Baseball is a white man’s game

Recently a black major league baseball player commented that “baseball is a white man’s game,” when asked why NFL players were having “protests” (in others words cowardly acts of stupidity) and MLB players were not.

“Baseball is a white man’s game,” said the millionaire black baseball player who probably thinks Plato is a kids toy that comes in a can.

It’s actually called America’s Past-Time but why bother with facts when bigotry and lies are available.

Then again maybe he has a point not found directly on top of his head.

Let us take a quick look.

It is a fact that “modern day” baseball was created by a white man and spread throughout America by white men but then again so was football, basketball, the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Emancipation Proclamation.

These men are all dead but if they were here, rather than kneel, I’d ask them to take a bow.

Now we could run down the false narrative/rabbit hole that this “country was built on the backs of blacks” and “it’s time for reparations” as the UN just stated but to do so we would have to ignore facts like the slavery of white humans (Irish) in America well before the “Afrikan” arrived.

Never mind the small “inconsequential” fact that black humans owned slaves as well.

We’d also have to ignore that almost half of the United States never had black slaves which includes the largest State in America.


By itself, California, is ranked as one of the top ten economies in the world.

Furthermore the War Between the States (nothing Civil about War) crushed the South as death, destruction and Sherman burned everything in their path.

It’s called Reconstruction for a reason and it happened by people of all colors who were FREE.

America wasn’t built on the “backs of blacks”.

It was built by the Individual.

Individual humans who bigots like to call Whites, Blacks, Browns, and Blues with Purple Polka Dots if you so choose.

Some will disagree but this is irrelevant as no humans from this time period still exist.

One does not get credit or blame for the actions of others, past or present.

Ignorance, or the ignoring of facts, comes in every color, gender, sexual preference, etc.

The latest propaganda we are being fed is that kneeling at the playing of the national anthem is about black humans being shot by law enforcement.

This is false.

Hands up don’t shoot was and is still a lie.

Michael Brown was a criminal with an extensive record who robbed and assaulted a store owner before attacking a police officer who then shot and killed him…in self-defense.

As I am tired and disgusted by the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton, who marched the mothers of dead criminals onto the podium at their convention, I will say this.

Those neighborhoods are better and safer places to be without those abusive thugs.

Get it? Got it? GOOD!

Furthermore standing up on that stage playing the victim was and is pathetic.

Michael Brown and others weren’t born criminals.

They were babies that were ignored, abused, and egregiously shorted on love and discipline…by the women on that stage.

Where hugs were needed drugs were heeded and they became detriments to society.

Forty years of “programs” and crushing illegal “immigration” has ruined the “inner” communities.

The “ghettos” are filled with drugs, prostitution, child abuse, and according to Obama, humans that look like him.

That he ever said those words is “deplorable” but then again what difference does it make?

Barack Obama is and has been a parasite to the black, brown and white communities and after eight years things are worse for those that look like him…and those that don’t.

I digress.

This isn’t a “rant” against Obama.  This is information and an explanation, on how many in the black communities, especially athletes, are getting sucked into Islam and I’ll bet most of them have no idea.

In the sixties through “black liberation” and “black theology” Islam, specifically Sunni Islam, crept into the homes of many Black Americans.

While Martin chose Jesus and a dream, Malcolm chose Mohammed and a nightmare.

While the rest of America moved towards the seventies and eighties, voices began to surface, calling for the killing of the white devil and death to America.

White Guilt emerged and programs like Affirmative Action began to allow the indoctrination of hate into our colleges and universities while Ebonics celebrated illiteracy.

Although Americans were attacked by Iranians most didn’t understand Islam and those that did were okay with Americans not liking Iran because Iran was predominately Shiite not Sunni.

As the eighties and go go nineties roared on, the immigration policies, changed by the Democrats (Ted Kennedy) were taken advantage of by the Clintons who opened up a personally profitable relationship with Saudi Arabia that has continued to this day through the Clinton Foundation and has only been slightly curtailed, by Obama favoring Iran (Shiite), and pseudo investigations by the hapless or possibly/probably complicit Republican controlled Congress.

While all this shifting and fighting was taking place Democratic groups like ACORN were created to take advantage of our electoral system that is suppose to be about reliability and transparency.

Our elections have neither today.

As in all times in human history, when moral shifts to the downside happen, it is the children, the weak and the poor who suffer the most.

While the ghettos collapsed, black Americans fled and continue to flee searching for the same things every human requires.

Water, food, shelter, security, and to belong.

Those that couldn’t or didn’t are now trapped in a circular or cyclical feedback loop that virtually guarantees the failure of those in these situations.

This has been going on for forty years and Islam is now rooted in many of these communities with many not even realizing they are being used as pawns.

This has been further exacerbated by the immigration pattern/policy of the politicians in the Boomer Generation (Clinton and Bush) and Barack Obama over his last eight years.

I would like to point out, so far, every professional or college athlete that I have seen that has knelt, except for a female soccer player, has been black.

