Lookin’ at the promise of the Promised Land

One day last week, on my way to work, I turned on the radio.

These days I normally head straight to music, but on this particular day I was feeling good and a little curious about the rest of the channels that I’d ignored off and on for the last few years.

I went to FoxBusiness first and listened to a grown man-child drone on about nothing in particular.  After sixty seconds my brain began to atrophy and I reached for the knob.

I hadn’t listened to the Comedy News Network (CNN) in forever but there had to be a missing plane somewhere that Russia was probably responsible for.

Wolf “Coyote” Blitzer was hyperventilating about the possibilities of Hurricane Irma while trying to pin some politician down regarding the raising of the debt ceiling.  In between the Coyote’s wailing and whining the no name politician used the term “schooled up” which caused me to lung for the knob and twist it to anything that would make the pain stop.

I landed on a station titled Mad Dog.  Mad Dog is supposed to be a sports talk radio station and par for the course the host was talking about how Hurricane Irma was going to mess up his kid’s fantasy football team.

Then again that is sports these days.

Fantasy football, assault, and kneeling.

I’m always a glass half full person but we may need more glass and better humans.

In other words we need a bigger boat.

Maybe Ark sized.

I thought about one more shot with sports radio but my senses finally kicked in and reminded me that to listen to former athletes who don’t enunciate or use words like “funna” “aks” or “whatsupdog”, accompanied by shock jocks that have no idea what it is like to compete athletically at any level, wouldn’t be something beneficial to my day.

As previously mentioned I headed to music.

Country music in particular.

I enjoy all forms of music but these days I prefer to listen to melodies that were created not sampled, harmonies not drowned out by a thumping bass, and lyrics that don’t refer to women as bitches and “hoes”.

Actually it’s not just these days.

It’s been this way my entire life.

Call me crazy.

I call it sane.

Falcon Sane.

That’s an inside joke for those who have been with me for a while and have also read Late Bird.

As always thank you.  You are the reason OUR message continues forward.

We are building an army from Northern California to Oklahoma to Michigan to New York to Florida.

As an American Brother of mine recently wrote, “It’s just beginning. I’m glad we are finding out who all the softies are before s*&t gets real. Pass me the ball, I’m ready to score. March on Brother!”

March on indeed.

I digress.

I landed on a country station that reminded me EXACTLY why I listen to country. The duo Brooks and Dunn came screaming through the speakers, fortunately without bass.

“Sun coming up over New York City
School bus driver in a traffic jam
Staring out at the faces in a rear view mirror
Lookin’ at the promise of the Promised Land

One kid dreams of fame and fortune
One kid helps pay the rent
One could end up going to prison
One just might be president

Only in America
Dreamin’ in red white and blue
Only in America
Where we dream as big as we want to

We all get a chance
Everybody gets to dance
Only in America”

There are so many wonderful lines here I won’t try to cover them all.

They did masterfully describe our country.

“Only in America, Where we dream as big as we want to”.

Otherwise known as the pursuit of happiness.

Of course for those to dream of fame and fortune someone has to pay the rent.

That someone is US and we continue forward to ensure that those “faces in the rear view mirror” get that chance to be President.

Lookin’ at the promise of the Promised Land.

Take a good look.

They are counting on US.

They are counting on you.

Only in AMERICA.

Dreamin’ in Red White and Blue.

Only in AMERICA.

Where we dream as big as we want to.

The dream is Freedom.

The rent is due.

Time to collect.

Jason Kraus


Crazy never takes a day off

When I sit down to write I have a theme or an idea in mind.  This week the world seemed to have jumped from one event to another faster than normal.

Maybe it’s just the sporadic and emotionally unbalanced way the Liberal Press decided to cover (selectively) current events.

With that in mind I will write at their same pace and try to balance out their proclivity of chasing their own tail or creating their own tales.

While Texas and Texans were getting crushed by Harvey, Liberals all over America were crowing that Texas was “getting what it deserved” or calling it “instant Karma” because Texas went Trump.

I abhor these parasites.

Yep it’s going to be that kind of column.

While humans were dying, the press focused on the clothing choices of the President and Mrs. Trump, her choice of shoes, his hat, and Russia.

When the President sent out a message stating he only wanted to Make America Great Again the hyenas attacked as though restoring these United States was something that only a crazy person would want.

America did what America does and rushed in from all over the country with food, water, supplies, and even boats that were used to help stranded and scared people.

A few stories of the Cajun Navy coming in to rescue Texans lead to others joining and we were even told that there was a Cajun Army, and Cajun Special Forces.

