BernieBots march blindly to their own demise

As many of you know Late Bird was written in 2013, published in 2014, and with that opened the door for me to travel around the country. The premise was simple. We needed an American to be elected as the next President of the United States.

In novel form I wrote a story about my life and envisioned a pathway to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

As time unfolded and my opportunity to fulfill the story of Falcon Sane (at least in 2016) lessened, I turned my attention to one of the two U.S. Senate seats in California. Just like in Late Bird I refused campaign contributions, funded my “run” with my own money and stated if elected I would only serve for one term.

The burgeoning economic disaster known as the Sanctuary State decided to continue down the path of insolvency and lawlessness and elected a human who supports BLM, CAIR, and La Raza while acting as though money grows on trees and should be spent on trains not dams.

True story.

However, before too many California voters decided to cut off their noses to spite their own faces, I received lots of questions.

One phone call came in from a respectful twenty something male who said he’d enjoyed what he had read about me. After about five minutes of a quality back and forth he said he believed me (thanks), found me easy to discuss topics with and was willing to vote for me.

He then told me he was feeling the “Bern” and asked if I supported Bernie.

I told him no.  I didn’t support the Colonel.

“You’ve answered all of my questions.  You seem to know what you are talking about (again thanks), why don’t you support Bernie.  He is the only one who really understands our problems.”

There was more about Bernie not being a career politician, caring about equality, and free health care for all.

Of course none of those things were true, or economically viable with the nutritional and drug habits of too many humans in America these days, but I didn’t bother to walk down that road.

Part of communication is understanding with whom you are speaking.

Clinton admirers, Bill or Hillary, will never care about monogamy, uranium, or the truth.  Speaking with them at all is a measurement of stupidity.

George W. Bush apologists will never care about debt, stimulus checks, or the truth. Speaking with them at all is a waste of time for ethical people.

Barack Obama sycophants will never care about America or the Rule of Law.  Speaking with them requires monosyllabic verbiage and the constant usage of “um” or “uh”.  Furthermore doing so would be moot as they are deaf to reality and mute on the truth.

Of course the BernieBots have some of the same bleating characteristics listed above (America should be more like Sweden) but a large portion of them are just young inexperienced kids who knew they couldn’t support Hillary (well done) but didn’t have any adults in their lives who could walk them through the death spiral of oppression, otherwise known as liberalism.

I knew I couldn’t get into a debate with this person because emotions aren’t debatable.  I simply stated Bernie Sanders believes that men, while masturbating,  fantasize about physically and sexually abusing women, and that women, while having sex with their spouses or boyfriends, fantasize about being raped simultaneously by three men.

These are the thoughts of a criminally disturbed abuser, easy to find on Google, and someone I could never support.

He was quiet for a second and then said he’d think about what I said.  I wished him well and told him to keep my number just in case he had any more questions.

As stated earlier I wasn’t elected and I never heard from the kid again but the Sanders parade of perversion continues.

Under the guise of gender neutrality and bathroom access for all, the Colonel continues to line his pockets at the expense of others.   While he espouses Guevara and Castro rhetoric, wrapped in Swedish socialistic fantasies, the Swedes have made some moves of their own.

According to reports the Swedish government is starting to worry about the heavy breathing of Vladimir Putin.  The same Putin Obama promised to provide “flexibility” to, and also oversaw the sale of uranium, while drawing a red line in Syria which only reinforced the yellow streak running vertically from his neck to his tailbone.

The same Putin who wants to put the USSR back together again.  Yes that would be the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics.

The socialistic fantasy of Sweden, that Bernie has been selling the kids and ignorant Boomers, has decided that Putin is becoming too much of a threat for them to ignore anymore.  This is striking as they are still ignoring Islam but maybe they prefer Sharia over Sanders.

Nevertheless the “equality” Bernie has promised his followers, that Sweden’s type of government will provide, is coming true.

The Swedes just reinstated their military draft and they are being gender specific.

They want both.

Time to lace up those combat boots BernieBots and join your Swedish socialist brothers and sisters.

Your dream of “equality” just forced a rifle into the hands of your sister and your girlfriend, while Sanders fantasizes about them all, as one “socialist State” prepares to fight another.

Don’t worry about the “Democratic Socialists” here in America though.

When it’s all said and done, Sharia will still be around, to welcome all you Infidels home.

The Ninth Circuit is making sure of that.

Jason Kraus

Security starts at home

Decades ago I hired a friend of one of my employees. The corporation I worked for wanted growth and to grow more bodies were needed. The new hire was average at best but again the company wanted growth so I stuck with him. One morning it was brought to my attention the aforementioned employee threw a temper tantrum and punched a hole through a wall in our conference room.

