“Is Barack Obama a muslim?”

Come on already.  It’s an easy question to answer.

“Is Barack Obama a muslim?”

When you watch Donald Trump and Ben Carson and the muslim issue is brought up it is very clear by their body language where they stand.

They believe Obama is a muslim.

They aren’t alone.

My guess is at least half the country, over their kitchen tables and work water coolers, think so too.

But they are struggling because they are still caught up in the PC world.

Trump is now saying it isn’t his responsibility to defend Obama (he’s right but what an interesting choice of words) and Carson is now explaining Sharia rather than answering the question and finally getting to the root of the matter.

Let me help them:

“Mr. Kraus do you think Barack Obama is a muslim?”

“It is a fact Barack Obama supports Islam.  He has said so many times in many different ways.  It’s on video and in his books. His father whom he cherishes was a muslim.  He once said the Islamic call to prayer was ‘one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.’  Only Barack Obama knows whether he drops down five times a day and faces Mecca but with all that said…HE BETTER NOT BE.”

“What do you mean he better not be?”

“Because if he is he has been lying to us for almost seven years by telling us he is a Christian.  More importantly if he is a muslim then he is the ultimate fraud and America is under attack.  So I will say it again…HE BETTER NOT BE.”

Simple and to the point.  I give Carson a pass because he is still figuring out how to communicate but Trump…come on now Donald this is what you do!

Scorched Earth!

You should have been waiting for this opportunity and then leveled everything you had at Obama.

Whether Americans will say this next statement out loud is irrelevant…at least half of America believes Obama is a closet muslim (taqiya), most will proclaim or admit (factually) that he cherishes Islam, and the entire country, including his supporters, know that he lies.

“Smidgen of corruption”

“Heard about events on television like everyone else”

“Benghazi was about a video”

“Obamacare will save us all money”

“ISIL is the J.V. team”

“Syria is my red line”

“islam is woven into the fabric of our country”

and on and on and on.

I’d cover some of his economic calamities in depth (47 million Americans on food stamps, almost 19 trillion in debt, roughly 100 million of age Americans not in the labor force, criminal suppression of interest rates) but I don’t believe he understands economics in any way shape or form as is shown with his keeping Ben Bernanke, anointing Janet Yellin, and “listening” to Paul Krugman.

None of whom have any understanding of human behavior.

I digress.

The next question is easy.

“Mr. Kraus do you believe Barack Obama is an United States citizen?”

This answer is even easier.

“HE BETTER BE.  When all this mess is unfolded and his college transcripts are unsealed Barack Obama and members of the DNC better hope he is…otherwise there won’t be a corner of the Earth safe for them.”

“What are you saying Mr. Kraus?”

“What part didn’t you understand?  If Barack Obama isn’t a citizen then he is an enemy of the State sitting in the most powerful position in the world.  If it is uncovered that he was a foreign exchange student he and his cohorts, muslim or not, will be tried, found guilty of treason, and executed.

Just like any traitor would be.

So for his sake he damn well BETTER BE an American citizen.”

Question asked and answered concisely and to the letter of the law with facts and TRUTH.

This one is a freebie Donald.

You’re welcome.

Try not to butcher it by telling us how great you are at the same time…and Donald…just try and hang in there.

There’s a pride of Lions and a Falcon arriving soon to send you back to television…or didn’t you hear?

Rosie is back on the View.

America First.

American Only.

Shoulder to Shoulder.

One voice at a time.

Jason Kraus


Let’s understand how this really works shall we.

The Republican Party doesn’t answer to you, me, or the United States Constitution.

They answer to their donors.

Reince Priebus and his cohorts only exist because they continue to receive money from, presumably, Americans.

Let’s fast forward and for sake of this exercise declare Donald Trump the choice of the Republican voter.

If the Party leaders don’t agree, they can and will remove him, and enter someone else, maybe Jeb Bush in his place.

The Democratic Party is even worse.  They receive billions from willing and unwilling donors (many not Americans, see Clinton Foundation) as well as the public unions as each member is forced to pay dues that are then funneled back to the DNC.

This tiny group decides where that money will be spent all over the nation (or in Obama’s case even in Israel trying to oust Netanyahu).  Dues out of California (because there is no competition in the Golden State) might be used in a tight race in Colorado, or North Carolina, or Florida.

If the Democratic Party doesn’t think Hillary Clinton is electable she can be removed from consideration at any time, whether she likes it or not.

These parties aren’t law enforcement or even law.

Not that it matters as the rule of law is currently in the past.

The Party system isn’t a Constitutional or Representative Republic.

It isn’t even Democracy.

In fact the direct correlation attached when the word Party was used in the 70’s and 80’s was…Communist.

Let’s call it what it is.


A country of over 300 million being controlled by two Parties.  Those parties are controlled by a small group of donors and servants of the donors known as:

House Representatives, Senators, Judges, and Presidents.

All three branches of government controlled by two tiny groups of people.

Okay Jason…sounds depressing and brutal…what is the answer?


Okay Jason…how?

Well now I am glad you inquired.  It’s actually quite easy.

Through the last three years I and many others, while spreading the word of Freedom, have been looking for avenues to correct this absurdity known as debilitating government.

It’s been hard work and taken lots of hours of research but finally a nugget of truth was uncovered.

We are still waiting for the final verbiage to be released in September but according to our research to run for United States Senator in California only two things are necessary.

65, that’s right, Sixty Five signatures of registered voters and a check for a little under $4000.00.

That’s it.

$4000.00 seems like a lot of money Jason.  People are struggling right now.

If the sixty five people who sign all kick in sixty bucks you could choose whomever your group wants and they would be on the ballot in California for the position of United States Senator.

What about the parties?

When you register to vote you have an option to select NO PARTY PREFERENCE.

That will be the name of the Party.  NO PARTY PREFERENCE or NPP.

