Do not open that door!!!

What a fascinating time in the world.

Sometimes it feels as though I am watching a horror flick where the music becomes darker and the actor starts to turn a handle on a door that you know they shouldn’t be opening.  Some people will scream at the TV, “NO! Do not open that door!”, while others squirm on the couch thinking the same thing.

Of course they open it and out comes Pandora, box and all.

Or Freddy Krueger, take your pick.

Why do we keep opening the same door?

“Hillary Clinton once proclaimed”…that’s all you should need….

Don’t open the door.

“Bill Clinton”…again all you should need…..

Leave the door shut.


Are you with me now?

The one thing all of these people and politicians in general have proven is they don’t care about freedom, America, you, or me.

There are things we know and things we don’t know.

We know this.  They don’t care about our plight, our lives, really anything about us.  These types of people are like a Hoover vacuum (not fair to Hoover).  They will suck up everything they can to fulfill the void in their lives.

Money, resources, the truth, even human lives do not matter to these people.

Yet we continue to “open the door”.

Or do we?

Some democratic voters (not enough) currently abhor Hillary Clinton.  They proved this last time when they went with a guy whose middle name was “Hussein”.

I think we should start pronouncing it “Insane”.

For sake of clarity.

It’s only “fair” to keep things “balanced”.

Hussein as in Saddam was a Sunni.

“Insane” as in Obama prefers Shiite and I do believe would appreciate the adherence to his strict dogma not be confused.  Never fear BO…you are in good hands.

From this day further I bequeath onto Barry, Barack…it’s all so confusing…his official name and title:

Barack Insane Obama.

I think it has a nice ring.

But then again who is the insane party here?

A man who lies, lies to cover lies, then lies some more because those lies seem to work…or the people who continue to go along with the lies when they know none of it is true.

We the American people have bestowed our trust, not once but twice, into a man who struggles to keep up with current events, unless they can be found on television, but always has his NCAA bracket turned in on time.  Never mind the fact he thought it important to explain to us what his son would look like…if he had one.

Before this we placed our belief, twice, in a man who announced to the world that the Mission was Accomplished and then left our best and bravest behind in the hands of…Barack Insane Obama who repeatedly told anyone who would listen exactly what he was going to do in that region of the world…before he was elected.

Finally before all of this we placed our country, twice, in the hands of a man who was confounded by the word “is”, proclaimed “oral sex” wasn’t “sex” (wouldn’t this be the same as green apples aren’t apples?) and stated he smoked pot but didn’t “inhale”.  Now I am certainly not an “expert” on marijuana but if you don’t “inhale” what is the point?

Of course when you struggle with “is” I guess anything is possible…and boy howdy “is” it!

We are now in 2015 and the wife of the man who defined “oral sex” as not being “sex” (while “not” having sex with “that woman”) wants to be President.

Don’t laugh.  Millions of Americans “is” willing to vote for her.

I have no doubt they are inhaling.

But wait there’s more.

The brother of the guy who left the greatest military in history in the hands of “Insane” also wants to be President.

No no stop laughing.

This is true and according to polling (I’m guessing they are polling the same people they weekly ask about their job status) the brother of the man who struggled to pronounce nuclear is leading all Republican “hopefuls”.

It appears an epiphany is in order.

I am done blaming Curly, Moe, and Barry.

Let us put the responsibility of their behavior exactly where it belongs.

On us.

We put them there.

We’ve allowed them to convince us that to be safe we had to ignore the laws of America.

We’ve been convinced drugs are good, saving money is bad, and hard work is for the foolish.

That climate change is controlled by human consumption but adding millions of consuming illegal “immigrants” will somehow save the day.

That never ending debt, war, and greed will bring us peace and prosperity.

It appears we need a fifth grader…we may be better off with a child leading us.

Although two more years of Common Core and they may not understand “is” either.

Still, with the leader of the Choom Gang attempting to shoot par as often as possible I have no doubt more kids will learn to inhale.

That will be one thing Net Neutrality certainly won’t slow down.

Ahh America…just leave the door shut and open a window to a new path, a brighter day.

Free will still prevails here.

Let us gather our people and ensure Freedom still exists in the future.

One voice at a time.

This is OUR country!!!

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


Jerry, Barack, and the Force

Happy Sunday and welcome to “This is America 2015!”

Jerry Brown recently told Californians to take shorter showers in regards to the “drought” (see poor planning and over-population) happening across the Golden State.  At the same time he made this proclamation the local water district in my neck of the woods (Northern California) made a deal to sell our “surplus” water to another district for what I am sure will be a nice tidy profit.

I’ll take as long a shower as I want.

The hypocrisy here is stunning.  The Democratic Governor doesn’t care what we do in our “bedrooms” but the bathroom…well now…that’s open season.

Pretty soon Bullet Train Jerry will be screeching about flushing only when “Brown”.

Come on Democrats.  You know you laughed at that one.

Barack Obama recently pontificated on “mandatory” voting.  He believes it would change the American landscape forever.

The man elected twice by the freest country on Earth wants to force American citizens to vote.

Well…why not.

He’s forcing us into another war by actively siding with the Shiite Muslim population.

Understand the difference America.

ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Saudi Arabia equal Sunni.  Iran, Hezbollah, and for practical matters Hamas equal Shiite.  They hate and are killing each other as we speak.

There are no “good guys” here.  Obama is forcing us to choose the Crips over the Bloods.  This certainly isn’t Churchillian, or even Nevillean.  This is incredible irrationality…or simply by design.

