Shakespeare, America, and the Human being

Many people around the world are calling this the “end times”.  Others see the unchecked behavior of the human animal as our downfall.  I see it a little bit differently.  Am I concerned with the increased speed of debt and violence happening here in America and around the world?


That’s why I am here.

But to me there is an opportunity if humans will evolve into humans being.

A little more explanation is probably due.

Human(s) fall under the category of noun.  Person, place, or thing.  (Definitely didn’t learn that from Common Core.  Too easy to follow)

Human(s) Being is often times misunderstood.  Many times we say Human Beings attempting to pluralize.  This is misinterpretation.

It should be Human(s) being.  Being is a verb.  An action word.

I did a little research years ago looking into the phrase, Human being.  I was curious.  Where did such a profound stunning change in idea and structure take place? And why?  Humans being what?

I am sure some will attach being to God but I have not found this in anything I can objectively study.  Through some research it appears the phrase appeared in the 18th century via a poem or poetic type of writing.  I will not spend anymore time on the explanation as it isn’t pertinent.  The point is the phrase Human being.

Shakespeare explains this well in the line “to be or not to be…that is the question”.

And what a question it is.

The simplicity of Shakespeare’s line is what makes it structurally profound. It’s why the simpler things are to comprehend, the more meaning they have.

It’s why Freedom needs no explanation and is only lessened when things are added to it.  Very similar to American.

The term American stands on its own.  We only weaken it with unneeded verbiage like Irish, African, Asian, or Hispanic.

I digress.

Initially I questioned the phrase Human being.  As I stated prior…Human being what? As my mind worked on this the phrase, to be or not be, kept rolling around.  Finally when all the pins fell into place the lock popped and a door opened.

Of course…To be…is the answer.  At least for me.

I can hear some of you right now…What the $%&^ is this guy talking about? Normally he is clear as a bell.  Clear as a bell?  More research:) It’s a joke. Please no links to bells or clarity.

Our answer lies in our ability to evolve into freer humans.  Humans that don’t worry, fight, kill, lie, cheat, steal, etc. (I do not equate self-defense in this)

We discard these things…in order to be.  Rather than living for the moment we ARE the moment.  We are present in all things.  We BE.

Through this “being” we become better humans.  Our minds are clearer for the tasks ahead.  We rid ourselves of the perpetual “loop” going off in our brains about things that will probably never take place and we spend ALL our energy laser focused on being.  On freedom.  On America.  We clear our minds to serve America because trust me brothers and sisters it is going to require clear minds, sound hearts, and ethics to dig us out of:

18 trillion in debt

47 million on food stamps/welfare

To be is to actively engage in the outcome of your own life.  As stated so poetically:

To pursue happiness.

Shakespeare understood freedom centuries ago.

To be or not to be, America…that is our question.

And there’s only one answer.


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


Fed Hike, Hussein, and the madness of it all

After listening to Janet Yellin drone on about things anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows are false I have to finally tip my hat to one Barack Hussein Obama. That man can really read the words of others well!  It’s an impressive feat to watch him speak.  It appears he actually believes what he is saying.  Maybe this is because they aren’t his words.  He can rationalize his remarks being false because they technically aren’t his.  I look forward to the day he is held accountable for his behavior.  Yes America this day will come.

Janet on the other hand baffles me as to why she spends so much time struggling to pronounce the verbiage someone has written for her.  No one cares anymore.  It’s really simple.  Rate hike or no rate hike.

For the record we all know it’s going to be no rate hike.

Her explanation of world events is laughable not to mention anyone with a laptop could cobble together her same presentation…or an imagination.

We are now years into the suppression of interest rates.  There is only one reason for this.  When rates go up the Federal Government cannot pay back the interest on 18 trillion and counting.

That’s it.

Nothing else to address.

I cannot be any clearer.

Almost everyone in the stock market is going to get crushed…again.  It’s not an if thing.  It’s a when thing.  Without major systemic change (border closed, income tax removed) I can guarantee we will have at least one of two things eventually and possibly both happen.

War and the collapse of the dollar.

Eventually someone, maybe billions of Chinese, are going to figure out a way to apply so much pressure to our monetary system that it crashes.  If you think evil is running rampant right now in the world that will be nothing when America loses our upper hand in global finance.

For everyone out there heading for the hills…not yet.  This isn’t happening tomorrow.  This is a drip drip thing.

But the unbelievable oppression being stacked on the American tax paying citizen through Obamacare, crushing monetary policy via the Fed, and soon Net Neutrality…well… my guess is…soon enough brothers and sisters…soon enough.

Come on guys!  We’ve seen this movie before!  How many times do we have to watch housing rise and fall?  How many times do we have to see the stock market boom and bust?

The government is back to giving out 3 percent down loans and begging the Millenials to go into further debt to rescue a system that is already dead.  The United States Federal Government is a debt ridden collection of socialistic, communistic, and fascist policies.  Not a feasible long term plan.

It’s over.

The question we have to ask ourselves is do we keep beating this dead horse or look to new voices with new ideas.  Passionate, successful, hard working, ethical Americans who will lead by example and have never been politicians.

Not criminals who refuse to honor their oaths.

America that sound you hear is the fat lady…and she is in full throat.

