Fire Jeff Sessions

It’s time Mr. President.

It’s well past time.

Your stewardship of the economy, our military and the nation has been exemplary. Your pride, passion, and continued leadership from the front has been enjoyed and respected. Finally, your energy is something to be recognized and applauded.

I say this with respect Mr. Trump.

Jeff Sessions has to be removed.



Post haste.

Furthermore your new choice for Attorney General must remove a good portion of the FBI, most of the Justice Department, and not only shut down the Mueller investigation but also indict anyone connected, including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George W. Bush for abuse of power and crimes against these United States.

The longer Jeff Sessions is in power, the more cover he provides, for the aforementioned yet to be indicted criminals.

The longer Jeff Sessions is in power the more difficult it becomes to convince many out of touch Americans that the criminals involved with many illegals acts, including benefiting Russia and Putin, were the DEMOCRATS.

Rightfully so many Liberals use the excuse “if Hillary had done anything why hasn’t Trump done anything about it?”

It’s a logical question coming from illogical minds.

There must be consequences, or the practice will repeat, over and over again.

This is Human Behavior 101.

It’s time President Trump.

I remember the night you were elected to serve We the People.

I remember watching you walk out onto the stage realizing the enormity of what was in front of you.

I remember the change in your physical appearance as humility took over.

I said then “we are going to be just fine” realizing that YOU realized the immense responsibility given to you.

Hiring Reince Preibus was a mistake that you were able to correct but not before he did damage to you and America.

Allowing James Comey to stay on as FBI Director was a grievous error, that you were able to correct, but not before he did incredible damage to you and America.

Damage that continues to grow to this day.

Some are talking about “Q”.

Others are talking about “20,000 sealed indictments”.

Don’t want to hear it.

Unless you are working the greatest subterfuge known to Man, Jeff Sessions is harming you and America at tremendous proportions, known and even worse, unknown.

It’s very clear that Sessions isn’t willing to indict anybody above a certain security clearance.

I abhor the traitor Eric Holder but even he had more intestinal fortitude than Jefferson Beauregard Sessions The Third.

Sessions is a cancer and the longer cancer is allowed to spread unchecked, the greater the damage, until the damage is so severe it kills the host.

You are the host.

We are the host.

America is the host.

We’re done hosting the Democratic Party.

We’re done with the RINO Party as well.

It’s time to pull the pin and throw this grenade.

You may receive some flak from the Liberals, but with them you are damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Your greatest protectors are the People of these United States, ready and at the waiting for the call should you feel our presence necessary.

What is immediately necessary is the removal of Jeff Sessions.


Right now.

A free society must have its best, its bravest, its brightest at the front.

Jeff Sessions is none of these things, is harming you personally, and more importantly, harming this country.

The greatest threat to America is not Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea.

The greatest threat to America is coming from within.

We put you there for a reason Mr. President.

Drain the swamp and drop the hammer.

Plenty of nails to pound.

Too many think they are “untouchable”.

Time to reach out and “touch someone”.

Jason Kraus

California: Are we going forward or over the cliff?

As a child raised in the Seventies any time I struggled with an issue my mother always told me “you can do it Duffy Moon”. With today being Mother’s Day I thought it appropriate to mention this and recognize the strength of the American Mother.

Across our great country Mothers continue to protect, teach, and love their children.

This love is one of the pillars of these United States.

So with much love I say Happy Mother’s Day to my mom and all the wonderful American Mothers from sea to shining sea.

I can hear their grace and humility now.

“Thank you Jason.  Greatly appreciated.  Now get back to pushing Freedom Forward.”

Absolutely Mom and Moms.


As Primary selections happen across the United States most citizens, rightly so, are paying attention to the politics in their area.  Many times politics are indeed “local”.

I’d suggest today’s politicians are “loco” but then I’d be accused of cultural misappropriation or fat shaming.

Both hold the same amount of credibility.

Still “loco” means crazy in Spanish and boy oh boy do we have LOCO figured out here in CaliforNIA. Last Tuesday a televised Gubernatorial debate took place. Here’s where my writing skills could take over in my explanation of the sewage that was indeed found and spewed on that stage and into our homes that fateful night.

Alas I will hold my tongue and harken my fingers to do what they always do anyway.


Just the facts.

The “fact of the matter” as one shell of a human during the debate, said at least one half dozen times, in a 45 second window is this.  If you are still willing to vote for a Democrat, any Democrat, it is a MATTER OF FACT that your behavior has caused the deaths of thousands of Americans at the hands of illegals including but sadly not limited to one Kate Steinle.

It appears the Democratic voter will literally have to feel the bullet go through their own backs while walking with their loved ones before they see the light.  Of course that light will be too late for them, as it was for her. Then again I stand corrected.  For a Democrat to be shot in the back they’d have to have a spine so I guess they are safe to continue to dodge feces, urine, and hypodermic needles in the Bay Area (home of Gavin Newsom) and Los Angeles (home of Antonio Villaraigosa).

