One State at a Time

America is currently broken into specific groups which then splinter from there.

It’s like religion.

Many forms of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.

Roughly five percent of humans in America subscribe to the Liberal mantra which today states that Joe saved Democracy.

The “leaders” of these PT Barnum references want everyone around them to suffer while greedily grabbing everything in sight.

Their intellectual capacity is slightly higher than their acolytes which is why most of them are one issue voters, and that issue is self-loathing, relabeled as defenders of abortion anytime and on demand.

This is their only mantra and they wield it like a drunk swinging a bottle of Jack in the middle of a bar but you can count on one thing for sure.

They vote.

Our second five percent are those who take the exact opposite of the abortion issue.

It doesn’t matter if they agree with everything else, if someone isn’t their type of pro-life, no dice.

Pregnant at sixteen?


Molested by a family member.

Figure it out.

Raped by a stranger.

Shouldn’t have been out after 2:00 am.

I’ve had conversations with this type of person.

I am not exaggerating and with that said, they vote.

The next group comprises of around ten percent.

They flow back and forth dependent upon what has happened in their lives.

They don’t approve of late-term abortions but they also don’t think abortion should be outlawed completely.

They tend to have a live and let live philosophy, “experimented with drugs” in their youth, and occasionally now on the weekends, and because of this don’t really pay attention to their surroundings, schools, local elections, etc.

They are too “busy” watching on average four to six hours of television, on the internet or their phones daily.

This group does vote and provides an explanation as to how America can elect an Obama followed by a Trump.

Our fourth group makes up around thirty-five percent.

This mass of cellular dysfunction never votes, never will.

There is simply too much porn, Minecraft and Tik Tok videos for them to ever care.

Finally our last group is around the forty-five percent size.

This group is incredibly smart, overwhelmingly compassionate, fiercely loyal, knows the difference between a Constitutional Republic and Democracy, and tries to not watch television or listen to the radio because they can feel both slowly crushing their souls.

This is the group that knows Freedom is the American Dream not home ownership.

This is the group that voted for Perot, twice.

This is the group that all neighborhoods want because these Americans require their environments to be clean, safe, and most importantly FREE.

Either a huge majority of this American group moved to Florida OR the Governor and his staff reclaimed their elections from Broward County.

I’m going with the latter as it is statistically improbable a State will improve fifteen percentage points in one election cycle.

Those votes were always there.

If Florida can do it so can you Arizona.

There is no way hiding in her house Hobbs has this much support.

It’s all about Broward County west.

Also known as Maricopa, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Las Vegas.

There has never been a time in recent memory when an elongated count ever went to the Republican candidate and if the House seats aren’t wrapped up soon the Dems will keep that as well.

The overwhelmingly majority doesn’t want Wokeism.

This, however, doesn’t mean it will stop.

The large majority of Russians and Chinese don’t want Communism and yet it gets stronger everyday.

We’ve just witnessed two election cycles rife with fraud.

Wait until the social credit scores begin.

Oh, that cannot happen here Jason.

Already has.

Jason Kraus

Death Con, Armageddon, and Ese Changuito

As the world turns and the “electric” car makers send out recall after recall,  the Dems, God love em, someone has to, are at it again.

With early voting already taking place the Liberal bigots are plowing ahead devil may care.

Supposedly reformed Progressive Kanye West, a man who compared himself to Jesus, wore a White Lives Matter shirt and those without lives flipped out on Social Media.

His response was to go “death con” on “three jews”.

Death con?

Come on Yeezus although I think we now have two excellent case studies of why people should no longer wear a hoodie.

John The Hood Fetterwoman can barely speak and She Aint No Gold Digger can hardly read.

The combined IQ of these two might reach 100 but today’s “society” thinks one is a genius and the other might be elected to the United States Senate, where we know genius need not apply.

Clearly Hunter Biden’s hair sniffing daughter showering father was wrong.

Armageddon, and according to West, the second coming of Christ, has already arrived.

Free the locusts.

As gas prices soared, children were trafficked, and FJB mumbled more tough guy profanity, the Internet was “outraged” at the idea that “White people” could matter and let their fingers do the talking, safely ensconced behind fences, walls, and weapons they say they don’t work, won’t build and pay others to carry.

John (married to a raging bigot who’s “canceled” plenty of others) Legend in his own mind, of course felt the need to comment, and Sarah Silverman wants to know why only “Jews speak up against Jewish hate”.

