As the world turns or burns depending on your personal view and/or geographic location I am reminded of the saying If you have your health you have everything, without it you have nothing.
Each day brings its own challenges as my body works hard to remove cobalt and chromium from my system.
One of the symptoms of metal toxicity is loss of vision strength and acuity. With this comes further eye strain and headaches that are enhanced by yep you guessed it usage of computers, phones, etc.
Because of this I have stayed away from such items and will continue to do so until my eyes dramatically improve.
Nothing has changed.
I am still here and will continue to push freedom forward.
The best way for me to do this is to heal and strengthen my self in preparation for the next step in the fight taking place in America today.
In the meantime God bless, don’t believe anything Liberals say, work hard, save your money, and be beneficial to others.
Our time will come.
America always wins.

Another Day Another Government Created Dollar

I had hoped to write about the ridiculousness known as Raising the debt ceiling, should be Razing the debt ceiling, but this week had its ups and downs and alas it didn’t get done. The healing process from surgery, and the excretion from my body of toxic metals, from the almost decade old removed hip replacement (I’ll eventually explain all of this in greater detail) moves very slowly, giving much credibility to the two steps forward one step back syndrome.

Today currently feels like a step back as I try and force two steps forward.

I’ve been told patience will be the key but patience has never been an asset of mine.

It appears the Big Fella Upstairs is going to walk me down this path until I am the most patient soul on the planet.

In the meantime I thought this column from the past sufficient, proficient, and efficient for today’s task of moving freedom forward.

God bless,



For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you know the Big Fella Upstairs blessed me with a curious mind which made school (except for French) relatively easy. I remember debating teachers when they marked some of my answers wrong. “That is your perception” I told a professor once, “I see it differently”. Needless to say I didn’t get an A in that class (or a B).

In fact as I continued through my education I realized (other than math and conjugation of verbs) most subjects could be argued or rationalized to any belief system.

Both History and Psychology (my two favorite subjects) had all kinds of debatable possibilities if you were so inclined. I was so inclined.

But to be able to responsibly debate issues I began arguing both sides. I would try to poke holes in my own beliefs over and over again. Once I couldn’t poke any more holes in a subject I knew I had factual data. Occasionally I would purposely argue with friends taking the side I knew was wrong. I did this to see if I could change someone’s mind by acting as though I KNEW I was right even though I KNEW I wasn’t. When the person would vehemently argue back (as they should) I would smile and extend my hand.

“If you believe you are right, bet me,” I would say. “Put some money where your mouth is.” Most of the time no one would take the bet. Simply because I ACTED so sure I was right.

Afterwards I would tell them they were one hundred percent correct. “Don’t ever let anyone convince you that you are wrong just because they said so”.

On the rare occasion someone would extend their hand I would wait until the last second to pull mine back, laugh, and say “Good job. You were right the whole time”.

“I knew it!” one of my friends said one time. “You almost had me but I was pretty sure I was right. I heard my parents talking about it”. (Two parents in a household builds confident children).

The reason I am talking about this today is simple. We are being inundated with “information” on a daily basis. Today I was reading a financial article about Gold. The writer had an opinion. People who read the article left comments with theirs as well. By the time I finished the comments readers were calling each other names in regards to whether Gold would rise or fall in value.

Again calling each other names in regards to Gold. A shiny precious metal that cannot talk, think, or act had people going at each others throats. The reality of this is no one KNOWS whether Gold is going to go up or down. But people became nasty to each other over it. Can you imagine if we talked about a controversial subject like…Islam?

I actually have talked about this before as well as created a video. I personally believe our debt is of more importance as well as securing the border. However Islam is becoming more of an issue everyday. Notice I didn’t say extremism or radical. I am not compartmentalizing this issue. Islam is a system. Just like Communism, Fascism, Buddhism, or Capitalism. These systems fall under two types of cultures. Freedom or Oppression.

Freedom is the practice and defense of an individual’s right to live their life the way they see fit as long as they can provide for themselves and aren’t abusing others.

Oppression is the practice of abusing others to meet the needs of the oppressor.

I am sure there are many different ways of saying this but for this particular exercise we will use these simple to understand premises.

Islam is male dominated. It is misogynistic. In Islam women and children are property to be dealt with in whatever manner the husband/father deems necessary. This includes beatings and in too many cases murder. They call it “honor killings” but murder it is.

Woman have to cover their bodies. This is done to keep the MEN from having sexual thoughts. Please notice I haven’t discussed bombings, be-headings, or sexual mutilations. I haven’t discussed a little girl being shot in the head because she wanted to read or the murders of political cartoonists.