To all Californians:  If you would like to continue with oppressive taxation, worst roads in the nation, crumbling waterways, horrendous schools, the largest unfunded pension system in the country, this side of Social Security, and reward a man who cheated on his spouse with his best friend’s wife then by all means vote Gavin Newsom.

I’d offer all of you a lobotomy but it’s quite clear you’ve already experienced that procedure.

Again to all Californians:  If you would like to continue with the aforementioned list AND support “returning” California to Mexico by the way of La Raza then by all means vote Antonio Villaraigosa.

Your gateway to Tijuana has arrived.

No lobotomy offered as it would be cost prohibitive to your only alternative.  If California does indeed continue down the path of “The Race” your only thought will be how tight Americans can get hemp around your neck.

To all Americans who are legal residents and registered to vote in California: There are two Republicans on the ballot.

Yes I know.

I cannot stand the Republican Party either but at least they know (minus the Bush family and all Bush supporters i.e. Liberals) what form of government each and every State must practice in America.

Of course it is a Republic or a Republican form of government (Article 4 Section 4) and no Democracy is NOT a Republican form of government.

With that said the two Republicans are John Cox and Travis Allen.

I am not going to “kill” Cox in this column.  If for some reason, after the Primary, he is the only Republican in one of the top two spots then he will have my vote.

Some would call this practicality.

Something Mr. Cox DIDN’T practice when he DIDN’T vote for President Trump.

I call it reality.

This election in California is our Trump versus Hillary moment.

It’s either going to get better or it’s going to get DRAMATICALLY worse.

For those of us who require Freedom there is only one choice going into June 5th.

He’s the only one who voted for President Trump.

He’s the only one who called for the arrest of Xavier Becerra.

He’s the only one who called out the liars and the cheaters on live television last Tuesday night.

Liberal women in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Berkeley, and Hollywood are calling for a new path away from the lecherous hands of the Liberal men.


Your chance has arrived.

The only thing stopping you is your quest for insanity otherwise known as doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different Weinstein, Weiner, or Clinton.

If #TIMEISUP is your rallying cry then prove it and try something else.

My vote is going to Travis Allen and ladies your’s should too.

What have you got to lose?

Just ask Kate Steinle.

Oh wait. . .you can’t.

I guess you can always ask the guy who shot her.

He’s still breathing.

Jason Kraus

Comey, Comey, Comey

Over the years I’ve heard or read the line “may you live in interesting times”.

Mission Accomplished.

Of course the definition of “interesting” can mean many things to many people.

Kind of like “is” to Bill Clinton, “oral sex IS not sex” or “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

In today’s world he would be correct, and charged with grooming and molesting a young female half his age, from the ultimate position of authority.

Bill would call this Devil in a Blue Dress but in reality it was The Devil AND a Blue Dress.

No hashtag required.

Speaking of the Devil(s) Barack Obama’s brother-in-arms Louis Farrakhan called for the killing of all white people a couple of years ago. Not to be outdone he also called recently for the killing of all Jews.

This seems pretty clear to me but millions of humans practicing Judaism in America voted for Obama so maybe “Never Again” means something different than NEVER AGAIN.

Continuing on in the “interesting” category James Comey has been making the rounds attempting to sell a book and possibly become the spokesman for yet another Me Generation medication.

It seems his former occupation caused him to be nauseous and queasy.  Coupled with the fact that every time he speaks anal leakage occurs, I’m sure we will see him soon on an infomercial near you.

Comey decided to inform us that due to a Trump pardon the Rule of Law was under attack.

There are tens of millions of humans here illegally Jimmy.

The Rule of Law isn’t under attack.

It’s six feet under the ground.

Why do you think Trump was elected?

To build a GREAT BIG WALL.

Speaking of the wall Jerry Brown is blaming “low-life politicians” for causing problems in California.  He should know as he is King of the Low-Lifes.

Find a mirror Jerry or better yet a toilet and as you told all of out here a few summers ago “flush when Brown”.

Mark Zuckerberg had to spend a few days in front of Congress. I’m not a fan of Zuckerberg constantly changing Facebook’s algorithms but unlike most of the talking heads in Congress, he’s no idiot.

He is lacking in physical fortitude but this can be addressed if he is so inclined.

No Marky Mark, doing a little video talking about killing your own meat isn’t going to do it.

I strongly suggest you become inclined Mark as the Liberal RINO Progressive agenda is going to try and tear your company apart. No amount of cash (bribes) or apologies will suffice.  They see these things as weakness. You aren’t weak but there is a significant difference between coding and physical altercation. Give me a call.  My friends and I can offer you plenty of hands on training that will bolster your back and strengthen your soul.

We will do this for free, as unlike your algorithms, we believe in giving without monetary expectation.

While this was taking place two guys in their sweatpants were hanging out in a Starbucks waiting for a meeting that would “change their lives”. Apparently they were told repeatedly to buy something or leave. They declined on both.  The police were then called and told them multiple times to leave. They declined again and were taken out in handcuffs for trespassing.

