Freedom is up to you.

As this Presidential cycle comes to fruition I’ve heard and read ideas that have provoked thought, others that have been covered in pure ridiculousness and finally the rantings of disgustingly outright dishonesty.

Sordid affairs, criminal collusion and the ignorance that allows this part of human behavior to occur, has been on full display.

Through this a comment was made that drew my attention.  “God is on Donald Trump’s side.”

It reminded me of the famous Lincoln quote “Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side;  my greatest concern is to be on God’s side….”

It’s really a wonderful statement in that Lincoln understood his own fallibility as well as duty while giving credit to a “higher power”.

It is an incredibly important measurement of honorable leadership.  The giving of credit AND the taking of blame.

It is the purity of the knowledgeable, to appreciate the gift of Free Will in one hand, while embracing its responsibility, in the other.

So let us be knowledgeable.

Tens of millions in America have lost their way.

Too many have cast off humility as though it is a weighted stone, not a pillar of society, and embraced the beating of their own chests.  Too many believe it is their “right” to ask for or demand things because “they can”.

Too many believe they are the “higher power”.

I have never been a God fearing man.

For those of you who have read Late Bird you know I don’t see the “Big Fella Upstairs” as vengeful.

I believe in a loving God that has given us Free Will and the ability to use it in any manner we decide.

Whether one believes in God, or not, doesn’t remove Free Will from the equation as “belief” in a “higher power” or not, is a practice of…Free Will.

I’ve also had plenty of experiences that I’ve felt were wrong or unjust.  This is not “God’s Will” nor should the blame be laid at the feet of a higher power.

Those that commit acts of aggression or apathy are the ones responsible for such action(s).

It’s called Personal Responsibility or lack thereof.

These actions will continue to increase due to a lack of consequences, not because the “Big Fella Upstairs” is angry.

I don’t profess to speak for God, or attach human qualities, but if I had to my guess is, if God is up there looking upon human activity, the most common emotion to fulfill his day, would be sadness.

Sadness that we have been given so much knowledge but seem never to learn.

Over the years I’ve had plenty of conversations about what happens after our time here is over.

A friend of mine who’d seen combat told me decades ago “there’s nothing after this Jason, we go back into the ground.”

A female Sunni Muslim told me one time “good acts” are the key to the afterlife.  When I asked her if there were “72 virgins” awaiting her arrival she said she wasn’t sure.  Because we were having a pleasant chat I also inquired as to why she was covered head to toe but the men were not.  Seemed unfair to me.  She looked at me for a few seconds and said “you’re right”.

Yes, I know.

I’ve discussed Buddhism with many and their view of Nirvana and Rebirth.  The concepts of Siddhartha Gautama are interesting but the one thing that drew my attention was and is its practice in oppressive Communist China.

Perhaps a discussion for another day.

The two most important concepts to me, in regards to Jesus, are the simple yet powerful ideas to love God and love one another.

Sounds like the answer to every human related behavioral issue on the planet.  This leads me to a conversation I’ve had a few times over the years.

It usually goes something like this:

Jason: Yes I believe in Jesus.  No I do not call myself a Christian.

Friend: How can you believe in Jesus but not call yourself a Christian?

Jason:  How can you not believe in him?  Jesus is the only one I am familiar with that the entire planet changed the measurement of time over.

Friend:  Measurement of time?

Jason:  BC, Before Christ, AD, Anno Domini, In the year of the Lord.  Every nation around the world regardless of religious views recognizes the current year as 2016…AD.

Friend:  Another reason to be a Christian.

Jason: Okay let me get this straight.  If we both exit the planet at the same time and arrive at the gates of Heaven, St. Peter is going to give me the stop sign and wave you on through…according to you.

Friend:  Yes.

Jason:  And that is okay with you.

Friend:  Of course it isn’t. That’s why I want you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Jason:  I appreciate that.  Let me ask you this.  I have known plenty of criminals who have abused men, women, and children and claimed to have found Jesus.  Because of this they will be heading through with you while I will be left with the alternative?

Friend:  Yes.

Jason:  Again I can appreciate your concern although if the abusers are getting through I don’t think this is the place for me but let me try and explain the way I see this.  If we both arrive together you have already stated you are going through while I am being stopped right?  Maybe you’ll give me a little wave or something but once we arrive it’s every man or woman for themselves yes?

Friend:  Yes.

Jason:  Okay.  This is the way I see it.  If we get to the gates and St. Peter waves you through I’ll wish you well and deal with whatever is coming my way.  However, let’s say we get to the gates and Pete sees us coming and instead of you getting the green light…I am.  Who knows why?  Maybe the rules changed, maybe Pete’s just having a bad day.  Regardless I get a big “attababy” or “well done son come on home” while you are told there is “no room at the inn.”  If this were to happen I’d stop at the gate and say “I appreciate it Pete, I really do, but it’s either both of us…or none of us.  There is no way the loving God I know is leaving anyone at the gate and neither am I.”

Shoulder to shoulder.

My fellow Americans.

My greatest concern is not whether God is on our side.  My greatest concern is whether we are on the side of the Big Fella Upstairs.

The side of virtue and tenacity, grace and perseverance, compassion and critical thinking.

God has blessed these United States.

Freedom is up to us.

Freedom is up to me.

Freedom is up to you.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

Jason Kraus

Socrates was clear. Democracy ends in Tyranny

The job was titled Outdoor Wilderness Counselor.  As “basecamp” was located in the Northern tip of Idaho it was indeed outdoor and in the wilderness which was fine with me as I’d grown up in the mountains of Northern California.  For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you will recognize this setting and “uncomfortably” remember the usage of the “stump”.

I was tasked with teaching a workshop to a collection of the teenagers in camp.  Handed a small folder I perused the material I was to cover over the next hour.  The kids, glad to be out of the elements for a bit, gathered in the canvas covered area and although happy to not be sitting on stumps, were still not pleased with their current predicament.

None of them were there by choice.  In front of me sat a collection of teenagers that would laugh with scorn at today’s millennial.

They knew not micro in regards to aggression and in all reality only knew abuse.

Staring at me now with glazed eyes were the survivors of physical, sexual and emotional trauma.  Many had traded their bodies for drugs.  Some for security.  Others had used their fists, legs, teeth and fingernails to ensure their own survival.

I taught from the material for about ten minutes and then made an adjustment.  First, there was nothing in the material that was going to open their eyes and as entertaining as I am I couldn’t make that stuff work.

Second, I knew I had information that would interest them and provide them a porthole if they so chose to gather more information down the road.

I put the text down and asked a simple question.  “What is the most important thing to your survival?” Heads popped up.  Backs straightened.  The frozen glaze started to soften.

I asked again “What is the most important thing to your survival?”

Although I had their attention no one seemed to have an answer.

“Come on guys this isn’t a trick.  You are smart young men and women. Think about it.”

After a couple wisecracks of “beer” and “pot” the room sat quietly until a hand was raised.

I nodded. “Go ahead.”

“Love?” was the response in more of question than an answer.

If you care about people in general and specifically children it was a heartwarming and heartbreaking answer all rolled into one.

I nodded and said softly “Great answer but let me ask you this.  Have you had a lot of love in your life?”

“No,” came the answer.

“Are you feeling any love right now?” I inquired.

“No,” was the response.

“Are you still alive?”


“Again great answer but really think about it.  If you haven’t had love in your life and you are still surviving then love isn’t the most important element to your survival.”

It became silent in the room again as they sat quietly, their minds working.  For thirty seconds all the pain, fear and frustration was gone as actual thinking took over.  Synapses were firing, blood was flowing.  The art of Thought was happening.

Of course the answer is water, and after given the answer, affirmative comments and head nods happened around the room as they immediately knew they were receiving facts.  (Do not send me emails about oxygen)

More importantly they were willing to accept facts and make adjustments to their views.  Abused, desperate children willing to look beyond their own situations and LEARN.

Something, according to the press, registered adult Democrats seem unable or unwilling to do.

I am willing to grant many Democrats do not understand nor can define Democracy.  What I find pathetic is the national media pushing the story line that “educated voters” are primarily Democrats and support Hillary Clinton.

No one who actually has an EDUCATION would ever support Democracy nor be willing to repeat the lie that the United States is one.  In fact by making these statements they are proving themselves to be decidedly uneducated.