“That’s not all muslims” so say the critics. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. Are all muslims running around murdering people? No. Otherwise most of Europe and the entire Middle East would be in flames. But let me pose it to you a little differently.

Germany’s Fascism or Nazism allowed for the murdering of Jews and Homosexuals. (Hmmm…where have I heard this recently?). Did every Fascist engage in this? No. But they stood by and did nothing. With their silence they tacitly approved. Had Germany been successful in its takeover of Europe virtually every German in the Fascist SYSTEM would have gone along. Again did everyone of them murder, rape, and pillage. No. They just provided the labor that made the tanks, guns, ammunition, and food for the one’s willing to murder, rape, and pillage. Hmmm…again I am sensing a theme.

Many guilt ridden apologists will argue that these things aren’t Islam. Just turn on MSNBC. Last night I listened to a Muslim proclaim Islam doesn’t mean peace. It means submission. Now I now the apologists will argue this means submission to God but I don’t see God anywhere in Islam.

I don’t believe The Big Fella Upstairs wants me or you to “submit” to anything. We weren’t given free will so we could submit. We were given free will to learn, create, work, and enjoy this beautiful place called Earth. Or for most of you reading this the dream called America. Where we are free. Where we embrace the laughter of children and the loyalty and love of dogs. Man’s best friend. Of course they are.

What is DOG spelled backwards?

We don’t submit to bullying. We don’t embrace oppression. Which is exactly what Islam is. Oppression. Over here if a woman is beaten for any reason we don’t call that a religion. We call it a crime.

What’s that? It’s the woman’s choice to stay in that type of religion.

Over here that’s a pathology. It’s called Battered Woman Syndrome.

I am an American. My culture is Freedom. I will never embrace or tolerate oppression regardless of what it’s called…or what I am called.

Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

America is the Lion…and Lions roar.

Roar with me.

Jason Kraus




I am hopeful my current situation is improving, albeit slowly, and as such should provide an update soon that will shed light on many things sadly happening in today’s world.

Until then I again present a column from the past that unfortunately is as relevant today as it was when written years ago.



I’ve stated this many times but it appears today’s world isn’t listening.

I don’t have Black friends.

Never have never will.

I don’t have Brown or White friends either.


Sadly the current state of affairs in America appears to be falling down “racial” lines.

Of course for those who actually understand biology there is no such thing as a black or white race but I’m tired of explaining that one too.

Due to this fatigue I’ve decided, for this post, to jump in with the rest of world and use bigoted terms like Black and White.

It seems to be the only way any information is passed these days so without further ado.

It’s safe to say that currently the theme crossing the country on networks and social media is that Black Men/Women are having a dramatically different “experience” in America and that White Men/Women will never understand the racism, abuse and the daily murder of Blacks taking place.

Furthermore because of this “institutional racism” Black Men/Women don’t have any chance to be successful today, tomorrow or any time in the future.

The system is broken and it’s time for White People to get woke and admit they are racists, that they hate Black Men/Women and that reparations must be paid indefinitely to equal the playing field.

Even if all that were to take place there is still no way White Men/Women could or would ever understand the plight of Black Men/Women.




I’ll accept their premise and with anything that I am willing to accept I must apply logic.

If White People have no idea and will never understand what Black People are going through then logically we must accept that Black People will never understand what it is like to be White.

It’s not an opinion.

It’s simple logic.

If Whitey doesn’t have the capability then Blackie doesn’t either.



Now it’s time to do the Pros or the benefits of each supposed “race”.

Let’s start with Whitey.

Pros: Constitutional Rights, Electricity, the Automobile, Airplanes, AirCraft Carriers, the Cotton Gin/Industrial Revolution, Homogenization, Pasteurization, Vaccination (currently not too popular but in the appropriate hands life saving), the Television, Radio, Telephones, Cell phones, Movies, Computers, Satellites, The Internet and millions of other inventions that are used every day across the world by billions.

Now it’s Blackie’s turn.

Pros: Greatest Athlete I’ve ever seen, Greatest Basketball Player I’ve ever seen, Greatest Hitter (steroids included) I’ve ever seen and Motown.

Of course none of these possibilities would have been available to Blackie had Whitey not created Football, Basketball and Baseball, the record player and recording equipment so what does Blackie have to offer?

Abject poverty, ghettos, thugs and drugs?

Sounds pretty bad when put in those terms doesn’t it?

Of course it does because it’s bigotry.

White People didn’t create all those things listed.

Individuals named Madison, Hamilton, Jefferson, Edison, Tesla, The Wright Brothers, Whitney, Doubleday, Naismith, etc. did.

