30 Days In

Barely a month in and the Biden-Harris bohunk trip through Wonderland has again been slowed as they bounced off the walls of the rabbit hole they’ve so wantonly plunged.

Bunker Biden might be better served if he permanently returned to the basement as his bigoted schtick seems to never end.

Shia supporter and cocaine snorter Barack Obama was the first to be found Biden worthy by being “clean and articulate”.

Apparently the Choom Gang leader enjoyed the bigoted banter, as he chose the man whose hairy legs entertained the “blacks” by the pool, in Joe’s more carefree days.

From that point on Robert Byrd Biden unleashed himself onto the world proclaiming that blacks all think the same, aren’t black if they don’t vote for him and too stupid to get photo identification.

As if that wasn’t enough, and apparently it isn’t as crack addict Hunter’s daddy reportedly carried the black vote, Biden decided to reach out and extend his bigotry by saying both blacks and browns don’t know how to use the internet.

So to summarize, the current resident in the Oval Office believes blacks all think the same, forfeit their skin color if they didn’t vote for him, are too stupid to get their picture taken or use the internet, and enjoy rubbing his shaggy shanks.

Liberals are truly pathetic and definitely sub-human.

The backup plan for the late-term Catholic is a woman infamous for riding Willie Brown’s political casting couch all the way to the ultimate glass ceiling, posting bail for criminals across America, and calling for reparations while ignoring her family’s history of slavery.

Thanks Obama!

While the groper-in-chief vacillated between wearing one mask or two, Dr. Seuss Fauci was found wandering cable news, pontificating on the wide variety of new strains roaming around New York City and Los Angeles.

Those new twists are actually called homeless and unemployed.

Never fear though struggling Americans, ol Joe is wanting to legalize 30 million criminal foreign nationals to ease your economic pain and if that doesn’t work will bring in someone from the Cuomo administration to help you navigate through the RONA.

Especially you elderly folks specifically living in assisted facilities.

Wink, wink.

Washington D. C. where men aren’t men, women aren’t women, and the beef will soon be synthetic.

Where a man who stole computer code from IBM and Apple now believes he is an expert on all things.

Where Seth Rich’s murder is still unsolved.

Isn’t that right Donna Brazile?

Jason Kraus



The Coming of Cryptos

Self-proclaimed Catholic and AFL-CIO supported Joe Biden, the most “popular”candidate in American history, has killed thousands of jobs in less than a month and encouraged the continuance of all things abortion.

His solution for all of these unemployed, many union workers, and the late-term babies cut into pieces and sold for a profit?

Let’s circle back.

Although I haven’t been impressed with any of the Republican talking heads in years, listening to the Democrats is beyond painful.

It’s as though they went down to the daily work daily pay local temp agency to fill cabinet positions.

I’ve never in my life seen the usage of “um” “uh” or “right?” as verbs, adjectives, and nouns in the same sentence.

“You know uh I don’t um know uh whether or not yeah uh um but trans people have uh human rights too right?”

I mean come on man, or woman, or whatever Biden’s bohemian beauties are calling and dressing themselves as, at any given moment these days.

They’d be better served, and frankly better deserved, if all became mimes and not daily memes.

Then again they are excellent examples of a meme, as after all, meme is really just ME ME and boy howdy do the Biden Brainless qualify in the individual olympic categories of stupidity and selfishness.

Okay then!

Let us move on to an actual subject that most aren’t discussing or even comprehend.

The meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies and how the Federal government is doing everything it can to crash the Dollar.

I’ll try and keep this simple.

Debt is unsustainable one hundred percent of the time.

When businesses or individuals get out of control they can turn to the bankruptcy courts, which in my opinion, have been criminally used too many times by too many entities.

Nevertheless the big BK gives options to people and private companies, and believe it or not, some cities with the names of Detroit and Stockton.

The Federal Government does not have this option.

The Dollar is the reserve currency for the world.

The amount of pain and actual death that the American population will feel if/when the Dollar crashes is beyond the comprehension of most.

Modern Monetary Theory or Debt Doesn’t Matter is the gift of the political Boomer Generation (both Parties) that will never stop giving and is opening the door WIDE for the concept of One World Government.

