Ghislaine Maxwell Transferred to NY Prison & Will Plead Guilty

by Daveda Gruber:

On Monday the ex-girlfriend and confident to Jeffery Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, was transferred from New Hampshire, where she was arrested and taken to a New York federal prison.

Maxwell is being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.

A Friday court appearance in Manhattan federal court has been asked for by prosecutors.

Maxwell is the daughter of the late British media magnate Robert Maxwell. She has been indicted on multiple charges in connection to an alleged sex-trafficking operation that brought adolescent girls who were as young fourteen, to Epstein’s Manhattan home.

Also on Monday, Francey Hakes, who is a federal prosecutor, spoke to Fox & Friends and predicted that Maxwell will plead guilty and that she will be cooperating.

According to Hakes, Maxwell is facing a ten year mandatory minimum sentence and a maximum life sentence.

Hakes believes that Maxwell will likely cooperate and reveal names of others who were involved in the alleged sex trafficking ring.

She went on to say, “She has to do every day of that minimum 10 years and she’s grown up a pampered, spoiled woman. There is no way that she would even consider going to jail for that length of time.”

I would guess that there are quite a few well known people who didn’t have a great holiday weekend knowing that Maxwell could name them.

Predators of children must be held accountable but that would mean that Maxwell would have to give details and possible video tapes which allegedly hold proof of some of the sexual assaults.

Since I believe that Epstein didn’t kill himself, Maxwell must be well guarded and the guards had better be vetted well.

What happens next is anyone’s guess.

The Bigoted and Factual Case for Reparations


The concept of correcting or repairing the relationship between the aggrieved Party and the Party responsible for the damage.

In “First World” nations this is also referred to as a lawsuit where both Parties give their versions to an impartial judge or jury and then abide by the outcome.

Neither side is ever happy and the repairing of said relationship will never occur but in a “civilized” society cash payments for crimes and abuses of one by another is the standard rule of thumb.

In other societies those responsible for crimes against another or others are punished in a variety of ways including caning, mutilation and even death.

The current consensus among the Liberal Democratic Party is that skin color is the measurement with which all issues must be addressed.

This is of course bigotry but due to the lack of any courage found anywhere in our current government I believe it is time to discuss and fulfill the callings of Reparations.

As stated earlier no Party will ever be happy with any solution.

Because of this we must take in the information, come to a conclusion and then move forward.

We must also agree that the usage of skin color, as a measurement, is bigotry.


I can hear the Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste Liberals around the country willing to agree that although it is bigotry (factually and morally wrong) they are still willing to go ahead, as the means to the outcome or the ramifications of said outcome, are much less important to them than the actual outcome.

Kind of like Abortion.

I can hear Republicans around the country sadly nodding along “let’s just get on with it” as that has been the behavior of the cowardly lion Party for some time now.

Finally I can hear Americans right now reading this as their jaws clamp tight, their eyes narrow, their fists clench, looking at each other asking, “What happened to Jason Kraus? Did someone jump into his body? This can’t be the same guy who wrote Late Bird.  NO f&%ing WAY!”

Bear with me America.

I will never let you down.

So here we go.

We have everyone on board that although the repairing of relationships isn’t likely a one time payment from the guilty to the innocent can at least move us forward as a country.


First we must present the case FOR the Liberals as has been presented BY the Liberals.

Black humans living in America were and are responsible for virtually everything that has positively happened in these United States. Their toiling in the fields picking cotton was the backbone of the American economy. Without this free labor America would have never survived.

Yes, there were “Afrikans” that owned other black humans and yes some of them also owned white humans BUT the “organizational racism” that all Blacks have dealt with override these facts because, well they do.

Blacks didn’t want to be here in the first place as they were ripped away from their families and sold.

Yes, this also happened to Whites but their stories are different because of the thing. . .you know. . .the thing.

It’s time to correct this historical atrocity and provide every African-American with a home, a car, a college education of their choice and a monthly stipend that must last not only through their lifetimes but the lifetimes of all current and future children and their grandchildren.

Furthermore we also want specific areas set aside in each city, town or district across America where only Blacks can live.

Once this has occurred generational “racism” can start to be addressed although deep down the hatred of the White man will justifiably never completely go away.

Did I miss anything Liberals?

Yeah Jason.

We also want the same thing for Hispanics, Latinos, LGBTQ and all White women who were forced to be married to White men.