Who’s down with NPP yeah you know me! ( A little Naughty by Nature reference).

My point?


Number one.

This is easy!  65 people!  Come on America!  I can get 65 signatures from my family and friends alone!

All things are possible through belief and hard work…so believe…and let’s get to WORK!

Number two.

The info about California is covered.  That leaves 49 other opportunities!  Do the work in your State and share it to my page.  This can all be done through the internet and telephone.

Each State may be a little different and have some quirks.

Figure it out.

Let’s have an American on every State running for something this year under No Party Preference or NPP.

No more Republicans,Democrats, Libertarians, etc.

We want AMERICANS!!!

Let’s replace Party with three letters NPP or also known as U.S.A.

America first!

American only.

Shoulder to shoulder.

ONE voice at a time.

Jason Kraus


Step into the fray

Most humans will inherently do the right thing…or at a minimum won’t do the wrong thing.

This isn’t a Pollyannic view or a glass is half full mentality.  It’s how most of us are.  Otherwise nothing would ever be accomplished.  Most crime (aside from drug usage) happens in short bursts.

Tiny amounts of time.

For anyone who has been in a fight you know most altercations are over in less than two minutes although for some it may seem much longer, and for those of you who don’t believe me…put on your running shoes, go outside and sprint as fast as you can for 60 seconds.  Most won’t be able to continue for another 60 seconds and that doesn’t take into account someone trying to tear your head off at the same time.

I digress.

It seems we are allowing a tiny portion of the American population to dictate how the rest of us will live.

No, I am not talking about Muslims, gang-bangers, or CAIR (Council For American-Islamic Relations and yes this is the same group the UAE (United ARAB Emirates) designated as a Terrorist Group and yes they have access to the White House (see Muslim Brotherhood).

I’m not talking about bankers or attorneys.

I’m not even referring to the Occupy Wall Street/Hands Up Don’t shoot/Black Lives Matter crowd.

I’m talking about Washington D.C.

I’m talking about the less than 600 humans who beg for our money and votes and then spit in our faces while answering to their multimillionaire/billionaire donors.

I’m talking about the less than 600 humans who choose to collectively endanger our freedom by crushing us with debt, have stopped the enforcement of law (unless it fits their agenda) and continue to attempt to separate Americans by using oppression and disgusting propaganda.

But then again these humans were chosen by us.

What are we thinking?

We aren’t.

Everyday on my way to work I drive by what used to be referred to as a lake.

Folsom Lake to be precise.

Every 24 hour cycle the “lake” disappears as the soil seems to rise up reaching for the sky.

This is the same sky Jerry Brown and his cohorts are praying will deliver an El Nino of the Century replenishing the ground and providing the most important requirement of all living animals and hundreds of thousands of humans living in Folsom, Roseville, and surrounding areas.


Are the powers that be dredging the lake to allow for the capture of as much agua as possible if and when the prayers of the hypocrites are answered?

Of course not.

That would make too much sense.

Let’s just increase the population while requiring  all property owners let their lawns, plants, and trees go without water.

In other words…die.

This is the “green” party?


The Democratic Party in California ( and America) only cares about…power.  But because they’ve been in charge for so long they’ve begun to drink their own “kool aid”.

They know the Republican Party has nothing to offer.

In this they are correct.

But the three decade experiment known as “progressivism” is dying on the vine.


Progressivism or “Compassionate” Conservatism is over.

The Me Generation of politicians has loaded America with drugs, sexual dysfunction, and debt.

It’s time to embrace American values.

Sobriety, loyalty, and a solvent currency.

It is time to not only shed the skin of the snake wrapped around Lady Liberty but to also remove the parasite known as Liberal boasting in one party and hiding in the other.

But if the Donkey and the Elephant are the only ones to step into the fray then the die must be recast.

Time for a new roll.

Time to unleash the Lions of America and restore the message.

America first.

American only.

But this isn’t going to happen unless the individual Citizen engages by staring into the mirror and then stepping into the fight.

You don’t even have to leave your house to do it.  Just share the columns.

Social media is irrelevant unless it is used.

I’ve spent thousands of dollars just on Facebook promoting the columns I’ve written.

It costs you nothing to hit the share button.

Over the last year thousands of you have but we have to move faster.

The debt in increasing, human trafficking through our border just claimed the lives of more women and children.

This isn’t hyperbole.

It happens every day.

I will be in Detroit next weekend on the 11th and 12th meeting with my American Brothers and Sisters as I see the Motor City and its suburbs in person.

On the 13th I will be on the radio with Tony Schwartz and his show FreedomWorx found on CaveRadioBroadcasting.com from 2:00-5:00 pm Eastern Time.

Bring your voice and join us in the reclamation and restoration of OUR country.

I will finish with this thought.

A column I recently wrote had over 50,000 views.

Collectively the column gathered around 10,000 pieces of information, likes, shares, or comments.

Imagine what would happen if the other 40,000…got involved.

Step into the fray America before the fray steps on us.

Jason Kraus





Political Parties are the Past…Free the American Citizen

Simply put the definition of Democracy is the Majority ruling over the Minority.  You may get some pseudo-intellectuals (lawyers/professors)  pontificating around the edges but stripping away all the noise Democracy is about the Majority dictating to the Minority.

Those in the Majority think this is great…those in the Minority…not so much.

Let’s call it what it is.

Gang mentality.

Are there things worse than Democracy?


Socialism, Communism, Islam (Sharia) are all worse than Democracy although one could factually argue that Democracy molds to whatever the majority dictates.

If the “majority” dictates that women are property or have second class status and can be legally beaten (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc.) then it appears the usage of the word Democracy would be correct.

It makes one wonder about anyone in America calling themselves a Democrat, and for the record all of the countries just listed have one thing in common.

Their system is Islam, Sunni or Shiite majorities.

Is there anything better than Democracy?

