Hello America…it appears it’s…well past…time

Last Monday night I was driving home spinning the dial on the radio.  As I’ve mentioned in the past I don’t normally bother with the sports talk shows.

Didn’t want to listen to how many Eagles weren’t going to the White House.

I didn’t bother with the news networks either.

Didn’t want to listen to the end of the world because of the stock sell off.

I flipped to a music station that played 80’s country music.

In some ways the 80’s seem like yesterday.  In others it’s pretty clear “things, they are a changing”.

A strong voice accompanied, but not drowned out by instruments, with excellent harmonizing, rang through my speakers.

“Hello Detroit Auto workers let them thank you for your time. You work a 40 hour week for a living…just to send it on down the line.”

My head started slowly to nod as the very familiar lyrics from Alabama continued.

“Hello Pittsburgh Steel Mill Workers let me thank you for your time. You work a 40 hour week for a living…just to send it on down the line.”

A small smile crept onto my face as I pushed the gas pedal down with a little more force.  I love positive songs about America.

“Hello Kansas Wheat Field Farmers let me thank you for your time. You work a 40 hour week for a living…just to send it on down the line.”

I sang along, “Just to send it on down the line”.

Everybody doing their part.

Grinding through.

All work has value.

Showing appreciation for our fellow citizens, our fellow brothers and sisters.

Our fellow Americans.

“Hello West Virginia Coal Miners let me thank you for your time. You work a 40 hour week for a living…just to send it on down the line.”

“This is for the one who drives the big rig…up and down the road…or the one out in the warehouse…bringing in the load…or the waitress…the mechanic…the policeman on patrol…for everyone who works behind the scenes…”

“With a spirit you can’t replace with no machine
Hello America…let me thank you…for your time…”

Fast forward to 2018.

Detroit is now bankrupt and more famous for murder than Mercurys, for felonies than Fords.

Pittsburgh still has the Steelers but they can only be seen AFTER The Star Spangled Banner has been played and they come out of hiding.

If one is to believe the media the State of Kansas is now the home of the Klan, Nazis, and every horrible white person on the planet.

Finally in West Virginia the Liberal/RINO machine has worked together to crush the coal miners and replaced them with opioid addictions that arrive through our wide open southern border.

Amazing what a Generation of politicians can do.

In less than 40 years the Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll generation has legitimized marijuana, stacked upon us crushing debt, and is so confused about “sex” they aren’t even sure what gender they are anymore.

The FBI, IRS, DOJ, and every other letter of the government alphabet is beyond corrupt and according to reports Obama knew about it every step of the way.

Forgive me.  I’m being kind.

Obama “organized” it all from Lerner to Fast and Furious to helicopter cash drops to Iran to targeting Donald Trump.

Hello America…it appears it’s…well past…time.

Jason Kraus



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