Let’s put a pin in that one for a moment Progressives and try and solve one “racist” problem at a time besides you may have a different view at the end.

Grumble, grumble, okay whatever Nazi.


Okay, we’ve heard the “case” being made by the Libs for Black reparations.

Now it is time to hear the case for the “other” side.

According to virtually every news media in America the White Man is the root of all evil.

The worst humans in the world and the world would be a better place if all White men were dead.

So far so good Liberals?

Yep! You are rolling Kracker Kraus! Keep on writing your own obituary.


As with all nations in the beginning, and for its survival, some of the citizens had to be willing to fight, kill, and possibly die for their nation to start and be maintained.

The history of America is crystal clear.

From the American Revolution through the War of 1812 and to the conclusion of the War Between the States the White man was 99.99% responsible for the protection and defense of these United States.

Without the White man during this time there would be no America.

Next, through World War I and II these United States were OVERWHELMINGLY defended and protected by the White man.

From an English Monarch to Democratic Klansmen to Nazi and Communist Germans and Russians the White American male stepped into the fray every time and was victorious.

Without the White man during this time there would be no America.

The American White male freed everyone in America including Black men, women and children in the mid 1800’s.

For those who are time challenged we are now in the 21st Century.

After this the White man went on to create multiple machines that started the Industrial Revolution, and carried into that century and the next, the invention of the car, the airplane, the combustion engine, space travel, televisions, telephones, the Internet and the most important one of all.

The one that changed human civilization all over the world for the better.


The willingness of the American White male to fight Oppression in all parts of the world has changed and continues to change every facet of life.

The greatest inventions in the history of Man have been by the American White male.

Without these inventions the world as we know it would have never occurred.

Let me say it differently.

The removal of ONE of the inventions of the White man would cause the death of ninety percent of today’s population.

Without electricity most humans in America would be dead within three months.

Furthermore the American White male put in place Constitutional Rights, the Rule of Law, Public Education and the protection of the Individual through firearms.

God made all Men.

Samuel Colt made all men equal.

Now it appears I’ve leaned in one direction as I’ve stated the case for both Parties.

In reality the case for Black reparations is nonexistent.

The case for reparations made TO the American White male has barely been scratched.

“Blacks” in America are screaming for the White man to be removed.

Let us do that.

Let’s accede the high ground when it comes to the American White fighting male.

There has never been a greater force for freedom than the American Military which has historically been overwhelmingly White and male, but let us forget that one.

Let’s just focus on today’s America.

If we were to remove cars, cell phones, the Internet, airplanes, and electricity the Black population would cease to exist.

If we were to remove the need to pick cotton . . . that disappeared a long time ago.

Also the Liberal agenda is asking for reparations in United States Dollars.

Can’t do it.

Created by the White man.

How about Constitutional Rights?

Created by the White man.

Sports, media, entertainment?

White man.

White man.

White man.

How about the Black man’s Freedom of Speech?

Without the White man you don’t have that either.

In fact the language spoken in this country is a creation of the White man.

The time for Reparations is NOW.

The only question is how much is the American White male OWED.

It isn’t measurable.

Maybe just say thank you and shut the fuck up.

You can’t write that check anyway.

Isn’t grouping humans by skin color just grand?

Bigotry for all!

Now I am not White, Black or Brown for that matter because I am not a bigot.

I am an American but I feel comfortable in saying from an American colorless perspective WE aren’t interested in collecting anything that we didn’t do with our own hands nor will we allow ourselves to be punished for deeds we did not commit.

WE actually believe in the famous words of judging a man or woman by their character not the color of their skin and WE believe in this so strongly that as long as you are willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with us to defend the greatest nation in the history of Man, WE will always have your back based on that premise alone.

Parenthetically your skin color will not protect you from your treasonous actions.

We will hang all of you Liberals, BLM, Antifa, La Raza, Hamas, RINOS, and Democratic Supporters with the same colorless rope.

We do care about three specific colors WHEN they are blended together in a pattern of Stars and Stripes.

The Red, the White, the Blue and we will defend her from all enemies.

Foreign or DOMESTIC.

At this point neither of those designations matter.

You all gotta go.

Jason Kraus

Trump Gives Mount Rushmore & July 4th New Meaning

by Daveda Gruber:
Last night many Americans had the privilege to watch and listen to President Trump in South Dakota in the shadow of the beauty of Mount Rushmore.