Hey Sarah, I’m sure there are plenty who “hate” you but it isn’t because your Jewish.

It’s because you are a comic who isn’t funny.

Besides, the term staring you in the mirror is “self-hating Jew” which may explain why too many sons and daughters of Abraham reportedly continue to vote for Democrats and then wonder, along with the “Asians” why you are targeted in the streets of New York City.

Curtis Sliwa and his Guardian Angels (that horrible white man) has protected all of you for decades but no you had to have the second coming of Warren Wilhelm Jr.

Elections have consequences Sarah.

Welcome to your’s.

What would we do without Libs and Twitter?

We should rename it Litter because these imbeciles do nothing but spread trash everywhere.

Jack Dorsey should be ashamed of himself and never allowed to invent anything ever again.

Steve Jobs was a complete a-hole but at least he allowed us to stop carrying pagers and listen to good music anytime we wanted.

Of course we are now tracked everywhere we go and it appears the “technology” in the phone is slowly frying our minds but hey as long as one can post pictures of food and feet it’s worth the brain drain to the masses, never mind the Zuckerberg zeitgeist and his attempt to put virtual reality headsets on everyone.

In the name of progress and technology the population spirals into a world of synthetic weed, fentanyl and Chinese Tik Tok videos.

Chris fake weights Cuomo has started his rehabilitation tour on another desperate network.

I cannot wait until Don Lemon Lime joins him and they can both lie through their teeth with even less people watching. I hope they bring in Jussey Subway Sandwich Smollet and all talk about the time those black Russians put a noose on his neck courtesy of MAGA and Donald Trump.

Better yet let’s go straight to NASCAR where a door pulley caused grown men to cry and Let’s Go Brandon began.

Finally La Raza reared its ever present and ugly head again in California where three Democratic “latino” politicians were caught on tape calling a black baby “ese changuito” which reportedly means “little monkey” in Spanish.

Dems filled with hate in two languages and as always abusing the kids.

Words, jabs, or LTA (Late-Term Abortion) the Progressives continue their onslaught of those who cannot defend themselves.

Will it change anytime soon?


It’s football season.

Time to start taking a knee again.

Jason Kraus

Trick or Treat

For those with short or selective memories Joe Biden was and continues to be very clear.

The cost of oil, gas, fossil fuels was purposely increased because he and his Liberal brethren do not want you to use them anymore.

He specifically stated many times how he would kill the oil industry and make their products so expensive no one would use them and instead turn to “electric” power.

Still struggling to believe or somehow cannot remember this?

Obama stated the exact same things before he was elected and under the Liberal’s “Black Jesus” the cost of fuel (energy) soared.

The easiest comparison to see this change under Obama, is the almost immediate price decline of gasoline when Donald Trump took office, and then the complete reversal of cost, soaring virtually overnight of petroleum, when Biden stepped or fell into the chair.

This isn’t an opinion or a measurement of “feelings”.

These things are facts and easily provable in less than five minutes with a few internet searches or a visit to AM/PM.

The same things happened with the border, Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine, and Iran.

Under Obama the border was a disaster, Putin took Crimea, and Iran received billions from Barack.

Some of that cash was airdropped from a US helicopter in the middle of the night.

Yes Liberals, your hero kept the lights on in Iran which also allowed the beatings and murder of women and homosexuals to continue but keep flying those rainbow flags because as we all know if you didn’t vote for Joe you ain’t gay.

I digress.

Those Obama dollars, John Kerry later admitted, were used to fund Hezbollah and Hamas, who targeted and murdered Americans as well as our allies.

Biden made it even easier for the Wahhabis and the Taliban and “abandoned” American military equipment to the tune of billions in Afghanistan.

Years ago I was asked my opinion of the worst President in my lifetime.

This question had always been easy.

Jimmy Carter.

Easy until George W. “I’m the decider” Bush took office who was so bad the door was opened for a communistic Farrakhan supporting bigot named Barry Soetoro.

Now after two years I never thought I’d see the day when Jimmy Gas Lines Carter was moved to number four.

Number three is Bush.

Number two is Barry.

Number one is Brandon.

Amazingly enough W may be pushed off this list as Gavin Newsom circles America waiting for the hair sniffer to croak.

Hang in there Joe.