He’s forcing us to financially supplement many health insurance companies by threatening us with fines or overtly keeping citizens tax returns.

He is forcing us into financial calamity with trillions in increases of our debt.

While the man golfs and poses for pictures with a selfie stick, children across America are being bullied and beaten.

While Obama chides Christians for being “judgmental” the “J.V.” team just cut the heads off the aforementioned group for being…followers of Jesus.

Hypocrisy knows no bounds.

I don’t believe in turning the other cheek.  The one time I did it almost cost me a broken nose.

Besides America, we are out of cheeks to turn.

It is time to acknowledge far and wide that the experiment known as Barack Obama has failed.

The debt has more than doubled, illegal entry to the United States is not only allowed but encouraged.

The Federal Government is in control of everything from our retirement (social security) health insurance (medicare, medicaid, obamacare) housing (fannie mae and freddie mac) interest rates (federal reserve) and education (common core and federal student loans) and everyone of these “programs” is living on borrowed time and will eventually collapse.

It’s not an “if” thing.  It’s a “when” thing.

Some people will excuse Obama for his actions.  Others will blame Bush.

In many ways I don’t even recognize my own country anymore.

When flying the flag is considered racist…we have a problem.

When United States taxpayer funded schools celebrate Cinco De Mayo as an American holiday…we have a problem.

When the ethics of the leadership of an American university (Michigan) have to be corrected by a football coach…we have a problem.

When the Supreme Court upholds a law that was created on one lie after another and those lies can be seen on video…we have a problem.

But when the Leader of the Free World continues to rationalize the behavior of systemic oppression (Islam) in general by comparing and contrasting said behavior with distortion, disinformation, and dishonesty we don’t have a problem…we have an emergency.

So my fellow citizens I ask you.  How much more do you think our society can take before it breaks?

How much more before you are ready to actively involve yourself in moving our message?

A message of freedom, personal responsibility, and the pursuit of happiness by the individual.  A message of assertive action and leadership by example to rid ourselves of “democracy” and restore our Constitutional Republic and the freedom and protection of the American individual.

Of the People, By the People, For the People.

Or do we just get in line and wait for Jerry to show up at the door with his bucket for our weekly shower.

One term, no campaign contributions, no salary, close the border, abolish income tax and free the American citizen to do what we do better than any nation on the planet.


Work not war.

Work with me to free the people.

Shoulder to shoulder.  One voice at a time.

This is OUR country!

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.



Duty not Desire

A question was asked recently,  “Why do you want to be President?”  It’s a great question and one that must be asked of anyone applying for the job.  There’s been lots of different answers over the years. Most of them are lies.

My answer is this.  “I don’t want to be President.”

Anyone who is sane and genuinely spends anytime thinking about doing this job will always come to the same conclusion.


“Want” cannot be the reason.

The incredible power and overwhelming responsibility should stop any rational, ethical human immediately, eliciting a resounding “who would WANT to do that?”

The reason the last three Presidents have been such failures is due to the fulfilling of their own “wants” or desires.

Anyone proclaiming to want to be President of the United States should be ruled out immediately.

Want isn’t strong enough.

It has to be about service.

It has to be about duty.

American soldiers did not WANT to storm Normandy Beach.  Our best and our bravest did not WANT to be air lifted and dropped into Vietnam.  Today’s heroes do not WANT to be anywhere near Afghanistan or Iraq.

American soldiers continue to step in front of harms way because of DUTY.

Duty to their brothers.  Duty to America.

They know the politicians lie.  They are the “boots on the ground”.  Their information or intel is accurate because they are experiencing first hand what politicians continue to ignore or lie about and yet the American Soldier still stands and delivers every time.  It’s well beyond want.

Their call to duty and belief in America and American values are why they continue to answer the call everyday, even in the face of extreme circumstances.

I don’t “want” to be President.

I’ve given this subject a lot of thought.  The next person to take the job will be coming into an incredible mess where brutally difficult decisions pertaining to human life and death will have to be made in order to protect freedom here and around the world.  The next person will have to undo decades of corruption, coercion, and criminal activity.  They will receive death threats if not very real attempts on their life.  Every word, every syllable uttered from this person’s mouth will be dissected, dismembered, and purposely displaced.  With each decision the ethical leader will always internally inquire,”am I sure I am making the right call”, knowing full well there is no right decision in many cases.  Just things that unfortunately have to be done because of past deeds or current crisis.  With many of these decisions, the ethical mind will wonder (rightly so) if they are losing part or all of their soul.

Yet with everything just listed the stress of the Presidency pales in comparison to the American Soldier in combat.

In fact it doesn’t compare at all.

The American Soldier believes in duty and service to America.

It’s time the Commander-in-chief does as well.

One term, no campaign contributions, no salary.

Service to the people.  Service to our military.  Service to America.

I don’t “want” to be President.

It’s well beyond this.

Duty not desire.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

California Dreaming about Agua

For decades the “environmentalists” (see Democratic Party) in California have shut down any new construction for dams, reservoirs, dredging, etc.  denying incredibly important infrastructure needed to supply the most important need to the survival of the human animal.


“It’s bad for the environment.”

For decades illegals from many countries have flocked to California.  Although this is a crime the “Amnesty” groups (see Democratic Party) have not only looked the other way but have created “sanctuary cities” and welcomed criminal behavior into their cities for the California and American taxpayer to pay for.

“They are fleeing bad environments”.