Maybe they were right.  We have millions of illegals here getting free water, food, and shelter.

Why can’t Starbucks provide a free place for these hard working upstanding “entrepreneurs” to not only camp but live permanently.

In fact Starbucks should stop charging period. They should now provide free wifi and safe spaces to anyone who wants these things.

Free coffee for all!

Lou Dobbs continues to ask questions to which we all want answers.

Specifically when will Jeff Sessions be fired.

I think Lou is fantastic but I am beyond that question now.  I want to know when Sessions is going to be indicted for Obstruction of Justice or at least impeached.

Congress has the authority to remove him and for the record the House should impeach the entire Obama, Bush, and Clinton administrations.

Once this is complete the Senate should convict them all making them unable to hold Federal office in the future.

That’s one way to put in Term Limits.

Then again most of these Individuals are guilty of crimes against these United States and those crimes are punishable by more than Impeachment and Conviction.

Yardarms a plenty.

My kind of Term Limits.


This way Comey can be properly introduced to the Rule of Law and where it currently resides.

With a little luck Jerry Brown could make that trip as well.

We’ll call it Climate Change in California.

Let the global warming begin.

Jason Kraus

Jefferson: Moving on East

Wonderful citizens in Northern California have been trying for years, to break away from the overwhelming regulation and oppression, in what used to be thought of as The Golden State.

For those across America not familiar with this movement, it is referred to as the creation of the 51st State, known as Jefferson.

Currently it sits quietly as the volume has been increased by different entities over the last two years.

The first was to split California into six States.  This was an interesting premise but didn’t gather any real momentum.

As of right now there is a movement to gather enough signatures to put, the breaking of California into three States, on the ballot.

Northern California, Southern California, and California.

Very original.

For many reasons this may actually make it to the ballot to theoretically give Californians a choice.

If the voters do indeed vote yes, there is no way the United States Senate should ever allow, or ratify this decision.

Jason what are you saying? When the voters speak, the will of the People must be followed.

Pardon me for a moment.  I didn’t realize we were doing stand-up comedy.

First this is CALIFORNIA. The politicians and courts out here do WHATEVER they want, and for whomever, is filling their coffers.  What the voter thinks out here is irrelevant and only an occasional nuisance to the Progressive Party.

Loretta Sanchez knows this better than most.

Second the United States Senate doesn’t answer to the California Voter.

It answers to Americans.

I digress.

Many in and outside California believe the breaking up of Cali would be helpful to the United States.

It would not.

The overwhelming amount of humans who actually vote in California vote the Liberal line.

Wealth distribution through taxation and numerous onerous “social” programs, the egocentric and ignorant view of human controlled Climate Change, and of course the open arms of Sanctuary State status.

It is highly unlikely this will change any time soon.

The reason I say this is simple.  I communicate with humans living in California everyday.  Yes I do speak but more importantly I listen.  The art of listening is receiving what is being said, not what one hopes, is said.

I listen and because I listen I know of citizens who are registered Republicans who voted for Jerry Brown because they worked for the State and thought they would lose their jobs with the downsizing of the State government.

This is sadly incredibly common out here.

Combined with the control of the Public Unions and the bigotry known as La Raza the fracturing of California into multiple States will only make this disease worse not better.

Allow me to explain.

The House of Representatives is based on population.  The House wouldn’t change dramatically.  The Liberals would still send their Representatives.  They’d just be “representing” a different district in a different State.

It is the Senate that would change dramatically and as previously stated this wouldn’t be a positive for Freedom loving Americans.

Each State regardless of population is guaranteed two Senators. This would increase the Senate by four seats. Those seats would undoubtedly go to Democrats.

Some in California may be reading this right now and disagree.

That disagreement is based in hope.

My assessment is based in fact and it is a fact those four seats would go to Democrats.

The way they have Northern California re-created right now the Bay Area and Sacramento would both be parts of NorCal.  There wouldn’t be enough voters in the rest of the “new” State to stop from being overwhelmed.

Southern California and California would be even worse.

With this scenario in place it would be very difficult for the American Voter to ever replace the Democratic Party’s stranglehold on the United States Senate.

Those who are familiar with the Constitutional power given to each U.S. Senator know this would be a hazardous event allowing the Liberals to block virtually everything until eventually the House and the Executive Branch is taken by Dems, opening the door to stack the Judicial Branch and control all three levers of government.

At that point our Constitutional Republic would no longer exist having been replaced by an oligarchy through “democratic” measures.

I know well intentioned people are looking for a way through this mess in La La Land.

Jefferson is the best way but a significant change in direction would have to take place.

It is the belief of many who want the State of Jefferson that the selected California Counties are overwhelmingly “conservative”.

They are not.

I live in one of those Counties, and grew up in others, and I can tell you each and every day, more and more people are fleeing the Bay Area and moving into those select Counties, changing the voting pattern every cycle.  There has also been a growth in humans moving to said Counties that haven’t any means or way to support themselves and are either signing up for welfare, EBT, housing, etc., are illegal, homeless, or all of the above.

