In Their Honor and the Fullness of Time

Periodically the subject(s) for my weekly columns take a little bit to find. Other times they scream to be written, and every once in a while, they search me out.

I was sought this week.

It won’t be reported in the papers or found on any blotter. Most would consider it random although I’m sure it has happened plenty of times prior, just not to me.

Without getting into the entire story (maybe I’ll add it to Late Bird Rising) a situation occurred, in the middle of a busy road, that required me to engage in a matter that wasn’t good for my central nervous system. Once the situation was contained my focused demeanor immediately turned to rage.

Rage that the situation ever occurred.

It shouldn’t have.

Rage at the individual(s) who put my safety in jeopardy.

I have no doubt this group of idiots has done this to other drivers.

Let us hope, for the safety of others, my response to him(them) did more than just release their bowels.

For those of you who have read Late Bird you know that migraines are a part of my life. I’ve done the best I can to control them but bright or strobe lights, nuts, or highly stressful situations usually lead to one happening somewhere in my near future.

I abstain from nuts and do my best to avoid intense lights, but occasionally complete strangers, will attempt to cause drama in my life.

It isn’t just me.

Complete strangers attempt to cause stress in everyone’s life across these United States.

They’re called Liberals.

This was a highly stressful situation and my response, although appropriate, was so intense I knew my head would be pounding in about an hour. I went on with my day completely prepared to deal with numb lips and fingertips, nausea, loss of vision and eventually an incredible pain that resonates for two days through my neck and head.

As I’ve stated before I’ve had these since I was a kid.

Just a part of my life.

This time a funny thing happened.

Even though I vacillated a little too long on the event, trying to “clear the mechanism,” the headache never arrived.

It appeared my response to those who created the situation, allowed me to remove the stress from my body, and return it to those who created it in the first place.

It’s time we do the same thing to the traitors in this country.

Let those who create the suffering, suffer the pain.

Every day “new” findings and documents are brought forward on the disastrous and treasonous Obama Administration.

Of course this isn’t new to those of us who pay attention, but as these things come to light, pressure/stress is being applied to our American systems, many that have already capitulated.

Roads that crumble, dams that break, schools that indoctrinate and graduate children who cannot read.

Trillions in debt with even more to come.

Politicians who lie, cheat, and steal and are so brazen, criminals with connections and secrets like Jussie Smollett, simply walk out the door, while Progressive judges sneak criminal foreign nationals out the back of our courthouses.

On this Memorial Day Weekend, with respect, appreciation, and admiration we praise the ultimate sacrifice of the American who because of their service, and last full measure of devotion, granted us the privilege of living in a free country.

On this day I say in their honor and the fullness of time,

Prepare to RAGE.

Jason Kraus

The Devil to Watch is the Devil We Know

We are now in full Presidential election bloom.

The Democrats have almost two dozen “contestants” and no real choice.

The Party of Diversity is being lead by Joe Groper Biden, Bernie Gang Rape Sanders, and then depending upon the poll either a Cheekbones Cherokee,  Beto I Dream of Running Children Over O’Rourke or Kamala Willie Brown Harris.

They’ve all kissed the ring of Al Death to the Jews Sharpton, called for reparations to occur, and stated that walls are immoral and should be torn down.

One can only imagine if the three stooges known as Omar, Tlaib, and AOC were actually in the race.

Nothing quite like “diversity”.

Lurking behind this pool of grouper is the ultimate rotten fish.

A shark known as Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The Chairman Mao tunic wearing Progressive seems to have finally dealt with her issues of using stairs, or standing without physical support, although I’m sure a vehicle is always available for her to be thrown head first into because at this point “what difference does it make.”

Believe it or not, for the Moo Moo, it may matter.

After watching decades of political races, and entering one myself, there is no doubt, energy is a very important key to winning.

Hair sniffer Biden just doesn’t have it.

If he somehow grabs the nomination (and I don’t think he will) Donald Trump will run over him like a Mack truck.

Sometimes you’re the windshield sometimes you’re the bug.

In Presidential elections Biden has always been the bug.

Bernie Sanders has the energy (hate) but it is doubtful he is a top of the ticket winner.

He also isn’t a registered Democrat and even though laws don’t matter to the Dims they did pass new rules stating their choice must be a Democrat so we shall see how they decide to enforce their hypocrisy.

