The Death Spiral known as the Democratic Party

Recently an article hit the internet proclaiming the life span of some Americans to be growing shorter.

Eight years of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid cocktail coupled with a Ryan/McConnell chaser can do that to a person.

Of course it is easy to take shots at evil and cowardice.

What isn’t easy is its removal.

It should be.

It really should be.

I’m having a Sally Field flashback.

Sadly the aforementioned names have more in common with the DNA of a cockroach than a human attempting to Be.

Why is this?

The need to belong is only surpassed in importance to survival by water, food, shelter, and security.  (Abraham Maslow)

In that order.

With those needs met the human animal will seek somewhere to belong.  When an appropriate atmosphere isn’t found an inappropriate one will be chosen.  Some will point to young kids joining gangs.  Although possible the more likely need being met by these kids is their need to be secure or even food and shelter.

A better example are the supporters of Bernie Sanders, La Raza, Black Lives Matter, etc.

The individuals making up these groups are devolving rapidly in regards to the Homo Sapien species.

That seems to be a harsh statement Jason.

It isn’t harsh at all.  It is true and one of the reasons Americans aren’t living as long anymore.

When one stops requiring facts everything after that is a mess someone else will have to endure and probably clean up.

Then again if the pace isn’t quickened in parts of Detroit, Mother Nature will shoulder the burden, as I have personally witnessed.

Any house built on a weak foundation, or no foundation at all, will always crumble, usually wreaking havoc on other individuals who are in its proximity.

BLM members make statements like hands up don’t shoot (a lie) or facts don’t matter when it comes to race.

To critically thinking evolving humans, facts are the only thing that matters, regardless of the subject.

La Raza followers scream about “racism” and bigotry while calling themselves “The Race” in Spanish.

These are the kinds of minds that would load six bullets into a six shooter and then play “Russian Roulette”.

“Some Americans aren’t living as long.”

No kidding?

Forty years of obesity, drug and alcohol abuse, crushing debt, sexual promiscuity, and the rise of government programs will shorten the span of life?


Yes really.

Of course millions seem to not grasp proper nutrition, sleep, work, exercise, a sober mind and individual responsibility are the catalysts to evolution and longer life.

How do we know this?

Bernie Sanders still has followers, Bill and Hillary Clinton still have freedom, and Keith Ellison wants to run the Democratic Party.

An atheist who believes women fantasize about being raped simultaneously by three men endorsed a criminal whose husband has actually raped women. This trio is being joined by a man who called for black humans to have their own land where peaceful whites would be allowed.  Aside from the peaceful whites there is a place like this.

It’s called Liberia although I’m not sure if they would welcome a Sunni Muslim with open arms due to an issue called slavery.

These four aren’t the problem.

They are symptoms.

The problem lies in the lack of common sense, courage, and compassion found in their followers and their unwillingness to search out and find appropriate situations in which to belong.

Getting high, sleeping around, and wishing they’d had an abortion isn’t going to do it.

Socrates was right.

Democracy does lead to Tyranny.

I guess the good news for the Democrats is they won’t be living as long.

Jason Kraus

2017 has arrived

A new year is upon us.

Once again America will experience “change”.  Let us “hope” this proposition will be a positive one.  At a bare minimum the addition by subtraction model will reward these United States as the removal of Obama will immediately pay dividends to the spirit and the soul to those who have both spirit and a soul.

The addition by subtraction model is always a favorite at the beginning of a new year as well.

Subtraction of weight, alcohol usage, and debt are just three things that having less of increases happiness in many cases.

Of course the removal of all liberals from our lives might be an even healthier option although I guess that could also be construed as the repeat of the removal of weight.

Dead weight that is.

Many will make resolutions to clean out closets, garages, or storage units with hopefully positive outcomes.

The concept I would like to discuss today is the removal of all the “noise”.

While we organize, adjust, and feng sui our surroundings we are forgetting our most important asset.

Our minds.

The human body is a collection of electrical currents that is regulated by numerous things including our glands (thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary) and muscles.

Muscles actually have “memories” allowing for positive and negative communication throughout the body.

For this column positive and negative will be used specifically as actions that either release endorphins or release adrenaline.

For anyone who likes to exercise at certain levels or has engaged in certain lengths of laughter an endorphin “high” is very common.

Adrenaline on the other hand releases into the body when a “fight or flight” moment arises.  Again for anyone who has experienced an adrenaline “dump” they know full well how the body responds (freezes) when it isn’t dispensed.

I personally have experienced both the release of endorphins and the release of adrenaline at different times through simply the power of thought.

Many won’t realize it but anyone reading this column has too.

The noise created in the media is nothing compared to the noise we create in our own minds on a second to second basis.

We even do this in our sleep through dreams.

There is an idea called Minimalism that has been around for a long time.  The concept is the removal of unwanted things that are clogging up our lives.

Rather than attempting to minimize our minds by trying to figure out what to remove let us maximize our minds and focus on very specific things that benefit our lives, the lives of others, and the culture of Freedom.

In business, as in life, not growing is regressing.  Let us not focus on the “noise” anymore and concentrate our endeavors towards individual monumental specifics disallowing the gathering of chatter.

Rolling stones not only gather no moss they create actual momentum.

The individual American who believes in Freedom and requires the Truth is the most powerful species on the planet.

With that power comes responsibility.

The world is a mess.

Let each one of us be the pebble that thrusts itself into the pond creating wave after wave of energetic, excited, ethical behavior.

Clear minds laser focused on two things.

Freedom First.

Freedom Only.

Happy New Year.

We have work to do.

Let us get to it.

