Affordable for who?

As insurance companies continue to drop the fraud placed upon the American Taxpayer known as the “Unaffordable Care Act” there are still voices clamoring for more “government” control.

It would be comical if not so disconcerting to listen to someone rant about their “right” to medical “care” while proclaiming it should cost them nothing.

It’s almost as bad as being lead by politicians who boldly state “we have to pass it to find out what is in it.”


“Americans are too stupid so we have to lie to them to get this through”.

“The “Affordable Care Act will cover the 40 million uninsured.”

Never covered more than 12 million and even that is debatable as these numbers came from the government.

We were promised the ACA would not be available to humans here illegally.

Another lie as California has been offering it along with drivers licenses.

Of course there was the Obama claim that “you can keep your plan, doctor, etc., and everyone would save money.”

With all of this information available to everyone there are still millions voting for Clinton and Sanders who either want to keep a system that was built on lies or expand it to completely get rid of choice and give everyone “universal coverage”.

This from a man kicked out of a commune because he wouldn’t do his “fair share” of the daily work required to feed everyone.

Seriously though what do you expect?

The guy responsible for this monstrous lie was part of the Choom Gang and bragged about doing cocaine.

He also thinks Islam is woven into the fabric of our country and Michael Brown was a hero.

The woman who would like to keep this monstrous lie apparently does not understand what “Top Secret” means or that her “husband” is probably still cheating on her.

She also stared into the face of the parents of the four killed in Benghazi and told them it was about a video when she knew it wasn’t.

Finally we are left with a Democratic Socialist who thinks he can read a woman’s mind and when he does somehow decides women fantasize about being raped simultaneously by three different men while having sex with their partner.

With these kinds of “friends” who needs enemies?

The facts are in.

Washington DC is the main hub for corruption in the world.

Garbage in garbage out.

So put on your hard hat and gloves America…it’s time to take out the trash.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

Step into the fray

Most humans will inherently do the right thing…or at a minimum won’t do the wrong thing.

This isn’t a Pollyannic view or a glass is half full mentality.  It’s how most of us are.  Otherwise nothing would ever be accomplished.  Most crime (aside from drug usage) happens in short bursts.

Tiny amounts of time.

For anyone who has been in a fight you know most altercations are over in less than two minutes although for some it may seem much longer, and for those of you who don’t believe me…put on your running shoes, go outside and sprint as fast as you can for 60 seconds.  Most won’t be able to continue for another 60 seconds and that doesn’t take into account someone trying to tear your head off at the same time.

I digress.

It seems we are allowing a tiny portion of the American population to dictate how the rest of us will live.

No, I am not talking about Muslims, gang-bangers, or CAIR (Council For American-Islamic Relations and yes this is the same group the UAE (United ARAB Emirates) designated as a Terrorist Group and yes they have access to the White House (see Muslim Brotherhood).

I’m not talking about bankers or attorneys.

I’m not even referring to the Occupy Wall Street/Hands Up Don’t shoot/Black Lives Matter crowd.

I’m talking about Washington D.C.

I’m talking about the less than 600 humans who beg for our money and votes and then spit in our faces while answering to their multimillionaire/billionaire donors.

I’m talking about the less than 600 humans who choose to collectively endanger our freedom by crushing us with debt, have stopped the enforcement of law (unless it fits their agenda) and continue to attempt to separate Americans by using oppression and disgusting propaganda.

But then again these humans were chosen by us.

What are we thinking?

We aren’t.

Everyday on my way to work I drive by what used to be referred to as a lake.

Folsom Lake to be precise.

Every 24 hour cycle the “lake” disappears as the soil seems to rise up reaching for the sky.

This is the same sky Jerry Brown and his cohorts are praying will deliver an El Nino of the Century replenishing the ground and providing the most important requirement of all living animals and hundreds of thousands of humans living in Folsom, Roseville, and surrounding areas.


Are the powers that be dredging the lake to allow for the capture of as much agua as possible if and when the prayers of the hypocrites are answered?

Of course not.

That would make too much sense.

Let’s just increase the population while requiring  all property owners let their lawns, plants, and trees go without water.

In other words…die.

This is the “green” party?


The Democratic Party in California ( and America) only cares about…power.  But because they’ve been in charge for so long they’ve begun to drink their own “kool aid”.

They know the Republican Party has nothing to offer.

In this they are correct.

But the three decade experiment known as “progressivism” is dying on the vine.


Progressivism or “Compassionate” Conservatism is over.

The Me Generation of politicians has loaded America with drugs, sexual dysfunction, and debt.

It’s time to embrace American values.

Sobriety, loyalty, and a solvent currency.

It is time to not only shed the skin of the snake wrapped around Lady Liberty but to also remove the parasite known as Liberal boasting in one party and hiding in the other.

But if the Donkey and the Elephant are the only ones to step into the fray then the die must be recast.

Time for a new roll.

Time to unleash the Lions of America and restore the message.

America first.

American only.

But this isn’t going to happen unless the individual Citizen engages by staring into the mirror and then stepping into the fight.

You don’t even have to leave your house to do it.  Just share the columns.

Social media is irrelevant unless it is used.

I’ve spent thousands of dollars just on Facebook promoting the columns I’ve written.

It costs you nothing to hit the share button.

Over the last year thousands of you have but we have to move faster.

The debt in increasing, human trafficking through our border just claimed the lives of more women and children.

This isn’t hyperbole.

It happens every day.

I will be in Detroit next weekend on the 11th and 12th meeting with my American Brothers and Sisters as I see the Motor City and its suburbs in person.

On the 13th I will be on the radio with Tony Schwartz and his show FreedomWorx found on from 2:00-5:00 pm Eastern Time.

Bring your voice and join us in the reclamation and restoration of OUR country.

I will finish with this thought.

A column I recently wrote had over 50,000 views.

Collectively the column gathered around 10,000 pieces of information, likes, shares, or comments.

Imagine what would happen if the other 40,000…got involved.

Step into the fray America before the fray steps on us.

Jason Kraus