Black People didn’t earn those above titles.

Bo Jackson, Michael Jordan, Barry Bonds and Berry Gordy did.

All White People aren’t rich right wing racists and all Black people don’t live in abject poverty, ghettos, thugs and drugs.

To believe that is not only bigotry, it is factually wrong.

America isn’t a Democracy.

We don’t protect the Majority or the Minority.

We protect the Individual.

Okay Jason that’s all well and good but Black men are being murdered daily across America by racist police.

First, law enforcement comes in all colors.

Second, law enforcement isn’t racist.

They are being stretched to the limit by too many horrible Mayors, Police Chiefs, Sheriffs and out of control citizens and criminal foreign nationals.

The front line men and women are doing the best they can with the situation they are in day and night.

Finally, more White men are killed by law enforcement than Black men and more law enforcement are killed by White and Black men than the other way around.

It isn’t a color thing.

That’s a bigoted view.

Law enforcement, starting with the Justice Department and the FBI is corrupt at many levels.

The Deputy, Officer or Trooper answering 911 calls is just trying to go home at night.

If we really want change it’s the politicians who are allowing the breakdown of our cities and towns so they can trade favors and line their pockets that have to be dealt with.

Otherwise the manipulation by those at the top will continue and those at the bottom will continue to be fed into the chipper.

Black or White doesn’t matter to them but they’ll continue to use it if we let it matter to us.

Jason Kraus



Is When I Carried You

The Lord replied, “The times when you have seen only one set of footprints, Is when I carried you.”

Have a great Sunday,

God bless,



The true virus flowing through the United States right now isn’t named Corona.

It isn’t Tecate, Coors, or Bud Light Lime.

The virus moving through America is Oppression and it has disguised itself as free medical, free housing, and reparations.

It has embraced Sharia, called terrorists “humanitarians,” sold Uranium to Russia, and promised “flexibility” to Putin.

It helicopter dropped billions in U. S. currency to Iran, otherwise known as the largest State sponsor of terrorism on the planet.

It’s still protecting the Clintons and the O’Biden/Bamas, pushing the very illegal FISA forward, allowing the flow of Human Trafficking and drugs through our open Southern Border.

Oppression is oppression is oppression but it goes by different names, relabeling itself as Freedom loving, requiring citizens force it into the light.

It’s been called Organized Labor, Socialism, Social Democracy, Liberalism, Progressivism, and lately Democratic Socialism.


Specific humans believing they have the right to dictate to others whether it be by hook, crook, or kill.

Many believe Hitler was solely responsible for the atrocities in World War II, but without the support of the majority (Democracy) of an entire nation he, more than likely, would have ended up killed in a random bar fight or in prison.

Oppression only exists because humans decide to choose this path.

It’s well past time to stop waiting for the Liberals to embrace America.

It’s well past time to stop the discussion of “coming together”.

Only the weak make deals with Oppression.

We are not the weak.

Joe Biden stood on a stage, embraced Beto O’Rourke and said he would put him in charge of getting the guns.

Days later he swore at an American citizen who defended the 2nd Amendment, telling the citizen he was full of sh*t.

In essence calling the citizen a liar.

The only liar in that conversation was Biden.

The humans who call themselves Liberal or Progressive are lacking many things, including any sense of being, of a place where they belong.

They have no concept of Socrates or Plato, Adam Smith or Alexander Tytler.

They have no concept of Abraham Maslow.

What’s more they don’t care.

They are like a roaring fire bent on destruction and will stop at nothing, including their own demise, to try and fill the void in their lives.

Evolution requires the growth of an organism to survive.

In order for evolution to occur Liberals must be dealt with until the idea of dominating others to fulfill their own needs is either removed or the organism known as Liberal is destroyed.

Just like the Nazis.

Just like the Commies.

Just like the British.

There is a virus among us.

Its name is Democrat.

Jason Kraus



Two Ways to Conquer and Enslave, Sword and Debt

This was written and published eight years ago right here by your’s truly as the debt ceiling “debate” strikes again.

Wheels on the bus go round and round.


If used properly Facebook and the internet can be powerful positive forces. In my last post I requested my words be shared everywhere, all across the land:) I thank all of you who’ve done so and will do so in the future. One voice at a time is exactly how we will make a difference and restore OUR country.

One Facebook friend made me laugh and smile. He copied and pasted my column onto a page that was extolling the virtues of California Governor Jerry Brown. The people on this page don’t usually enjoy facts or my literary sense of humor. Silly people. Don’t they know Trix are for kids!:)

The group page was called “Thinkprogressive.org.” The “thinkers” were excited because “Governor Moonbeam” (their words) was “calling” for 50% renewal energy in the next couple of decades in California.