Let me try and be concise.  We’ve all heard of Socrates and Plato although sadly too many are only familiar with Socrates because of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, and as stated in the past, too many adults think Plato comes in a can.

Socrates was Plato’s teacher and is considered one of the original voices of western philosophy.

Through Plato’s writings the world was introduced to Aristocracy, which then becomes Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, and finally Tyranny…in that order.

For the purpose of this column let us focus on the term Democracy and its inevitable arrival, BY DEFINITION, at Tyranny.

No Liberals.  Bernie Sanders and Dan Rather aren’t smarter than Socrates and Plato.  Bernie and Dan would struggle with Barney and Fred.

Of course I can hear Liberals heads exploding as they read this and start to bloviate a wide variety of nonsensical verbiage including the attacking of, wait for it, Socrates and or Plato.

People people!  It’s his/their theory that you have embraced.  They named it Democracy.  You call yourselves Democrats. It’s not their fault you didn’t finish the story.  The one that ends in Tyranny.

It’s not my fault you have chosen to brand yourselves with a mark of stupidity. Not only is no one forcing this upon you, I provide weekly columns on the depravity and disease known as the Democratic Party.

Sadly these “educated” souls, that the press keep mentioning, haven’t any actual education at all.

Politicians simply wash rinse and repeat jargon like Progressive, Liberal, or the new one, Democratic Socialism, and the “educated Democrats” slop it up like pigs at a trough.

Similar qualities can be found at any local sports bar where grown men, who don’t know anything about football, run around with Jerry Rice jerseys on their backs.

Fortunately through Plato’s writings the concept of a Republic was established.

Due to space and time constraints I will fast forward.

The construction of a Republic continued to grow as humans evolved and grasped the idea and possibility of Individual Freedom.

The historical arrival of Jesus furthered the concept of not only the Individual but of Individual Responsibility.

Centuries later Adam Smith used the term “the invisible hand” to explain how the individual was of greater benefit to society by striving to fulfill their own dreams or passions.

This proclamation was quickly followed by a band of “patriots” in the New World where individuals living in Thirteen Colonies decided their freedom was more important than anything else.

With a Declaration of Independence an historic war began that would forever shape the world.

As “Don’t Tread On Me” flags were flown, statements such as “Give me liberty or give me death” and “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” were made by individuals practicing their independent Free Will.  Through the sacrifice of life and limb the greatest beacon of Individual Freedom known as The United States was formed and thus created the need for a document.

A written document known as the United States Constitution.

Through debate, arguments specifically against Democracy and even insults, the culmination of millenniums of human behavior, specifically focused on Individual Freedom and Personal Responsibility, created the Constitutional Republic.

Democracy is about the majority over the minority which Socrates stated leads to Tyranny.

A Constitutional Republic guarantees the rights of the Individual protected by the Rule of Law.

A simple way to verify that Americans implicitly understand the difference (although many cannot explain or appreciate) is the usage of the word Rights.

No one ever states they have Democratic Rights.

It is always Constitutional Rights.

Furthermore for those who like to argue, Article 4, Section 4, requires each State to have a Republican form of government.

The word Democracy was purposely left out of the Constitution as many of the framers, including James Madison, argued vehemently against it.

This was an educated man.

For those who continue to wear the scarlet D one need not wonder anymore why the Donkey is their moniker.

Then again why disparage the donkeys.

Eeyore isn’t to blame.

Lack of an education is, or an even greater concern, lack of a soul.

Jason Kraus


It was a Friday night (late 80’s) in Grass Valley, California.  I was a senior in high school and a friend of mine suggested we attend a party being thrown at a house where someone’s parents were out of town.  I wasn’t much of a “partier” as I didn’t drink alcohol or do drugs, but aside from school, the “parties” were where the girls could be found.

So to the party we went.

It was your typical soiree with too many teenagers doing too many stupid things like drinking beer and wine coolers.  Yes wine coolers were “all the rage” back then. My buddy and I weren’t there long, before another reason I didn’t crash too many parties, arrived.

Testosterone fueled males looking to impress the ladies.

Now for those of you who have read Late Bird you know fighting was part of my adolescence.  Sometimes it went my way. Sometimes it didn’t.  I learned very early that if someone was messing with you to hit first, hit hard.

I was also one that never held a grudge.

Once the fight was finished, as far as I was concerned, the problem was solved.

Sadly too many who get their egos crushed feel the need to “come back for more”.

I digress.

Because this story isn’t about this particular fight I am going to condense.  Someone I did not know had a problem with me. I addressed the problem in a way that was unsatisfactory to them.  My friend and I left the party.  Again as far as I was concerned the issue was over.

The next week in school the aggrieved individual and his friends offered to rearrange parts of my body and made comments in general that in this day and age would not be considered “micro aggressions”.

One of the aggrieved party’s friends was a big, strong,  blond, tough guy (we’ll call him Steve) that I didn’t know and had never had any problems with.

He stared at me as I squared off with two of them at a basketball game.  The conversation was brief.  A word that rhymed with buck and chuck attached to you was shared a few times back and forth.  Fortunately aside from profanity and threats nothing happened.

Two on one isn’t the best odds especially if you are the one.  Much more on this subject later.

You see sometimes life has an interesting way of making a nemesis a very real friend.

Let us fast forward about a year.  I’d just finished my first year of college baseball and was playing in an all-star game that encompassed the best players in our district and then traveled to Sacramento to play other all-star teams from different districts.

One thing about Grass Valley and the surrounding towns that made up our district.

The citizens supported their sports teams.

This all-star game happened in the middle of day and during the week, but the “mountain folk” as we were called, traveled well and were there to cheer us on.

This was the only game I can remember that my father didn’t attend.  He made all the others but couldn’t get this day off.  Looking back on it I believe this was divine intervention because had he been there I have no doubt, some of the fans of the other team, wouldn’t have made it home.

We were matched up that day with a district that was made up of what is today referred to as “urban”.

It was the “city” kids against the “mountain” kids and the stands were packed with adults cheering on each side.

I always thought the “euphemisms” were kind of funny.  We all knew “city” meant black and brown and “mountain” meant white and the stands were filled that way.

So were the teams.

Skin color never mattered to me in any way and athletics was no different.  Whether my opponents were black, white, brown or blue didn’t matter because I ALWAYS thought I was the best player on any diamond on which I stepped.

The better my opponents the harder I competed.  This happens when you HATE TO LOSE and are willing to dedicate yourself to something in pursuit of excellence.

Before the game even started, fans on both sides were yelling comments onto the field and eventually at each other.  The umpires were getting tense as the language was filled with profanity, primarily from the city crowd.

Someone on the city side brought a drum and they were beating the living tar out of it.

I have to admit, aside from the profanity and threats, I LOVED the environment.

You could smell the competition, right along with the newly cut grass and pine tar.

Wonderfully, in the middle of it all, was I.

Early in the game I drove a fastball over the left field fence and as I rounded the bases a wide variety of slurs were hurled at me.

If you can think it, it was said.

I actually started laughing coming around third and took my time in reaching home.  The fans were the worst.  Only one other time during the rest of my career did I ever experience anything close and that happened at Fresno State.

One of the more memorable lines from the probably drunken crowd at Bulldog University was from a young woman who screamed “you ain’t got nothing down there!” when I adjusted my cup in between pitches.

To be fair I may have slightly turned my hips and aimed my “adjustment” in their overall direction but after innings of listening to their opinions about my genetic makeup and sexual prowess/persuasion, I thought I’d give them a little “hat tip”.

Back to the story.

The next inning one of the “city” kid’s hit a towering home run to center field.  It might still be going.  Now remember I took my time rounding THIRD.  This joker still hadn’t hit first base and was one flap down Jeffrey Leonard style screaming at the top of his lungs “DING DONG! DING DONG!”

Jogging back to shortstop I started screaming at him to “shut the f*&k up!”

He passed within a few feet of me, and although I was boiling, I doubt he even heard me as the “DING DONG” kept getting louder.

The city fans were screaming their delight and the drum was being beaten…well like a drum.

The noise was incredible, the ranting, spitting, and screaming was at a peak (or so I thought) and again, aside from the threats, and the profanity (yes I realize I was part of the profanity problem) it was AWESOME!

Looking back on it the DING DONG wasn’t something I would have done but I have to admit I am smiling as I remember that moment.

Fast forward a couple of innings and things had gotten tight.