They’ve told themselves and others it is about “police shootings” but it wasn’t in the beginning and it isn’t now.

More white Americans are killed by law enforcement every year.

More black Americans are killed by other black Americans than police every year.

More blacks die from drugs and car accidents than police shootings.

Of course to those who won’t gather facts this doesn’t sound right.

Most Americans think they hear on television every day another black man was shot…for no reason.

This is absolutely false and a narrative that is working quite well for groups like the Nation of Islam, CAIR, and even La Raza who uses different “opportunities” to take advantage of falsehoods while stating they care about “people of color”.

It’s basically the Crips and the Bloods but rather than flying colors like blue and red they have embraced different forms of the crescent moon.

Now everything I just stated is true and verifiable but some will still not want to do the research or simply don’t want to believe that Islam is involved.

Prove it Jason.  Everything you just said is circumstantial or subjective.


Black Lies Matter endorsed the Palestinian Authority.

They endorsed HAMAS, an Islamic Sunni terrorist organization that also takes money from Iran.

Every time a knee is taken those players, knowingly or not, are endorsing Sharia Law and the executions of apostates and infidels.

They are approving of the subjugation of women, the murder of homosexuals and insanely enough themselves, if they aren’t Muslim.

From a historical perspective they are also approving of the Nazis as the Muslims fought with the Germans.

The same Nazis that referred to humans with brown or black skin as “mud people”.

In essence every time they kneel they are championing bigotry.

Every time they kneel they are spitting on Martin and praising Mohammed.

Every time these teams allow this behavior they are spitting in the face of our troops in harms way.

With that said I want to point out something NONE of the media is talking about.

The overwhelming majority of black athletes are standing at attention and many with hands over their hearts.

If the media is going to continue to spend time listening to athletes, how about we focus on the cream…not the crap.

Jason Kraus

The Five Phases of Trump

Each week I gather as much information as I can pertaining to the happenings in the World.

As this takes place ideas or subjects jump out at me that I feel are important to expand upon.

This week has been truly bizarre.

Seemingly everyday Wikileaks is releasing past Clinton criminality (with promises of more) at the same time Donald Trump continues to say things that make me grind my teeth.

In other words the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round.

For years I have written columns, and a book, about the financial and moral collapse brought on by tens of millions of members of the Boomer Generation.  How sex, drugs, debt and the perversion of laissez-faire into “living for the now” has crippled our country and allowed oppression to grow through “government programs”.

Liberal and Liberty are not synonymous.

Progress and Progressive are like water and oil.

One of these columns pertained to Trump and his Scorched Earth style of dealing with enemies.

The Donald has been an enigma his entire life, as he seems, to never have had a thought, that didn’t escape his lips.

If he thinks it, he says it.

I’m sure in his younger years he was a bit more diplomatic but I know as each year passes for me, my ability to politely tolerate stupidity has virtually disappeared.

I’m 45.  Donald is 70.

In the beginning it was great to hear him talk about the border and human trafficking.

The Ostrich Syndrome provided by both Parties, and too many citizens, has lead to the murder, rape, and sexual trafficking of women and children.

In another word…SLAVERY.

Unfortunately his verbiage was a bit rough and is now being used against him by the cowardly politically correct crowd and the treasonous CAIR and La Raza supporters.

Both enemies of America and Americans.

When he stated murders and rapes were and are happening, because our border is nonexistent, he was and is right.

Unfortunately he doesn’t appear to be able to evolve in any communicative manner and has lead us to where we are now.

Trump has gone through three campaign managers and although I am sure they are all intelligent people, they don’t seem to understand, or be capable of managing The Donald.

To do so one must be willing to admit that (a) he is uncontrollable (stop trying to) and (b) he thrives on negative attention.

Trump walks to the beat of his own drum.

Let us call it the Five Phases of Donald.

Phase One begins with him being insulted, acknowledging the guilty party and blasting away.

Cue Rosie O’Donnell.

This only continues if the person responds.

Trump likes to think of himself as a counter-puncher and not a bully.

His recent tirade with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski only escalated because Joe continued.

Once Trump started talking about secret love affairs Joe seemed to quiet down dramatically.

Not sure what Mika said.

I don’t watch Morning Joe enough to garner what the Claire Underwood House of Cards lookalike pontificated upon, if at all.

Regardless, if the other side continues, he does as well, which kicks off Phase Two.

Now before we go any further I want to be very clear.

Trump isn’t doing this on purpose.

This isn’t some strategy he is following.

His only strategy is flamethrower to the left, flamethrower to the right.

This is my subjective opinion from leading, learning, coaching, teaching, and dealing with people in many situations for almost five decades.

Combine this experience with understanding Adam Smith and Abraham Maslow and it is relatively easy to predict certain behaviors of the Individual.

Especially successful people.

Successful people have daily routines.

It helps to create wealth, stability, and happiness.

It also creates patterns that are easy to see if one is willing to look.

