The Viral Contagion of Cowardice

Dear Jason,

“I’ve read your columns for years and both of your novels. Recently one of your posts popped up on facebook as a memory. It was as though you wrote it yesterday and this was years ago. It’s quite clear you have the pulse of America. How serious is this virus?”

Depends on your perspective.

The Federal Government thought it was so serious they sent money to the Kennedy Center.

Andrew Cuomo believes it is so serious he isn’t using the ventilators sent to him while flashing his nipple rings.

Californian parents obviously believe it is serious as their children roam the State in packs.

The reality of this “virus” and any other viruses out there is simple.

They’ve been with you since you were born and they will be with you until you die.

More than likely this particular strain has been in the United States since December and the overwhelming population in most cities has already come into contact with it many times.

Their bodies either accepted it, fought it off, or disregarded it completely.

This happens every year and people do indeed die from a wide variety of viruses that cause other complications such as respiratory and bacterial issues.

In the past this was measured and catalogued as the Flu.

Now it is a “pandemic” where less than one percent of the human population will contract it, and of those that do, less than one percent will die.

Note to all the Liberals, RINOS and drama queens reading this now who can’t do math.

500,000 humans die everyday from something.

Whether you believe this or not is irrelevant nor do I personally care as some positives have occurred in my own life due to millions of you attempting to hide from EVOLUTION and the evolutionary process.

Traffic is lighter. Lines are shorter. People are standing back at incredible distances from others.

Something I’ve done and required my entire life.

In essence my contact with others is down dramatically.

Those of you who were truly able to keep yourself from coming into contact with the ChinaVirus, Corona or COVID 19 are now behind the curve of humans like myself and the tens of millions of us in America who continued to work, save, and be beneficial to others.

Our  bodies engaged the virus and the other unknown strains of viruses that science cannot track or explain and assimilated it into our DNA.

Through the evolutionary process we are now stronger than you.

Not that this is new news.

Those who stand and fight in the face of danger, perceived or otherwise, are always the strongest and will always persevere over those who tuck tail and run.

This is a guarantee in life because of one reason.

One cannot win if one doesn’t play the game.

Those that hide and/or play Mean Girls on Social Media are the weakest of the bunch and will succumb to any real pressure.

God help those hiding now if something SERIOUS were to take place.

Thank you Dear Reader for the question and I will add something else.

The reason this is happening is because our current society is ill.

Too much time is spent burning the rods and cones staring at the television, computers, and cell phones. The brain(s) must be utilized and exercised properly in order to function at its optimum level.

Nutrition is at an all-time low as too many are carrying so much extra weight their glands are suffering greatly which leads to auto-immune and behavioral issues.

Drugs and alcohol are literally killing the human body on a daily basis and through this multiple week “panic” alcohol sales have risen dramatically.

This unto itself shows that those humans either don’t understand how their immune systems work or don’t care.

All of these choices show a pattern of apathy, stupidity, ignorance or a combination of them all and are the reason America is currently struggling so mightily under the weight of debt, corruption and lies.

When the Surgeon General turns to Kylie Jenner for help it isn’t just Houston that has a problem.

The world is on tilt.

Stand up and get back in the game.

Nothing is guaranteed to anyone.

Not today, not tomorrow, not next week.

For those who profess to have put your lives in the hands of God you sure have a funny way of showing it.

“Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you’d walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints.
I don’t understand why when I need you most you would leave me.”

The Lord replied:
“My precious child, I love you and would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”

These are NOT troublesome times.

You live in the greatest country in the history of Man.

God has done enough.

Get up and walk on your own.

Jason Kraus


Local radio station in the Sacramento area just announced through a “medical expert” that those of you who have or believe you have the CoronaVirus should NOT come to the hospital(s) for testing.

According to the “expert” you do not need the test and will heal on your own at home.

No kidding?

Kind of like the flu?


Always wrong but never in doubt.

Fear and stupidity will always do more damage than all viruses combined.

Don’t be a part of the problem.


Jason Kraus


Humans will be born today.

Humans will die today.