I’m glad you asked.

Here in these United States it is called a Constitutional Republic.

A Constitutional Republic’s primary goal is to protect the rights of the Individual Citizen.

Not gangs known as Crips or Bloods, or groups known as Republicans or Democrats.

The purpose of the Constitutional Republic in America is to protect each AMERICAN citizen guaranteeing very specific rights that are beneficial to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Neither Democracy or a Constitutional Republic are animate or inanimate objects.

They are systems.

I’ve mentioned many times Freedom and Oppression are the only two cultures in human existence which is why multiculturalism fails so miserably.

No sane person will willingly mix or “diversify” Freedom and Oppression.

No sane human will trade being dictated to on Mondays and Wednesdays to be free on Fridays.

No sane human will barter being beaten or raped on Tuesdays and Thursdays to be safe on Saturday.

We want to be free and safe every day of the week and twice on Sunday to fulfill our dreams, to strive, succeed, fail, and strive again. To pursue happiness.

Under these two cultures, as the human animal as evolved or changed, systems have been created.

Economic systems like Capitalism and the aforementioned Socialism and Communism have spread all over the world as humans require freedom from other humans…or bow to enslavement.

The reason Capitalism is so much more powerful than all other stated economic systems isn’t complicated.

It is ingrained in the individual to take care of themselves.

Capitalism is the only economic system where humans are motivated intrinsically rather than extrinsically…and that’s why it works.

All humans are born with free will and very specific needs to be met.  Both free will and our needs are met individually.

Your extra consumption of water in the mountains isn’t going to quench the thirst of someone standing in the desert.

Your eating dessert isn’t going to hurt your neighbor three doors down with type two diabetes.

Your usage of an umbrella in a rain storm doesn’t stop the guy down the street, without one, from getting wet.

The human animal comes with specific emotional coping techniques to allow pain to be handled.  Denial and rationalization almost always come first.

Responsible humans move through these relatively quickly and grasp acceptance through TRUTH.  The truth isn’t always pretty but it never changes.

It can be counted on.

Truth isn’t hypothetical.

Truth is universal.

Truth is so easy to see and more importantly even easier to feel.

We know truth.  We embrace truth.

Truth is the only permanent solace known to man.

Time to rip off the bandage in one giant pull.

This is the TRUTH.

The only thing keeping the Democratic Party alive is…the Republican Party.

The only thing keeping the Republican Party alive is…US.

When I refer to US I mean those of us working in the private sector (Capitalism) creating the profits that allow the country to run.

Yes the military is important (incredibly) and a requirement to remain free, but without real profit, that is then taxed, a military cannot be properly maintained (which is why the debt is putting us in an increasingly dangerous place).

Those same profits created are being used against US to hire more “government” workers on many levels.  This increases the size of the “public unions” and requires each new hire to pay dues.  These dues are then funneled back to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) where that money is spread all over the country trying to keep the Democratic Party alive.  Yes New York public union dues do end up in swing-states like Colorado and Florida every election cycle.

The current Democratic Party is dead.

They just don’t know it yet.

The Millenials hate the Democrats almost as much as they hate the Republicans.

Almost half of all Millenials are beginning to call themselves Independents not knowing there isn’t actually an Independent Party.  There is an American Independent and the Independent American Party but they are so small, and not recognized beyond a couple of States, no one knows who they are.

The overwhelming majority in America abhors the Democratic Party.

There’s just nowhere else for them to turn because the Republican Party is simply awful.

The largest Democratic State in the country is California.

In California’s last election it was reported less than 20 percent of eligible citizens even bothered to vote.

Less than 1 in 5.

Or put another way more than 4 out of 5 Californians didn’t even try.  Didn’t hang a chad, mark an x, write in Charlie Brown…and Charlie would have been so much better than Jerry.

Californians don’t love the Democratic Party…they just don’t have anywhere else to turn.

So instead of voting for either party they are choosing in massive numbers to stay home.

The Republican Party has been so bad for so long it lost…California!

How do you lose the largest economy in the country and do nothing about it?

How do you lose 40 million people, 55 electoral votes, dozens of House Representatives, 2 Senators, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and the greatest piece of land the Earth has ever created…and do nothing!!!

How can you call yourself a Political Party when the votes of more than eighty percent of the citizens in the Golden State are available and you cannot put together a cogent plan to get ANY of them!!!

The truth is this.  Most of America hates both parties.  Most of America has decided to stay home on election night.  Some out of laziness.  Others out of apathy.  Many to send a message. But an overwhelming amount would jump into the fray overnight if they had someone, anyone to believe in.

That’s why we are here.

To serve America.

To replace Democrats and Republicans with AMERICANS who swear their allegiance to country not party.

Doors continue to open.  We have to be ready to move through them.

If Donald Trump is removed from the Republican ticket or deems he isn’t being treated fairly he will presumably strike out on his own which will “split the Republican vote”.

If the Democrats decide Hillary Clinton is finished the reported potential combination of Joe Biden/Elizabeth Warren may be chosen by the DNC.

Bernie Sanders has already made noise about going “independent” which will split the vote.

The Party system is dead.  America has had more than enough of debt, crime, and lies but the individual isn’t sure where to turn.

This is OUR time!

I will be in Nevada and Arizona next week followed by Detroit on the weekend of the 11th, 12th, and 13th of September where I will meet with AMERICANS whose loyalty is to these United States.

The 12th will be spent seeing Detroit and its suburbs and the 13th will be spent on Cave Radio with Tony Schwartz and his show Freedomworx.

Because it does!!!

The show will start at 2:00 and end at 5:00 Eastern Time.  I will be on the air with Tony for three hours after which I will catch the next flight out and return home to California.

I was one voice two years ago.  I am still one voice but I am willing to take my voice wherever it is necessary at my own expense.  I will never ask or accept any money but I need your voices!