Jerry Brown’s quote was this: “the challenge is to build the future, not steal from it”. Wow…that was deep, and if you actually read the sentence again you’ll see how absurd this mindset really is.

Never in my life have I thought it a challenge to “build” the future. The future is coming one way or the other. Besides, common sense tells me (rather than “calling” for things) to work hard, save my money and be generous. Things will be just fine. Did you hear the word “steal anywhere in there?”

The “thinkers” were excited about something that was being “called for”. Universal health care has been called on for years. Now that it’s here it’s neither universal or providing the promised health care. 30 to 40 million Americans supposedly didn’t have health insurance before the unaffordable “Affordable Care Act”. The “thinkers” loved this program.

How many uninsured Americans will be covered after billions if not trillions of dollars have been wasted. Maybe 6 maybe 7 million (less if we take out dental work) out of the 30 to 40 million who “needed” it. Good job “thinkers”. For the cost we probably could have put a clinic in every town across the nation.

Rather than “subsidizing” the individual, then practicing the bait and switch with out of control monthly premiums they cannot pay, we could have offered $10.00 co-pays for 95 percent of the people who show up at the emergency room for the flu! Good job thinkers!

Let’s get excited about a politician “calling” for something he will have no control over nor has any inkling of the scientific process. Let’s get excited about a train no one in California will ever ride.

To all public retirees in California: Your money is being spent on a choo choo train.

Don’t take my word for it. Go ask Stockton. Go ask San Bernardino.

While the “thinkers” were patting Governor “Moonbeam” (again their words) on the back for pontificating, the public retirement systems are barely hanging on due to poor management and promises that can never be delivered.

As we speak right now the public retirement systems are underfunded.

The only reason they have any money is the over leveraged stock market. Borrowed money on borrowed time. Or in other terms. Obama bucks on Yellin lies. To be “fair” it could also be called Obama bucks on Bernanke lies. Heaven forbid the “thinkers” stop screaming “hands up” and go back to the “war on women”. But let us return to our regular programming.

“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword, the other is by debt.” John Adams.

The “thinkers” believe in “big or centralized government”. In Russia and China this is called Communism. In Germany it was called Fascism. In Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc., it’s called Islam.

They also believe in a consumption economy. They believe in debt. Barack Obama made a statement (yes there is video “thinkers”) that currently our debt isn’t a problem but in ten years it will be. He said this as he added trillions more while screaming the government was being shutdown. Wow.

Ladies and Gentlemen. I actually laugh at things like this now. “Thinking” economists will tell us we have to borrow and spend more money to get out of debt. A five year old will tell you this is ridiculous.

“The economy is about to boom!” Well of course it looks like that to the “thinkers”. When you borrow trillions AND manipulate our currency the items in your “mirror” may appear much larger than reality. Any economy based on consumption will always be joined by debt and will eventually succumb.

The “thinkers” have given us massive over consumption at every level. Drugs, sexual promiscuity, and debt. Sound familiar? “Tune in, turn on, drop out”.

Freedom will always be accompanied by production and equity. To solve serious problems we need serious people. Sober minds will tell you we have a debt crisis that is almost here. Actually, it is here.

The politicians just keep feeding the beast knowing full well the monster they’ve created will consume us all when it isn’t fed (currency crisis via the debt amid eventual rising interest rates).

Paraphrasing Albert Einstein. The organism that created the problem can never be the organism to fix the problem. We all know this to be true and yet we continue practicing insanity, doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

But there is a better way and it starts right here. For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you know I detailed specific systems that have to be put in place to derail this oncoming crash. The most important will be to abolish all income tax.

Any and all Federal income tax must be removed including, income, payroll, corporate, inheritance, etc. It is replaced with a consumption tax.

Let me just say this right now. For any of you “thinkers” don’t bother with a long diatribe of wasteful verbiage about how a consumption tax is regressive and hurtful to poor people. It’s you and your lack of ethics that is harmful to poor people! Take your guilt and your race to the bottom Eeyorish mentality back to ThinkProgressive.com.

First off all taxes are REGRESSIVE.

Second. Read the book! Everything is spelled out in there. Do your homework before you open your mouth. Otherwise you will be “BBDed”. Blocked, banned, deleted. I don’t do free therapy anymore. We have a nation to restore.

Abolishing income tax fixes two main issues.

(1) By removing these regressive and oppressive tax systems corporations all over the world will race each other to be in America providing tens of millions of new jobs. This will increase the value of our soil and allow us to rebuild our neighborhoods.