If the Democratic Party had any sense they would talk Bernie into the VP position. Americans won’t elect him to the top spot but his voters (and they are many) would support whomever, as long as Fantasizing Sanders was on the team.

Sad but true.

Fortunately the combination of Democratic stupidity and Bernie’s desire to feed his fragile ego will probably keep the Communist loving traitor off of the VP list.

Beto O’Rourke is mentally unstable and even the Liberals know this as he falls in the polls. The man flaps his arms more than Icarus and he was crashing into the sea.

Woo woo woo Warren (insert Loretta Sanchez here) is emotionally weak. She is indeed filled with vitriol but virtually cowers in the presence of cameras. She is very comfortable making ridiculous statements while sitting in the Senate but standing on her own two feet and answering questions off the cuff is too much for the beer sipping fraud.

Criminal Harris is dumb and I mean that in the most textbook of ways.

She doesn’t understand economics, education, or excellence.  She’s ripped her own family while flip flopping on every subject imaginable. If Harris is the nominee President Trump may eclipse Reagan’s 49.

The Devil to watch here is the Devil we know.

Fish rot from the head down and there is no doubt the stench emanating behind the scenes is coming from the woman who shared her husband with Monica Lewinsky and continues to do so with others.

Unless or until the Democrats bring in a heavy hitting viable candidate, HRC is waiting in the wings, swallowing grouper by the mouthful.

We already know she has the super-delegates.

The real question is will she take Bernie for a long weekend and slap a sticker on his disheveled forehead that says I’m With Her.

Jason Kraus

Libs Need to be Progressive with Their Bigotry

While our National Guard was apparently being disarmed by the Mexican (Drug Cartels) military, the Democrats decided to focus on “environmentalism” by creating a Senate Caucus that will deal with “Race and Class”.

Let me help you Libs.

You are losing the race because you haven’t any class.

According to one of the Democratic Senators “Often times black and brown communities are the ones that suffer the biggest consequences of pollution.”

Whoa whoa whoa!

What is this black and brown stuff?

You Libs need to be Progressive with your bigotry.

African-American, Hispanic, or Latino are your 21st Century choices.

Why are there two different options of bigotry for the “brown” people?

I don’t know.

Maybe the Senate will create a Caucus and get us an answer to that.

In other action happening in Washington D. C. , a few voices SLOWLY are starting to ask whether or not Barack Obama was responsible for the spying on then Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Of course he was.

It can be a bit surreal to listen to talking heads finally start to discuss things that EVERYONE already knows.

Speaking of talking heads Cheekbones Warren has announced it is time to impeach Donald Trump…again.

The beer swilling “Cherokee” apparently doesn’t understand she has no authority during the Impeachment process.


Then again she thinks the United States is a Democracy.

Unsurprisingly so does Humanitarian Hamas Pelosi.

Who down with HHP!

Aunt Nancy the ultimate acronymic three letter virus.

How do Libs feed themselves?

With other People’s money!

Thank you. Thank you.  I’ll be here all week.

In other Dumb Lib News it appears Medicare will start to run out of money in about seven years.

I’m sure putting everyone on it will make it all better.

Due to the limited intellect of the Liberal let us explain this issue with song.

Hush little Libby don’t say a word, don’t bother with the truth, just follow the herd.

If that herd shifts to reverse, Medicare will be there, with your hearse.

Too late Libby, stop that wailing, Sarah was right, you should’ve listened to a Palin.

Okay enough singing. Let us continue in sotto voce to soften the blow to the Dims.

According to “scientists” (propaganda) “feedback loops will make climate change even worse.”

Let’s use the AOC translator to explain this further.

“It’s like you know, like, yeah, (hair flip) like, instead of like twelve years, like it’s like now six years, until we all like die.”

I cannot speak for all but in my opinion, in the case of Progressives, the sooner the better.

Six years is like way too long, dude.

Ya feel me.

Surely you do.

I do and don’t call me Shirley.

Of course Shirley is better than Kareem.

Speaking of worthless humans Bernie Gang Rape Sanders is leading the Democratic Party’s Presidential nominee process without actually being a Democrat.

This shouldn’t surprise anyone.  The Party of Criminality wants to count illegals as citizens in the next Census.

What’s one more comrade on the Hindenburg leading his flock back to their Schultzstaffel roots.

The Dims appear to enjoy the repetition of consonants.