For anyone who doesn’t know after Ronald Reagan’s “Amnesty” the great State of California went from Republican to Democrat.  The Democrats continued to allow and encouraged the flooding of illegals predominately coming from Mexico and other countries south of our border.

Now for those of us who are responsible humans you know you cannot overload one side of the apple cart.  If you do it will turn over.

An Op Ed in a major newspaper recently stated, according to NASA, California has about one year of water left.

Say that again?

According to NASA, California has about one year of water left.

You mean the California that grows food for America?  The California that has the largest economy of all the United States?  The California that has elected a Democrat to every top position in the State and a Democratic Super-Majority in both the Senate and House?

Yep…that’s the one.

Crazy, huh?

Oh it gets a little bit more special than just crazy.

See this collection of Democratic thinkers continue to force more and more cities to build more and more “affordable housing”.  The entire State was ordered to ration water last year but apparently we still have enough water to build tens of thousands of apartments, duplexes, and single family homes all over the Golden State.

Don’t have enough water for the current citizens?  What to do?  Let’s build more housing and offer driver’s licenses to illegals so they will come from all over the world!

Yea! Good thinking!

What is truly bizarre is I haven’t even mentioned the most asinine thing.  Although much of California could be labeled a desert (historically little or no water) the Democrats have decided that this isn’t a man made problem created by poor planning and over-population.

Nope…this is a really long drought!

Should we tell them?

Deserts don’t have droughts!  They are called deserts for a reason!

Besides Democrats and environmentalists what happened to your planning for Global Warming…err…Climate Change?

According to you the climate is changing (I agree.  It changes every day and will as long as the Earth is in place). Why haven’t you been preparing for this?  Don’t you people talk to each other?  Do you know what will happen if 40 million people run out of water legal or otherwise?  What that will do to our State, our Country, our civilization?

A human’s primary needs to survive are listed below in order of importance:




Do you see where water is located on the list?  Yes Democratic leaders of California you are seeing that right.

It is number one.

What’s that?  It’s the Republicans fault?  The Republican politicians are guilty of many things but none of these things can be laid at their feet in California.

A Republican elected official in California can be spotted a little more frequently than the Auburn Dam.  For those of you across America reading this the Auburn Dam was never finished.

It begs the rhetorical question…how much water does an unfinished dam hold?

But finally we get to the end of the insanity…or do we?

Come on, this is California after all.  This isn’t going to happen.  This must be a scare tactic.  Just another panic piece.  Another racist, bigoted, women hating, propaganda piece put out by the homophobic Tea Party Christians hugging their Bibles and guns too tightly and waving their pesky American Flags on University Campuses!

I’ll bet this was probably a Faux News story!

What’s that?

The LA Times?


Nevertheless there has to be a plan.  There is no way Democratic policies could ruin an entire State.  I mean we know about Detroit but that’s in Michigan.

Oh yeah…I do remember hearing about Stockton and San Bernardino having major financial problems, and of course the Federal Government is 18 trillion in debt but still there is no the way the powers that be will let this happen.

This is California!  We live here!  Let’s finish the article.  What is the California contingency plan according to the author from U.C. Irvine?

“Staying in emergency mode and praying for rain.”

Yep…sounds about right.  Hypocrites, criminals, and liars all in desperate prayer.

Don’t you just love democracy?


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.










Democracy versus a Constitutional Republic

It is becoming increasing difficult to refer to America as a Constitutional Republic.  Although it’s found directly in our pledge, “and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands”, we are in practice a democracy.

It’s why we are suffering as a people.

Rather than protecting the rights of the individual we now allow the majority “party” to dictate over the “minority”.

What this really means is a select few at the top set the rules for the rest of us to follow.  When these “rules” become troublesome for the select few they are changed.

This isn’t a new phenomenon.

Human behavior has followed this type of authoritarian pressure since the beginning of man.  We see it currently in full bloom in places like Communist China and Russia and every country where Sunni or Shiite Muslims are the majority.

Although these places could be referred to as misogynistic (and this reference would be correct) the few at the top of these societies also murder men as well.  There are thousands of examples of this throughout history not to mention daily occurrences as I am writing this now.

Democracies are basically mobs and mob mentality.

We’ve always had a certain amount of pressure from the top.  When any human is given such power for an extended period of time they will succumb to their own hubris.

It is absurd to hear anyone proclaim to be a Democrat or support Democratic politicians then scream about their Constitutional Republic Rights.

Sorry to inform you but it doesn’t work that way.

This is why we are having so many problems right now.

It’s why Democracy has taken over.  Groups over the individual.  The current Democratic party actively and overtly target groups of humans, rather than the individual, based on certain things.

Color of skin.

Sexual orientation.

Humans here illegally verses American citizens.

Again remember how democracy is defined.  The majority ruling over the minority.  Right now Democrats have cobbled a voting block together that allowed them to dictate from the top through the aforementioned groups.  They’ve not only opened the door to “democracy” but have endorsed it through hatred and lawlessness.

I have a question for the “Democrats.”

What happens when the “majority” of Americans decide differently.

What happens if the majority of America decide they will not tolerate being called racists anymore?

What happens if the majority of America (heterosexual) decide they don’t agree with homosexuality?

What happens if the majority of America decide they’ve had enough of illegal immigration?

Under Democracy anyone falling into these groups will become the “Minority” and will be dictated to by the “Majority”.

Do you recognize the problem Democratic voters?  The formation of mobs is a two way street and that street is a dead end…for everyone.

