Trump’s one big problem

Let’s just get down to it.

If Donald Trump is elected his biggest issue won’t be “building the wall”.

That is basic construction, furthermore, America put a man on the moon.

We can build a wall.

His largest problem won’t be deporting tens of millions of humans here illegally.

By the way don’t believe the “10-12 million number”.

There are dramatically more humans here illegally than that.

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, etc., won’t be his biggest problems either.

Nor will bad trade deals, the media, Rosie O’Donnell, or Islam.

Notice I didn’t say ISIS.

I said Islam, Sunnis and Shiites.

The overwhelming issue Donald Trump (and the rest of us) will have to deal with are the Central Banks around the world.

Specifically the IMF (International Monetary Fund and overseer of the Central Banks #Christine Lagarde) and the Federal Reserve.

Sadly 95 percent of the citizens of America don’t recognize the words Central Bank (and of even greater consternation I doubt even one percent know about the IMF) and more importantly don’t understand how their quality of life is being chipped away one day at a time as trillions of dollars, euros, and yen are extracted from the masses and trapped by these ignominious creations, that only serve the greed of a few.

Even the trillions in capital, these all encompassing creatures have consumed, isn’t enough.

As their addiction to control heightens, their willingness to reach beyond, and into the economic heart of the world, is crushing what were once sovereign nations, eating away at centuries of the “Invisible Hand”.

Think of it as a meth addict who has sold everything they have, including their body, their children, their children’s children, and then promised the lives of the unborn just to get their “fix”.

This is what is happening right now and for all you economic and behavioral neophytes this is not called Capitalism.

It’s called corruption.

This type of corruption always leads to WAR and not the stupid, infantile word games going on between Obama, Putin, Hollande, and Merkel.

Actual WAR where countries bomb each other, where humans are murdered daily, where chaos reigns.

Similar to what the “JV team” is doing right now.

Trump himself has mentioned his concern a few times, that the collapse of the fraudulent inflated markets, (due to the Central Banks) will happen on his watch.

He is smart to entertain these thoughts as he is right.

Bush thought he could ignore the deregulation done by Clinton (Glass/Steagall 1999) and leave the mess for the next guy.

As we all know 2008 landed right on him, and those that probably consumed paste as children, opined for the Clinton days of old.

Give em books and they eat the pages.

Let me be clear.

George W. Bush was and is still a malignant tumor on America, and an enemy of Freedom, but he didn’t open Pandora’s Box of bigoted and leveraged housing.

He simply ignored it and then decided some Sunnis (Iraq) needed killing while eventually (through Obama) opening the door for the Shiite (Iran).

Some will say this language is a bit harsh.

To them I will say had our language been harsh thousands in our military may still be alive.

“The truth is like poetry…and most people f*&cking hate poetry”. Quote from The Big Short.


I digress.

Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, and Janet Yellen (Federal Reserve Chairmen and Chairwoman) all willingly admit they “missed” the last housing boom and bust.

How is it that the smartest (supposed) people trained in the field of economics missed what the rest of us knew was happening all along?

They didn’t.

They are either bonafide morons or complicit characters.

There is no room for any other option and although “marble mouth” Yellen is a nightmare to listen to…she isn’t stupid.

She’s a fraud.

Just like Greenspan, just like Bernanke, just like Clinton(s), just like Bush, just like Obama.

We have allowed the physically weak, morally bankrupt, and evil personified to dictate to us from up on Mount High.

Idiotic charlatan “funny men” like Bill Maher, John Stewart, and sometimes Bill O’Reilley (I say sometimes because he is never funny and occasionally not wrong) are treated like GODS while propping up this charade known as “democracy”.


We are a Constitutional Republic…or at least we use to be.

The Federal Reserve has taken hold of our Freedom and doles out snippets of oxygen through the Federal Government via “programs”.

We have housing and food programs for the “poor”.

Programs for the “needy”, the tired, the lazy, the drug induced, the alcohol imbibers, the crack pipe connoisseur, the emotionally challenged, the banks, the car manufacturers, the “green energy” crowd, Solyndra, and the Elon Musk’s of the world.

We even pay people to sit in prison and if the Democratic Governor in the State of Virginia had his way felons would be able to vote.

