Time to remove Liberalism…Permanently.

A few years ago I sat quietly in a large room filled with Americans listening to a speaker.  The topic was the state of our country and what was taking place under the Obama regime.  The speaker wasn’t passionate but entertaining in his own right as he walked through his thoughts.  He covered a few things that wasn’t new information to me and then dove into a story.

Apparently he’d been invited to attend a seminar by a friend and one of the speakers started giving a lecture about the virtues of Communism, if I remember correctly, in Texas.

Yes Communism in Texas.

Of course after watching millions of people vote for Hillary Clinton, in Texas, maybe something is going on in the Lonestar State of which I am unaware.

Then again I live in California so glass houses and round objects need not apply.

The speaker was shocked that this verbiage was not only allowed but encouraged.  His friend stated that America had done an excellent job after WWII explaining the horrors of Nazism but had allowed Communism to permeate and grow.

“We cannot expect Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans doses of Socialism until they suddenly awake to find out they have Communism.”  This statement was reportedly made by Nikita Khrushchev although some doubt it was ever said.

Fair enough.

Let us remove the possibility of it being said by Khrushchev and simply focus on the words.

“We cannot expect Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find out they have Communism.”

Sound familiar?

Can anyone say “Democratic Socialism”?

“Progressive Liberals” make statements like “that isn’t your business, you didn’t build that” or your kids aren’t yours they “belong to whole communities”.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Obamacare, Social Security, Medicare, CommonCore, EPA, Federal Reserve.

I just covered housing, medical, retirement, education, energy and our CURRENCY.

All run top down by the Federal Government while extracting trillions of dollars from the citizenry.

Hundreds of “experts” that are corrupt to the core and/or incredibly incompetent making decisions for hundreds of millions.

The concept of Communism or the idea that political elites know everything and dictate to the rest of us isn’t a new one.

It’s Socratic Theory.  Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, and finally leading to Tyranny.

It’s why educated souls never use the term Democracy to describe America.

First it is factually wrong.  We are by definition a Constitutional Republic.

Second we don’t want anything that leads to Tyranny.  At least those of us who value Freedom do not.

Yet we hear politicians and the media talking about Democracy and Progressive Liberalism as though they are a good thing virtually everyday.

They are either propagandists or ignorant beyond the pale.

Regardless, just like Communism, we have allowed this verbiage to go unchecked for decades.

This stops now.

We must repudiate Liberal Progressivism all day everyday.  The term Liberal, Progressive, or Democratic Socialist must be hammered every time we as Americans hear it uttered.

It must be met with scorn and disgust and not to be allowed off the hook.

Liberal is the exact opposite of Liberty.

There is no progress in Progressive.

Only incredible regression.

Words matter and this prose has more in common with Fascism and Communism than anything else.

These words must become such an embarrassment that they are removed from the American lexicon.

The Liberal Progressive movement is antithetical to Freedom and anti-American.

Those that practice this ignorance believe in Democracy and mobs, not a Constitutional Republic and the Individual.

There must be no compassion, no leniency, and no angst in the removal of this form of cancer.

Liberal Progressivism has given us George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and almost a second Clinton.

It has given America anarchy in the streets, soul crushing debt and never ending war.

It affords Constitutional Rights to illegals while Americans are stripped of theirs.

Liberals have joined with La Raza (The Race), CAIR (Muslim Brotherhood) and Black Lives Matter (Supporters of Hamas).

All bigoted hate groups.

The liberal progressive Barack Obama likes to tell us “who we are not”.

It is time to embrace WHO WE ARE.

We are Americans.  Born and bred under the colors of the Red, White, and Blue.  We are sons and daughters of the most loyal, compassionate and fiercest human to have ever been created under God.

We don’t allow anyone to tell us “who we are not”.

We roar from coast to coast through the Rocky Mountains and Midwestern prairies and are bordered by incredible oceans from East to West.

We expect nothing that hasn’t been earned by our own hands and will not tolerate those who will not use their hands to climb the ladder.

The Pursuit of Happiness is purely an American ideal that requires positive action not mind numbing drones marching in the streets who live under the protection of the American Lion.

We are a compassionate people but we are well past tolerance.  It’s time for the parasitic hyenas to pay for their sins upon the greatest country in the history of man.