Politicians are still lying.

Government is still piling on debt.

Criminals are still committing crimes.

Taxes still have to be paid.

Water is still wet.

Hiding in your house facebooking your fears and trying to guilt others isn’t changing anything.

This has been a very informative time though.

We now know who will climb OUT of the foxhole and who never should have been in there in the first place.

Jason Kraus

Pelosi Creating New Oversight Committee

by Daveda Gruber:

On Thursday the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, announced that she is creating a new House committee to oversee the coronavirus response.

The committee will have subpoena power to seek out information from the Trump administration, Pelosi said on Thursday during a teleconference call with reporters.

The Democratic Speaker from California said, “”It would have subpoena power that’s for sure. It’s no use having a committee unless you have subpoena power. And we would hope that there would be cooperation because this is not a kind of an investigation of the administration it’s about the whole [response].”

James Clyburn, the Democratic Representative from South Carolina will chair the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis.

Pelosi said that the committee will be bipartisan and have both Democrats and GOP members appointed to it.

In 1941 a committee chaired by former Senator Harry Truman was set up to investigate waste, fraud and abuse in defense spending in the early days of World War II and Pelosi compared her new committee to that one.

In reference to large stimulus bill that was just recently passed Pelosi said, “With over $2 trillion in emergency relief, we need to ensure those dollars are spent carefully and effectively.”

She went on to say, “The committee will be empowered to examine all aspects of the federal response to the coronavirus, and to assure that the taxpayer dollars are being wisely and efficiently spent to save lives, deliver relief and benefit our economy.”

Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-CA., spoke to reporters on a separate call and appeared to have concerns about

McCarthy hasn’t said who would lead his side or who would participate but he did say that he was concerned about the choice of Clyburn because Clyburn had called the COVID-19 crisis an opportunity  to restructure things to fit the Democratic vision.

McCarthy said, “The other concern that I have from this standpoint is inside the bill that we passed, we did put in oversight and it seems really redundant.”

If McCarty says that oversight is already taken care of, then this new committee could be a wasteful expenditure.

Unfortunately, the Democrats certainly know how to add expenses to everything that they do. They certainly added expenses (pork) to the stimulus bill and I did explain those expenses in detail in my article on 03.30.2020.

This new Pelosi invented committee is not the same as the one proposed by Representative Adam Schiff, D-CA., and others, which would be more like the 9/11-style after-action committee.
In any case, any committees that are created will ultimately cost us, the taxpayers, more money.


If you trust the government then you can keep your insurance, your doctor AND you’ll save money.

If you trust the government then I suggest you stay out of Benghazi.

If you trust the government then you better get out of Guam before that place tips over.

If you still trust the government then the Cherokee Nation owes Elizabeth Warren a yuuuuuuge apology.

If you trust the government then you need to give up your guns, stop eating meat, flying, driving, or working in general.

If you still trust the government James Comey is your boy, Barack Obama is your yoga instructor due to flexibility and please send your teenage daughters to the summer camp of Clinton, Newsom, and Weinstein.

Where rape isn’t rape, oral sex isn’t sex, and is can mean so many things.

Your feelings and fear do not change actual facts.

On the other hand your behavior will change YOUR reality.

Individual American ruggedness or governmental oppressive flaccidity.

Look it up Libs.

You have nothing but time.

At least that’s what the government is telling you.

Jason Kraus

Michigan Governor Flips on Coronavirus Drug

by Daveda Gruber:

Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who was against certain drugs that President Trump had mentioned were having success on treating coronavirus patients has flipped her opinion.

The Democratic Michigan Governor’s administration, through the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), had sent a letter threatening administrative action against doctors who prescribed two experimental drugs that could potentially help coronavirus patients.

This week Michigan requested hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine from the Strategic National Stockpile for doctors to use to help treat patients with COVID-19.

The reversal comes after the Food and Drug Administration granted an emergency use authorization for the anti-malarial drugs over the weekend.

Governor Steve Sisolak of Nevada and his administration had also restricted the prescribing of hydroxychloroquine after a man died and his wife was hospitalized after using fish tank cleaner that had a similar name.