As the President stood and spoke, many thought that this was his best speech since he became our President.

There had been concerns that Mount Rushmore could be destroyed because of the efforts from radical domestic terrorists to take away our history by removing statues and monuments that these anti-Trump people feel make them feel offended.

In his speech Trump vowed, “This monument will never be desecrated. All of those found guilty of defacing statues and monuments will face ten years in prison. The party’s over for lawless and destructive street anarchy.”

Trump went on to say, “This movement is openly attacking the legacies of every person on Mount Rushmore. Those who seek to erase our heritage want Americans to forget our pride and our great dignity, so that we can no longer understand ourselves or America’s destiny. In toppling the heroes of 1776, they seek to dissolve the bonds of love and loyalty that we feel for our country, and for each other.”

“Trump declared the United States to be “the most just and exceptional nation ever to exist on Earth” and claimed that “no nation has done more to advance the human condition than the United States of America and no people have done more to promote human progress than the CITIZENS [emphasis original] of our great nation.”

Last night’s kickoff for July 4th celebrations included a spectacular fireworks show over Mount Rushmore, which has not been done for a decade because of the possibility of wild fires.

Apparently, the risk has been diminished throughout the years. There were no reports of wildfires burning in the Black Hills the morning after.

I felt that the spirit of Independence Day was delivered with grace and strength by a man who came across as a real leader of the greatest nation in the world.

In essence, our President may have given the most expressive and high spirited speech of his presidency. I truly believe that he gave new meaning to the importance of Mount Rushmore and to

July 4th our Independence Day.

On the July 4th 2020 weekend, a renewed passion released patriotism within the American people and the sky up high at Mount Rushmore.

Watch Trump’s speech here:

Fireworks display shown here:

God Bless President Trump and God Bless America!

Pressure to Promote Vindman?

by Daveda Gruber:

Do you remember Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman? Well, he’s back in the news.

On Thursday Senator Tammy Duckworth, D- Ill., announced that she plans to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions. Why, you ask?

Duckworth wants Defense Secretary Mark Esper to confirm that he will not block the “expected and deserved” promotion of Vindman.

Vindman, who is an Iraq War veteran, was the Director for European Affairs for the United States National Security Council until he was reassigned on February 7, 2020.

He gained fame last year when he testified about the now famous July 2019 phone call between President Trump and President Volodymyr Zelensky. That call ultimately became the basis for the Democratic led impeachment inquiry.

Vindman testified that he listened to the July call and filed a whistleblower complaint over concerns that Trump allegedly tried to pressure Zelensky to investigate for Vice President and now presumed Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

Hunter Biden served on the board of one of Ukraine’s largest natural gas companies, Burisma, from 2014 to 2019.

Trump was accused of using the holding back of military aid to Ukraine as leverage in his request to Zelensky.

After being acquitted of two articles of impeachment in the Senate, Trump removed Vindman from his position.

Duckworth was a helicopter pilot in the Iraq War. She accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.

She said in a statement, “Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy. It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”

Duckworth went on to say that she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman’s promotion to Colonel.

I’ll never forget how proud Vindman was of his title as Lieutenant Colonel, as he insisted on being referred to.

I know that letting my emotions get into my writing factual material isn’t good but I personally would not like to see Vindman get promoted. As a matter of fact, I have a bad taste in my mouth from reporting on his testimony during the impeachment inquiry.

Here is Vindman’s opening statement in the impeachment inquiry.

Are Trump Haters Morons and Hypocrites?

by Daveda Gruber:

Where is the anger and the protests? No, not the ones we’ve seen in America lately.

This article is not the usual kind that I write but I am angry and I’d like to show you that I am not the only one who is angry.

What is the real story of slavery that is happening right now? Are you aware that there are slave markets in Libya, right now?

Why are there Concentration camps still around, today?

Did you know that Muslim women get raped all the time?

Are you a part of the LGBT movement? Why are you not upset that gay men are thrown off buildings? It happens, even today!

Here is a video you want to watch! Pay attention people because Democratic hatred for President Trump is focused in the wrong direction.

It appears that some people think and believe that Trump haters are morons and hypocrites.

Harbir Nain was born in Chandigarh, India and now lives in New Delhi, India an he has quite a few videos on his YouTube Channel. He had his Twitter account suspended, most likely, for the content in these videos.

We should all pay attention to what is happening in the rest of the world and who made it happen and why it is the way it is.