The Parties are the past.  Democracy is dead.

It is time for the Individual to embrace the two systems that have never let them down.

Capitalism and The Constitutional Republic known as the United States of America!

Things are lining up for the unknown American to step into the fray and reclaim and restore our country.

Three percent…or ten million unknown Americans shoulder to shoulder should do the trick.

Join me brothers and sisters.

One voice at a time.

Jason Kraus





14th Amendment

Recently I listened to Chris Matthews of MSNBC state “the Democrats want the border open for the votes and the Republicans want it open for the cheap labor”.

Chris Matthews has said many things that are wrong but on this one he is absolutely correct…and everyone knows it.

When I read or listen to people screaming about the Democrats trying to force a second amnesty upon America I am amazed the blame isn’t twofold.

Have they forgotten how the first one took place?

Yes, that was Ronald Reagan…a Republican.

When I read or listen to people screaming that the 14th Amendment doesn’t allow the deportation of illegals born in America I am again amazed.

Apparently they have forgotten that it’s already happened…twice.

Both Eisenhower (Republican) and Truman (Democrat) deported humans here illegally (whether “historians” want to admit it or not) and I can guarantee you most of them took their children with them.

Not so much anymore.

Our border issues (ignored by Bush (Republican) and emboldened by Obama (Democrat)) now allow the muling of children through the desert.  Not that human trafficking (see slavery) hasn’t been happening for decades (or centuries) but the overt encouragement of the Obama administration created horrific events of abuse, rape, and murder of women and children.

So we ask again…why is the border open?

See Chris Matthews.

The Democrats believe by continuing to bring in illegal humans they can count on their vote.

Of course we all know illegals cannot vote (insert laughter here).  It is kind of funny (in a not so humorous way) that we send out millions if not billions in fraudulent Social Security checks, that are cashed, but according to the “experts” our elections aren’t tainted…not even a “smidgen”.

In case that wasn’t clear to the Obama/Bush/Clinton supporter let me ease your burden.

Whomever is receiving and cashing the fraudulent S.S. checks has everything they need to be able to vote…as many times as they like.

Each fraudulent S.S. number allows for one fraudulent vote.  Coupled with the opportunity to vote absentee (mail-in), the sky is the limit for election fraud although these days with so much hacking happening to all our personal information from Russia, China, and the Department of Homeland Security, it would probably only take someone with Edward Snowden type access to change a few votes in a few States to swing an election one way or another…and no one would be the wiser.

Yes I know many think this already happened.

Anything is possible these days.

The 14th Amendment has been thrown around quite a bit this week.  With Donald Trump stating his ideas about all illegals in America being deported, the Democratic and Republican politicians have begun to panic.

How do we know this?

They’ve given up on calling him a racist and decided they would use the “law”.

Of course this is a bit ironic and hypocritical when supporters of illegals and illegals themselves turn to the “law” to protect them as their entire presence is “unlawful”.

Or in other words…AGAINST THE LAW.

The 14th Amendment says many things but the “important” one being used in defense of the criminals here illegally is stated below:

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

The talking heads have been yammering that no child born here illegally can be deported because they were “born here” and if no child can be deported then the parents must be allowed to stay to take care of the child.

From the perspective of insanity this make perfect sense.

One would expect this type of person to answer “Lincoln” when asked “who is buried in Grant’s tomb?”

Of course most of us don’t reside in the world of the insane (by the way Obama, Bush, Clinton supporter…it’s Grant) so we shake our heads at this type of asininity.

For a child to be born here illegally both of the child’s parents must be “illegal”.  Of course only one of the “parents” has to be in the United States (the mother) for the child to be born here but you get the picture.

Any woman (or man) here illegally, regardless of giving birth, is guilty of a federal crime.

Her reward?

Citizenship for her new born and status as an illegal who must be allowed to stay because someone must take care of the child.

This has been referred to as an anchor baby.

Never mind the fact the woman cannot pay for the care she received let alone provide water, food, or shelter for herself…or the baby.

We provide all of these things.

Everything you’ve just read are facts.  They are not refutable or debatable.

These things are happening every day in these United States.

Non United States citizens who are here illegally (criminals) from all over the world are walking, floating, or landing in America.  They are welcomed by sanctuary States like California and provided everything they need to live, as well as documents needed to vote (drivers licenses) and  are now allowed to sign up for California’s version of Obamacare (although this is supposedly against the law under the ACA).

If you are reading this now and don’t believe me…well…they are running commercials up and down the Golden State on television…some in Spanish.

On a side note the State of Oregon just passed a law automatically registering to vote anyone with an Oregon Driver’s License.

On a side side note I spoke with a California DMV employee recently who explained to me how California is supplying translators and driving tests in foreign languages for humans who don’t speak English.  When I asked how the new drivers would read the road signs printed in English she just looked at me for a second and said, “Good question”.

Apparently “votes and cheap labor” are more important than the safety of the American Citizen.

I digress.

The American tax paying citizen who refuses to sign up for Obamacare will not only be fined but also forced to subsidize the insurance of illegals…whether you live in California or not.

Laws are only beneficial when the overwhelming majority agrees to follow them.

When tens of millions of people break law after law with the encouragement of government…the writing is on the wall.

Time after time Americans have shown their compassion and “live and let live” side of the coin.

But once that compassion has been thrown back into our faces too many times, the roar that historically has awakened, changes nations, continents, and the world.

Americans require freedom.  It is ingrained in us.  We use to require justice.

But that has gone away with the continued abuse of the tax paying, law abiding citizen.

America is now is search of retribution and the politicians and illegals better understand very quickly what this means.

If the lawlessness continues too much longer the citizenry will have no other option but to defend itself.

By any means necessary.

We must come together to remove the politicians that are unwilling to enforce our laws before retribution is replaced by revenge.

