Freedom: Love It or Leave It

The propaganda filled headline that Yahoo helped to find an audience read “Donald Trump is on an Orwellian mission to redefine human rights.”

Liberals/Progressives really are Stupid Humans and they love to reference George Orwell.

My guess is they’ve not read a single Orwellian creation in their sad little lives.

They also love to quote Marx with the understanding that his first name is Harpo.

Again, stupid, Stupid Humans.

Just like the United States is NOT a Democracy, Human Rights do not exist.

Thank goodness and God that they don’t.

The concept of a Human Right is of course defined by, wait for it, HUMANS.

These concepts or “Rights” can change at any time depending upon the strength or weakness of the aforementioned Bipeds.

In this theory “health care” could become a Right.

So could government run “Assisted Suicide” whether one asks for an “assist” or not.

How Hippocratic Oath of them and yes that was part of ObamaDoesn’tCare and will always be a part of any “government run” (see Oppression) system.

The Dems and RINOS like to call it “rationing”.

Some would refer to this as murder, others as “Late-Term Abortion”.

It simply depends on the Humans creating the “Rights”.

Mao, Stalin, and Hitler all created their own Human Rights.

So did Castro, Chavez, Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

Some Humans were deemed to not be Human enough which can and does happen when Homo Sapiens-sapiens give up the greatest gift known to Man.

Free Will.

Millions of Humans have gone along with the theory of “Human Rights” only to be raped, murdered, set on fire, mutilated, starved, or watch their countrymen and women be run over by tanks.

The only thing that stopped these atrocities were the Humans who engaged in Free Will and decided they would not go quietly into that good night.

From the practice of Free Will, Freedom was born.

Freedom is a living breathing creation that unlike Human Rights cannot be codified.

Freedom is alive and well, and its greatest genesis is known, as the American.

The American is the reason the Land of Free, the Home of the Brave even exists and all who stand proudly and proclaim to be an American (hyphen free) have at the very least, inherently sworn to defend her, from enemies foreign and domestic.

Our domestic enemies are allowing the invasion of these United States by foreign nationals.

They’ve even codified or legalized their entry by allowing criminality to occur to gain entrance but then require the citizens of America to follow laws or “Human Rights” to deal with foreign illegality.

There is a famous question that has always been asked without ever receiving an answer.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

From a Human Rights perspective it currently depends upon the gender of the chicken or the color of the egg.

From a Free Will perspective it is time to smash the egg and kill the chicken.

Welcome to Animal Farm.

Jason Kraus

Every Day of the Week and Twice on Sunday

On one side we have the Dems, the Libs, the Progressives, the KKK, Antifa, La Raza, Hamas, the Climate Changers, Kamala’s Reparation-Harris Transportation program, the open border bunch, the Democratic-Socialists, the LGBTQer’s, Black Lives Matter, the Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas, MSNBC, CNN, ESPN, most of FOX, YAHOO, GOOGLE, RINOS, too many in the Justice Department, and the majority of the pathetic Judiciary.

On the other side we have the American People and the 2nd Amendment.

Almost doesn’t seem fair.

It isn’t but it was never meant to be.

Besides, we Americans have yet to brace the traitors, by embracing our right to not only bear arms, but fire at will.

Shouldn’t be too much longer.

Strangely enough the Liberals are doing everything they can to hasten their demise.

Had they actually been able to place Hillary the Horrible in the Oval Office there is no doubt interest rates would be around ZERO, the stock markets would be in free fall, the national debt would be beyond 25 trillion, and one-third of the country would be on food stamps, never mind the millions of illegals who would have arrived.

Donald Trump bought Americans a little breathing room and at the same time gave the Liberals a chance to see the error of their ways.

Unfortunately they’ve decided to double-down on their losing hand and are now staring at Aces otherwise known as bullets.

Traitor McCain left us with ObamaDoesn’tCare which has continued to drain the pocketbooks of taxpaying Americans. As if that wasn’t enough every Democrat who flaps their gums now wants to give free health care to criminal foreign nationals.

I find this bizarre as Ronald Reagan already did this in 1986.

I know Libs are brutal when it comes to history, reality or math, so allow me.

Any and all hospitals that have taken Federal Funds (virtually all of them) have been mandated to give care to ANYONE who walks through their doors.

Reagan gave the Liberals a twofer, and made all CRIMINAL FOREIGN NATIONALS in the country, citizens.

Thirty plus years later we now have Somalians, Nigerians, “Palestinians,” Mexicans, the DNC’s Pakistanis and Feinstein’s Chinese anywhere and everywhere in the Federal Government.