The counteraction to this is the creation of thousands of cryptos trying to find a way to save the purchasing power of the Individual while nations and central banks concoct ridiculous theories that only the idiotic actually believe to be plausible.

Historically, stacked debt on a large enough group of humans leads to one thing and one thing only.


Sometimes within and sometimes outside the group.

This time will not be different. . .unless technology can stay ahead of the human condition of perpetual greed and an insatiable lust for power.

Good luck with that.

In the meantime, as I’ve discussed ad nauseam, the cryptos are NOT an investment.

They are so much more.

They are an insurance policy, especially for Americans who’ve really never lived in a survival like situation.

Hunting, harvesting, firewood, correct displacement of refuse, and ample water for consumption is not something most want to or can actually do or obtain.

Too many are counting on affordable conditioned heat and air, right on time food deliveries and medications to keep their hearts working.

With the constant and consistent devaluing of the Dollar tens if not hundreds of millions in America will not be able to afford these things, not that it will matter as most of these items will be difficult to procure, kind of like ammunition, gun powder and any product not made in China.

Even a little bit of “Bitcoin” may be enough to give you a chance if/when the cost of everything soars because the Dollar has been so devalued.

I’ve been purchasing different cryptos in small amounts for the past few years.

Again, to insure and ensure that I have some purchasing power as our government (both Parties, including Trump) crush our currency.

Recently I was speaking with a person about what was happening in America with our monetary system.

After a few minutes this individual moved right to the crux of things and asked in a concerned tone, “What will happen to America?”

I nodded and said, “Exactly.”

There is no greater beacon for Freedom than these United States.

However, history is lined with nations whose citizenry allowed things to rot from the inside and were then replaced with a newer version of Socratic Theory oppression or the revolution of the Tytler Cycle.

America is special. . .currently, but make no mistake.

We have a lot of work to do.

God helps those who help themselves.

Jason Kraus



The National Month of Bigotry

Ahh February.

Back in the seventies the second month of a new year was a celebration of romance.

Valentine’s Day landed in the middle and the collection of cards and candy hearts carried the hopeless, and hopeful romantics, through the winter.

Yes, we were digging holes in the forest for bombs shelters and hiding under our desks (neither would have mattered and hold the same efficacy as today’s mask wearing), in preparation for nuclear war, but the possibility of love was in the air.

Fifty years later and February has become the National Month of Bigotry.

Time to do the exact opposite, of what Martin dreamed, and celebrate the skin color of “black people”.


Because they are black, unless they voted for Trump and lost their card, according to Maxine Waters.

Nevertheless let the National Month of Stupidity and Bigotry begin!

First I’d like to thank all the “blacks” as Joe Biden calls them for the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

Uh Jason, that was white men.


Not according to Critical Race Theory but okay I’ll try again.

I want to thank all the “articulate, bright and clean” blacks as they were referred to again by Joe Biden for electricity, the automobile, the airplane, the telephone, radio, computer, the internet and hundreds if not thousands of inventions that have made living on Earth easier.

You are zero for two Jason. Those were all white men as well.

Moon landing?


The originator of Public schools?


The creation of baseball, basketball or football?

Not even close bud.

Okay, well then you tell me, where do the  “blacks” lead the nation.

It isn’t pretty Jason but “they” lead in truancy, abortions,  and per capita murder among other unpleasantries.

So the blacks, as Beijing Biden calls them, have created virtually nothing in society but are killing people faster than any other group in America?


Amazing on so many levels what it takes to be celebrated for an entire month.

It’s a good thing we don’t praise “them” for a full quarter.

If you are reading this now and getting uncomfortable GOOD FOR YOU.

This is what bigotry sounds like and we hear it every day from Biden, Obama, Abrams, Harris, Pelosi, Romney, Schumer, McConnell and every other walking dead liberal who is driving our country into crushing debt, a crashing dollar, and a dark winter.

The consistent soft bigotry of low expectation liberal story that blacks are less than, oppressed, and too stupid to survive and thrive.

It is one hundred percent false but we are now in the month that points to bigots like Lebron and Oprah as role models.

One supports communist China and can’t put a coherent sentence together while the other continues to prey upon poor souls trying to control their caloric intake while eating her hypocrisy one dozen brownies at a time.