Good to know.

The “Rajun” Cajuns from that “bigoted”Red State of Louisiana were roaring into Liberal Houston, where the mayor was still rationalizing his decision to not leave, and putting their “uneducated, redneck, backward, white supremacist asses” on the line to save Liberals.

Sounds about right.

God blessed Texas that day with Louisiana, who was having their own issues with Harvey.

God bless those Rajun Cajuns.

The Liberal Press couldn’t be bothered to cover Americans who voted for Trump doing wonderful things so they turned their focus back to an unemployed idiot who chose to support Hamas over America.

Yes, that is exactly what Kaepernick did.

We were then told by the Hamas lover herself, Nancy Pelosi, that Antifa, or at least those in Berkeley, should be arrested and prosecuted because “our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public”.

Such a Stupid Human.

WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY you babbling idiot.

I told you it would be that type of column.

This is quite a turnaround for Pelosi as she did everything she could to help Antifa grow.

White hoods or Black hoods.

They’re all still HOODS, and for Ms. Nancy my guess is Antifa payback is coming, and just like all payback, it’ll be a Hillary.

Speaking of traitors it appears Warren Buffett continued to get richer off the backs of Americans.

Wells Fargo took their fake account program to apparently another level while Jimmy’s fat brother made another fortune.

How much is enough Warren?

Just like Nancy, silly Warren appears to believe the tide is turning against Progressive Liberalism (Oppression) as he recently stated “I think, if I can be helpful in some big way — there’s nothing at the present time — I’d do it.  I’d do it for President Trump.”

How droll.

He then followed that with “I would’ve done it for Hillary Clinton if she’d gotten elected,” showing us that both Clinton and Buffett should immediately be indicted.

One for admitted felonies and the other for supporting, aiding, and abetting known criminals and criminality.

This is called Racketeering.

Where are you Jeff Sessions?

Buffett is guilty as the day is long yet sadly he is a true measurement of someone “too big to fail”.

It’s not as though Liberalism was only found here this week.

Stupidity also popped its head up in Germany where Angela Merkel’s Foreign Minister wanted to warn us about a war with North Korea being the “deadliest conflict in history”.

Germany is infamous for at least three things.

Expelling Albert Einstein.

The massacre of Israelis at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.

Starting and losing wars.

In case that wasn’t clear Nazi’s (Antifa) and Islam (CAIR) always lose in the end.


Those that wear masks and/or head cover because they cannot hide their shame, or control their bodily urges, will never prevail.

They simply won’t get enough Vitamin D.

Only Stupid Humans would rail on about solar energy and then completely cover their frames disallowing the sun to strengthen their bodies.

I suggest we have a party.

We get the Nazis, the KKK, (all twelve of them and their cousins), Antifa, Black Lives Matter, La Raza, and CAIR in the same room along with the head of the DNC, the Clintons, Obamas, and Bernie Sanders.

I can hear Tom Perez right now.

“Didn’t I tell each and every one of you to never be in the same place at the same time?”

Don’t worry Tom.  California is trying to pass a law before our next election that will allow felons to vote and the city of Sacramento is now paying “gang bangers” to not commit crimes.

Between the illegals, the convicts, and the Stupid Humans you’ll at least carry Southern California and no Sacramento isn’t Nor Cal.

Those of us in Northern California, well, we see it a little differently.

We are rolling with the Texans.

We are rolling with the Cajuns.

Let the Rajun begin.

Jason Kraus



Humans love to repeat thoughts or ideas regardless of truth, reliability, or even validity.

One such statement we hear constantly is Democracy is messy.  The implication is because Democracy is “messy” this makes it valid and/or reliable.

This is of course false.

Democracy isn’t messy.  It flows very cleanly from Oligarchy and leads to Tyranny.

Those without knowledge have accepted the label of Democrat, or even worse, Democratic Socialist, and they rant, rave, and argue at the thought of Democracy leading to Tyranny.

I use to tell them often “you aren’t arguing with me, you are arguing with the creator of the system.  You are arguing with Socrates.”

I don’t say this anymore because I don’t speak with Stupid Humans anymore.

I strongly suggest everyone join me in this endeavor.

It is quite freeing and relieves virtually all negative stress from our lives.

This always brings silence, as facts always do for a few seconds, to the organism known as Democrat, before the conglomeration of seizure-like non-verbal communication, takes place.

Even frothing can happen as the Truth hits the “Liberal Democrat”.

It can be a visually painful experience watching a human of adult age viscerally know they are wrong but fight and claw to push that information deep into the recesses of their brain where reality goes to die…and cause strokes.