But the amazing thing about Free Will and Freedom is we can start anew anytime we like!  You just have to believe!  We are here RIGHT NOW and there are millions of Americans around the country ready for a new start!  A new beginning! That we may “contribute our verse” upon this great nation!

Things are darkest before the dawn.

But through yonder light breaks and that light…that light is America.

God shed his grace on thee.

Stand with me.  We will roar through the darkness and America will be better because of your courage.

I can feel it in you.  It’s what drives me.

Roar with me Lions of America!


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


Lies, Damn Lies, and Gruber

It is truly an amazing thing when the human animal ignores its instincts. I read a theory one time pertaining to the fact that in the blink of an eye our brain/instincts give us every piece of important information about the situation in front of us. I completely agree.

It takes me no more than a blink of my eyes to process what is happening in my present situation.

The problem is most of us will ignore, justify, or rationalize the things we are seeing putting us in potential danger. This is happening now. For years I’ve discussed the fight or flight mechanism in all of us. When danger appears adrenaline will immediately release into our systems allowing us to fight or run.

For anyone who has ever been in a fight or dangerous situation you know the controlling of this adrenaline must take place otherwise it can become a paralyzing force. What we’ve witnessed in America for quite a while now is that third option.

Rather than fight or flight many will freeze or do nothing when confronted with danger. Part of this is due to our society generally being peaceful. Most of us aren’t having to physically defend ourselves on a daily basis. This is of course a good thing but the skills needed to stay sharp begin to fade, and as the body goes, so goes the mind.

America is blinking and not wanting to believe what she is seeing.

It seems almost impossible if not absurd to seriously question the motives and belief system of the President of the United States.

Collectively the majority has looked the other way or simply closed their eyes to the reality that is now here.

Using Barack Obama’s own words I can call him unpatriotic. He proclaimed this about George Bush crushing us with debt. He makes Bush look like an amateur in this department.

I can use Obama’s own words to prove he is an overt liar. Keep your doctor, health insurance, not a smidgen of corruption, heard about things on the news. These are all lies easy to prove.

Jonathon Gruber actually backs up Obama’s lies with lies of his own not to mention calling Democratic voters stupid.

Lois Lerner “apologized” for her part in the corruption and then took the fifth.

We KNOW Obama is being updated on everything long before it ever hits the press in print or on television.

What’s even crazier about all of this is Obama and his minions are on VIDEO lying. We don’t need to search for proof. It’s everywhere and in color! You don’t have to read about it in black and white or worry about “context”.

The man has lied so many times about so many things I am amazed anyone even tunes in anymore.

Now many Obama supporters are staring into the abyss knowing they were had. What’s worse is they know they were manipulated by a man and his cohorts who used issues very dear to them.

Whether you agree with their views isn’t the point. The Obama supporter is very passionate about specific individual issues. Things that go to their very core fulfilling their need to belong.

As most of us know these issues are race, amnesty, abortion and homosexuality. Please do not fill up my page or email with your beliefs on this. This isn’t the point of this column.

The point is to show the Obama supporter knows they’ve been lied to and is hurt deeply by this. As they continue blinking their eyes they don’t want to believe they’ve been used…but deep down they now know they have.

Don’t get me wrong. There will always be some humans who will never accept the truth.

How do I know this?

Bush still has a few supporters.

But as the curtain is pulled back Obama’s supporters are sadly realizing he not only isn’t there for them…he never intended to be.

Their lives aren’t better. Sadly things have actually gotten worse. The influx of even more illegals suppresses wages and bombards our schools and hospitals. The politicians and media can try and spin it by creating new formulas to make the numbers look better but everyone knows the truth.

47 million on food stamps/welfare.

18 trillion in debt and rising.

You give me trillions of dollars I can make anything look good on a spread sheet.

The problem is the spread sheet is a lie just like Obama and the dollars aren’t free.

America, do you really think we can ignore this without repercussion?

Just blink brothers and sisters of all races, religions, and creeds. It’s time to deal with the cancer amongst us. If we wait too long this disease will spread everywhere requiring a medication none of us want and many won’t survive. Debt has no loyalty. When it comes calling it will wipe out everything in its path.

It your time. It’s my time. It’s our time. As one of my favorite lines of all time says,

“It’s the fullness of time.”

But you have to rise, hold steady your vision, and share the message. I will never stop but this is a monumental task we are undertaking. I need your help every day to continue making a difference. As we build this platform together one voice at a time my only goal is to serve you free of corruption by never taking a single penny in campaign contributions. To not accept a salary.

Power is a tremendous responsibility. Anyone thinking they will not be hardened through the process is foolish which is why I am only willing to serve be one term. For the good of the country the authority of the Presidency must not be held in any hands longer than one term. Besides if things haven’t improved in four years four more isn’t going to make them better. In fact we now know the worst comes out of these people in their second terms.

Unlike the last three narcissists to hold this position I am not egocentric. I also know I am fallible which is why I’ve put in my own check and balance.

One term.

Anyone unwilling to do the same should never be trusted with such power.


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring America one voice at a time.

History, Capone, and Sharia Law

We live in interesting times…and when I say interesting I mean dangerous.  World War III via proxy has already started.  On one side Russia, Iran, and a “flexible” Obama.  On the other, most of the American people, Israel, and eventually Europe and England when they arrive at the conclusion that oppression by other means is still oppression.  Russian communism, or Sharia Law.