Pendulums swing both ways and the more it swings wildly one way the greater the correction will be to the other side.  Energy, momentum, interest rates, etc. These things don’t have feelings.  In trying to suppress them the avalanche coming only gets worse.

The Boomer Generation of Politicians is the worst collection of people we ever could have elected.  From Clinton’s racist housing programs, to Bush’s corrupt economics, to anything Obama has touched we should by now understand exactly how Democracy works.

It doesn’t.

18 trillion in debt and soon to be rising.

47 million on Welfare/Food Stamps.

Wars with no end.

America was founded on fierce individualism.

The primary belief that the citizen only answered to the one thing greater than him or herself.


That the American Citizen was not only responsible for their own survival but required to ensure this outcome.  This belief in the individual in America was so strong it became a given.  A fact.  We know this because the writers of one of our most precious documents were positive thinkers. Hence some of the most beautiful words ever constructed:

The pursuit of happiness.

No one pursues happiness unless they are free and passed the water, food, shelter phase in life.  The writers, in all their wisdom, granted the fact that Americans would always require personal freedom, because it was set in stone, that Americans would take care of themselves.

There is nothing wrong with America!

But there is definitely something wrong with any human who will accept the good will of others and offer nothing in return.

There is definitely something wrong with humans who believe they are owed anything.

The greatest gift ever to be given, is given to every child, born to American parents.

It is the gift of freedom.

There is no greater home field advantage.

But that gift is being spit on by politicians on both sides who clamor to fill the emptiness in their souls on the backs of the American Citizen.  Splitting us into groups based on the color of our skin.  Calling us Uncle Tom’s, racists, homophobes, or bigots.

They are all guilty.

Both parties have been practicing Democracy and disrespecting the PLEDGE to our beautiful America for decades now.

They have dishonored and put in danger our military with never ending wars.

Democracy is a horrible system.

We are individuals.  We are Americans.  We were given the gift of Freedom by Americans before us.  Our individual rights are granted to us as Americans, within a Constitutional Republic.

Not African Americans, Mexican Americans, Russian Americans, Latino or Hispanic Americans, or Asian Americans.


Your Constitutional Rights are only found under one name.  The United States of America!

There is no such document or country called African America.  There is no such nation called the Latino United States.

These are racist, irresponsible, and dangerous creations created by humans to scare, anger, and divide.

I don’t care what you look like.  I don’t care what you do in your bedroom.

As long as you aren’t harming anyone or yourself and financially pulling your own weight and the weight of any children you created while they are young then I am on your side.

But if you are not, then I am not, and I still don’t care what you like or who you are sleeping with.

I don’t have time for your nonsense.  I am here to pursue happiness.

And so are at least 65 million voting Americans.

We’ve had enough of the “Equality Tour”.  We’ve had enough of the racist jargon.

“Black Rage”

“White Guilt”

“Brown Sugar”

“Yellow Man”

Pathetic.  What a putrid group of humans.

The color of our skin is something no one has, or will ever have, any control over.  Stop calling us White, Black or Brown.  We aren’t going to answer or tolerate this anymore.

We call each brother, sister, or friend because that is what we are.

We call ourselves Americans!

Listen up Politicians and anyone else out there who embraces hatred, racism, crushing debt, victimization, and “democracy”.

You disgust us.

We are shoulder to shoulder now.  The American people in all our glory are roaring!

It is time for you politicians to go quietly into the night and beg mercy from The Big Fella Upstairs.

But let’s be clear.  The second one is a suggestion.  That’s between you and God.

The first one isn’t.

That’s between you and US and although we are a merciful people you have harmed America at our core.  We will not tolerate the lies. We shall have no path for evil.

You better find a new horse Washington D.C.

The one you rode in on is tired of you too.

Don’t bother checking your hole card or your six.

We’ve got you surrounded and we know you are bluffing.

Besides, that loud noise in your head you keep ignoring shall be ignored no longer.

That noise is America…and she’s not coming to take part.


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.




Lies, Obama, and choices…our choices.

“There’s a reason we don’t lie to each other.”

“What’s that Mom?”

My mom smiled at me.  “Beside it being wrong nothing good ever comes from it.”

That made sense to me even as a five year old.

I’ve always listened to my body.  If I want to do something and nothing goes off in my brain I know I am good to go.

Working hard…great!

Hitting home runs…better!

Holding my wife’s hand…the best.

As a child I was playing with a neighborhood kid.  His name was Scott.  We called him Scotty Waddy Doodle.  I have no idea why.  We were kids.

At Scotty Waddy Doodle’s house one day his mother told him to come in.  It was time for dinner.  We’d been playing with Scotty’s toys and he had one toy I really liked.  When he cleaned up and went in the house he took all his toys with him except the one I really liked.

“See you tomorrow Jay,” Scotty said and went into the house.

“See you tomorrow Doodle,” I said as he closed the door. I stared at the door for a second and then at the toy on the ground.  I was only in 2nd grade but my mind started rationalizing my thoughts.  Maybe he left it there for me to take.  Obviously he doesn’t care about it.  He just left it outside.  My little mind kept working until it was satisfied.  I picked it up, put in my pocket, and walked home.

Now, I knew what I had just done was wrong.  Hence all the mental turmoil. Just like the rest of us (except for psychopaths) I knew I was doing something wrong.  But I did it anyway.

Later on that night I was playing with the toy at my house.  My mom looked at me.

“Where did you get that toy Jason?”

“From Scotty’s, mommy.”

“Did he give it to you?”

