Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: The New Normal

“Sudden adult death syndrome suddenly spikes.”

“Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine impacts semen.”

“People have to stand up before we are led into a really bloody civil war.”

These are just a few of the headlines that floated around the internet this week.

Are they true?

Snopes says no, so that is more than enough for me to say yes, but for kicks let’s take a look using common sense.

“Sudden adult death” amazingly started after the RONA shots arrived.

By this time, most people personally know or know of someone who received the jab and died of “natural causes”.

For some more than one.

On a daily basis athletes under the age of forty are found dead, again of natural causes, or my personal favorite, no cause reported.

Sudden adult death syndrome isn’t “spiking”.

It’s been going on for a while now and more than likely will get dramatically worse depending upon the “booster” program and the willingness of Liberal and cowardly RINO parents to poison their children.

If by now you still need “proof” that the “vaccine” is and has killed people you are beyond help.

Please continue to wear your masks everywhere you go, including your cars and homes, so we can quickly identify the mentally incompetent and “red flag” you as someone who wants to pay $10.00 a gallon for gas.

Oh yeah it’s coming, especially in California.

As if killing people isn’t enough apparently the Chinavirus vax also “impacts semen.”

Without getting into the entire article it’s safe to say the vax didn’t increase semen so let us shift from one human fluid to the final headline and “bloody civil war.”

The “bloody civil war” headline transitioned into an article on how to stop Communism.

This is where I started to nod off as Communism has been embraced in America for decades with tens of millions screaming every day for its survival.

Capitalism is the exchange of a good or a service for a profit.

It has nothing to do with currency, cronies or social justice.

The owner of a goat can trade the goat for a cow and as long as both parties are in agreement a “profit” has been created.

Some may think a cow has more value but what others think is irrelevant.

It is up to the INDIVIDUAL to apply value to his or her good or service.

Communism is by definition a State run entity.

The State, a collection of humans who are neither productive nor profitable take from the producing and then dictate to the masses not only the value of the good or service, but also the availability of both and the actual value of each human.

Those that support the State have more value and can be given numerical ratings which has happened in China.

In the United States being liberal, according to the government, is one positive chip.

Liberal and black is two.

Liberal, black and female equals three.

Finally, liberal, black, female and lesbian is the progressive grand slam.

Federal, State and Local governments use these as requirements to be hired.

This is also known as Affirmative Action which the Supreme Court should deal with posthaste.

As stated previously Communism has overtaken these United States with tens of millions of willing participants.

Social Security is ripped from the employed/self-employed (twice) and profit creating businesses, and then doled out to whomever the State dictates, whether they’ve contributed or not.

Furthermore the businesses, who pay half of the money confiscated, get nothing in return while the employees who paid the other half have to wait until the State says yes you can have your money while they, year after year devalue the very money they promise to “give” you in the future.

Medicare is even worse.

Funds are forced from productive humans and then pooled by the State who then decides whether or not some people live and some people die.

Death Panels are very real things and we are still witnessing “healthcare” and its removal from people, including children, who refused to follow the commands of the State and receive the Corona “vaccine”.

This dictate from the State, and followed by the medical community, caused the deaths of tens of thousands as the Hippocratic Oath was annihilated.

Welfare, food stamps, housing vouchers, public unions, etc.

Communism is alive and well with the Federal Reserve doing its part to devalue the Dollar and kill American purchasing power.

Communism also known as Systemic Oppression uses terminology like equal outcome, Marxism and Democratic Socialism.

Capitalism explains human interaction through Freedom, personal responsibility and Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand.

Government (Communism) programs have always been the fall of every civilization.

A “bloody civil war?”

A bloodless coup already happened.

Decades ago.

So Jason what do we do?

We wait.

We have no other choice.

We wait until the “programs” fail.

We wait until the power goes out.

We wait until the People have no other choice but to defend themselves and then. . .

We require they do.

Until then plan, prepare and push freedom forward.

Shoulder to shoulder.

One voice at a time.



Worth it?

You’re damn right it is.