The SS, the KKK, the CBC.

One can only imagine their stupidity with the addition of a vowel.

Jason Kraus

White Men Can Jump

As we are told every day through the American Media, White People suck.

AOLoonyTunes won her contest by telling the voters in her district to not vote for the White Man.

To vote for someone who looks like them.

They did and she rewarded them by doing a horrible Hillary Clinton impersonation.

I ain’t no ways tired.

Of course you aren’t.

One has to work and carry their own weight in order to be tired.

Still, as dumb as their premise is, let us play along.

I’m not going to remind them of all the “White People” who, for the better, have changed the way humans live.

I’ve done that in the past and it doesn’t seem to matter to the Mad Hatters so here we go.

White People suck.

Hillary Clinton is white yet received over 60 million votes.

The Democratic frontrunners for the Presidency are Bernie, Biden, Beto, and CheekBones Warren.

White, White, White and yep you guessed it…Pale Face WHITE.

Speaker of the House and Hamas supporter Nancy Pelosi.

Ghastly White.

Minority moronic Leader in the Senate Amy Chuck Schumer.

Ghostly White.

Governors of New York and California.

Whiter than a Klan rally.

Former Governors of New York and California.

White and Moonbeam White.

Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Strzok, and Page.

Say it with me now…Whiiiiiiiite!

Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, and Stephen Colbert.

White, Whiter, and Whitest of all.

After careful review I have to agree.

These White People do suck.

My only question is who keeps voting, hiring, or listening to them?

Bueller? Bueller?

Anyone? Anyone?

After some thought it appears the only thing that will fix this issue is of course Diversity and boy howdy do we have some.

Ilhan Omar decided to basically tell us that Americans deserved the death and destruction that happened on 09-11-01.

Obama’s own pastor flat out said it with God Damn America and America’s chickens coming home to roost in reference to 09-11-01.

Amazingly ol Barack was able to sit in this church for over a decade AND be friends with Louis Kill Whitey Farrakhan.

Ah Diversity.

Bigotry all grown up.

Jussie Smollet style.

With our coverage of the “Whites” and the “Blacks” one would be remiss to not mention the “Browns” otherwise known as La Raza.

Yes The Race which has a Presidential Candidate, Julian Castro, the Attorney General in California, Xavier Becerra, and a Supreme Court Justice known as Sonia Sotomayor.

Hoo boy this is quite a list and when added together we see every single person on it has one thing in common.

They all vote Democrat in a country that doesn’t practice Democracy.

One of America’s Founding Fathers stated that all Democracies die by suicide.

Although it appears the Party in front of us is proving him correct, due to the fact we only have twelve years left, it may be time to Go Green and learn to tie a hangman’s noose.

Rope is still recyclable.

Let us do everything we can to save the planet.

Jason Kraus

Humble Pie

Last week a friend of mine said to me, “I came across this quote and it reminded me of you.”

“The country life is to be preferred, for there we see the works of God; but in cities little else but the works of men.”

For those of you who have read Late Bird you know I spent my childhood in the mountains and to this day spend as much time as possible at higher elevations away from the ever growing population.  I thanked him for the quote and spoke about William Penn for a bit. At the conclusion he said, “What has happened to our country?”

It’s an excellent question and with all excellent questions a simple answer will suffice.

Too many in America these days haven’t any humility.

Today’s athletes call themselves the GOAT as in the Greatest Of All Time but are too lazy to say the words anymore so they refer to themselves as a farm animal.

The more informative description would be sheep.

Regardless they are running around like chickens with their heads cut off begging for attention.

No humility in sight.

Still it goes much deeper than that.

Today’s politicians, who cannot control their own bodily functions, believe they control the Earth, otherwise known as the Climate.

It’s doubtful any of them could explain our accepted description of the Earth (compressed gases that form solids labeled as the Crust, Mantle and Core) and I guarantee none of them can explain Electromagnetism.

Their new “leader” thinks we are all going to die in twelve years because we can’t drink oil while the old guard is worried that too many of us will relocate to one side and the whole thing will tip over. These brainiacs all support Jussie Smollett who apparently has something on somebody dramatically high up the Liberal food chain.

I’ve got to give that man (or whatever he is calling himself) credit. When he plays his get out of jail free card, he plays his get out of jail free card!

Jussie even had the Mayor of Chicago acting as though he wasn’t in on it, to keep the (m)asses quiet, in the Windy City.