Some because of elections.

Most because of appointment or employment.

It’s so bad a simple thing like the Census cannot accurately be taken because the truth will not be allowed to be found.

American neighborhoods have been overwhelmed with decades of criminality, due to the fact that consequences for any action, have all but disappeared.

Traffic/molest/rape children?

Plenty of protection from the muslims, the billionaires, and the Pope.

Murder American citizens in the streets?

Found not guilty and cheered.

Claim to want to kill all white people and Jews?

Stand on stage with Bill Clinton and hug Barack Obama.

Recently I was talking to a friend, and as always I get the same question.


When will America decide enough is enough?

This time I gave a truthful yet brutal answer in the form of a question.

Are you ready to execute all traitors?

The answer was yes.

I then added a caveat.

As with all traitors and cowards, once they realize they are on the wrong side, they will cry and beg for their lives. Are you willing to execute them as they do this?

My friend struggled with that question.

“Once you are prepared for that, Americans will be back in charge,” I said.

Are you prepared for that Jason?

Every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

It isn’t just me.

The rage roiling through California is palpable. The criminal issues in the Golden State can be laid at the feet of the Libs and “compassionate Republicans” otherwise known as Progressives who have allowed the corrupt Judiciary to thwart any meaningful will of the citizenry. Those decisions can be traced directly to the support from the United States Supreme Court.

Dear Chief Justice John Roberts,

You’ve chosen the wrong side, are personally responsible for the implementation of The “Unaffordable” Care Act and now the treasonous voice that halted one of the few chances America had left to correct our issues without more bloodshed.

Your past decisions have directly been the cause of American deaths.

What happens next is all on you.

Assuming you have one, may God have mercy on your soul.

I won’t.

Jason Kraus

Progressive Comedy

Between cisgender soccer, Taylor Swift’s travails, and Kamala Harris “transportation” thoughts, this entire week of Yes I am a Liberal seems to have taken on more of a stand-up comedy routine than normal. In their honor let us recalibrate and regurgitate where necessary, and use Liberal logic, to provide Progressive puns.

Due to the comedic nature of this column we must embrace a Liberal legend of comedy known as Dave Chappelle.

Mr. Chappelle is your classic drug induced verbal bleater that supports Barack, while rambling about bigotry, and calling his own children “little niggers”.

Whoa whoa whoa Jason!

Is that with an “a”‘ or an “er” because you know it “makes a difference”.

How much of a difference?

Let’s ask Megan Rapinoe.


Sue Bird’s girlfriend.


The self-proclaimed “lesbian”  who lost her fecal matter over President Trump.

I thought that was Rosie O’Donnell.

No, Rosie promised to go to Canada and take Poopie Goldberg with her.

Sadly, as with all Liberals, she lied.

Megan is the soccer player who when asked said, “I think I am extremely American.”

Why are we asking her about Dave Chappelle’s usage of profanity toward his children?

Because her statement had “a’s,” “er’s,” and “re’s,”all over the place, never mind the fact that she “thinks” she’s an American.

I wonder when she’ll figure it out.

I’m also very curious about this new type of American known as Extremely.

Are Extreme-Americans the same as Asian-Americans or can they be split into two bigoted groups known as Hispanic and Latino Americans?

What about La Raza Americans or as AOC likes to call them now Meso-Americans?

Does color of skin come into play? We know that African-Americans are also called Black Americans, but then for the sake of diversity, the questions begs to be answered why are White Americans shorted?

Whitey is just called American or “cracker” and that doesn’t seem very “diverse” friendly.

What about hair color?

Uttermost Megan seems to have quite a few different members of ROYGBIV plastered on her head.

She seems to struggle with this, as though bathroom decisions, weren’t already stressful enough.

Is she Rainbow Brite or Fifty Shades of Grey?

Don’t you just LOVE Diversity.

Speaking of love Willie Brown’s ex-girlfriend whose father is Jamaican, and mother Indian (red dot Loretta Sanchez not woo woo), spent a lot of time ranting about her experience with public busing.

It seems Willie’s Woo Woo wants to start busing kids all over the country.

She needs to check with Border Diversity Queen Cortez.

I don’t think we can afford the CO2 that all these buses will create, besides we are now down to eleven years.

Maybe we should start busing the cows?

You gotta love politicians forcing children into environments of which they want no part.

Still, as this is a comedy sketch we need a diversity joke and in this joke I will only use “stereotypes” that have been used by other “comedians” for decades.

I am not creating any new “technology” rather I am “reinventing the wheel” that will not roll.