In these United States AMERICANS don’t celebrate or care about skin color. We measure the man or the woman, yes the man or the woman, based on their individual choices.

Work hard, save your money, be beneficial to others and Americans like myself will always stand shoulder to shoulder with you.

Whine, bitch, moan and use your children as excuses, or as shields, as I personally witnessed some Black Lives Matter cowards do, and regardless of your color your time here will not be pleasant.

Recently a truck driver pulled up to my house to make a delivery.

He jumped out, introduced himself, and proceeded to do his job while he spoke and smiled.

In a short period of time we got to know each other.

When our fifteen minutes was complete he shook my hand, thanking me for telling him he didn’t need a mask, and said God Bless America and God Bless you my Brother.

It was a nice moment, one that doesn’t happen too much in California anymore as half the population hides in fear of the RONA.

I smiled, nodded, and said, “God Bless you my Brother. There’s more of us than there are of them.”

“Amen my Brother,” he answered looking me right in the eye.

There are colors that matter.

Ours did not. . .to either of us.

Jason Kraus




Dear Jason,

What do you think of Biden’s first week in office?



The Democrats have tied themselves to a liar (not that they care) who has no plan, less morals and zero constituents.

Donald Trump has a constituency.

Sadly Obama still has a following.

Even the Clintons have millions of stupid people who would willingly vote for either of them.

Hiden Biden?

He’s a puppet who barely knows where he is most of the time let alone what documents he is signing.

The “backup” plan to the Groper is Kamala Criminal Harris whose political Presidential following is nonexistent.

Neither of them have any understanding of economics, foreign policy or freedom, and their survival instincts are purely political.

That won’t be near enough.

When the New York Crimes tells a Liberal to slow their roll in the first week, things will only get worse for these two.

What about us Jason?

I remember when Obama was first elected.

An interview of three different people was done asking if there was any impact on their lives in the first moments of the Choom Gang leader.

One white guilt type-two diabetes liberal proclaimed her world to be overwhelmingly better.

Another pre BLM Farrakhan following parasite exclaimed that her dreams would now come true, phone and all.

Finally the third individual looked into the camera and said, “No, my life hadn’t changed. It’s not like Obama moved into my neighborhood.”


He still had the same neighbors whose dogs bark too much, the drunken idiots who play their music too loud, the dumb teenagers who thought they were sly while smoking pot in the backyard.

Same boss, same car issues, same financial pressure, etc.

Don’t get me wrong.

Pedophile Joe and his crack addict son are going to cause problems in America, our markets (already down three percent) and our way of life, BUT, for things to get better, and I hate to say this, they have to get much much worse.

He’s shutting down the pipeline, opening the border, killing jobs, frustrating our allies and benefiting our enemies.

These things seem pretty big to me Jason.

I didn’t say they weren’t but the “average” human living in America is walking around wearing a mask (that actually damages their immune system) and hasn’t a clue about what is really happening.

The Democratic Party is doing its best version of self-flagellation while the Republican politicians continue to run head long into a brick wall hoping no one will notice.

Trillions more in debt are coming, Janet Yellen is back, not that Jerome Powell has been any different, as they both lie straight to the People who are too busy tik tokking to care.

As the incomparable Adam Smith explained Life is an individual experience.

Living in America (currently) YOU have the choice to see your glass as half full or half empty.

Free or Fear.

Joy or Joe.

It’s your choice.

I strongly suggest you make the correct one and then get busy living.

It’s the only thing that will stop the politicians from killing us one at a time.

Ones and twos, threes and fours, tens and twenties.

As I’ve stated in the past, miraculous things will occur, to benefit Freedom.

Whether your life will be, is up to you.

Jason Kraus



The Road Less Traveled

It has taken less than twenty-four hours for Basement Biden to reward criminality, anger the Canadians, and break his own Executive Order.

Are we sure Hunter is the only crack addict in the family?

While the Big Guy was bending over for criminal foreign nationals and China, Antifa and BLM continued their assault on America by attacking Portland and Seattle, again.

According to Hiden Biden, Antifa is an idea, not actual people.

Interestingly enough this “idea” burned part of the Democratic headquarters in Portland while screaming F%ck Joe Biden.

This must be the liberal version of “inciting an erection.”

We now know why Fantasy Rape Bernie was wearing gloves.

