Decades ago I sat through a Shakespearean play performed in Ashland Oregon. The venue was quite nice and the actors seemed to have an idea as to what they were doing, yet after fifteen minutes my mind started to wander as they’d repeated themselves at least a dozen times. I casually looked around the crowd and noticed the ones that were smiling had one thing in common.
They were drinking wine.
I’ve never been much of an imbiber but I’ve had enough beers to know the look of someone who is feeling good and that look had nothing to do with what was happening on stage. In fact it tells us how powerful depressants can be. While these people continued to tip their glass and grin, I quickly understood why Romeo couldn’t take it anymore.
Jokes aside I do think Shakespeare was any incredible storyteller and his question of “to be or not to be” is one that most humans still don’t understand.
Years later I relayed my experience to others about Shakespeare’s writing by saying, “I got it the first time. I didn’t need it repeated twenty-three more.”
Most of the time this has been met with laughter as very few even bothered to read or listen to Shakespeare when required to in high school or college.
Why would they voluntarily do so now?
One response that was made stuck with me through the years.
“Most people back then couldn’t read or write. The only way they received information was storytelling and they needed to be told many times in order to understand and remember.”
In other words their brains were still evolving and needing more time to grasp the information.
It was and is an interesting theory and one that I now apply to today as it appears very few have actually “evolved” over the last couple of centuries.
In a world where information bounces in seconds from continent to continent it is stunning to realize there are so many people who think they know it all who have no idea what is happening anywhere, especially in their own backyards.
We are inundated by comics without comedy, perverts and prostitutes, bachelorettes and bartenders.
Over and over the same stories occur until that loop is running through the heads of anyone attached to the internet.
It appears “net” is appropriately named.
The media, for lack of a better term, decided long ago that the serfs and slaves in the sixteen hundreds have the same mindset as todays “peasants”.
Tell me what to do, tell me what to think and then tell me what you are going to give me.
They’ve co-opted Shakespeare’s method of messaging while ignoring his message.
They wash-rinse-repeat while “Never letting a good crisis go to waste.”
Let’s introduce the latest example.
At least one American citizen dies everyday at the hands of a foreign national here illegally yet the “emergency” is making sure a couple of actresses post bonds because they don’t know how to “donate” legally to universities.
We OR (Own Recognizance) a wide variety of illegal gang members who have physically attacked Americans but Aunt Becky is on the hook for $1,000,000.00?
What about Cheekbones Warren? How is paying off some coaches worse than pretending to be a Cherokee?
It isn’t.
She should be indicted for fraud.
Let’s try another.
Gavin Newsom just amnestied everyone on California’s Death Row but not to worry because Ronald Reagan is a racist.
There are horrible humans sitting on Death Row in California.
I know this because I dealt with one of them up close and personal.
If Liberals have their way this murderer will eventually be released and allowed to vote.
Don’t believe me?
The Obama administration organized the reduction of sentences and eventually released “non-violent” criminals all over America.
One of them went out, stalked and murdered an ex-girlfriend and two of her children.
Don’t hear too much about that do we.
Virginia Democrats gave felons the right to vote and the Dims want illegals and sixteen year olds in there as well.
Only fools want felons, foreigners and fresh faced fops making decisions in protection of Freedom.
I’ve often said to never verbally engage a fool as you only double the fools in the conversation.
Non-verbally however seems to be the only way the foolish will finally learn that this isn’t their country.
It’s OURS.
It appears AT&T understood this a long time ago.
Time to reach out and touch someone.
Jason Kraus