He mentions some names which I am sure you will know.



Did Russians Put a Bounty on U.S. Military in Afghanistan?

by Daveda Gruber:

Late on Monday the Defense Department claimed that there is no corroborating evidence that supports what the New York Times reported about Russian military offering bounties to the Taliban linked militants in Afghanistan to kill U.S. troops.

President Trump has denied any knowledge of the situation that the Times reported.

A statement from the Pentagon was put out.

Jonathan  Hoffman, the chief Pentagon spokesman, said in that statement, “To date, DOD has no corroborating evidence to validate the recent allegations found in open-source reports. Regardless, we always take the safety and security of our forces in Afghanistan—and around the world—most seriously and therefore continuously adopt measures to prevent harm from potential threats.”

The New York Times did not name its sources but they are allegedly officials.

The unnamed people allegedly gave information that some “Islamist militants” or “criminal elements” collected payouts.

The report went on to say that that 20 Americans were killed there in 2019 but the article didn’t articulate if the bounty had been involved in any of the deaths.

In a statement from the national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, he wrote that the allegations in the report were not verified by the intelligence community and that is the reason that Trump was not briefed on the matter.

He said, “Nevertheless, the administration, including the National Security Council staff, have been preparing should the situation warrant action.”

O’Brien noted that Trump’s top priority is the security of Americans and the safety of the men and women who serve in the military.

A briefing was led by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and O’Brien, were Representative Michael McCaul, R-TX., who is  the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Representative Adam Kinzinger, R-IL.,

McCaul and Kinzinger said in a statement that lawmakers were told “there is an ongoing review to determine the accuracy of these reports.”

In the statement they said, “If the intelligence review process verifies the reports, we strongly encourage the Administration to take swift and serious action to hold the Putin regime accountable.”

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany also gave a statement which she said, “This does not speak to the merit of the alleged intelligence but to the inaccuracy of the New York Times story erroneously suggesting that President Trump was briefed on this matter.”

She reiterated that the White House has maintained that neither Trump nor Vice President Mike Pence was briefed on such intelligence.

It has been reported that Trump has now been briefed but that briefing took place after the New York Times reported on unverified intelligence.

But the White House is still insisting that Trump has not been briefed yet.

Why the discrepancy? Could the information have been completely made up?

On Tuesday, top Democrats in the House visited the White House for a briefing on the alleged bounties.

The delegation was led by Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md,. and also included Intelligence Committee Chairman Representative Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., and others.

On Monday, Hoyer had demanded a briefing for all House members on the matter.

A think tank, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ senior fellow, Thomas Joscelyn, allegedly told the Wall Street Journal that “Moscow’s willingness to embrace the Taliban openly and publicly dates back several years.” He also said that would not be surprised if there is truth to the report.

If there is truth to the report? The report has not been verified or substantiated by the Intelligence Community.

What if there is no truth to the report? Could the New York Times have just made up the story?

The mainstream media is in a very sad state of affairs if we have to question big news sources that we have trusted for years. But then, that’s why we all use the term “Fake News” so freely.

The Whole World’s Gone Country

For an American such as myself there seems to be a never ending stream of items to discuss. 

The RONA allegedly resurfaced but only in areas where “protests” weren’t taking place.

Maybe those people are sick enough.

According to reports most cell phones now have a COVID 19 tracker.

The key word here is TRACKER.

It’s getting interesting to say the least.

The mask wearing started again but only for those who are either too stupid or too scared to accept the fact that they are cutting the amount of oxygen that their bodies need to survive.

I was in a store where an overweight man, pushing a cart full of death, was wheezing under his veil. 

I almost stopped and told him to remove his affectation but what’s the point.

Libs need consequences for their actions besides I don’t do free therapy anymore.

For those of you who’ve been with me for a while you know I was very clear and even did videos on “mask wearing.”

Anyone wearing a cover-up is inhibiting the amount of oxygen one needs and at the same time making your heart work harder to get said oxygen. When this occurs you of course take deeper breaths which INCREASES the chance that you will inhale material, fibers and yes viruses.

Wearing a mask is not only psychosomatic, it is harmful to your health.

It took the medical community a while to get beyond their fear of being ostracized but there are now PLENTY of Doctors who will tell you EXACTLY what I stated months ago.

Stop wearing the masks where you can.

I know many have employers or customers who are requiring this.