Even if the select Counties could muster the votes there is no way the California Politicians are going to let them go as they need the one thing Northern California has in abundance.


Again the citizens who have been moving the concept of Jefferson forward have done yeoman’s work and again it is time for a change in direction.

To break away from the disaster known as California, without hurting the United States by giving permanent control to the Liberal agenda in the Senate, the best path would be for the selective counties to gather their citizens through the signature process and petition the Federal Government to join Nevada.

There will be legal hurdles and disgusting political ploys and games, but the addition of the “Jefferson” counties to Nevada is a natural fit.

These additions would be beneficial to the Counties, Nevada, and the United States for many reasons including but not limited to the freeing of citizens from a State, that neither respects or represents them, IN A PEACEFUL MANNER.

The State of California continues to release criminals from prison due to “overcrowding” and has passed multiple laws making criminals out of law abiding citizens living in Northern California.

Sadly this will continue.

Those issues do not exist in Nevada and due to certain types of topography it is doubtful Nevada will ever populate the way California has.

It also gives Nevada direct access to the Pacific Ocean.

Ports and roads are incredibly important for survival.

So is water.

This adjustment would allow the Liberal agenda to continue forward into the abyss, while freeing those, who simply want to work hard, save their money, and be beneficial to others.

It also keeps the Senate at 100 members.

In this day and age, the fewer politicians, the better.

I know an argument will be made that if the Jefferson Counties are already filled with Liberals and liberal problems like illegals, unemployment, drug addiction, homelessness, etc., why would Nevada want this?

The majority of the humans living in “Jefferson” are good, hard working Americans who want to raise their families and live their lives.  No it isn’t an overwhelming number, and many of them would not call themselves Conservative, but they are good people and beneficial to a peaceful and prosperous society.

Still that may not be enough for Nevadans to open the door to their suffering American Brothers and Sisters.

As this is politics we may have to add a sweetener.

I have just the solution.

We can combine the Jefferson Counties with Nevada while giving Las Vegas to California.

“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” should go along perfectly with the Hollywood Harvey Weinstein crowd.

Let Sodom embrace Gomorrah.

Wouldn’t Nevada be giving up too much revenue that way?

First of all the profiting on drugs, prostitution, and gambling comes at a serious cost to the Human, besides the addition of quality Americans, timber, water and highways far surpasses the cash in Vegas.

In my opinion clear access to the Pacific Ocean will be important in the future.

Incredibly important.

Jason Kraus

Diversity strikes again

Liberals love the word Diversity.  They use it anywhere and everywhere.  Problems in the economy?  We need more diversity.  Problems in our education system? More diversity will fix it.  Prisons are packed to the gills? Diversity, diversity, diversity!

Diversity of thought?  I believe in Free Will, Freedom, and the Rule of Law.

Why would I waste my time with those who do not?

Let’s use the example of someone who owns a very successful business.  Should this individual search out an unsuccessful venture to balance out their life? Should they hire five excellent workers and five that arrive intoxicated, late, or not at all?

I know this sounds absurd but it happens 24/7 across America.

It’s referred to as working in the Public Sector and “Diversity” otherwise known as bigotry happens everyday.

The Public Sector (funded by the American Tax Payer) even has money set aside to pay those who arrive intoxicated, late, not at all or have been charged with crimes.

With all that said is it any wonder Chicago (just like Detroit) will eventually declare bankruptcy?

Of course not.

Recently New York City “officially” experienced Diversity.

An Islamic terrorist connected to ISIS (talk about redundancy) from Uzbekistan was allowed into the United States under the Diversity Visa Lottery Program.

Now pray tell, please someone enlighten me, what a practicing Muslim from Uzbekistan had, that the United States of America needed?

I will answer that for you.


The Anti-American Democratic Party and many Liberal RINO’s have allowed millions of humans from all over the world to arrive on our shores, live off our social programs, and contribute nothing to society.

I know this for a fact as I personally witnessed this decades ago while working as a Sheriff’s Deputy.

We dealt with horrible humans from Cuba, Mexico, Somalia, and on and on and on.

The citizens of New York, and other visiting nationalities that day, were not killed by guns, drugs, dirty needles, or global warming.

They were not groped or molested by Harvey, Ben, Matt or Willie.

They were not subjected to Nasty Ashley, Maniacal Madonna, or vitriolic vagina headwear.

They were murdered by Diversity.

Liberals elected Democrats and RINOS.  These politicians created the lottery system.

Those overt acts cost the lives of others as Humans were murdered because someone who would have never been here was given safe passage and/or allowed to stay.

Just like Kate Steinle and countless others.

They were murdered by the Democratic Party and if you voted for one of them they were murdered by you.

Whether Liberals agree or not is irrelevant.  Facts are facts.

Multiple humans died because someone won a “drawing”.

Well done Liberals.

Well done.

You’ve even ruined the concept of a lottery.

Then again why would you care.  Bring em all over.

Participation Visas for everyone.