“No but he doesn’t care,” I started out.

“What do you mean?”

“He left it outside…besides he has lots of toys.”

“Did you ask him if you could borrow it?”


“So you took it without permission?”

It was then that I knew I was caught.

Not wrong.


I knew I was wrong when I took it.

I looked at my Mom as I started to cry.  I don’t know who was more upset.  I’d never done anything like this in my life and the look on my Mom’s face was one of shock.  I was a rule follower.  An easy child.  Where did she go wrong?  Did she raise a kleptomaniac?

“Stop crying and tell me the truth.  Lying only makes things worse.”

I admitted I took it.  She marched me down to Scotty Waddy Doodle’s house and watched as I proceeded to knock on the door and cry an apology to Doodle’s mother.

My mother apologized as well and I then cried all the way home.

“What were you thinking when you stole that toy Jason?” my mom asked me.

“I just wanted it.”

“That’s not how life works.  You don’t take from others.  We never lie, we never cheat, we never steal.”

Now I knew all of these things already and this was the one and only time I’d ever stolen anything.  I knew it was wrong.  I knew I shouldn’t do it.  I even felt bad doing it…but did it anyway.  Fortunately there were immediate consequences and I learned a valuable lesson.  Nothing positive can ever grow from lying, cheating, or stealing.

Nothing positive.

It’s why “The Affordable Health Care Act” or “Obama doesn’t Care” is causing great damage.

It’s thousands of pages of cheating and stealing from taxpayers based on lies.

We have to pass it before we find out what’s in it… is a lie.  They all knew what was in it.  They WROTE it!

You can keep your doctor, insurance, etc.  This has been called the biggest lie of the year by many in the media.

Everyone’s premiums will go down.  Nope.

And my favorite.  The Gruber.  We have to lie because the Democratic elected politicians and voters are too stupid to vote for this if they knew the truth.

Even Gruber knew the DEMOCRATIC voters wouldn’t want this.

Lies upon lies upon lies.

It doesn’t matter what the Supreme Court does or doesn’t do with the Unaffordable Care Act.  We don’t trust them anymore anyway.

But the most dangerous lie is one I hear every day.  It isn’t Islam or Obama, crushing debt or corruption.  The most dangerous lie is this:

There’s nothing we can do about it.

Do we have problems…yes. To those who think it is impossible to restore our nation…you couldn’t be more wrong.

But if your only recourse is to complain relaxed in your easy chair, then you are part of the biggest and most dangerous lie ever.

Everything is possible…in the United States of America.



Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

Rules, Laws, and Smoking in Ireland

I was on a train one night from England heading towards Ireland back in the 90’s.  Dublin was my destination.  St. Patrick’s Day was the next day and I wanted to see the parade and experience the Irish way of celebration during this event.

Rocking on the rails I sat quietly in my seat.  Placards adorned the walls listing certain things not allowed while on the train.  Smoking was one such thing.  I closed my eyes and was almost asleep when a cough from the back of the train caused me to open my eyes.  There was a family riding along, a man, a woman and two young children.  Immediately following the cough I smelled smoke.  I turned in my seat to locate its origin.  An old woman was puffing away blowing large plumes into the air.  The smoke had nowhere to go and began gathering around all of us in the car.  The children started coughing as I looked at the placards again.


Plastered everywhere were signs prohibiting smoking on the train.

I think back on this moment occasionally asking myself if the signs weren’t there would I have acted differently.

Probably not.

As my father taught me “your rights end at my nose”.

That smoke was entering my nose and the noses of the kids in the back.  I’m fairly certain I would have had the same reaction.  But that is irrelevant as the signs (words) were everywhere.

Smoking prohibited on train.

Before I continue I want to explain my point.  Words, rules, directions, Constitutional Rights, don’t matter if they aren’t followed and enforced.

We can and are screaming about the lack of laws being enforced by our government right now.

They continue to ignore our written laws, words, and us as well.

Human behavior is very easy to predict.

If one faction isn’t following accepted written societal rules while requiring everyone else to, the next step is a physical altercation.

Human behavior 101.

Our country was founded on this principle.

No taxation without representation.

When one side had enough a humdinger of an altercation broke out.

When I was in school we called this the Revolutionary War.

Not sure what Common Core has renamed it these days.  My guess is something akin to “please explain how two plus two might equal four, then again may not, using no less than twelve steps while explaining how Islam is woven into the fabric of our core”.

Back to my story.

For as long as I can remember I have always been a rule follower.  I was taught to respect my elders (as long as they earned that respect).  But I have zero patience and a temper when people ignore the rules and other suffer.  If you want to ignore the laws then you make sure you are the only one who is harmed.  Don’t drag the rest of us along who are willing to play by the rules.  We want the rule of law.  We know without it anarchy is the result.

The children continued to cough as I walked toward the old woman.  I swayed with the momentum of the train and stopped two seats away from her.  She wasn’t a physical threat to me and the last thing I wanted to do was scare her.  I just wanted her to follow the rules so the rest of us could breathe.

“Excuse me ma’am,” I said in a very polite voice.  “It’s against the law to smoke on here.  I would appreciate it if you would put that out.”

I said this with a smile and genuinely believed once she realized she was in the wrong, and others were suffering, she would stop.

Boy was I wrong.

The old woman took a deep drag and blew it AT me.

I waved the smoke away as my brain quickly digested my options.  Had she been a man my options in dealing with this situation had just grown.

But she was a woman and by options were incredibly limited.  I wasn’t going to touch her and if I wasn’t going to stop her physically then I had no other options.

I choked down my temper and smiled widely trying charm and compassion this time.

“There’s no need for that,” I said pointing to the children in the back.  “They are coughing.  I would really appreciate you putting that out”.

The old woman took an even bigger drag and blew it at me again.

“Bugger off!” she yelled at me.

Writing this now I am smiling at this memory but at that moment I was an angry soul.  Here was a person ignoring all the rules and laws and creating a situation we were all forced to deal with unless we were willing to jump off a train rolling down the tracks.

Illegal behavior of the few abusing the law abiding many.

Sound familiar?

I have to admit I was stymied.  My personal ethics wouldn’t allow me to physically harm her or even attempt to remove the burning item continuing to create more and more smoke.  It felt as though my brain was about to explode.  I just stared at her shaking my head for about ten seconds trying to come up with a solution.

Sometimes you just have to be quiet and let a solution come to you.

Out of nowhere a disheveled man jumped out of his seat and into my face.  We were nose to nose.  His breath smelled like stale cigarettes and booze.  That was nothing in comparison to the body odor coming off of him.

At the time I was six feet one hundred and eighty pounds.

He was that and then some and approximately in his mid twenties…just like me.

A solution was soon to be found.

“She said bugger off!” he screamed in my face.

Horrible, I mean horrible breath.

I took a small rocker step back to give myself enough room to move.  He mistakenly saw this as weakness and moved forward into the tiny space I’d made.

“You need to back up right now,” I said quietly turning my body slightly while moving my hands towards my face.

“She said bugger off!” he screamed again leaning forward.

I would find out later bugger meant f*&# off.  The things you learn riding the rails!

I remember this as plain as day.  I actually smiled.  Trust me I wasn’t happy and every part of my fight or flight ANS arousal was firing.  Unfortunately there was nowhere to run…not that I would have anyway.

I smiled a tiny smile as all my instincts rushed to their positions.  All the fights in high school and college, all the rough housing with my father and peers, all the bullies in my past were in my face right now.

“I’m going to count to three.  You will move or I will move you,” I stated as a matter of fact, not a fact of the matter, as we hear so much on television these days.

His eyes narrowed and his body started to tense.

Now for those of you out there reading this right now you never, and I mean never, tell your enemy what you are going to do.

It’s why growing up when bullies would tell me they were going to “kick my a%$” I squared up and said “go for it”.

They’d made the mistake of informing me of their intention.  Don’t ever warn someone who you believe is trying to hurt you.  It’s why our current foreign policy is not only a joke but never works.  No elected leader should EVER state in public the intent of the United States military.  They only put our troops in greater danger and allow our enemies to prepare.  Once decisions have been made Constitutionally (which hasn’t happened for a while) politicians need to keep their mouths shut while our best and bravest are in harms way.

With that said some of you may be saying “didn’t you just tell him what you were going to do?”

No.  What I prepared him for was to be ready on three.

I went on one.

As I said “one” he was preparing for “two”.  Two never came.  As I picked him up and body slammed him to the ground (taking in a big whiff of smoke) I landed on top.  Unfortunately for me I didn’t have any control of my surroundings and as I landed I head butted the hardest piece of steel I believe to have ever been forged:)

The “steel” was one of the train seats and the stars dancing around my head were not a figment of my imagination, although I completely lost track of the smoke smell. (always find silver linings:)

I was now sitting on his chest with a tremendous amount of pain coming from the bridge of my nose.  My first thought was “how did he get me?”  I hadn’t realized yet the seat was my attacker.  I did realize quickly though as blood started running down the top of my nose at a nice pace.  I looked to my right at the seat and a little bit of skin (mine) was stuck perfectly in the metal.

I looked down at the guy as rage filled me.  Here I was trying to go to Dublin to enjoy a St. Patrick’s Day Parade and because of an old woman who didn’t want to follow the rules and a drunk I now thought I had a broken nose.  (It wasn’t but it hurt for a week).

I dropped my head and glared at my captured prey.  Slowly as the blood dropped off my nose I angled my head so it landed right on his face.  Drip drip drip.  I just held him there.  I’m not proud of it…I’m just telling you what I did. I will admit it wasn’t one of my better moments.  (silver lining not found:)

I’ve told this story over the years to a few people.  I try and use it as a teaching moment, and depending on whom I am talking to, the lesson varies.

In most cases it’s about standing up even when you don’t want to.  In other cases it’s about finishing the fight to make sure you don’t have to deal with it again.

That lesson is next.

There are many people, justifiably so, who would have thrown multiple punches into this guy’s face out of anger, frustration, vengeance, etc.

As I stared down at him his face was filled with fear.  He knew there was nothing he could do.  He looked like a scared little kid to me.  It just wasn’t in me to start hitting him.  Good and bad for me.

The good was I never lost who I was.  My belief in defending the weak didn’t disappear.  The weak was now under me and I just couldn’t hurt him…as easy as it would have been.

The bad…well…the bad could have cost me my life.

I am a believer in three things when it comes to human male interaction.  You can be liked, respected, or feared.  But if you try and mix them together it can cost you dearly.

This situation was under control because he feared (and couldn’t move) what I would do next.  I saw it in his face.  But when I showed him mercy he mistakenly attributed that to me having fear and proceeded to try and hurt me.

As I got off of him I stepped back not thinking he would try and attack.

I was wrong.

He was wearing very heavy boots and as I cleared his legs he somehow fired off a kick.  Thankfully the Big Fella Upstairs had my back (and front).  I barely saw the boot and moved my head just enough that it missed landing squarely under my chin (probably knocking me out) and smashed into my shoulder.  I have no doubt had that boot landed under my chin with the force it hit my shoulder I would have been out cold.  I also have no doubt he would not have shown me the mercy he’d previously received.

He scrambled back to his feet as his kick knocked me backwards.  As this story is getting long in the tooth let me just say by the time round two was over he was again on his back as I proceeded to fit his head into a tiny crack between the steel seat and the steel train wall.

Fortunately the train stopped and the police arrived.  It ended up being a laugher because even though he was a little messed up, they kept looking at my nose, asking me if I wanted to press charges.

Too funny.

I said no.

There’s a little bit more to this story…maybe another time.  Needless to say the smoking stopped (she ended up being his mother) and I did make it the parade!:)

Aside from hopefully entertaining you my point is this.

When others decide their free will is more important than our free will words aren’t going to change their mind.

It will always take action.  I am moving as fast as I can in an assertively peaceful manner to show a better way through systemic changes in taxation and border security.  Things that will benefit us and are easy to implement.

But our government is behaving aggressively and lying to us on a daily basis.  In some regards they are blatantly disregarding our laws and their oaths to faithfully protect and defend in an ever increasingly bold manner.  It’s as if they don’t think we will do anything.

They are wrong.

But to be successful we have to join together from all over the country!

We don’t need another revolution!

We need a restoration and in that restoration we lead by example!

Ethical every day Americans coming together through technology by the millions to replace the cancer in Washington D.C.

No one is asking you to “count to three”.

We cannot allow it to get that far.

If it does…we have failed.

America needs us now more than ever to not repeat the mistakes of the past.

Let us restore our nation roaring our love for her.

For Freedom.

For America.

We have work to do.

So shall it begins.


Jason Kraus

“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

Shakespeare, America, and the Human being

Many people around the world are calling this the “end times”.  Others see the unchecked behavior of the human animal as our downfall.  I see it a little bit differently.  Am I concerned with the increased speed of debt and violence happening here in America and around the world?


That’s why I am here.

But to me there is an opportunity if humans will evolve into humans being.

A little more explanation is probably due.

Human(s) fall under the category of noun.  Person, place, or thing.  (Definitely didn’t learn that from Common Core.  Too easy to follow)

Human(s) Being is often times misunderstood.  Many times we say Human Beings attempting to pluralize.  This is misinterpretation.

It should be Human(s) being.  Being is a verb.  An action word.

I did a little research years ago looking into the phrase, Human being.  I was curious.  Where did such a profound stunning change in idea and structure take place? And why?  Humans being what?

I am sure some will attach being to God but I have not found this in anything I can objectively study.  Through some research it appears the phrase appeared in the 18th century via a poem or poetic type of writing.  I will not spend anymore time on the explanation as it isn’t pertinent.  The point is the phrase Human being.

Shakespeare explains this well in the line “to be or not to be…that is the question”.

And what a question it is.

The simplicity of Shakespeare’s line is what makes it structurally profound. It’s why the simpler things are to comprehend, the more meaning they have.

It’s why Freedom needs no explanation and is only lessened when things are added to it.  Very similar to American.

The term American stands on its own.  We only weaken it with unneeded verbiage like Irish, African, Asian, or Hispanic.

I digress.

Initially I questioned the phrase Human being.  As I stated prior…Human being what? As my mind worked on this the phrase, to be or not be, kept rolling around.  Finally when all the pins fell into place the lock popped and a door opened.

Of course…To be…is the answer.  At least for me.

I can hear some of you right now…What the $%&^ is this guy talking about? Normally he is clear as a bell.  Clear as a bell?  More research:) It’s a joke. Please no links to bells or clarity.

Our answer lies in our ability to evolve into freer humans.  Humans that don’t worry, fight, kill, lie, cheat, steal, etc. (I do not equate self-defense in this)

We discard these things…in order to be.  Rather than living for the moment we ARE the moment.  We are present in all things.  We BE.

Through this “being” we become better humans.  Our minds are clearer for the tasks ahead.  We rid ourselves of the perpetual “loop” going off in our brains about things that will probably never take place and we spend ALL our energy laser focused on being.  On freedom.  On America.  We clear our minds to serve America because trust me brothers and sisters it is going to require clear minds, sound hearts, and ethics to dig us out of:

18 trillion in debt

47 million on food stamps/welfare

To be is to actively engage in the outcome of your own life.  As stated so poetically:

To pursue happiness.

Shakespeare understood freedom centuries ago.

To be or not to be, America…that is our question.

And there’s only one answer.


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


Common Core and Net Neutrality

How about some humor today my friends courtesy of our fearless leader and his faithful minions:)

I had to actually laugh at a comment from an Obama supporter.  Yes they still do exist.  As with most of these comments they ignore the facts and just rant about me.  Makes me feel so warm and special:) It would be truly fascinating if I hadn’t heard much much worse in my life directly from felons.

Obama supporter you aren’t even close!

Just do me a favor…mix it up a little bit. Try giving me a fact.  Just one.  Not going to hold you to more than one.  Just one!

I love the statement “just more right wing nut job bull*&%*”.

One Obama supporter wrote this after I’d finished excoriating George Bush:)

Boy that Common Core is working well.

Speaking of Obama policies and lingo.  Why is everything labeled in mediocrity?

“Fair” society.

“Common” Core.