We all have choices to make.

Do the best you can in the situation you are in and get that mask off as fast as possible.

With all that this week ended up being a throw back to an old Alan Jackson song “The whole world’s gone country” as a college running back in Oklahoma called out his coach for watching One America News.

The coach proceeded to apologize for everything except wearing a mullet. 

Come on Billy Ray Cyrus. 

Now there’s a man who has a lot to apologize for.

Lady Antebellum made the melodramatic choice to change their name to Lady A after the dolts, who’ve made millions under this moniker, were told that Antebellum was attached to slavery.

That’s a bit of a stretch, but if they are truly serious they need to give up all of their money, bow down to Farrakhan, proclaim that White People are the Devil and go give free concerts in Minneapolis without security.

In for a penny in for a pound Lady Autonomous.

Let’s see how long you last in the “Zone”.

As if that wasn’t “country” enough, the just returned Dixie Chicks, decided that Dixie was “racist” and had to go.

They are now the Chicks.

How Liberally misogynistic of them.

I’m sure the “rapper” Huey is quite pleased . . . oh wait . . . he was Popped, Locked and Dropped but that’s okay because whoever shot him wasn’t carrying a Confederate Flag, Law Enforcement or White.

Don’t you just love it when Country and C RAP crossover.

The new Country where instead of losing your wife, house, car and dog you lose yo bitch, yo crib, yo ride and Michael Vick.

Nascar decided to show its “Wokeness” in its support of a Bubba who was triggered by a rope tied to a garage door.

One could only imagine if Whiny Wallace ever walked into a Strings.

Never mind the rope had been there for at least a year and hundreds if not thousands of people had passed by without an issue.


Ol Black Lives Matter Bubba “raced” to CNN where he found a safe space in the squeeze of Don Lemon. 

The same arms that embraced his brother Jussie not too long ago.

If that wasn’t enough the Liberal Karen’s and Casper’s, the unfriendliest ghosts you know, ran to their computers and ferociously called for the beating, rape and murder of the phantom lone knot weaver who apparently stalked Chubba Bubba and left a calling card twelve months in advance of a man who only makes left turns, and according to his record, does so quite poorly.

Not sure how one would do this but the clairvoyance of this fictional character, to know exactly which garage would be cry baby Bubba’s, is damn impressive and if we can find this twine winder I’d like to ask when we will finally get some prosecutions of the many criminals in today’s Washington D. C. 

Oh Jason, we all know the answer to that. 


While Juicy’s Nigerian cohorts in Chicago were reportedly going to turn on him Ol Hubba Bubba the Hamas Supporter started to feel the heat as the White Liberal Guilt that had rushed to his defense (Richard The Dick Petty) was now licking its wounds around the Klan table muttering about being “Jussied” again.

Liberals are either the stupidest form of sub-human on the planet or they have the worst luck.

They so badly want to genuflect for the “oppressed black man” to cleanse their guilt ridden souls of the pampering, the privilege, the trophies and free toilets for all business men in Philly who have neither a business or clients, but cannot seem to find an actual BLACK MAN to extol who hasn’t lied, cheated, robbed or killed someone.

Yes looking at you OJ or as another hero/creation of Affirmative Action once asked, “Can’t we all just get along?”

We sure can Rodney, as soon as you stop racing down the freeway at three digits high on crack. 

Fortunately for all of us Mr. King was joined by Can’t Breathe George, ensuring at a minimum, the greater safety for pregnant women and their babies.

Something Progressives kill every day. 

Come on already dumb White Libs.

If you truly “love the Black Man” with your best Jerry Maguire voice, and hated Donald Trump, you could have delivered my first choice as a Presidential candidate.

All you had to do was change your affiliation to Republican and then vote properly. 

Had you done so and then repeated that process in the General a man named Dr. Benjamin Carson would now be President.

Alas, you couldn’t do that! 

Dr. Carson, a Neurosurgeon, isn’t your kind of Black now is he.

He’s humble, successful, articulate and wise. 

You White Libs can’t have a Black man with those qualities. 

In fact you have a name for these Individuals. 

You call them DAN’s and TOM’s.

I know AMERICANS around the country reading this now are asking what is a DAN but you White Liberals know because it was you who came up with the term.

Biden called Obama “clean” and you White Libs thought that was funny.

Obama gave a eulogy for a Klan member and all you white Libs snickered about keeping the “boy in his place.” 