Terry McAuliffe.  Another rotten branch from the Clinton tree of monarchy.

This is all happening because the Federal Reserve is allowing the United States of America to “borrow” any and all amounts it deems necessary.

A question was asked of one of the Fed Chairs a while back.

“Aren’t we going to run out of money by constantly borrowing and spending?’

The pompous twit answered “no” that we would never run out of money, that governments can always create more “money”.

“What we will run out of are assets.”

In other words there will always be money…just nothing to spend it on.

For some this is hard to imagine.

For others that reality has already arrived.

Many say “this will never happen in my lifetime”… and there you have it…the meth addict in our midst.

Selling off their body, their children, their children’s children, and the lives of the unborn…just to get their fix.

Jason Kraus

The Rule of Law no longer exists in America

Almost two decades ago (seemingly a lifetime) I had the unfortunate experience of working for an individual whom I did not like.

This person had all the prerequisites.

Communicated poorly, lied, cheated on their spouse, institutional fraud, etc.

Without walking down the entire path again it is fair to say it wasn’t a positive experience.

I rarely think about this walking cold sore as my time now is spent moving forward with my life but if one day horrible things were to happen to this individual I will nod and acknowledge the arrival of karma.

With that said I would vote for this foul piece of feces everyday, and twice on Sunday, over Hillary Clinton.

Too many times over the years we’ve heard “this is the most important election in our lifetime”.

The Liberals have ranted (if Trump is elected) that the country will be taken over by “Nazis” or “White Supremacists”.

Children will collapse without “a free education”.

Citizens will choke from dirty air and water and old people will die from a lack of medical care.

Aside from this all being false I’m quite sure millions of humans didn’t die at the hands of the Nazis because they didn’t receive a “free education”.

Medical care, dirty water and air don’t make much of a difference either when you are being MURDERED with guns, knives, rifle butts, and bare hands.

Nothing quite like a Progressive…then again they should know.

Black Lies Matter, CAIR, and La Raza are all Naziesque.

Many Conservatives on the other hand continue to wistfully call for the return of Ronald Reagan.

This is the same man who gave the Liberals both of what they are screaming for now and frankly a big part of the reason we are in this mess now.

Amnesty and free medical care (IRCA and EMTALA, 1986).

Disregarding a Herbert Walker, Bill Clinton followed with eight years of absurdity, Bush gave us eight more of pure lunacy, and then we graduated to full blown arrogance, stupidity, and asininity with Barack Insane Obama.

A little known fact is this.

Every single one of these individuals GREW the Federal Government…whether we want to admit it or not.

Rather than really understanding how humans actually work, Plato, Adam Smith, Abraham Maslow, etc., the individual American has given way to “group think”.

Free Will has been replaced with “Gender Rights”, “Racial Rights”, Republicans, Democrats, Progressive Liberals, and Compassionate Conservatives.

After listening to thirty seconds of FOX, MSNBC, CNN, or lately ESPN, most believe they can speak from a knowledgeable point of view.

I’m not sure which is more dangerous.

The narcissism or the inanity of it all.

Through all the madness, the Central Banks continue to extract wealth from individuals, every second of the day.

One need only watch the “debt clock” to see this madness in action as every dollar in debt, is another taken, from the Individual.

But hey “what difference does it make?”

This time it will make a very big “difference”.

The Rule of Law no longer exists in America.

The only reason anarchy hasn’t broken out is most of us are good people who aren’t looking to hurt others.

Still, the longer any behavior continues, the more “conditioned” most will become.

Like Pavlovian dogs when the bell rings, too many start to salivate, not realizing the bell isn’t our friend.

Trump is not a savior.

He isn’t God.

He is a man who hopefully will get an opportunity to put the Rule of Law back in place.

Yes I will absolutely vote for Donald Trump, but the most important part of Trump being elected, isn’t what he will do, rather it shows, America has finally awakened.

This is what makes this election so important.

Are our eyes finally open?

I don’t know.

As I am writing this now, and possibly as you are reading, another member of law enforcement was murdered.

This time in Kansas City.

Sadly this probably won’t be the last before I publish this column.

There is quite a bit of instability and fear in the country, and world right now, as the culture of freedom gives ground to the culture of oppression.

Living free without fear is a choice.

A conscious decision.