Metaphorically it is the difference between hearing (the tympanic membrane reverberating in our ears creating sound) and listening (the gathering of information from aforementioned reverberation).

I digress.

Phase Two of Mission Scorched Earth began when he started to garner support from mainstream America.

Again millions of Americans loved to watch Rosie receive her comeuppance.

Tens of millions of Americans also loved to listen to the Party of Bush (RINO) get ripped apart.

Trump could do no wrong in Phase Two as even he commented “I could shoot somebody and still get votes”.

Unfortunately he personalized this affection as America loving him, when this wasn’t the case overall.

Freedom loving Americans love AMERICA!

We don’t do hero worship.

Yet most were willing to go along for the ride because SOMEONE needed to remove the corruption from Washington D.C. and the Donald’s “kung fu seemed strong”.

Trump was riding high and even took the lead in the polls for a week or two.

Sadly we must remember the two things the campaign managers don’t seem to understand.

(a)He is uncontrollable (don’t bother to try) and (b) he thrives off negative attention.

Things were going TOO well.

It is possible the speed of it all caught up to him, or even the reality that he may actually become President, suddenly landed uncomfortably in his psyche.

We will never know but the wheels on the bus completely fell off and it stopped going round and round.

Do not pass go.

Do not collect $200.

He even acknowledged this by saying “if I lose I’ll go back to my great life.”

This is the statement of someone who is preparing to not win.

How do I know this?

We’ve all said something like this at one time or another when we thought we might not get something we wanted especially in competition.

It’s human nature to emotionally “hunker down”, lick our wounds and tell ourselves everything will be okay.

It’s our first line of behavioral defense.

Trump just did it in front of the World.

With Rosie O’Donnell, Phase Three started with her going into hiding.

Trump continued to hammer her at every turn and lost some support because people started to forget who started the entire thing.

The Donald started to look like a bully.

This is where his campaign managers could make such a difference.

The man thrives on the fight but just like Rosie, Hillary has been hiding, poking her head out occasionally while refusing to give an actual press conference for a couple hundred days.

Trump wants to fight but Hillary is refusing to actively engage him (smart and cowardly) until her people tell her to.

She then pops up with “Trump is a racist” at a fundraiser and disappears into the night.

Trump doesn’t see her as an equal.

He thinks she’s lazy, incompetent, corrupt, and in general not on his level when it comes to real achievement.

He’s right and because of this he finds her boring.

I guarantee it.

Hillary Clinton is a criminal and a horrible candidate.

She knows it.  I know it.  You know it.

Her supporters know it.

Everyone knows it.

She is simply playing possum and running out the clock and it is working because Trump’s people aren’t doing their job.

We all know what he is.

Work to his strengths.

He needs a target.

We need him to target her.

His people need to draw her out.

They cannot sit there and wait for the debates.

The polls, have to be even, going into the first debate, or this election is probably over unless some type of catastrophe happens that none of us want.

This leads us to Phase Four.

Phase Four has brought eye rolls and puzzlement from Trump allies and the return of Rosie/Hillary supporters again attempting to defend their “friend” and attack Trump with viciousness and lies, while she continues to hide from the public eye.

This is the problem.

Trump is hitting every single one of them back AND piling on Clinton/O’Donnell.

Although this worked against Rosie he has got to ignore the mealy mouthed press and Hollywood types and aim that bazooka at Clinton.

Unfortunately it appears Whack-A-Mole is Hillary’s game plan.

Sometimes you see her, sometimes you don’t.

Trump isn’t nuanced or even patient enough for this.

His people have to be and they aren’t.

Trying to “soften his message” on immigration is foolish.

Border security is good for the entire country especially the poorer neighborhoods.

He should be hammering the gangs and cartels that are causing all this mayhem, rape, death, and destruction.

He should be reminding people about heroin and meth and what it does to the human spirit and he should remind people that our failing cities are controlled by Progressive Liberals.

Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Oakland, Los Angeles, etc., are all broke and broken.

Don’t get softer Donald.


We want to hear you ROAR American Greatness!

We want to hear America First!

When The Donald was declared the victor over Rosie the 5th cycle was complete.

Trump buried O’Donnell.

Her life has been a mess ever since.  Her own child reportedly despises her.

We are in Phase Four right now.

Trump allies are still with him but understandably tense as he Scorches Earth with his Twitter account daily.

Sometimes necessary.

Many times not.

Trump’s part-time friends are quietly distancing themselves while Clinton supporters like CAIR, La Raza, and the NAACP pile on.

The question now is this.

Can Mr. Brexit focus on one target, sniper-like, and put the Cackle Queen away or will we all be stuck in the 4th cycle and four more years of lies, deceit, and corruption known as an Obamanation?

One thing is certain Donald J.

I am here to defend freedom.

To defend these United States.

As such I am willing to help you in any capacity.

Although James Taylor has turned out to be a rube, easily manipulated by the financier of Iran known currently as the President of the United States, he did at one time create wonderful music and one line is currently poignant.