We want to impeach you first you traitorous piece of dung.

In the meantime just in case that wasn’t enough it appears someone is digging into the Seth Rich case.

Due to the fact that most won’t remember Seth was a young Democratic operative murdered one night while he walked home. His death was ruled a robbery gone bad, although this begs the question how one can justify the label of robbery when nothing was taken.

Isn’t that right Donna Brazile.

Last but certainly not least earlier this month Brandon took the opportunity to sign the “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe and Secure American Bioeconomy”.

Basically this “order” allows all new jabs to move through the pipeline apparently without any human trials with the end game of using them on…humans.

The “vaccine” and its boosters may be nothing compared to this year’s flu shots.

Welcome to October.

Where the tricks keep coming and the treats may kill you.

Jason Kraus

The Call of the Wild

As a child a situation occurred I felt I had to address.

There was a bully in the neighborhood and on this particular day his target was a young girl.

Due to Facebook’s “delicate” feelings I’ll keep this short.

The bully yelled horrible things at her until she started to cry.

I yelled back at him to stop, multiple times.

This of course lead to the very famous line in the “70s” “What are you gonna do about it?” as he crossed the street and headed right for me.

My guess is no one had ever stood up to him and he expected me to cower as he walked me down.

With a few steps left between us I took one step forward and hit him as hard as a nine year old could and to borrow another line from the past “There’s gonna be two hits, me hitting you and you hitting the ground.”

That’s exactly what happened and as he hit the ground his tears flowed.

Standing over him I felt horrible.

I didn’t want to hurt him but not only did he not stop the abuse of the girl, he amped it up and tried to assault me, even after he’d many times been warned.

I helped him up and said, “I’m sorry for hitting you but I told you to leave her alone.”

I am now an adult with five decades of life under my belt.

Unfortunately that wasn’t the last human I’ve had to hit to defend myself and the way things are going in the country those skills will probably again soon be needed in a much more emphatic fashion.

There’s millions of Americans who feel just like me.

The one difference we have in common is this time we won’t be sorry and we won’t be helping the bullies up.

Dear Liberal (Communists),

We’ve explained, shown, and warned you of the error of your ways.

We don’t want government healthcare, welfare, or actually anything.

We don’t care about gender, skin color, pronouns or your sexual preference and never will.

We are forever rooted in this ground known as these United States and as always will handle our business as individuals anchored in our faith in God and the all powerful call of the wild to defend ourselves.

To defend Freedom.

To defend our country and in doing so we will not wear Antifa masks or hide behind bigoted statements like Black Lives Matter.

We will look directly into the drug addled, blood shot whites of your eyes as you fearfully realize two things.

You’re still bullies.

We aren’t little boys.

Jason Kraus

Democracy isn’t American

I’ve never been a fan of the idea of “conspiracy theories”.

Humans conspire all the time to inflict damage and pain.

This is a fact not a theory.

This week let us be brief with the facts.

(1) Human Caused Climate Change is not a Conspiracy Theory.

It is an unadulterated lie.

This is a fact whether your feelings agree or not.

The idea that California Liberals are doing everything they can to save the world is only believed by those who continue to line up for their “booster”. Progressives all over the Golden State are voting, supporting and requiring thousands of self-sustaining trees every year to be cut down and replaced with multi-family dwellings, strip malls, and “low income housing”.

They’ve paved paradise and put up parking lots for decades.

Furthermore they continue to release criminals, specifically convicted arsonists, daily and then point to the sky as fires rage non-stop every August/September otherwise known as Summer. When these criminals do what the Libs know they will, they look the other way as millions of trees burn to the ground, releasing the one thing supposedly killing us in a “decade”.

This happens every year and has only gotten worse as many times the Progressives don’t try to contain the fires early.

More than a few times California fires have been allowed to “burn themselves out” causing the release of again the Libs biggest bogeyman into the “climate”.

Lie to me once shame on you.

Lie to me twice shame on me.

Lie to me everyday of my life, call me a Democrat and tell me where and when I can get my next jab.

(2) The Covid mRNA “vaccine” not only didn’t “save” anyone but it is quite clear, as data pours in from around the world, has been the predicate to strokes, heart attacks, blood clots and now “unexplainable deaths” of “young healthy people”.