Nothing is free in this world.


Everything comes with a cost.

Whether you believe that or not…is irrelevant.

Too many have paid with their lives in America, for us to simply go quietly, into the night.

Remember what we are.

Human Beings gifted with Free Will who do not cower, will not waver, and never quit.

In other words…An AMERICAN.

Jason Kraus

Why do you Matter?

For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you will recognize Trinity County and Del Loma, California.

For those of you who haven’t, Del Loma, California is a tiny town (population 30) in Trinity County adjacent to the better known County of Humboldt (those of you unfamiliar with Humboldt County…good for you as back in the 70’s and 80’s it was synonymous with marijuana).

I’d just been named to the twelve year old “major league” all-star baseball team that covered Weaverville and the small mill towns up and down the Trinity River.

Feeling quite proud of myself I strode down the middle of the trailer park my family owned and managed.

As I moved down the gravel road and passed different single wide trailers, not a word was said to me.

It was as though they didn’t realize an “all-star” was in their midst.

After passing  three quarters of the park I said to my brother “I can’t believe no one is saying anything. Don’t they realize I am representing them, that I matter?”

Ah…the egocentrism of a child.

I’m laughing at myself as I write this.

Fortunately while maturing and experiencing life, humility and knowledge were both uncovered.

The realization that there are BILLIONS of humans on the planet having their OWN personal experience is a fascinating and sobering thought to those who actually think.

The things that matter, and the things that don’t, become very clear when the struggles of life occur.

Being a man or woman doesn’t mean you matter.

Neither does being gay or straight.

Those that think the color of their skin (any color) matters are bigots and the weak links in a free society.

The concept of diversity pertaining to the color of a human’s skin also shows a lack of intelligence and self-awareness.

No situation is better with the addition of citizens because of the level of melanin in their body.

To think so is unadulterated ignorance.

Neighborhoods become better, safer places to live and raise children when responsible, ethical, hard working people live in those environments.

It has nothing to do with skin color and yes I can and do speak from EXPERIENCE.

Unfortunately some in our government believe that moving “brown and black” humans into “white” neighborhoods will “diversify” us.

What bigots like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Julian Castro are really saying is this:

Black and Brown humans are incapable of creating their own quality neighborhoods and must live among Whites.

Of course this is false and this same type of “irrationalization” was used to create Affirmative Action, the attempt at Ebonics as a “black” language, the allowance of the dangerous growth of La Raza, and the term “token”.

Imagine if we implemented the same types of programs everywhere in our country.

Let’s take athletics.

Black and Brown humans receive four strikes in baseball rather than three.

In football Black and Brown humans have to be tackled twice to be considered down.

In soccer “non-whites” can use their hands, and in basketball a layup counts as three and a three counts as four depending upon the color of your skin.

It wouldn’t be long before White humans would stop competing in these organizations and move on to create their own leagues…or neighborhoods.

Sadly this is exactly what has happened for decades across America through Federally induced, financially and morally bankrupt housing programs (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac through Clinton, Bush, and Obama) and how Pandora’s Box was initially opened that created the last housing crisis…and the current one awaiting its day of reckoning.

Of course these programs are wrong and antithetical to one of the strengths of living in the United States.

Freedom of Movement.

Humans in America can move anywhere they like at anytime.

We don’t need Federal programs to do so.

In fact if you don’t like being in these United States one can head south into Mexico, Guatemala, or Honduras and for the cost of a plane ticket can land almost anywhere in the world.

Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, and Liberia are all available.

To attempt to financially incentivize some, while punishing others, because of the color of their skin, is fomenting anger and frustration while making neighborhoods LESS safe.

Furthermore because Americans have the Freedom of Movement those who don’t want to live with humans who are being subsidized with their neighbors tax dollars will move, weakening the society as tax paying citizens jettison their towns, streets, and wards.

Terminology like “White Flight” and “Regentrification” have been created to explain the exodus and then return.

This isn’t a theory.

It’s already happened in Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco and will continue as long as Progressivism reigns.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Many politicians in San Francisco, through “regulation and regentrification”, have driven up prices and driven out the “poor” over the last decade.

To liberals poor means “black and brown” or “mentally ill” and they are quietly forcing the results of their progressive policies out of their own “backyards” and into rural California and sometimes Nevada depending upon the bus schedules.

