Threats to Attack White House Made by Iranian MP

by Daveda Gruber:

It has been reported that Iranian MP Abolfazl Abutorabi has threatened to attack the White House.

This statement comes after a message from President Trump that promised severe consequences if Iran escalates hostile actions with the U.S.

The message from Trump comes through tweets from the president.

A question from Abutorabi about how the Islamic nation should react to the death of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani sparked the response.

According to the Independent Abutorabi said “We can attack the White House itself, we can respond to them on the American soil. We have the power, and God willing we will respond in an appropriate time.”

Abutorabi called Soleimani’s death during an American airstrike  “a declaration of war,” and that a swift, strong response was necessary.

Abutorabi said, “When someone declares war, do you want to respond to the bullets with flowers? They will shoot you in the head.”

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said “harsh retaliation is waiting for the criminals whose filthy hands spilled his blood,” while speaking after the death of Soleimani.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani made a promise to “take revenge for this heinous crime.”

On Sunday Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that Soleimani’s death puts the entire region at the beginning of a “completely new phase.”

At a rally in southern Beirut, Nasrallah reportedly called the killing of Soleimani a “clear, blatant crime” that will transform the Middle East.

The Independent’s international correspondent, Borzou Daragahi, doubted the likelihood of an attack on U.S. soil. He allegedly said that Abutorabi was known for inflammatory language and that Iran does not necessarily have the military capabilities of striking the U.S. with missiles.

I certainly don’t believe that Iran has the capabilities of striking American soil at this time.

Had former President Barack Obama been able to continue in the manner in which he was operating, for example, sending cargo planes filled with cash, then Iran would have accomplished their mission to destroy America and Israel.

Trump has just put a big damper on those plans.

President Trump: Soleimani Should have been Killed Years Ago

by Daveda Gruber:

On Friday President Trump made it clear that Iranian General Qassem Soleimani was hated and feared in his own country and should have been taken out many years ago.

Trump was slinging back at people who have criticized him over the airstrike in Bagdad, Iraq that killed Soleimani, who was the top military general.

Here’s Trump tweet that told us about the death of Soleimani:

The tweets from the president came after the Pentagon confirmed that Soleimani, who was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members was dead.

Also, other military officials at Baghdad International Airport were killed during the airstrike.

The State Department went on to say that Soleimani, who was considered the most powerful men in Iran, was guilty of the wounding of thousands more Americans and coalition members.

A designated terror group since 2007, the elite intelligence wing called Quds Force, was led by Soleimani for many years.

Quds Force is estimated to have 20,000 members and it considered Soleimani was referred to as its shadow commander or spymaster.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has vowed to take revenge for what he called a heinous crime carried out by the U.S. Rouhani said, as well, that Iran would “raise the flag” of Soleimani “in defense of the country’s territorial integrity and the fight against terrorism and extremism in the region.”

Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted this:

Soleimani’s deputy commander since 1997, Brigadier General Esmail Ghaani, will take over for the now deceased Soleimani.

Iranian state media reported that Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also warned “harsh retaliation is waiting” for the U.S.

The State Department on Friday issued a security alert that urged all U.S. citizens to “depart Iraq immediately” due to heightened tensions in the region.

The alert said, “Due to Iranian-backed militia attacks at the U.S. Embassy compound, all consular operations are suspended. U.S. citizens should not approach the Embassy.”

In addition, the agency shared phone numbers people concerned about U.S. citizens and other loved ones in Iraq could call toll free for information.

On Friday Trump tweeted this:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday said that the strike was carried out to prevent an “imminent attack” by forces directed by Soleimani.

He added that the strike was carried out to prevent an “imminent attack” by forces directed by Soleimani.

On Friday Pompeo was on “Fox & Friends” and said, “I think the Iranian leadership understands President Trump will take action. . . . We made very clear that these responses would be swift and decisive. We have now demonstrated that. I hope the Iranian leadership will see that and see American resolve and that their decision will be to de-escalate and take actions consistent with what normal nations do.”

Who would want to go to Iran? Not me. Would any of you book a flight to Iran? I didn’t think so!

Trump Hits Iran with Hard Sanctions through Executive Order

by Daveda Gruber:

On Monday President Trump made life difficult for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and company. Trump signed an executive order that hit Iran with harsh sanctions.

Trump spoke from the Oval Office with Vice President Mike Pence and  Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin standing in back of him on either side and said, “Today’s action follows a series of aggressive behaviors by the Iranian regime in recent weeks including shooting down a U.S. drone.”

The president called out Khamenei by saying that he was “responsible for the hostile conduct of the regime.”

Trump went on to say that the sanctions “will deny the supreme leader and the supreme leader’s office and those closely affiliated with him and the office access to key financial resources and support.”

It has been confirmed by FOX News that the U.S. military carried out a cyberattack against Iran last Thursday. This came after Iran shot down a U.S. drone which was flying near the Strait of Hormuz.

It has been alleged that U.S. Cyber Command launched the cyberattack targeting the Iranian intelligence and radar installations that were used to down the U.S. Navy drone last week.

Trump put out a statement that was supplied with the text of the executive order that Trump signed on Monday saying,  “We call on the regime to abandon its nuclear ambitions, change its destructive behavior, respect the rights of its people, and return in good faith to the negotiating table.”

Pence tweeted this out today:

Confrontation between Iran and the U.S. heated up last Thursday when Iran shot down an American drone and said that it had flown over its air space. The U.S. is adamant that the drone was over international airspace.

Tensions are riding high and hot but Trump is keeping his cool.

You can see/hear Trump speaking here: