Trump Linked to Russian Burgers?

by Daveda Gruber:

The Washington Post Magazine on Tuesday published an article that depicts President Trump as having a Russian connection because of his love of Hamburgers.

How low can they go? Well, I’d say they just hit rock bottom.

At first, people seeing the headlines, thought it was a satire spoof. It wasn’t. The Russian conspiracy hoax was crazy enough and now it’s being dragged into Trump’s fast food?

Mainstream media often puts on their tinfoil hats and takes off on conspiracy theories but this one takes the cake.

Here is a tweet from the Washington Post:

Russians enjoyed hamburgers that were served to them over a century ago. The reason was that were served in the Soviet Union in the 1930’s is that urban Soviet workers needed to be fed, and were sometimes provided with what is vaguely similar to a modern hamburger.

The Soviet people apparently enjoyed the hamburger and it was produced in mass quantities. At that time, meat and protein were in high demand.

The Russian hamburgers actually don’t look like the American hamburger. They are shaped with tapered ends and actually resemble an American football. The Russian Hamburger is not served on a bun and is traditionally served with mashed potatoes as a side dish.

In 2017, former Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, once joked that the media would find a “Russian connection” if Trump put Russian dressing on his salad.

I agreed that that was funny and even made a meme depicting the humor.

We know that Trump loves a hamburger and has served them to sport teams at the White House. But to take this and twist it into a Russian connection is preposterous.

What say you? I’d love to hear your comments on Twitter where I post my articles to my Twitter account @DavedaGruber.