a time.