Jason Kraus

Three hundred and sixty four more

I’ve always enjoyed Christmas especially as a child.  Most of the time the weather was crisp and on a few occasions snow arrived.  Throughout my childhood and adolescence the days surrounding Christmas were spent playing Wiffle Ball, basketball, and when we had enough players, football. Christmas music has always been a favorite of mine.  Silver Bells is probably my favorite song.  Pie of all kinds, turkey and mashed potatoes, and fudge were all I really needed… or wanted.

Christmas morning was fun as a child, awakening early with my younger brother and quietly tip toeing out to the tree that seemed to magically transform overnight.  One year we received a gift to share that both shocked and delighted us. Two little boys stood frozen in front of the tree in our pajamas and stared at the small black and white television with its own antenna marked “From Santa”.

That television stayed in our family for almost thirty years.  Through moves, theft, and accidents the little black and white gift (that had a metal hanger in place of the original antenna) was finally moved on to spread joy to another family as it was donated to the Salvation Army.

On another Christmas morning my brother and I am snuck out of our room and oohed and aahed over the lights and presents that miraculously appeared overnight.  After digging through our stockings we moved towards the tree and spent the next ten minutes trying to figure out what the large wooden box-like contraption, with a square cut in the front, was.

We finally gave up and were told later that morning, to our disappointment, it was a puppet holder for puppet shows.

Puppet shows? Who was going to do them?

We were told we were.

My brother and I looked at each other and grimaced.

No way was that happening.

Christmas for me is, has, and always will be about the children.

One child as a matter of fact.

The birth of Jesus is celebrated differently around the world and means different things to different people.

For myself Christmas is a celebration of life, of love, of joy.

It has always been the one day that could be counted on to provide peace if only for 24 hours.

The appreciation and kindness of and to others, or as the message a baby, would eventually bless us with.

Love God.  Love one another.

Now the world just needs 364 more days like this.

Merry Christmas to all.

Let our present be our presence.

Jason Kraus

Hot sauce Clinton, Under attack Williams, and Felon Fattah

These days most of the headlines on the internet have no value.

The actual columns are worse.

Nothing quite like the press, who got everything wrong during the Presidential election, trying to explain how things “went down”.

These jokesters all want “street cred” these days.

Maybe a bottle of hot sauce will do it.

Oh wait.

I said that wrong.

Maysbees a b-dizzle of ho sizzle be da bo shizzle.  Aighttt!

Pardon me for a moment while I regroup.

I’m pretty sure I just died a little bit inside.

We could give the press the answers to the test and they’d still fail miserably.

Then again who am I kidding?

Figuring out how to obtain a picture ID appears to be too hard for the Progressive crowd let alone procuring a number two pencil.

I can hear the liberals now.

I demand a number one pencil!

I deserve it!

Damn straight home slice.  Here’s your number one pencil.

We call it a participation trophy.

According to the media and Barack Insane Obama, aside from salsa in her purse, Hillary lost because of a typo, Russia, the FBI, and a “white lash”.

Van Jones is begging for a new name.

How about Huffy?

There is no way that man should be driving anything with four wheels.  He’s a walking talking medical marijuana/texting accident waiting to happen.

What Hillary really needed was the right speaker to explain her problems.

Cue NBS, MSNBS and Brian Williams, as only he really knows, what she felt like to be under fire, without actually being under fire.

The talking heads on television continue to report such ridiculousness they don’t even anger me anymore.

Donald Trump has gone from Hitler (too many sources to list) to JFK (Bill Gates) in a little over a month.

Doth care for a morsel of credibility?

I recently read a headline about a college professor telling students they couldn’t use the words illegal immigrant.

Is it any wonder too many kids these days have no concept of reality.

With “teachers” like this, and Obama’s usage of a selfie stick, maybe we should tell the kids to simply get lost in their phones for the next few months until we can replace the constant intellectual carnage inhabiting our halls of “higher learning” especially in California, Colorado, and Washington, or from a surprising acronym perspective, CCW.

Of course this particular molder of minds, or maybe just a creator of mold, stumbled into the truth through no effort of their own.

The “professor” is actually right.

Immigrant implies legality.

To put illegal in front of it constructs an oxymoron, is factually wrong, and smears humans who have done the right thing and followed the law to arrive here legally.

The proper term is criminal and even the liberals know this otherwise they wouldn’t be begging to “pardon” hundreds of thousands of CRIMINALS nor would a pardon be needed.

To be “fair” to the progressive degenerative mind, they do not seem to care, which laws are broken.

Communists never do.

They want Hillary pardoned as well for any and all crimes she has or may have committed.

Nothing quite like “diversity” coming full circle.

After eight years of the Obama Error, his former Secretary of State, her aids, a Weiner, and millions of humans illegally in America all need a get out of jail free card.

Another comment crossed my path this week.  As I don’t remember it verbatim I will paraphrase.  A reader of our weekly columns commented that they had to unfriend someone because their friend said facts don’t matter when it comes to race.

My guess is facts don’t matter to this lost soul regardless of subject matter which leads me to my next thought.

It is well past time to face reality.

Humans are not created equal and multiculturalism is costing lives.

Of course those with weak minds will immediately attach culture to skin color.


Culture has nothing to do with skin color, food, music, dancing, language, etc.

Caloric intake is required to survive.  (Maslow)

How one does that isn’t “culture”. (Common sense)

Music is based on sound or the tympanic membrane inside the ear canal reverberating back and forth.  Musical notes, chords, tones, or keys are universal.  A, B, C, D, E, F and G can be heard by virtually every human on the planet.

Sadly there are some who cannot but this isn’t a culture either.

The way people dance doesn’t create culture.  Whether it’s choreographed to benefit the eye or Elaine Benes from a Seinfeld episode is irrelevant.

The physical movement of humans is universal and innate.

We also call it learning to walk.

Language has never been “culture”.

Before Homo Sapiens started using pictures, symbols, imagery, characters, or letters, communication still occurred using grunts (a form of music depending upon your talent or lack thereof) and hand gestures (a form of dancing. See aforementioned talent).

Skin color has nothing to do with culture and everything to do with proximity to the sun over tens of thousands of years and even on a minute to minute basis.

My time spent in the sun will change my color from a freckled collection to a redness followed by an increase in the collection of freckles.

This changes my interest in being in the sun but not my culture.

Culture is the basis for the rest of society.  It is the one factor that all things are derived from.

It conditions behavior and drives all outcomes.

We don’t need to be taught “culture”.  We know it instinctively.

The difference in human behavior is the willingness of some to REQUIRE a specific culture and others to ACCEPT a specific culture.

The pursuit of happiness (require) versus the delivery of food stamps (acceptance).

There are only two cultures in human behavior.

Freedom and Oppression.

The faster this is understood the faster knowledge is gathered and can be used properly.

Nazism, Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Tyranny, the Clintons, Bush, and Obama are all states of Oppression.

Constitutional Republic, Capitalism, and The United States of America, are all forms of Freedom.

This is known worldwide.  It’s why everyone wants to be here.  It’s why being born to at least one American parent is the greatest home field advantage on the planet.

USA equals Freedom.

Cuba, Russia, China, any country practicing Sharia Law, and many parts of the European Union are all living under the culture of Oppression.

Had Hillary Clinton been elected I have no doubt the Tytler Cycle would have restarted on some scale although we may have had to rewrite it by skipping actual bondage and roaring back to liberty.

I know I know.

I just lost 25 percent of the population.

The reference to the Tytler Cycle is for those who have proven they haven’t any knowledge of survival or reality by voting for Clinton.

We continue to be told that more than half of the country voted for Hillary.

This is false.

Almost half the country didn’t vote at all.

Roughly 25 percent voted for the culture of Oppression and the other 25 percent voted for the non politician billionaire.

Three quarters of the country either didn’t care enough to vote for Clinton or hated her so much they voted for the Donald.

Of course one could argue the same in reverse but due to the behavior of the Clintonistas my guess is if the side who voted for Trump decided to “protest” you wouldn’t find us marching in the streets, flying La Raza flags and going one on one with parked cars.

We wouldn’t trash our own cities and send up “warning flares” while chanting lies and giving you time to get ready.

Not that it would matter.

We could warn you all day for a month and you still wouldn’t be able to handle us.

We’d just have to require picture ID and you’d all be in whimpering piles with your bongs muttering something about a Weekend with Bernie and a safe space.

Go ask former Democratic Pennsylvania Congressman Chaka Fattah.

He was just awarded ten years of equality including water, food, shelter, medical, education, clothing, toiletries, and activities.

Liberals call it utopia.

Chaka will call it federal prison.

Jason Kraus

Fake News

Regardless of the venue these days (internet, radio, television), too many have too much to say that isn’t based in fact or attached to even a semblance of reality.

It is as though the truth has no bearing in today’s society.

The Dems are ranting about “fake news” while enjoying years of the Onion, John Stewart, and Snopes not to mention openly lying to the public (Reid, Pelosi, Obama, the Clintons and Hands up don’t shoot, are just a few examples).

We are inundated with phrases like “free trade” and “crony capitalism” while being smothered in lies such as America was founded on “multiculturalism” or “diversity makes us stronger”.

As I have stated many times there are only two cultures in human behavior.

Freedom and Oppression.

The closer you are to one the further you are from the other.

The political “experts”or “think tanks” continue to crank out new jargon and the “press” repeat it until these amalgamations of verbiage become mainstream garbage consumed daily by the masses like trans fats or high fructose corn syrup.

Can anyone say “fact of the matter?”

It is a matter of fact and as a matter of fact trade isn’t free.

It is also impossible for capitalism (an economic system) to have cronies.

America was founded on Freedom not “diversity” and bigotry doesn’t make anyone or anything stronger.

The political “experts” aren’t, and someone needs to drain the tank, as the “thinkers” have drown, thanks to a lack of ethics.

I have to laugh at the Communists known as the Democratic Party.  They not only change their names faster than a diaper on a new born baby, the outcome is the same.

Both are full of fecal matter.

That’s probably why they do it.  They can’t stand the smell either.

As if that isn’t enough for the Democratic-Socialist/Liberal/Progressive/Pro-Palestinian Party they now want to choose labels for the other “side”.

Alt right is now the new Liberal slander for anyone who isn’t a supporter of CAIR, La Raza, Hamas, or Keith Ellison.

I’m probably being redundant with the aforementioned names.

I should have just said Anti-American.

How did we get here?

Some will argue our decline started with Reagan and his compassionate conservative (liberal) allowance of Amnesty number one and the first version of Obamacare that both took place in 1986.

Others will point to the murder of Kennedy and the rise of LBJ.

A few will push back even further and reference FDR as the tide turned away from rugged Individualism and into the arms of a growing “government” as “Democracy” followed its natural pathway into Tyranny.  (Socratic Theory)

All of these things have taken their toll on America but let us claw back even further.

Let us remind ourselves of a famous, or infamous court case, of which many Americans haven’t any knowledge or have forgotten, a long time ago.

Marbury versus Madison.

For the purpose of this column the inner workings of the case aren’t pertinent so I will make this portion short.

In any court case, one side wants something from the other, that the other does not want to relinquish.

As this was taking place only a couple of decades after the American Revolution, the United States Constitution was still being upheld by its original creators.

The concept of Aristotle’s three pronged governance had morphed into an American Legislative, Executive, and Judicial model (in that order), and as was originally intended, most of the authority and responsibility, was found in the Congress (Power of the Purse, Approval of War, Impeachment (House), Conviction and removal (Senate), etc.).

Although as children we are taught about the three “equal branches of government” the true check and balance was supposed to be between the House and the Senate.  The Executive Branch was supposed to make requests with which the Congress would approve of or not.  The Judiciary, until 1803, did not have the authority to supersede the other Branches.  Some will argue (I am among them) that they still do not have the Constitutional authority and is a major part of the reason we are in our current situation.

This column is specifically written for those struggling with this concept, who continue to repeat the mantra of the elected and appointed oligarchical mouthpieces, whom have usurped power from the People due to the Marbury v Madison decision.

Just because something is believed to be true doesn’t make it so.

Due to this usurpation from the People the Executive and Judicial Branches have become what the Founders feared.

Tyrannical figures.

John Roberts, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, are clearly recent examples of this.

Judicial decisions from an unelected human and Executive orders from those who would be King.

Washington himself warned of too much power at the Executive level, and although the States were united, each already had its own governance in place including Judiciary.

The concept of Decentralized Authority was to protect one State from another while requiring the Constitution, and only the Constitution, be the one shared document that must be enforced.

The “law of the land” and that each State must enforce not interpret nor recognize any other authority.

Again a land of law (justice through enforcement) not of men (selective interpretation).

As Marbury versus Madison unfolded Justice John Marshall wrote the opinion that Marbury had the right to petition the court, but the court didn’t have the authority to force the Federal government (Madison) to take action.

One man decided what was “legal” and then gained the approval of three others on the Supreme Court to render a 4-0 unanimous decision.


One man, who split multiple hairs, while bouncing back and forth between the concept of the Constitution and the concept of the Law, made a decision, knowingly or not, that opened the door for other men and eventually women to split different hairs in different fashions and render decisions that are not subject to the United States Constitution or even Constitutionally based.

An example of this is the behavior of John Roberts towards “Obamacare”.

The Creators of the United States Constitution, specifically James Madison (Marbury versus MADISON) did everything they could to take the positives from Socratic Theory and create a new system away from Democracy and its eventual decline into Tyranny.

A Constitutional Republic.

With one man’s opinion America was thrust back into Socratic Theory and continued on the path with which Plato attempted to warn us away.

Even worse it appears Marshall attempted to appease by giving both sides a victory and a defeat while ultimately elevating the power of the Judiciary above the other branches.

Marshall created an oligarchy of four that has currently doubled to eight and will soon return to nine.

I can hear the “think tanks” pacing and ranting right now.

You are wrong Jason.

Is that right?

Yes Jason that is right.

We are attorneys, professors, and Constitutional sch0lars.

We know more than you.

Okay then.

While you “thinkers” are wallowing in your own little vacuums of narcissism I will ask for assistance from an actual Constitutional scholar.

Please see the statement below made to Justice Marshall from THOMAS JEFFERSON.

“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so. They have, with others, the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps…. Their power [is] the more dangerous as they are in office for life, and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots. It has more wisely made all the departments co-equal and co-sovereign WITHIN THEMSELVES.”

Just in case Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States was too eloquent for the Constitutional scholars of today I will briefly summarize.

Marshall was wrong.

Because of this decision American jurisprudence has been dominated by “a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which (has) place(d) us under the despotism of oligarchy”.

Socrates gave us a theory.

Plato an explanation.

Aristotle a model.

Madison and company created a new direction to embrace, encourage, and empower the Individual known as American that was then returned to Democracy and ultimately Tyranny by “judges [who] are as honest as other men, and not more so.  Their power [is] the more dangerous as they are in office for life, and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control.”


Ask not what our country can do for you rather ask what has been done to our country.

In returning to our original premise, “fake news”, it is apparent to those with clear minds that the rationalization of behavior (Marshall) has always been part of the human condition.  Jefferson himself wrote glowingly of Freedom and Liberty yet owned other humans.  At best this is the height of intellectual hypocrisy and at worst a specimen without a soul.

As the evolution of the human animal took place in what is referred to as Western society each step created a better version of the last.  From Socrates to Plato to Aristotle to Jesus the concept of the Individual grew.  With Locke, Montesquieu, and Adam Smith the movement towards an understanding of Free Will became more mainstream.  Jefferson, Adams, and Madison pulled from these ideas to pen a Declaration heard around the world and a Constitution that moved the planet closer to personal responsibility through life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Abraham Maslow built upon these concepts and better explained the survival needs of the Homo Sapien while century old words of Shakespeare “to be or not to be” spread the idea of Being Human.

With all things in life each organism is getting “better” or getting “worse”.  Cycles begin and end through winter, spring, summer and fall,  birth and death, sunrises and sunsets.

Evolution of society implies positive growth.

Those with “fake news” need not apply.

Throughout time we’ve been given incredible models and those models became greater in scope because each wave of ethical intelligence required a better way of service to their fellow brothers and sisters.

New systems are needed now.  The evolution of the American is screaming for the next level of consciousness.

Let the Constitution continue to protect America, while those of us who can, push forward into this good night, requiring our presence and time here on the planet be fruitful in practice, beneficial to others, and so spectacularly curious that each of our imprints plant seeds, with which others, will be nourished.

Jason Kraus

Burning anything in public is against the law

Apathy is sadly rampant in America.

If not for technology, incredible distribution systems, and the giving of money and food through the generosity of the United States taxpayer, millions of Americans and illegals would no doubt starve to death.

In our last election almost half of the country couldn’t be bothered to vote.