I took a look at the hole, found the guy, fired him immediately and escorted him to his car.

I didn’t try to analyze him. I didn’t try to understand his problem. I didn’t offer him multiple solutions to whatever his issue was.

He’d created a situation that required a response.

His behavior put the safety of the other employees, our customer base, and the business in general, at risk.

My response was swift and enforced the “law”.

To his credit he realized his mistake and left without further incident.

The overwhelming majority of my employees were thrilled with my decision as order had been immediately restored and the few who weren’t knew if they broke the “law” they would also lose their jobs.

The need for “security” by the human animal is only superseded by water, food, and shelter.

Currently “security” is something humans across the planet do not feel they have because of one particular issue.

Mass migration.

Brexit wasn’t about leaving the EU. Brexit was about stopping the massive migration of Islam into the United Kingdom.

Donald Trump wasn’t elected because he is a genius contractor worth billions.

Trump was elected to stop the massive migration of humans coming from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, China, and any country that practices Sharia Law.


For those of you who doubt this we only have to return to the early Primaries of the Republican Party. Trump was in the bottom half, when he said on the stage for all to hear, that he would build a great wall and start removing humans here illegally.

Then candidate Trump went from the last half of the pack to the Leader and never looked back.

Security, Security, Security.

Abraham Maslow did us a tremendous service when he articulated the primary needs of the human animal.

As I have covered many times that the Human Animal and Human Being are two completely different things I won’t do so today.

The Progressive-Democratic-Socialist-La Raza-BLM-CAIR Party has just elected a new leader who believes in “The Race” and the eventual overthrow of a portion of the United States through…massive migration from Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras.

An open border concept until La Raza has enough of “The Race” to remove the United States Constitution.

Sounds crazy huh?

What’s crazy is it has been happening for decades and Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama have embraced it with both hands with massive amnesties, financial, medical, and educational support.

How is America paid back?

By the Mexican Central Bank reporting that almost 25 BILLION American Dollars left the United States in 2016 to land in their institutions and has been happening for years.

In other words incredible wealth is LEAVING our economy to be spent in a country that is not only a failed State but openly traffics in humans, narcotics, weapons and is controlled by drug cartels.

Yes, we are funding our own demise.

For many, that 25 BILLION number, looks oddly familiar.  There is a reason for that.

That number is reportedly what it would take to build the Wall.

So if we stop providing water, food, shelter, education, legal representation and employment for illegals (who are removing the circulation of money inside the United States) and employ Americans we will easily have more than enough to enforce the law and secure the country in less than one year.

Sounds so easy doesn’t it?

It is.

In fact we have a phrase for this.

It’s called enforcing the law.

For those in Local, State, or Federal government who will not uphold their oaths indictments must occur.


Jason Kraus

The Melting of the Snowflake

Russia! Russia! Russia!

When did the Democratic Party become Jan Brady?

Then again being a fictitious middle sister is dramatically better than factually being a part of La Raza, CAIR, BLM, or the Nation of Islam.

The same Nation of Islam that called for the killing of all White People.

The same Black Lives Matter that called for cops to be fried like bacon and then murdered law enforcement in the streets.

The same Council of American Islamic Relations that supports Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The same La Raza that believes they are “The Race”.

Talk about the most Anti-American quadratic equation ever.

Can anyone say Keith Ellison?

It appears the Democratic Party might.

I can hear it now.

Nancy Pelosi, she of the Hamas is a Humanitarian Organization belief, will stand and say,”We are pleased to introduce the new head of the Muslim Brotherhood, err the DNC, Brother Keith Ellison. I’ve been told to say As-salamu alaykum, so I will, although I’ll have to read the Quran later or Google Snopes to know exactly what I just said.  So congrats Brother Ellison and Allah Akbar!”

I digress.

Jerry Brown is a greater danger to Democrats (and Humans) in California than Vladimir Putin.

Kamala Harris is a greater hazard to Democrats (and Humans) in California than Vladimir Putin.

The release of convicted felons (with the approval of Brown, Pelosi, and Harris) happening in California every day due to “overcrowding” is a greater risk to Democrats (and Humans) in California than Bad Vlad yet it’s the Brady Bunch twenty-four seven.

Should we tell them again?  Do you think they will get it this time?

Maybe we should sit the Dems down with an “edible” to soothe their frayed nerves.