What a choice for humans living in those parts of the world.

Because anything is possible (Obama’s re-election and Lois Lerner still free) we as the leader of the free world have begun asking ourselves what is really going on.  Yes I know many of us have been having these thoughts and conversations for years but until a majority of humans in any society begin to care about an issue nothing will be done.  America is now questioning certain things.

Around the water cooler and at the dinner table (or on chat forums) real concern is being shared.  How do I know this?  Because questions about Obama’s motives are now being floated in the press.  This is only done when the majority feel uncertainty.  Please don’t fill up my email or comments with “what’s taken so long?”  That time has passed.  We can deal with the past after we’ve fixed the present.

Rudy Giuliani’s questioning of Obama’s “love for America” was an example of the wheels starting to come off the cart.

His premise “I don’t think Obama loves America the way most of us do” was an attempt at leadership.

His mistake was making his statement subjectively.

I know he followed up with facts but the headline “Obama doesn’t love America” gives the evil amongst us more ammunition for their propaganda.  Giuliani was right to question Obama’s acts but made a mistake questioning his motives when he should have stated facts and let them stand.

Barack Obama lies. (Keep your doctor, etc.)

Barack Obama’s IRS has persecuted and falsely prosecuted American citizens because they practiced their 1st Amendment right of free speech.

Barack Obama’s college transcripts are sealed.

Barack Obama supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

There are many more that Rudy Giuliani could have simply stated as I just did and then said each one of these may be a violation of the Constitution and quite possibly treasonous.

The press would have had a difficult time covering his statements without an explanation.  Had they tried to do so their attempt would’ve made awakening Americans even more distrustful.

Most Americans are tired of hearing about illegals, Islam, and the soaring debt.  Most of America doesn’t trust Obama anymore.  Please no emails about how you never trusted him in the first place.  You aren’t helping us communicate by filling up my page with shots at Obama.

We have to move above this.  As I said before we are in a dangerous time.  Clear ethical minds have to come forward ready to make very difficult decisions and then show a concise path providing a new way.  That’s why we are here.  We do not have the luxury of ranting.

We do not have the luxury of time because evil is moving quickly and boldly.  As America focuses on ISIS, and the ever growing oppression of Islam around the world, Democratic Congressman Luis Gutierrez called for the “militancy” of illegals because a judge in Texas stopped Obama’s defacto amnesty.

Yes you read that correctly.  An American Congressman called for the militancy of illegals courtesy of MSNBC.  The man was so excited his head appeared to be twisting off his neck.  He couldn’t wait to make his call for anarchy.

He also stated the anger over this judge’s decision would lead to increased voter turnout.

By whom Luis?

Illegals aren’t suppose to be able to vote.

Are you saying all Latinos or Hispanics or whatever racist names you can find will line up lock step and do exactly what you say?

Hmm…interesting.  Congressman Gutierrez is Puerto Rican and actively supports the “independence of Puerto Rico”.

If so Congressman why do you live in Chicago?

And what pray tell is your connection to Mexicans, Hondurans, or Guatemalans?

Let me guess.  The color of your skin?

Well now…isn’t that exactly what we call racism?

Let me take that one for you.

The answer is yes.

There are plenty of humans in America, who you like to call Latino, that find that term racist.  Besides your a Puerto Rican calling for Mexicans, Guatemalans or Hondurans to rise up in a militant manner against who?

The rest of us?

The Black,White, and other Brown humans who live here?

Wouldn’t that be like a German calling the Spanish to fight the French?

Well not quite because the Germans and Spanish aren’t in France unlike your traitorous soul living in America.

In case you weren’t clear Congressman you were elected by Americans to serve.  I will grant you your constituency isn’t very bright based on their selection but you don’t represent Latinos, Hispanics, or Puerto Ricans.

You represent American voters from a district in Illinois.

This ladies and gentlemen is what we call an overt racist, a danger to a free nation, and a hypocrite.

We’ve gone from hope and change to nope and deranged.

When a sitting Congressmen calls for the militancy of people here illegally to rise up through voting, demonstrations, and anger, against the citizens he is suppose to protect, one need not look to the Middle East for evil.

It keeps coming from a place called Chicago.

So how much more America?

Pelosi supports Hamas.  A Muslim Terrorist Organization.

Gutierrez supports the militancy of humans here illegally.

Our current President sat in a church for over a decade while a man preached and prayed for God to damn America.

Obama rationalizes barbaric acts of Muslims by erroneously comparing the actions of Christians taken centuries ago.

The Federal Government under Obama has taken our debt to a number never seen in the history of man.

The sad part is the only person in America with enough guts and a platform wants to talk about love.

God bless Rudy.

We are well beyond hugging this out.

Just go ask Congressman Gutierrez.  When he spoke to La Raza he stated he wanted to punish Americans who were against illegals in America.

He’s not looking to better America.

He wants a war.  Where a Puerto Rican uses Mexicans, Hondurans, and Guatemalans as a proxy for his agenda of ruler of Puerto Rico and the rise of La Raza.

Straight outta Chicago.

Capone, Gutierrez, and Obama.

Three carpetbaggers ruining a beautiful American city.

History can be a brutal thing for those who don’t learn the first time.