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

The politicians think this statement is black and white.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

“And subject to the jurisdiction thereof” is government code allowing any judge to allow or disallow any “law” subject to the “jurisdiction thereof”.

Besides after watching John Roberts literally make up law while dealing with the “lie of the year” known as Obamacare these wearers of robes don’t need any help in passing whatever “law” they deem necessary.

As I’ve stated many times the pendulum swings both ways.

But then again the pendulum won’t really matter if the law abiding citizen decides to join the illegals and not follow the law anymore.

Jason Kraus




It appears the political world has decided Donald Trump is a powerful force.  DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus,  among many, have waded in with attacks in the Donald sweepstakes.

“News” organizations such as FOX, CNN, and MSNBC have filled their airwaves with Trump quotes hoping viewers will tune in and boost their ratings.  Of course these same networks using his material attack him mercilessly for his thoughts.

There is terminology for this.

Those of us in the world of the responsible American refer to this as cowardice and hypocrisy.

I’ve been asked quite a few times as to my opinion on the Donald.

My answer is this.

Anyone (especially with 100 percent name recognition) that steps into the fray and tells the truth about our crushing debt and criminal border situation is just fine with me.

But Jason what about his prior “attack” on Rosie O’Donnell?

What about it?

Two adults (one who was on a television show that wanted ratings (O’Donnell)) ranted and raved at each other over the airwaves.  American networks drooled and panted and opened every show with  “breaking news” about the on air cat fight.

Millions of Americans tuned in to see who would throw the next punch.

None of this on any level captured my interest.

But the networks filled their allotted time with this inane banality and eventually America chimed in as well.

The Donald/O’Donnell fiasco became a proxy fight between Conservatives and Liberals.

The Liberals lobbed any and all verbal and probably financial bombs possible at Trump.

He wasn’t just in a “fight” with O’Donnell.

The press piled on as well.

Again, I could care less about any of this drivel and the only attention I paid to this media contrived high school food fight was a small shake of my head passing the checkout counter of any store as it seemed every magazine cover had some comment about these two adjacent to “aliens are about to invade Earth.”

But then something happened.

Rosie O’Donnell threw in the towel.  As much as surrendering had to be grating to her, surrender she did.

The Donald had worn her out.  As bad as both of their behavior was apparently only one of them was willing to go the distance.

As America was tuning out…this situation finally had my attention.

You see someone forgot to tell Donald Trump that Rosie O’Donnell had given in.

She’d cried uncle.  She tapped.  No mas.  No more.

Or maybe someone did tell him and he just didn’t care.

Apparently he’d decided he’d been attacked and the fight wasn’t over until he said it was over.

It seemed for months he continued to skewer her in public (and presumably in private) taking any and all opportunities to pile on.  At first I found this to be a bit much.  The whole thing seemed immature to me, his continuing to throw punches after the fight was over made no sense.

The term overkill came to mind.

He’d come out on “top”.

Just quiet down and let the ridiculousness fade away allowing America to focus on more “important” citizens like a Hilton or a Kardashian.

But it simply wasn’t meant to be.

Trump continued to pound and pound until one day my opinion of what he was doing changed.

Don’t get me wrong.

As a matter of fact (not a fact of the matter) the entire situation was still purely absurd.

Adults calling each other names in public while the press ran around baiting them with “he said this” and “she said that” falls into the category of “are any of them smarter than a fifth grader?”

But as Trump continued on…the Liberals began to shrink away.

As they shrank away he increased his barrage until one day no one stepped up or into the fray on anything Trump discussed.

The Donald gave the Liberals of taste of their own medicine.

In Liberal political terms this is called “scorched earth”.

It worked against Mitt Romney and works very well against their adversaries in general.

Stay on the attack, lie when beneficial to the “cause” and create so much noise and discomfort the other side simply gives up. Gives in.  Cries uncle.  Taps.  No more.  No mas.

War is the continuation of politics by other means (Clausewitz) and although the term “love” shouldn’t be used in this context “all is fair in war”.

The Liberals subscribe to this theory wholeheartedly and have been fighting a war for years now.  The term “Liberal” also includes many Republican politicians currently in office including Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and ones that aren’t such as Jeb and George Bush.

Their panic has begun as into this fray stepped…Donald Trump.

Someone they know is willing to scorch and torch not only the Earth under their feet but his own as well.  He thrives on the drama and when combined with overwhelming name recognition his domination of the ratings driven media was a foregone conclusion.

For some people this is a return to NBC’s “must see TV” (no Cosby pun intended here).

America has been screaming for someone, anyone, to stand up and do something, anything, to stop the corruption, lies, and overt crime taking place in Washington D.C.

Of course we are here pounding away everyday but currently we don’t have Trump’s name “fame”.


For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you are aware our time doesn’t completely arrive until early 2016.

Could the time frame change?  Certainly.

But unless or until it does the only person talking about the real problems in America on a level that is being heard is Donald Trump.

Is he scorching everything around him with his verbiage?

Yes he is.

Is this good for America?

No, it isn’t but something has to be done…and that something…is us.

While both sides are down in the gutter serious Americans with serious minds willing and able to implement new systems and ideas must continue to come together in what will be the ultimate defense of our country, of our freedom.

Trump is right.

The debt and border are crushing us monetarily, criminally, and emotionally.

He has also correctly observed one cannot bring a knife to a gunfight.  So in layman’s terms the Donald brought a “flamethrower” and is moving from left to right and back again hitting anything that moves.

Is Donald Trump the right person to be President?

Probably not.

But as I’ve stated many times when the pendulum swings it never stops in the middle.  The energy gathered swinging from one side always over corrects.

Trump would attempt to run our country as a “business”.  Some believe this is a good idea but in reality it’s only better than what is currently happening or a term we’ve all become familiar with:

The lesser of two evils.

That isn’t what our Constitutional Republic is for and will never work.

