The chances of catching The Rona/ChinaVirus/Covid-19 over the last year are the same as catching one of billions of viruses always circulating.
These viruses are referred to as the Flu.
According to the Mayo Clinic, some of these most at risk from the Flu, are listed below.
Residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.
People with weakened immune systems.
People who have chronic illnesses, such as asthma, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease and diabetes.
People who are very obese, with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher.
Old people, humans who already have debilitating problems, and porkers who eat too much.
Interestingly enough, we are also being told these are the same types of people, more susceptible to the Rona.
It almost defies logic that these two lists would be carbon copies of each other, yet the world has never been shut down for the Flu, which has miraculously disappeared, while Covid-19 “related” has become the new manic depressive diagnosis in that all behavior, outside the norm, starts and ends with “Bipolar”.
The odds of getting the Rona were and are incredibly small, and the odds of having more than “flulike” symptoms are so minute the panicked response to this definitely defies logic.
In a world that now celebrates obesity, known as body positive, the Mayo Clinic is telling us that obesity makes one more susceptible to viruses, not less, yet no one is discussing nutrition as a fix for all that ails us.
We are simply trapped in a cycle of pill popping, Lizzo is a role model, and it’s okay if you cannot walk up a flight of stairs as long as you’ve had your vaccine, wear a mask, and are woke.
The vaccines, which have actually killed people, are your savior for all things.
What the heck, get two, and make sure after, to wear your mask and social distance because….
Why do you care?
You aren’t asking for any proof or explanation as to what is going into your bodies through the vaccine.
Famous people who are in horrible shape, drug addicts, alcoholics, and sexual predators are telling you to take the jab and in record numbers you are lining up.
Taking medical advice from the propagandized media is comparable to listening to Bill Gates about how to sustain a marriage or practice monogamy as the “man” reportedly had a once a year weekend tryst with his “ex” girlfriend written into his marriage “contract”.
This is the guy who is paying and telling doctors what to say, and report, that YOU are believing as gospel.
It’s the same as listening to Andrew Cuomo on how to treat women with dignity and keep the elderly alive.
The same as listening to Joe Biden about anything, yet here millions of you are, believing you’ve protected yourselves when in reality you haven’t.
In fact through viral shedding, it is possible the next “breakout” of the Rona will be because of you, as it may mutate and spread, creating a real problem that didn’t currently exist.
I know this does not fit in with what you are hearing overall in the world but that changes nothing.
The truth is still the truth and the truth is the odds of getting the Rona have now increased because millions, who’d never had any problems, are now willing carriers.
Well done.
I can hear you now.
Jason, I know people who’ve died from the Rona.
No, you don’t.
Viruses don’t kill humans regardless of how many times you hear this stated as fact, and for Covid-19 to be responsible SCIENTIFICALLY for the deaths of thousands, it must be redefined as a man-made biological contagion, otherwise known in this particular case, as an act of war.
All you had to do was go on about your lives and the overwhelming mathematical probabilities would have the Rona pass you by, but alas you’ve chosen to trust the government, athletes, and actors with your sustained health.
The Nazis forced the Jews onto trains at gunpoint.
What’s your excuse?
Too much truth?
For some no doubt, now hustle along.
Walgreens is waiting.
You can pick up a gift card and a half gallon of chocolate chip cookie dough on your way out.
You’ve made Ben and Jerry so proud and always remember, especially you newly jabbed potential super spreaders, to wear your hijabs, Antifa pullovers, and klan hoods.
That’s right vaccinated nitwits.
Put your masks back on.
Right over your eyes.
Jason Kraus
4 Responses to Obesity and Vaccines: The New Body Positive