Of course the first media reports of this blamed “right wing fascists” but then virtually disappeared when the Liberal goons stood to take credit.

The recently re-elected moronic mayor in Portland, who supported Antifa and hates law enforcement, is now begging those same cops to restore order.

Some around the country might be wondering what kind of idiots actually live in Portland and I can say from personal experience I know of one individual who not only supports Antifa but actively supports the Palestinian Authority, otherwise known as Hamas, but calls Trump a bigot.

She is as dumb as they come.

On one side we have the Liberals who’ve lied, cheated, and stolen their entire lives, now telling the country it’s time to get along while they put President Trump on trial, use our taxes to payoff illegals, and are still attacking cities around the country.

On the other side we have, well, I am going to borrow a line from a friend of mine to explain this simply.

“F%ck Biden and f%ck you for voting for him.”

Although I try to not use profanity I must admit those nine words state the situation perfectly.

So here we are watching a buffoon who just “ordered” everyone on Federal lands to wear a mask, stand in front of the Lincoln Memorial, while not wearing a mask.

Bernie and AOC are still clamoring about the end of the world in “ten years” and counting, while raking in millions from “donors” whatever that means these days, and the lying former Obama mouthpiece known as Jen Psaki stated that she is going to bring back truth and transparency.

Just one of these would be a drastic change for her.

The audacity of these parasites would be stunning but we’ve seen it for so long only the naive are still willing to be colored surprised.

On the flip side Q is being run through the wood chipper as four years of “trusting the plan” ended in excrement hitting the fan.

I was not a reader of Q but I know some wonderful Americans who were, so to them I will say, for the truth you can come here once a week, after that I guarantee nothing else of what may pass over the internet.

As they say believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear.

We may need to update that in the Biden Error. . .err. . .Era with a new understanding.

Believe none of what you see and laugh at anything coming out of their mouths.

Laughter, patience, and a long memory are imperative.

As I once explained to a distraught citizen, time is on our side, and as crazy as this sounds in our current situation, miraculous things are on the way.

It may be hard to see, and even more difficult to believe, so get off the internet, turn off ALL the fake news, all of it, and get busy living.

Ones and twos, threes and fours, tens and twenties.

Stop looking skyward to be rescued.

You’ve been given Free Will and live in the greatest country in the history of Man.

God has done enough.

The Big Fella Upstairs will provide the correct path when we, like our Founding Fathers, are willing to take the road less traveled.

Stop “trusting the plan” and trust yourselves.

Freedom First.

Freedom ONLY.

Jason Kraus



Amen and Awomen

A few days ago I was having a discussion with a friend.

My friend was irritated, frustrated and angry at the ridiculousness taking place in the country.

“Is this ever going to end?”

I nodded and said, “Absolutely, when the government can’t print anymore money reality will finally set in.”

“When will that happen?”

That’s the thirty-trillion dollar and counting question.

Coups, faux coups, BLM reeking havoc, bangers killing each other in Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore, Pravda-like media in America creating and repeating lies on a second to second basis is nothing compared to what will happen when the financial rug gets ripped out from under 300 million plus humans conditioned to controlled heat, controlled air, clean water and available food.

For them it will be stunning and it’s probably closer than many want to admit.

Another friend asked a more pointed question.

“What’s going to stop this?”

I nodded and said, “These people are bullies who’ve been successful in stealing an election. They won’t stop until they are permanently dealt with. Are you ready for that?”

The short version of their answer was no.

“Then it’s going to continue.”

As these kinds of conversations continue around kitchen tables all over America the media is now trying to spin the D. C. rally as a terrorist attack while ignoring years of Democrats calls to kill cops, riot in the streets and Antifa destruction.

Hilariously the Party who called for the Police to be defunded has ranted, at yes the Police, for a lack of defense at the Capitol.

Make up your minds Liberals or eventually your minds will be made up for you.

To proclaim the Capitol rally to be an attack on America is absurd.

It’s comparable to the joke that asks what five hundred lawyers at the bottom of the ocean is called.

A good start.

Politicians are three rungs below an attorney, a tiny fraction above rapists and child molesters.

Ever so tiny.