Thanks Obama!

The stench emanating from too many souls in America is coming from humans who belong to nothing (Maslow) and are so desperate to fulfill that need, will exhaust every measure.

Mitt Romney is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with today’s politician. A carpetbagging fraud who will do or say anything to gain the vote and validation of complete strangers.

These creatures are so insecure and unhappy with their lives they will lie, cheat and steal, until the day they die.

They continue to believe they are smarter than everyone else, more righteous than everyone else and are the only ones that can save humanity and the planet.

It’s one thing to believe one is of greater intelligence than other humans.

It’s another to believe one is greater than God.

One Liberal has stated that his seat in Heaven is already cemented in place.

Catholicism and Islam are both stacked with Progressive pedophiles who believe children are their property to do with whatever they wish.

Many Progressives try to play God by deciding which babies live, which babies die and which ones are sold for parts.

The lack of humility is destroying any sense of humanity in these United States.

William Penn was a very smart man and more importantly a humble one.

“Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.”

The tyrants are in full bloom and ignoring God completely.

“There can be no friendship where there is no freedom.”

Aye Mr. Penn.

Freedom First.

Freedom Only.

I have enough friends.

Jason Kraus

The Height of Hypocrisy

On this beautiful Sunday morning let us provide a reality check to those who have decidedly checked out of reality.

It doesn’t matter how many in the media say it, the United States of America is not a Democracy.

We are a Constitutional Republic.

That fact and the patience of Job by the citizenry are the only reasons Liberals are still drawing breath. By removing the Electoral College, Progressives will cut their own throats. Paraphrasing John Adams, Democracies never last long as they waste, exhaust and murder themselves.

Democracy does indeed die by suicide.

It doesn’t matter how many “experts” express themselves, Marijuana does not cure Cancer. I wish it did. I really do, but it doesn’t. The truth of it all is THC has a better chance of allowing cancerous cells to grow than killing them.

Finally, it doesn’t matter how many politicians rail for or against it, Socialism doesn’t exist. The concept of an equal slice of the pie for everyone whether they contribute or not isn’t found anywhere on Earth. One has a better chance of flying by flapping their arms wildly about than actually locating Socialism.

With that said let us cover a few things that are true.

Louis Farrakhan who is supported by the Democratic Party does want to kill all White people and Jews.

We know this because he keeps saying so.

In biblical speak Bill Clinton begat George W. Bush who begat Barack Obama.

They all lied, cheated and stole from the American Citizen.

They also strengthened our enemies including Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.

The only difference between these parasites is if Clinton and Bush had a son they probably wouldn’t name him Trayvon.

Then again the greatest Olympian in his time is walking around in heels and makeup so anything is possible.

More reality?

You got it!

“Guaranteed Income” doesn’t work.

It never has and never will.

If it did the Soviets would still be a powerful force as they lined up once a week to stock up on toilet paper and paper towels.

Well, it’s different here in America Jason.


Hush now Stupid Humans.

I can flush your entire “theory” down the crapper using only three letters.


Onward and upward!

Racism is a very rare thing.

To be a racist one must hate Homo Sapien sapiens colloquially known as Humans.

To hate someone because of the color of their skin is known as Bigotry and yes Liberals are bigots.

Prove that statement Jason.


Liberals created skin color bigotry by putting into effect the disastrous usage of the hyphen.

African-American, Asian-American, Latino or Hispanic-American.

These are all Progressive creations in an attempt to divide based on color of skin and facial features.

More importantly they minimize and lessen the only word known around the world, that truly is synonymous, with Freedom.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

I’ve never heard of or seen a Hispanic-German, an Asian-Nigerian or a Latino-Russian.

Why is that?

It’s because they don’t exist.

Only in these United States is this inanity and asininity found.

Welcome to the Land of the Liberal where you can be anything you want as long as it isn’t factual or able to be proven.

Where genders can change as fast as their underwear and Racheal Dolezal and Jussie Smollet are heroes.

Where Hamas is a humanitarian organization, a Nobel Peace Prize was given to Hope by the Deranged and another in Economics to a man who believes the U.S.A. can remove all of our debt by minting trillion dollars coins and then paying ourselves back with said coins.

Where politicians and con men (I know redundancy) fly around the world in private jets, proclaiming that the world is going to end because of things like flying around the world in private jets, yet somehow it’s the cows that are at fault.