For those who need “proof” multiple stories in liberal “rags” such as the L.A. Times and the S.F. Chronicle covering these issues exist.

Stop being so lazy and do your own research Pelosi supporters.

Not that you care…you bigots are voting for this.

Ah the Democratic Party or otherwise known as the Party of the Klan (Robert Byrd), La Raza (Luis Guiterrez),  CAIR (Maxine Waters), and Black Lives Matter (Barack Hussein Obama).

Ward Connerly and Shelby Steele (both humans with black skin) warned against this type of thinking and outlined exactly what would happen.

Years ago in Steele’s case and decades ago for Connerly.

I am sure they are both disappointed to be correct.

Yet correct they are as the Progressive agenda plays on surrounded by more promises of “free healthcare, education, and a guaranteed living wage”.

One need only look to Venezuela to see the end of the road for those who allow the takeover of the private sector through “government intervention.”

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Russia, China, etc., are also examples.

We have another name for this.

It’s called Organized Crime.

Al Capone would be so proud of his fellow Chicagoan(s).

While the Central Banks continue to drive up the cost of stocks, housing, food, energy, and everything else the American citizen needs to survive and thrive too many are willing to focus on ” historical proximity to the sun” (skin color).

The Human Experience begins and ends everyday across the world.

Those who focus on the color of anyone’s skin will rue the day that so much of their life, time, and energy was wasted.

It is egregious and egocentric to give something, no one has control over, so much attention.

It’s also a poor usage of time and resources.

There are important things to address in the world.

Human trafficking, rape, child molestation, never ending wars, the imprisonment of the Clintons, Bush, and Obama, and the criminality of Central Banks are just a few.

If your skin color is so important that you are willing to abuse others and/or ignore the abuse of others then please take a deep breath and listen closely as I say this.

You don’t matter…and you never will.

Furthermore for those of you who support the murder of law enforcement (quietly or otherwise) or are calling for them to be “fried like bacon” I STRONGLY suggest you check your hole card.

When the bullets started flying in Dallas (and you fled like cowards, unwilling to clean up the mess you created) it was the “PIGS” that ran into the fire and gave their lives for you.

Those that think Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore are rough places to live now…just wait until no one is willing to defend you anymore.

One more thing for all the “liberals”.

I was in Law Enforcement and assigned to a County Jail as a Sheriff’s Deputy.

I know therefore I speak.

Our primary job was to ensure that our fellow Deputies, inmates, and ourselves were all alive at the end of each shift.

I’ve been kicked, punched, spit on, watched an inmate eat his own feces, and had my life threatened, and at the end of each shift those of us who started were all there in the end…including the inmates.

Inmates who had raped and sodomized women, beaten family members and strangers, and mutilated and murdered children.

Tragically, on a different shift, a fellow Deputy was murdered.

As it was early on in my time I didn’t know him very well but I attended his funeral with his friends, family, and fellow Deputies who sat stoically or cried at the loss of a young man willing to put his life on the line, and ultimately give it, to protect his community.

Sitting in the crowded church were humans with all colors of skin.

There is a line from a song by the country duo Brooks and Dunn:

“Only in America…dreaming in red, white, and blue…only in America…where we dream as big as we want to”.

We aren’t dreaming big enough.

Jason Kraus

Eat Your Dirty Laundry

“I make my living off the evening news
Just give me something
Something I can use
People love it when you lose
They love dirty laundry”

For those of you who enjoy the music of the Eighties you may recognize the writing of Don Henley and his hit song Dirty Laundry.

As a teenager Henley’s voice resonated with my generation as the man once called Golden Throat recorded “The Boys of Summer” and then delved deeper with “The End of the Innocence” and “The Heart of the Matter”.

The dichotomy of Henley (Texas born yet liberal leaning) is an interesting one.

For those of you who have been with me for a while you know I do not practice hero worship.

I can and do appreciate the strengths of others while not accepting or engaging in their flaws.

Henley is a perfect example of someone who communicated what millions thought and felt in one venue, while supporting propaganda (knowingly or not) in another.

It is striking that someone so in tune with many parts of the human condition known as life, and the absurdity of the “media”, would still support the politicians who manipulate and lie to said media which in turn lies to the citizenry.