According to the “experts” ten white guys in a group is not diverse, so one of the white guys must be removed and a black guy added.

What’s that?

What is Affirmative Action for two hundred Alex?

No, no no, it’s a joke not Jeopardy.

Okay back to the “joke” before I was so rudely interrupted. Nine white and one black guy are now grouped.

For the sake of “diversity,” how is this better?

According to polling, the water cooler, and ESPN the group now has someone who can play running back!

Woohoo! I love sports trivia…err…diversity!

Also according to MTV, and the caucasian overbite, they now have someone who can dance!

Haha, haha! Isn’t disco diversity funny?

As if that wasn’t enough (and you know it is) the group finally has added someone that can handle all the fat white chicks!

OMG! That is sooo freaking hilarious and wrong! You can’t say that!

Don’t bring your liberal hypocritical condemnation to me.

Remember what I said in the beginning.

I am re-inflating the tire of the Liberal comedians over the past few decades. This is Progressivism at its finest. Stereo-typing and bigotry all rolled into one.

I’ve simply removed the profanity.

Okay what’s next?

Same joke we just have to slightly change the participants.

According to the “experts” ten black guys in a group is also not diverse (It’s now called an NBA team) and the Libs want diversity, so one black guy is removed, and a white guy is added.

Uh oh…this “joke” isn’t so funny anymore.

Come on people.

Chappelle calls his kids little niggers.

We can handle a touch of diversity in our lives!

Nine black guys and a white guy are now grouped.

For the sake of diversity how is this better?

According to polling and real life liquor stores the group now has someone who can pull up their pants!

This new diverse group just added someone who has a job!

Diversity is the best! Forcing people together due to the color of their skin is the only way to go!

Everybody wins!

Better running backs, better dancing, improved employment, correct underwear usage, and last but certainly not least, Victoria’s Secret can go back to their regular programming as all the plus size possibilities are covered.

Big girls need love too.

That there is some White Privilege.

Kamala and Alexandria were right.

Let’s just ban all airlines, ships, and cars and give everyone a bus and new set of cheekbones courtesy of Cherokee Warren.

Then we can all be Meso-American and get free health care.

Combined with legal and soon to be free marijuana we should have all diseases including Cancer cured in no time.

If we could only teach Libs to stop peeing and pooping on the streets we could eradicate Hepatitis A.

Then again is that Hepatitis with an “a” or an “er?”

Jason Kraus


A friend of mine asked me recently about all the problems in California. I told him all of these things would stop…eventually.

“When?” was his question.

“When will they fix the roads? When will they stop cutting down all the trees and creating slums known as affordable housing?”

“When will the homeless be dealt with?”

“When the money runs out,” I told him.

The State of California is already broke.

CalPERS will eventually be the largest pension fund to default in the history of pensions.

It will make the Teamsters issues with the mafia look like a picnic.

I’ve told many California employees, who have or are planning to retire and leave California, that they better make sure they have a PO Box set up somewhere in Cali to receive their checks. When the well goes dry those that are outside the Golden State will be the first to have their “pensions” reduced and eventually rescinded for the “good of the State.”

That’s how Communism works, or more aptly stated, doesn’t.

All for the betterment of the State, which was approved by Democracy (Majority over Minority), and controlled by an Oligarchy (small group), while the Individual is trampled (Tyranny), unless you are an illegal from Mexico, China, Guatemala, or Russia.

There’s that Socratic Theory again.

The same thing is happening in New York.

Of course this isn’t new to those of us who pay attention. Late Bird Rising pointed all of this out months ago, and even structured a plan as to how to solve this problem.

One could almost refer to Falcon Sane as Nostradamus-like, except the writing on this wall has been so blatant for so long, even the blind can see the outcome.

While the country falls deeper and deeper into debt and banks and the Federal Reserve continue to rob their customers/depositors daily (and literally in the case of Warren Buffett’s Wells Fargo) the possibilities of “decentralized currencies” start to become more and more of a reality.

This is not good for the “average” American citizen.

This week Facebook announced its own “cryptocurrency” and the Liberal idiotic media repeated this claim as though it were true.

Their new program referred to as Libra is NOT decentralized.

It is owned and controlled by one Mark Zuckerberg.

The world is getting smaller and smaller and less and less free.

America is being inundated with foreign nationals whose only goal appears to be the death of these United States. Generations of this have resulted in the arrival of Sharia supporters/anti-Semitics roaming through the halls of Congress.

One dim bulb stated that America now has concentration camps, and some followers of Abraham, found in Congress and across America, agreed with her.