The world of the Liberal who puts out twenty year economic projections when the world is going to end in twelve.

Where things are passed before they are read, red lines are created for others to cross and Popes protect pedophiles.

Where we are told in the same breath that Scandinavian countries are the “happiest places to live” and White people suck.

Ah the Land of the Liberal where solar panels will soon be a legal requirement in the Golden State while California is currently paying other States to store this energy.

Where high speed rail that doesn’t exist still somehow cost billions of dollars.

Where a Bernie, a Beto and a Biden are the Presidential front runners in the Party of Diversity.

A Commie, a Convict, and a Clown decidedly all Caucasian.

Liberal Land is a stand up comedy routine for jokes who kneel.

Speaking of jokes Elizabeth Warren and Loretta Sanchez walk into a bar. Warren proclaims she is an Indian and in support Sanchez asks her which one “Red dot or Woo woo woo woo”. Bernie Sanders is sitting in the corner staring at them both wondering if he is part of the trifecta that they “fantasize” about while the Beto Male confirms again that abortion on demand, even at full term, is just fine with him.

This statement says it all.

Today’s Democratic Party wants to remove Capitalism from the Earth while profiting off the murder, dismemberment and sale of baby body parts.

May God have mercy on their souls.

I will not.

If that wasn’t enough these disgusting creatures want to remove safety and security from the American Individual by removing our firearms.

On this point I can finally agree.

You can have my gun(s).

One round at a time.

Jason Kraus

Tell Me What to Do – Tell Me What to Think

Decades ago I sat through a Shakespearean play performed in Ashland Oregon. The venue was quite nice and the actors seemed to have an idea as to what they were doing, yet after fifteen minutes my mind started to wander as they’d repeated themselves at least a dozen times. I casually looked around the crowd and noticed the ones that were smiling had one thing in common.

They were drinking wine.

I’ve never been much of an imbiber but I’ve had enough beers to know the look of someone who is feeling good and that look had nothing to do with what was happening on stage. In fact it tells us how powerful depressants can be. While these people continued to tip their glass and grin, I quickly understood why Romeo couldn’t take it anymore.

Jokes aside I do think Shakespeare was any incredible storyteller and his question of “to be or not to be” is one that most humans still don’t understand.

Years later I relayed my experience to others about Shakespeare’s writing by saying, “I got it the first time. I didn’t need it repeated twenty-three more.”

Most of the time this has been met with laughter as very few even bothered to read or listen to Shakespeare when required to in high school or college.

Why would they voluntarily do so now?

One response that was made stuck with me through the years.

“Most people back then couldn’t read or write. The only way they received information was storytelling and they needed to be told many times in order to understand and remember.”

In other words their brains were still evolving and needing more time to grasp the information.

It was and is an interesting theory and one that I now apply to today as it appears very few have actually “evolved” over the last couple of centuries.

In a world where information bounces in seconds from continent to continent it is stunning to realize there are so many people who think they know it all who have no idea what is happening anywhere, especially in their own backyards.

We are inundated by comics without comedy, perverts and prostitutes, bachelorettes and bartenders.

Over and over the same stories occur until that loop is running through the heads of anyone attached to the internet.

It appears “net” is appropriately named.

The media, for lack of a better term, decided long ago that the serfs and slaves in the sixteen hundreds have the same mindset as todays “peasants”.

Tell me what to do, tell me what to think and then tell me what you are going to give me.

They’ve co-opted Shakespeare’s method of messaging while ignoring his message.

They wash-rinse-repeat while “Never letting a good crisis go to waste.”

Let’s introduce the latest example.

At least one American citizen dies everyday at the hands of a foreign national here illegally yet the “emergency” is making sure a couple of actresses post bonds because they don’t know how to “donate” legally to universities.

We OR (Own Recognizance) a wide variety of illegal gang members who have physically attacked Americans but Aunt Becky is on the hook for $1,000,000.00?

What about Cheekbones Warren? How is paying off some coaches worse than pretending to be a Cherokee?

It isn’t.

She should be indicted for fraud.

Let’s try another.

Gavin Newsom just amnestied everyone on California’s Death Row but not to worry because Ronald Reagan is a racist.

There are horrible humans sitting on Death Row in California.

I know this because I dealt with one of them up close and personal.