From this moment forward the label of Liberal Progressive must be called what it really is.

Fascism or in one word…Commie.

As we move forward in the reclamation and restoration of OUR country a huge thank you must be given to one citizen.

A man who covered the nation literally with his presence.  A man who never bowed, never broke.

A man who is neither a Republican or a Democrat.  A man who is an American.

We thank you President-Elect Trump and just like you we are chomping at the bit.

So let the horses run and the lions roar.

America is almost free again.

Let the work begin.


Socrates was clear. Democracy ends in Tyranny

The job was titled Outdoor Wilderness Counselor.  As “basecamp” was located in the Northern tip of Idaho it was indeed outdoor and in the wilderness which was fine with me as I’d grown up in the mountains of Northern California.  For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you will recognize this setting and “uncomfortably” remember the usage of the “stump”.

I was tasked with teaching a workshop to a collection of the teenagers in camp.  Handed a small folder I perused the material I was to cover over the next hour.  The kids, glad to be out of the elements for a bit, gathered in the canvas covered area and although happy to not be sitting on stumps, were still not pleased with their current predicament.

None of them were there by choice.  In front of me sat a collection of teenagers that would laugh with scorn at today’s millennial.

They knew not micro in regards to aggression and in all reality only knew abuse.

Staring at me now with glazed eyes were the survivors of physical, sexual and emotional trauma.  Many had traded their bodies for drugs.  Some for security.  Others had used their fists, legs, teeth and fingernails to ensure their own survival.

I taught from the material for about ten minutes and then made an adjustment.  First, there was nothing in the material that was going to open their eyes and as entertaining as I am I couldn’t make that stuff work.

Second, I knew I had information that would interest them and provide them a porthole if they so chose to gather more information down the road.

I put the text down and asked a simple question.  “What is the most important thing to your survival?” Heads popped up.  Backs straightened.  The frozen glaze started to soften.

I asked again “What is the most important thing to your survival?”

Although I had their attention no one seemed to have an answer.

“Come on guys this isn’t a trick.  You are smart young men and women. Think about it.”

After a couple wisecracks of “beer” and “pot” the room sat quietly until a hand was raised.

I nodded. “Go ahead.”

“Love?” was the response in more of question than an answer.

If you care about people in general and specifically children it was a heartwarming and heartbreaking answer all rolled into one.

I nodded and said softly “Great answer but let me ask you this.  Have you had a lot of love in your life?”

“No,” came the answer.

“Are you feeling any love right now?” I inquired.

“No,” was the response.

“Are you still alive?”


“Again great answer but really think about it.  If you haven’t had love in your life and you are still surviving then love isn’t the most important element to your survival.”

It became silent in the room again as they sat quietly, their minds working.  For thirty seconds all the pain, fear and frustration was gone as actual thinking took over.  Synapses were firing, blood was flowing.  The art of Thought was happening.

Of course the answer is water, and after given the answer, affirmative comments and head nods happened around the room as they immediately knew they were receiving facts.  (Do not send me emails about oxygen)

More importantly they were willing to accept facts and make adjustments to their views.  Abused, desperate children willing to look beyond their own situations and LEARN.

Something, according to the press, registered adult Democrats seem unable or unwilling to do.

I am willing to grant many Democrats do not understand nor can define Democracy.  What I find pathetic is the national media pushing the story line that “educated voters” are primarily Democrats and support Hillary Clinton.

No one who actually has an EDUCATION would ever support Democracy nor be willing to repeat the lie that the United States is one.  In fact by making these statements they are proving themselves to be decidedly uneducated.

Let me try and be concise.  We’ve all heard of Socrates and Plato although sadly too many are only familiar with Socrates because of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, and as stated in the past, too many adults think Plato comes in a can.

Socrates was Plato’s teacher and is considered one of the original voices of western philosophy.

Through Plato’s writings the world was introduced to Aristocracy, which then becomes Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, and finally Tyranny…in that order.

For the purpose of this column let us focus on the term Democracy and its inevitable arrival, BY DEFINITION, at Tyranny.

No Liberals.  Bernie Sanders and Dan Rather aren’t smarter than Socrates and Plato.  Bernie and Dan would struggle with Barney and Fred.