Government is never supposed to make a profit and those who point to certain government takeovers in the private sector as positives only show their lack of economic knowledge, complete misunderstanding of freedom, and tighten the proverbial noose around their own necks.

There is a word for a government controlled economy.

The word is Communism.

The only role of OUR government is to serve and protect the individual citizen affording each American the same opportunity to succeed or fail of their own accord.

To pursue happiness to the best of our own ability, dreams, and desire.

To restore freedom the Liberal mindset of government must be removed completely and permanently.

The Donald will never do this.  It isn’t in his DNA to give up control once he has claimed victory.

To return control back to the States.

Back to the Counties.

Back to the people and the individual the Constitution protects.

But God bless Donald Trump.

I absolutely believe he truly loves America.

Furthermore, he is the only one the country can hear right now telling the truth and shining the light on our real issues.

The only one.

There is one thing of which I have no doubt.

The Donald would definitely build one heck of a wall.

We just need the right person at the bully pulpit to make sure that wall says the United States of America.

Not Property of Trump.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus



Give your voice to America

While in Oklahoma doors continued to open as lovers of freedom and readers of Late Bird spread the word all over the country.  Never doubt the strength of one American voice.

Your voice.  My voice.

OUR voice!

Shoulder to shoulder.

One voice at a time.

The call of America has a new entrance to walk through.  Next week on Wednesday, August 12th, I have been invited by Gerry Lyons, Host of WAVE Broadband’s News & Views, to talk about Late Bird and our website, aleadernotapolitician.com.

News & Views is a live Cable TV call-in talk show located in the Sacramento area.  Although most of you won’t be able to see the interview live you will be able to call in from anywhere in the nation and share your excitement about Late Bird, Freedom, and America live on the air.

I strongly encourage you to do so.

Fill WAVE Broadband’s phone lines with your love for AMERICA!

It starts at 6:30 and finishes at 7:30 Standard Pacific Time.

Once the show is complete Mr. Lyons has graciously offered a DVD of the program for us to download onto social media for everyone to enjoy.  The video will be given to us Courtesy of WAVE.

Sometimes life is about moments.  Come bring your passion and turn potentially tens of thousands of television watching Americans into our brothers and sisters standing shoulder to shoulder.

Many of you continue to ask me what else you can do to help America.

Fill up those phone lines…one voice at a time.

Jason Kraus


A child may lead us

Recently as I finished speaking with an office manager at a local successful business I was asked about my trip to Oklahoma.

“I’m heading out to meet Americans face to face.  We’ve got some problems to fix.”

Behind me a young yet powerful voice resonated through the room.

“Barack Obama hates Americans,” said the voice.

I stood very still and continued to look forward.  I could tell the voice was that of a young girl, probably no more than ten years old.  I thought about that statement for a second.  Barack Obama hates Americans.  Four words from the mouth of a child.

Barack Obama hates Americans.

Is it really that simple?

Barack Obama’s father was a Muslim who despised the USA.  His mother married another Muslim and according to his own book took him outside the country where he spent many of his formative years.  Without regurgitating his entire premise Obama’s story is filled with his fawning over humans whose skin is one color, or practice Islam, and his contempt is very clear for those who don’t fit into this narrow mindset.

But is Obama the problem or the culmination of a small group of humans who used deceit, manipulation, depravity, and the courts to offer (what many now call sheep) a false hope?  An opportunity to cry “Yes we can” knowing those that supported this agenda were grasping at straws, trying to rationalize decades of personal failure that included divorce, drug usage, debt, and obesity while abdicating their responsibility as an Individual and placing their desires in the ever waiting hands of government.

Another comment from a different source was made about Obama.  “When he is gone the press are going to crush him.  They are afraid to do anything right now.”

If the press are so much in fear of what Barack Obama will do to them, the country we know as the beacon of freedom no longer exists.  The importance of a free press is stated very clearly in the 1st Amendment.

It’s right there with the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion, and no Islam is not protected under the 1st Amendment as the United States Constitution was never meant to protect Systemic Human Oppression.

You cannot oppress women and children and hide under the guise of religion.

At least not in America…yet.

I communicate with people all over America on a daily basis.  The one thing everyone has in common is a general uneasiness.  Border security, debt, threats from Islamic sources that the FBI has admitted they cannot keep up with, and a lack of respect for our military coming from the White House are all causing concern, fear, and in many cases rage.

As much as I abhor George W. Bush (and I do) his time as President may be marked as a man who was in over his head and lied to cover his lack of courage and/or intelligence.  But for the eight years the man was in office I never heard an American say “George Bush hates Americans” (no I don’t consider Kanye West an American…he’s a Kardashian) although plenty of citizens said they hated George Bush.

Now of course Obama and his supporters will say this isn’t true.  That his waiting for five days to lower Old Glory to half staff after the murder of our military while almost instantaneously rainbow lighting the White House was just a smidgen of an oversight.

That his using the IRS to persecute and prosecute Americans is all a fantasy.

That access by the American Press to anything Obama related is comparable to “Nixonian” levels.

That Brian Terry wasn’t murdered on the border by a gun put in play by the Obama administration.

That the fictional story about a video causing the attack in Benghazi that played out at his directive by Susan Rice trying to cover up the deaths of Americans including the assassination of our Ambassador was a misunderstanding.

So…is the child correct?

Barack Obama hates Americans?

For those of us who think critically…it is impossible to disagree.

But why?  Why would Obama hate the country that has given him EVERYTHING?

I’ll bet his college transcripts would tell us…if they weren’t sealed.

Jason Kraus






Furnace and Fire.

To anyone not in these United States, even the oppressors, America is equated with Freedom.

Dictators and tyrants abhor freedom so they in return abhor America. This is something those of us who pay attention understand.

People who practice Systemic Human Oppression such as Communism or Islam, regardless of nation or sect, fear America.