We will lead the world in innovation and production on OUR land. By harnessing our natural resources, specifically natural gas, an energy system can be created where eventually after the debt is paid off we could abolish the consumption tax as well. I will explain this at a later date. I digress.

Real Unemployment (not fraudulent numbers like 6%) will disappear as we free the American entrepreneur, business owner, and hardest working labor force on the planet. Yes we will have to pay a little bit more for our products or services we use, but it will be our CHOICE. That money will also be spent locally by our own hands. Not ripped away from us by politicians who treat our labor as a game of Monopoly that crushes us with debt and sends our bravest around the world fighting and dying for countries who aren’t willing to pay the price to be free.

(2) Belongingness. Again for those of you who’ve read Late Bird you know how important this is to a free society.

In America we get our belongingness need met through our families and jobs. Currently we have more people on Welfare than ever in our history. The “thinkers” will point to the Depression (I will not call it Great. There is nothing great about a Depression) and surmise things were worse.

The only reason we aren’t seeing at least 60 million people lining up for food in the streets on a daily basis is technology. The EBT card replaced the soup lines.

To be a productive member of society and get your belongingness need met you have to have a purpose. Our first purpose is to take care of ourselves and our families. When you do not work you cannot take care of yourself or your family. You have no purpose. You are simply taking up space and our families suffer for this. Our communities suffer for this. Our children suffer for this.

The “thinkers” will tell you all life is precious. It simply isn’t. I’ve dealt with rapists, child molesters, and murderers. They’ve ruined and or taken innocent lives and will do so again given the chance. They are only precious to the “thinkers”.

Talk about progress.

Shoulder to shoulder brothers and sisters. Keep spreading the word. I am ready to serve you. To serve America. When we have enough we will serve her together.

Jason Kraus




Free Will: The Choice Between Freedom and Oppression

I hope all are having a wonderful Sunday. I am closer to a positive conclusion and as this occurs will share the journey.

In the meantime I felt this column is beyond pertinent as too many have no idea how America arrived on the scene and how important the structure is to keeping what many incorrectly believe is their “God given Right” of Freedom.

God provided Free Will.

The rest is up to you.

God bless,

Jason Kraus


I recently had a conversation with an incredibly bright individual about western civilization (specifically Socratic Theory which was introduced through Plato’s Republic) and different types of government.

A question was then asked of me which I answered.

When I finished, a comment was made that my next column should be “exactly what I just said”.

Here goes.

Socrates theorized about different types of governments that started with Aristocracy and eventually succumbed to Tyranny.

In between the two are Timocracy (control by land owners) Oligarchy (control by a small select group) and Democracy (control by the Majority).

With the conclusion and success of Americans during the Revolutionary War a form of Government was needed.

Many voices including James Madison DID NOT want any of the five listed above including Democracy.

These voices wanted a form of government that protected the Individual.

Not just Kings and Queens.

Not just property owners.

Not just a select group based on the whims of the select group.

Not just the Majority.

The protection of every single American equally.

Hence a form of Plato’s concept of a Republic was put into action.

Yes, I am aware every American did not have equal rights as this was happening, but that every American does now shows the power of the concept of a Republic.

Had America been set up as a Democracy, slavery could still be legally protected, with the approval of the Majority.

So could the beating of women and the murder of homosexuals.

In other words Sharia.

Again the concept of a Republic is to protect the Individual.

The question everyone should be asking, regarding the Individual, is what does a Republic protect?

This depends on whether the Republic has any rules or guidelines to follow.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the People’s Republic of China are both examples of systemic oppression.

They are both “Republics” but both of these “governments” treat their citizens as useful idiots to be manipulated, threatened, beaten, enslaved, and even killed.

The concept of a Republic can only go so far.  For it to flourish it must have two things.

First it must have Absolutes.

Very specific items that never change and are beneficial to the protection of the Individual.

Second these Absolutes must be enforced across the board regardless.

Our Founding Fathers created a document of Absolutes.

We call this The Constitution of the United States and these specific items are called Rights.

Constitutional Rights of the Individual American Citizen.

These Rights do not stretch to other nationalities nor do they extend beyond the border of these United States regardless of what oligarchical figures or democratic mouthpieces continue to spew.

In fact to proclaim that the Constitutional Rights of the American are also carried by any non-citizen is ignorant by the private citizen and illegal by the government “servant”.

This began with Reagan, and has continued at least through Obama, that humans from a wide variety of countries have not only been afforded the Constitutional Rights of an American, they have also been given the ultimate gift, through multiple amnesties.