This is a linear equation gone wildly awry.

I digress.

“Dirty Laundry” splays and fillets the “press” (as well as those who follow blindly).

Many progressives will attach “Dirty Laundry” to a network like Fox News and even Henley himself has reportedly made comparisons to one Rupert Murdoch and Dirty Laundry.

Of course this is absurd as the song was written in the Eighties while Fox didn’t appear on the scene until the Nineties but one should never allow facts to get in the way of a good liberal tale.

Does Fox fall under the intended umbrella of the lyrics by Henley?

Yes and yes but it is hypocritical (and factually incorrect) to attach only Fox, besides as stated earlier, the song was written in a prior decade.

There were plenty of three letter or alphabet networks spinning woes long before F-O-X.

Let us continue.

“You don’t really need to find out
What’s going on
You don’t really want to know
Just how far it’s gone
Just leave well enough alone
Eat your dirty laundry”

Henley almost appears Nostradamus like with this stanza as it explains the last thirty years.

Just live for the now.

“You don’t really want to know just how far it’s gone”.

My guess is too many are going to find out in a very painful way “just how far it’s gone”…if they haven’t already.

This line unto itself is poignant and yet telling of how many Americans have simply tuned out, of not only society, but the responsibility of their own survival.

Instead they’ve decided to just leave well enough alone and EAT their Dirty Laundry.

Through apathy, ignorance, crushing debt, and an unwillingness to live by any moral code they’ve become their own oppressors.

By way of their own volition (or lack thereof) they will now live with the “lack of fruit” that is provided without labor.

A “let them eat cake” scenario created by their own hand as well as a complete reversal of the Invisibility of Adam Smith.

Combined with Newtonian Law or “action reaction” philosophy the demise of the cake eaters is of course of their own accord.

Truly stunning how many “college educated voters” are reportedly backing Hillary Clinton.

Then again it shows the decrepit education they received.

Hypochondriacal Studies or the Philosophy of the Dilatory doesn’t cover Free Will or Freedom and the entire concept of seventy-two virgins only brings me disgust with those who allow and enable this moronic mindset.

“We can do the Innuendo
We can dance and sing
When it’s said and done
We haven’t told you a thing
We all know that Crap is King
Give us dirty laundry”

The politicians have danced and sung, the innuendo is done, a new race has begun as living under debt is in full bloom.

Welcome to Progressive-Liberal-Compassionate Conservative-Democratic-Socialism or otherwise known as…Oppression.

“Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down”

Jason Kraus

Obama hasn’t a clue about the QuEUe

One morning, as a young boy, my brother and I were standing outside a small store awaiting the exit of our father, who was inside finishing up some business with a client.  After a few minutes we began to look for something to do.  One of us noticed a bottle sitting atop a telephone booth and we both took turns throwing individual rocks at it in an attempt to knock it over.  Across the small two lane road known as Highway 299 in Big Bar, California sat a few nondescript types, and two drunks, in front of a seldom used building, tipping back bottles of whiskey, unadorned with paper bags, as the days of hiding their “disease” were long passed.

Looking back upon this moment in time I am relatively sure one of the imbibers put the bottle on the phone booth as they seemed to enjoy our attempts followed by our failure.  Drunken cat calls chased by slurred incoherence only drove us faster until I finally grabbed a handful of gravel and let the little missiles fly.

The stricken bottle teetered and fell but the crash of glass that emitted was orchestrated from a different venue.

Directly below the aforementioned and previously standing bottle was a sign “PHONE” and sadly that sign had been made out of glass.

The drunken skunks who’d taken so much delight in our failure suddenly became righteous upstanding (sort of) citizens, who were out to right the wrong, a little boy had just brought down, on the town of thirty five.

Profanity, threats, and a very real discussion of what they were going to do to me and my younger brother began taking place as two adults males, filled with liquid courage, started to cross the street to engage two little boys.

The nondescripts did nothing but watch as the drunken skunks turned into scavenging hyenas, swinging their bottles wildly as they thought they’d just penned off two little lion cubs that they could confront, scare, and abuse…and then out walked Mufasa.

I remember the roar from my father as he flew out the door towards the men who were coming to harm his sons.