“Winter, spring, summer or fall,

All you got to do is call,

And I’ll be there, yeh yeh yeh

You’ve got a friend…till the end.”

There’s millions of us.

Stop trying to carry the load yourself.

We have strong backs and bright minds and we stand:

Shoulder to shoulder.

America First.  American Only.

Freedom First.  Freedom Only.

All you got to do is call.

Jason Kraus

Ignorance will never be blissful

Last week a conversation took place of which I became privy.

One individual (let’s call her a cross between Margaret and Marilyn, Thatcher and Monroe) was patiently trying to explain to another individual (let’s call her a combo between Bernie Sanders and nataS) why, despite the ignorance of the media and politicians of both Parties, the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic and not a Democratic Republic .

“But Dan Rather said we are a Democratic Republic and I agree with him.”

Yes you read that right…Dan Rather.

The same Dan Rather who was fired from CBS due to reporting lies about the Bush Administration.

Stunning when you think about it…having to create lies to go after Bush when W supplied so much to prosecute on his own.

According to this “proud progressive”, Dan Rather is the end all be all, when it comes to what kind of country we have.

I guess Brian Williams was unavailable.

Probably busy ducking bullets with Hillary.

Insert disgust here.

Marilyn Thatcher, showing incredible patience, started to explain the difference between a Constitutional Republic and a Democracy.

As I have explained this ad nauseam (for those of you who use the term Latino but don’t speak Latin ad nauseam can be defined as having to explain things to you, over and over again, causing me to retch) over the years, I will keep this short just in case we have any liberals (attention span issues) looking to be educated.

Constitutional Republic:  Protects the Constitutional Rights of the Individual through the Rule of Law. (Freedom)

Democracy:  Majority over Minority or in other words gang mentality. (Oppression)



I digress.

This info was presented to the SS acolyte along with the fact that in referring to the United States as a Democratic Republic, she was ignoring a little thing we AMERICANS like to call:

The Constitution.

Our heroine did a little copy and paste and sent a note to the Progressive puppet.

United States Constitution Article 4, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a REPUBLICAN Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Furthermore it was pointed out to Beelzebub that there are Democratic Republics around the world.

The Democratic Republic of Congo.  (Also known as one of the poorest countries on the the planet.)

The Democratic Republic of Algeria.  (Yes ye of the crescent moon)

The Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. (No more need be said)

If you are reading this, and thinking these are all countries in Africa, you would be correct.

In other words the worst continent to live on in the world.

Some will point to Germany as a Democratic Republic and after some research it appears they call themselves quite a few things including a Democratic Republic.

Sounds about right for the motherland of Karl Marx and Adolph Hitler.

So on one side of the equation we have the teachings and thoughts of Plato, Adam Smith, John Locke, and others, evolving through time, arriving in America through generation after generation of humans, eventually able to construct the ideas of Free Will and Freedom, into a document written by many, including Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.

I can hear the liberals now.  What is this written document of which he speaks and what does Pluto have to do with it?

On the other side of the equation we have destitute countries in Africa, Islam and Marxism (systemic oppression) and Adolph Hitler (Nazism).

Is it any wonder, those of us with a soul, abhor “Progressive Liberals”.

When you or your ignorance decide to choose Karl Marx over James Madison you are an enemy of free people, an enemy of all people, and an enemy of the American People.

“People who are free are never equal.  People who are equal are never free.”

The breakdown of Progressivism (Communism) is in full bloom.

Crushing debt, lack of the rule of law and overt corruption has overtaken the greatest country in the history of man.

When Dan Rather becomes the “go to guy” the jig is up.

The game is over.

It’s simply time to send in the clowns.

The fat lady with the Chairman Mao attire is singing…and she is tone deaf.

It’s time for a brand new band.

A band of Constitutional Republicans known as…Americans.

Jason Kraus


Enough is Enough

I was in my early thirties and playing in a rec basketball league.  I like movement, quick cuts, lots of shots, and a clean game.

Of course if you bang me around I’m coming back at you twice as hard. (I knew a guy who always played fair until the other side didn’t.  Once the cheap shots began he’d start pinching and twisting their skin while he guarded them. They’d jump like cats getting hit by a spray bottle).

Most of the time this gets the court under control.

In one particular game a member of the other team was getting frustrated because he was having a poor night.  As I was the one guarding him most of the game he decided to take his temper tantrum out on me…in a very sly manner.

Coming up the court dribbling he immediately grabbed the ball with both hands and fired a two handed pass…into my face.

I’ve been hit by fists, feet, elbows, baseballs, and for those of who have been with me for a while you’ll remember a train seat that almost knocked me out, but a basketball thrown as hard as someone can from a few paces away hurts…a lot.

Some will tell you I have a quick trigger.

A temper if you will.

They blame it on my red tresses.

This is of course wrong as you can all see I am devoid of hair.