The score had gone back and forth but their pitcher was getting tired and my guess is they didn’t have anyone else they thought could get the job done.  He gave up the lead, became frustrated and drilled our next hitter.  It happens.  He started to throw a temper tantrum on the mound and drilled our next hitter which loaded the bases.  I was having quite a day and I guess their coach didn’t want to take a chance that he was about to witness a grand slam because he pulled his pitcher as I walked to the plate.

As the new pitcher warmed up, their center fielder jogged into the infield and stood around third base staring at me. I was standing on their side of the diamond watching their new pitcher warmup as I am right handed.  I’m not really sure what or why he decided to remind me of my skin color (not that that wasn’t happening all day) but he lit into every word imaginable including the one that rhymes with bigger.

I had my 34 31 Easton in my hands and with a head nod waved him in and said,”come on down.”  He did what most “tough guys” like to do and walked INTO his third basemen while pretending to be held back. When the pitcher was ready to go the center fielder stopped with his “hold me back” program and jogged to the mound, pointed at me and said something to the new pitcher.

Now remember.  This entire day was filled with threats, profanity and our last two hitters had just been beaned.

I glanced back at the home plate umpire and said,”blue, if this guy hits me we’re gonna have a problem.”

The old guy working the dish looked exhausted.  He’d had both sides screaming at him and had also received comments about his melanin level when calls didn’t go a certain way.  He didn’t even lift his mask.  He just looked at me and said, “son, you do what you gotta do.”

In all my experience in athletics I’d never had an official say anything like that and it has never happened since.

The poor old guy was through.  “Son you do what you gotta do.”

Now for a rule follower like myself this was a green light.

Of course even if he’d said nothing, if their pitcher drilled me, “we were gonna have a problem.”

As the pitcher went into his windup I braced for a fastball to be thrown at my head.   The pitch left his hand and bounced in front of the plate.

“Strange,” I thought as the catcher threw the ball back.

The pitcher toed the rubber and threw his second pitch.

Again, right in the dirt in front of home plate.

“That’s weird,” I thought.

Pitch number three same spot.

I stepped out of the batters box  and finally realized what was about to happen.

Pitch number four drilled me squarely in the back and he threw it as hard as he could.

For those of you who haven’t been smoked by a pitch it isn’t pleasant and when you know it is on purpose…well….

I took three steps towards first base and then took a hard left and sprinted to the mound.  The fight was on.

When you are first to a baseball brawl things usually don’t go very well.  I ended up on the bottom of the pile with my arms wrapped around the necks of two opposing players and yes I was squeezing with everything I had.

It didn’t take long though for all the oxygen to be gone and the panic to set in as I could feel myself being smothered.  Just as things were going dark multiple bodies were removed from my chest and both of my arms were ripped back freeing the others.

I inhaled deeply as I was lifted from the ground and then escorted to our dugout where I was informed I was being thrown out of the game.

The two players I’d had at the bottom of the pile were screaming and yelling that they were going to kill me.

This language earned their removal as well.

I was escorted off the field by District officials, and walked to the parking lot, by one of my teammate’s father and older brother.  Unfortunately this wasn’t a well laid plan as leaving wasn’t an option as we had to wait for my teammate, their son and brother.

We decided to return to the field.

That was a mistake.

The two other ejected players and their families had apparently been held back and when they saw little ol’ me…they lost their minds.

I was standing in my sliding shorts, socks, a shirt and had a necklace on.  As I looked up the stands emptied.

In my direction.

The father of my teammate grabbed my bat, jumped in front of me and then tackled the first attacker.

His son tackled the next one.

The rest was up to me.

I don’t know how many of you have ever experienced a mob of insanity running towards you screaming, that they are going to “kill you”, but I strongly suggest you try and not have this experience.

It isn’t pretty.

I was knocked down three times, had my shirt ripped off my body, necklace gone forever and had a massive goose egg on the back of my head where I think I was kicked while fighting on the ground.

I was told later that one of the mother’s was arrested for pulling a knife.

As I fought back the third time to my feet the punches and kicks had subsided.  Standing in front of me now were OUR fans.

This probably kept me from ending up in the hospital or worse.

As I stood there half naked, bleeding from the mouth, snarling unintelligible things, I noticed a big strong blond kid to my right pushing back two adult men whom were both bigger than he.

I heard him say, “that’s my friend…now back the f*&k up!”

It was Steve.

That was almost thirty years ago and I still remember Steve standing there like it was yesterday.

I was getting the tar beat out of me and into the fray stepped a young man who knew what was happening was wrong.

He knew he didn’t have to put himself in harms way but he did anyway.

Did I care, that at one time, Steve had said some horrible things to me.


Did I care that in the past Steve had chosen a different side than myself.


I was in trouble and Steve stepped in, defended me and bought me enough time to GET BACK UP AND INTO THE FIGHT.

Sound familiar?

It should.

The United States is at a cross roads.

The election of Hillary Clinton will remove all semblance of the Rule of Law.

Eventually millions of us are going to decide that we will not be dictated to.

That we will not be lied to.

That we all follow the laws or none of us follow the laws.

This will cause tremendous pain for you, for me, for America.

Something none of us want.

Without the electorate choosing a new direction the writing is on the wall.

The needs of the Human have been the same since the dawn of man.

Water, food, shelter, SECURITY, the need to belong.

You don’t have to like Steve, but he is the only one standing in front of us, taking hits that he doesn’t have to be taking.

He is speaking truth to power and getting crushed.

While we are trying to get back up from the beating, Steve is pushing the abusers back, giving us time to regroup.

Steve’s language was profane.  So was theirs.  So was mine.

Did the beating stop?

Yes it did.

We have four weeks to stop the assault.

You damn well better appreciate Steve as he is the only one holding back four more years of a beating.

A beating that many will not survive.  Whether you believe that or not is irrelevant.  Facts are facts.

A new way must be paved.  A new card must be played.  We all know what it is.  It has five letters…just like Steve.

That card is known as TRUMP.

For those of you who have been with me for a while you know how I feel about profanity. There are so many beautiful words available to use I believe profane verbiage is the measurement of the intellectually lazy.

There are times however that profanity is appropriate and even warranted.

It is always warranted in the physical protection of ourselves or others.

Usage of any word is always better than fists.  Fists are always better than bullets.

Due to the fact that corruption is ruining our country I want to make sure this message is clear.

Stand the f*&k UP!

If you won’t now, “Steve” might not be there next time.

To all my Brothers and Sisters.  To all American Sons and Daughters.

It’s time to do what we gotta do.

Jason Kraus

Hillary Clinton is a CRIMINAL

I believe the course was called Introduction to Critical Thinking.  The professor could have been a clone of the country singer Sammy Kershaw and I wisely fought back the urge to ask him if he had a “Queen in his double-wide trailer.”

This professor didn’t mess around (and rarely smiled) as he started in on what was expected of us, while outlines of the class, were passed around the room.  Five minutes later we were into something called the “Gambler’s Fallacy”.

The easiest way to explain this (and most common) is a coin flip.

If a coin is flipped multiple times and comes up heads on every occasion “gamblers” tend to believe that the odds of tails happening on the next flip are greater.  They aren’t.  When a coin is flipped it has the same odds every time regardless of previous outcomes.

Hence those that believe the odds change with each flip are gambling on a “fallacy”.

Of course try to tell that to those who like(d) to gamble and they will argue with you until the cows come home.

I know this to be true, because before this teacher, I was one of those people, and let’s just say I wasn’t flipping coins.

I’m sure I’ll cover that eventually in my sequel to Late Bird titled Falcon Sane crash lands in Vegas, Tahoe, Reno, and a river boat in Kentucky.

It’s humor liberals.

The professor continued to explain the Gambler’s Fallacy, and due to my youth and ego, felt like a direct challenge to me.  The more I listened the more I was convinced I should be teaching this class, and even though the University was paying for it (baseball), I still felt like I wanted my  money back.

After five more minutes I couldn’t take it anymore.  When he supplied a scenario and opportunity to comment I leaped into the conversation and challenged virtually everything he had just said.

I did it with passion and fire in my belly, or as one of my more memorable coaches used to say,”show me some piss and vinegar!”

Professor Kershaw honed in on me like a hungry lion that had just spotted a wounded gazelle.  The never smiling man spent thirty seconds dissecting my statement and then, thankfully for me, moved on to a new subject.