Now the “DAN’s” as you call them are turning on you as you race to kiss their feet, call traitors heroes, and shine their shoes.

Get off your knees Chik-fil-a and to all you wanna be Alpha Males out there, looking at you Bret Pill Popping, Alcoholic, philandering FAVRRRREEEE and no Mary still doesn’t want you. 

If any human drops to a Nike Layoffs knee Kaepernick style, and tries to shine your shoes, be an actual MAN and stand them up.

Look them in the eye, tell them they are free, live in the greatest country in the history of Man and to never bow or scrape. 


Otherwise all who willingly take advantage of those on their knees will be forced to join them as the traitors they are to Freedom, to America, to simple human decency.

Keep wearing those Antifa hoods and Black Lives Matter masks Liberals.

They’ll make great targets after you’ve defunded all the cops.

Jason Kraus

Defund Police for Muslim Rule in Minneapolis?

by Daveda Gruber:

Addressing the elephant in the room on Tuesday, Representative Steve Green R-MN., said that Antifa and Muslim organizations plan to “police Minneapolis under Muslim rule.”

Two weeks ago the Minneapolis City Council voted to abolish the city’s police force. So what does the city have in mind to replace current law enforcement?

Green has stated, “What you’re looking at, in my humble opinion, is communism moving into Minneapolis and St. Paul.”

Green went on to say that Antifa and Muslim organizations plan to “police Minneapolis under Muslim rule.”

The New York Times reported that “many have called for relying more on self-policing by the community, in the way attendees often do at events like music festivals, with the police stepping in only when a true emergency arises. Some cited as an example how, in the days after the killing of Mr. Floyd, teams made up of dozens of members of the American Indian Movement patrolled streets and directed traffic in the Little Earth housing community in Minneapolis.”

In 2016 Minneapolis Muslims in man-on-the-street interviews openly say that they preferred Islamic law over American law.

Sharia patrols are common in Germany, Britain, and even New York City.

In New York City there is a Muslim Community Patrol (MCP). They wear uniforms that closely resemble New York Police Department uniforms. They also drive cars that appear, at a glance, to look like NYPD cars.

They enforce the “fundamentals of the Sharia.”

Siraj Wahhaj, who is a Muslim leader said, “The mosques need protection and the MCP cars can help stop people who were not following the rules and regulations of the sharia, doing what they’re not supposed to be doing, but still doing it.”

A Muslim man with the MCP said, “Muslim women being out after dark, Muslim men hanging out in the corners doing dope, Muslims drinking liquor,” and enforcing, “basically, the fundamentals of the Sharia.”

If Muslims patrols are initiated in Minneapolis, they would probably perform in the same manner.

Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar’s 5th Congressional District is the jihad terror recruitment capital of the United States. Sharia law promotes waging war against and subjugate unbelievers so, it isn’t likely to be a priority to stop young Muslim men who engage in jihad activities.

Islam historically has never had any difficulty coexisting with authoritarian governments and can coexist with Antifa enforcers.

Minnesota state Democratic Representative, Mohamud Noor of Minneapolis, didn’t repute Green’s statements.

Noor has said that rather than talk about things that inflame people and create division, Minnesota needs to address the challenge before it.

He said, “Talk of Antifa/Islamic rule in Minneapolis might “inflame people,” so keep quiet. Keep quiet, that is, if you oppose such an eventuality, not if you favor it.”

Noor went on to say, “Minnesota is awake. They understand the challenges; they have been hearing the challenges for far too long. And we can’t wait any longer.”

Green seems to have hit the nail on the head and it appears that things are moving along in the direction he has stated.

How many Democratic cities will eventually have Muslim policing? How long will it take before the Muslim policing increases and infiltrates the Christian and Jewish communities?

Folks, the numbers of Muslims in America has grown. The numbers of Muslims in government is staggering.

I wrote an article that names all the Muslim members in U.S. government.

Here is the link if you are interested in seeing:

The Islamification of America

I call on all Conservative Americans to vote in droves on November 3rd. Vote for Republican candidates. Vote out the Democrats and Muslims.

Vote RED down the line and save American values.

Stay free! Keep America Great! #Trump2020!

Follow @DavedaGruber on Twitter.

What Did Biden Cancer Nonprofit Spend Millions On?

by Daveda Gruber:

Former Vice President and the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden has a cancer charity called the Biden Cancer Initiative and not very much money goes toward eradicating cancer.