If the group, who filed in one by one between ropes, while sharing snacks and carrying babies, somehow gave all the politicians a big enough conniption that they all collapsed from cowardice, err, mask asphyxiation, we could finally get a benefit from the ruling of “Covid related deaths”.

Jokes aside the newly elected Congresswoman from Colorado, who carries, was feeling pretty good that day, while others hid in the corner and then patted each other on the back as if they’d all gone through a firefight together.

I’m sure combat pay and medals will soon be awarded.

They can inscribe them all with “In this together, alone.”

Amen, Awomen, and AOC.

The new stooges coming soon in Black Panther II, Rise and Demise of the A Holes.

Jason Kraus



So Close Yet So Far Away

I remember the election of Barack Obama.

Oprah was crying, black power fists were rising, The Nobel Prize for Peace was given in “hope” of “change”.

It was as though O. J. Simpson had been found not guilty all over again.

Of course I didn’t vote for the community organizer, a community still leading the nation in daily murders, poverty, and poor choices but as I watched I recognized that Obama had an amazing opportunity.

He had the chance to lead from the front and make a significant positive difference.

Instead he spoon fed Farrakhan hate to his followers, cost the lives of American military and law enforcement, and lead from behind, otherwise known as manipulation, while America continued her decline in all areas.

It was only four years ago that I watched Donald Trump be chosen by the People.

This time I did vote for the election winner and again had that same feeling.

An amazing opportunity was in place as long as Mr. Trump enforced the LAW.

Instead his friends and supporters went to prison, while he spent almost half a decade defending himself from those he should have locked up or been executed for treason.

When you have the facts bang the facts, when you have the law bang the law, when you have neither bang the table.

Mr. Trump had the facts, and the law, but ignored both to bang the Twitter table.

As Herman Edwards once so eloquently stated, “We play to win the game.”

The Democrats/Liberals/Communists/Muslims/Antifa/BLM/etc. play to win the game.

Their demise will eventually follow as the systems they attack are the systems they are counting on to finance their greed.

In other words they are killing the Golden Goose.

We can see this now as humans all over the world are piling into the new life changing technology known as blockchain/cryptocurrencies.

The dumb ones are trying to get rich quick and will probably benefit, as long as they HODL, by being in the right place at the right time.

Those who understand the debt governments have been piling on their nations (another almost ten trillion under President Trump) realize cryptos are another form of insurance and have been leveling in for years.

With the Blue Wave complete, and the RINO politicians running for cover, these United States will more than likely witness the creation of debt never before seen in student loan right offs, food stamps called stimulus checks, further suppression of interest rates, possibly into the negative, and the continued destruction of the Dollar through the workings of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury, while adding more mouths to feed through the Dreamer Act, the return to visas for anyone from Somalia and the re-opening of our southern border.

Many will cling to sycophantic support of President Trump and a hope that he will “run again”.

It’s time to let the man go and live his life in whatever relative peace he can find.

He’s done enough.

He tried his best and although it wasn’t enough we thank him for his effort as an American citizen and please Mr. Trump, for your own reputation, quiet your children.

Some will cringe at that statement, justifiably so, as Americans are loyal to the core, but even the Bush supporters finally admitted W. was a disaster and a horrible human, although the Cheney crowd is now circling, trying to rewrite history.

Trump was neither a disaster, nor a horrible person, but his role in this Republic should shift to Freedom Fighter and “King” maker, as the best way for him to now serve is to use his 100% name recognition, and billions of dollars, to find actual fighters all over the country who abhor politics, but will climb into the cage for ONE TERM to ENFORCE THE LAW, and then shed Trumpian light on those individuals.

To say President Trump doesn’t have support is ludicrous, and if he can return to the contemplative forward thinking man that he was before these last four years, the opportunity for him to be loved, which is really what the man craves, is there.

He needs to surround himself with brilliant minds and fierce truth tellers, which is the exact opposite of what we have seen during his time in the Swamp as those he has shown loyalty to flee at the end like the rats they were the entire time.

I hope he does but regardless the man is a billionaire.

He’ll be fine.

America on the other hand is about to lean into a promised “Dark Winter” whatever that means.

The possibilities of The Green New Deal, Medicare For All, and the worst, the reopening of our southern border will cost American lives through economic strife, rationed medical care (already happening) and the return of drug mules, human trafficking, rape and murder but according to the bigoted media this is what the diverse crowd wants.