The Jewish community refers to these imbeciles as “self-hating” and another version of it running through America is called White Guilt.

This same diseased mind gave us the concept that, “Hispanics or Latinos (pick your form of bigotry already) are exempt from immigration laws because they are native.”

According to this statement anyone with DNA that is of “Meso-American culture” would be exempt.

Now this isn’t new and has been going on for decades but it’s nice to at least hear someone from the La Raza side say it out loud.

With that said these braintrusts aren’t really thinking this through, then again when do they ever.

According to the ancestral testing site known as 23andme there is no genetic difference between the ancestry of someone from mainland China and those considered Hispanic, Latino, or of course Meso-American.

If Alexandria were to have her way two billion Chinese could claim “Meso” status and ignore all of our immigration laws just like their cousins from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and of course Cheekbones Cherokee Warren.

I’m sure we will be reading about this soon as the Democrats run out of felons to release.

Interestingly enough what we’ve found is when one portion of the population ignores certain laws, and does so with immunity, they eventually ignore ALL the laws in that particular society.

Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Oakland, etc.

When this occurs for too long choices have to be made.

American or Liberal.

Singer/Songwriter Aaron Lewis says it well.

“Two flags fly above my land that really sum up how I feel
One is the colors that fly high and proud
The red, the white, the blue,
The other ones got a rattlesnake with a simple statement made
“Don’t tread on me” is what it says and I’ll take that to my grave.”

Live Free or Die.

There is a responsibility that comes with Freedom and at times that load can feel heavy.

It should.

It is no small task being a member of the Great Experiment, being an American, nor should it be, and that gift must be protected.

It’s time to relieve the burden being placed on us from inside and outside our great nation.

It’s time for the Country Boys, the Mountain Folk, and those Girls Who Shoot.

Our attention is demanded for The Rule of Law.

Our fortitude is required for The Law of the Land.

Freedom First. Freedom Only.

America First.

American ONLY.

Check your sights and then remove all doubt.

“Now I grew up down an old dirt road in a town you wouldn’t know.”

They’ll know us soon.

Jason Kraus

Hang em High

As Americans and freedom loving humans across the world memorialized D-Day, Progressives joined in with the understanding that the D stood for Diversity and that A, B, and C deserved their day as well, never mind LBGT and Q.

So many consonants, so little sense.

It goes without saying it wouldn’t be a week without some Liberal coming to the forefront who is also in need of serious psychiatric care.

During this seven day window, Mark I can’t stop talking Cuban decided his meds were optional and began ranting about how AI (Artificial Intelligence) is going to take over the world.

AI better hurry as according to the head bartender in the Progressive Party there’s only twelve years left.

Cuban blubbered about things he doesn’t understand (what else is new) trying to get his need to Belong met.

Of course the takeover of AI would be an improvement over the NI (No Intelligence) Democrats who are roaming around now bleating, defecating, and urinating anywhere and everywhere.

This is the kind of behavior that leads to disease, famine, and eventually strife.

Speaking of strife and paraphrasing Clausewitz, politics is an extension of war.

I can hear the Libs now. Clause who?

It doesn’t matter Libs. Your one celled amoeba-like brain function can barely understand Santa Claus, and because you are not getting as many free presents as you’d like, have decided to ratchet up the heat in America’s political kitchen.

The heat was intentionally increased by Nancy Pelosi’s proclamation that she wants President Trump in prison.

Let us join in with the increase and proclaim Nancy Pelosi is guilty of Treason and we want her dealt with like any other traitor.

Dangling at the end of a rope.

Yes, it appears it’s going to be that kind of column.

What’s amazing about today’s politics is twofold in the sense that Donald Trump is not guilty of collusion with anyone, while the Liberals are guilty of colluding with Putin (Uranium, Crimea, “flexibility”) Iran (Valerie Jarrett, helicopter drop of cash, John Kerry) and openly supporting Hamas, also known as the Palestinian Authority.

The Islamic/anti-Semitism(redundancy) flowing through the Democratic Party continues forward through CAIR and with new mouthpieces known as Tlaib and Omar.

Of course those who attempt to paint them as “far left” while labeling Pelosi a “moderate” Democrat are either foolish, lacking in memory, or both.

Pelosi has been working with the Islamists for years and declared on camera that Hamas was a “humanitarian organization”.

That statement, along with millions of dollars sent to the “Palestinians” by those who control the Congressional purse strings is treasonous by any definition as Hamas has been labeled a terrorist organization for quite a while.