Of those who did (roughly) fifty percent voted for a lying criminal/leader of an organized crime syndicate, soon to be indicted.

Return in a year and remember you heard it here first.

Three quarters of the population, too incompetent, indoctrinated, or incapacitated, to realize Oppression was about to consume the greatest beacon of Freedom ever known.

Fortunately the creators of our electoral system understood human behavior and layered in as many checks and balances as they could as long as the Rule of Law was still in place.

It was close.

Closer than most realize.

With seventy-five percent of the population ignoring reality, and tens of millions of illegals requiring reality fit their needs, it is imperative that the American Citizen grasp the concept of the TRUTH.

Let us use a statement made by the President-Elect to explain how many citizens are still willing to be lied to or “wagged by the dog”.

Donald Trump tweeted, “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag – if they do, there must be consequences – perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!”

Pseudo intellectuals, feigners of justice, and the bottom of the barrel (most lawyers) decried this statement as wrong, saying things like burning a flag is protected by the 1st Amendment or my favorite, Antonio Scalia said so.

That’s right.


TRUTH Number One.

The job of the Judiciary (all levels) is to enforce not interpret law and due to the bastardization of our Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches it is virtually impossible for “legal scholars” to even exist as the concept of the Rule of Law isn’t consistently enforced.

Tens of millions amnestied by Reagan and Clinton, and allowed to congregate again through Bush and Obama, provide a stark and very visible reality of rampant selective enforcement of law.

Laws only matter when enforced for all.

Scalia was wrong as were the other four simpletons who “interpreted” rather than enforced.

The 1st Amendment protects certain things.  Speech is one of these things.

The Constitutional Right of Free Speech is specific.  It affords absolute protection to the American Citizen from persecution or prosecution by all forms of government when a Citizen chooses to speak, write, sing, or even pantomime truth to power.

Of course while Oppression (the Obama Administration) controls the Justice Department, the Free Speech of many Americans continues to be removed or has been removed at the hands of Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Eric Holder, and Loretta Lynch but to name a few.

TRUTH Number Two.

The exercising of the 1st Amendment does not allow or legally justify the ignoring or breaking of any other law.

Marching in the streets without a permit breaks or violates multiple laws, codes, etc., in every county, city, or town across America.

Burning the Flag of the United States, or any item for that matter, in public, violates many penal codes including potential arson, endangerment charges, and if all else fails, littering.

As citizens we have the legal right, and I would argue duty, to stop crime when and where we can.

The Federal Government has been ignoring or engaging in crime for decades.

Many in America are angry and because of this the pendulum has swung from the “Left” to the “Middle”.

It won’t stay here long.

Americans aren’t interested in coexistence, fair and balanced, multi-culturism, or Sharia Law.

We believe in earning our way, Free Will, Freedom, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

We are done with the tune in, turn on, drop out politicians of the Me Generation.

No more lies, no more drugs, and no more flying flags of other nations in our streets.

The Red White and Blue stands for Freedom and covers our fallen.

Two things real Americans will never let you burn.

Donald Trump is right.

Crime should have punishment and in a just system it does.

This much is a fact.

Actions always have reactions.


Newtonian Law.

If we won’t let you “tread on it” then burning isn’t even an option.

As sanity is restored to America I feel quite confident specific legislation will occur making any and all forms of desecration of the Stars and Stripes illegal.

Until that time, those of you who feel the need to continue to exercise your Free Will this way, take heed.

The exercising of Free Will works both ways and there are tens of millions of us MORE THAN WILLING to extinguish all enemy flames.

Scamper back to your basements and pray Lady Liberty always waves.

The day She doesn’t guarantees the removal of a lot of things including a “safe space” for you.

Jason Kraus

If you have the facts pound the facts.

I’ve discussed this in the past but it seems pertinent again.

One time during my youth I was engaged in an argument with a kid in the neighborhood.  I don’t remember the subject but as the argument turned I realized I was, wait for it, wrong.

Yes, it happens to the best of us once in a while, and the liberals (communists) all day long.

Now just because I knew I was wrong didn’t mean I was going to cave and give in.  I figured if I was learning something he might as well learn a lesson too.

At least that is what I told myself to soften the blow to my ego that I was indeed, wrong.

There is an old legal saying, “if you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.  If you have the law on your side, pound the law.  If you have neither on your side, pound the table.”

This would have fit perfectly as an explanation but as I wasn’t familiar with this particular aphorism as a youth….

I didn’t have the facts on my side, and the “law” was never part of the equation, so you can bet the house I was pounding on the table.

In fact I pounded so assuredly that my verbal nemesis started to waver.

That’s all I needed.

One crack in the glass, one chink in the armor to focus my barrage of feigned confidence on, while increasing the uncertainty in his mind.

With him reeling I threw my favorite verbal punch.

“I’ll bet you I am right,” I challenged.

Sometimes this works, straight out of the gate, and sometimes it needs a little help.  This particular time my one punch needed a second.

“I’ll bet you two bucks I’m right,” he said.

“Two bucks?” I scoffed putting on my best poker face.  “Stop wasting my time.  How about twenty bucks?”

“I don’t have twenty bucks,” was the answer.

I pushed forward. “If you are right it won’t matter.  I thought you said you were right?  Either you’re right or you’re not.  If you’re right make the bet.  You can’t lose.”  I paused for effect and then finished him off.  “Look I know I’m right.  You just think you are.”  I extended my arm (all bets had to be completed with a hand shake). “Take my hand I dare you.”

“Okay fine you are right,” came the dejected acquiescence.

I retracted my hand, smiled and said, “nope you were right the whole time you just let me talk you out of it.”

Welcome to today’s Media.