Through hook or crook, millennials, felons, fraud and the deceased, the Democrats have cobbled together a government with the Big Guy, Willie Brown’s mistress, and the Big Guy’s crack addict son at the top.

Welcome to 2021 otherwise known as the Real Housewives of Washington D. C..

Jason Kraus



Ballots Don’t Seem To Be Working

As the year of 2020 wound down the airwaves were filled with Liberals wishing their lives away and decorating Nancy Pelosi’s garage door.

“I cannot wait for 2021” or “2020 the worst year ever” as though the setting and rising of the sun was going to change these people from vaccine screaming, stimulus check beggars, and mask wearing bigots, with a turn of the minute hand.

No Liberals, you are all still “in it together, alone.”

Welcome to your life in 2021.

I’m sure Glen Doherty, Ty Woods, Hadiya Pendleton, and Brian Terry would gladly switch places with you.

I’d love to see that happen, and oh no Clinton and Soetoro, we have not forgotten.

It must be a sad and pathetic existence to wish your time away, sand falling through the hourglass as one purposefully turns it over as fast as they can.

Personally for me 2020 was a much better year than all years prior.

How is that possible Jason with all the “chaos” and “hate” tearing through the world?

It’s called hard work, saving your money, and being beneficial to others.

Been doing it my entire life, and as such every 365 days that go by, my life improves.

Think of it as dollar cost averaging into the stock market.

There will be good times and bad, booms and busts, love and loss, but if you take advantage of the gift(s) bestowed upon you, and push freedom forward, life has a very interesting way of increasing your fulfillment, your own dividend payment.

Due to the fact that Liberals do not practice the aforementioned three rules they are overwhelmed with an emptiness that will never be permeated.

Alas, we have a portion of society filled with abuse of self and others, the promise of demise rather than prosperity, and a lack of curiosity as Liberals have no raison d’être.

Carter’s New Normal was parroted by Obama and a Dark Winter is now being promised by Biden.


They know they’ve lost the American People, which is why they’ve resorted to voter fraud, violence, and fear, as the majority is simply tired of the depressing rhetoric.

One cannot offer Hope and Change, and then after eight years in power, turn and blame the other guy, when the depression of their supporters grows.

Yes, it was an interesting year but for those of us who require the truth, and understand our lives are a gift from beyond, we cherish the moments of joy and work ferociously to limit the opposite.

One could say life is a matter of attitude, and one would be right.

There are a few things I’ve heard from the “crowd” over the year that need to be corrected as we push further into the world, ourselves, and the love/hate relationship humans have with technology.

First, God did not grant us Constitutional Rights.

I’ve listened to this too many times to let it go.

Proclaiming this to be true is actually absurd.

Never short change God.

It won’t be in your best interest or the interest of Freedom.

The Big Fella Upstairs gave us EVERYTHING through Free Will.

Narrowing it down to a few Rights is crazy and factually incorrect.

The American Constitution had many hands in its written creation but the primaries were James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and the American willing to pick up a weapon and defend themselves, their families and their way of life.

Number Two, The United States is crumbling like the Roman Empire.

The comparisons of the two are a stretch to say the least as the Romans “roamed” the known world killing, raping, and enslaving.

The history of the United States, although at times violent, is so far away from a Caesar dictatorship/slave ownership it is a waste of my time to continue down this road, besides Rome has not disappeared, it’s simply changed names.

It’s now a borderless faction, with a “seat” at the United Nations being run by a monarch/despot who is replaced every so often depending upon life expectancy/politics at the time.

It is called the Catholic Church.

Yes, the same Catholic Church that’s been covering for not only its pedophile priests but its abusive and child trapping nuns as well.

I’ll never speak for Jesus but there’s nothing Christ like about Vatican City.


Finally, it appears too many politicians and “thought leaders” either haven’t read Plato’s recordings of Socrates, our Constitution, or more than likely don’t understand what is being communicated.

Our “government” is not a three tier equal separation of power concept.

That idea is Aristolic not American.

As I’ve written extensively about this subject in the past I won’t elongate this column with repeated info.

I will surmise by stating the “authority” of our government is held in the Congress and they, and only they, can both remove a sitting President and every member of the Supreme Court, if they so choose.