Let us not allow history to repeat for too much longer.


Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.





The Call of the American

His father rarely slept.  The family business, especially during the spring/summer months, was the time money needing to be made to hold them over during the winter happened.  As the father fell asleep in his chair in front of the television his son approached, cautiously.  Startling his dad at anytime could get one hurt.

Fighting bullies trying to steal his clothes as a child, on his own at fifteen defending himself riding the rails with hobos from California to New Mexico, and in the Army at seventeen will shape a man.  The son knew to stay back when attempting to awaken him.

“Dad?” he said from a safe distance.

The father didn’t move a muscle.  “Yeah?” he said with closed eyes.

“Big game tomorrow…do you think you could hit me some grounders before school in the morning.

The father smiled to himself.  Although he knew he needed the sleep he’d gladly give it up to hit baseballs to his son, the shortstop.

The morning came early as their roles reversed.

“Time to get up buddy,” his father shook him gently.

The high school sophomore blinked his eyes, “thanks dad, be ready in a minute.”

“I’ll be in the car.”

The ten minute drive to the high school allowed just enough of the dawn to break.

The son put on his cleats, stretched quickly and sprinted to his favorite place in the world.  For about ten minutes the father hit ball after ball chasing his son from one side of the diamond to the other.  As fast as he could the son scooped up the grounders and lobbed the ball back in to his father standing at home plate.

The eleventh minute started to bring fatigue to the shortstop.  With fatigue comes short cuts, and his glove wasn’t where it needed to be, when his father swung the bat mightily with one arm, hitting a bullet of a one hopper, which took a bad hop leaving a bleeding bruise on his shin.  Picking it up he rubbed his eyes, lobbed it back in, and danced back to his position.  Another shot off the his father’s bat moved too quickly popping loudly off his protective cup echoing through the trees surrounding the field at Trinity High School.  He gasped in pain and dropped to a knee.

“You okay?”  asked his father.

“Yeah…I’m okay” he answered.

“Then get back to your spot.”

The shortstop half ran half staggered back to his position and readied himself for the next missile.  His wait was short.  Fatigue, pain, and now anger clouded his judgment, hampering his reflexes, and his glove completely missed the ball decorating his other shin with another bloody bruise. The son stared at the ball as his temper flared.

“Screw this!” he yelled at his dad.  “I’m done!”  He stated as he started jogging off the field toward the car leaving the ball right where it stopped rolling.

His father didn’t move.  The behemoth of  a man motioned with his arm,”You get your ass back out there!  This was your idea!  Not mine!  You finish what you start!”

The son froze around the pitcher’s mound glaring at his father.  He’d hated being told what to do his entire life.  As the two glared at each other the son turned, out of a combination of love, respect, and fear, and jogged back to his favorite place in the world.

“Lets go!” he challenged his father.

Ball after ball flew at him for the next ten minutes.  He sprinted to his right, his left, snatching each ball up and firing them back in.

Finally his father called out, “Last one,” and crushed the ball driving it up the middle of the diamond.  His son took two steps and dove, extending his left arm as far as possible.  He felt the ball land in the webbing of his glove as he landed chest first, face second, slamming his mouth into the dirt.  Jumping to his feet he spit out part of the field and sprinted to his dad who was smiling.

“Great play!”

“Thanks dad…and thanks for not letting me quit”.

The man put a massive hand on his son’s shoulder, “Whatever you decide to do with your life I will support.  It’s your life.  But when you commit you never quit.  When you start you never stop.  We never give up.  Never. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir.”

That man is my father and that lesson will stay with me forever.

Never stop.  Never quit. Never give in.

As our message grows, fear amongst those we will replace, heightens.  There’s even fear amongst some who want a new way but are unwilling to do anything to bring change about.  The “status quo” is a safer road for some, regardless of insanity, because it’s all they know.

But we aren’t here to change peoples minds!

We are here to gather the millions of us across America who KNOW we have to stop the madness of debt.  The madness of the abuse happening every day on our southern border.

Ignore the talking heads and scared voters who proclaim a new way cannot be found.  That we must wait until a disaster strikes.  That humans only learn through trial by fire.  Maybe in some societies this is true but we are not “some” society.

We are the dream!  We are the greatest collection of humanity the world has ever seen!

We are Americans!

We never stop.  We never quit.  Freedom isn’t an option for us.  It’s our way of life!

We’ve been given a gift passed down through generations who’ve paid the ultimate price that their children and grand-children would see a better day, a brighter future.

It is our duty to make sure that vision continues regardless of cost.

Millions of Americans are preparing for the worst.

Let us prepare for the best!

You’ve been waiting for a call.  A call to defend and restore OUR country.

How much louder do I have to be!

I am calling you now!  I am screaming for your energy, your time, your passion for the greatest nation ever!

The greatest sword to be sharpened is our minds! Let not the cowards be the loudest voices.  Let not the fear in our hearts shape our direction.  Embrace the greatness inside each one of you!  The greatness of the American citizen.  Protected by the most precious gathering of words guaranteeing your individual freedom.  Your right to pursue happiness in all forms.  Gather this awesome power as a free person and join me.

The battle has already begun.  Use your God given free will and step into the fray.  Never fear.  You do not step alone.  This is why I am here.  Come to me.  Join us.