If Liberals have their way this murderer will eventually be released and allowed to vote.

Don’t believe me?

The Obama administration organized the reduction of sentences and eventually released “non-violent” criminals all over America.

One of them went out, stalked and murdered an ex-girlfriend and two of her children.

Don’t hear too much about that do we.

Virginia Democrats gave felons the right to vote and the Dims want illegals and sixteen year olds in there as well.

Only fools want felons, foreigners and fresh faced fops making decisions in protection of Freedom.

I’ve often said to never verbally engage a fool as you only double the fools in the conversation.

Non-verbally however seems to be the only way the foolish will finally learn that this isn’t their country.

It’s OURS.

It appears AT&T understood this a long time ago.

Time to reach out and touch someone.

Jason Kraus

Tick Tock

Whether it is Google or Yahoo we receive a constant stream of written refuse of which I typically move through quickly. Once in a while I will “click” onto a story to see if the “writers” out there have gotten any closer to the truth.

I am usually disappointed.

It isn’t as though these articles are a complete waste. I routinely skip the columns and head right to the comment section.

This is a much better way, than any poll will ever be, to measure what is happening in America.

Recently I perused a comment that proclaimed “Americans to be pompous” because we are proud of our country.  The struggling scribe finished with a flatulent flourish as they pointed out “others are just as proud of their countries.”

What a perfect example of Liberal logic.

While Americans are “pompous” for our “pride” this behavior is perfectly acceptable for other nationalities, never mind huge land mass pride (Asian and African) and fictional redundant pride (Latino and Hispanic).

Now I must admit my knee jerk reaction was, “Then why don’t you return from which you came,” or something not quite that nice.

Of course this was an angry response as it was possible the person making this statement was already in another country. As there was no way for me to ascertain this information I inserted that possibility into my train of thought which left me immediately with a question.


Of what, are you unnamed citizens of unnamed countries, proud?

What have the people of Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Sweden, etc., ever accomplished?

Why is the world better because of the existence of Cuba, Nigeria or Denmark?

Iraq, Pakistan and Iran?

Get serious and no Muslims didn’t invent Mathematics.

On the other hand the United States of America has created two of the greatest written documents in the history of Man.

The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

Even our “secondary” documents like the Federalist Papers and the Emancipation Proclamation are far and away better than virtually every other countries work making exceptions of course for the Greeks (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle) and the Scots (Adam Smith).

With that said both of those countries had serious head starts with brilliant minds but it took America to create a form of limited government known as a Constitutional Republic to protect the Individual.

Where Man took the ultimate gift from God known as Free Will and turned it into Freedom.

So let us revisit.

Where did this happen?

It didn’t happen in Russia, China or India.

That’s roughly half of the world’s population and even with a Madison/Hamilton map they still can’t figure it out.

It didn’t happen in England or Germany and both had an incredible head start as they existed long before these United States.

How do we know this without a thorough historical explanation?

The language of English is a derivative of German.

Both countries were on the Earth in some form well before The Great Experiment.

In fact for the United States to exist and prosper, both had to be beaten back (twice).

We sit here today as the first and ONLY country to take in all the information that historical scribes and storytellers made available and then state “We do not want Democracy.”

We want to be free.

Because of this the American Citizen, who makes up less than five percent of the world’s population, is responsible for virtually every life changing invention or creation in the last three centuries.

Electricity, vaccines, the internet, the largest economy, military, extraordinary wealth and prosperity happen in the place that created a system that guarantees its citizens will never go quietly into that good night.


You’re damn right we are!

Yet rather than pride too many these days find themselves in the grip of fear.

It’s been said that a coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man only once.

Americans do not fear death as death is but a blink of an eye, a whisper of the wind.

A second in time.

We live for the minutes.

Make the most of yours.

“It’s not what you take when you leave this world behind you, it’s what you leave behind you when you go.”

Jason Kraus

University of California, Davis Supports Professor who Called for all Cops to be Murdered

Recently on the radio a talking head uttered “Uh huh, uh huh, uh yeah, no, well you know, uh huh.”

It appeared he tried to cover the subject with all possibilities.

How very Progressive of him.

Of course this is nothing compared to others.

A “professor” who is currently employed by the University of California, Davis has stated many times that all “cops” need to be killed.

That “cops” are an oppressive force, are no longer needed and should be murdered.

