It really was quite a week.
On top of the announcement that Social Security and Medicare are both basically bust (insert “Shock and Awe” here) the #MeToo movement decided Gavin Newsom and his drug and alcohol induced dalliances with someone else’s wife (just not his own) was fine with them.
Maybe they can bring in Janet Jackson and rename him “Nasty Boy”.
Antonio Villaraigosa or Tony Villar, or whatever his name is this week conceded his Gubernatorial run in California and endorsed Newsom after commiserating on their cheating pasts.
Now that’s “leadership” as he proclaimed to deliver, one half dozen times, in thirty threadbare seconds.
Thanks for “calming the waters” you lascivious La Raza lump.
Now find the border. Crawl back under and take Santa Anna Becerra and Ponce De Leon with you.
Speaking of traitors, Bill Clinton reared his hollow head, yelled “MeToo”, and ended up doing an apology tour that found him on Stephen ColBert and Ernie while Hillary rolled her eyes, threw her hands in the air and yelled “Stupid White Men! Don’t they know what they cost me!”
Speaking of stupid white men, formerly fired FBI dilettante Andrew McCabe is now clamoring for immunity while the Inspector General’s office leaked information that James Comey may have been “insubordinate”.
Funny what they are calling Treason these days.
The FBI appears to be filled with bonafide morons as one agent was filmed dancing and doing a flip with his weapon.
I’m sure being three sheets to the wind is part of the Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity platform.
This idiot actually shot someone while gyrating on tequila.
Will someone please tell Magic Mike to leave his badge, ID, and gun and find a good bail bondsman.
In reference to bonafide morons, progressives are bragging that California is the fifth largest economy in the world never mind almost half of the people living in the Bay Area reportedly cannot wait to leave.
The other half don’t push 2 for English but have driver licenses and EBT cards.
Then again the State of Jerry Flush when Brown voters have to brag about something as they make their fecal and urine maps “resisting” Hepatitis A.
In reference to feces and urine the aforementioned James Comey and his sour stomach were both back in the news.
The “fixer” for the Clintons, Bushes, and Obamas better find his hole card and put his back up against a thick tree.
Not that it would matter. Serpents don’t have spines.
Just come clean already Jimmy. Admit the truth about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Lois Lerner, Hillary’s emails, the Clinton Foundation payoffs, Obama’s flexibility with Putin, hidden bank transfers to Iran, and Seth Rich…just to name a few of the things that happened under Obama’s “scandal free” administration.
Do the right thing already while President Trump is giving out pardons like its Christmas morning.
The economy is moving, the wall is being built (slowly), Kim and Kanye had their photo ops, heck The Donald even got John Box of Rocks Cox into California’s General Election (and yes I will vote for him).
Life comes down to certain moments James. This is one for you.
Step into the light before you are no longer needed.
As Meryl Streep’s stand-in Silly Sally Field once said, “We don’t like you Jimmy, we really really don’t like you.”
Remember Jimbo, President Trump is the carrot.
WE are the stick.
It’s time to start eating your vegetables.
Your weak little belly has had all it can handle.
You really don’t want us.
You really really don’t want us.
The guys you’ve trained can’t even keep their gun in their pants.
Jason Kraus