Jason Kraus

Yes Democrats, You Did That

Floating around the internet this week was a poll that stated, “Half of Americans now predict U. S. may cease to be a democracy someday”.

I love the commitment to their “poll”.


At least AOConniption Fit put a date on the demise of the world.

Now that’s commitment.

It’s pathetic and sad but she is committed. . .or needs to be.

Sadder is the lie that these United States is a democracy.

I’ve explained this so many times it’s clear that facts don’t matter anymore so I won’t bother again.

Speaking of facts not mattering Anthony Trust the Science Fauci just came down with the RONA or as one commenter stated the “virus is back where it started”.

Vaxxed, jabbed and still breathing unlike the beagles he tortured and murdered.

If there is any justice in the world Phony Tony will one day soon, step by step, meet his demise the exact same way of those poor dogs.

The Animal Kingdom in general will be a safer place and I know I’ll feel better.

Janet Yellen continues to tell everyone she got it “wrong”.

Most have forgotten but Janet “got it wrong” in the 2007 Housing Crisis as well.

The real question is when has Mush Mouth gotten anything right?

I’d talk about Lawrence Summers, but no one knows who he is, which kills lard filled Larry.

He so wants to be adored like his hero Bill Clinton.

Just rape a couple of women Lawrence, I’m sure the liberals will come around.

Maybe you can replace Kamala Cackles Harris.

You are both ridiculous but at least one of you can finish a sentence.

The Federal Government under Biden continues to “forgive” students loans while simultaneously making new loans to, wait for it, students.

This is the same behavior found in Democratic voters as they scream about gas prices yet continue to vote for Gavin Newsom who is about to RAISE the tax on gas in the Golden State.

The same voters who want criminals released and then complain when crime soars.

The same voters who whisper in their houses about Brandon’s open border but then flaunt their blue mark on Twitter.

Soaring prices, empty shelves, murder, rape and robbery up across the board and for some “unexplainable” reason the rising deaths of the 40 and under crowd.

Yes Democrats, just like the stickers found all over the country.

You did that.

Jason Kraus

Guns are Tools; Sadly so are Democrats

According to the media the town of Uvalde is almost eighty percent “latino or hispanic”.

I love when they double down on their skin color bigotry.

Also according to the media “latinos or hispanics overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party” who in turn support open borders (where illegal guns flow through every day) and defunding the police yet somehow the cops are to blame for a Liberal town who elects Liberal politicians whose loyalty is to the teachers and their unions and want to get rid of the cops.

The safety/education of the children be damned.

Donald Trump once asked a very pertinent question of the “people of color” in support of him.

What have you got to lose?

According to the media the “people of color” continued to choose the Democrats and answered their own question.

Democratic controlled cities have lost the lives of children for decades.


Progressive Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Oakland, Detroit and New York City have “children of color” murdered every single weekend by “people of color”.

It’s simply part of every day life in these “cultures” according to the press, is the fault of Donald Trump, and every white republican.

The press also continues to push that all this would stop if more gun laws were in place. . .and reparations.

Decades ago I worked in law enforcement and can speak first hand that criminals locked in cells don’t care about laws and even continued to commit felonies while behind bars.

I can also personally attest to multiple times that a gun kept situations from getting dramatically worse.


Guns are tools.

Sadly so are Democrats.

Put down the Xanax and look in the mirror Progressives.

Your votes and decisions are murdering “children of color” every day of the week.

Finally I will state again for the record.

You can have my guns.

One round at a time.

Jason Kraus

History is Made Every Day

The human body/brain is an incredibly powerful force, but with all living organisms, will eventually succumb to stress.

In the early part of my life “stress” as a threat was never a concern.

My focus was always hydration, quality food and exercise, but although these things are important, the behavior of other humans and more importantly our response to this behavior (stress) causes an incredible amount of damage.

Damage that can be fatal.

With every new twenty-four news cycle the world seems to be teetering toward all out disaster.

It isn’t but it seems to be.