Sisolack made statements that there was no conclusive evidence among COVID-19 experts or Nevada’s own medical health advisory team that the drugs provide treatment for patients with the coronavirusat this time.

Michigan has now requested a supply of the medications for physicians to use in treating patients of COIVD-19. The Department of Health and Human Services received and accepted donations of the medications to the national stockpile to be used for coronavirus treatment.

HHS Secretary Alex Azar said in a statement, “President Trump is taking every possible step to protect Americans from the coronavirus and provide them with hope. Scientists in America and around the world have identified multiple potential therapeutics for COVID-19, including chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine.”

The U.S. reported, as of Thursday morning, that there were more than 216,700 positive cases of COVID-19 and more than 5,130 people have died from the coronavirus.

On a personal note, anyone who consumes fish tank cleaner that says “not for human consumption” is not very smart.

All drugs taken should be prescribed by a physician and taken only as prescribed even though I did write about the cure in another article.

The treatment through the drugs that I mentioned in one of my previous articles, are being administered on hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

Do not self-administer any drug. Let doctors decide if you require them and if you should be hospitalized and monitored.

Do Lawmakers Want Another COVID-19 Bill?

by Daveda Gruber:

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are already considering another stimulus package for the COVID-19 outbreak.

The largest piece of legislation in U.S. history for $2.2 trillion was passed last week. That legislation Which is set in place to provide economic relief has $350 billion in funding for small businesses.

Businesses with fewer than 500 employees are eligible for up to $10 million in loans. The loans can be used for payroll,  insurance premiums, mortgages, rent or utilities.

On Monday Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said he would be willing to ask Congress for more money to help during the coronavirus outbreak.

Congressional Republicans and Democrats had indicated that there could be a fourth coronavirus response bill.

Mnuchin told Fox Business, “This is a very popular program with Republicans and Democrats, and the president likes it a lot. If we run out of money, and this is a huge success, we will absolutely go back to Congress and ask for more money.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told The Hill, “I think the odds are we’ll need more legislation. First, we don’t know the extent of the crisis in terms of the magnitude, so that could rise. But there are going to be problems that we don’t realize now that we’re going to have to grapple with. So I think the odds are high there will be a COVID-4.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told CNN that Democrats “had bigger direct payments in our bill, and we think we’ll get more direct payments in another bill.”

Pelosi added that she planned to push for pension protections which did not make it into phase three of the stimulus package. Last week Pelosi said that pension protections were supported by President Trump, but that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he would save it for another piece of legislation.

In a fourth stimulus package, Democrats are allegedly seeking additional funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which is also known as food stamps. Also being reported, is including emissions restrictions on airlines. That inclusion was blocked last week.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., has stressed that phase three of coronavirus legislation that was approved last week, was critical, but he wasn’t certain that another bill would be necessary.

McCartthy was on Fox News and said, “I’m not sure we need a fourth package. And before we go to start drafting a fourth package, I’d like these three packages just put out…to take care and get this economy moving.”

Last week New York Govenor Andrew Cuomo said, “The congressional action in my opinion simply failed to address the governmental need. I’m disappointed, I said I was disappointed. I find it irresponsible, I find it reckless.”

He also said that the money New York does receive from the stimulus package was “earmarked only for COVID virus expenses, which means it does absolutely nothing for us in terms of lost revenue.”

The 880-page coronavirus stimulus package helps many people but the amount of money that have nothing to do with the COVID-19 outbreak is very high.

Here is a list of the money and where it goes:

The entire bill can be seen here:

If there is more money given in a fourth bill, more pork will be added. We are in big debt now. I agree that the third bill was needed but there’s also a lot of pork in it. To get money from Democratic lawmakers is tricky. They always want something that has nothing to do with the issues at hand.

A Big Amen to the American Truck Driver

To say it is an interesting time is an understatement.

Incredible technology, mind-blowing opportunities and a limitless future and somehow the greatest country in the history of Man has allowed itself to be “self-quarantined.”

