Stranger than fiction

First let me say thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes. Very kind and humbling to have so many of you from all over America take your time and give it to me.  I am blessed.

Now, let’s get to work.

It was quite a week.  The Senate Republicans figured out someway to actually pass a bill and moved to conference with the House. It appears the heavy lifting is over although what will be left in the bill is anyone’s guess.

Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?

As long as DACA isn’t in there I am fine with the rest and yes I live in California.

Of course Liberals are complaining about debt, referring to debt as “deficits”, and doing both while Barack just left us with 20 trillion.

Thanks Obama.

Now I don’t expect subhumans like Democrats to understand debt or deficits.

When one listens to bonafide morons like Robert Third Reich or Paul Definitely not an Apostle Krugman, the concept of tax cuts causing debt starts to sound real to humans with IQ’s that never surpass, let alone arrive, at one hundred.

Of course we should expect this from the short bus Progressives.

They cannot decide on Latino or Hispanic.

They just know the term Mexican is “bigotry”.

Of course Mexican is a Nationality (also known as Citizens of Mexico) and Latino/Hispanic is a figment of Liberal La Raza imagination.

Kind of like Democratic-Socialism.

Speaking of sub or stupid humans Bernie Sanders decided to crawl out from under his rock to tell us President Donald Trump should now step down due to complaints by numerous women.

Liberal Land must be quite a place.

Sanders, who stated women fantasize about being raped while men fantasize about raping women is probably the Democratic Presidential favorite for 2020.

To be accurate he didn’t just state this.


Oy vey.

Still, some females believe Sanders is a voice for “their” gender.

Yes indeed these are Nasty Women.

Of course they are.  How else did Weiner, Lauer, Rose, and Associates hang around for so long.

Speaking of nasty vermin Colin Kaepernick was named Gastritis Quarantine’s Man of the Year.

Well done GQ.

He is a stomach virus.

Let’s send him to Guantanamo Bay where he can take a knee five times a day while spending time with Hamas, a group he did indeed endorse, for education, enlightenment, and execution.

Aloha Snackbar.

Traitors, traitors, everywhere there’s traitors.

President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and Hamas called for a day of rage.

My only question is how would that be different from any other 24 period?

What a bunch of parasites.  Without Israel the garbage wouldn’t even be picked up in “Palestine”.

Sounds like “Authority” to me.

Can’t handle their own filth, but are in a rush, to “handle” 72 virgins.

Speaking of filth Stuart Smalley decided to take the floor of the Senate to again prove he isn’t good enough, he isn’t smart enough and doggone it people don’t like him.

Sadly I have no doubt the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes will soon find another loon.

After decades of abusing women, John Conyers, decided to “retire” due to exhaustion.

According to Nancy Pelosi he is an icon.

Of course she thinks terrorists are humanitarians, and that the United States Constitution is Sharia Compliant, but shouldn’t that kind of terminology be saved for a Kennedy, a Clinton, or a Weinstein.

I know the Dems like their molesters but icon?

I know someone is being conned.

Speaking of cons the FBI continues to prove that they are indeed a “progressive organization” and that their acronym needs to be changed to FUBAR just like the rest of the Liberal world.

Finally, a big election is “rolling” through Alabama next week.

According to the mainstream media, otherwise known as Pravda, it is a choice between a “child molesting rapist and a Democrat”.

Putting aside the redundancy, this one is easy.

Bring it home Alabama.

War Roy Moore.

Jason Kraus

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