I sat there like a fighter, who had just awakened on his stool after taking two jabs to the body and a crushing haymaker to the chin asking, “what happened?”

Okay, it wasn’t thirty seconds.

It was probably fifteen and I’m pretty sure they were all haymakers.

It wasn’t the arguing or debating that took me down.  I’ve always enjoyed that.  It wasn’t the stares coming from the rest of the class either.  I’ve been in front of people my entire life.

It was that moment, that millisecond, when you realize…you are wrong.

That blink of an eye that allows us to learn, as long as we get out of our own way.

I sat there quietly thinking about what had just happened.  That’s when the embarrassment set in.

Fortunately I’ve always been a quick healer, physically and mentally, and after a few minutes I really tuned into what the professor was saying.

In front of me was someone I could learn from.

Someone who would, and did, make me question and provide support for my own beliefs.

That “moment” when the light turns on is sorely needed in our country and it isn’t just needed by the kids.

What do we do?

We stop flipping the coin “hoping” for a better outcome.

Americans don’t “hope”.  Hoping for something removes the power of the Individual.

We work hard, save our money and are beneficial to others.

That’s why our lives matter.

Continuing to “care” for people who do not care for or about themselves is not only hopeless but destructive as well.

Continuing to allow millions of people to live here illegally while providing them water, food, shelter, employment, medical care and schooling and sending billions of dollars around the world in “foreign aid” while we continue to borrow trillions of dollars is economically destructive and let us be honest…stupid.

All things economically destructive lessen Freedom and enable those who mean to do us harm.

It’s as simple as that.

Of course in regards to our political process we need a dramatically different choice and frankly a different coin.  The one we’ve been flipping for the last three decades has liberal stamped on both sides.

Inserting a Clinton, Bush or Obama is irrelevant.

Debt, drugs, sexual dysfunction, never ending wars, social unrest, lies, corruption, etc.

Sound familiar?

It was called the Sixties and the Me Generation liked it so much they’ve never stopped.

Heroin is back.  STD’s are rampant among the 50 plus crowd.  Lies are commonplace.  Governmental corruption is the norm.  The abuse once piled on our heroic Vietnam Vets is now aimed at Law Enforcement.

Tonight millions will watch a debate between two individuals.

One took down the Republican Establishment.  The other is corrupt to the core.

One who has earned billions of dollars and created thousands of jobs.

The other has somehow gathered hundreds of millions of dollars while people around her plead the fifth or take immunity deals.

One whose obnoxious statements hurt peoples feelings.

The other makes decisions that get people killed.

One has stated he will remove Common Core,  repeal Obamacare, attack human trafficking by closing the border and stop the number of “refugees” known as followers of Mohammed into these United States.

The other says she will give America four more years of Obama.

I’m not voting for Trump because I need a role model.

I’m not voting for Donald Trump because I need someone to lead me.

I’m voting for Trump because I’m done flipping the coin.

Both Parties are corrupt to their very core.

The Donald smoked the Republican Establishment.

Now it’s time to fry the Democrats and free a Nation.

Jason Kraus

Baseball is a white man’s game

Recently a black major league baseball player commented that “baseball is a white man’s game,” when asked why NFL players were having “protests” (in others words cowardly acts of stupidity) and MLB players were not.

“Baseball is a white man’s game,” said the millionaire black baseball player who probably thinks Plato is a kids toy that comes in a can.

It’s actually called America’s Past-Time but why bother with facts when bigotry and lies are available.

Then again maybe he has a point not found directly on top of his head.

Let us take a quick look.

It is a fact that “modern day” baseball was created by a white man and spread throughout America by white men but then again so was football, basketball, the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Emancipation Proclamation.

These men are all dead but if they were here, rather than kneel, I’d ask them to take a bow.

Now we could run down the false narrative/rabbit hole that this “country was built on the backs of blacks” and “it’s time for reparations” as the UN just stated but to do so we would have to ignore facts like the slavery of white humans (Irish) in America well before the “Afrikan” arrived.

Never mind the small “inconsequential” fact that black humans owned slaves as well.

We’d also have to ignore that almost half of the United States never had black slaves which includes the largest State in America.


By itself, California, is ranked as one of the top ten economies in the world.

Furthermore the War Between the States (nothing Civil about War) crushed the South as death, destruction and Sherman burned everything in their path.

It’s called Reconstruction for a reason and it happened by people of all colors who were FREE.

America wasn’t built on the “backs of blacks”.

It was built by the Individual.

Individual humans who bigots like to call Whites, Blacks, Browns, and Blues with Purple Polka Dots if you so choose.

Some will disagree but this is irrelevant as no humans from this time period still exist.

One does not get credit or blame for the actions of others, past or present.

Ignorance, or the ignoring of facts, comes in every color, gender, sexual preference, etc.

The latest propaganda we are being fed is that kneeling at the playing of the national anthem is about black humans being shot by law enforcement.

This is false.

Hands up don’t shoot was and is still a lie.

Michael Brown was a criminal with an extensive record who robbed and assaulted a store owner before attacking a police officer who then shot and killed him…in self-defense.

As I am tired and disgusted by the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton, who marched the mothers of dead criminals onto the podium at their convention, I will say this.

Those neighborhoods are better and safer places to be without those abusive thugs.

Get it? Got it? GOOD!

Furthermore standing up on that stage playing the victim was and is pathetic.

Michael Brown and others weren’t born criminals.

They were babies that were ignored, abused, and egregiously shorted on love and discipline…by the women on that stage.

Where hugs were needed drugs were heeded and they became detriments to society.

Forty years of “programs” and crushing illegal “immigration” has ruined the “inner” communities.

The “ghettos” are filled with drugs, prostitution, child abuse, and according to Obama, humans that look like him.

That he ever said those words is “deplorable” but then again what difference does it make?

Barack Obama is and has been a parasite to the black, brown and white communities and after eight years things are worse for those that look like him…and those that don’t.

I digress.

This isn’t a “rant” against Obama.  This is information and an explanation, on how many in the black communities, especially athletes, are getting sucked into Islam and I’ll bet most of them have no idea.

In the sixties through “black liberation” and “black theology” Islam, specifically Sunni Islam, crept into the homes of many Black Americans.

While Martin chose Jesus and a dream, Malcolm chose Mohammed and a nightmare.

While the rest of America moved towards the seventies and eighties, voices began to surface, calling for the killing of the white devil and death to America.

White Guilt emerged and programs like Affirmative Action began to allow the indoctrination of hate into our colleges and universities while Ebonics celebrated illiteracy.

Although Americans were attacked by Iranians most didn’t understand Islam and those that did were okay with Americans not liking Iran because Iran was predominately Shiite not Sunni.

As the eighties and go go nineties roared on, the immigration policies, changed by the Democrats (Ted Kennedy) were taken advantage of by the Clintons who opened up a personally profitable relationship with Saudi Arabia that has continued to this day through the Clinton Foundation and has only been slightly curtailed, by Obama favoring Iran (Shiite), and pseudo investigations by the hapless or possibly/probably complicit Republican controlled Congress.

While all this shifting and fighting was taking place Democratic groups like ACORN were created to take advantage of our electoral system that is suppose to be about reliability and transparency.

Our elections have neither today.

As in all times in human history, when moral shifts to the downside happen, it is the children, the weak and the poor who suffer the most.

While the ghettos collapsed, black Americans fled and continue to flee searching for the same things every human requires.

Water, food, shelter, security, and to belong.

Those that couldn’t or didn’t are now trapped in a circular or cyclical feedback loop that virtually guarantees the failure of those in these situations.

This has been going on for forty years and Islam is now rooted in many of these communities with many not even realizing they are being used as pawns.

This has been further exacerbated by the immigration pattern/policy of the politicians in the Boomer Generation (Clinton and Bush) and Barack Obama over his last eight years.

I would like to point out, so far, every professional or college athlete that I have seen that has knelt, except for a female soccer player, has been black.

They’ve told themselves and others it is about “police shootings” but it wasn’t in the beginning and it isn’t now.

More white Americans are killed by law enforcement every year.

More black Americans are killed by other black Americans than police every year.

More blacks die from drugs and car accidents than police shootings.

Of course to those who won’t gather facts this doesn’t sound right.

Most Americans think they hear on television every day another black man was shot…for no reason.

This is absolutely false and a narrative that is working quite well for groups like the Nation of Islam, CAIR, and even La Raza who uses different “opportunities” to take advantage of falsehoods while stating they care about “people of color”.