Because freedom can only survive and flourish under Capitalism, America continues to lead the way.  Even when the elected leaders of these United States act like communism, and verbally state Islam, are both woven, into the very fabric of our country.

Of course this is false and they know it.

Therein lies our problem.

Too many individuals in highly elected positions actively hate what America stands for and it is having an incredibly dangerous and harmful effect on us.

It has now become “cool” to bash America. It is become hip to support flag burning. It has become all too common to embrace the illegal criminal while castigating the hard working citizen paying for the abuse being piled on them.

We are being bullied and threatened by our own systems.

The IRS under Obama did target Americans for exercising their 1st Amendment Rights.

This isn’t an opinion.

This happened and is still probably happening.

When the Obama administration puts individuals in our own DHS who have such strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood that they have to be removed, there cannot be any question any more of intent.

When this same individual supports in public Obama’s support for removing States rights and finishes with AllahuAkbar the time has long passed to only defend freedom on foreign shores.

When we allow this behavior it endangers our way of life as again experienced by the murder of our Military in Tennessee.

Enemies of freedom are amongst us telling us they “hate America” or the United States Constitution is compatible with Sharia Law while burning our flag, calling for death to America, and killing our military…on our land!

We even have people amongst us claiming to love America while trying to rip to shreds anyone who will not be silenced.

Of course this is easy to see as both political parties attack anyone coming from the outside who speaks truth.

This is also found in our own families and “friends”.

The Obama Acolytes use skin color, pseudo economics, and lies to create a rage burning in parts of the country who think they want anarchy.

Misery loves company.

Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago.

Calling for illegals to be militant against Americans has been happening for a while.

The Eeyore Ingenues, who are so wrapped up in their own narcissism and pain, don’t understand when a hand is being extended to them. They snap and froth like rabid dogs at anyone or anything trying to fulfill their need to belong to something…anything.

Then we have us.

Those of us who know history and understand human behavior know free societies don’t stay that way because of the “poor”.

It’s the complete opposite.

It’s the entrepreneur, the farmer, the teacher, the veteran that step INTO the fray.

We are being lied to daily.

Taxation without representation has taken place for years.

The debt leveled on us is already too much for the system to bear.

How many more Americans have to die taking pictures while Obama golfs?

How many more donuts will be licked while the American military is shrunk to all time lows while the danger, according to the director of the FBI, is already here.

How many more American soldiers have to die in America at the hand of Islam?

I will go anywhere, any place, any time.

You provide the furnace.

I will provide the fire.



Jason Kraus


Community Organizing

Back in my twenties I was a Sheriff’s Deputy assigned to a County jail for a little while.

One day a very rambunctious inmate who’d been caught smuggling items while working as a “trustee” (I know…hilarious) decided losing his privilege of being outside the jail every day wasn’t enough and attempted to stir the pot.

He was one of those guys who’d bullied others his entire life because he was generally larger than the average male…and a lot larger than every female.

Let’s just say this type of guy was one of those guys who, had he been an illegal, would have been released and deported 5 times only to return to hurt Americans and other illegals.

But he was an American so we had him locked up…for a little while.

After all, this took place…in California.

The land of sanctuary cities and strict rights for child molesters and rapists.

The State that keeps building “affordable housing” but not any “affordable water”.

The State that blames the almond farmers for using all the water but ignores the marijuana fields stealing agua on a daily basis.

The State that just had an anti-gun politician incarcerated for…running guns!

Yes this is the State of the Obama and Jerry (Only Flush When) Brown supporter and yes California has the most people (citizens or otherwise) receiving food stamps,  subsidized housing, and “free” medical care in all the land.

Don’t believe the propaganda that uses terms like per capita and then points at Kentucky or West Virginia.

When it comes to a failed debt ridden, public union controlled State that is now letting everything die because of gross mismanagement and over-population…California is the place.

I didn’t even mention the CalPERS State Pension program that is underfunded…while the stock markets are at all time highs.

Get ready for pennies on the dollar State Employees while taxes are being raised on those left in the ever shrinking private sector to pay for those pennies.

But I digress.

The aforementioned inmate was removed from his relatively cushy cell and re-classified into what was called minimum security.  Minimum security was a large room filled with bunk beds that held approximately 50 to 75 inmates at a time.

In comparison Maximum security held two inmates per cell or sometimes just one inmate if the prisoner was dangerous enough.  I remember one time I dealt with an inmate who was covered head to toe with tattoos.

He was in for…I am getting off track.  Maybe another time.

The minimum security inmates were habitual drunk drivers, or multiple misdemeanor criminals like possession of certain drugs, burglary, etc.

Generally no one in this pod had any “arrests” for crimes considered “violent”.

Don’t get me wrong.

First of all I said “arrests”.

Secondly you wouldn’t want any of these pieces of work living in your neighborhood.

But in the “justice system” they were deemed relatively benign.

Classification is very important to a working jail.  If you allow a trouble maker access to a large group of people and that trouble maker is able to get them going in the same direction…well…another word(s) for this is “community organizing”.

As we all know this doesn’t work well…for anyone.

Because the troublesome inmate, let’s call him Tool, was classified incorrectly he had access to over 50 inmates for days that were bored, sleep deprived, and most importantly, belonged to nothing.

Tool decided to use his skills of manipulation, and his willingness to threaten the weaker inmates, into backing him one night.  He’d only been in the pod for a few days but things were quickly getting out of control.  The weaker inmates that didn’t go along were beaten and the rest fell in line.

A radio call went out from the deputy watching over the pod.

“I need backup in B pod.  Having trouble with “Tool”.  Probably need more than one.”

As I mentioned earlier this pod was filled with small time criminals.  I’d walked into the Pod by myself hundreds of times and never felt like I was in any danger.

On the other hand every time I walked into the Max pods I always went in completely aware that any of these guys could be a threat to my life.