I scream alone.

We ROAR together.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

Larry, Moe, and Curly

Lie to me once, shame on you.
Lie to me twice, I’m an idiot for ever asking you a second question.

After you’ve lied to me once you’ve lost all credibility with me. It doesn’t matter what you say after that. You’ve  become irrelevant.

Not everyone is with me yet?

Okay…cheat on me once, shame on you.
Cheat on me twice…never going to happen.

You’re with me now aren’t you:)

The White House and many others proclaim “climate change” will be the end of man. It’s a bigger threat than ISIS.

I guess that would make climate change the “varsity”.

Let’s pause for just a second about climate change and turn our gaze to those who are telling us such things.

Barack Obama starts if off. (Seems fair. If you are going to lie start at the top). Josh Earnest (what an unbelievable last name for a man who lies for a living.) repeats Obama’s statement and then turns it over to Brian Williams (NBC) who reports it on the nightly news.

Now that’s the trifecta! What are the odds I am going to believe anything coming from this group? For any savvy bettor out there you know Vegas would never put odds on this. Even Obama supporters wouldn’t take that action.

No one with a pulse actually believes anything these individuals tell us anymore. They could tell us water was wet and we’d just laugh at them knowing full well water is wet.

It doesn’t matter.

It’s why Williams is gone for the next six months, Earnest (like Jay Carney) will be gone eventually, and Obama may find himself worrying about a lot more than his “legacy” after he leaves office.

I’ve used these statements to lead us to our current topic.

Climate change does exist.

In fact it’s been around since…well…the creation of the Earth.

The Earth and everything on it is basically a collection of gasses. It’s why, with enough heat or pressure, the molecular structure of animate or inanimate objects will separate and revert back to one of many gasses. Okay enough about science and please, for the love of my sanity, do not send me thousands of links and notes about gas, molecules, or my explanation. My point is a simple one.

The climate is always changing. It always will. To have the audacity to believe we “control” the climate is absurd, impossible to prove, and most importantly, puts whomever is saying these things on the same level with the Earth.

Or in other terms…with God.

Good luck with that one.

The neuroses of these people is staggering. It shouldn’t be too much longer before we will control the Moon as well as the Oceans. Of course we control the Oceans (even though we can’t breathe in them longer than a few minutes). We control everything because…well because Barack said so…Josh repeated it…and Brian reported.

Larry, Moe, and Curly.

When does the circus leave town?

Now for all you “climatologists” and pseudo- intellectuals who are frothing at the mouth reading this, struggling to control your anticipation while thinking of wonderful little one liners to zing me with because you are so smart…take a deep breath.

Trust me when I say this…you aren’t smarter than moi:) (en Francais:)

I say this with humility and a big smile. How do I know this?

Because I know I am not in control of the Earth and anyone who thinks they are is clinically insane.

But it goes beyond this.

There are things we know, things we don’t know, and things we know we don’t know (this is the only thing I’ve ever heard Donald Rumsfeld say that I actually believe).

I know I don’t know what will happen after my time here is over. I do know I will be returning to Mother Earth…and so will you.

So embrace, enjoy, and smell the beautiful flowers that are all around. If you really want to worry about something you do have control over then I have just the two things for you.

Debt $18,000,000,000,000 and growing.

Border Security. Women and children were sold through there today.

To truly sum this up though Climate worriers, if you want to deliver a message to the rest of us I’d suggest God size prayers.

Because it’s going to take divine intervention to get us to believe anything coming from Larry, Moe, and Curly ever again.

Even that may not be enough.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird”

Restoring America one voice at a time.

Dowd, Axelrod, and Obama

Interesting excerpts from a book written by another of Barack Obama’s “friends” (David Axelrod) are being released. Very few show him in a flattering manner.

Friends like these…it makes one wonder.

Poor choices by Obama or rats leaving the ship as fast as they can, trying to get out in front of the reality of an “economy” based on leveraged debt and borrowed time.

Apparently Mr. Obama doesn’t like Maureen Dowd. I don’t regularly read columns by Maureen (although her story about eating a pot candy bar and its effects on her should be a warning to all who partake in the green leafy substance).

In general if I want a repeat of the Obama talking points I turn to NBC and Brian Williams (or whomever his replacement will be) before the New York Times.

I find it easier to listen to liars repeat the lies of other liars in 30 second sound bites rather than double entendres or excuses about context.

But that’s just me. A simple man. What can I say? I require truth. Usually truth happens in coherent sentences that a nine year old can understand regardless of content.

But in the course of human events we seem to have strayed from the truth. Not that most of us believe the lies. We don’t.

Even most of Obama’s supporters when pinned down will admit they know he lies. They aren’t supporting him because he’s made the country better.

He hasn’t and most of us know this.

They support him because they feel he understands their plight. They feel he “gets them”…and as I explained in depth yesterday we are right back to belongingness.

Now many of you reading this right now are angry. “How is it Americans can still support someone who lies to us?”

It doesn’t seem logical. It isn’t. It doesn’t seem right. It’s not. It doesn’t seem productive. It never will be.

But because of the horrendous actions of both political machines we find ourselves weighed down with crushing debt and a genuine and righteous disgust from all Americans towards politicians.