It’s basically the Crips and the Bloods but rather than flying colors like blue and red they have embraced different forms of the crescent moon.

Now everything I just stated is true and verifiable but some will still not want to do the research or simply don’t want to believe that Islam is involved.

Prove it Jason.  Everything you just said is circumstantial or subjective.


Black Lies Matter endorsed the Palestinian Authority.

They endorsed HAMAS, an Islamic Sunni terrorist organization that also takes money from Iran.

Every time a knee is taken those players, knowingly or not, are endorsing Sharia Law and the executions of apostates and infidels.

They are approving of the subjugation of women, the murder of homosexuals and insanely enough themselves, if they aren’t Muslim.

From a historical perspective they are also approving of the Nazis as the Muslims fought with the Germans.

The same Nazis that referred to humans with brown or black skin as “mud people”.

In essence every time they kneel they are championing bigotry.

Every time they kneel they are spitting on Martin and praising Mohammed.

Every time these teams allow this behavior they are spitting in the face of our troops in harms way.

With that said I want to point out something NONE of the media is talking about.

The overwhelming majority of black athletes are standing at attention and many with hands over their hearts.

If the media is going to continue to spend time listening to athletes, how about we focus on the cream…not the crap.

Jason Kraus

Yes the Klan still exists

A question was posed to me a while ago when the media was running around making a big case about “racism, Trump, and the Klan.”

“Jason, do you think the Klan still exists?”

“Of course they do.  They even come out and make statements quite often,” I answered.

In 2010 a white man was “impressed”  that a certain black man was “light-skinned” and spoke with “no Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one.”

Also in 2010 a white woman called a  “former member” of the KKK a “friend and mentor.”

In an incredibly bizarre twist, also in 2010, a black man called a recruiter for the Klan “a fierce protector of the US Constitution.”

The name of the white man who was “impressed” with a black man’s “light skin” and able to speak without “Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one,” was none other than Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.  DEMOCRAT.

The name of the white woman who called a member of the KKK a “friend and mentor” was none other than Presidential Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. DEMOCRAT.

Hillary would have been a wonderful Nazi as she also adored Margaret Sanger who, if she could have, would have sterilized every person she deemed “unfit” in America.

The name of the black man who called a recruiter for the Klan “a fierce protector of the US Constitution,” was none other than the President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama.  DEMOCRAT.

Yes the Klan does exist these days but they aren’t running around in hoods burning crosses.

They are running the Democratic Party.

Of course Progressive bigotry isn’t just a Klan thing.

In 2015 a “Latino” male threatened on television to put in place a “militancy that will be activated throughout the immigrant community.”

This threat was made in case legal deportations were made.  In other words the enforcement of the law.

Militant means “engaged in warfare or combat.”

His name is Luis Gutierrez.  Congressman from Illinois.  Democrat.

In 2012 a black woman stood on a stage, and knowingly being filmed, stated Sharia Law was compatible with the United States Constitution.  That same woman also made it a point to mention another woman (Hispanic) who agreed and was also in attendance that day.

The woman who made the statement was Congresswoman Maxine Waters from California.  Democrat.

The woman who agreed and was in attendance was Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez from California.  Democrat.

Due to a media that will not cover the truth most Americans have no idea what Sharia Law is or to what it pertains.

Sharia Law or Islamic Law is the “law of the land” in countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

A blind man can see the United States Constitution is not “compatible” with these oppressive nations.

To put it bluntly women are property under Sharia Law and can be beaten, raped, and even killed…legally.

Homosexuality is a crime under Sharia and punishable by death.

There is a War on Women.

It’s happening in the misogynist and homophobic Middle East, with approval in 2014 from a white woman, who reportedly told many members of the press, that “Hamas is a humanitarian organization.”

Hamas is of course a Sunni Muslim terrorist organization that also accepts money from Shiite Iran and practices…Sharia.

This woman goes by the title former Speaker of the House.  Two clicks away in the Presidential ascension.

Her name is Nancy Pelosi.  Democrat.

Now some of you may not be familiar with Hamas.  As stated earlier they are an Islamic terrorist organization that hates Israel and The United States.

They also run the Palestinian Authority.  The same Palestinian Authority that continues to fire rockets into Israel with money from Iran.

The same Iran, Barack Obama, just gave over one BILLION dollars to.

Well not exactly dollars.  Obama helicoptered in different currencies to the Ayatollah where, according to John Kerry’s own words, “those funds could be used for terrorism.”

John Kerry Secretary of State.  Democrat.

Truly stunning.  The usage of propaganda, money, and lies to murder, rape, pillage, and create terror in other humans, specifically those that follow Judaism or as a black man would say “hymie town”.

The man who made that comment was “Reverend” Jesse Jackson.  Democrat.

Of course he isn’t alone.  In 2015 another black man called for the killing of humans with pale faces.

While college students screamed and threw tantrums about “micro aggressions” and Obama said he “understood” when cops were targeted and murdered, nothing was said about the aforementioned man who called for ten thousand black Americans to take to the streets to kill the white man.

That man is named Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, and he said these things in a church, not a mosque, where he reportedly received a standing ovation.

Calling for the militancy and the outright murder of others because they don’t look like you or because they are Semitic.

Kind of like…the KKK.

Well not kind of like.

Exactly like the Ku Klux Klan.

The Klan is still around and going strong.  It just comes in all colors now.

It’s found on the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor and as an appointee to HUD (Julian Castro).  Democrats.

Both supporters of La Raza.  Just in case some don’t know what La Raza means.  It means “the Race”.

Pray tell what “race” are these bigots referring to?

I could go on and on with the bigotry coming from the Klan err Democratic Party but let us be honest with each other.

You don’t need me to.

We all know we have very real problems in America.

What’s that?

One more example of diversity in the new Klan?


A black man stated recently that if blacks don’t vote for Hillary it would be “disrespectful” as it would ruin a legacy.

Basically if you are black and don’t vote for Hillary you are an Uncle Tom.

The name of the hateful bigot who said this.

Barack Hussein Obama. Democrat.

He is half right.

A vote for Hillary won’t ruin a legacy.

It will ruin a country.

Jason Kraus

We need a bigger basket

Sadly we keep hearing the same two things over and over from the politicians, radio talk show squawkers, television talking heads and of course the incredible intelligentsia known as the American Media.

(1) America is a Democracy.

(2) Taking a knee or saying something stupid is a Constitutional Right.

No and NO.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic.  Don’t take my word for it.

Look it up.

Of course many, who believe this to not be true won’t, so I will simplify.

We have a Constitution.  Maybe you’ve heard of it.  It’s that thing many scream about when you feel one bathroom isn’t enough or somebody just hit you with a micro aggression.

For the record “micro aggressions” have been around for a while.

We call it whining.

Furthermore each State (we have 50 of them Barry) via Article 4 Section 4, is required to have a Republican form of government.


I can hear the Liberals heads popping like the swollen ticks that they are, as the truth squeezes them into an uncomfortable place that those of us who work hard, save our money and are beneficial to others like to call…reality.

Oh Jason you know nothing.

Of course I don’t.

You’re right as always Lucy Liberal.

By the way I love what you’ve done with the place!

Record highs on Food Stamps, probably over 100 million not in the workforce, violent crime rising in virtually every major city in America and historic debt piling up, while human trafficking soars.

Gang banging thugs are killing blacks, whites, browns, and cops everyday.

Look out Progressives.  “Dog whistles” galore.

I thought Bush was a train wreck but then came Obama.

Putting a Community Organizer in charge of our nation has been great!

Well done!

America is looking more and more like Chicago everyday!

Failing schools, murder rates soaring, lying politicians, striking unions, and soon to be bankrupt cities begging for a bailout.

Emanuel Obama strikes again!

While this is all increasingly getting worse your new criminal, err candidate, says you guys want to give us “four more years” of the same.

Well slap my backside and call me “uneducated” but us Deplorables, would rather have a BILLIONAIRE take a shot, than continue with those who go begging on their knees to millionaires and billionaires, bowing to Kings, flying around with pedophiles and fomenting terrorism with our own money.

In fact we’d like to invite all of you Obama and Shiite supporters to visit Iran.

Upon your arrival please remember “real American leaders do not negotiate with terrorists”.

Hopefully you will have taken Streisand, Dunham, and a Kaepernick with you. I’m sure they will all love living under Sharia.