Coupled with the overwhelming hatred and disgust of the “government” in general, the logical mind wonders.

The approval rating for Congress has been reported to be in single digits.

Half of the voting population, including the deceased and criminal foreign nationals, hates President Trump.

The other half supports him ferociously but hates most of the politicians in his Party.

The mistrust of all politicians is at an all-time high, rightly so, and that’s saying something in a country that historically despises the elected class.

The statement “I wouldn’t trust the government to wipe my a%$” is shared by many and has now taken on quite a new connotation as the lack of toilet paper continues to not swirl the bowl.

“I wouldn’t cross the street to p*ss on you if you were on fire” is another favorite that is directed at today’s politicians and coincidentally also embraces their lack of dealing with the homeless as urine flows daily.

Yet, with all the hatred, distrust, and well earned bile heading in the direction of the “politician” too many Americans were willing to follow any and all commands laid down.

Let me ask this plainly.

If someone has lied to you, targeted you, called you names, allowed your fellow citizens to be murdered by criminal foreign nationals, and buried you in oppressive regulations and taxation, why would you listen to anything they had to say?

Lie to me once shame on you.

That’s where the saying ends because I’m not going to give you another chance to lie to me again yet too many are listening to a government that ALLOWS drugs to flow freely through its borders (and all over the nation) and then offers “programs” paid by taxpayers to provide clean needles and MORE drugs to get off the drugs that they allowed through in the first place.

You are going to listen to “doctors” and pump more drugs into your own body on the word of these “physicians” who at face value appear to have zero knowledge of nutrition or any semblance of Do No Harm in reference to their own bodies?

You are going to hide in your homes because this same government told you a “virus” is among us when the majority of the population urinates and defecates daily and NEVER washes their hands before going out and touching objects, merchandise and food that we all touch, buy and eat?

What’s that?

YOU wash your hands all the time?

Sure you do.

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been in a public restroom to hear the flush of a toilet or urinal and the only other sound is the whoosh of a door opening and closing.

The overwhelming majority of the population does NOT wash their hands every time they use the restroom.

The restaurants even put signs up telling their EMPLOYEES to wash, which doesn’t happen much, let alone every time.

Most Americans use the restrooms in their homes multiple times and maybe do the “spritz and shake” with one shot of agua from the spigot.

We may be the most inoculated humans on the planet from this disgusting practice and it occurs hundreds of millions of times EVERY DAY.

Stop with the drama.

We have Vietnam Vets who clawed their way through jungles, losing brothers daily, who are now living with horrific pain, including Agent Orange, provided by the same lying government and these American Heroes don’t say a word.

We have children dying from Leukemia that smile and brace themselves every day for a pain and mortality rate the Coronavirus will NEVER come close to.

You’ve been sitting at home eating too much, watching Netflix and screaming about your government check while the rest of us have been out there working, protecting, and keeping the economy moving so you can binge watch Game of Thrones for the tenth time.

I can hear you Libs and whiny RINOS now.

But, but the Governor, the Mayor, the President said that we should all stay home.

So he’s your President NOW?

Now you’re taking your lead from the “rapey, racist, bigoted Orange Man?”

Aren’t you all supposed to be in Canada?

For the record they said all people who aren’t ESSENTIAL should stay home.

Well done.

You just proved what the taxpayers have known all along.

You are NOT essential.

From this point on stay put.

You’ll do less damage from your parents/grandparents/brothers/sisters/drug dealers couch or you sixties retreads listening to your Jerry Garcia records.

Drunk driving arrests will probably plummet.

Just say thank you to the military, cops, firemen and women, nurses, flight attendants, pilots, cooks, waitresses, small business owners, manufacturers, the local package delivery drivers, President Donald Trump, and a big AMEN to the AMERICAN TRUCK DRIVER!









By the way.

Stop hoarding all the supplies.

Those of us you are counting on to keep the lights on, need to be able to eat and do that other thing you apparently do fifty times a day.

Oh and one more thing.