After a few bites of high fructose corn syrup, genetically modified wheat, and just enough synthetic mary jane to reportedly send an NFL defensive end crawling on the ground naked at a police station, the Dems may finally be ready to hear the truth.

Nope not yet.

We just lost them on “synthetic” because “real weed is the shnizzle my dizzle” and cures all diseases and problems in the world.

“You know Jason, marijuana comes from the ground.”

Yes I know.

So does the Poppy.

Natural Gas “comes from the ground” too but you don’t see me breathing deeply around Public Transportation busses awaiting existential thoughts.

Let us try anyway.

Here we go.

Hush now Dems.  We want you to concentrate.  Even though some of this info was around before Jesus and then reintroduced and honed by Jefferson, Madison et al, it appears you guys are slow learners.

Democracy leads to Tyranny.

The United States is not a Democracy.

Okay hold up a minute.  Put down the bong.  I know this can be tough on the Sixties/Snowflake lifestyle so let me try again in a slightly different manner.

The United States is not a Democracy.

Democracy leads to Tyranny.

Whoa Whoa WHOA!!! Safe spaces safe spaces! Someone get a safety pin! That’s totally different Jason!  You can’t be moving things around!  My Snapchat account won’t allow that! By the way that’s not what our teachers are saying. Our teachers say we are a Democracy.  Not really sure what that means but I KNOW that’s what we are.

Yes I know you’ve been told this for decades.  Don’t feel bad.  We’ve all been fed garbage for a while like cigarettes are good for us and margarine is healthier than butter.  Type-Two Diabetes went from a disease to a manageable lifestyle.  High cholesterol, heart attacks and strokes aren’t caused by our choices anymore.  Obesity is now plus size not to mention it isn’t your fault for slamming a half dozen sodas a day and living on AM/PM corn dogs.

It’s all hereditary.

Just blame your “rents” and stay on their medical insurance as long as you can.

Here’s your pill and your sign.

Jason! Jason! Jason!

Yes Jan?

Well Mr. Smart Guy, Mr. Know it all, Mr. Bald privileged white guy with “high cheekbones” who doesn’t do drugs, rarely drinks, and writes incredibly entertaining columns free for all to read….

(Sound of a deep breath.  Could be an inhaler.  Probably not, followed by a hacking cough and then a hand reaching for a brownie).

Yes Jan?

Sorry Mr Smart Guy, Mr. Socratic Theory! Mr. Adam Smith! Mr. James Madison! Mr. I cannot focus on what you are saying because of your striking Elizabeth Warren cheekbones….

(Gulp of a Starbucks Frappuchino followed by a quick selfie of a new piercing (insert body part here) and a quick tweet about Global Warming).

Sorry Mr. Abraham Maslow!  If you are so smart then tell me what is the United States of America?

Well first Jan it is shaved not bald and secondly we are a Constitutional Republic.

What’s that?

I thought you’d never ask.

Jason Kraus

If you don’t know now you know.

One day in high school I was informed that someone I was already not a fan of made a derogatory comment about me and my family. The next day I found the individual in the hallway between classes and asked if they indeed did say this.

Let’s just say it was more of a statement than a question in the way that if the answer was yes I was going to have a very physical reaction.

“Whoa whoa whoa Jay just wait a minute,” came the response.

The individual in front of me backed up a step as I took one forward.  Their fear was very clear.  I’ve never understood humans who choose to run their mouths and then won’t fight.

Eventually someone is going to call their bluff.

For this individual the time was happening now.  His fear lessened my anger a bit allowing compassion to creep in.

That compassion almost cost me big time later in life.

A story for another time.

I gave him an option.  Apologize or sow what you have reaped.  It wasn’t as smooth as that.  Most of it was profane.  He readily accepted the option and made his amends.

I was reminded of this story as I thought about what is happening in our country.

How many warnings do we have to give before the only option left is one no one wants yet is the only option left?

The debt grows everyday.  Our “justice system” is so absurd Executive Orders are now being illegally struck down.  Cops are still dying.  Humans in black masks and attire are hitting people with sticks.  Anti-American men and women are calling for a Civil War.

I’m always struck by the absurdity of using the terms Civil and War together.

“War! What is it good for?” Absolutely nothing!”

I’d “say it again” but those that need to hear it won’t.

Those that have seen War didn’t need to hear it the first time.

Yet here we are.

The United States has been at War for almost two decades with no end in sight. We now have the aforementioned America haters rioting, looting, and abusing others.

Our systems are all under control of “bureaucrats” whom are protected by Public Unions and Politicians that protect illegal entry and overt criminality all over the nation.