There, Colon can use both knees while he kisses the ground.

Good luck with your “humor” Lena.  I doubt the Shiite will find you funny.  We may have found something I can agree on with Iran.

Oh and dear dear Barbara.  The Muslims are going to LOVE you.

I digress.

It truly is stunning to listen to a wide variety of Americans, even Republicans, say something like “well that is Democracy for ya.”

Well if we are a Democracy then why are you calling yourselves Republicans?

Bueller?  Bueller?  Anyone? Anyone?

In conclusion please say it with me silly Liberals.

We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.  Protection of the rights of the Individual through the rule of law.

You’d best learn quickly to stop tearing it down.

It is the only thing protecting you.

Moving on to Item (2)

Taking a knee or saying something stupid is not and has never been a “Constitutional Right”.

It’s called Free Will.

Freedom of Speech has nothing to do with being a bona fide moron.  It has nothing to do with the NFL or any other private entity.

The 1st Amendment protects (among other things) our right to speak truth to power freely without fear of persecution or prosecution from any form of GOVERNMENT.

Of course in this day and age both fear of persecution and prosecution are very real if you don’t agree with the Obama Administration.

Not convinced?

Why did Lois Lerner (IRS) admit her crime (targeting American Citizens), apologize and then take the 5th?

Quiet down Polly Progressive.

The “Deplorables”  (Adults) are talking now.

Let us switch gears and focus on Free Will.  Free Will and Freedom are two dramatically different things.

Target or Tarjay decided a while ago to get involved in the “he go, she go, we go” bathroom episode.

So many jokes here.

Apparently millions of Americans didn’t like this and Tarjay’s sales numbers were off dramatically in their last reporting.

Coincidentally a recent article discussed how WalMart was back on track taking share away from its competitors.

Now I have no idea what WalMart’s lavatory situation is (and I don’t want to know) and I am guessing millions of Americans don’t either.

I guess WalMart decided they’d just focus on what ol Sam founded the business on.

Cheap prices.

Not his and hers toilet seat covers.

Then again I’m sure WalMart sent some money to Hillary too.

Maybe someone should tell the AFL/CIO.

Speaking of a place that needs “organizing” The CEO of Starbucks decided he wanted to join the America bashing too.

Howard Schultz proclaimed that if you have conservative values (you know he’s upset he didn’t use deplorable first) Starbucks doesn’t want your money.

I’m sure the stockholders loved that one.

Starbucks fascinates me and is the perfect example of why too many Americans won’t have any money as they age.  It is also an example of inflation and probably price gouging but hey as long as everybody is cranked up on caffeine and 500 different flavorings “it’s all good bro”.

You know it home slice.  Ax me no questions I’s tells youse no lies.

Then again maybe you should tell that to your kidneys, liver and your heart while you swallow your Type-Two diabetes medications.

“Just sayin.”

By the way I abhor that “sayin”.

If you are going to say something stand behind it.  Don’t weasel out with “just sayin.”

Let us refocus.

I know multiple people who consume Starbucks items almost daily that no longer open their wallets.

I’m sure Peet’s and Dutch Bros are gaining ground out here in California and I’ll bet Dunkin Donuts is doing well on the East Coast.

I myself have purchased many gift cards for others over the years from Starbucks.

Not anymore Schultz, and I’m not even a Conservative.


Maybe you’ve heard of us.  We make up the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement, Fire, and the Private Sector that funds the world’s largest economy.

Yea the one that has created so much wealth you can charge five bucks for a cup of joe and enough sugar to put a horse into a coma.

While you run around  supporting Obamacare your products are causing more citizens to die from heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes.

No I don’t want six pumps of chocolate in my mocha.  My health insurance premiums are already too high, but hey, great job!

As Pocahontas would say “you sure did build it.”

Can I get a defibrillator with my pumpkin spice latte Howie?

How about a body bag for all the Citizens your product is killing through obesity related diseases?  Maybe you should have a chat with your Progressive partner Bloomberg.  I’m sure he’d love to put a size limit on your ability to sling legal crack.

Of course he would.

Mikey likes it!

Listen up you two clowns.

Starbucks products kill more Americans than guns ever will yet we don’t need to outlaw guns, coffee or sugar.

We need to outlaw the narcissism, greed and ego-centrism known as the Liberal.

Fortunately we are a Constitutional Republic.

We are legally protected from the days of having to kneel to putrid souls like yourselves, but even if we weren’t, Free Will would keep us from it.

At least those of us in the basket.

Jason Kraus



Unless you’d prefer a noose

Last Sunday on Meet the Press, former Obama Advisor David Plouffe, called Donald Trump a psychopath.

The moderator Chuck Todd (a Clinton supporter/apologist) jumped in and inquired as to the “fairness” of this statement, never mind it was false and certainly unprovable by the likes of Plouffe.

Todd asked Plouffe if he had a degree in Psychology and of course Plouffe didn’t.

Two sickly looking humans gossiping about a 70 year old man whom appears to have more energy than the Press, and all of the Clinton campaign, combined.

At least Trump can finish a sentence without coughing up a lung.

Now I actually do have a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology but that doesn’t make me a Psychologist.

That would be a Ph.D, Chuckles.

It doesn’t make me a Psychiatrist either.  That would be an MD, Theodore.

Yet this is what the media is now giving us.

Liberal Progressives calling anyone any name they like until something sticks (Harry Reid anyone?), and the media giving them plenty of airtime, to do so.

The press continues to smear and separate Americans on a daily basis.

We are constantly being told that an overwhelming percentage of Black Americans, almost all Hispanics or Latinos (for goodness sake members of the press, please settle on one label of bigotry) and “educated Whites” all support Clinton while only the “uneducated  White” knuckle draggers support Trump.

The “deplorables”.

It’s really an amazing thing what the Press is doing and too many seem to either agree, not notice or not care.

Whites are being stereotyped by “education”.

Smart Whites want Clinton.

Stupid Whites want Trump.

It is very clear what the Press is doing as they continue to tell us this EVERYDAY.

Amazingly no one, on either side of the spectrum, seems to grasp what else is being said.

While the “smart Whites” support Clinton and the “stupid Whites” support Trump, the press is stating that virtually ALL Black Americans and Hispanic/Latinos are supporting Clinton.

Unless we are to assume that all Black Americans and Hispanic/Latinos are “educated” the Democrats/Press are calling at least a portion of Black Americans and Hispanics “uneducated” or in another word…dumb.

While Whites are stereotyped by “education” Blacks and Latinos aren’t given such “courtesy”.

According to the media these two groups all think the same way regardless of an “education.”

Sounds like “racial profiling” to me.

Funny how bigotry always finds its way home.

Of course the press isn’t going to overtly speak the truth even though their actions and words are clear.

Could you possibly imagine the media coming out with “educated Blacks and Hispanics support Clinton…and so do the uneducated Blacks and Hispanics.”

Neither can I.

Now it has been acceptable to call Whites “stupid” for quite a while and as a strategy has worked incredibly well.

Rather than challenge the truth most of American society has been conditioned to accept Political Correctness which has morphed into:

“White Men Bad.  All Others are oppressed and in need of Government Assistance.”

White Guilt is in full bloom and has over taken the airwaves.  Case in point.

Ann Coulter is a writer and speaker.  Whether people like her style or not doesn’t matter to me.  As far as I can see she tells the truth and because of this is attacked mercilessly.

She has been called everything in the book including “horse face”.  This is of course not only tolerated, but approved, by the Progressive Liberals.

They are saying she looks like an animal.

Yet when comments are made that Michelle Obama looks like a monkey or an ape this is attacked as the worst form of racism known to man.

The Liberals make jokes about Horse Face, then lose control of their bowels when they hear Gorilla, unless the word Gorilla came out of the mouth of a Sunni Muslim known as Muhammed Ali.

The same Muhammed Ali who used this term towards Joe Frazier, an American Olympic Gold Medalist and Heavyweight World Champion.

Apparently it is appropriate to call black humans “gorillas” as long as it is done by a Sunni Muslim.

For the record listed below are a few more Sunni Muslims.

Osama bin Laden (Saudi Arabia Wahhabism)

Saddam Hussein (Iraq)

That’s quite a trifecta.

Two killers the Nazis would have been proud of and a draft dodging, wife cheating, braggart who took money from a man (Joe Frazier) and then betrayed him by calling him a gorilla and an Uncle Tom.