I have more respect for most incarcerated inmates than Democratic Voters.  Most inmates (after sobering up) KNOW their decisions were and are wrong and many will even tell you so.

Some will even try to better themselves while in prison.

Not many, but some.

The Democrat doesn’t even try.

In this day and age the Democrat isn’t a wounded animal attempting to survive.  It isn’t misunderstood genius awaiting a new type of species.

The Liberal is the bottom of the barrel.  The melted cheese on the AM/PM wrapper only wanted by the ants.

Cockroach flora.

Seems a bit harsh Jason.


Here is a title of a column found on Yahoo from Robert “Third” Reich.

“Enough of this Madness.  Trump Must Go Now.”

Well okay then.

If Slick Willy’s right hand man says so, then it must be so.

Of course this putrid coward won’t actually try.  He is hoping to inflame others who will continue to behave like Democrats and lead America into Tyranny.


It isn’t just Bobby “Richie” Reich who is pushing for this.  Over and over the ignorant wail “we are losing our Democracy” never mind not one of them has ever lived under such a form of government.

At least not in the United States.

As stated over and over we are a Republic.

A Constitutional Republic to be exact, not that it matters to the Democrats or RINOS, because they don’t care about America, the Rule of Law, or the Constitution.

They care about power.

This isn’t new in human behavior but the hope was when these United States were created, a new path would be taken.

“A great experiment” was to ensue.

Could men and women rule themselves without Kings or Queens, or some type of Overlord to keep the “unwashed masses” in check?

Would Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand” be unleashed in the New World?

Could the one palatable form (temporarily) of Government in Socrates Five (Democracy) be replaced with something else as to not let another human civilization fall into Tyranny?

The answer was Yes, Yes, and YES!

All three happened and flourished, ripped apart slavery, crushed Nazism, and eventually broke Communism into little pieces.

The strength of the Individual known as American roared through two centuries making a better place for those, who wanted a better place.

A population that historically made up less than five percent of the world was putting a man on the moon, “opening China” and removing the Berlin Wall.

This same country is now trillions in debt, hundreds of trillions owed in retirement and medical, and in need of a wall to stop criminality, and frankly invasion.

What happened?

Apathy for one.

The Me Generation for two.

Finally, we stopped being Americans.

Some, out of necessity, became Tea Party Patriots, while others stooped to Compassionate Conservatism, wallowed around in the stench known as Progressive Liberalism or followed Jim Bernie Sanders Jones into Democratic Socialism.

We stopped being a Republic and reverted back to Democracy which is now prepped to be replaced by Tyranny.

Already happened in parts of Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, etc.

So what do we do?

WE remember that these United States are the “great experiment” and with all experiments we must have experiences.

Some good.  Some in the learning category, but we continue to push, prod, and punch whenever and wherever needed.

I didn’t put up a 10 second video of myself deadlifting over four hundred pounds for oohs and aahs.

Well maybe one aah.

I put it up to show that preparation comes in all forms, shapes, and sizes and we must be prepared for the “good” and more importantly the “learning” moments if we are to survive and thrive as Individuals.

As Americans.

Be bold, be brave, and ROAR at each and every opportunity you receive to serve the greatest country in the history of man.

The greatest experiment.

One doesn’t play chess to learn how the pawns are sacrificed.

We play chess to ensure there is no King or Queen, no OverLord, no Democracy, so that each individual Pawn has a chance to become anything they want.

A knight, a bishop, or a Michigan rock star.

That when each and every Pawn has that opportunity to pursue happiness they will always stand in service and with pride to the greatest collection of colors that has ever waved.

The Red, White, and Blue.

The Greatest Experiment is still alive but currently struggling.

It is time for all Americans to prepare their bodies and minds and to be ready to STAND shoulder to shoulder wherever and whenever the call comes.

Those that kneel are about to be run over.

The Greatest Experiment bows for no one, and as always, it will be the Pawns leading the way.

Jason Kraus


We can’t be Kind-Of-Free

It was the early nineties and some of my teammates and I were in a van riding to a baseball game in Southern California.  I don’t remember how the conversation began but one of my teammates started in about no longer being black but rather an African-American. This was the new verbiage being introduced reportedly by Jesse Jackson. I liked my teammate. He was kind of a quiet person (my kind of guy) who also happened to not play very much.  I always felt for the guys who didn’t play much.  It wasn’t like they didn’t want to be out there but this was college athletics not Little League.  The best play because most coaches need to win to keep their jobs.