Vehicular homicide be damned.  Just ban anything with tires, then we can start setting up checkpoints across America like we have in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I have a better idea.  Let’s stop all the lottery winners from even playing and start with one checkpoint.

We’ll call it a wall.

Now…where should we put it?

Jason Kraus

The Melting of the Snowflake

Russia! Russia! Russia!

When did the Democratic Party become Jan Brady?

Then again being a fictitious middle sister is dramatically better than factually being a part of La Raza, CAIR, BLM, or the Nation of Islam.

The same Nation of Islam that called for the killing of all White People.

The same Black Lives Matter that called for cops to be fried like bacon and then murdered law enforcement in the streets.

The same Council of American Islamic Relations that supports Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The same La Raza that believes they are “The Race”.

Talk about the most Anti-American quadratic equation ever.

Can anyone say Keith Ellison?

It appears the Democratic Party might.

I can hear it now.

Nancy Pelosi, she of the Hamas is a Humanitarian Organization belief, will stand and say,”We are pleased to introduce the new head of the Muslim Brotherhood, err the DNC, Brother Keith Ellison. I’ve been told to say As-salamu alaykum, so I will, although I’ll have to read the Quran later or Google Snopes to know exactly what I just said.  So congrats Brother Ellison and Allah Akbar!”

I digress.

Jerry Brown is a greater danger to Democrats (and Humans) in California than Vladimir Putin.

Kamala Harris is a greater hazard to Democrats (and Humans) in California than Vladimir Putin.

The release of convicted felons (with the approval of Brown, Pelosi, and Harris) happening in California every day due to “overcrowding” is a greater risk to Democrats (and Humans) in California than Bad Vlad yet it’s the Brady Bunch twenty-four seven.

Should we tell them again?  Do you think they will get it this time?

Maybe we should sit the Dems down with an “edible” to soothe their frayed nerves.

After a few bites of high fructose corn syrup, genetically modified wheat, and just enough synthetic mary jane to reportedly send an NFL defensive end crawling on the ground naked at a police station, the Dems may finally be ready to hear the truth.

Nope not yet.

We just lost them on “synthetic” because “real weed is the shnizzle my dizzle” and cures all diseases and problems in the world.

“You know Jason, marijuana comes from the ground.”

Yes I know.

So does the Poppy.

Natural Gas “comes from the ground” too but you don’t see me breathing deeply around Public Transportation busses awaiting existential thoughts.

Let us try anyway.

Here we go.

Hush now Dems.  We want you to concentrate.  Even though some of this info was around before Jesus and then reintroduced and honed by Jefferson, Madison et al, it appears you guys are slow learners.

Democracy leads to Tyranny.

The United States is not a Democracy.

Okay hold up a minute.  Put down the bong.  I know this can be tough on the Sixties/Snowflake lifestyle so let me try again in a slightly different manner.

The United States is not a Democracy.

Democracy leads to Tyranny.

Whoa Whoa WHOA!!! Safe spaces safe spaces! Someone get a safety pin! That’s totally different Jason!  You can’t be moving things around!  My Snapchat account won’t allow that! By the way that’s not what our teachers are saying. Our teachers say we are a Democracy.  Not really sure what that means but I KNOW that’s what we are.

Yes I know you’ve been told this for decades.  Don’t feel bad.  We’ve all been fed garbage for a while like cigarettes are good for us and margarine is healthier than butter.  Type-Two Diabetes went from a disease to a manageable lifestyle.  High cholesterol, heart attacks and strokes aren’t caused by our choices anymore.  Obesity is now plus size not to mention it isn’t your fault for slamming a half dozen sodas a day and living on AM/PM corn dogs.

It’s all hereditary.

Just blame your “rents” and stay on their medical insurance as long as you can.

Here’s your pill and your sign.

Jason! Jason! Jason!

Yes Jan?

Well Mr. Smart Guy, Mr. Know it all, Mr. Bald privileged white guy with “high cheekbones” who doesn’t do drugs, rarely drinks, and writes incredibly entertaining columns free for all to read….

(Sound of a deep breath.  Could be an inhaler.  Probably not, followed by a hacking cough and then a hand reaching for a brownie).

Yes Jan?

Sorry Mr Smart Guy, Mr. Socratic Theory! Mr. Adam Smith! Mr. James Madison! Mr. I cannot focus on what you are saying because of your striking Elizabeth Warren cheekbones….

(Gulp of a Starbucks Frappuchino followed by a quick selfie of a new piercing (insert body part here) and a quick tweet about Global Warming).

Sorry Mr. Abraham Maslow!  If you are so smart then tell me what is the United States of America?

Well first Jan it is shaved not bald and secondly we are a Constitutional Republic.

What’s that?

I thought you’d never ask.

Jason Kraus

America. Where I come from.

Leaders don’t lead from the back or check the wind and adjust to which way they think it is blowing.

Leaders lead.

It is understandable that some in America aren’t sure anymore what ethical leadership looks like.

After twenty-four years of Clinton, Bush, Obama, the appearance of “leadership” hasn’t been seen in almost three decades.