Ultimately the “power” is slated and planted in the Individual but currently too many of the People are busy engaging in behavior that increases the opportunity of heart attack and stroke and have little time or attention for a message from the mask less that continues to point to the reality, that they are currently living through and complaining about, “government mandated healthcare” that they so willingly want.

Whether it is vaccines or votes, America is being dictated to by a group who has been given power through one word.


Historically we have two options from here.

Socratic Theory leading us to Tyranny or Thomas Jefferson and the The Tree of Liberty.

Some would say ballots or bullets.

One thing is for sure.

Ballots don’t seem to be working.

Jason Kraus



You’re Welcome and Merry Christmas

During the week of Christmas one would expect the internet, radio, and television airwaves to be filled with positivity, love, and oh I don’t know, Jesus, but no, not in 2020.

One guy on the boob tube stated “Christmas is about family, food, and fun.”

Actually, no.

It’s supposed to be a celebration of Christ but let not the facts get in the way of a good story.

Regardless of the station or social media platform, America has been inundated with Covid panic, government debt sold as stimulus coming to save Pakistan, stolen current and future election(s) and what “black people want” or more plainly stated, “Biden owes us. And we have not forgotten.”

President Donald Trump orchestrated record low black unemployment and “criminal justice reform” but apparently the “blacks” had a different idea of what was “owed” as they supported the man, who created the problem they wanted the reform from, and then lined up like good little Germans when Adolph Biden proclaimed “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black.”

I’d ask him what “they” are if they didn’t vote for him but he already answered that question regardless of their vote with his “they all think the same” concept so there you have it.

Hunter Biden’s daddy looked into the camera and told the blacks they all think the same, they all need to vote for him or gain Uncle Tom status, while legislating them into longer prison sentences, and according to the media and “voter rolls,” the blacks said, “Yep that be our man!”

If that wasn’t enough Jimmy Carter Biden continued to promise his version of the New Normal through disease, dismay, and disaster with threats of lockdowns, forced hijab, err, mask wearing and a “dark” winter ahead.

The “dark” is a bigoted dog whistle statement meant for his White Liberal Democratic Klan members to let them know with a nod and a wink he’s still with them, as in Barack is still bright, clean, and articulate. . .for a black man.

He also repeated the Kareem Abdul Jabbar muslim lie that “blacks” are more susceptible to the RONA.

This is 100% false but many in the black community are accepting it as truth and bleating that they want the vaccine first.

By all means line up while it’s hot and get sparked people.

You can have mine as I’ll continue to add to my giving by allowing others to don the mask while I bravely push through life,  shaking hands, sans cover, sacrificing myself for you.

You’re welcome and Merry Christmas.

In fact, as I am willing to “put my life on the line” and give you my masks and my vaccination, let us consider that reparations for the zero amount of slaves that I’ve ever owned or the days any of you spent toiling in the fields back in the 1800’s under Democratic rule.

I just love when fiction can be used against fiction yet somehow provides a logical response.

Furthermore, please take notice of the greedy and selfish Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is neither black or elderly, yet pushed her way to the front of the line and took your spot and your needle.

I guess she’s changed her mind about all of us dying in ten years due to “Climate Change” otherwise known as Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall.

All you have to do is call,

And I’ll be there,

You’ve got a friend.

To the end.

Mask less, vaccine free, in my prime, and loaded for liberal coyotes.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and please make sure to drink your Ovaltine otherwise you’ll shoot your eye out.

Jason Kraus



Welcome to 2021

I remember watching the first term of Obama, and when the country voted to give him another, I decided I had to engage. I wrote Late Bird, appeared on radio and television and traveled America meeting wonderful citizens from Oklahoma to Michigan to Florida and everything in between. As momentum started to build, and my weekly columns, that one patriotic citizen deemed The Sunday Obligatory, began to be shared all over the world, Facebook stepped in and shut down my page under the guise of Russian Disinformation.

I’d been “shadow banned.”

Roughly around the same time then candidate Donald Trump started to rise in the polls as he began talking about things of which I’d written extensively, more importantly were imperative to the United States citizenry.

Many times over I received notes, emails and comments pertaining to the idea that the billionaire mogul had indeed read my book.