Just so we are all on the same page calling Ann Coulter “horse face” or Michelle Obama “gorilla” is asinine.

Calling people names in general is a waste of time and a poor usage of our corpus callosum.

Sorry Clinton supporters.  Corpus callosum is the connecting tissue…oh why bother…I’m sure I lost you at trifecta and no the word “asinine” has nothing to do with your backside nor followed by ten.

Concerned citizens are now wondering what to do next.  The politicians lie.  The media lies.

The FBI tells the truth and then says if you are Hillary Clinton (or millions of illegals) the rule of law doesn’t matter.

Obama is releasing “non violent criminals” who have returned to society and already murdered people, including a woman and her children.

Sanctuary cities allow criminals to hide AND continue harming local communities.

What do we do?

First we must admit the truth.

There are millions of Americans and millions in America who abhor these United States.

It is time to stop pretending that all Americans are equal.

Those who idolize Mohammed, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Adolph Hitler, Robert Byrd, Margaret Sanger and groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, CAIR, NAACP, Black Lies Matter and La Raza HATE everything America stands for.

They hate you and they hate me.

La Raza wants parts of the United States “back”.

Sharia wants it all.

Now there are many who will say these things aren’t true.  Sadly they are.

I wish they weren’t.

There is nothing wrong with America but there is definitely something wrong with plenty of Americans.

The time for compassion is long gone.

With statements like “pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon”, “Islam is woven into the fabric of our country”, “Hamas is a humanitarian organization”, “Sharia Law is compatible with the United States Constitution” and calling for militancy from illegals against Americans, there is no room for compassion.

Just ask Reginald Denny.  He was almost beaten to death in the Los Angeles riots in 1992 for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“Room to destroy” has been around for decades.

Roughly the same amount of time that many in the Me Generation have been preying on the generosity of the United States.

The worst generation of politicians in American history.

Hillary Clinton is a disease that needs to be quarantined in Leavenworth, not stealing more furniture from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Like Trump or not…I don’t care.

He is the only tourniquet available right now.

Unless you’d prefer a noose.

I choose to stop the bleeding not our breathing.

If need be…one knuckle at a time.

Jason Kraus


Then they came for me

Decades ago as I settled into my seat the college professor began to pass out the syllabus and stated, “You could probably pass this class by just reading the book…but then again.  I am telling you now there will be things on the tests that can only be learned in class.  The text will not hold all the answers.  So it is up to you.  Come to class, don’t come to class.  Pass or fail.  I suggest for those who want to pass, regular attendance, should be one of your primary goals.”

Attendance wasn’t a problem for me.  I was on campus everyday because of baseball.  Going to class wasn’t the hard part.  Staying awake through some of these “lectures” was a task unto itself.  This teacher however was one I knew I would enjoy.  He spoke clearly and at a good pace.  He also presented himself well as someone who’d lived but hadn’t been crushed by the living.

He wasn’t there to scare us, berate us, or bore us.  He was there because he enjoyed teaching.  He wanted to share his experiences within the scope of the class.

In other words he liked to tell stories.

We moved through the breakdown of the semester, two tests, one project, and points for attendance.  My kind of guy.  Not only did he tell you attendance was important but he also attached value.

Something many teachers still don’t understand.

The class finished and two days later we were all back for more.  Some of us anyway.  Noticeably there were many empty seats.  I watched the professor with a bit of pity.  I felt bad for him.  He had done a great job.  His stories were entertaining, his points well thought out.  He perused the room and then said, “Showing up is half the battle.  You will not learn by being absent.”

He then started to speak.

After about 15 minutes I looked around the room.  The professor had been talking the entire time and had everyone’s attention.  No notes were taken, no chatting in the back, no trying to talk to the opposite sex.  He had us in the palm of his hand.

He was teaching.

He talked about human behavior, ethics, and then mentioned off hand how one time he had a professor who gave a 100 question true/false test and all the answers had been true.  Thirty five minutes later our fifty minutes was up and we shuffled out the door to our next destination.  He’d given quite a bit of information but because he’d relayed it in story form I thought I would remember the important points.

Turned out I was right.

Two weeks later the class was packed as one of our two tests was scheduled.  The prof entered, smiled, and said how lovely it was to see EVERYONE today.  I laughed to myself as he started to pass out the test.  Hand over head the test was distributed until each of us sat silently with our test, number two pencil and scan-tron.

“You have the rest of the class to complete your test.  Once you are finished you are excused.  We will go over them next time.  Good luck.”

I turned my attention to the test and read the first question.  I nodded and marked True.  I read the next question.  True as well.  The third, fourth, and fifth questions were all True before the light bulb went off.  I quickly skipped to the end.  There were 100 questions.  I read the last question.  It was true.  I reversed back to the middle and randomly selected another question.  It was true.  I almost laughed out loud.  I looked up at the mad scientist at the front who was sitting watching the room.  I shook my head and without bothering to read any other questions, marked every single one of them True.  I did double check to make sure I’d filled in every single spot.  I even counted them individually to make sure.

When you’ve got the magic code you want every single point and I had the magic code.  After a few minutes I gathered my backpack and walked to the front of the room.  I could feel the looks from many of the other students.

Some because they couldn’t believe I could read 100 questions that fast.  They were right.  I couldn’t.

A few others watched me as well because they too had the magic code but wanted to wait for verification that they were right.  I looked at the professor with a quizzical set of eyes.  It was possible I could be wrong and if so I was about to flunk this test.  He met me with laughter in his and said “have a nice day.”

I barely made it half way to the door before ten other students were turning in their tests.

All True.

Two days later we were back in class.  ALL of us.  Our teacher walked in and started talking as always.  While passing our scan-trons back the class sat as though in a spell.  We all wanted to see our results.  Even more importantly we wanted to hear more from this man.  He had our attention because those of us who had “showed up” had been rewarded and those of us who didn’t, were not.

Knowledge isn’t about rote memorization, or the taking of tests.  It’s about having experiences that lead to thinking critically.

Teaching is about provision of the truth and facts, and then the reward of those who learned through the experience by thinking critically.

In other words, “show up and get to work.”

There are too many in America who haven’t any knowledge and aren’t questioning lies.

There are too many in America who aren’t even showing up.

Generations on food stamps who believe they deserve a check.

Generations of bigotry who don’t support the United States but rather La Raza.

Generations of hate that call for the collapse of America and the killing of apostates and infidels through the word of Mohammed.

It’s time to “attend class” citizens of these United States.  It’s time to show up in record numbers and vote properly.

If you were one who bought into Bill Clinton, I understand.  The man is a world class liar and sociopath.

If you were one who bought into George Bush, I get it.  What were the alternatives? Gore or Kerry? Hardly.

If you were one who bought into Obama, I get it…the first time.  The second time…just plead insanity.

A second helping of a Clinton and a third helping of Obama?

There is no excuse.  Those who continue to support Hillary Clinton, for any reason, are detriments to a free society, traitorous in their decisions, or ignorant beyond aid and can no longer be tolerated.

Democratic Politicians are calling for the “militancy of illegals against Americans” while naming anyone who wants the rule of law  enforced a racist, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobe.  Democratic Politicians support the Nation of Islam, Sharia Law, the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.


Some will tell you they don’t but lies of omission are still lies.

While Hillary takes money from Saudi Arabia, Obama is the greatest stimulus program in the history of Iran and they both continue to do it over and over again while the Press, Loretta Lynch and James Comey ignore or provide cover for their criminal behavior.

What do we hear from the Liberals (Republicans and Democrats)?  They are worried about Donald Trump???

They aren’t worried.  They are complicit and they know the only outsider since Ross Perot is going to raise the hood and start poking around.

If you have friends, family, or acquaintances that are supporting the demise of America you must defend our country.  Stop worrying about their feelings.  They aren’t worried about ours. Use your voice in whatever capacity necessary to show them the light.

The alternative will certainly be less agreeable to us all…especially to those who will be marked as traitors.

We either have the Rule of Law or we don’t.

Trust me Liberals you better hope we do.

Democracy has been a failure and a lie.  We are a Constitutional Republic.  If you cannot grasp this concept Comrade Obama has opened a path for all of you to visit Cuba.

“First they came for strangers and I did nothing.  Then they came for my neighbors and I did nothing.  Then they came for me.”