Coupled with billions in profits for drug companies who continue to pay off most of Congress, the new reports of small pieces of metal found in the blood of the vaxxed, and the significant rise of all cause mortality without any explanation, more death and destruction is on the way, as even in the face of overwhelming facts both government and the private sector of pharma continue to push, bribe, and threaten anyone who doesn’t bow down, hence the new law threatening doctors in California.

These are facts whether your feelings agree or not.

(3) The United States are Laboratories of Democracy.

One hundred percent false.

This statement is credited to a US Supreme Court Justice and has been repeated millions of times, but unfortunately for the stupid who choose to verify everything through Snopes, their lives continue down the road most traveled in today’s Progressive pile of fecal matter.

The quote by Louis Brandeis is, “a single courageous State may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.”

Did you read Democracy anywhere?

Of course you didn’t because it isn’t there.

Even the communistic/free speech banning site known as Wikipedia has the actual quote in place but then goes on to try and rationalize what the Justice “meant”.

Feelings again.

Democracy isn’t American.

It is Socratic and very clear.

The majority rules otherwise known as mob justice and leads directly into Tyranny.

Oh Jason what do you know?

It’s not my theory Libs.

It’s this guy named Socrates also referred to as the Father of Western Civilization.

The Founding Fathers were very clear in their hatred and ultimate demise of Democracy.

This is why it was NEVER mentioned.

The term Republic is specifically found in the Constitution under Article 4 Section 4.

Our Republic is enforced by a Bill of Rights owned by the American citizen.

Paid for in blood.

Freedom of Speech or the Right to Bear Arms cannot be Constitutionally amended, (without much much more than a majority) but as we have all witnessed, can be taken away through citizen devaluation (allowance of criminal foreign nationals to be counted as citizens and in many cases vote) and citizen lethargy (lack of casting a ballot).

We aren’t losing or as Libs spell “loosing” Democracy.

We are losing Freedom.

One day at a time.

According to medicine one cannot kill a virus.

Diseases on the other hand can be eradicated.

The Hippocratic Oath and our Rights have all been violated.

The only fix is to use the ultimate gift.

Free Will.

God has done enough.

The rest is up to us.

The rest is up to you.

Jason Kraus

Biden is Playing With Fire

As the weeks roll by with Hunter, err, Brandon at the helm, the craziness continues to reach new heights.

According to reports the Sunni and Shiite are at it again.

Of course this is nothing new and has gone on for centuries but thanks to the Clintons, Bush, Obama and Biden the Muslims are now killing each other in. . .New Mexico.

Due to the Liberal/NeoCon creations of “immigration needs” and wars, Pakistanis and Afghanis have filled the needs of Uber drivers across America, anti-American hatred and bigotry in Minnesota, and now death in Albuquerque.

This in a country where the Progressives are trying to get rid of cars and already created cities where murder is commonplace.

Here’s looking at you Chicago!

As this Come to Muhammad moment, and the attempted murder of Salman Rushdie occurred, the Mayor of New York City was aghast at all the Brown people sent from Texas and Arizona to “his” town as they continued to invade because Joe said they could.

The Mayor of Washington DC concurred and begged for help as the busses rolled in filled with criminal foreign nationals that the Liberals all say they want.

Just not in their backyard or apparently streets.

While reportedly Mexican “shadow banks” are “collapsing” and Fauci the Fraud doesn’t understand why forcing people to “mask” is an attack on freedom, Jeffrey Epstein popped back onto the scene as an attorney who was involved with Jeff’s “clients” is now a judge and the same guy who “approved a search warrant” for Donald Trump’s property.

As there has been enough coverage of this I won’t bother to lay out the potential ramifications of these oppressive moves.

Instead I will use a comment found on the internet in-regards-to this issue.

“Biden is playing with fire here. We (the American populace) have a heavily armed citizenry. If Trump were to call on his followers to fight back, they might, and many are waiting the word. This is so scary. It’s like a bully that keeps beating up a victim that is capable of fighting back. Eventually, the victim will. We could end up in a bloody civil war. I pray that Biden and his cronies see the light before all of us live in a country akin to Syria.”

As a dear friend of mine and an American hero once shared, “It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.”


Jason Kraus

Hillary Still Wants to be President

Over the years my Sunday columns have attempted to cover the events of the prior seven days.

The misadventures of Twitter, manipulated interest rates, Mamala’s maniacal laughter et al.

It’s the same show every day.