California has been hit with rain, mudslides, and now the evacuation of almost 200,000 citizens from Oroville and surrounding towns as the second largest man made reservoir/dam in the State is suffering from “erosion”.

Erosion in California is defined as the Democratic Party ignoring decade old warnings about everything.

Pretty soon CalPERS will be called erosion.

Jerry Brown and the Democrats (still talking about drought while having money for Sanctuary Cities and Bullet Trains but cannot rebuild the worst roads in the country) have allowed the most important infrastructure in the State (water) to literally crumble.

Then again do they have the money?

Brown and the Democrats have now sent a request to the Federal Government for “emergency funds”.  The same Democrats that have called Trump a lying, bigoted, racist, homophobic misogynist.  The same Liberals that blocked a LEGAL order to keep humans from countries that harbor, foment, or create terrorism, out.  The same Liberals that are ranting about war and the Impeachment of Trump.

Barely a month in and we are hearing WAR and IMPEACHMENT.

The question AMERICANS are having across our country is how much more?  How much more are we willing to take?

What needs to happen before we leave our homes, our streets, our towns, cities, and States?

Where do we go to deal with the degradation and disease that is strangling our way of life?

I’ve looked at this from every angle I can imagine and contemplated the probability of a wide variety of possibilities.

The only scenario that appears on the list is Congress trying to Impeach, Convict, and Remove President Trump.

If this scenario ever hits the House of Representatives that will be the time.

The time for Idaho Farmers, Nebraska Cornhuskers, and Wyoming Cowboys.

The time for Michigan Autoworkers, West Virginia Coal Miners, and Texas Rangers.

The time for those known as Deputy, as Officer, and those known as Citizen.

The time for those known as Veteran.

It will be the time for those known as American to come together in Washington D.C.

“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood.”

Sadly it appears the arena is being created.

In this particular time in the world, the credit will not matter, but those in the arena certainly will.

I hope and pray this day doesn’t happen but this is far as it goes.

The removal of Trump is a continuance of the nightmare from which we awakened back in November.

We can never allow that to happen.

As a now deceased “poet” once stated:

“If you don’t know now you know.”

Jason Kraus

Ninth Circuit Circus

With all the insanity and illegality happening in the courts these days I thought it pertinent to again cover how our system works and doesn’t work. The idea of Democracy is to serve the majority which eventually leads to Tyranny.

This is the culmination of Socratic Theory.

A Republic or in our case a Constitutional Republic is meant to protect very specific Rights of the Individual. Specific Rights stated in our Constitution not the collective rantings of Norway, China, or Saudi Arabia. Pretty soon the Colonel Sanders crowd will be calling themselves Sharia Socialists and telling us all how Stalin and Mao were misunderstood.

Health care, health insurance, education, or lack thereof are not Rights regardless of what anyone thinks.

Yes portions of Democracy were kept in the creation of a Republic but Madison & Company were very clear.

These United States are not a Democracy.

Article 4. Section 4.

We are the evolution of Democratic tendencies (group think), into the Protection of again, the Individual.  This was suppose to stop the train from derailing into Tyranny.  Of course too many in America have no concept of this process including our politicians. Yes we are a measurement of our elected “leadership” and yes that is currently a very sad statement.

Generation after generation we have been told that our Republic has three co-equal branches of government. Most have no idea where this concept originated but they are more than willing to continue to repeat it.

This is Aristotle’s model, later built on by Montesquieu.

Both Madison and Jefferson knew this was behaviorally incorrect and Madison specifically went about securing a system that protected I over We. As I’ve written in the past Congress was meant to have most of the authority. Many will refer to this as the power of the purse. This is partially correct.

The reason we know Congress was meant to have more authority over the other branches is very clear.

The Power of Impeachment, Conviction and Removal resides in the House and Senate.

This is legislative not criminal authority and expressly allows Congress to remove the President and members of the Federal Judiciary.

Neither the Judiciary or Executive Branches have this authority over Congress.

We weren’t meant to be ruled by a tiny group of judges (oligarchy) or a King (monarchy).

We weren’t meant to be ruled at all.

The power resides in the House, the system closest to the People, to impeach.

The authority then moves to the Senate, the “deliberative” body, for conviction and removal.

The Framers even built in a check and balance within Congress.

Thankfully they did as Jefferson’s concern of “despots” ruling America has risen to dangerous levels.

Our last three Presidents should have all been impeached, convicted, and removed.

Clinton was impeached but not convicted and removed.

Because they weren’t, our courts are filled with horrendous appointees, who believe they are untouchable.