The gift of Citizenship.

For almost five decades both political Parties have literally spat in the face of the American Individual to protect their own oligarchies ( a small select group) by using democracy (majority over minority) to build voting blocks and coalitions.

The Republicans have done this historically to protect what is called Big Business, and open borders are advocated for by the United States Chamber of Commerce.

Big Business wants cheap labor so profits increase.  I am all for profit but not at the expense of Freedom.

Of long gone Justice.

Of the Law.

The United States of America was set up as a Republic.

A very specific set of rules called the Bill of Rights was created to serve all members of the Republic equally.

Today’s America is a collection of oligarchies inside and out of our Local, State, and Federal Government that are using the “vote” (Democracy) to manipulate and control human behavior.

We still have the Absolutes but for them to matter they must be enforced and equal for all.

They are not.

What we do have is Free Will and for those with knowledge, a very real understanding of why our Constitutional Right under the 2nd Amendment was created.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed.

Let the removal of oligarchies and democracies begin.

Freedom First.  Freedom Only.

A Republic First.

A Republic ONLY.

Jason Kraus



Knowledge Must Be Gathered

Last week I mentioned I may be using past columns as I move through some things. I appreciate all the wonderful thoughts and wishes and will give a more in depth explanation of events hopefully in the next month with much better news.

In the meantime I hope you enjoy this blast from the past written almost six years ago before Facebook locked us down.

The more things change the more they stay the same.


Yesterday I Ubered home. My wonderful truck (almost 200,000 miles) informed me that we needed a water pump and my trusted mechanic(s) told me that the job wouldn’t be completed in time for my drive home from work.

Hence Uber.

My driver was a very polite and energetic young man in his early thirties. Our first thirty seconds covered introductions. He told me he was a father of three and working three jobs to pay the bills. Through a little more discussion I found out he was a graduate from the University of California, Davis.

For those of you not familiar with California we in NORTHERN California refer to Davis as the People’s Republic of Davis.

Yes, as in the People’s Republic of China.

Upon my verbal curiosity he informed me he had graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in American Studies.

Of course this piqued my interest.

Number one, I am an American.

Number two, I’d never heard of that as a Major.

I kind of smiled and said, “well my friend please tell me what the professors in American studies are teaching you.”

His verbiage was filled with propaganda but it was very clear to me he struggled with the things he said.

It was as though he knew the things he’d been taught were wrong but this was the education that he’d received so until someone said something different he would use that verbiage.

Kind of like auto-pilot.

Again a very nice, smart, hard-working and pleasant young man.

I turned off auto-pilot and started to talk about the things I always talk about.



“The Great Experiment”.

Benjamin Franklin and Adam Smith.

He listened very intently for about ten minutes, and when I paused, asked me to continue because he agreed with everything I’d just said.

I discussed labels for a minute (how dangerous and unproductive they are) and then asked him to give me the title of one of his third or fourth year classes.

He answered with “African-American culture in urban America.”

I just started to laugh.

“That’s quite a handle. No labels there,” I said.

He laughed with me and said, ” I agree with everything you said and most of my professors would have hated you. As far as they are concerned everything is messed up because of the White Man.”

I nodded.

He continued, “except for one of my last professors. He talked about Adam Smith the way you just did. When I get home I am going to look up my notes. I loved that class!”

With a few minutes to go he said casually that he was a Muslim. I asked, as I always do, Sunni or Shiite. He said Sunni and that most Muslims are Sunni. We briefly discussed the Koran and then I said my problem with Islam is Sharia. Sharia is the law in Islamic nations and is systemic oppression. It abuses women, children, and many men.

He agreed and said he hated Sharia and that is wasn’t found in the Koran.

I replied whether it is or isn’t is irrelevant. It’s found in every nation where muslims are the majority.

He agreed.

We were almost to my house when I asked him where his parents were from.

He answered his father was from Syria and his mother was “Mexican-American…a Chicano.”

I smiled again and said, “no labels there.”

I then continued with “when I asked where your father was from you said Syria. That is a nation and a factual answer. You then said your mother was Mexican-American, a Chicano. These things don’t exist. We are humans, homo-sapiens, and we have a specific nationality. Mexico-America doesn’t exist. Neither does Chicano.”

I looked at him again and asked “where were you born?”

He answered, “Harbor City, California.”

I blinked twice and said, “so was I.”

We sat there for a few seconds and then I asked him “what is YOUR nationality?”

He looked me straight in the eye and said, “I am an American! I love the United States!”

America First.


The young people will listen as long as we continue to ROAR !!!