With each election cycle our collective concerns rise and we keep flailing wildly choosing the “lesser” of two evils. Just as liars lie, evil is evil. Easy to understand. Self-explanatory.

Or we try something different. Yes I know different can be scary but in this case different will be dramatically better. Both parties have proven they will not stop borrowing. Both parties have proven they will not close the border. Both parties have proven they know nothing about actual health or behavior of human beings.

If that wasn’t bad enough both parties have proven their “patriotism” by attaching little flags to lapels and taking incredible vacations while OUR soldiers are being ordered to live and fight for their lives in foreign lands.

I am disgusted by many things but these politicians, from Obama down, who continue to vacation while the bravest of the brave put it on the line everyday is something I will never forgive. While these parasites are eating ice cream in Hawaii military veterans die in America because they cannot get care.

Earned Care!

Truly pathetic, void of all compassion, and definitely not leadership.

To every American reading this now. I don’t care who you voted for in the past. It’s over. We’ve all made mistakes. We know now all of these options were terrible.

This is why I am here. To show a new way. A better path. If this column is the first time you’ve heard of me please come to my website, All of my writings and videos are there for you to see for free.

When you realize we do have a better option and want more information please read my book Late Bird. I wrote it for us.

We have a network of volunteers forming around the nation. Currently we are gathering facts to ascertain exactly what needs to be done to enter in the 2016 Independent Party Primary for the elected position of President.

For those of you who’ve read the book I am quite sure you are smiling.

One step, one voice, one day at at time.

We stay focused on the mission. The mission to serve our great country.

Secure the border, abolish all forms of income tax, serve one term, no campaign contributions, no salary.

Service to the people.

Service to you.

Service to America.

Jason Kraus

“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus
Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

The Choice is yours.

Some comments were made by a few “admirers” in the past week. I have to paraphrase because my brain refuses to spell words incorrectly while also ignoring spell check. It is a certain kind of “special” to whom much is given and yet nothing is returned.

“You be preaching lies”

There I go again…I be preaching.

“You just upset that Obama owns you”.

Interesting. If Obama “owns” me why doesn’t he “own” you too?

“You understand nothing about what our great President is trying to accomplish!”

Trust me I understand, it isn’t great, and he isn’t “trying”…he’s doing.

Now for most of you who’ve been with me for a little while you know how I feel about the debt. Unfortunately I haven’t heard from any of my “admirers” on this subject except when they point out how “Bush started it first”. (Just had a third grade flashback)

First of all nobody, and I mean nobody, is harder on Bush in a factual manner than myself, and even I am tired of it’s “Bush’s fault”.

Bush didn’t open the door to forty seven million people on food stamps/welfare. Bush didn’t run the debt to almost eighteen trillion. Bush didn’t invite a known racist to the White House for counsel. Bush didn’t talk about the color of his theoretical son. The list goes on and on.

But my “admirers” never want to discuss the two things crushing our country. Debt and the border. Is it possible they have no idea these things are happening? It can’t be. They are reading my columns so I know they are receiving the information. They take time to tell me, in their own special way, how everything is great but never give me any actual facts.

I do receive some pictures with captions. Is it too hard to simply type your thoughts to me? Is this the Obama mantra? No need communicating my own thoughts when someone else can tell me what to think?

Finally a question from a liberal that I can do something with.

“Can you explain why your tax ideas would make things better?”

I can and have. There is a wonderful book called Late Bird that will have you laughing, crying, and cheering (assuming you love America) and outlines very specific systemic changes (ideas) for both taxation and immigration (border security).

What’s that? You don’t love America? Well lucky for you those of us who do are willing to do the heavy lifting for you. Yes we know you will call us names and complain all the way to the bank but we have big shoulders. We can carry you.

Won’t we get tired?

How nice of you to ask. Yes we will but as we grow fatigued we look upstairs and say thank you. It refreshes us.

Why are you saying thank you for carrying me?

Because we are strengthened when we serve others…whether you appreciate it or not.

But you have to take the time to actually read what I am about to put down here. No, not just skim it.

If you loved America and understood human behavior you may be able to skim it or not need to read it at all. You will have to read it in order for you to truly understand that abolishing all forms of tax related to job creation must be removed.

Frankly to all you non-believers this is going to happen eventually. We can wait until the debt forces us into a new way or we can learn without having to be hit in the head…over and over…for almost the last three decades.

Humans are driven to survive. Aside from oxygen we must have water, food and shelter. Once these needs are met on a regular basis we move up the chain to our next need. This need is called belongingness. For those of you interested you can search Abraham Maslow or Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. He will take you all the way to self-actualization. Good luck!:)

So strong is the need to belong humans will make horrendous choices if appropriate ones aren’t available. In today’s society, drugs, promiscuity, obesity, and teen pregnancy are all examples of what humans will do to get this need met.

We’ve all heard someone say “my children are my everything, they are the most important thing in my life.” This puts an incredible amount of pressure on the child to fulfill the needs of the adult.

Please understand I am not judging here.

I am explaining how powerful the need to belong is. This is why so many teen-age girls become pregnant by choice. How many times have we seen movies or on television where the teenager is telling the baby “it’s just you and me in this world”. The need to not be alone, to belong is so ignored in our society we try to fix the symptoms rather than the actual problem.