So let us be clear.  Leaders don’t join groups.

They create a vision and move forward regardless of support.

Real leadership is driven by ethics and ethical people don’t meet “in the middle”.

How does one meet La Raza in the middle?  They think they are the RACE.

How does one meet Black Lives Matter in the middle? Wait until they attack more cops and then grant them pardons?

How does one meet CAIR in the middle? Allow the continued murder of homosexuals as long as they stop beating women?

How does one meet the Klan in the middle? Offer pink sheets, fire retardant timber, and a dental plan?

This is America and we don’t meet evil “in the middle”.

Never have never will.

At least we don’t where I come from.

You see where I come from we don’t wear onesies or vaginas.  We listened to the Material Girl but even back then we all knew she wasn’t like a virgin or sane.

Apparently Papa didn’t Preach enough.

We’d heard of Meryl Streep but back then we called her Jane Fonda.

Where I come from citizens wore guns on their hips, not concealed in the least, and if you had a truck, you had a rifle in the rack, and nobody cared or got shot.

I personally wasn’t much into guns or knives.  It’s hard to carry one when you are constantly swinging a bat but my younger brother and I used to stalk deer in the mountains to see if we could get close enough to touch them.

Almost did a couple of times.

Where I come from if we catch you beating a women, well let’s just say, Allah isn’t going to help you.

Neither will Sharia.

Where I come from if you think you are a special RACE, well let’s just say it won’t be our first rodeo in dealing with evil, but trust me when I say this, you won’t be able to handle the bull or the horns.

Where I come from if we catch you attacking cops, well let’s just say, justice will come swiftly and without mercy, prejudice or pardon.

Finally where I come from if you start wearing sheets on your head, well, we call you Democrat and have been doing so since you voted to keep slavery.

If you burn crosses we call you Democrat and have been doing so since Margaret Sanger wanted to abort all black and poor children in America.

If you give eulogies for a Klan member we call you Democrat and have been doing so since both Hillary and Barack covered Robert Byrd in warm words.

If you give money to our enemies we call you Democrat and have been doing so since Clinton and Obama gave millions if not billions to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Iran.

You see where I come from we don’t suffer fools even if they played Forrest Gump.

Where I come from we don’t coddle traitors even if they think the Thunder Rolls.

Where I come from Fidel and Che are murdering, rapist thugs, Christians and Jews aren’t the problem, and women don’t brag about having abortions.

Where is this place you come from Jason?

I’m glad you asked.

I come from the United States.

I have had the privilege of being part of a citizenry that is known far and wide for two things.

Freedom First.

Freedom Only.

I will borrow from a newly minted twenty-first century poet.

“We aren’t coming to take part.  We are coming to take over.”

There will be no middle ground.

No negotiation.

There is no race, only a People.

We are the People and go by only one name.


No middle ground found here.

It’s time to remember where we come from and who we are.

You are either an American or a Democrat.

Can’t be both.

Jason Kraus

Twitter: @JKraus4USsenate

We say grace and ma’am and if you ain’t into that we don’t give a damn

Liberals continue to scream about the loss of Democracy and most Republican politicians mimic this belief.

Is it any wonder we are where we are?

If a physician prescribes aspirin for your heart, a blood thinner, and you instead decide to eat donuts every morning, one shouldn’t be surprised when they are clutching their chest and screaming for someone to call 911.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again.  The United States is a Constitutional Republic.

A Constitutional Republic is a Freedom based model.

Democracy is the slide away from Aristocracy, Timocracy, and Oligarchy into Tyranny.

This is called Socratic Theory.

Liberals in both Parties have either never heard of Socrates or think they are smarter than the man Western Philosophy refers to as its Father.

My guess is at least ninety-five percent of Democrats in Congress cannot explain Socratic Theory in its simplest form and if they cannot explain it then what does that say about their constituency?

In this day and age being a registered Democrat is proof enough that one is Anti-American.

That’s a pretty strong statement Jason some will say.

If strong means accurate then you would be correct.

To be an American means to cherish Freedom.

The United States has been colored or described many ways over the last two plus centuries but at the forefront is always Freedom.

Individual Freedom.

Now we are inundated by the masses or group think.

CAIR, La Raza, BLM, Sanctuary Cities, and Climate Changers are all Democratic groups.

If a lie is repeated enough it becomes part of everyday life.

Notice I didn’t say it becomes true.

Lies regardless of repetition are still lies and create false premises in the minds of the weak and unstable.

An example of this was found this week, on a television talk show, I happened upon while on my way to watch highlights of MMA, otherwise known as one of Meryl’s favorite sports.

I’m surprised Streep and Kaepernick haven’t come together to form the “diversity coalition” known as deaf, dumb, and kneel.

I digress.

The aforementioned talk show topic pertained to a “writer” who had apparently needed a plumber.  When the plumber arrived he had a “southern accent” and because of this the “writer” created a story in his own head that the plumber (who’d been invited to the man’s location and was quite pleasant according to the “writer”) was probably a Trump voter and thereby dangerous.