I listened until he finished and then told him he was wrong.  As stated earlier I liked my teammate.  This wasn’t one of those yelling at each other conversations but I had facts (or so I thought) and I stated them clearly.

I had taken an anthropology class and in the class we had been taught that there were three types of humans.

Caucasoids, Mongoloids, and Negroids, not black, white, brown, or African-American.

I’d been given just enough information to sound as though I knew what I was talking about.

In today’s world this is called “education” and as we know “education” and knowledge are two different things.

We are Homo sapiens.

Colloquially known as humans.

This doesn’t change regardless of the color of our skin, the size of our skulls, one’s like or dislike of certain foods, or our ability or inability to dance.

Races created because of sociological or “social construct theory” is pure propaganda otherwise Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner and Rachel Dolezal would both have created different “races”.

The conversation ended with my “facts”.  I truly believed everything I was saying (I’d been “educated”) and when you are using verbiage that others aren’t familiar with (cue Bernie Sanders followers) it’s pretty easy to sound as though you are right.  Furthermore I knew (on this I was correct) that African-American was not a new type of human, or a nationality, as there was no nation called the United States of Africa-America.

As college aged adults my teammate and I were both introduced to skin color bigotry.

Mine came from those who called themselves Professor.

His came from someone who called himself Reverend.

Is it any wonder most of have zero respect for many of our elders?

Whether it’s too many in the Catholic Church covering up sexual abuse (still happening), thousands of physicians medicating hang nails (still happening), or most of our politicians lying about EVERYTHING (still happening) the concept of fact, truth, respect, and ethics has disappeared a long time ago.

I digress.

As stated earlier my teammate and I were both given false verbiage based on the color of a human’s skin.  Sadly this has only gotten worse.


Of course.

How about Latino?  When asked what a Latino is, you will hear it all, including it is a “culture”.

What do you mean by culture?

Many will answer, “It’s the language spoken, the food, the music, etc.  The “culture”.”

Okay, so then Latinos would speak Latin right?

“Uh no…they speak Spanish,” is the usual response.

Then why are they called Latinos?

This is usually followed by a blank stare or “they come from Latin America,” with an eye roll.

You mean Central America?  What about South America? What about Mexico?

Return of blank stare.

Let’s come back to that one.  How about this?  Are Brazilians Latino?

“Yes. Brazilians are Latino,” they answer emphatically.

You know Brazilians speak predominately Portuguese?

“Uh…no I didn’t know that.”

You also mentioned food.  What exactly do you mean by that?

“You know, beans, rice, salsa, guacamole, hispanic food.” (Incredibly these conversations happen every day.  In fact every single one of us has heard a version of it over the airwaves in America. Taco Bell tells us repeatedly to “Make a run for the border”)

I like and consume all of those things.  If I eat them am I a Latino?


What if I eat all of those things and speak Spanish am I now a Latino?


Why not?

“Because you are white.”

There we have it.

The term Latino is skin color bigotry.

It means brown skin (La Raza) and for those of you who are a bit skeptical, this type of conversation happens every day in homes, businesses, on busses, and most commonly on-line.  We hear it about hair straightening, rap lyrics, or the media trying to feed us that the “Chinese people are boiling mad because one of their own was dragged off of a plane”.

The individual dragged off the United plane was reportedly from Vietnam but I guess “they all look the same” to the press.

Hence the term Asian-American.

More skin color bigotry and completely false as there is no nation called the United States of Asia-America.

Everything I just stated is completely true but because too many Americans are infested with another form of skin color bigotry known as “White Guilt” (yes this is actually a title of a book) the United States is not only struggling as a country but as a People as well.

As Americans.

As Humans attempting to Be.

Skin color has nothing to do with success or failure regardless of your personal opinion.  If this were true humans would group themselves by their own skin color and live happily ever after.

Both of these issues are based on behavior, not the evolutionary process of proximity to the sun over tens if not hundreds of thousands of years, but it takes a willingness to embrace the truth to stop all this ridiculousness.


Something that will not happen as long as we continue to hyphenate these United States.

If after all this you still choose to put African, Asian, Irish, Mexican, or Guatemalan before American I STRONGLY suggest you search out those continents or countries and live there.

This is a FREE society, as in you are FREE to leave, at any time.

Your presence isn’t required or needed.

If after all this, skin color is your primary issue, I STRONGLY suggest you search out countries with humans whom you believe look like you.

Regardless of your color there are lots of options.