The most commonly used drug, marijuana, and alcohol are both classified as depressants. When our pain is too great many in today’s society will look to make it go away rather than find appropriate alternatives. Food is another substitute for belongingness. Its’ called “comfort food” for a reason.

Again, no judgment here. We’ve all gone through times in our lives where we’ve struggled. I am simply explaining how incredibly important this need is to be fulfilled and fulfilled appropriately.

In America we get our need to belong met appropriately from two major things.

Employment and family.

How many times have you seen a person who complains about their job only to ball like a baby when fired. It’s a crushing blow when you are informed you don’t belong somewhere anymore. It’s why retirement is so hard for many people.

In many ways the same can be said about our families. How many times have you heard someone complain about spending time with the in-laws or going over for the holidays. Many complain but they are always there. It’s easier to be miserable with family than lonely in front of your TV. We are bonding creatures. It is important for the overwhelming majority of us to have others consistently in our lives. Of course friends can substitute for family and many times an even stronger bond is created. But we still need someone to get this need met.

Don’t believe me?

Go spend a week in a remote area with no one around and nothing to do. Pretty soon you will start talking to the trees.

We are physical, emotional, hormonal animals. We have to do something with the energy our mind, heart, and glands creates.

Productive societies call this work and family time.

So hopefully you are with me now and understand how important a society must be set up around human needs. We have the water and the food figured out. Housing is for the most part taken care of. It is our need to belong that is being ignored and crushed.

We must have strong family units if America is to survive let alone thrive.

We must have an abundance of jobs to ensure the physical and mental well being of our citizens.

Right now America is struggling with both.

Because of ridiculous premises that have permeated our society we are struggling mightily.

“Women need to be equal to men”.

First of all no one will ever be equal. Secondly and let me be clear:

Women aren’t equal to men. They are BETTER.

The female gender in general (removing Hilary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, etc….those two really bring the average down) is the better gender. Both genders of course are needed but a society filled with women and a few men will always be a better society than many men and a few women. It’s simple biology. Testosterone makes all humans more aggressive. Women have less. Not buying it?

Wars are started by men. Prisons are full of men. Men commit an overwhelming amount of violent crime compared to women.

Now does this mean all women are better than all men? Absolutely not. Our society provides and relies on the individual. My point is women who are trying to be “equal” to men are looking down the ladder rather than up and hurting our society.

There will never be a more important role in a productive society than Mother.

Okay, I’m sure all the “feminists” are twitching as they read this. No one is saying you have to have children…sigh…just relax. I don’t have any children and I believe I am doing my part to re-build our society. Each individual has a certain skill set and in America those skills can be an intricate part of pursuing happiness and maintaining a free nation.

So hopefully we can agree (These are facts but it’s easier if you agree and more productive as well).

One of our primary ways to fulfill our need to belong in a healthy manner is through strong families and friends.

Secondly is employment. To be free a human has to be able to provide for him or herself. In industrialized nations we trade currency (dollars in America) for water, food, shelter, etc. It’s called Capitalism and it’s the best economic system on the planet because it provides opportunity for humans to not only survive but thrive. Jobs are the key component. The more jobs available to the workers the better opportunities for pay and advancement.

One hundred jobs with fifty workers equals incredibly high wages.
Fifty jobs with one hundred workers equals desperation.
One hundred workers with ten jobs equals anarchy.

The key to everything is more jobs. Most politicians will give us sound bites like “we need to reduce income taxes on the middle class”.

Think about that for a moment. If reducing income taxes on the middle class is a good thing why wouldn’t getting rid of them completely be a better idea? This one is easy.

It would.

But how would the government be able to stay solvent without income taxes?

The Federal Government collects almost 4 trillion dollars a year from us in a variety of ways…and is insolvent. Because of their behavior we are almost 18 trillion in debt. This one is easy too.

How much worse could it get trying something new?

It could only get better. We are the largest economy on the planet with the largest debt in the history of man. If we don’t do something else this is going to end very badly. But stay with me. Remember…meeting the needs of the human being.

By removing federal income tax all workers would immediately get a pay increase. Wages would go up over night.

By removing payroll tax business would have more profit and would be able to hire more people.

By removing corporate tax every company in the world would race to America (where they really want to be anyway). This would make every square inch of American land dramatically more valuable as more people competing over anything heightens the value of the item.

With companies screaming back to America the available labor pool would be soaked up immediately with well paying jobs. This creates opportunities for entrepreneurs to start new businesses keeping the cost of products lower for the consumer to purchase. It is a win win. There is no downside to removing all taxes related to employment.

How do we fund the government? Flat tax, fair tax?

No and no.

Both of those are regressive and oppressive. There is nothing fair or flat about taxes. We have to put a tax in place that will benefit the human society. A tax that is optional.

It is called the consumption tax.

If you choose to buy something you will pay a little more. But it is your choice! Furthermore I’ve done all the calculations on this. We will implement a consumption tax that doesn’t tax the purchase of fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, dairy, or nuts. We want our citizens to eat well. If you want to eat chips or drink soda that is your choice but we are going to tax these items.

We will also not tax the purchase of one home. Any purchases after that will be taxed but by not taxing healthy food and the purchase of one home we reward the behavior we need in our society.

Many times people refer to motivation as the stick and carrot. This is all carrot.