The RINO Republicans have been aiding and abetting Pelosi and friends by either ignoring this behavior or openly joining by referring to this egregious behavior as the “two State solution”.

Furthermore the RINOS continue to hinder any and all attempts to close our Southern border by hamstringing or overtly threatening Donald Trump.

The Party of the Chamber of Commerce is lining their pockets as Americans are murdered EVERY DAY by foreign nationals here illegally.

The fictional character Gordon Gecko once stated “greed is good”.

Trust me when I say this RINOS.

You won’t be able to spend that money when you are strung up next to Humanitarian Hamas Pelosi.

HHP is calling for President Trump to be imprisoned.

I have no doubt cowards like Romney and Amash would love to see that happen.

Unfortunately for those who spit on the United States Constitution and are responsible for the deaths of American citizens, prison will not be an option.

Brave, concerned, and righteous Americans continue to ask me, when Jason when?

When will we remove the corruption and criminality staring us directly in the face, exterminating our fellow brothers and sisters.


President Trump has done such an impressive job, the wolves have been pushed back, not only from the door but have begun to fight amongst themselves.

Still, with the incredible pressure, debt, and voter fraud happening in America, this next voting cycle (if we make it that far) will see a stunning amount of crime and criminal acts.

The Progressives are too stupid to stop their behavior and by that measure cannot afford to lose.

There are always many possibilities in life but as I look at the political spectrum of “impeachment” and “prison” while adding in the large amount of seats the Republicans have to defend in the Senate, having already lost the House (and probably will again) “when” is closer than many think and closer than some can handle.

The question must change from “when” to “how”.

American courage, communication, and preparation.

When the call does arrive those on the outside looking in will not enjoy the view.

The only saving grace for them will be that their view be extinguished along with their ability to breathe.

This is the Land of the Free, the Home of the Brave.

We will not go quietly into that good night.

We aren’t going anywhere.

It’s the traitors who will be leaving feet first.

The Reckoning has already started.

Find those shoulders and get ready to roar !!!

Jason Kraus

It’s True Because I Say it is

This week while Robert Mueller stammered through a cowardly press conference, President Trump, among other things, slapped tariffs on Mexico.

It’s been a long time coming.

I am hoping he increases them to a point that Mexico will stop the invasion of these United States.

This of course brought out the Liberals, RINOS, and Mitt Romney disguised as Justin Amash, ranting that tariffs are taxes and the cost of these things is passed to the American consumer.

Let’s take it one at a time, these are Progressives after all.

Regardless of how many talking heads say this on television or radio, tariffs are not taxes just like the United States of America is not a Democracy.  I’d explain this further but I’ve decided on items, that Obama voters are too dumb to understand, I must “hope” for a new path and “change” my ways.

On this issue I will attempt to go the way of the Democratic-Socialist-CheekbonesCherokee-BetoMales.

I will provide no facts, figures, or supporting documents.

I will practice true Liberal lunacy and use their go to statement for everything.

It’s true because I say it is.

How Progressive and Yahoo News of me!

Furthermore as I also now refrain, from verbal interaction with the Stupid Humans, I will move on.

Never fear Progressives.

I am still here for non-verbal communication and if you continue to attempt to force Oppression down our throats you will soon be having your AT&T occasion.

That’s a fact Jack!

Just felt like having a Bill Murray moment.

The second part of this equation is the theory that the tariffs get passed to the American consumer.

Most of the time this doesn’t happen.

It just doesn’t, and if it does, it is negligible.

Can you explain this with your normal aplomb and in-depth analysis?

I could but remember, these are Liberals. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not.

It’s true because I say it is!

Did Donald Trump “collude” with the Russians?

Of course not but the Libs think so.

Should rapists, killers, child molesters, and illegal foreign nationals vote?

Absolutely not but the Dems are making it happen.

Why are we spending any time explaining things to those who vote for Pelosi, Schumer, or Cortez?

Just stop.

We are wasting energy.

It’s comparable to giving mouth to mouth to road kill.

It isn’t going to matter.

That dog just won’t hunt.

In fact it may increase the chances of catching the deadly virus known as Democratic Unintelligent Mindless Boobs also known as DUMB.

If they can put vaginas on their heads I can use boobs.

Let’s just push them out to sea for their own Noah-like journey (minus the Ark) and let them join the millions of other empty vessels floating about serving no purpose other than to jam up the natural flow of the ecosystem known as Freedom.

Maybe the Flat Earth/Climate Controllers will finally find a corner and fall off completely.

We won’t know until we try.