He apparently doesn’t realize that if “cops” are no longer in/of service, he and all of his friends won’t be “teaching” anymore.

This is not because they would be fired or put on sabbatical.

They’d be dead.

I have been on this planet for almost five decades.

I sat in Carter’s gas lines, sat through public school emergency drills that had us hide under our desks in case of nuclear holocaust and watched America elect a Bill, a Bush and a Barry and through it all I can accurately say I’ve never seen so many stupid people saying so many stupid things as to what is occurring today.

(1) Cigarettes are bad for you but marijuana is medicine.

We can legally drive cars while smoking one of these two and that one isn’t Mary Jane. We know marijuana is a Depressant that kills cells everywhere in our bodies including our brain, lungs, pancreas, liver, etc.

No BODY is better due to the ingestion of THC.

Those of you telling yourself Smoke is good for you are practicing what is called Rationalization or Justification. I’d explain the difference between the two but it would be a waste of my time. It’s doubtful you’d understand and I know you are too high to care.

For those with sober minds Kamala Harris is a perfect example of a dope who inhales. She actually bragged about it, blamed it on her Jamaican family and then called herself an African-American. She is so damaged she has called for “reparations” while reportedly being a descendant of a slave owner.

It appears Oppression and hypocrisy are both found in her “chronic” DNA.

How very Obamaesque.

When will she admit to the cocaine usage and being friends with Bill Ayres or whatever she was with Willie Brown?

The only group more damaged than this Bob Marley wannabe are the ones who voted for the continentally challenged bigot.

By the way Libs her mother is from India.

That would be Asia in case you are keeping score at home.

(2) If we don’t stop all the human consumption happening in the United States we will all be dead in twelve years.

If this is true (and of course it isn’t) why are we allowing more HUMANS into the country and why isn’t this the ONLY question being asked of the Gangrene Group?

If we are this close to total destruction why aren’t they supporting President Trump to keep out as many people as possible?

Less people less consumption.

Food doesn’t eat itself.

If they really believed this garbage then how can they argue locking down the border isn’t an emergency?

These imbeciles and their brethren are living proof that all people are not created equal.

They are knock-knock jokes without a punchline.

This is basic stuff.

One plus one will never equal fish.


They know not therefore they speak yet the media doesn’t challenge even the simplest of things.

If they are so worried about fossil fuels please explain how electricity will work without them?

While you’re at it what is AC and DC?

I can hear it now.

“Electricity will only work if it’s paid a living wage and AC/DC is racist because everyone knows Back in Black is about a bus ride.”

Ah I had forgotten.

February was just completed.

The celebration of the shortest month of the year and the exact opposite of what Martin Luther King preached.

By all means bring on Kaepernick and Farrakhan!

Two clowns who kneel for Sharia and call for the death of Jews, White People and Uncle Apostate Toms.

Wait now Jason those two aren’t “mainstream” for the Democratic Party.

Anal Cavity Colon was on the cover of Time, Louis smiles with Soetoro (even Snopes can’t deny this) and was also found on stage at Aretha Franklin’s funeral standing with none other than Bill Oral Sex Isn’t Sex Clinton.

OSIS or OSIL to its Islamic supporters with Russian “flexibility”.

American Uranium and a Reset Button for all!

How much more “mainstream” do you want it?

Do they all need to hug Robert Byrd and drop $150,000,000,000 on Iran?

Look at all those zeros.

It’s like a Cheekbones Warren “rally”.

I digress.

The Liberals are so filled with “hate” they are now attacking themselves and burning down their own houses.

I say bring it on!

Self-flagellation for all Progressives!

What’s that Jason?


I thought we told you NO MORE COWS! Haven’t you heard? Ninety-seven percent of scientists think the world is warming, oh wait, no cooling, oh wait, what did Al Gore say? Polar caps should be gone by now? Actually getting thicker? Record snow in the Sierras? California dams are so full billions of gallons of water are being flushed into the rivers and out into the Pacific Ocean as we speak? I thought we were having a drought?

“Uh huh, uh huh, uh yeah, no, well you know, uh huh.”

My fellow Americans.

Do not fret.

Do not fear.

Preparation and resolve will carry the day.

Eventually the Liberals are going to get what they want.

The day 911 will stop working.

You see I’m willing to make a deal with the “government” and I’m sure many of my Brothers and Sisters will join me.