I am one of the most peaceful humans you will ever come across…unless you are trying to hurt me or others.

This doesn’t mean I have a temper.

I don’t create drama or abuse others.

I simply defend myself.

I just do it dramatically faster than most.

I don’t need to get hit twice.

Once is good enough and I will take that one step further.

I don’t need to get hit even once.

If you threaten me verbally, I will take your word for it, and engage you in any way I see fit to protect myself and/or others.

It’s not a hero thing…just can’t sleep at night if I don’t.

I like to sleep at night but let us return to the story.

When the ball hit me in the face my reaction was instantaneous and both of my hands (of their own accord) latched onto the neck of the poor passer.

Within seconds teammates, opposition, and referees were grabbing me and attempting to break the hold I had on his throat.

After enough force was applied my hands (again of their own accord) were ripped away and I was covered in the arms of my teammates requesting that I relax.

I’m not a big fan of people touching me in an aggressive manner but as my friends weren’t trying hurt me I “relaxed” and told them to let me go.

They did.

The poor passer was standing on the other side of the court feigning ignorance.

“The pass just got away.”

“It was an accident.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t mean to.”

Yeah right.

I’ve been competing on fields, courts, black top, grass, dirt, etc., from the age of five.

I KNOW when mistakes are made and when things are intentional.

How do I know?

I know because I’ve made mistakes and also done things intentionally.

This was intentional.

He stayed away from me the rest of the game and then lamely tried to apologize to me out in the parking lot.

It was one of those unapology apologies.

“If I hurt you I am very sorry.  I didn’t mean to.”

If you hurt me?  You just threw a basketball as hard as you could into my face.

Of course it hurt.

My response was short and because it had profanity (I know), and poor grammar, allow me to  “paraphrase”.

I know you did it, you know you did it, get away from me right now before something horrible happens to you.

He left.

The reason for this story is simple.

Those that have abandoned Americans on foreign shores are now feeding us garbage like “love conquers all”.

We are being abused and lied to everyday by political parties, government, and the media…and we know it.

Yet nothing happens.

A friend asked me recently, “what are we suppose to do Jason?”

It’s a great question.

We are being hammered everyday by debt, greed, and crime…what do we do Jason?

We grab them by the THROAT.

When someone says something idiotic or oppressive…hammer them.

Freedom of Speech works both ways.

Don’t spend too much time on the internet cowards, the keyboard warriors.

These people are ridiculous and hide behind fake names and false photos.

We start taking back OUR country by stating our case verbally in public to whomever needs to be corrected.

Friends, family, strangers, whomever.

Open your mouths and unleash the truth!

No more biting our tongues or lowering our voices.

No more changing words or worrying what the ignorant think.

No more caring about their feelings or political correctness.

Why bother?

They don’t think, hence the term ignorant.

Use your voice to ROAR the greatness of America, of Freedom.

Don’t try to use reason or attempt to explain issues to the imbecilic.

Engage, overwhelm, and move on.

We’ve nothing to learn from them.

Do not bother with a dialogue.

It is monologue time.

It is time for each of us to be the pebble that is cast into the pond that creates undulating waves beyond our own recognition or better yet the boulder that crashes down into the ocean taking no prisoners.

We live FREE without FEAR.

We are Americans!

This means something to us…make sure it means something to them.

Leaders lead.

Followers follow.

The only question left is which are you?

Will you bend to the oppressive will of others…or will you bend for no one as Freedom requires.

Politics is very real and an extension of War.


There are no rules in War and this is what happens when there is no Rule of Law.

Jason Kraus

Trump’s one big problem

Let’s just get down to it.

If Donald Trump is elected his biggest issue won’t be “building the wall”.

That is basic construction, furthermore, America put a man on the moon.

We can build a wall.

His largest problem won’t be deporting tens of millions of humans here illegally.

By the way don’t believe the “10-12 million number”.

There are dramatically more humans here illegally than that.

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, etc., won’t be his biggest problems either.

Nor will bad trade deals, the media, Rosie O’Donnell, or Islam.

Notice I didn’t say ISIS.

I said Islam, Sunnis and Shiites.

The overwhelming issue Donald Trump (and the rest of us) will have to deal with are the Central Banks around the world.

Specifically the IMF (International Monetary Fund and overseer of the Central Banks #Christine Lagarde) and the Federal Reserve.

Sadly 95 percent of the citizens of America don’t recognize the words Central Bank (and of even greater consternation I doubt even one percent know about the IMF) and more importantly don’t understand how their quality of life is being chipped away one day at a time as trillions of dollars, euros, and yen are extracted from the masses and trapped by these ignominious creations, that only serve the greed of a few.

Even the trillions in capital, these all encompassing creatures have consumed, isn’t enough.

As their addiction to control heightens, their willingness to reach beyond, and into the economic heart of the world, is crushing what were once sovereign nations, eating away at centuries of the “Invisible Hand”.

