Just Stop Talking

President Trump had quite a week. Markets soared, the economy roared, and the EU was shaken to their core.  While the Red White and Blue surged forward the Blue Wave circled the drain and continued to screech unintelligible things.

After a reporter from CNN was “banned” from a White House function because of poor behavior, Lou Dobbs posed the question “who the hell are you” to CNN. I thoroughly enjoy Lou but we all know who they are.  They are the network that fed Hillary Clinton the debate questions, and presumably the answers, as we all know Hillary was struggling while having to be carried and thrown into a vehicle.

The question should have been when did Hillary graduate from her Chairman Mao outfit to a full blown moo moo.

Maxine Waters stated “The Democratic Party is not a Socialist Party.”  The “Sharia Compliant” supporting Farrakhan loving Waters finally got something right. The Democratic Party is the Party of La Raza, Hamas, and greed.

Mad Max isn’t “sharing” her ill gotten gains with anyone.

Speaking of Socialism’s current flavor of the month, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t sure where Israel is actually located, but she is one hundred percent sure the Jews are oppressing the Palestinians.  Free medical, free healthcare, and Free Hamas. Sounds like the “protestors standing guard” outside of the aforementioned Waters office in Southern California as they ripped an American Flag off of a moving vehicle, and burned it in the street while chanting “black power, brown power, union power”.

I’m familiar with nuclear power, gas power, and the Tower of Power but the other three….oy vey.

Cortez proclaimed to be for women’s rights standing right next to Bernie Sanders. I wonder when someone is going to ask her if she “fantasizes about being raped simultaneously by three different men while having sex”.

A well known singer was apparently rushed to the hospital after “partying” all night. Someone in the music industry overdosing on drugs isn’t really news until you realize this singer was on the election trail and stage stumping for Hillary Clinton.

Yep, Demi Lovato was “with Her”.

Due to Hillary blaming EVERYONE and EVERYTHING for her “loss” one has to wonder whether the singer finally took the heat. Of course this was probably just your garden variety rockstar overdose as the woman didn’t die, unlike too many people, too close to the Clintons over the years.

We still don’t know what happened to Seth Rich but I feel quite certain Donna Brazile has an idea.

Apparently the 150 BILLION Obama gave the Iranians wasn’t enough to quiet their nerves. A “special forces” Iranian decided to threaten President Trump and America with our complete destruction. They can’t handle women walking on the streets with their heads uncovered but they are going to wipe out these United States.

Sounds more special needs than special forces but that’s Barack. Throwing our money down a Shiite rat hole.

Thanks Valerie Jarrett!

I know Progressives (see idiots) will say that it was “Iran’s money” and we were just “holding it for them”.

Using this logic we should allow criminals to rob banks, arrest them, and then “return the money” to the robber.

Mark Hamill thought he would be funny on Twitter pretending to not dismantle Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame Star. He reminds me of someone who didn’t get enough attention from Daddy and spends too much time playing with his light saber.

I am hoping Trump tweets him with “Luke I am your Father. Just call me Big Papa.”

I could continue on with stories of the Stupid Humans but why bother. Due to the inanity and insanity shown daily by Liberals I think it is time for a new moniker.  Rather than Stupid Humans we will now refer to them as Just Stop Talking.

From this point further for the survival of Humanity anytime anyone crosses the path of a Liberal point directly at them, and state for all to hear:


Finally, like an almost born baby the NFL continues to labor with our National Anthem.

We shouldn’t be surprised as Stupid Humans will always struggle with the most basic of concepts. To ensure that I am understood I will explain myself using one syllable words.

Get off your knees mo rons.

Jason Kraus



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