I say let’s embrace all of the Progressive tendencies.

Abortion on demand?

You got it!

If babies are referred to as inconsequential because they cannot “function” then it’s time to “abort” the Progressives.

Talk about not functioning.

What’s not good for the goose is not good for the gander.

Then again Liberals don’t know the difference between the goose and the gander so let the demand begin!

This will go well with the embracing of the next Liberal issue.

Climate Change.

By “aborting” all the Progressives we will be dramatically reducing our Carbon footprint.

Just getting rid of Al Gore, the Clintons, and the Obamas will probably drop the temperature of the planet to a point where cows can be cows again.

Thanks AOC!

Let’s spare Out of Control Alex.

We will need someone to serve us drinks due to all the free time we will have with not having to deal with feces, urine, hypodermic needles, breaking dams, southern invasion, northern Trudeau, and government unions sucking us dry of our money and souls.

Let’s give em the old college try, the Teddy Roosevelt routine, because we know Liberals like to tell everyone how Progressive T.R. was.

Let’s Rough Rider them right into the ground and then allow them to stay as they lay.

This new world without so much “Carbon” is going to need fertilizer, besides as I’ve stated before, crows gotta eat too.

It’s Heckle and Jeckle time.

What’s that?

Heckle and Jeckle were magpies?

Yes I know but remember we’re dealing with Libs.

The truth doesn’t matter.

Jason Kraus

In Their Honor and the Fullness of Time

Periodically the subject(s) for my weekly columns take a little bit to find. Other times they scream to be written, and every once in a while, they search me out.

I was sought this week.

It won’t be reported in the papers or found on any blotter. Most would consider it random although I’m sure it has happened plenty of times prior, just not to me.

Without getting into the entire story (maybe I’ll add it to Late Bird Rising) a situation occurred, in the middle of a busy road, that required me to engage in a matter that wasn’t good for my central nervous system. Once the situation was contained my focused demeanor immediately turned to rage.

Rage that the situation ever occurred.

It shouldn’t have.

Rage at the individual(s) who put my safety in jeopardy.

I have no doubt this group of idiots has done this to other drivers.

Let us hope, for the safety of others, my response to him(them) did more than just release their bowels.

For those of you who have read Late Bird you know that migraines are a part of my life. I’ve done the best I can to control them but bright or strobe lights, nuts, or highly stressful situations usually lead to one happening somewhere in my near future.

I abstain from nuts and do my best to avoid intense lights, but occasionally complete strangers, will attempt to cause drama in my life.

It isn’t just me.

Complete strangers attempt to cause stress in everyone’s life across these United States.

They’re called Liberals.

This was a highly stressful situation and my response, although appropriate, was so intense I knew my head would be pounding in about an hour. I went on with my day completely prepared to deal with numb lips and fingertips, nausea, loss of vision and eventually an incredible pain that resonates for two days through my neck and head.

As I’ve stated before I’ve had these since I was a kid.

Just a part of my life.

This time a funny thing happened.

Even though I vacillated a little too long on the event, trying to “clear the mechanism,” the headache never arrived.

It appeared my response to those who created the situation, allowed me to remove the stress from my body, and return it to those who created it in the first place.

It’s time we do the same thing to the traitors in this country.

Let those who create the suffering, suffer the pain.

Every day “new” findings and documents are brought forward on the disastrous and treasonous Obama Administration.

Of course this isn’t new to those of us who pay attention, but as these things come to light, pressure/stress is being applied to our American systems, many that have already capitulated.

Roads that crumble, dams that break, schools that indoctrinate and graduate children who cannot read.

Trillions in debt with even more to come.

Politicians who lie, cheat, and steal and are so brazen, criminals with connections and secrets like Jussie Smollett, simply walk out the door, while Progressive judges sneak criminal foreign nationals out the back of our courthouses.

On this Memorial Day Weekend, with respect, appreciation, and admiration we praise the ultimate sacrifice of the American who because of their service, and last full measure of devotion, granted us the privilege of living in a free country.

On this day I say in their honor and the fullness of time,

Prepare to RAGE.

Jason Kraus

The Season of Treason

Happy Mother’s Day to my Mom and all the wonderful American mothers across these United States.

Now that the important item is complete let’s get to the rest of it.

I love Progressivism.

I love Progressivism like a kick to the groin or kidney stones.

Progressives are similar to ticks.

No plan in sight, just jumping from one host to another slowly sapping their strength, and if left to their own devices, will kill the host they so badly need to survive.

Maybe a better comparison would be the one celled amoeba, with of course my apologies, to the amoeba.