A while ago I said to a friend, “If I stood at ten thousand feet and watched this craziness, like ants crawling all over each other, it’d be one heck of a show. . .but I’m down there with the ants.”

So why is all this happening Jason?

Decades of drugging children is one reason.

Years and years of financial and emotional manipulation through government monetary policy is another.

24 hour internet access to porn isn’t helpful nor is an overrun open border that has crushed our systems, especially the schools.

Through social media today’s lifestyle has become an all encompassing act of voyeurism as our central nervous systems continue to be wrung out like a wet mop.

Many can no longer differentiate between real or fantasy, fact or fiction.

Even more don’t care.

Too many are engaged in a mostly suicidal and sometimes homicidal feedback loop that has bastardized and replaced the most important parts of the human condition.

Through conscious and subconscious choices we surround ourselves in our homes with visual and auditory pain, destruction and death while ignoring the beauty of the sunrise, the joy of life and the peace of a sunset.

When we move through society we witness people hiding behind masks, facial piercings, mass tattoos and food.

Tik tok has replaced tic tac toe as viral “vaccines” ignore the Hippocratic Oath.

If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all has become verbal knock down drag outs on social media with strangers.

Why is this happening?

One cyclical and fatalist view states “History is made every day, sometimes by men of evil, and all too often, repeats itself.”

If this is true then there is one thing for certain.

The Liberals will “never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Isn’t that right Beto.

Jason Kraus

The Kindness Party

Elon Musk recently tweeted “In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican.”

The kindness Party?

Robert Byrd? The Clintons? La Raza? Antifa? Bowel Movements Matter?

Late-term abortions, open border human/drug trafficking and meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House?

Methinks Elon doth smoke too much weed.

Liberals, will they every learn?


Jeff Bezos continues to whine about Biden but I guarantee will not halt the Communist printings of the Washington Post.

Joe Rogan was so tired of the Libs he fled California.

Where did he land?

Austin, proving to be another guy who needs to stop inhaling.

None of these guys cared about the oppressive tactics that have ruined neighborhoods and gutted what used to be the best public school system in the world.

None of these guys called out the lies from the Federal Reserve over the last two decades that are now crushing American towns and cities economically.

None of these guys stepped into the fire as American after American was robbed, raped or murdered every single day by criminal foreign nationals.

They all took shots at Trump but not a one of them put their millionaire/billionaire status and money on the line to try and help.

Zero, nada, zilch.

Unlike the cancel culture Liberals I am not a “hater” and can give credit where credit is due.

For the record I have used Amazon and have always been impressed with their system.

For the record I enjoyed NewsRadio and a good portion of the Rogan Podcasts.

For the record, although I am not a Tesla enthusiast, it is clear Elon Musk has an incredible mind, that used properly, can and will benefit America.

Yet these men are self-proclaimed “Liberals” who appear to know very little about human history or human behavior never mind Freedom.

Then again maybe they just don’t care.

I’ve never met any of these individuals but they all seem to have the same thing in common.

Looking the other way as society falls apart and then fleeing when the problems they either helped to create or ignored become unbearable leaving the disaster behind.

“Conservatives” have been leaving California for decades.

Completely understandable.

They worked hard, saved their money, were beneficial to others, voted properly and received nothing but crime, oppressive taxation and scorn to only be joined in Texas and Tennessee by the very reasons they left.

Evolution (Growth) “is based on mutual benefit and the extension of generosity.”

There is no mutual benefit in living with parasites and any further extension of generosity is grist for the Communist mill.

Sadly it will get worse until Americans decide it’s time to get better.

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Let’s Go Brandon.

Jason Kraus

Dependency to Bondage

Markets are in turmoil, the cost of goods continues to skyrocket and criminal foreign nationals murder Americans every single day.

The Biden Administration/Progressive response aside from canceling gas and oil leases and promising rolling black outs in California?

It’s Trump, err, Putin’s fault.

Of course it is.

This week I was asked if I’d watched 2000 Mules and if so my thoughts.

I did watch Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary.

My thoughts?

It was well done, accurate, insightful and true.