I’d like to tell you I remember the looks on the faces of the hyenas…but I cannot.

The only thing I could see was their backs as they retraced their steps…dramatically faster than previously taken.

For some reason I seem to remember a color.

Yes a color.

I believe it was yellow.

My dad crossed the road the cowards didn’t quite make it over, and tried to “explain” to them what was about to happen…but he couldn’t.

The drunks had abandoned their post and were high tailing it back to wherever they were before being camped out getting bombed and harassing children.

Upon my father’s return he noticed the broken glass and asked what had happened.

Once all the facts were in place it was very clear that one lion cub wasn’t going to get off scot free.  I had made a poor decision and had damaged the property of someone else.  My dad marched me into the little store where I looked up at a gruff older man also known as the owner.  Behind the owner was a big sign:

In God We Trust.  All Others Pay Cash.

I knew I didn’t have enough cash for the broken Phone sign and it was highly unlikely The Big Fella Upstairs was about to make an appearance.

I apologized and then my father apologized and said he would pay for it to be fixed.  The old man just waved his hand and said it was an old sign, he was surprised it hadn’t fallen apart awhile ago.  He and my father laughed about the “bums across the street” and then we loaded up and moved on to our next stop.

The reason for this story is to show parallels of human behavior and that accountability matters.

The abuse of our country by the hyenas (Liberal/Progressive/Democratic-Socialists) is only allowed because the nondescript (Republicans) stand, watch, and fund all of their madness.

Obama’s Executive Orders would be irrelevant without coffers but Paul Ryan continues to approve of the removal of the debt ceiling while Janet Yellen keeps interest rates suppressed (through the Federal Reserve) allowing Obama to do anything he pleases.

Washington D.C. has decided they no longer need to trust God and that cash doesn’t matter as they can “print” as much as they like.

Unfortunately it appears that they are correct as most Americans don’t know, don’t show, or don’t care about things like interest rates, a solvent currency, or collusion happening between Central Banks around the world.

My guess is the British don’t care either but on Thursday night it was very clear to those who pay attention….the United Kingdom has had enough of Islam.

Many talking heads pontificated about the “economic and political” issues that could potentially take place with the UK leaving the European Union.

Lots of theories and opinions were given as to the next step(s) that would be taken.

Sadly none of these people are paying attention or they are still caught up in the Progressive language known as Political Correctness.

The BREXIT had very little to do with rates, jobs, or Brussels.

It was about IMMIGRATION.

It was about survival and the UK decided that they’d rather go it alone than stay connected to the criminal syndicate known as the EU that has forced hundreds of thousands if not millions of “refugees” into France, Sweden, Germany, and Britain.

Of course all this was made easier when the most famous member of the Choom Gang decided to threaten the citizens of the United Kingdom telling them they would find themselves in the back of the “queue” if they left.

They decided any line Obama was in was not one they wanted to be a part of.

Smart move.

Now…it’s our turn.

Jason Kraus


Fear has no place in the strong

Every action has a reaction. What seems to be the simplest of things can, will, and does open doors to life changing opportunities.

But for this to happen an action must first take place.

Life in general favors the willing.

Those who engage freely leaving trepidation behind.

Fear has no place in the strong and no room in the soul of The American.

Our strength comes from generations willing to strike out on their own dreaming huge dreams, toiling long hours, never giving up, never giving in.

Our advancement is found in the acceptance of adversity as a challenge to be overcome and overcome we have.

As always we are faced with new struggles and greater adversity to our free will, freedom, and our way of life.

Let us not see this as a problem but rather a purpose.

Let us open American hearts and United minds and State the truth about our mission.

As the moon does her job with gentle waves, we step forward as Citizens of the greatest nation in the history of man to do ours, standing shoulder to shoulder in defense of freedom.

The power of the truth resides in each one of you.

Cast the truth far and wide as only the Individual American can.

Be not unwilling or afraid.

Freedom requires the brave and always favors the righteous or in other words…The American.

Let us be kind in our ways, fierce in our humility, and gentle with our grace as we create a firewall in protection of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

You’re damn right I do.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

What am I going to do for you?

A conversation took place a while ago.

If you get elected what are you going to do for me?

My answer was simple.

I’m not going to do anything for you.

You are going to do for you!