The Truth is a powerful thing.

The kids know they have been lied to and they are sick of it.

They’re just not sure where to turn.

Shine the light and lead the way.

Freedom First.

Freedom ONLY.

Let us take our pens and our swords and push “into this good night!”

Pens firing away.

Swords sharpened and at the ready.

So ready in fact they never have to be used.

God has blessed these United States.

The rest is up to us.

As Adam Smith has pointed out, the rest is up to you.

Jason Kraus



Don Grogg Was Such a Man

Recently and unfortunately United States Marine, a wonderful person, and my  American Brother Don Grogg passed away.

“Can you see the measure of a man?

Who smiles throughout his pain.

Who always embraced the sunshine

And laughed through all the rain.

I have seen the measure of a man

Whose family hold him dear,

Whose strength was inspirational

And intent always sincere.”

Don Grogg was such a man.

I’ll see you on the other side Marine.


This week in Never Never Land the failing of banks was covered by the “indictment” of Donald Trump.

Hillary committed multiple felonies, Biden and his brethren are on tape taking bribes, Obama gave billions to terrorists, and Bush cost us thousands of our best and bravest but it is President Trump who will now face the “justice system”.

This is beyond a Banana Republic.

This move is treasonous yet the only thing heard on the “news shows” is will this help Trump in his reelection attempt in 2024?


Trump’s “indictment” won’t change any of the votes by the dead people who chose Biden.

It won’t change the votes of those who traded their ballot for cash, beer, drugs, or a sandwich.

It won’t change the “mule” system proved beyond a reasonable doubt by Dinesh D’Souza.

The votes out of Philadelphia who “elected” a guy who couldn’t speak, barely dressed himself and is an overt communist will stay the course.

The ballots “cast” in Arizona that elected a woman who nobody liked and hid in her house will continue.

Same with the votes out of Cartelfornia, OreGone, Chicago, Baltimore, New York City, etc.

These “ballots” are already counted.

Whether anyone believes this or not is irrelevant.

Facts don’t change due to ones opinion or propaganda.

The system known as American jurisprudence is gone never to return.

What now?

That really depends on one thing.

Whether or not the powers-that-be can literally keep the lights on and food moving.

I wouldn’t count on it.

The only thing proven so far is without a doubt Fentanyl will continue to travel throughout.

All the way to the end or the new beginning depending upon your view of life.

Glass half full or half empty.

Either way bottoms up before all the glasses break.

Jason Kraus



Always Shoulder to Shoulder With You

First and foremost, and with sadness, I offer my condolences to my American Brother Mr. Mike Vail whose lovely wife recently passed away.

“Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.”

Always shoulder to shoulder with you.



This week found banks failing, bailouts occurring and Janet Blind Melon Yellen confirming for the country that Liberal deposits will be backed but banks in the heart of the country are sh*t out of luck.

My only surprise of this entire endeavor is the surprise of the electorate who still believe things will be “okay”.


Then again I guess it depends upon one’s definition of okay as we know the term sober means something dramatically different in California than in reality.

Sharon Stone and Gavin Newsom both cried and lied about their relationship to Silicon Valley Bank but again no one should be surprised.

This is what Liberals do, I mean come on man, Propane is now the new “green” gas.

Global warming, climate change, California drought, masks save lives, blah blah blah.

This entire charade can be explained simply.

Let’s say you have a friend or relative that doesn’t work and doesn’t have any money. They approach you for a loan to get them out of debt, keep their cell phone on, housing and car from eviction/repossession, etc.

Of course you’ve worked hard, earned your money and saved while your brother-in-law is perpetually collecting some type of government check for doing absolutely nothing.

They beg and plead and finally you give in and loan them a significant amount of cash to get their lives back together.

“Equal opportunity.”

Three months later you try and track them down to retrieve your loan.

The cell phone has been turned off. Their house has been foreclosed upon and you heard their car was towed.

No good deed goes unpunished.

A week later you and your friends head to the lake to relax after a sixty hour work week.

You carpool to save gas, bring homemade food and foldable lawn chairs to chill. No one has a boat or any kind of water vehicle as you and your brethren are smart and continue to put that money in the bank, not aptly named SiliCON of course.

As your group settles in you notice a guy ripping by on a new jet ski and the closer he gets the more you realize it’s your brother-in-law who lost it all and still owes you.

He pulls up, recognizes you and of course without a care in the world asks for a beer.

Stunned you tell him you called but his phone was cancelled.

“Yea but I picked up a free one, one of those Obama phones.”

Getting angrier by the second you ask about the house and car.

