Knowledge is Power

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

For those with knowledge this statement is referred to as the 2nd Amendment.

For those with an “education” this statement is referred to as the reason “humans keep killing each other”.

Our educational system is in a sad state of affairs.

I don’t blame the children.  They are just repeating what they are being told.

So listen up kids. I’m going to provide factual information that you will need to absorb and apply so you can stop being “educated” and start being knowledgeable.

I will do this all by explaining the usage of the comma.

According to, a comma is defined as “a mark of punctuation used for indicating a division in sentence.”

A division in a sentence.

A well regulated Militia COMMA

being necessary to the security of a free State COMMA

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms COMMA

shall not be infringed PERIOD

Now in today’s world where men can be women and women can be men, simply by verbally stating this desire, I am not surprised that many in America will argue, conflate, and even falsify their explanations of the 2nd Amendment.

This is why we as Individuals must understand EXACTLY what our Rights are as Americans.

Specifically the 2nd Amendment, as it is the greatest insurance policy, known to Man.

It is very clear to those who can read that the writers of this incredible statement meant for every Individual Citizen in America to have the Right to have a GUN.  The usage of the terms Arms allows for other types of weapons but the “musket” was the primary weapon at the time.

The usage of the term Arms also shows the forward thinking of the writers as they knew the possibility of technology could bring even stronger weapons and didn’t want to pigeon-hole the American Citizen to only one choice (the Gun) while “Government” could have anything they like.

Their forethought was quite incredible to say the least.

With that said let us put the 2nd Amendment in the context of today’s readers as to lessen the confusion.

A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State AND the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

The Right of the People to bear Arms and the Right to assemble as a well regulated Militia are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS and both SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED upon.

Finally a regulation I can get behind.

In order for Americans to keep their government under control they each have the Right to bear Arms and in order to secure a free State (country) we need to join together.

The 2nd Amendment does come with a choice and that choice isn’t whether we can Arm ourselves.

It’s whether we will.

Owning a gun(s) is a Right and as we know Rights are only as strong as those willing to protect them.

The Framers were correct. A well regulated Militia is necessary to be free and that Militia is made up of Americans bearing Arms, guaranteeing that the greatest experiment of Freedom to have ever existed, never goes quietly into the night.

It roars, standing shoulder to shoulder, one voice at a time providing the world with that ever of American messages.

Not on my watch or in today’s vernacular.

Lock and Load.

No comma required.

Jason Kraus

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