The definition of a Man, Woman, and Recession is ever changing.

Late-term abortions and the sale of baby body parts continue.

Hillary still wants to be President.

Uh huh.

Nancy’s the greatest stock picker ever and men and women who have multiple sex partners are more susceptible to getting and spreading diseases and viruses.

Maybe we should require the monkey poxers to wear a mask or better yet let us quarantine everyone and mass vaccinate all the children under the age of five.

Joe Manchin is still a Liberal loon and obviously owes someone something, those who’ve been boosted are more likely to get sick and obese people typically die sooner.


Black Progressives in Washington DC are panicking that too many people with brown skin are arriving by bus and want the National Guard to arrest them and send them to Texas or Arizona, unless they are Somali.

They want them sent to Minnesota.

Billions more in Federal spending to “fix” inflation, Mexicans are complaining that Liberals are ruining Mexico City while Brittney Griner begs to return to a country she hates and says is racist.

The “leaders” of the Climate Change movement continued to fly their jets, tens of thousands of criminal foreign nationals entered the United States, Black Lives continued to Matter, err, murder each other in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and Oakland while Starbuck’s shut down “free meetings and toiletries” in aforementioned cities due to a new found concern for the “health” of their employees.

Hunter I impregnate hookers and bang my dead brother’s wife Biden still calls Dad “Pedo Peter”.

Hunter’s sister’s diary of showers with Papa is still out there under FBI watch.

Taco Jill still can’t say tostada and Janet Yellen continues to get paid to be wrong about everything.

The economy has gone from “transitory” to a “soft landing” to a “transition”.

Fauci screams for everyone to receive another booster and then states the new “virus” may already change by the time the new “vaccine” is available.

Democrats rant about their Rights while begging Local, State, and Federal governments to dictate their lifestyles with communistic programs covering food, energy, medical, education, retirement, etc.

RINOS agree.

The only thing I have new to report is my continuing experiment with the benefits of cold water immersion on my health, energy level, stamina and digestion.

Although relatively new to me I appear to be having excellent results.

One of the interesting theories is the burning of brown fat versus white fat, the potential for greater brain function, and the natural removal of comorbidities.

Stop letting strangers jab poison into your body and take a cold soak.

You might be a daisy if you don’t.

Jason Kraus

Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition

For decades Liberal (Communist) Californians have fled the Bay Area and other Progressive wastelands and landed in Northern California’s small towns.

Their stories are all the same.

“We’re tired of the crime, the cost, the insanity.”

I had a Liberal couple once tell me they left the Bay Area to get away from their adult children as they tired of their mooching.

Another Northern California “immigrant” had a convicted criminal living under their deck in the front yard.

Finally I knew a “homeowner” who’d been bailed out by the Federal government, took that big check and purchased a house in Conservative NorCal to then abandon the property completely. As they walked out the front door some of their “relatives” moved in and squatted for years until they were removed.

This was just one street in Smalltown USA.

They all voted for Obama, Hillary and Brandon.

Obama because is he “black” and “that’s what America needed.”

Hillary because she is a “woman” and that’s what America needed.”

Brandon because he wasn’t “Trump” and that’s what America needed.

These are the same humans who believe in the lie known as Human Climate Change yet can be found collectively idling in their cars for untold hours throughout the nation at Starbucks.

The same Starbucks that is now closing stores in Liberal cities due to crime, and probably some union busting, while opening new stores in yep you guessed it Conservative America.

Howard Schultz so cares about his “employees” he is now instituting twenty-four hour a day shops that appropriately never close.

One of these stores is located in a town nearby to me that has quick access to a major highway and Howard wants to take advantage of this financial opportunity.

He doesn’t appear to care that multiple bank robberies have happened in close proximity to this store, a Black Lives Clatter protest filled with nothing but Bay Area white Liberal transplants who hid behind their very young children, and the murder of a waitress one night by a convicted felon who broke down and then killed her as he stole her car.

I could go on and on but unless you are a Liberal you get the idea.

This unincorporated district is thought of as Conservative but is filled with individuals who spent tens of thousands on solar panels to be “green” but voted to cut down thousands of Oak trees to be replaced by cement and blacktop.

These are also the same “green” thinkers and California “drought” liars who shut down a working profitable nursery so an AM/PM with a car wash could be constructed.

This AM/PM is now one of the busiest gas stations/car washes in the area.