They aren’t.

It’s time to replace the Ninth Circuit who among other things completely ignored the rule of “standing”.

Of even greater need is the removal and replacement of the Supreme Court.

John Roberts is a great place to start.

The removal of Sotomayor and Kagan is an even better ending.

Jason Kraus

The Conundrum of CalExit

I was twenty-one and talking in the kitchen with a married couple from whom I’d just rented a room. This was necessary as I had  transferred to a California State University to finish my baseball career and graduate.  As it’d been a long day I decided to call it a night.  Barely into my room I heard a large roar outside my window.  Looking out I couldn’t see anything as the roar continued to dissipate and then return.

I exited my room and headed to the front door where I stepped outside just in time to see a police helicopter almost skim the roof of the two story apartment complex while yelling over the loudspeaker to “return to your homes”.

This seemed to go on for a while before gun shots rang out.

A little later police knocked on the door and asked me if I’d heard anything.  I told them about the helicopter and the gunshots.  They said thank you and moved to the rest of the apartments.

It was 1992 and my first night in San Bernardino California.

Yep the same San Berdu (as it was referred to by the locals) that was struck by terrorists decades later.

Now to be accurate (not interested in fair) I enjoyed my time at California State University San Bernardino.  The campus was nice, many of my professors were excellent, my coach was a dream to play for, and I was introduced to Socrates, John Locke, Abraham Maslow and the Gambler’s Fallacy.

Continuing the accuracy requires me to say my apartment complex was nice enough and walking distance to the school.  The rest of San Bernardino was like most cities in Southern California’s inland empire.

Packed housing structures and businesses, crowded streets and highways, with just enough graffiti, trash, and crime to signify gang presence.

In other words a hole.

25 years later.  Things haven’t improved.  Sadly this is a microcosm of what was once the Great State of California and brings me to my point.

Over the last month I’ve received questions or comments from all over America asking about the infamous CalExit.

Freedom loving Americans see what appears to be roving gangs of Democrats marauding through the streets screaming to take the REPUBLIC of California and leave the most famous REPUBLIC in the world.

It is here that irony writes itself.

I’m not sure which is of greater absurdity.  Democrats living in Republics or legal aged adults who believed Bernie Sanders was going to provide them all free healthcare and college.

CNN covered CalExit like it was the Battle of the Bulge ( who knew CNN could cover something other than missing planes and whatever Hillary told them to) and attempted to capture the moment by asking a guy, who’d spent too much time eating fast food, his opinion.

It might have been entertaining to hear however his 50 yard walk was more than his lungs could bear.

I wonder if the Democrats are giving out free exercise too.

If you are sensing a bit of amusement emanating on the page you would be correct.

California is going to leave the United States?


The many legal and procedural hoops that would have to be attained for any State to leave is overwhelming.

Because of this I am not going to even bother walking down that road.

I am going to keep this short and sweet.

First it is called Secession Liberals.

Not Succession.

The last time the act of secession was attempted it ended badly in Sherman’s March.  The War Between the States was the most brutal war in American History.  The United States was split down the middle.  Brothers against brothers.

This was a hard time lived by even harder people on both sides.

The Walking Dead in California known as Liberals are not hard people.

They are a collection of participation trophy recipients strung out on dope and cloves whom are so laughably recognizable Jack in the Box created commercials about their incessant two a.m. taco runs.

I doubt a majority of them can spell California let alone EXIT.

Abraham Maslow is shaking his head while Socrates is nodding and saying, “I warned you about Democracy”.

Yes you did.

Any attempt by “Californians” to break away from the U.S. would be met with force.

I was born and raised in California.  I’ve competed, been educated, and served in Law Enforcement in California.

With all that said my Pledge of Allegiance is to the United States of America.


If a bunch of drugged out Timothy Leary followers want to join hands with CAIR and La Raza have at it.

It will be the shortest lived attempt at “Succession” in human history.

There are plenty of Americans just like me all over California, especially Northern.

If for some reason the Jack in the Box crew et al isn’t dealt with in 48 hours I’m sure there is plenty of help all across this country more than willing to drive the one celled amoebas back into the Pacific Ocean.

We can call it community outreach and climate repair.

I can just see it now.

Lighters, bongs, and Che Guevara T-shirts all waving over their heads in surrender, like the worst participation trophies ever, while huddled in each others arms clamoring for safety pins and safer spaces.

Okay let us return from fantasy land and give you the real reason California will never secede.

The Democratic Party would never allow it.

Without California the Party of Tyranny would cease to exist.