Of course I can hear Liberals heads exploding as they read this and start to bloviate a wide variety of nonsensical verbiage including the attacking of, wait for it, Socrates and or Plato.

People people!  It’s his/their theory that you have embraced.  They named it Democracy.  You call yourselves Democrats. It’s not their fault you didn’t finish the story.  The one that ends in Tyranny.

It’s not my fault you have chosen to brand yourselves with a mark of stupidity. Not only is no one forcing this upon you, I provide weekly columns on the depravity and disease known as the Democratic Party.

Sadly these “educated” souls, that the press keep mentioning, haven’t any actual education at all.

Politicians simply wash rinse and repeat jargon like Progressive, Liberal, or the new one, Democratic Socialism, and the “educated Democrats” slop it up like pigs at a trough.

Similar qualities can be found at any local sports bar where grown men, who don’t know anything about football, run around with Jerry Rice jerseys on their backs.

Fortunately through Plato’s writings the concept of a Republic was established.

Due to space and time constraints I will fast forward.

The construction of a Republic continued to grow as humans evolved and grasped the idea and possibility of Individual Freedom.

The historical arrival of Jesus furthered the concept of not only the Individual but of Individual Responsibility.

Centuries later Adam Smith used the term “the invisible hand” to explain how the individual was of greater benefit to society by striving to fulfill their own dreams or passions.

This proclamation was quickly followed by a band of “patriots” in the New World where individuals living in Thirteen Colonies decided their freedom was more important than anything else.

With a Declaration of Independence an historic war began that would forever shape the world.

As “Don’t Tread On Me” flags were flown, statements such as “Give me liberty or give me death” and “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” were made by individuals practicing their independent Free Will.  Through the sacrifice of life and limb the greatest beacon of Individual Freedom known as The United States was formed and thus created the need for a document.

A written document known as the United States Constitution.

Through debate, arguments specifically against Democracy and even insults, the culmination of millenniums of human behavior, specifically focused on Individual Freedom and Personal Responsibility, created the Constitutional Republic.

Democracy is about the majority over the minority which Socrates stated leads to Tyranny.

A Constitutional Republic guarantees the rights of the Individual protected by the Rule of Law.

A simple way to verify that Americans implicitly understand the difference (although many cannot explain or appreciate) is the usage of the word Rights.

No one ever states they have Democratic Rights.

It is always Constitutional Rights.

Furthermore for those who like to argue, Article 4, Section 4, requires each State to have a Republican form of government.

The word Democracy was purposely left out of the Constitution as many of the framers, including James Madison, argued vehemently against it.

This was an educated man.

For those who continue to wear the scarlet D one need not wonder anymore why the Donkey is their moniker.

Then again why disparage the donkeys.

Eeyore isn’t to blame.

Lack of an education is, or an even greater concern, lack of a soul.

Jason Kraus


The Ignorance of Democratic Socialism, RINOS, and Donkeys

As in all entertaining stories we have heroes and foils.  Currently the story of politics in America is stacked with overwhelming foils and few heroes.  Many believe the Republican Party will eventually crumble.  Although anything is possible it is the Democratic Party that is in real trouble.

One Democratic Congressman made a statement not too long ago:

“We’ll have the black vote, the gay vote, the Hispanic vote, the labor vote and the liberal vote…we’ll have it all.”

Before I continue on I would like to point out how easy propaganda is to spot these days.  The quote above was printed in the SunSentinel but the story was written by the Associated Press.  The writer’s bias is easy to spot…only one word was capitalized.  The Congressman made the statement VERBALLY.  The writer changed the importance of only one word through grammar.

I digress.

The Congressman’s name is Alan Grayson and apparently he serves at the pleasure of certain people in Florida.  The audacity of Grayson as a straight white male to proclaim “we’ll have the black vote, the gay vote, and hispanic vote” sounds strikingly like a plantation owner.  As though “blacks” and “hispanics” all think in lock-step.

By the way Alan referring to humans by their skin color is…well… RACIST and I am sure the “gays” just love being labeled that way.