Net “Neutrality”

“That is the true genius of America, a faith in the simple dreams, the insistence of small miracles.”  Barack Obama

The guy even dreams in an average way.

“Simple dreams?”  Why dream at all?

“Small miracles?”

If it’s a miracle Barry…it’s a pretty big deal.  Besides how would you know about anything that had to do with truth…or genius.

Obama is a powerfully underwhelming presence.  Like mold or gangrene.  Parasitic in nature.  You don’t realize it until it’s time to tent the house or cut off your leg.

But back to the ever decreasing but still wildly factually erratic Obama supporter.  One individual did try.  I will give him credit.  It probably took him at least thirty minutes to explain how the debt, 18 trillion, was only 3 percent of our GDP, 16 trillion.  He was incredibly serious and aside from some typos and missed punctuation really believed 18 trillion was only 3 percent of 16 trillion.

Well…I have to admit I did read that part twice.  I know I know.  But you know what’s crazy?  I’ll bet he can hold a dime bag in his hands and know whether he’s being shorted! lol.  Yes of course I know all Obama supporters aren’t on drugs but it sure would explain a lot.

To that guy’s credit at least he tried.  In general they don’t even bother.

Usually it’s words like “rasist” or “write wing”.  Actually it’s closer to “writ winge” but wasn’t sure if everyone would understand their clever usage of verbiage.

Because I care I do my best.

Now this doesn’t mean I engage them. No no.  I never feed the animals.  It’s time consuming and frankly depressing.  As I’ve said before I am looking for like minds which we are finding daily.

But never fear the Obama supporter is near!

In one column I specifically mentioned everything Obama said was false and could be found on VIDEO.  Yes that’s right VIDEO.

Obama supporter comment:  This guy (me) needs to “read” more.


Another fearless supporter actually wrote that “Republicans” (don’t know how many time I need to say I’m not a Republican…I’m an American) have their own “Christian Sharia Law” trying to control a woman’s body.

Now this statement is a special kind of insanity that is only good for one thing.  It explains how Obama was re-elected.

In conclusion the ever vigilant Obama supporter doesn’t just share their opinions with me.  Not that long ago I watched and listened on television to a young woman who was marching and yelling in the streets.  A reporter asked her a simple question.

“Why are you out here marching?”

Seems like a fair question to me.  Maybe to protest something, maybe get some exercise…maybe just on her way to the corner store for a “loosey”.

She stared into the camera, blinked twice, and then told the truth:

“I have no idea.”

Well said Obama supporter.  Well said.

Lo and behold the power of the “true genius”.


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.



Fed Hike, Hussein, and the madness of it all

After listening to Janet Yellin drone on about things anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows are false I have to finally tip my hat to one Barack Hussein Obama. That man can really read the words of others well!  It’s an impressive feat to watch him speak.  It appears he actually believes what he is saying.  Maybe this is because they aren’t his words.  He can rationalize his remarks being false because they technically aren’t his.  I look forward to the day he is held accountable for his behavior.  Yes America this day will come.

Janet on the other hand baffles me as to why she spends so much time struggling to pronounce the verbiage someone has written for her.  No one cares anymore.  It’s really simple.  Rate hike or no rate hike.

For the record we all know it’s going to be no rate hike.

Her explanation of world events is laughable not to mention anyone with a laptop could cobble together her same presentation…or an imagination.

We are now years into the suppression of interest rates.  There is only one reason for this.  When rates go up the Federal Government cannot pay back the interest on 18 trillion and counting.

That’s it.

Nothing else to address.

I cannot be any clearer.

Almost everyone in the stock market is going to get crushed…again.  It’s not an if thing.  It’s a when thing.  Without major systemic change (border closed, income tax removed) I can guarantee we will have at least one of two things eventually and possibly both happen.

War and the collapse of the dollar.

Eventually someone, maybe billions of Chinese, are going to figure out a way to apply so much pressure to our monetary system that it crashes.  If you think evil is running rampant right now in the world that will be nothing when America loses our upper hand in global finance.

For everyone out there heading for the hills…not yet.  This isn’t happening tomorrow.  This is a drip drip thing.

But the unbelievable oppression being stacked on the American tax paying citizen through Obamacare, crushing monetary policy via the Fed, and soon Net Neutrality…well… my guess is…soon enough brothers and sisters…soon enough.

Come on guys!  We’ve seen this movie before!  How many times do we have to watch housing rise and fall?  How many times do we have to see the stock market boom and bust?

The government is back to giving out 3 percent down loans and begging the Millenials to go into further debt to rescue a system that is already dead.  The United States Federal Government is a debt ridden collection of socialistic, communistic, and fascist policies.  Not a feasible long term plan.

It’s over.

The question we have to ask ourselves is do we keep beating this dead horse or look to new voices with new ideas.  Passionate, successful, hard working, ethical Americans who will lead by example and have never been politicians.

Not criminals who refuse to honor their oaths.

America that sound you hear is the fat lady…and she is in full throat.

But the amazing thing about Free Will and Freedom is we can start anew anytime we like!  You just have to believe!  We are here RIGHT NOW and there are millions of Americans around the country ready for a new start!  A new beginning! That we may “contribute our verse” upon this great nation!

Things are darkest before the dawn.

But through yonder light breaks and that light…that light is America.

God shed his grace on thee.

Stand with me.  We will roar through the darkness and America will be better because of your courage.

I can feel it in you.  It’s what drives me.

Roar with me Lions of America!


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.