All of a sudden California secession doesn’t sound so bad to everyone NOT in California.

Don’t ya just love the smell of a good conundrum in the morning?

Jason Kraus

America. Where I come from.

Leaders don’t lead from the back or check the wind and adjust to which way they think it is blowing.

Leaders lead.

It is understandable that some in America aren’t sure anymore what ethical leadership looks like.

After twenty-four years of Clinton, Bush, Obama, the appearance of “leadership” hasn’t been seen in almost three decades.

So let us be clear.  Leaders don’t join groups.

They create a vision and move forward regardless of support.

Real leadership is driven by ethics and ethical people don’t meet “in the middle”.

How does one meet La Raza in the middle?  They think they are the RACE.

How does one meet Black Lives Matter in the middle? Wait until they attack more cops and then grant them pardons?

How does one meet CAIR in the middle? Allow the continued murder of homosexuals as long as they stop beating women?

How does one meet the Klan in the middle? Offer pink sheets, fire retardant timber, and a dental plan?

This is America and we don’t meet evil “in the middle”.

Never have never will.

At least we don’t where I come from.

You see where I come from we don’t wear onesies or vaginas.  We listened to the Material Girl but even back then we all knew she wasn’t like a virgin or sane.

Apparently Papa didn’t Preach enough.

We’d heard of Meryl Streep but back then we called her Jane Fonda.

Where I come from citizens wore guns on their hips, not concealed in the least, and if you had a truck, you had a rifle in the rack, and nobody cared or got shot.

I personally wasn’t much into guns or knives.  It’s hard to carry one when you are constantly swinging a bat but my younger brother and I used to stalk deer in the mountains to see if we could get close enough to touch them.

Almost did a couple of times.

Where I come from if we catch you beating a women, well let’s just say, Allah isn’t going to help you.

Neither will Sharia.

Where I come from if you think you are a special RACE, well let’s just say it won’t be our first rodeo in dealing with evil, but trust me when I say this, you won’t be able to handle the bull or the horns.

Where I come from if we catch you attacking cops, well let’s just say, justice will come swiftly and without mercy, prejudice or pardon.

Finally where I come from if you start wearing sheets on your head, well, we call you Democrat and have been doing so since you voted to keep slavery.

If you burn crosses we call you Democrat and have been doing so since Margaret Sanger wanted to abort all black and poor children in America.

If you give eulogies for a Klan member we call you Democrat and have been doing so since both Hillary and Barack covered Robert Byrd in warm words.

If you give money to our enemies we call you Democrat and have been doing so since Clinton and Obama gave millions if not billions to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Iran.

You see where I come from we don’t suffer fools even if they played Forrest Gump.

Where I come from we don’t coddle traitors even if they think the Thunder Rolls.

Where I come from Fidel and Che are murdering, rapist thugs, Christians and Jews aren’t the problem, and women don’t brag about having abortions.

Where is this place you come from Jason?

I’m glad you asked.

I come from the United States.

I have had the privilege of being part of a citizenry that is known far and wide for two things.

Freedom First.

Freedom Only.

I will borrow from a newly minted twenty-first century poet.

“We aren’t coming to take part.  We are coming to take over.”

There will be no middle ground.

No negotiation.

There is no race, only a People.

We are the People and go by only one name.


No middle ground found here.

It’s time to remember where we come from and who we are.

You are either an American or a Democrat.

Can’t be both.

Jason Kraus

Twitter: @JKraus4USsenate

We say grace and ma’am and if you ain’t into that we don’t give a damn

Liberals continue to scream about the loss of Democracy and most Republican politicians mimic this belief.

Is it any wonder we are where we are?

If a physician prescribes aspirin for your heart, a blood thinner, and you instead decide to eat donuts every morning, one shouldn’t be surprised when they are clutching their chest and screaming for someone to call 911.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again.  The United States is a Constitutional Republic.

A Constitutional Republic is a Freedom based model.

Democracy is the slide away from Aristocracy, Timocracy, and Oligarchy into Tyranny.

This is called Socratic Theory.

Liberals in both Parties have either never heard of Socrates or think they are smarter than the man Western Philosophy refers to as its Father.

My guess is at least ninety-five percent of Democrats in Congress cannot explain Socratic Theory in its simplest form and if they cannot explain it then what does that say about their constituency?

In this day and age being a registered Democrat is proof enough that one is Anti-American.

That’s a pretty strong statement Jason some will say.

If strong means accurate then you would be correct.

To be an American means to cherish Freedom.