This isn’t a new concept.

For as long as humans have been competing to survive, the “media” has been feeding the masses information and misinformation, or more appropriately stated “lies, damn lies, and statistics”.

No one and I mean no one with a modicum of intelligence believes the unemployment rate is anywhere near five percent, that the Affordable Health Care Act is affordable and has anything to do with our health, or that CNN is actually a “news” organization.

Amerigo Vespucci had absolutely no role in the creation of the United States but it is a derivative of his name, America, that is known far and wide as the freest place in the world.  Much of this was due to the usage of the printing press and the wide circulation of “information”.

Benjamin Franklin created fictitious characters and their written verbiage who took both sides of political arguments and published  both views at opportune moments for himself or what he thought a worthy cause.  Again the printing press.

History books are written and rewritten by the “victors”.  Wars of the past are recreated by future generations to “spin” the story for many different reasons including entertainment and propaganda.

Television has replaced the printing press as the primary mover of “information” to the masses.  Yes the internet is coming on fast but too many in America these days would rather sit in front of the “idiot box” and be awashed in their “news”.

It’s why the majority of the country was “surprised” when Trump was elected.

Rather than gathering factual, relevant, and available information too many continued to sit in a stupor while the television waves rolled over them feeding them distortion and dishonesty while attempting to destabilize society in order to create an even greater “need” for government intervention.

Well groomed humans with nice hair and good teeth stared into the camera and repeated whatever someone in the production room typed into the teleprompter.

It’s why many liberals think Obama can give a good speech.  They are used to the continued drone of “reality TV”.

Remove the teleprompter and the vacuousness floats right to the top as the stuttering, pausing, and “uh or umms” create an incredible void even the starstruck cannot sensorially ignore.

In reality not much has changed.  Men and women much less virtuous than Franklin are still creating characters and giving them their thoughts, and actors like Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama keep getting Vespucci like credit for things in which they’ve done nothing.

The reason Hillary isn’t part of the aforementioned group is simple.  She couldn’t even read the teleprompter well.

On too many levels she is one bad actor.

The only thing we know about the press and our political “class” is this.

They know how to read.

So why do we bother listening to the “talking heads?”

The idea of “news” is that we are being given information that is not only factual but is also NEW.

The overall press in general is zero for two.

A while ago I wrote about a certain sports entertainment network that I stopped listening to because they stopped talking about sports.  It took them a while to catch on but with their ratings in the toilet, and reportedly hemorrhaging money, it shouldn’t be too much longer before they return to the reason millions originally tuned into them in the first place.

Why will they return?

They are losing money.

Why are they losing money?

We the viewers stopped viewing and listeners stopped listening.  It also might help to put people on the air that can speak coherently but another subject for another day.

We the “masses” hold all the cards.

If we want networks to give us the facts then we must stop watching those who continuously lie.

If we want newspapers and magazines to provide us the truth then we have to stop reading or “clicking” onto the garbage that is being printed or published on the internet.  Search engines like Yahoo and Google and interactive experiences like Facebook will all change their algorithms or provide us better content when we require they do so.

When we stop clicking on the absurd and start searching for the truth the Invisible Hand will start to work again.

A media revolution, for the first time ever, is available to each and every one of us!

Our choices are being measured and calculated by incredible technological systems.

It’s time we eat “good food”.

It’s time to watch, to read, to share specific truths that must take place in our pursuit of happiness.

Everything is available to you, to us, in a keystroke, a remote control press of a button.

It also time to stop eating the trash.  Garbage in garbage out.

One is not born with knowledge.  Knowledge must be obtained.  Currently there is no knowledge found in the alphabet soup of networks or newspapers save One America News.

The Nets aren’t Working.

There is nothing New in the Paper.

Your daily individual choices matter.

You have the power and authority to change the ever connected world directly from your couch.

Ignore the click bait titles from these putrid websites and networks.

Don’t bother to comment on their absurd rantings.

Simply turn the channel and watch how the world changes right in front of you…because of you.

A friend of mind called and asked what I thought of the “protests” specifically one that happened on a university campus approximately thirty miles from us.

I asked him how many students attended the university.

He said around thirty-five thousand.

I then asked how many were out protesting?

He said a couple hundred.

Less than one percent.

Frat parties have a better turnout.

However, according to the media, this sounds about right.

All of our problems can be blamed on the “one percent”.

Jason Kraus

Dear Liberals. We are Homo sapien sapiens. Stop with the bigotry.

When one “grows up” with red hair and freckles, labels, aren’t kind.  Of course after a few “skirmishes” the label changed from a negative to a warning about red heads and tempers.

I’ve always thought that to be a funny “label” as well.

I don’t have a temper.

As long as I am left alone I am the sweetest person on the planet.

Just ask me.

However if someone is doing something they shouldn’t I feel an obligation to stop them.

Again I don’t have a temper.

I am simply willing to engage and stop the behavior of someone being detrimental to me or others.

I have a label for this.

I call it a responsible American.

Decades ago I was one of hundreds of students packed into an auditorium for a prerequisite of which the title I have long forgotten.  The professor however I remember very well.  She stood at the podium and spoke eloquently for almost an hour.  As I do not remember the class I cannot state she said anything that I currently carry with me.  It was a comment from her that remains.  Part of the class was a written paper due at the end of the trimester.  I decided to write mine on labels and how damaging they were and are to a free society.

Political parties such as Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, etc. are not evolving groups.

They are negative derivatives of the greatest country in the history of man.

The only word synonymous with America is Freedom.

When one has the privilege and honor to be able to call themselves an American only the short sighted would choose Republican.

Only the naive would choose Libertarian.

Only the uneducated would choose Democrat.