Although I appreciated the compliments, the better explanation was that the idea that a politician should be serving the People, rather than themselves, was overwhelmingly shared throughout the nation.

In Late Bird I laid out three specifics.

The refusal to accept any salary.

The refusal of donations.

Serving only one term.

Based on these three premises, which I personally put into action when I put myself on the ballot in California (the Dominion Machines selected Kamala Criminal Harris) it is now clear that if President Trump did read Late Bird he didn’t finish the proposition.

He did indeed refuse the salary.

He also spent quite a bit of his own money. He still accepted donations but the expenditure of his own finances and the beating he took from a business perspective I feel it is fair to give him this one.

Sadly he didn’t grasp the concept of serving only one term or more importantly not serving consecutive terms.

The point of this was three-fold.

First to free the Individual to do exactly what needed to be done without fear of re-election.

Second, to ensure that if things fell apart again there was an opportunity to return and take corrective action.

Finally it provided an example of Leadership and an ability to point to hypocrisy as willingly walking away from being the “leader of the free world” gave the moral and political upper hand.

It’s the difference between playing chess and checkers.

Interestingly enough if the election fraud that occurred in November is successful, President Trump will be entering this scenario but rather than it being his choice, will be forced upon him and more importantly, US.

The reality of our current situation is for the last three decades we have been “lead” by the worst of the Boomer Generation.

Mr. Trump had the correct instincts but trusted that his “personality” rather than the enforcement of Law could and would eventually win over those in the Swamp.

It didn’t.

The corruption in our country is so great it is doubtful the West Coast has had a “fair election” in over a decade, never mind cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Washington D. C. and of course New York City.

Now we are being told that Georgia voted for Biden but is going to elect two Republicans to the U. S.  Senate.

I’m not sure how the Georgia election will go but I guarantee it’s already been decided.

Either the Democrats will push their luck and grab both or the powers that be will let the election unfold to quiet the masses by allowing Republican Senate “control”.

A conspiracy is definitely taking place and that is a not a theory.

It is a fact.

In returning to President Trump it must be maddening to him to know that he actually won but is being overwhelmed by the Swamp.

I’m sure he will be tweeting, until they block him permanently, for years to come but if he is unwilling to replace most members of his “Justice Department” NOW, after he knows they’ve not only covered up crimes but actually targeted him personally, why would one believe he would do it next time.

That is the definition of insanity.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Due to loyalty to President Trump some may struggle reading this column but my concern is not with feelings but with pushing Freedom forward.

I thank the President for his service and for the litany of things he was able to accomplish.

Furthermore his four years in office gave those of us who care about our country much needed time to put ourselves into better positions to protect America.

With that said Mr. Trump has three options.

He can fire the criminals, hire AMERICANS and enforce the laws. . .NOW.

His counting on judges, justices, and State legislators to do what his Justice Department would not, is wrong. Moreover some of these people would be putting their lives, and the lives of their families, in jeopardy without the protection President Trump currently enjoys. Leadership is rarely easy but for it to work it must happen from the front.

He can “make the call” and watch as millions of Americans rain down on the traitors in this country like locust from sea to shining sea. More than likely it would be a brutal affair with more humans dying in this moment than those who’ve been incorrectly claimed by the RONA.

He can continue to tweet, complain that he’s been screwed, and then exit the Oval Office in January leaving us with criminals who hate America in the most powerful positions, crushing debt, and a “dark winter”.

More than likely number three will occur and at that point I will be finished with preparation, education through facts, or Constitutional references as I am as prepared as I can be, and it is clear, facts and the Constitution no longer matter.

I will begin to explain how technology, specifically through the Internet, Cryptocurrencies, gene editing and resources such as water and electricity will be used to remove all borders to finally arrive at the concept of the “New World Order” through control of the above mentioned items by those who own the massive corporations.

Some will struggle with this concept because they don’t want to acknowledge the reality of the decline of our civilization.

Never fear as the only way to improve any situation is to realize what is happening, the tools now available, and our way through to protect, defend, and serve these United States.

It probably won’t be with guns but rather God, guts, guile, and believe it or not, generosity, but for this to happen the “bottom” must take place, and that fall, for most, will not be pleasant.

Welcome to 2021.

Jason Kraus