The United States has been colored or described many ways over the last two plus centuries but at the forefront is always Freedom.

Individual Freedom.

Now we are inundated by the masses or group think.

CAIR, La Raza, BLM, Sanctuary Cities, and Climate Changers are all Democratic groups.

If a lie is repeated enough it becomes part of everyday life.

Notice I didn’t say it becomes true.

Lies regardless of repetition are still lies and create false premises in the minds of the weak and unstable.

An example of this was found this week, on a television talk show, I happened upon while on my way to watch highlights of MMA, otherwise known as one of Meryl’s favorite sports.

I’m surprised Streep and Kaepernick haven’t come together to form the “diversity coalition” known as deaf, dumb, and kneel.

I digress.

The aforementioned talk show topic pertained to a “writer” who had apparently needed a plumber.  When the plumber arrived he had a “southern accent” and because of this the “writer” created a story in his own head that the plumber (who’d been invited to the man’s location and was quite pleasant according to the “writer”) was probably a Trump voter and thereby dangerous.

Due to no facts whatsoever the “writer” became afraid that the man with an accent was going to hurt him because, again, he perceived him to be a Trump supporter.


Can’t live with them…don’t want to.

I’m not sure which is more pathetic.

The usage of stereotyping, the outright bigotry, or this guy admitting to being the biggest puss in the world.

I mean come on already Sally.  Just step to the side.  Your participation EBT card and rent controlled voucher is on its way.

I still think the crushing debt in America is our greatest danger but gaining ground quickly is the continuing procreation of the Liberal man and woman.

In order to save our Republic we may have to create a new fund.

We can garner proceeds by asking Americans at each election to donate a few dollars to go towards birth control for all Liberals.

This should be in triplicate mode if economically possible as we know Liberals struggle with the concept of having intercourse without Planned Parenthood Protection.

Who’s down with PPP?  A little Naughty by Natcha but not cuz I hate cha Progressives.

Americans don’t hate whiny little men who need a baby wipe because a plumber with a drawl said y’all.

“We pity the fools” besides we know what they are.

They are the supporters of Castro and Guevara or said another way Adolph and Osama.

The only difference between Fidel and Che and the Chief Nazi were Panzer tanks and a general named Rommel.

The United States is filled with men and women born and bred from the courage of Bunker Hill and Lexington.

Omaha and Normandy Beach.

We give thanks, “say grace and ma’am and if you ain’t into that we don’t give a damn”.

Courtesy of an American.  Last name Williams first name Hank.

Now head back to your toilet that the American fixed and try standing up when you tinkle Sprinkles.

It’s better for the spine…not that it’ll matter to you.

Jason Kraus

Dear President Trump

Dear President Trump,

Finally the day has arrived.

The United States will remove a community organizer and replace him with you.

A Billionaire.

A man who once boasted of drug and alcohol usage while telling children marijuana is the same as drinking beer is being replaced by you.

A man who has reportedly never done drugs or consumed alcohol and believes marijuana is a detriment to society.

We are replacing a man who encouraged illegals to vote, against us, with you.

A man who has guaranteed a “beautiful wall” and the removal of all humans here illegally in America.

We are replacing red lines, insurance lies, and leading from behind, with you.

A man who has created wealth, promised to repeal the ACA, and understands leaders are found at the front.

You once stated that our military needs a Patton.

While this may be true, more importantly, a Patton is needed at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

We need you to understand that your Army is us, the American People, and we are ready to go to work!

We need you to understand that we are done playing defense.  We are done with both political parties.  We are done with the lies.

We aren’t interested in Hope and Change now known as Nope and Deranged.

We expect results and as such you were hired.

Don’t bother with the Press.  The old way of moving information is over.

Your Twitter account is more powerful than all the newspapers combined.

It’s time for you to understand the Power of the Pen, and to elevate thousands of American voices and writers, who not only are defending you, but put you in your current position.

Through Twitter and Facebook America has been pushing the pen in hopes of keeping the sword in the scabbard.

You have a very real opportunity now to elevate such voices and allow us to deal with the traitors and liars.

There are plenty of things that need doing.

Debt restructuring (Ross), Military rebuilding (Mattis), and Common Core removal (DeVos) are absolutes that will take a little time.

This we understand.

You were overwhelmingly elected on two issues.

Border security and the repeal of Obamacare.

In that order.

Both of these things can and must happen in your first thirty days “on schedule and under budget”.

This will set the tone in the reclamation and restoration of the greatest country in the history of man.

There will be times in the next year where your position as President may get very lonely.