The easiest and furthest reaching”stimulus” would be to remove all forms of Federal Income Tax from the Individual for a six-month period.

You want to see an explosion of the Invisible Hand, take the vice-like grip off the American Worker and Small Business Owner’s neck.

Trillions more in debt makes everything worse and sending $1000 checks to people who don’t work already has a name and it isn’t stimulus.

It’s called Food Stamps and the only thing it’s “stimulating” is Cuomo Virus.

Jason Kraus

Faith Applied Liberally

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me . . . except for viruses.

Yeah viruses, oh and a lack of toilet paper, yeah toilet paper.

Oh and hand sanitizer, that hand sanitizer thing.

Other than that God we are good.

Jason Kraus

Is There a Cure for Coronavirus?

by Daveda Gruber:

In this time that we live in, the big company owner’s names are often disregarded in the shuffle.

Warren Buffett is one of these names that is involved with ownership of large companies through his insurance conglomerate, Berkshire Hathaway.

He purchased DirecTV (NYSE:DTV), IBM (nyse:IBM), and CVS (NYSE:CVS).

I won’t go into details of how many share each one owns of DirecTV or IBM but let’s see about CVS.

Soros owns 231,735 shares of CVS, valued as $8 million as of Sep. 30, 2011, which accounts for 0.13% of his equity portfolio. He has traded the stock for at least five years and in the third quarter sold 277,100 shares. Buffett bought 5,661,000 shares of CVS in the third quarter, valued as $190 million as of Sept. 30, 2011, which accounts for 0.32% of his equity portfolio.

Why is this important to understand? Let me explain. CVS is a pharmaceutical company. Soros also owns WuXi Tech Inc. Biological Laboratories, which has fifteen locations, one of which is in Wuhan, China.

Berkshire Hathaway appeared to be giving Teva and its newly appointed CEO Kare Schultz a strong vote of confidence when it reported in December 2017 that it had amassed a 1.86% stake in the company, or about 18.6 million shares.

Soros Fund Management exited Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. earlier this year, but re-entered the stock in the second quarter, according to recently filed 13Fs.

Teva was reportedly pursuing a $40 billion buyout of generic drug rival Mylan earlier this year to help offset any revenue losses from the drug Copaxone which is a prescription medicine that is used to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), to include clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and active secondary progressive disease, in adults. and keep the company’s earnings per share headed in the right direction.

Pfizer bought Mylan in an all-stock deal and combining the $10 billion generic pharmaceutical company with its own off-patent branded and generic business.

One company leads to another. They buy and sell to each other. They seem to know what medication will be needed and when.

Why do some very wealthy people know when to buy stocks and when to sell? They are actual owners of the companies that sell the goods when they are needed the most.

What is needed now during this coronavirus crisis? The drugs that can cure it are desperately needed.

Hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets are manufactured by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NYSE and TASE: TEVA) are approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of malaria, lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, TEVA announced the immediate donation of more than 6 million doses of hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets through wholesalers to hospitals across the U.S. to meet the urgent demand for the medicine as an investigational target to treat COVID-19. The company is also looking at additional ways to address the global need.

The drug Hydroxychloroquine  (hye drox ee KLOR oh kwin) is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. It is also used to treat malaria. CVS Pharmacy sells the drug.

More available is the antibiotic, Azithromycin. It is used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria, such as respiratory infections, skin infections, ear infections, eye infections, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Hydroxycholorquine (Plaquenil; name brand) 200 mg – 60 tablets in combination with Azithromycin 250 mg – 6 tablets is supposedly the cure for those inflicted with the coronavirus.

It is said to cure patients in six days or less.

Health officials have been quick to warn that enthusiasm for the drugs have increased. Hoarding has already begun.

Big clinical studies of the drugs against COVID-19 are beginning to take place. Do they already know the answer?

There are different views on hydroxychloroquine sulfate and its ability to help people with the COVID-19 but then all people are not in a rush to get it out to general public unless they own the companies that will make the drug to cure the disease and are prepared to sell it in mass quantities.

Follow the money trail. It always leads to the source