Some Democrat supporters will shake their heads and proclaim this is just one guy.  Really?  The front runner for President is an admirer of Margaret Sanger otherwise known as the Queen of Eugenics.  The guy in second place think men fantasize about raping women while masturbating and women fantasize about being raped by three men simultaneously while having intercourse.  How do we know this?

He wrote it DOWN!

Wow and WOW.

But if that wasn’t enough the two leaders of the “Democratic Party” took shots at the only reason either of them have any money at all.

Capitalism and a Constitutional Republic.

Bernie Sanders wants to do away with the evil known as Capitalism and replace it with Democratic Socialism which would for all intent and purposes remove our Constitutional Republic.  (A few more Supreme Court Justices like Roberts, Sotomayor, and Kagan and the job may be complete.)

In other words he wants to completely remove the foundation of the country others around the world regularly put their lives on the line in order to reside.

Hillary Clinton (The Clinton Foundation worth at least hundreds of millions of dollars) wants to “rein in” Capitalism.

Neither one of these two have had a job outside of government for decades.

Let me see if I can explain this in a way they might understand.

Without Capitalism there is no profit.

Without profit there is nothing to tax.

With nothing to tax they are both broke…but then again so is everyone else.

Ah yes…the misery loves company crowd.   Let’s try it a different way.

Capitalism is inherent to us.  Working to provide water, food, and shelter or in other words SURVIVE has been around since the dawn of man.  It isn’t going to change.  Capitalism happens everywhere including prison.

Socialism is a fantasy of Liberals who spent too much time watching Fantasia.

Socialism isn’t Robin Hood.  It doesn’t take from the rich and give to the poor.  Socialism in America robs the middle class, bloats the government, and creates more poor.

But whether you like that description or not without Capitalism there is no profit, no middle class, no government, no socialism…just poor and war.

A better Margaret once said “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

We’ve already done that.  That’s why we are almost 20 trillion dollars in debt never mind unfunded programs like Social Security, Medicare, and State Pensions across the country.

It’s also the reason why the RINO’s are having a Trump Party and the Democratic Party is dead.

Trump is giving the Elephants a chance.

Clinton and Sanders are leaning on the stake Obama drove into the Donkey that stopped braying a long time ago.

Regardless, the Elephant will join the Jackass.

Time for the Lions of America to awaken and restore order to what has turned into a jungle.

Jason Kraus





Democracy versus a Constitutional Republic

It is becoming increasing difficult to refer to America as a Constitutional Republic.  Although it’s found directly in our pledge, “and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands”, we are in practice a democracy.

It’s why we are suffering as a people.

Rather than protecting the rights of the individual we now allow the majority “party” to dictate over the “minority”.

What this really means is a select few at the top set the rules for the rest of us to follow.  When these “rules” become troublesome for the select few they are changed.

This isn’t a new phenomenon.

Human behavior has followed this type of authoritarian pressure since the beginning of man.  We see it currently in full bloom in places like Communist China and Russia and every country where Sunni or Shiite Muslims are the majority.

Although these places could be referred to as misogynistic (and this reference would be correct) the few at the top of these societies also murder men as well.  There are thousands of examples of this throughout history not to mention daily occurrences as I am writing this now.

Democracies are basically mobs and mob mentality.

We’ve always had a certain amount of pressure from the top.  When any human is given such power for an extended period of time they will succumb to their own hubris.

It is absurd to hear anyone proclaim to be a Democrat or support Democratic politicians then scream about their Constitutional Republic Rights.

Sorry to inform you but it doesn’t work that way.

This is why we are having so many problems right now.

It’s why Democracy has taken over.  Groups over the individual.  The current Democratic party actively and overtly target groups of humans, rather than the individual, based on certain things.

Color of skin.

Sexual orientation.

Humans here illegally verses American citizens.

Again remember how democracy is defined.  The majority ruling over the minority.  Right now Democrats have cobbled a voting block together that allowed them to dictate from the top through the aforementioned groups.  They’ve not only opened the door to “democracy” but have endorsed it through hatred and lawlessness.

I have a question for the “Democrats.”

What happens when the “majority” of Americans decide differently.

What happens if the majority of America decide they will not tolerate being called racists anymore?

What happens if the majority of America (heterosexual) decide they don’t agree with homosexuality?

What happens if the majority of America decide they’ve had enough of illegal immigration?