Think of it as a meth addict who has sold everything they have, including their body, their children, their children’s children, and then promised the lives of the unborn just to get their “fix”.

This is what is happening right now and for all you economic and behavioral neophytes this is not called Capitalism.

It’s called corruption.

This type of corruption always leads to WAR and not the stupid, infantile word games going on between Obama, Putin, Hollande, and Merkel.

Actual WAR where countries bomb each other, where humans are murdered daily, where chaos reigns.

Similar to what the “JV team” is doing right now.

Trump himself has mentioned his concern a few times, that the collapse of the fraudulent inflated markets, (due to the Central Banks) will happen on his watch.

He is smart to entertain these thoughts as he is right.

Bush thought he could ignore the deregulation done by Clinton (Glass/Steagall 1999) and leave the mess for the next guy.

As we all know 2008 landed right on him, and those that probably consumed paste as children, opined for the Clinton days of old.

Give em books and they eat the pages.

Let me be clear.

George W. Bush was and is still a malignant tumor on America, and an enemy of Freedom, but he didn’t open Pandora’s Box of bigoted and leveraged housing.

He simply ignored it and then decided some Sunnis (Iraq) needed killing while eventually (through Obama) opening the door for the Shiite (Iran).

Some will say this language is a bit harsh.

To them I will say had our language been harsh thousands in our military may still be alive.

“The truth is like poetry…and most people f*&cking hate poetry”. Quote from The Big Short.


I digress.

Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, and Janet Yellen (Federal Reserve Chairmen and Chairwoman) all willingly admit they “missed” the last housing boom and bust.

How is it that the smartest (supposed) people trained in the field of economics missed what the rest of us knew was happening all along?

They didn’t.

They are either bonafide morons or complicit characters.

There is no room for any other option and although “marble mouth” Yellen is a nightmare to listen to…she isn’t stupid.

She’s a fraud.

Just like Greenspan, just like Bernanke, just like Clinton(s), just like Bush, just like Obama.

We have allowed the physically weak, morally bankrupt, and evil personified to dictate to us from up on Mount High.

Idiotic charlatan “funny men” like Bill Maher, John Stewart, and sometimes Bill O’Reilley (I say sometimes because he is never funny and occasionally not wrong) are treated like GODS while propping up this charade known as “democracy”.


We are a Constitutional Republic…or at least we use to be.

The Federal Reserve has taken hold of our Freedom and doles out snippets of oxygen through the Federal Government via “programs”.

We have housing and food programs for the “poor”.

Programs for the “needy”, the tired, the lazy, the drug induced, the alcohol imbibers, the crack pipe connoisseur, the emotionally challenged, the banks, the car manufacturers, the “green energy” crowd, Solyndra, and the Elon Musk’s of the world.

We even pay people to sit in prison and if the Democratic Governor in the State of Virginia had his way felons would be able to vote.

Terry McAuliffe.  Another rotten branch from the Clinton tree of monarchy.

This is all happening because the Federal Reserve is allowing the United States of America to “borrow” any and all amounts it deems necessary.

A question was asked of one of the Fed Chairs a while back.

“Aren’t we going to run out of money by constantly borrowing and spending?’

The pompous twit answered “no” that we would never run out of money, that governments can always create more “money”.

“What we will run out of are assets.”

In other words there will always be money…just nothing to spend it on.

For some this is hard to imagine.

For others that reality has already arrived.

Many say “this will never happen in my lifetime”… and there you have it…the meth addict in our midst.

Selling off their body, their children, their children’s children, and the lives of the unborn…just to get their fix.

Jason Kraus

The Rule of Law no longer exists in America

Almost two decades ago (seemingly a lifetime) I had the unfortunate experience of working for an individual whom I did not like.

This person had all the prerequisites.

Communicated poorly, lied, cheated on their spouse, institutional fraud, etc.

Without walking down the entire path again it is fair to say it wasn’t a positive experience.

I rarely think about this walking cold sore as my time now is spent moving forward with my life but if one day horrible things were to happen to this individual I will nod and acknowledge the arrival of karma.

With that said I would vote for this foul piece of feces everyday, and twice on Sunday, over Hillary Clinton.

Too many times over the years we’ve heard “this is the most important election in our lifetime”.

The Liberals have ranted (if Trump is elected) that the country will be taken over by “Nazis” or “White Supremacists”.

Children will collapse without “a free education”.

Citizens will choke from dirty air and water and old people will die from a lack of medical care.

Aside from this all being false I’m quite sure millions of humans didn’t die at the hands of the Nazis because they didn’t receive a “free education”.

Medical care, dirty water and air don’t make much of a difference either when you are being MURDERED with guns, knives, rifle butts, and bare hands.

Nothing quite like a Progressive…then again they should know.

Black Lies Matter, CAIR, and La Raza are all Naziesque.

Many Conservatives on the other hand continue to wistfully call for the return of Ronald Reagan.

This is the same man who gave the Liberals both of what they are screaming for now and frankly a big part of the reason we are in this mess now.