If elected I am going to go to DC and stop the lies and corruption that are eating away at our country so YOU can live your life with liberty and pursue happiness to the best of your ability!

I continued.

Your greatest asset or largest liability can be found in the mirror every morning…if you have the courage to look.

Take a good look!!!

Besides, I continued, you are asking the wrong question.

It’s not what I am going to do for you it’s what are you going to do for others?

I don’t remember there being much of a response.

Of course this could have been because of my non verbal cues flashing an incredible irritancy.

Then again who knows these days?

With a good portion of the population conditioned to believe they “deserve” things rather than having to earn them the person asking the question could have been genuinely surprised as this may have been the first time they’d ever been told the truth.

Regardless if I get the question again, and keep my temper in check, my answer will be this.

I am going to continue to work hard, save my money, and be beneficial to others, or in other words, lead by example.

My mirror works just fine because the reflection in it says only one thing.

Freedom First.

Freedom Only.

Okay…two things.

Jason Kraus

United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions.
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

Slavery still exists

Yesterday I went through my day as I always do.

The pursuit of happiness to the best of my ability through hard work, saving my money, and being beneficial to others.

Throughout the day the radio brought me propaganda about unisex bathrooms, the rights of “refugees” and “immigrants” and incessant noise about free college and why everyone deserves health care.

I guess the most important issue “climate change” wasn’t so important anymore…at least not yesterday.

Now for those of you who know me personally or have been here with me for a while you know I move with a purpose and a big smile on my face.

I believe in leading by example and positive energy.

I also believe in the very simple message of love God love one another.

With that said neither of my cheeks will ever turn allowing abuse to myself or anyone around me.

I believe in grace not victimization.

I digress.

Even though many of you in California and around the country sent letters requesting I be put on the stage at the Senate Debate last night our collective voices to have an Independent up there was ignored.

Instead a third Republican was put on the stage.

Yes a third Republican…in California.

It appears UOP has already chosen their candidates.

Can you guess which Party?

For those not familiar with the process in California only two make it to the General Election.

Two…not three.

As I watched the debate last night my slow burn began.

On the stage were five individuals who have taken money (campaign contributions) are willing to take more (salary, benefits, retirement) and will do it as long as they can.

My burn increased as I listened to individuals who support CAIR, La Raza, and crushing debt.

I listened to humans who have zero understanding of human behavior or intrinsic motivators.

I listened as the stage filled with “I” statements and braggadocio.

They sounded exactly like…Politicians.

Imagine that.

This of course isn’t new to any of us.

We’ve been so saturated by this behavior many have simply returned to the message of the Sixties.

Live for the now.

Tune in, turn on, drop out.

There is a new name now for irresponsible behavior that leads to millions of humans now unwilling to take care of themselves.

YOLO…or You Only Live Once.

Unfortunately too many have lived this way for too long and now want the rest of us to carry them the rest of their lives.

What’s even worse is this message of rationalization and justification has seeped into the upcoming generations.

So let us be clear.

You cannot borrow your way to financial freedom.

You cannot smoke, inhale, imbibe, or consume your way to emotional and biological health.

You must engage in only three practices to find success.

Work HARD.

SAVE your money.

Be beneficial to OTHERS.

As I turned off the television last night I thought about everything I just listened to.

The same talking points from two Parties (one who doesn’t exist in California).

No one was willing to take on our two real problems.

Crushing debt.

Human Trafficking through our open border.

As the stage was filled with nonsensical verbiage and economic absurdity more women and children were trafficked and sold in both directions through the magnet for crime known as our Southern Border.

More rapes, murders, and molestation continued and continue every day while Politicians talk about bathrooms.

It’s time we tune in to the truth and turn on to reality.

Dropping out isn’t going to be an option for too much longer…if you require Freedom.

Regardless the smile on my face has disappeared.

It’s been replaced with rage as the border costs more lives of those who don’t have the option of “dropping out” while these Politicians talk about “rights”…and bathrooms.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

Income Tax will never work

It is very clear to those of us who pay into the current taxation “system” that it isn’t working.

Some will say it is broken and needs to be fixed.

Broken implies it worked at one time.

Taxation of any behavior that we want more of is foolish and contrary to growth.

Taxation of work through income tax has been a disaster that’s been covered by the creation and massive consumption of credit.