They shift and morph into different shapes and sizes.

Referencing shapes, Jerry Nadler strikingly resembles Humpty Dumpty. With too many in the population unable to pull up their pants, it appears Jerrold is doing his best to even the score.

Nancy Pelosi looks like death warmed over, but both of them want to tell the rest of us what kind of health care we should have.

That’s like asking Gavin Newsom how to remain sober, faithful, or tell the truth.

Speaking of telling the truth James Yes Hillary Was Guilty and Yes I Covered it up Comey stated that, “You can’t have a president who is a chronic liar. ”

Au contraire mon frère.

Clinton, Bush, and Obama were and are still chronic liars and of course Homey the Clown Comey knows this as he has been the Fixer in many of their situations/crimes.

To those in the know these three are referred to a distinction without a difference.

I digress.

According to Aunt Nancy we are now having a Constitutional Crisis.

This is hilarious coming from a Democrat.

Democrats referring to the Constitution is similar to Bernie Sanders talking about the protection of women, Elizabeth Warren discussing “native” facial structure, Beto O’Rourke and after school child care, or AOC bumping her gums about “like” anything.

These people aren’t just rotten to the core.

They are stupid without a bottom.

There is no floor to their insecurity, imbecility, or ineptitude.

This is Progressivism at its finest.

Talking about one of the greatest written documents in the history of Man and getting it all wrong!

There is no crisis. There is no Democracy.

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Let me try it in the simplest of ways.

According to the USA Today, California politicians have voted to keep Donald Trump’s name off of the 2020 Presidential Ballot if he doesn’t release his tax returns.

Now I know the Dims haven’t read the Constitution but the “releasing of tax returns” isn’t a prerequisite to running for President.

Still they continue to ramble and have moved from Collusion to Obstruction to a Constitutional Crisis.

By attempting to keep an American Citizen off the ballot in any State, specifically the one with the largest population, a court battle will indeed ensue.

With that said this attempt could be construed as Secession, and although Secession isn’t directly found in the Constitution, another term is.


“Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

The Democrats and RINOS have been adhering to our enemies and giving them aid and comfort for decades.

Tens of million of illegal foreign nationals are running all over America, in many cases murdering our citizenry.

What do the Democrats do?

Sneak them out the back of our courthouses, increase their EBT cards, or pile so many of them in one area a Somali, a “Palestinian,” and La Raza are now found in the House of Representatives.

Obama was so blatant with his support of Hamas and Hezbollah he didn’t even try to hide a helicopter drop of cash to Iran.

Roseanne might be a crass ass but she wasn’t incorrect about Valerie Jarrett’s connections to the world’s leading State sponsor of Islamic Terrorism.

Nancy Pelosi and her fellow idiots are one hundred percent wrong.

There is nothing wrong with the Constitution nor is it in any peril.

Keeping Donald Trump off the ballot in California is a completely different thing.

There’s nothing Constitutional about it but I can guarantee if that happens there will be a crisis.

For the Democrats.

Jason Kraus

Boohoo Yahoo

The Internet is an amazing thing.

The idea that humans from around the world can communicate with each other in the blink of an eye is impressive. This week I thought I’d jump onto a very popular site known as Yahoo and discuss what they decided was important.

In less than ten-seconds I was reading a story about a man who’d been murdered by none other than Eric Holder.


Apparently Mr. Holder was upset with another man named Nipsey Hussle, who according to one statement had “done some not so nice things” but was now trying to make his “community better”.


Now this would definitely be something of interest to me.

Former Attorney General and current bigot Eric Holder murdered someone?

Good job Yahoo!

This is the kind of news we should be hearing about.

Did Mr. Holder drone Mr. Hussle as he stated was possible to any citizen sitting on any street corner in America?

Did Mr. Holder shoot Mr. Hussle with a weapon he allowed into the hands of gangs a la Fast and Furious?

Did Mr. Holder helicopter drop a pallet of United States currency on Mr. Hussle like his boss did for Iran?

With all these questions I quickly read through the rest of the story. It took a while but somewhere in the umpteenth paragraph a tiny sentence was placed.

Eric Holder was twenty-nine.

Obviously this had been a bait and switch by Yahoo to pull those of us in who pay attention to the political spectrum in America.

Well played Yahoo.

Well played.

Let’s try again.

Less than five-seconds of a scroll down their main page Yahoo struck again.

Openly Gay Black Woman Overwhelmingly Wins Chicago Mayoral Race: ‘A Movement for Change’.

A Movement for “Change” in one of the highest murder rates in the country where “Hope” was ruined by a straight black man.