As I arrived at B pod, two other deputies were there.  One male, one female.  For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you will recognize the female as “Caitlin”.  (Please no Bruce Jenner jokes.  That was a perfectly wonderful name when I wrote the book and as you will see Caitlin is someone you can count on).

The three of us walked into the pod and Caitlyn told Tool to come on out.  As I looked at him I noticed at least 10 other inmates standing behind him in a show of solidarity and with threatening looks on their faces.

Again, he was told to come on out.

His answer had something to do with having sex with ourselves.

I smiled an unpleasant smile as I watched a couple dozen other members of the pod slowly fan out behind the community organizer.

Now for anyone who’s been in this kind of situation you know order has to be restored.  The inmates literally cannot run the asylum otherwise everyone’s lives are in danger.

The longer the criminals are allowed to be in “power” the worse it is for everyone…this ironically includes those who support this behavior.

Imagine if someone like this ever got to a position of authority where they could do anything they wanted and no one stopped them…well…I guess we don’t have to imagine this.

It’s happening every day.

Now as I stated before I knew this had to be dealt with.  I also knew three on thirty wasn’t going to go very well for the three.

Did we have more deputies on shift?

Yes we had a few but six or seven on thirty or forty still wasn’t going to be pretty…for the six or seven.

This was a habitual problem at this particular jail.

Poor leadership and grossly understaffed shifts.  My verbalization of these issues to my supervisors, including the Sheriff, was one of the reasons I was eventually invited to leave…permanently.

It’s all in the book.

Tool and I engaged in some back and forth.  I will spare you the verbiage.  It wasn’t a bunch of niceties to say the least.  But even though this situation had to be handled it couldn’t be handled in the middle of the room.  Too many others would fall into the gang or pack mentality if I or one of the other deputies went down.

So we pretended to back down while returning to a safer location.  I, Caitlin, and the other deputy slowly walked back to the pod door while engaging Tool in conversation.

His side was a bunch of threats towards me and the other deputies.

Now…this is a crime.

But back then and in today’s society we aren’t willing to deal with anything proactively.

We’d rather wait until a young woman gets murdered on a pier taking pictures with her dad by an illegal alien.

Our side of the chat was getting the three of us back to the door while making the required extraction in the safest possible manner.

He’d been instructed to come out.

Come out he must.

Tool was really feeling his oats that day.

I don’t know if he’d been cheeking his meds and took them all at once, or got his hands on some wicked Pruno, but he was running his mouth like there was no tomorrow telling us what he was going to do to us, how he was going to do it, and naming body parts.

As we retreated to the door he and his group kept coming forward.  His confidence was growing as he thought he smelled weakness.  As I stood right inside the door he was about a step away from me.

Caitlin was outside the door with the other deputy and two more that had arrived.

I looked at Tool and counted at least thirty inmates spread out behind him in a lackadaisical pattern.  It reminded me of a time in my life where a line of kids spread out in front of me with different balls in their hands waiting for a command to fire from a much larger and older bully I was having a problem with because I’d testified in court against his step-dad about a crime he’d committed.

Just like the kids most of the inmates didn’t want to be there but their fear of the bully/community organizer was greater than the unknown so the tension kept building and the one thing we know about convicts is they have no impulse control.

I knew I couldn’t let this happen inside the pod but I also knew order had to be restored.

“Play time is over.  Time to come out.  The longer this takes the harder it’s going to go on your time here,” Caitlin told him.

She was right.

Tool was an out of county transplant.  We were getting paid to house him.  What this really meant was his original county PAID to get him out of their jail.

He could be sent back and have extra time added to his sentence or even be sent to prison.

Let’s just say his retort wasn’t appropriate.  His mixture of incorrect grammar, poor usage of verbs, and lack of auditory punctuation was astounding…and this was before Common Core.

Tool wasn’t the best communicator and definitely not the sharpest in the shed.

After he finished his attempt at sentence structure he threw one of his hands up in the air.

Out of instinct my left arm went up in defense of my face to block his potential strike.

Tool freaked out and threw a lazy right that I stepped under while I grabbed him in a bear hug and lifted him right out of the pod.

It happened so fast his “community” just stood there in shock as I put him up against the wall to hand cuff him.

Unfortunately Tool wasn’t having any of it.

He started flailing around and trying to hit me and the other deputies who were trying to restrain and hand cuff him.  Tool was not a small guy and I knew if I let go of him things were going to get a lot worse.  But before we could control his arms he started kicking the inside of my right knee with his right leg.  His foot missed me the first time but not the second.  I knew I couldn’t let him do that again or he’d bust my knee.  As I tried to get some leverage and protect my knee he kicked me in the other knee.  As all this was happening I could hear the screaming of inmates rushing towards the door.  The air was getting hot as the screams got louder.  Everything in me was telling me to turn around as my back was a wide open target.  In the blink of an eye I will never forget the sound of the woman who stepped into the fray and literally covered my back.   Caitlyn stood in front of me, and the door, screaming at them to get back and for the deputy in the pod to “close the f*&cking slider!!!”

Now that was an appropriate usage of profanity.

I’ve thanked you over the years a few times “Caitlyn” but God bless you sister.

That would have been ugly.

“Tool” was still kicking me on the inside of both knees so I took him to the ground for his safety and mine.  He ended up with a knot on his head (from the floor) and I ended up with a messed up shoulder that to this day will sometimes act up.  Of course baseball could also have been the culprit.  I did throw my body all over the diamond.  Nevertheless two cortisone shots over the years in my Tool/baseball shoulder gets me through the day.

Tool the Community Organizer was re-classified and stuck in Maximum security where he got into more trouble and was shipped back to his home county.

If I had to place a bet I’d put my money on him being in prison or dead.

Ah the life of the Community Organizer.

Locked down…or six feet under.

Jason Kraus