Work hard, buy a home for your family, and eat well. God bless! This lifestyle is tax free!

This entire system is also explained in better depth in Late Bird.

Now you will hear some “economists” and even some of your friends use a word like regressive to explain a consumption tax. This is disingenuous at best.

All taxes are regressive. But in the system I’ve explained millions of jobs will be created, property values will rise, our debt can be paid off responsibly rather than what is happening now, and most importantly you will have a choice. If you don’t want to pay the tax then don’t buy the product. Rather than being forced into paying taxes the option is yours. No crazy government scams or “write offs” for anything. You won’t ever have to file your taxes again! The choice is yours. Spend your hard earned money on taxable items or don’t.

Now the naysayers will complain “it will crush our economy…no one will buy anything”.

This is one the most ignorant statements I’ve ever heard since “free health care, keep your doctor, etc.”.

Of course we will spend our money. I like pop corn and going to the movies. Some people love fancy cars or going to football games. We aren’t going to stop doing the things we love. We will have more money with which to do those things.

Sounds simple huh?

It is.

Besides look at it this way. Who are you going to believe?

Someone who has worked hard and saved his money, unwilling to take campaign contributions or a salary and only serve one term…

Or a bunch of liars who’ve put us 18 TRILLION DOLLARS in the hole!

But please don’t forget the entire purpose of this piece.

Fulfilling the need to belong.

We are struggling right now in America to fulfill this need because real unemployment is horrendous. We can fix this. I guarantee two things.

(1) This system will work. It’s actually the system that founded our country. Strong families and hard work.

(2) It’s going to happen eventually. The politicians have let the debt get out of control and they will be increasing it again soon. The Emperor (Federal Government) has no clothes.

The choice is yours. Stick your head in the sand or help me. I’m only asking for your voice. I’m willing to do the rest.

Shoulder to shoulder brothers and sisters.

This is OUR country!

Jason Kraus

“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus
Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

“Imagine a place where anything is possible”

Whispered, as though a secret, a phrase crossed my path today.

“Imagine a place where anything is possible”.

I just smiled. Imagination not required.

There is such a place. A dream made possible, by the gift of free will from above, and a legacy of freedom within.

Where fierce individualism is only surpassed by incredible kindness. The world is graced with her presence.

“Imagine a place where anything is possible”.

We awaken every day in such a place. It is in our hands to ensure the legacy continues…and continue she must.

Jason Kraus

“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus
Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

ISIS and the “Christian Crusades”

Barack Obama believes in a “fair” society. In purporting his belief he “balances” out ISIS (or ISIL…he always has to be different) with the “Christian Crusades”.

Wow and wow.

That’s quite a distance (centuries)  to travel in the justification of behavior. I’m not going to challenge whether his statement is even factual. It isn’t, but this man knows nothing about truth.

Let us stop “hoping” he will “change.”

The “audacity” of this piece of work is outright stunning. He did this at a prayer gathering meant to foster peace amongst humans from different parts of the world.

Blatantly and boldly he made claims and comparisons that rationalized the behavior of ISIS. On the record for the world to hear.

Can you imagine what this man says in private?

When he has his own “prayer” meetings with Valerie Jarret, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Jeh Johnson, and Loretta Lynch?

What a fascinating collection of people Barack Obama has surrounded himself with.

Susan Rice and Eric Holder have both lied on television many times with Eric Holder being held in contempt by the House of Representatives. This works for me as I have contempt for Holder and the House as well.

Loretta Lynch said on the record during her confirmation hearing that she will not enforce current federal laws connected to Immigration.

Jeh Johnson didn’t bother saying it. He just doesn’t do it.

And Valerie Jarret…well…I fear by the time this is over we will know more about her than we ever cared to. This always seems to happen during… a trial.  Somebody directed Lois Lerner.

Is this what Fox News means by “fair and balanced”? Everyone has a part? Wouldn’t “Dumb and Dumber”  or “Liar, Liar” be more appropriate?  Thanks Hollywood for the “talking points”.

NBC (Brian Williams) will apparently say anything to anyone at anytime about his “harrowing experiences”. Never fear Brian, MSNBC has many jobs coming available.

You will be able to say anything you want. Not only will you be safe amongst “friends” but no one tunes in anyway. They haven’t figured out you have to flip the coin over to create “fairness and balance”.

But look out America. Eventually they will figure it out and we will be hearing both sides of the fairness argument in no time. Or as Russians who fled when they had the chance call it, Propaganda.

It’s amazing when I do speak with Russian immigrants. They cannot believe how much Obama and Putin have in common.

“Ethically flexible”.

They cannot believe how similar the message is coming from networks and “journalists” in both countries.

“Unemployment is down, economy is doing great” as both countries send out historic amounts of government aid while being crushed by catastrophic debt.

Ah yes…nothing quite like the “fair” society eh comrades?


We stand and fight! We are the blood and belief that churns this great nation! We are the soldiers, the farmers, the entrepreneurs, the firemen and police! We are the teachers, mothers and fathers and protectors of the weak!

It is our duty to stand and deliver…and deliver we will.

The pen is mightier than the sword but in America we sharpen both and stand at the ready.

The Big Fella Upstairs will take care of the rest.


Jason Kraus

“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus
Restoring a nation one voice at a time.