My written document acquiesced to specific labels being an intricate part of society.  Having first and last names are incredibly important to communication.  Labels of primary needs are important for survival.  Nations have labels as well.

We as humans (regardless of skin color/geographical proximity to the sun) have a specific label.

Homo sapien sapien.

In my paper about the negatives of labeling I rhetorically and sarcastically asked my professor why every person who received a PhD all amazingly had the same first name.


What happened to their individuality? What happened to their modesty?

I received an A minus on the paper (no explanation on the minus) and a note that was complimentary, humorous and egocentric.

The professor said, “you’ll understand when you get yours.”

I gave her a “book” and she ate the pages.

It’s time to address the bigoted labeling that has been allowed to start, grow, and fester.

The terms Hispanic or Latino are both examples of bigoted labeling and color profiling never mind they are completely false.

Mexico is a nation.

Humans from Mexico are Mexicans just like humans from America are Americans.  Cuba are Cubans, Guatemala Guatemalans, Honduras Hondurans.  To attempt to push all of these nationalities together and label them Hispanics or Latinos is false on so many levels.  It is also skin color bigotry.

I am an American.  I do not allow the media, politicians, or liberals to label me in anyway.

I am not white, educated or not, a Republican or a Democrat.

America First.  AMERICAN ONLY.

Another example of this is the term Native American.  This is completely false and again skin bigotry as the individuals that Liberals are trying to pigeonhole already have two specific legal labels to choose from.

They have American and whatever their specific sovereign nation is called.

Again they are not Native Americans or Indians.

They are Choctaw, Apache, Seminole, Yurok, Karuk, Hoopa, etc. and they will proudly tell you so.

I have been told I carry some DNA from the Kickapoo Nation.  Whether this is true or not I have no idea but I reference this to make a point.

If I am Kickapoo I would never accept the label of Native American or an Indian.

First it is false.

Second it is disrespectful to the Kickapoo Nation.  If I am Kickapoo and have pride in my Nation being called an Indian or Native is condescending.

If I was a Mexican I would never allow anyone to call me an Hispanic or Latino.

First it is false.  Second it is disrespectful to the Nation of Mexico.  If one is a Mexican and has pride in their country being called a Latino or especially an Hispanic is a slap in the face.

Other examples of this bigotry are Irish-American, Italian-American, African-American and Asian-American.

Ireland and Italy are nations.  There may be some that have an Irish father and an American mother or vice versa but that still doesn’t make one an Irish-American.

It means you have dual citizenship or citizenship in two countries.

American AND Irish.

Africa and Asia are continents.  To pretend that every human from these areas all look the same (or that it matters) is pure stupidity.

There are humans with different color skin living all over these regions.

This absurdity primarily exists in one place.

The Liberal Progressives (Communists) squatting in the United States.

There isn’t one Hispanic in Mexico.  They are Mexicans regardless of skin color.

There isn’t one African in Nigeria.  They are Nigerians regardless of skin color.

There aren’t any Asians in Russia.  They have Communists in Russia but not any Asians.

The Olympics are a perfect example of this.

I have never witnessed a Latino compete in the Olympics.  I have seen Guatemalans, Cubans, Dominicans, and Hondurans all flying their flags but not once have I seen a flag for Hispanics.

I’ve watched the Chinese, Japanese, and Russians compete for their nations but I’ve never heard an Asian national anthem sung.

I’ve watched Ethiopians, Nigerians and Egyptians proudly give their all for their countries but I’ve never seen an African awarded a medal.

This is because it is all falsehoods created by soulless creatures whom belong to nothing.

Misery does love company.

America is the greatest beacon of liberty in the history of the world.

If one is given the opportunity to be a citizen of the United States you should thank God, pinch yourself to make sure you aren’t dreaming, and then show the upmost respect to the men and women who have fought and died to uphold the only word in the English language synonymous with Freedom.

Being a citizen of these United States and choosing a label other than American is the same as holding four aces and calling them two pair.

One certainly could but why?

Free Will allows for this warped view.

Freedom does not.

Time to remove Liberalism…Permanently.

A few years ago I sat quietly in a large room filled with Americans listening to a speaker.  The topic was the state of our country and what was taking place under the Obama regime.  The speaker wasn’t passionate but entertaining in his own right as he walked through his thoughts.  He covered a few things that wasn’t new information to me and then dove into a story.

Apparently he’d been invited to attend a seminar by a friend and one of the speakers started giving a lecture about the virtues of Communism, if I remember correctly, in Texas.

Yes Communism in Texas.

Of course after watching millions of people vote for Hillary Clinton, in Texas, maybe something is going on in the Lonestar State of which I am unaware.

Then again I live in California so glass houses and round objects need not apply.

The speaker was shocked that this verbiage was not only allowed but encouraged.  His friend stated that America had done an excellent job after WWII explaining the horrors of Nazism but had allowed Communism to permeate and grow.

“We cannot expect Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans doses of Socialism until they suddenly awake to find out they have Communism.”  This statement was reportedly made by Nikita Khrushchev although some doubt it was ever said.

Fair enough.

Let us remove the possibility of it being said by Khrushchev and simply focus on the words.

“We cannot expect Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find out they have Communism.”

Sound familiar?

Can anyone say “Democratic Socialism”?

“Progressive Liberals” make statements like “that isn’t your business, you didn’t build that” or your kids aren’t yours they “belong to whole communities”.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Obamacare, Social Security, Medicare, CommonCore, EPA, Federal Reserve.

I just covered housing, medical, retirement, education, energy and our CURRENCY.

All run top down by the Federal Government while extracting trillions of dollars from the citizenry.

Hundreds of “experts” that are corrupt to the core and/or incredibly incompetent making decisions for hundreds of millions.