I will never call 911 or expect any protection from the “government” from this day forward as long as no form of “government” will ever question me on how I handle my business.

The Liberals should love this deal.

After about three months human consumption should drop dramatically and the need for law enforcement may disappear completely.

We can call this a WIN WIN.

One round at a time.

Someone just needs to ring the bell.

My guess is an appreciation for “cops” will soon reappear and Progressives may be more amenable to an explanation of the importance of Carbon and how human behavior has never and will never control the Earth.


Then again we may just have to keep handling our business.

“Uh huh, uh huh, uh yeah, no, well you know, uh huh.”

Jason Kraus

We Live For America

This week I could talk about the sexual predator known as Bernie Sanders who declared himself to be a candidate for President.

I can hear his enablers (supporters) right now.

“What are you talking about Jason?”

The Corn Kernel stated “women fantasize about being raped simultaneously by three different men.”

One can only imagine what this pervert is like at parties.

Actually we don’t need an imagination.

That’s what Meryl Streep’s “God” Harvey Weinstein is for.


Can’t live with em.

Don’t want to.

I could talk about the Bigot Biden who will be in the mix very soon.

His followers won’t even ask.

They’re afraid he’ll put them all “back in chains” especially if they aren’t “clean” or run a 7-Eleven with a slight accent.

Oh it’s just Uncle Joe as they whisper to each other in a warning to keep their children out of his grip.

Then again maybe they don’t care.

We know the Pope doesn’t.

I could talk about the idiot who hired two Nigerians to beat him up and then blamed it on white Trump supporters.

What kind of gender is named Jussie?

Female? Male?

As we are now making up genders how about Pale, Fail, Tale or Bail?

He does enjoy his bleach, is a complete disaster as a human, loves to tell stories and is now out on it.

I could talk about fictional Liberal gibberal like Climate Change, the Earth being flat or that the U.S.A is a Democracy.

We could discuss how neither Party sans President Trump wants the border closed.

It’s true.

The Dems had the opportunity with Barack.

All we got was a Law nobody read, ISIS and ten trillion more in debt.

Thanks Obama!

The RINOS had two years with President Trump.

All they did was lose the House.

It appears Progressivism (Oppression) has infected the country like a bunch of unvaccinated Hondurans or Washingtonians.

What a depressing bunch.

Is it any wonder I never spend time with Liberals?

They live as if today is their last.

No hope, no dreams, no chance for romance, just eat, drink, and fornicate as much as you can until one expires.

Sounds like the Sixties or todays cruise ships.

Americans don’t live as if today is our last.

We live as if today is our FIRST!

We work hard, save our money and are beneficial to others.

We then get up the next day and do it all over again.

We dream, we plan, we grow and we appreciate the incredible gifts that have been bestowed upon us.

We embrace Free Will as the ultimate gift from the Big Fella Upstairs and as Americans we don’t ask for anything else.

God has done enough.

The rest is up to us.

We know that being born an American has given us the greatest home field advantage known to Man and instead of wasting it with booze, pills and debauchery we leap forward excited that every day is a new one filled with opportunities available to those who accept that the only culture we will ever embrace is Freedom and that to do so Personal Responsibility is our ever most present and important decision.

We do not plan our own demise, sell our children’s body parts or pretend to build trains to nowhere.

There is no greater force than the Individual who does the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

We have a name for this. It is known far and wide. It is shared in hallowed halls, well built barns and on street corners not named desire.

It is called American.

God has shed His grace on thee.

It would be wise to embrace that grace.

The measurement of a man or a woman is found in the simple act of love or giving to others without expectation but even love has its limits.

Evil does indeed exist and seems to be found everywhere one looks these days.

It’s found paying others to put a rope around its neck.

It’s found in its allowance of human trafficking to continue to occur.

It’s found in its celebration of the murder of infants.

To help those, who will not help themselves, is not love.

To protect those who molest, rape and kill is decidedly un-American.

The time is now.

Step into the fray.

Understand your role as a citizen of these United States.

Those citizens that have a responsibility to push Freedom Forward regardless of difficulty.

We don’t live as though this is our last day.

We live as though these are our best days and tomorrow will be even better!

Stand with me.

Embrace your place and prepare to ensure that when your story is told it will be told with joy, with purpose and with passion and will never end as we don’t live for the Now.

We live for America.

Jason Kraus