Never forget we are here as your greatest asset and ultimately your only firewall.

Free the People.

We will take care of the rest.

God has blessed you in many ways Donald J. Trump.

None greater than the privilege of being an American.

To whom much is given much is expected.

We have great expectations of you and for you.

Congratulations President Trump.

The future is now.


Jason Kraus

Variety and Spice?

In high school I crushed baseballs with a 34 inch 31 ounce Easton Black Magic.  She was a beauty.  That bat hit baseballs, golf balls, Wiffle balls, Wiffle golf balls thousands if not tens of thousands of times.  Batting cages, batting practice, tee time on the field and hours at home to perfect my swing so the same motion arrived every time.  I would have used that bat forever but there came a day when it finally succumbed to the pressure and broke.

Yes aluminum bats do break.

It was then and only then that I went looking for a new bat.  Not a replacement.  A replacement implies what you have is working but not quite to your satisfaction.  I was more than satisfied but in order to actually play baseball one does need a bat.  I used a wide variety of sticks until I found another Easton while playing for a semi-pro team one summer.  The owner of the team gave me the bat at the end of the season and it was used until my college career was finished.

To him I am forever grateful.

My truck is over ten years old.  Runs perfectly.  Of course maintenance (personal responsibility) is required to keep any vehicle humming along.  I know of individuals who have purchased cars in the past that come with all the new technology.  One of those vehicles had to be returned twice and then finally returned permanently all the while my truck keeps getting older…and better.

I don’t know how long I’ve had my cell phone. Quite a while I am sure.  While Christmas commercials were showing new phones allowing virtual reality, my phone kept on answering calls, delivering text messages, playing music, and of course allowing me to communicate with my wonderful American Brothers and Sisters.

Successful people have routines.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

“Ah Jason” some will say, “you don’t know what you are missing” or “variety is the spice of life.”

Variety and Spice.

Two reasons Americans have been married and divorced so many times.

Variety or maybe Spice may also be the reason men and women in their fifties and sixties are experiencing a new outbreak of sexually transmitted diseases.

Oh come on Jason everything in moderation.

A little bit of crack?  A small amount of heroin?  A touch of penicillin? Can one be moderately pregnant?

Moderation otherwise known as rationalization in today’s America.

Let’s stop the “moderation”.

Figure out what actually works and then do it over and over.

No, rolling joints isn’t what I had in mind.

Let’s stop the excuse making and “middle of the road thinking.”

Roads have two intended directions.

Only an idiot drives down the middle.

No more “reaching across the aisle” or attempting to be “equal”.

There isn’t anyone reaching in return, and if they are, their idea of equality is to improve their position by lessening yours.

Besides there are too many in Hillary’s Village for us to carry.

Thanks to Clinton and Bush the Jones’s lost their houses and cars years ago.

Thanks to Obama they probably still have their cell phones but then Schultz’s Starbucks app has to go somewhere.

Starbucks:  A place where one is always welcome loaded as long as they aren’t carrying.

Twenty four YEARS of Clinton, Bush, and Obama has sedated, medicated, and procreated an incredible mess that appears to be the norm across these United States because it’s all about ME as the “progressive” part of multiple generations belly up to the trough awaiting their slop and opioid fix.

Is it any wonder people are assaulting each other while standing in Christmas lines at WalMart or Target?

There’s only so much tryptophan and “purple drank” one can handle.

Nothing quite like thousands of people lining up for five televisions on sale.

I’m not sure what is worse.

The rationalization that allows someone to step on another’s head while searching for a Luke Skywalker toy figure or the beauty of laying hands on the new Barbie while tearing at each others clothes.

May the Force Be With You.

I recently watched video of a woman at IKEA being restrained by security who had a frying pan shoved down the back of her pants.

Yes you read that right.


Would this be Variety or Spice?

Even more disturbing was her lack of planning as the “pants” she’d decided to “wear” were falling down as her back up “thong” screamed in pain trying to hold this entire mess together.

“Fabrically” speaking, there was no collusion, but quite a bit of delusion, on behalf of the assemblage.

This situation roared “moderation” as well as repudiation, consternation, and possibly constipation while begging for a trench coat.

Hillary’s Chairman Mao attire would have fit this setting perfectly.

Get that villager her prize!

This upstanding citizen even mentioned she wasn’t worried about the crime she’d committed because it was a “misdemeanor”.

She understands misdemeanor but struggles with the concept that pans go on stoves…not down her shorts.

Probably a Meryl Streep fan.

Definitely a “soul of moderation” driving down the “middle of the road”.

Jason Kraus