“They paid me to leave the house, hilarious because I hadn’t made a payment in almost a year, and the car was towed when it was found in my storage locker that was auctioned for lack of payment. I probably won’t get the car back but I found a lawyer who is going after the storage company for infringing on my rights. He thinks he can get a few thousand out of them.”

Fighting back the urge to throttle him you ask about the jet ski.

“Crazy right? No matter where I go I keep getting credit card offers. I just send em in and the companies keep sending cards with different limits. I used the card to buy the jet ski.”

“How’d you get it here?”

He points to a truck and trailer in parking lot. “It’s my friend’s. Picked it up with Covid money.”

As he bums another beer you ask about the money you loaned him.

“Dude haven’t you heard, banks are failing, we’re in a recession, times are tough. I’m broke.”

Sound far fetched?

It shouldn’t.

I’ve personally witnessed every single thing you just read.

In fact this doesn’t even scratch the surface of how far gone our systems are.

Not broken.


Our country isn’t corrupt.

Corruption can be rooted out.

It’s an entirely brand new world as we speak.

What kind of world you ask?

That depends on your preparation and how much more you are willing to accept.

Affirmative Action 2.0 known as Reparations is right around the corner.

At five million a piece banks will no longer exist.

Neither will freedom.

Jason Kraus



Poems, Prayers, and Promises

Dear Jason,

Recently I read an article written by you years ago. I am amazed at how accurate you’ve been. Can you address what you think our country will look ten years from now?

Thank you for your comment and question and yes I can.

First and foremost ten years from now the country will be dramatically thinner as millions will either stop eating so much, and move around more, or will die from a combination of heart attacks, strokes, diseases and of course medical/government intervention.

We only have to look back over the last twenty-four months to see the powers-that-be at work scaring people into injections that either killed them or continue to do major damage inside their bodies, never mind decades of “take this pill” that only went to covering up symptoms and ignoring the real issue(s).

You can pay now, significant daily exercise and caloric sanity, or pay later, surgeries, chemotherapy, incapacitation and death, but eventually you will pay.

The willingness of too many humans to live in fear because they are obese, something they control, or to live in stupidity, as the government literally told people their skin color made them more susceptible to a “virus” that was leaked from a Chinese lab, proves millions in this country will perish much earlier than they should over the next decade.

Lie to me once, shame on you.

Lie to me twice, I’m an idiot for ever listening to you again.

Ten years from now the fraud of “man made” climate change will be a footnote laughed about in bars as once again PT Barnum continues to be absolutely correct.

Yes, bars will still exist. This new generation loves to drink even though every recent major study is now telling the truth.

Alcohol and marijuana are HORRIBLE for your glands, organs, muscle and joints, basically every cell in your body is weakened by these poisons but these kids gotta get their groove on so play on playa, hate the game not the gamer, you’ll simply hate it for less time than the “sober” Gen Zers.

Not California Sobriety, actual sobriety.

This canard will also be connected to the “mask wearers” as people will stop asking how the “Jews just got on the trains” to be replaced by how insane one had to be to willingly wear a scarlet letter on their face and believe they were protected because a man, Fauci, the poster boy for Adrenochrome, said so, before he said no, before he said yes, before he said to double and triple up.

Of course ten years from now references to Jews and trains and the Scarlet Letter will disappear anyway as history is removed, changed, burned, or lost because very few will read books anymore.

There are dozens of other changes coming, some positive, some not, as different types of “energy” will be created although I doubt in ten years if anything will replace the power and sustainability of the Earth’s gift of natural fuels known as coal, oil, natural gas, wood, etc.

Currencies and banking will be dramatically different as the forty and under crowd overwhelmingly embrace some form of “digital” exchange.

The cell phone has already replaced the mind and without question will go down over the next decade as the most addictive substance in human history, eventually replacing sugar as new creations will tap the drugs in the brain through the eyes rather than the stomach.

Overall it will be different, and not so much, as the more things change the more they stay the same.

What about you Jason?

I’ll be further into the mountains lifting logs, climbing trees, and walking miles on uneven terrain breathing deeply the gift from God known as the forest, soaking up the sun and singing John Denver songs.

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy.

I hope to see many of you there in the decades to come.

Of course that choice is yours.

Invest now or pay later.

I’ve never believed in debt so I’ll happily invest now and as part of my investment I’ll borrow another Denver song to finish this column.

Poems, prayers and promises and things that we believe in.

I believe in Freedom.

I believe in America and I believe in you.

God has done enough, the rest is up to us.

Let’s get to work.

See you next week.

As always I’ll be right here.

Jason Kraus