The concept of Communism or the idea that political elites know everything and dictate to the rest of us isn’t a new one.

It’s Socratic Theory.  Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, and finally leading to Tyranny.

It’s why educated souls never use the term Democracy to describe America.

First it is factually wrong.  We are by definition a Constitutional Republic.

Second we don’t want anything that leads to Tyranny.  At least those of us who value Freedom do not.

Yet we hear politicians and the media talking about Democracy and Progressive Liberalism as though they are a good thing virtually everyday.

They are either propagandists or ignorant beyond the pale.

Regardless, just like Communism, we have allowed this verbiage to go unchecked for decades.

This stops now.

We must repudiate Liberal Progressivism all day everyday.  The term Liberal, Progressive, or Democratic Socialist must be hammered every time we as Americans hear it uttered.

It must be met with scorn and disgust and not to be allowed off the hook.

Liberal is the exact opposite of Liberty.

There is no progress in Progressive.

Only incredible regression.

Words matter and this prose has more in common with Fascism and Communism than anything else.

These words must become such an embarrassment that they are removed from the American lexicon.

The Liberal Progressive movement is antithetical to Freedom and anti-American.

Those that practice this ignorance believe in Democracy and mobs, not a Constitutional Republic and the Individual.

There must be no compassion, no leniency, and no angst in the removal of this form of cancer.

Liberal Progressivism has given us George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and almost a second Clinton.

It has given America anarchy in the streets, soul crushing debt and never ending war.

It affords Constitutional Rights to illegals while Americans are stripped of theirs.

Liberals have joined with La Raza (The Race), CAIR (Muslim Brotherhood) and Black Lives Matter (Supporters of Hamas).

All bigoted hate groups.

The liberal progressive Barack Obama likes to tell us “who we are not”.

It is time to embrace WHO WE ARE.

We are Americans.  Born and bred under the colors of the Red, White, and Blue.  We are sons and daughters of the most loyal, compassionate and fiercest human to have ever been created under God.

We don’t allow anyone to tell us “who we are not”.

We roar from coast to coast through the Rocky Mountains and Midwestern prairies and are bordered by incredible oceans from East to West.

We expect nothing that hasn’t been earned by our own hands and will not tolerate those who will not use their hands to climb the ladder.

The Pursuit of Happiness is purely an American ideal that requires positive action not mind numbing drones marching in the streets who live under the protection of the American Lion.

We are a compassionate people but we are well past tolerance.  It’s time for the parasitic hyenas to pay for their sins upon the greatest country in the history of man.

From this moment forward the label of Liberal Progressive must be called what it really is.

Fascism or in one word…Commie.

As we move forward in the reclamation and restoration of OUR country a huge thank you must be given to one citizen.

A man who covered the nation literally with his presence.  A man who never bowed, never broke.

A man who is neither a Republican or a Democrat.  A man who is an American.

We thank you President-Elect Trump and just like you we are chomping at the bit.

So let the horses run and the lions roar.

America is almost free again.

Let the work begin.


As this will be my last column before America officially decides which path to take (Tyranny or Freedom) I thought it pertinent to express appreciation to and for the person who has given Americans a very real chance of regaining our country.

The man who has reclaimed the idea of “hope” from the clutches of the ignorant and “change” from their grip of stupidity.

The individual who knows we have 50 States, not 57, because he’s actually been to all of them.

The  citizen who has spent over 100 million dollars of his own money to make America Great Again.

The process of living the life of a billionaire has to be dramatically more enjoyable than running for the office of President of the United States.

Before this venture started Oprah, Sharpton and the Clintons all called him wonderful things.

Millions of television watchers loved the Donald.

Now because he told the TRUTH they call him a racist, xenophobic bigot who hates women, children, and puppies.

They imply he is a communist and a warmonger.

I guess this is an improvement.  Mitt Romney was actually called a dog abusing, tax cheating MURDERER.

The “Free Press” has circled him like sharks with blood in the water while the Democratic-Socialist-Progressive-Liberals (Communism) brought out the old game plan of Scorched Earth.

They just didn’t realize that not only were they dealing with a different deck they in fact weren’t dealing at all.

This time standing in front of them was someone who laughed when they tried to go “low” and basically said you better have more than that…I’m from Queens.

No, Donald Trump wouldn’t have won the previous election, nor the one before that or the one before that.

This however is the perfect time for the brutally spoken man who appears unable to stop any thought he may have from escaping his lips.

This is the most opportune time for the brash New Yawk brawling state of mind.

This is the time for bare knuckles, no holds barred and the taking of no prisoners.

It’s time for New Hampshire to Live Free or Die and the Gadsden flag bearers to start doing the “treading”.

It’s time for the Show Me State of Missouri to proclaim they’ve seen enough and for Oklahoma to be Sooner before it’s too late.

It’s time for Washington to live up to its namesake, California to reclaim her Republic and the Brexit States known as Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to shake off the rust and rise up!

It’s time for Massachusetts  to show us that “By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty” still exists on Plymouth Rock.

It’s time for Texans to be…Texans.

It’s time for Oregon to roar, the Dakotas to soar, and for Florida to give us a reason to happily drink mojitos on a very specific Tuesday night.

It’s time for warrior poets, gardening guerrillas, and Men who need not more than a Minute.

America is in peril and as such it is time to stop defending ourselves.

The time now is to ATTACK.

Your vote is your voice.  It is your one bullet that must be fired in order to be free.  It is time to release 100 million American Snipers with a direct order.

One shot one kill and put the traitor down.

Stand straight, stand tall, and make it count.

Ready, steady, aim…VOTE  !!!

Jason Kraus