Under Democracy anyone falling into these groups will become the “Minority” and will be dictated to by the “Majority”.

Do you recognize the problem Democratic voters?  The formation of mobs is a two way street and that street is a dead end…for everyone.

Pendulums swing both ways and the more it swings wildly one way the greater the correction will be to the other side.  Energy, momentum, interest rates, etc. These things don’t have feelings.  In trying to suppress them the avalanche coming only gets worse.

The Boomer Generation of Politicians is the worst collection of people we ever could have elected.  From Clinton’s racist housing programs, to Bush’s corrupt economics, to anything Obama has touched we should by now understand exactly how Democracy works.

It doesn’t.

18 trillion in debt and soon to be rising.

47 million on Welfare/Food Stamps.

Wars with no end.

America was founded on fierce individualism.

The primary belief that the citizen only answered to the one thing greater than him or herself.


That the American Citizen was not only responsible for their own survival but required to ensure this outcome.  This belief in the individual in America was so strong it became a given.  A fact.  We know this because the writers of one of our most precious documents were positive thinkers. Hence some of the most beautiful words ever constructed:

The pursuit of happiness.

No one pursues happiness unless they are free and passed the water, food, shelter phase in life.  The writers, in all their wisdom, granted the fact that Americans would always require personal freedom, because it was set in stone, that Americans would take care of themselves.

There is nothing wrong with America!

But there is definitely something wrong with any human who will accept the good will of others and offer nothing in return.

There is definitely something wrong with humans who believe they are owed anything.

The greatest gift ever to be given, is given to every child, born to American parents.

It is the gift of freedom.

There is no greater home field advantage.

But that gift is being spit on by politicians on both sides who clamor to fill the emptiness in their souls on the backs of the American Citizen.  Splitting us into groups based on the color of our skin.  Calling us Uncle Tom’s, racists, homophobes, or bigots.

They are all guilty.

Both parties have been practicing Democracy and disrespecting the PLEDGE to our beautiful America for decades now.

They have dishonored and put in danger our military with never ending wars.

Democracy is a horrible system.

We are individuals.  We are Americans.  We were given the gift of Freedom by Americans before us.  Our individual rights are granted to us as Americans, within a Constitutional Republic.

Not African Americans, Mexican Americans, Russian Americans, Latino or Hispanic Americans, or Asian Americans.


Your Constitutional Rights are only found under one name.  The United States of America!

There is no such document or country called African America.  There is no such nation called the Latino United States.

These are racist, irresponsible, and dangerous creations created by humans to scare, anger, and divide.

I don’t care what you look like.  I don’t care what you do in your bedroom.

As long as you aren’t harming anyone or yourself and financially pulling your own weight and the weight of any children you created while they are young then I am on your side.

But if you are not, then I am not, and I still don’t care what you like or who you are sleeping with.

I don’t have time for your nonsense.  I am here to pursue happiness.

And so are at least 65 million voting Americans.

We’ve had enough of the “Equality Tour”.  We’ve had enough of the racist jargon.

“Black Rage”

“White Guilt”

“Brown Sugar”

“Yellow Man”

Pathetic.  What a putrid group of humans.

The color of our skin is something no one has, or will ever have, any control over.  Stop calling us White, Black or Brown.  We aren’t going to answer or tolerate this anymore.

We call each brother, sister, or friend because that is what we are.

We call ourselves Americans!

Listen up Politicians and anyone else out there who embraces hatred, racism, crushing debt, victimization, and “democracy”.

You disgust us.

We are shoulder to shoulder now.  The American people in all our glory are roaring!

It is time for you politicians to go quietly into the night and beg mercy from The Big Fella Upstairs.

But let’s be clear.  The second one is a suggestion.  That’s between you and God.

The first one isn’t.

That’s between you and US and although we are a merciful people you have harmed America at our core.  We will not tolerate the lies. We shall have no path for evil.

You better find a new horse Washington D.C.

The one you rode in on is tired of you too.

Don’t bother checking your hole card or your six.

We’ve got you surrounded and we know you are bluffing.

Besides, that loud noise in your head you keep ignoring shall be ignored no longer.

That noise is America…and she’s not coming to take part.


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.