Not only are humans living well beyond their means all around the world…”Governments” are too.

Through Central Banking, greed and corruption the United States taxpayer is sitting on a monetary time bomb that politicians continue to add more explosives to while resetting the clock.

For those not familiar with the aforementioned statement this happened when they REMOVED the debt ceiling.

Yet here we are listening to the same “experts” who admitted they completely missed the housing bubble.

The same experts who know Fannie and Freddie are a disaster but continue to ignore them as housing inflates again.

The same experts who force us to fund future “retirement” programs while punishing those of us who save our money with zero interest (and soon to be negative) on our capital.

The same experts who think we can mint trillion dollar coins to pay off our debt.

The same experts who believe the creation of a wealth effect is the same as real wealth.

The same experts who are worried the “island of Guam” will tip over if too many humans geographically move to one side.

Yes you read that right.

These people aren’t experts in anything except lies, deceit, and destruction.

This isn’t debatable. The numbers are in.

The last twenty plus years of Clinton, Bush, Obama have been an abject failure.

It’s time for the truth.

Ethics matter.

Self sustaining systems matter.

Enforcement of Law matters.

All of our issues are correctable.

No problem is too great for the American Citizen who values life, liberty, and is willing to pursue happiness.

All incumbents out.

All forms of income tax removed.

Our borders are closed.

It’s really that simple.

Don’t let the “experts” tell you it’s complicated.

It isn’t.

Doing the right thing is never wrong…or complicated.

Jason Kraus

United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

Three Choices…Two Choices..One Choice.

Just when it appears the insanity cannot reach greater heights the “Democratic Socialists” in California chime in yet again showing their ignorance of human behavior.

If one can earn $15.00 an hour washing dishes then it seems safe to assume the servers and cooks should be making at least $18.00 an hour. Serving and food creation both require greater skills than washing dishes. The Assistant Manager would probably get $20.00 an hour, the Manager $25.00 an hour.

Every job just listed requires almost no training.

Imagine what the workers at Jiffy Lube will want.

Let us take this one step further.

Can you imagine what State Workers are now going to require?

An even further step.

What are all these professors and administrators going to do for a living when the kids stop going to school? If you are making $52,000 a year managing a Taco Bell why would you borrow tens of thousands of dollars for a degree?

Shoot, if you are making $30,000 a year washing dishes why even go to high school?

Maybe these Politicians are on to something here.

Let’s make it $20 an hour to wash the dishes that way we can start employing kids at the age of 10. I washed dishes for free at the age of 8.

It was called chores.

I would have loved to make $30,000 before I turned 10.

Imagine all the money we will save not pouring it into junior high and high school education.

Of course there go more teaching jobs….yes Liberals that was sarcasm…sad that I had to put that disclaimer in here.

I laugh sometimes when I hear the “experts” talk about the growing economy and low unemployment. They point to government “statistics” even though those “stats” have proven time after time to be wildly inflated or even false.

The only way the crushing debt laid on the American People by both Parties will be dealt with is through a closed border, deportations (to raise wages never mind enforcing the rule of law), and removal of all forms of income tax (raising wages even further).

Even then trillions are going to have be written off.

If these things do not happen (and soon) a very real decision will have to be made in the next few years.

What or who gets paid?

Only two of the things listed below will be able to be paid as the debt grows assuming the Fed can suppress interest rates forever (which they cannot).

While Lagarde and Yellen keep up their charade of Bernanke’s wealth “effect” American savers continue to be robbed of interest.

The three things that will head the list are below:

Military (Defense)
Interest on Debt
Social Security

Whether Americans want to believe this next statement is irrelevant as the brutal reality of debt will never change.

There will only be enough resources to pay for two of the three listed above in the near future…and only one if these politicians continue borrowing trillions more.

Which two do you think the Government will choose?

Or…which one?

Anyone telling you the statement above isn’t true is either lying to you or ignorant of economics and human behavior.

They also don’t have an answer for this mess.

I do.

The answer is…YOU.

Use your voice to vote out all incumbents and put in Citizens who actually care about OUR country.

Otherwise get used to the “New Normal” introduced by Jimmy Carter and pushed through by Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

The choice is yours.

What will you do for your country?

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.