The nonprofit organization, which was founded in 2017, spent close to two thirds of the money it has raised toward staff compensation and six-figure salaries for top executives.

Biden created several nonprofits after his Vice Presidency ended. Salaries encompass nearly 65 percent of its total expenditures.

Charity watchdogs recommend that nonprofits spend 25 percent on administrative overhead and fundraising costs combined.

Biden charities spend far more than what is recommended.

Tax forms from 2017 and 2018 show that the Biden Cancer Initiative raised and then spent $4,8 million. More than $3 million of that amount went to salaries, compensation, and benefits.

A mere $1.7 million was spent on all of its other expenses of which $740,000 went to conferences, conventions and meetings.

Charity Navigator, which does analysis of nonprofits, rates charities for effectiveness. They found that mid-to-large-sized nonprofits paid their chief executives an average salary of $126,000 per year. They rate charities well that spend at least 75% of their expenses directly on their programs.

The Biden Cancer Initiative paid its president, Greg Simon, $224,539 in 2017 and $429,850 in 2018.

Put all the number together and eyebrows get raised. Has the Biden cancer charity let associates profit off their access to him?

His cancer charity sure didn’t cure cancer nor did it cut a single grant to any other group or foundation during the two years but some people made rather large salaries.

Do New Strzok Notes Given to Flynn Lawyer Exonerate Flynn?

by Daveda Gruber:

Former fired FBI agent Peter Strzok penned notes and they have been turned over to Sydney Powell and the legal team of General Michael Flynn.

The former national security adviser, Flynn, is still involved and his freedom at stake in the ongoing case against him.

FOX News claims that Powell has stated that the documents further exonerate Flynn.

A notice of discovery correspondence between acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin and the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Tuesday, along with a letter from Sherwin to Powell and Flynn attorney Jesse Binnall was obtained by FOX News.

According to FOX News, Sherwin and assistant U.S. Attorney Jocelyn Ballantine wrote, “As we have previously disclosed, beginning in January 2020, the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri [EDMO] has been conducting a review of the Michael T. Flynn investigation. The enclosed document was obtained and analyzed by USA EDMO during the course of its review.”

They went on to write, “This page of notes was taken by former Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok. While the page itself is undated; we believe that the notes were taken in early January 2017, possibly between January 3 and January 5. These materials are covered by the Protective Order entered by the Court on February 21, 2018; additional documents may be forthcoming.”

The contents of the documents could not be disclosed because of a protective order but there are two hand written pages and they are heavily redacted.

Justice Department (DOJ) and Flynn’s lawyers continue to fight to try to get the case against him dismissed before a judge who is considering it.

Last month the Justice Department made a move to drop its case against Flynn. that decision was made after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case. That included newly discovered and disclosed information pertaining to the case.

DOJ officials have said that they concluded that Flynn’s interview by the FBI was not tethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Flynn.

It is also alleged that the interview was conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.

On January 22, 2017, Flynn was sworn in as the National Security Advisor.

On February 13, 2017, he resigned after information surfaced that he had misled the FBI and Vice President Mike Pence about the nature and content of his communications with Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak.

On May 22, 2017, Flynn rejects an order to hand over documents.

Invoking his right against self-incrimination, Flynn declined to comply with a Senate subpoena of emails and other records related to any dealings with Russians, as part of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election

Flynn enters a plea deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Then between December 1, 2017 and December 4, 2018, Flynn participates in nineteen interviews with lawyers from the special counsel’s office or the Department of Justice.

That leads to injustice at its peak in the prosecution of Flynn.

U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri Jeff Jensen said in a statement last month, “Through the course of my review of General Flynn’s case, I concluded the proper and just course was to dismiss the case. I briefed Attorney General Barr on my findings, advised him on these conclusions, and he agreed.”

The case still rests with the federal judge who is overseeing the case. That judge would have to make the final determination to dismiss it.

The wheels of justice move rather slowly.

Through investigating on my own, I’ve come to determine that Flynn was set up by the FBI.

It is difficult to imagine what Flynn and his family have gone through since certain people within the FBI sunk their viscous teeth into the General  who had a distinguished 33-year Army career that included top-level intelligence posts and promotion to the rank of three-star general.

I pray this new evidence, now fully reviewed by Powell, has some information that will lead to the exoneration of Flynn once and for all.