Thanks Obama!

Gangs, drugs, liquor stores and prostitutes on every corner in parts of the Windy City.

Graffiti, crime and Jussie Smollet style corruption and the first listed “qualifications” for the job by Yahoo are “Openly Gay, Black, Woman”.

Yep that should do it.

Those are always my first, second, and third questions when I get ready to vote for ANY politician.

First they have to be Openly Gay.

None of this Closed Gay stuff or Sorta Gay or Gay Curious.

If you aren’t Openly Gay then no vote from Jay!

Second, you better be Black.

If you aren’t black then I of course look for the politician with darker skin or certain hair styles like Rachel Dolezal.

If anybody was “Hoping for Change” it was Rae Rae!

I feel ya sista!

Not like Joe Biden feel ya though.

I be down with Nancy Pelosi!

I have a cold, you have a cold, we all have a cold!

Step back and step off before I straight arm ya!

You tell em Aunt Trancy!

Finally, you better be a Woman but not some fake part-time #MeTooer like Alyssa Milano or Meryl “Harvey Weinstein is a God” Streep or What Difference Does it Make Hillary Rotten Clinton.

No no no!

You better be a Woman’s Woman!

In fact this is so important that to get my vote you have to Aretha Franklin me and Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman!

Not Bruce Jenner Feel!

Not Joy Behar Feel!

I want to feel it like, like, like, like Valerie Jarrett Feel and just like that we are back at Iran.

Thanks Roseanne and of course THANK YOU YAHOO.

With your wonderful coverage is it any wonder that today’s youth are eating Tide Pods.

Then again we might have to give the kids credit.

Maybe they are just trying to clean the garbage they are being fed.

Jason Kraus

Humble Pie

Last week a friend of mine said to me, “I came across this quote and it reminded me of you.”

“The country life is to be preferred, for there we see the works of God; but in cities little else but the works of men.”

For those of you who have read Late Bird you know I spent my childhood in the mountains and to this day spend as much time as possible at higher elevations away from the ever growing population.  I thanked him for the quote and spoke about William Penn for a bit. At the conclusion he said, “What has happened to our country?”

It’s an excellent question and with all excellent questions a simple answer will suffice.

Too many in America these days haven’t any humility.

Today’s athletes call themselves the GOAT as in the Greatest Of All Time but are too lazy to say the words anymore so they refer to themselves as a farm animal.

The more informative description would be sheep.

Regardless they are running around like chickens with their heads cut off begging for attention.

No humility in sight.

Still it goes much deeper than that.

Today’s politicians, who cannot control their own bodily functions, believe they control the Earth, otherwise known as the Climate.

It’s doubtful any of them could explain our accepted description of the Earth (compressed gases that form solids labeled as the Crust, Mantle and Core) and I guarantee none of them can explain Electromagnetism.

Their new “leader” thinks we are all going to die in twelve years because we can’t drink oil while the old guard is worried that too many of us will relocate to one side and the whole thing will tip over. These brainiacs all support Jussie Smollett who apparently has something on somebody dramatically high up the Liberal food chain.

I’ve got to give that man (or whatever he is calling himself) credit. When he plays his get out of jail free card, he plays his get out of jail free card!

Jussie even had the Mayor of Chicago acting as though he wasn’t in on it, to keep the (m)asses quiet, in the Windy City.

Thanks Obama!

The stench emanating from too many souls in America is coming from humans who belong to nothing (Maslow) and are so desperate to fulfill that need, will exhaust every measure.

Mitt Romney is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with today’s politician. A carpetbagging fraud who will do or say anything to gain the vote and validation of complete strangers.

These creatures are so insecure and unhappy with their lives they will lie, cheat and steal, until the day they die.

They continue to believe they are smarter than everyone else, more righteous than everyone else and are the only ones that can save humanity and the planet.

It’s one thing to believe one is of greater intelligence than other humans.

It’s another to believe one is greater than God.

One Liberal has stated that his seat in Heaven is already cemented in place.

Catholicism and Islam are both stacked with Progressive pedophiles who believe children are their property to do with whatever they wish.

Many Progressives try to play God by deciding which babies live, which babies die and which ones are sold for parts.

The lack of humility is destroying any sense of humanity in these United States.

William Penn was a very smart man and more importantly a humble one.

“Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.”

The tyrants are in full bloom and ignoring God completely.

“There can be no friendship where there is no freedom.”

Aye Mr. Penn.

Freedom First.

Freedom Only.

I have enough friends.

Jason Kraus