Your Constitutional Rights will disappear, protection by the most powerful military in the world will hasten to exist, a job might be hard to come by and water might be scarce but the color of your skin won’t matter anymore.  Your life won’t get better because of it, as it is behavior that will still dictate this, but OUR lives in America will benefit, as your behavior, is removed.

If after all this you still choose to put Islam or Muslim in front of American I STRONGLY suggest you search out those countries that practice Sunni or Shiite Islam and are ruled by Sharia.  Your life will get dramatically worse as living under systemic oppression always has that effect but you can remove the American completely along with many of your “rights” as men, most of your “rights” as women and all of your Constitutional Rights as an American.

Finally if you choose to put Hispanic or Latino in front of American I STRONGLY suggest you stop as neither of these places are in existence.

Jesse Jackson is a bonafide moron to assume that only humans with black skin live on the continent of Africa but at least Africa can be found on a map.

The usage of Hispanic and Latino might be worse for those who use them, as they are both fictional labels created by hateful souls, whom have brainwashed too many humans, who are simply looking to meet their need to belong.

One last thought.  There’s no such thing as Native-American.

They’re called Chippewa, Seminole, Kickapoo, Apache, or wait for it…AMERICAN.

Hyphens are suppose to connect words, to bring ideas together, and by doing so, strengthen the concept.

They aren’t meant to be used to push the agenda of one by negating the other.

We can’t be Kind-Of-Free.

We are free or we are not.

We are Americans or we are not.

Freedom First.  Freedom Only.

America First.


Jason Kraus


Deserve and Earn are two different things

Entitlement is an interesting word.

To be entitled to something implies that the something has been earned…but not in your possession.
Why are we allowing others to hold what we’ve earned and dole it out at their whims or on their timetables?

Social Security has been paid into by both the future recipient and their employer but neither have access to the money.

The employer will never see that money again and the recipient has to wait decades…while the government has access immediately.

What could possibly go wrong?

Early on in life I grew to despise the word “deserve”. When the word deserve was used I knew it was something I’d felt I’d earned but still didn’t have.

I stopped using deserve and anytime someone said to me that they deserved something I would explain that the difference between deserve and earned wasn’t expectation.

It was execution.

You may believe you deserved an A or deserved to win.

Both are irrelevant.

You either have the A or you don’t.

You either won or you didn’t.

We either have access to our money or we don’t.

We don’t.

It doesn’t matter that we put the money there.

It doesn’t matter that the government forces us to do it.

They have access.

We do not.

If the powers that be were ethical, quality humans, like most of America, these shaky systems would probably be okay.

If we had moral gatekeepers we would be fine.

But we don’t…and we know it.

Social Security is worse than a Ponzi Scheme.

Without the criminality of the Federal Government to borrow unlimited amounts of money, SS would have defaulted years ago.

Please liberals don’t quote me CBO projections or send me government links.

Figures don’t lie but liars can figure.

America is $19 Trillion in the hole and that doesn’t even take into account SS promises that are owed.
Some have said SS, Medicare, etc. has us $100 Trillion in the rears of deserved entitlements.

Notice I didn’t say earned…because it’s not in our possession.

Veterans Benefits or lack there of enrage me.

Especially our Combat Vets.

They didn’t just trade time for a future retirement or promise of care.

They gave of their bodies, organs, and blood.

They all carry scars…some we can see and some we cannot.

Some gave the ultimate sacrifice.

A debt we can never repay.

Yet the Federal Government continues to provide services for illegals and pay the immoral who ignore our Vets while giving themselves bonuses and promotions.

We have money for Guatemalans, Hondurans, Mexicans, Russians, Chinese, and Islam…but not the American Veteran.

There must not be anymore questions.

The systems in place only work when run by moral people.

The only way these systems will survive is to remove those at the top.

A fish rots from the head down.

We must replace the sharks and piranha in D.C. with American Lions who will enter the jungle without fear and do what must be done.

Many believe we are too far gone to fix our problems.

They are wrong.

I would not be here spending my time and money if the outcome were already decided.

We have to address two issues and everything else will be fine.

We must reclaim our earning potential by removing all forms of income tax.

Free the American Worker.

We must secure the border.

Protect the American Citizen.

With the return of economic prosperity and the rule of law America will heal thyself the same way we always have.

By the sweat on our brows and the incredible ingenuity that comes from a FREE society that roars forward in the PURSUIT of happiness!!!

All is not lost.

Stop complaining.

Americans don’t whine!

It only wastes time and energy.

I am not here to waste my time or energy…nor will I.

Focus on the goal.

I am here to make a difference and serve these United States.

Stand and make a difference with me.

We will serve her together.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.