Amnesty and free medical care (IRCA and EMTALA, 1986).

Disregarding a Herbert Walker, Bill Clinton followed with eight years of absurdity, Bush gave us eight more of pure lunacy, and then we graduated to full blown arrogance, stupidity, and asininity with Barack Insane Obama.

A little known fact is this.

Every single one of these individuals GREW the Federal Government…whether we want to admit it or not.

Rather than really understanding how humans actually work, Plato, Adam Smith, Abraham Maslow, etc., the individual American has given way to “group think”.

Free Will has been replaced with “Gender Rights”, “Racial Rights”, Republicans, Democrats, Progressive Liberals, and Compassionate Conservatives.

After listening to thirty seconds of FOX, MSNBC, CNN, or lately ESPN, most believe they can speak from a knowledgeable point of view.

I’m not sure which is more dangerous.

The narcissism or the inanity of it all.

Through all the madness, the Central Banks continue to extract wealth from individuals, every second of the day.

One need only watch the “debt clock” to see this madness in action as every dollar in debt, is another taken, from the Individual.

But hey “what difference does it make?”

This time it will make a very big “difference”.

The Rule of Law no longer exists in America.

The only reason anarchy hasn’t broken out is most of us are good people who aren’t looking to hurt others.

Still, the longer any behavior continues, the more “conditioned” most will become.

Like Pavlovian dogs when the bell rings, too many start to salivate, not realizing the bell isn’t our friend.

Trump is not a savior.

He isn’t God.

He is a man who hopefully will get an opportunity to put the Rule of Law back in place.

Yes I will absolutely vote for Donald Trump, but the most important part of Trump being elected, isn’t what he will do, rather it shows, America has finally awakened.

This is what makes this election so important.

Are our eyes finally open?

I don’t know.

As I am writing this now, and possibly as you are reading, another member of law enforcement was murdered.

This time in Kansas City.

Sadly this probably won’t be the last before I publish this column.

There is quite a bit of instability and fear in the country, and world right now, as the culture of freedom gives ground to the culture of oppression.

Living free without fear is a choice.

A conscious decision.

Nothing is free in this world.


Everything comes with a cost.

Whether you believe that or not…is irrelevant.

Too many have paid with their lives in America, for us to simply go quietly, into the night.

Remember what we are.

Human Beings gifted with Free Will who do not cower, will not waver, and never quit.

In other words…An AMERICAN.

Jason Kraus

Fear has no place in the strong

Every action has a reaction. What seems to be the simplest of things can, will, and does open doors to life changing opportunities.

But for this to happen an action must first take place.

Life in general favors the willing.

Those who engage freely leaving trepidation behind.

Fear has no place in the strong and no room in the soul of The American.

Our strength comes from generations willing to strike out on their own dreaming huge dreams, toiling long hours, never giving up, never giving in.

Our advancement is found in the acceptance of adversity as a challenge to be overcome and overcome we have.

As always we are faced with new struggles and greater adversity to our free will, freedom, and our way of life.

Let us not see this as a problem but rather a purpose.

Let us open American hearts and United minds and State the truth about our mission.

As the moon does her job with gentle waves, we step forward as Citizens of the greatest nation in the history of man to do ours, standing shoulder to shoulder in defense of freedom.

The power of the truth resides in each one of you.

Cast the truth far and wide as only the Individual American can.

Be not unwilling or afraid.

Freedom requires the brave and always favors the righteous or in other words…The American.

Let us be kind in our ways, fierce in our humility, and gentle with our grace as we create a firewall in protection of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

You’re damn right I do.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

Slavery still exists

Yesterday I went through my day as I always do.

The pursuit of happiness to the best of my ability through hard work, saving my money, and being beneficial to others.

Throughout the day the radio brought me propaganda about unisex bathrooms, the rights of “refugees” and “immigrants” and incessant noise about free college and why everyone deserves health care.

I guess the most important issue “climate change” wasn’t so important anymore…at least not yesterday.

Now for those of you who know me personally or have been here with me for a while you know I move with a purpose and a big smile on my face.

I believe in leading by example and positive energy.

I also believe in the very simple message of love God love one another.

With that said neither of my cheeks will ever turn allowing abuse to myself or anyone around me.

I believe in grace not victimization.

I digress.

Even though many of you in California and around the country sent letters requesting I be put on the stage at the Senate Debate last night our collective voices to have an Independent up there was ignored.

Instead a third Republican was put on the stage.

Yes a third Republican…in California.

It appears UOP has already chosen their candidates.

Can you guess which Party?

For those not familiar with the process in California only two make it to the General Election.

Two…not three.

As I watched the debate last night my slow burn began.

On the stage were five individuals who have taken money (campaign contributions) are willing to take more (salary, benefits, retirement) and will do it as long as they can.

My burn increased as I listened to individuals who support CAIR, La Raza, and crushing debt.

I listened to humans who have zero understanding of human behavior or intrinsic motivators.