Jason Kraus



The Five Phases of Trump

Each week I gather as much information as I can pertaining to the happenings in the World.

As this takes place ideas or subjects jump out at me that I feel are important to expand upon.

This week has been truly bizarre.

Seemingly everyday Wikileaks is releasing past Clinton criminality (with promises of more) at the same time Donald Trump continues to say things that make me grind my teeth.

In other words the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round.

For years I have written columns, and a book, about the financial and moral collapse brought on by tens of millions of members of the Boomer Generation.  How sex, drugs, debt and the perversion of laissez-faire into “living for the now” has crippled our country and allowed oppression to grow through “government programs”.

Liberal and Liberty are not synonymous.

Progress and Progressive are like water and oil.

One of these columns pertained to Trump and his Scorched Earth style of dealing with enemies.

The Donald has been an enigma his entire life, as he seems, to never have had a thought, that didn’t escape his lips.

If he thinks it, he says it.

I’m sure in his younger years he was a bit more diplomatic but I know as each year passes for me, my ability to politely tolerate stupidity has virtually disappeared.

I’m 45.  Donald is 70.

In the beginning it was great to hear him talk about the border and human trafficking.

The Ostrich Syndrome provided by both Parties, and too many citizens, has lead to the murder, rape, and sexual trafficking of women and children.

In another word…SLAVERY.

Unfortunately his verbiage was a bit rough and is now being used against him by the cowardly politically correct crowd and the treasonous CAIR and La Raza supporters.

Both enemies of America and Americans.

When he stated murders and rapes were and are happening, because our border is nonexistent, he was and is right.

Unfortunately he doesn’t appear to be able to evolve in any communicative manner and has lead us to where we are now.

Trump has gone through three campaign managers and although I am sure they are all intelligent people, they don’t seem to understand, or be capable of managing The Donald.

To do so one must be willing to admit that (a) he is uncontrollable (stop trying to) and (b) he thrives on negative attention.

Trump walks to the beat of his own drum.

Let us call it the Five Phases of Donald.

Phase One begins with him being insulted, acknowledging the guilty party and blasting away.

Cue Rosie O’Donnell.

This only continues if the person responds.

Trump likes to think of himself as a counter-puncher and not a bully.

His recent tirade with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski only escalated because Joe continued.

Once Trump started talking about secret love affairs Joe seemed to quiet down dramatically.

Not sure what Mika said.

I don’t watch Morning Joe enough to garner what the Claire Underwood House of Cards lookalike pontificated upon, if at all.

Regardless, if the other side continues, he does as well, which kicks off Phase Two.

Now before we go any further I want to be very clear.

Trump isn’t doing this on purpose.

This isn’t some strategy he is following.

His only strategy is flamethrower to the left, flamethrower to the right.

This is my subjective opinion from leading, learning, coaching, teaching, and dealing with people in many situations for almost five decades.

Combine this experience with understanding Adam Smith and Abraham Maslow and it is relatively easy to predict certain behaviors of the Individual.

Especially successful people.

Successful people have daily routines.

It helps to create wealth, stability, and happiness.

It also creates patterns that are easy to see if one is willing to look.

Metaphorically it is the difference between hearing (the tympanic membrane reverberating in our ears creating sound) and listening (the gathering of information from aforementioned reverberation).

I digress.

Phase Two of Mission Scorched Earth began when he started to garner support from mainstream America.

Again millions of Americans loved to watch Rosie receive her comeuppance.

Tens of millions of Americans also loved to listen to the Party of Bush (RINO) get ripped apart.

Trump could do no wrong in Phase Two as even he commented “I could shoot somebody and still get votes”.

Unfortunately he personalized this affection as America loving him, when this wasn’t the case overall.

Freedom loving Americans love AMERICA!

We don’t do hero worship.

Yet most were willing to go along for the ride because SOMEONE needed to remove the corruption from Washington D.C. and the Donald’s “kung fu seemed strong”.

Trump was riding high and even took the lead in the polls for a week or two.

Sadly we must remember the two things the campaign managers don’t seem to understand.

(a)He is uncontrollable (don’t bother to try) and (b) he thrives off negative attention.

Things were going TOO well.

It is possible the speed of it all caught up to him, or even the reality that he may actually become President, suddenly landed uncomfortably in his psyche.

We will never know but the wheels on the bus completely fell off and it stopped going round and round.

Do not pass go.

Do not collect $200.

He even acknowledged this by saying “if I lose I’ll go back to my great life.”

This is the statement of someone who is preparing to not win.

How do I know this?

We’ve all said something like this at one time or another when we thought we might not get something we wanted especially in competition.

It’s human nature to emotionally “hunker down”, lick our wounds and tell ourselves everything will be okay.

It’s our first line of behavioral defense.

Trump just did it in front of the World.

With Rosie O’Donnell, Phase Three started with her going into hiding.

Trump continued to hammer her at every turn and lost some support because people started to forget who started the entire thing.

The Donald started to look like a bully.

This is where his campaign managers could make such a difference.

The man thrives on the fight but just like Rosie, Hillary has been hiding, poking her head out occasionally while refusing to give an actual press conference for a couple hundred days.

Trump wants to fight but Hillary is refusing to actively engage him (smart and cowardly) until her people tell her to.

She then pops up with “Trump is a racist” at a fundraiser and disappears into the night.

Trump doesn’t see her as an equal.

He thinks she’s lazy, incompetent, corrupt, and in general not on his level when it comes to real achievement.

He’s right and because of this he finds her boring.

I guarantee it.

Hillary Clinton is a criminal and a horrible candidate.

She knows it.  I know it.  You know it.

Her supporters know it.

Everyone knows it.

She is simply playing possum and running out the clock and it is working because Trump’s people aren’t doing their job.

We all know what he is.

Work to his strengths.

He needs a target.

We need him to target her.

His people need to draw her out.

They cannot sit there and wait for the debates.

The polls, have to be even, going into the first debate, or this election is probably over unless some type of catastrophe happens that none of us want.

This leads us to Phase Four.

Phase Four has brought eye rolls and puzzlement from Trump allies and the return of Rosie/Hillary supporters again attempting to defend their “friend” and attack Trump with viciousness and lies, while she continues to hide from the public eye.

This is the problem.

Trump is hitting every single one of them back AND piling on Clinton/O’Donnell.

Although this worked against Rosie he has got to ignore the mealy mouthed press and Hollywood types and aim that bazooka at Clinton.

Unfortunately it appears Whack-A-Mole is Hillary’s game plan.

Sometimes you see her, sometimes you don’t.

Trump isn’t nuanced or even patient enough for this.

His people have to be and they aren’t.

Trying to “soften his message” on immigration is foolish.

Border security is good for the entire country especially the poorer neighborhoods.

He should be hammering the gangs and cartels that are causing all this mayhem, rape, death, and destruction.

He should be reminding people about heroin and meth and what it does to the human spirit and he should remind people that our failing cities are controlled by Progressive Liberals.

Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Oakland, Los Angeles, etc., are all broke and broken.

Don’t get softer Donald.


We want to hear you ROAR American Greatness!

We want to hear America First!

When The Donald was declared the victor over Rosie the 5th cycle was complete.

Trump buried O’Donnell.

Her life has been a mess ever since.  Her own child reportedly despises her.

We are in Phase Four right now.

Trump allies are still with him but understandably tense as he Scorches Earth with his Twitter account daily.

Sometimes necessary.

Many times not.

Trump’s part-time friends are quietly distancing themselves while Clinton supporters like CAIR, La Raza, and the NAACP pile on.

The question now is this.

Can Mr. Brexit focus on one target, sniper-like, and put the Cackle Queen away or will we all be stuck in the 4th cycle and four more years of lies, deceit, and corruption known as an Obamanation?

One thing is certain Donald J.

I am here to defend freedom.

To defend these United States.

As such I am willing to help you in any capacity.

Although James Taylor has turned out to be a rube, easily manipulated by the financier of Iran known currently as the President of the United States, he did at one time create wonderful music and one line is currently poignant.

“Winter, spring, summer or fall,

All you got to do is call,

And I’ll be there, yeh yeh yeh

You’ve got a friend…till the end.”

There’s millions of us.

Stop trying to carry the load yourself.

We have strong backs and bright minds and we stand:

Shoulder to shoulder.

America First.  American Only.

Freedom First.  Freedom Only.

All you got to do is call.

Jason Kraus