Due to no facts whatsoever the “writer” became afraid that the man with an accent was going to hurt him because, again, he perceived him to be a Trump supporter.


Can’t live with them…don’t want to.

I’m not sure which is more pathetic.

The usage of stereotyping, the outright bigotry, or this guy admitting to being the biggest puss in the world.

I mean come on already Sally.  Just step to the side.  Your participation EBT card and rent controlled voucher is on its way.

I still think the crushing debt in America is our greatest danger but gaining ground quickly is the continuing procreation of the Liberal man and woman.

In order to save our Republic we may have to create a new fund.

We can garner proceeds by asking Americans at each election to donate a few dollars to go towards birth control for all Liberals.

This should be in triplicate mode if economically possible as we know Liberals struggle with the concept of having intercourse without Planned Parenthood Protection.

Who’s down with PPP?  A little Naughty by Natcha but not cuz I hate cha Progressives.

Americans don’t hate whiny little men who need a baby wipe because a plumber with a drawl said y’all.

“We pity the fools” besides we know what they are.

They are the supporters of Castro and Guevara or said another way Adolph and Osama.

The only difference between Fidel and Che and the Chief Nazi were Panzer tanks and a general named Rommel.

The United States is filled with men and women born and bred from the courage of Bunker Hill and Lexington.

Omaha and Normandy Beach.

We give thanks, “say grace and ma’am and if you ain’t into that we don’t give a damn”.

Courtesy of an American.  Last name Williams first name Hank.

Now head back to your toilet that the American fixed and try standing up when you tinkle Sprinkles.

It’s better for the spine…not that it’ll matter to you.

Jason Kraus

The Death Spiral known as the Democratic Party

Recently an article hit the internet proclaiming the life span of some Americans to be growing shorter.

Eight years of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid cocktail coupled with a Ryan/McConnell chaser can do that to a person.

Of course it is easy to take shots at evil and cowardice.

What isn’t easy is its removal.

It should be.

It really should be.

I’m having a Sally Field flashback.

Sadly the aforementioned names have more in common with the DNA of a cockroach than a human attempting to Be.

Why is this?

The need to belong is only surpassed in importance to survival by water, food, shelter, and security.  (Abraham Maslow)

In that order.

With those needs met the human animal will seek somewhere to belong.  When an appropriate atmosphere isn’t found an inappropriate one will be chosen.  Some will point to young kids joining gangs.  Although possible the more likely need being met by these kids is their need to be secure or even food and shelter.

A better example are the supporters of Bernie Sanders, La Raza, Black Lives Matter, etc.

The individuals making up these groups are devolving rapidly in regards to the Homo Sapien species.

That seems to be a harsh statement Jason.

It isn’t harsh at all.  It is true and one of the reasons Americans aren’t living as long anymore.

When one stops requiring facts everything after that is a mess someone else will have to endure and probably clean up.

Then again if the pace isn’t quickened in parts of Detroit, Mother Nature will shoulder the burden, as I have personally witnessed.

Any house built on a weak foundation, or no foundation at all, will always crumble, usually wreaking havoc on other individuals who are in its proximity.

BLM members make statements like hands up don’t shoot (a lie) or facts don’t matter when it comes to race.

To critically thinking evolving humans, facts are the only thing that matters, regardless of the subject.

La Raza followers scream about “racism” and bigotry while calling themselves “The Race” in Spanish.

These are the kinds of minds that would load six bullets into a six shooter and then play “Russian Roulette”.

“Some Americans aren’t living as long.”

No kidding?

Forty years of obesity, drug and alcohol abuse, crushing debt, sexual promiscuity, and the rise of government programs will shorten the span of life?


Yes really.

Of course millions seem to not grasp proper nutrition, sleep, work, exercise, a sober mind and individual responsibility are the catalysts to evolution and longer life.

How do we know this?

Bernie Sanders still has followers, Bill and Hillary Clinton still have freedom, and Keith Ellison wants to run the Democratic Party.

An atheist who believes women fantasize about being raped simultaneously by three men endorsed a criminal whose husband has actually raped women. This trio is being joined by a man who called for black humans to have their own land where peaceful whites would be allowed.  Aside from the peaceful whites there is a place like this.

It’s called Liberia although I’m not sure if they would welcome a Sunni Muslim with open arms due to an issue called slavery.

These four aren’t the problem.

They are symptoms.

The problem lies in the lack of common sense, courage, and compassion found in their followers and their unwillingness to search out and find appropriate situations in which to belong.

Getting high, sleeping around, and wishing they’d had an abortion isn’t going to do it.

Socrates was right.

Democracy does lead to Tyranny.

I guess the good news for the Democrats is they won’t be living as long.

Jason Kraus

Freedom is up to you.

As this Presidential cycle comes to fruition I’ve heard and read ideas that have provoked thought, others that have been covered in pure ridiculousness and finally the rantings of disgustingly outright dishonesty.

Sordid affairs, criminal collusion and the ignorance that allows this part of human behavior to occur, has been on full display.