I listened as the stage filled with “I” statements and braggadocio.

They sounded exactly like…Politicians.

Imagine that.

This of course isn’t new to any of us.

We’ve been so saturated by this behavior many have simply returned to the message of the Sixties.

Live for the now.

Tune in, turn on, drop out.

There is a new name now for irresponsible behavior that leads to millions of humans now unwilling to take care of themselves.

YOLO…or You Only Live Once.

Unfortunately too many have lived this way for too long and now want the rest of us to carry them the rest of their lives.

What’s even worse is this message of rationalization and justification has seeped into the upcoming generations.

So let us be clear.

You cannot borrow your way to financial freedom.

You cannot smoke, inhale, imbibe, or consume your way to emotional and biological health.

You must engage in only three practices to find success.

Work HARD.

SAVE your money.

Be beneficial to OTHERS.

As I turned off the television last night I thought about everything I just listened to.

The same talking points from two Parties (one who doesn’t exist in California).

No one was willing to take on our two real problems.

Crushing debt.

Human Trafficking through our open border.

As the stage was filled with nonsensical verbiage and economic absurdity more women and children were trafficked and sold in both directions through the magnet for crime known as our Southern Border.

More rapes, murders, and molestation continued and continue every day while Politicians talk about bathrooms.

It’s time we tune in to the truth and turn on to reality.

Dropping out isn’t going to be an option for too much longer…if you require Freedom.

Regardless the smile on my face has disappeared.

It’s been replaced with rage as the border costs more lives of those who don’t have the option of “dropping out” while these Politicians talk about “rights”…and bathrooms.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

Affordable for who?

As insurance companies continue to drop the fraud placed upon the American Taxpayer known as the “Unaffordable Care Act” there are still voices clamoring for more “government” control.

It would be comical if not so disconcerting to listen to someone rant about their “right” to medical “care” while proclaiming it should cost them nothing.

It’s almost as bad as being lead by politicians who boldly state “we have to pass it to find out what is in it.”


“Americans are too stupid so we have to lie to them to get this through”.

“The “Affordable Care Act will cover the 40 million uninsured.”

Never covered more than 12 million and even that is debatable as these numbers came from the government.

We were promised the ACA would not be available to humans here illegally.

Another lie as California has been offering it along with drivers licenses.

Of course there was the Obama claim that “you can keep your plan, doctor, etc., and everyone would save money.”

With all of this information available to everyone there are still millions voting for Clinton and Sanders who either want to keep a system that was built on lies or expand it to completely get rid of choice and give everyone “universal coverage”.

This from a man kicked out of a commune because he wouldn’t do his “fair share” of the daily work required to feed everyone.

Seriously though what do you expect?

The guy responsible for this monstrous lie was part of the Choom Gang and bragged about doing cocaine.

He also thinks Islam is woven into the fabric of our country and Michael Brown was a hero.

The woman who would like to keep this monstrous lie apparently does not understand what “Top Secret” means or that her “husband” is probably still cheating on her.

She also stared into the face of the parents of the four killed in Benghazi and told them it was about a video when she knew it wasn’t.

Finally we are left with a Democratic Socialist who thinks he can read a woman’s mind and when he does somehow decides women fantasize about being raped simultaneously by three different men while having sex with their partner.

With these kinds of “friends” who needs enemies?

The facts are in.

Washington DC is the main hub for corruption in the world.

Garbage in garbage out.

So put on your hard hat and gloves America…it’s time to take out the trash.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

All Incumbents Out

I’ve heard the uninformed state things like “the government built the roads you drive on”.

No “it” didn’t.

Individual humans created the wealth that was then taxed to allow other individuals to build “the roads”.

The “government” is a collection of individuals who are suppose to be our brightest minds and moral leaders who’ve been successful in their own lives and can share their experiences on a larger platform guiding the positive growth of society.

Today’s government has neither bright minds nor moral leaders.

The last three Presidents have burdened the country with bigotry, economic absurdity, and ethical ambiguity.

The House of Representatives is more like House of Cards filled with individuals who aid and abet the crushing debt, have embraced Sharia Law, call for the militancy of illegals against Americans, and think islands can tip over.

The US Senate?

Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell?

If this is the best America has to offer…we are done.

Fortunately it isn’t.

America has incredible strength and it isn’t found in the “government”.

It’s found in you…the Individual.

The American Individual to be more precise.

It’s found in our businesses and our schools.

It’s found on our farms and in our markets.

Our law enforcement and fire.

It’s found in our military.

It’s there because we embrace the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by the Individual.

Our culture is Freedom.

Hundreds of millions of Individuals who will not be grouped, contained, or restrained in any way.

Our DNA will not allow it.

Government is not our friend or our enemy.

It is a group of humans making decisions.

The better the humans the better the decisions.

The worse the humans the worse the decisions.

I have no doubt we can all collectively agree on one point.

Time for new humans in “government”.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.