Sadly none of it was new news.

To believe that Joe You Ain’t Black Biden received more votes than Donald Trump, well, you aren’t a special kind of stupid.

You are a liar.

Let’s recap.

It’s quite clear Donald Trump realized that election fraud of epic proportions was about to take place.

It’s also quite clear Donald Trump allowed it to happen with his hiring of first RINO Jeff Sessions and then Bush Liberal Bill Barr never mind keeping the criminal James Comey.

Biden is a criminal who has taken millions from foreign countries using his son, and I’m sure others, as the bag man.

Trump had meetings with kooks like Kim and Kanye and joined Liberal District Attorneys across America in releasing felons as he pandered to the “African-Americans”.

According to Jim Clyburn that didn’t work as he bragged it was the “black vote” that put Biden in office.

Of course this is also a lie as the Dems ignored the historical reference of Forty Acres and instead delivered the “mules” which placed Brandon into the White House where I’m sure Hunter has sullied the Lincoln bedroom.

Trump was booted from Twitter to then possibly be reinstated by amazingly an “African-American”.

If you think this all sounds insane that’s because it is.

The biggest functioning ecosystems currently in America are known as fraud and corruption.

They both need each other to thrive and receive plenty of help from both Parties, lobbyists, drug cartels, moronic voters, etc.

So Jason what do we do?

Increase your lung capacity and ensure that your rounds will find their correct destination when needed.

It is without argument that the Lib/Communists committed the greatest election fraud in the history of Man.

As sure as Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself Pandora’s Box will not be closed without a fight.

Whether you like it or not, whether you are ready or not the 2007 “housing debacle” is about to repeat in more ways than one.

Still, it didn’t have to be this way.

America could have voted for Ross Perot.

I know I did.


Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Purge has already begun as Alexander Tytler cycles from Dependency to Bondage.

In other words . . . .

Welcome to the Thunderdome.

Jason Kraus

Abortion on Demand

When the latest political “drama” exploded this week into our current zeitgeist I was reminded of one of my favorite movie lines delivered by Wilford Brimley in Absence of Malice.

“Boy, the last time there was a leak like this Noah built hisself a boat.”

The Liberal/Communists all gasped at the Supreme Court and the possibility of losing the option to kill babies willy nilly across America.

Most of them ranted, raved and ironically tried to shut down Mother’s Day.

“Abortion on demand” they screamed as morbidly obese women with tats, piercings and purple hair threatened to never have sex with men. . .as though they ever had that choice.

When this type of “demand” is coupled with Progressive District Attorneys who continue to release felons at a record pace I believe it is my duty to really dig deep into their arguments.

To soul search if you will.

I have done so and I am now ready to embrace “abortion”.

Outside of the womb.

It must be age appropriate, eighteen and older, with the caveat for those who’ve committed horrendous crimes as minors held until they arrive at the legal limit to be properly “adjudicated” for their brutality.

I believe we should start with a two week “lockdown” period to see if the new abortion “mandate” can stop the spread of murder, rape, and child molestation.

Masks will not be required as we want the new law to not only work but also not oppress those who have done nothing wrong.

Besides, masks won’t stop “abortion”.

They never have and never will.

Some may ponder as to where we start with this new legislative tool?



Is there a difference?

Either group will be fine although I lean towards the politicians, as this may be just the “rehabilitation” many criminals need to witness, in order to change their ways, excluding the pedophiles and rapists.

For some things there is no Earthly rehab.

After the two week period has expired we can check the results to see how many died “from abortion” and how many died “with abortion” and then increase/decrease funding where appropriate.

It will be important to treat this as a “pandemic” and to not let it grow to an endemic existence as the faster we abort the murderers, rapists and child molesters the less abortion will have to be used which I believe we can all agree is the best outcome possible.

Now some may say two weeks will not be enough time with the size of New York City, Los Angeles and San Francisco as just a couple of examples.

Fear not my fellow Americans.

The public unions won’t be involved other than permanently losing members.

This is a job for the American private sector and with the right legislation put in place two weeks should be more than enough time.