This is the same mindset that believes it is appropriate to teach young children about penises but run commercials on television for adults using a carrot.

This is the same mindset that voted for Biden because he said he would get rid of fossil fuels yet complain about the price of gas.

The same mindset that is now trying to again pass an “assault weapons ban” that covers all “semi-automatic” guns.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

You can have my guns.

One round at a time or as our forefathers stated.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

Jason Kraus

Yes Democrats, You Did That

Floating around the internet this week was a poll that stated, “Half of Americans now predict U. S. may cease to be a democracy someday”.

I love the commitment to their “poll”.


At least AOConniption Fit put a date on the demise of the world.

Now that’s commitment.

It’s pathetic and sad but she is committed. . .or needs to be.

Sadder is the lie that these United States is a democracy.

I’ve explained this so many times it’s clear that facts don’t matter anymore so I won’t bother again.

Speaking of facts not mattering Anthony Trust the Science Fauci just came down with the RONA or as one commenter stated the “virus is back where it started”.

Vaxxed, jabbed and still breathing unlike the beagles he tortured and murdered.

If there is any justice in the world Phony Tony will one day soon, step by step, meet his demise the exact same way of those poor dogs.

The Animal Kingdom in general will be a safer place and I know I’ll feel better.

Janet Yellen continues to tell everyone she got it “wrong”.

Most have forgotten but Janet “got it wrong” in the 2007 Housing Crisis as well.

The real question is when has Mush Mouth gotten anything right?

I’d talk about Lawrence Summers, but no one knows who he is, which kills lard filled Larry.

He so wants to be adored like his hero Bill Clinton.

Just rape a couple of women Lawrence, I’m sure the liberals will come around.

Maybe you can replace Kamala Cackles Harris.

You are both ridiculous but at least one of you can finish a sentence.

The Federal Government under Biden continues to “forgive” students loans while simultaneously making new loans to, wait for it, students.

This is the same behavior found in Democratic voters as they scream about gas prices yet continue to vote for Gavin Newsom who is about to RAISE the tax on gas in the Golden State.

The same voters who want criminals released and then complain when crime soars.

The same voters who whisper in their houses about Brandon’s open border but then flaunt their blue mark on Twitter.

Soaring prices, empty shelves, murder, rape and robbery up across the board and for some “unexplainable” reason the rising deaths of the 40 and under crowd.

Yes Democrats, just like the stickers found all over the country.

You did that.

Jason Kraus

History is Made Every Day

The human body/brain is an incredibly powerful force, but with all living organisms, will eventually succumb to stress.

In the early part of my life “stress” as a threat was never a concern.

My focus was always hydration, quality food and exercise, but although these things are important, the behavior of other humans and more importantly our response to this behavior (stress) causes an incredible amount of damage.

Damage that can be fatal.

With every new twenty-four news cycle the world seems to be teetering toward all out disaster.

It isn’t but it seems to be.

A while ago I said to a friend, “If I stood at ten thousand feet and watched this craziness, like ants crawling all over each other, it’d be one heck of a show. . .but I’m down there with the ants.”

So why is all this happening Jason?

Decades of drugging children is one reason.

Years and years of financial and emotional manipulation through government monetary policy is another.

24 hour internet access to porn isn’t helpful nor is an overrun open border that has crushed our systems, especially the schools.

Through social media today’s lifestyle has become an all encompassing act of voyeurism as our central nervous systems continue to be wrung out like a wet mop.

Many can no longer differentiate between real or fantasy, fact or fiction.

Even more don’t care.

Too many are engaged in a mostly suicidal and sometimes homicidal feedback loop that has bastardized and replaced the most important parts of the human condition.

Through conscious and subconscious choices we surround ourselves in our homes with visual and auditory pain, destruction and death while ignoring the beauty of the sunrise, the joy of life and the peace of a sunset.

When we move through society we witness people hiding behind masks, facial piercings, mass tattoos and food.

Tik tok has replaced tic tac toe as viral “vaccines” ignore the Hippocratic Oath.

If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all has become verbal knock down drag outs on social media with strangers.

Why is this happening?

One cyclical and fatalist view states “History is made every day, sometimes by men of evil, and all too often, repeats itself.”

If this is true then there is one thing for certain.

The Liberals will “never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Isn’t that right Beto.

Jason Kraus