Through this a comment was made that drew my attention.  “God is on Donald Trump’s side.”

It reminded me of the famous Lincoln quote “Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side;  my greatest concern is to be on God’s side….”

It’s really a wonderful statement in that Lincoln understood his own fallibility as well as duty while giving credit to a “higher power”.

It is an incredibly important measurement of honorable leadership.  The giving of credit AND the taking of blame.

It is the purity of the knowledgeable, to appreciate the gift of Free Will in one hand, while embracing its responsibility, in the other.

So let us be knowledgeable.

Tens of millions in America have lost their way.

Too many have cast off humility as though it is a weighted stone, not a pillar of society, and embraced the beating of their own chests.  Too many believe it is their “right” to ask for or demand things because “they can”.

Too many believe they are the “higher power”.

I have never been a God fearing man.

For those of you who have read Late Bird you know I don’t see the “Big Fella Upstairs” as vengeful.

I believe in a loving God that has given us Free Will and the ability to use it in any manner we decide.

Whether one believes in God, or not, doesn’t remove Free Will from the equation as “belief” in a “higher power” or not, is a practice of…Free Will.

I’ve also had plenty of experiences that I’ve felt were wrong or unjust.  This is not “God’s Will” nor should the blame be laid at the feet of a higher power.

Those that commit acts of aggression or apathy are the ones responsible for such action(s).

It’s called Personal Responsibility or lack thereof.

These actions will continue to increase due to a lack of consequences, not because the “Big Fella Upstairs” is angry.

I don’t profess to speak for God, or attach human qualities, but if I had to my guess is, if God is up there looking upon human activity, the most common emotion to fulfill his day, would be sadness.

Sadness that we have been given so much knowledge but seem never to learn.

Over the years I’ve had plenty of conversations about what happens after our time here is over.

A friend of mine who’d seen combat told me decades ago “there’s nothing after this Jason, we go back into the ground.”

A female Sunni Muslim told me one time “good acts” are the key to the afterlife.  When I asked her if there were “72 virgins” awaiting her arrival she said she wasn’t sure.  Because we were having a pleasant chat I also inquired as to why she was covered head to toe but the men were not.  Seemed unfair to me.  She looked at me for a few seconds and said “you’re right”.

Yes, I know.

I’ve discussed Buddhism with many and their view of Nirvana and Rebirth.  The concepts of Siddhartha Gautama are interesting but the one thing that drew my attention was and is its practice in oppressive Communist China.

Perhaps a discussion for another day.

The two most important concepts to me, in regards to Jesus, are the simple yet powerful ideas to love God and love one another.

Sounds like the answer to every human related behavioral issue on the planet.  This leads me to a conversation I’ve had a few times over the years.

It usually goes something like this:

Jason: Yes I believe in Jesus.  No I do not call myself a Christian.

Friend: How can you believe in Jesus but not call yourself a Christian?

Jason:  How can you not believe in him?  Jesus is the only one I am familiar with that the entire planet changed the measurement of time over.

Friend:  Measurement of time?

Jason:  BC, Before Christ, AD, Anno Domini, In the year of the Lord.  Every nation around the world regardless of religious views recognizes the current year as 2016…AD.

Friend:  Another reason to be a Christian.

Jason: Okay let me get this straight.  If we both exit the planet at the same time and arrive at the gates of Heaven, St. Peter is going to give me the stop sign and wave you on through…according to you.

Friend:  Yes.

Jason:  And that is okay with you.

Friend:  Of course it isn’t. That’s why I want you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Jason:  I appreciate that.  Let me ask you this.  I have known plenty of criminals who have abused men, women, and children and claimed to have found Jesus.  Because of this they will be heading through with you while I will be left with the alternative?

Friend:  Yes.

Jason:  Again I can appreciate your concern although if the abusers are getting through I don’t think this is the place for me but let me try and explain the way I see this.  If we both arrive together you have already stated you are going through while I am being stopped right?  Maybe you’ll give me a little wave or something but once we arrive it’s every man or woman for themselves yes?

Friend:  Yes.

Jason:  Okay.  This is the way I see it.  If we get to the gates and St. Peter waves you through I’ll wish you well and deal with whatever is coming my way.  However, let’s say we get to the gates and Pete sees us coming and instead of you getting the green light…I am.  Who knows why?  Maybe the rules changed, maybe Pete’s just having a bad day.  Regardless I get a big “attababy” or “well done son come on home” while you are told there is “no room at the inn.”  If this were to happen I’d stop at the gate and say “I appreciate it Pete, I really do, but it’s either both of us…or none of us.  There is no way the loving God I know is leaving anyone at the gate and neither am I.”

Shoulder to shoulder.

My fellow Americans.

My greatest concern is not whether God is on our side.  My greatest concern is whether we are on the side of the Big Fella Upstairs.

The side of virtue and tenacity, grace and perseverance, compassion and critical thinking.

God has blessed these United States.

Freedom is up to us.

Freedom is up to me.

Freedom is up to you.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

Jason Kraus