Then again after further review maybe three weeks.

The Catholic Church is a big organization and we also need time to track down those who cut babies into pieces, sold said pieces for a profit and then bragged about it over dinner while sipping wine.

In conclusion with the law written correctly I support “abortion on demand” and this issue can be taken away from the infanticidal Democrats once and for all as they spend the next twenty years explaining how the Earth will die in “less than ten” and more importantly how overnight they became anti-abortionists.

Never forget Progressives.

My body my choice can “work” in many ways and my guess is eventually there will come a time when late-term abortion and abortion after birth will become punishable by the usage of the Second Amendment.

I am not a Christian but your “Come to Jesus” moment will soon arrive and there will be nothing the Ministry of Truth or her Chinese Tok Tok videos will be able to do for you.


So read some Adam Smith, Abraham Maslow and the Federalist Papers and get on the side of Freedom while you still have that option and leave the babies alone.

Jason Kraus

By Then They Should be Ready for Twitter

Quantum Physics or Mechanics is a fascinating concept that I am going to wildly oversimplify by saying it’s one way to state all things are possible including the idea of multidimensional “lives”.

A theory that allows for an infinite number of slightly different experiences from what each of us see as reality according to very “bright minds”.

These bright minds need look no further than today’s Democratic Voter to now easily prove that they are living in a “reality” that even those dropping magic mushrooms or peyote buttons cannot see.

It would be easy to point to too many videos of purple haired, tattooed, nose/lip/face all of the above piercings braying like donkeys spewing unintelligible venom using nonsensical grunts and groans.

Attempting to explain their views only strengthens the proof that infinite may not be a large enough number for the insanity inside the Liberal diseased mind.

Abortion on demand that allows for babies OUTSIDE the womb, otherwise known as born, to be murdered.

Progressives call this “A woman’s right to choose”.

Humans with “black skin” killing other humans with “black skin” while continuing to blame “white humans” or cops in general for “black genocide”.

Dems call this White Privilege.

Screaming that the world is coming to an end due to CO2 levels because of human overconsumption in the United States while allowing tens of thousands of new humans to enter every month and provide them money to help the overconsumption.

AOC supporters call this racism.

A famous physicist named Erwin Schrodinger posed a theory about a cat sealed in a box and the possibilities that existed simultaneously until the box was opened.

As it is a theory for discussion I doubt if Erwin actually did this to a cat but it appears his idea of simultaneous determinism was a little before its time.

Fortunately for us that time has arrived and in the name of “science” I propose we measure the number of new murdered babies, black on black death and CO2 levels AFTER sealing all Liberals in boxes.

Let’s give it ten years.

By then they should be ready for Twitter.

Jason Kraus

Fortunately We Have Our Elections

According to FBI statistics as Black Lives Matter spread across the country, fueled by Liberals, the number of humans with black skin who were murdered, increased.

These overwhelmingly PC 187 souls were not killed by police or “white supremacy”.

They were whacked by other “blacks”.

As this took place Black Lives Matter “founders” raked in millions of dollars which was spent on expensive homes, vacations, alcohol, drugs, etc.

Without a doubt the new generation of Jesse Jackson”race baiters” has arrived and just like their predecessors are living off the death of “black on black” crime.

These funds are then used to purchase property in the “white” communities where they require law enforcement to keep their homes safe.

This new group of Al Sharpton bigots are making the past idiots look like novices as they also don’t pay their taxes AND are indicted for fraud.

As Robert Palmer once sang the opportunity for these grifters is Simply Irresistible and the Liberals all lined up across the country, stared into the camera and swayed to the George Floyd Jamboree with painted faces and dead eyes as they screamed Say My Name.

I’ll say it for you.


Of course there will be those who claim the FBI and its “statistics” are not to be trusted.

As they say in the hood. . .true dat.

One cannot however single out the FBI as corrupt and fraudulent and ignore the rest of government.

We know Social Security is overwhelmed with corruption.

Medicare fraud is an every day occurrence.

We have the Drug Enforcement Agency receiving funds from the cartels, Rona reporting that changes depending on how much funding Fauci needs, companies reporting false results and politicians buying/shorting stocks while creating new laws to either help or hurt companies depending on the politicians financial positions.

To summarize as simply as possible so even the Democrats and RINOs understand.

Blacks kill blacks and blacks make money.

Social Security is the biggest Ponzi scheme in the history of Man.

Medicare is a system of drug usage.

The DEA enforces nothing.

Masks don’t kill the Rona but mass “vaccinations” for the Rona do and finally the only reason the stock markets go up and down currently is because the politicians and most importantly the Federal Reserve are in there picking winners and losers as was just witnessed on Friday.

Everyone with a logical mind knows the aforementioned statements to be true yet thankfully we have one level of government to fall back on.

One section filled with integrity, trust and virtuous behavior.

Fortunately we have our elections.

Insert laugh track here.

Jason Kraus


It’s All Trump’s Fault

One definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

Sadly I can no longer refer to Democrats as insane.

They’re just dumb.

By no means do I mean dumb as in the definition “unable to speak.”

If only and what a great service to society if Democrats would simply stop talking, but no, that affliction seems to be going in the opposite direction.

They won’t shut up.

Crime in New York City is again out of control after multiple terms of the Democrat Warren Wilhelm.

Did the voters choose Curtis Sliwa, an actual Guardian Angel who has served and protected New Yorkers for decades?

No, the voters said give us another Democrat!


Eric Adams short time on the job has heralded even more crime and as a “black man” was arrested for the shooting of other “black people” the idiotic Adams expressed his anger as to why Black Lives Matter isn’t roaming the streets tearing up the city.

He called them “hypocrites” and practically begged them to loot and riot.

One can only imagine BLM’s response.

“I ain’t leaving my million dollar home in California every time black on black crime occurs. I’d be in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and Atlanta forever. I only fund raise when a white cop kills never mind we all under indictment for fraud, which be triggering, besides do you know how dangerous those streets is?”

As earlier stated. . .dumb.

Days ago I watched a Democrat in New York City as they gave an interview from their house. They complained about the crime and called for more “outreach” as a siren went off down the street thankfully drowning out the list of new “programs” this dimwit wanted.

Sadly it doesn’t matter how many times humans are killed in Democratic elected cities, (Ed Buck The White Bill Cosby) they never seem to care so let us turn to economics.

In the midst of a worker “crisis” the Dems in California started their push to require all employers with over 500 employees to shorten their work week from 40 to 32 hours.


Many argued it would cost employers more money due to having to pay overtime which would then raise the cost of goods and services.

True but Dems don’t care.

The reduction of hours has nothing to do with private business and everything to do with Public Unions.

Most are not aware of this fact but the largest “employer” in the State of California. . .is the State of California.

This is referred to as a State run economy also known as Communism.

Public Unions are parasites that eventually kill the host (taxpayers) and then look for new blood.

That new blood is shrinking in all facets except body weight, drug usage and homeless camps.

The forced “retirement” program fed by the Public Union members known as CalPERS, overseen by a Chinese spy, is horribly underfunded and will quite possibly collapse when the stock markets historically correct and bottom from the absurdity of the Federal Reserve and its decades long devaluing of the Dollar or as lesser minds refer, inflation.

Dumb, dumb and dumb.

Still, the shortening of the work week has nothing to do with any of that.

The Public Union members, especially the Teachers, do not want to work five days anymore.

In fact many of them only want to work through Zoom and never leave their homes because of the cost of gas, traffic, and “safety concerns” yet they all voted for Joe Biden and will continue to vote Democrat until their dying days.

For some of them that day will be tomorrow due to the constant release of felons.

For others it will be today and the Democratic media will be there with a nightly report at 5:00 pm on the local news.

The dumb as they preach to the dumber wringing out their dirty laundry and finishing every show with the same blame game.

It’s all Trump’s fault soon to be replaced by Elon Musk.

The New White Supremacist.

Jason Kraus