Trump’s one big problem

Let’s just get down to it.

If Donald Trump is elected his biggest issue won’t be “building the wall”.

That is basic construction, furthermore, America put a man on the moon.

We can build a wall.

His largest problem won’t be deporting tens of millions of humans here illegally.

By the way don’t believe the “10-12 million number”.

There are dramatically more humans here illegally than that.

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, etc., won’t be his biggest problems either.

Nor will bad trade deals, the media, Rosie O’Donnell, or Islam.

Notice I didn’t say ISIS.

I said Islam, Sunnis and Shiites.

The overwhelming issue Donald Trump (and the rest of us) will have to deal with are the Central Banks around the world.

Specifically the IMF (International Monetary Fund and overseer of the Central Banks #Christine Lagarde) and the Federal Reserve.

Sadly 95 percent of the citizens of America don’t recognize the words Central Bank (and of even greater consternation I doubt even one percent know about the IMF) and more importantly don’t understand how their quality of life is being chipped away one day at a time as trillions of dollars, euros, and yen are extracted from the masses and trapped by these ignominious creations, that only serve the greed of a few.

Even the trillions in capital, these all encompassing creatures have consumed, isn’t enough.

As their addiction to control heightens, their willingness to reach beyond, and into the economic heart of the world, is crushing what were once sovereign nations, eating away at centuries of the “Invisible Hand”.

Think of it as a meth addict who has sold everything they have, including their body, their children, their children’s children, and then promised the lives of the unborn just to get their “fix”.

This is what is happening right now and for all you economic and behavioral neophytes this is not called Capitalism.

It’s called corruption.

This type of corruption always leads to WAR and not the stupid, infantile word games going on between Obama, Putin, Hollande, and Merkel.

Actual WAR where countries bomb each other, where humans are murdered daily, where chaos reigns.

Similar to what the “JV team” is doing right now.

Trump himself has mentioned his concern a few times, that the collapse of the fraudulent inflated markets, (due to the Central Banks) will happen on his watch.

He is smart to entertain these thoughts as he is right.

Bush thought he could ignore the deregulation done by Clinton (Glass/Steagall 1999) and leave the mess for the next guy.

As we all know 2008 landed right on him, and those that probably consumed paste as children, opined for the Clinton days of old.

Give em books and they eat the pages.

Let me be clear.

George W. Bush was and is still a malignant tumor on America, and an enemy of Freedom, but he didn’t open Pandora’s Box of bigoted and leveraged housing.

He simply ignored it and then decided some Sunnis (Iraq) needed killing while eventually (through Obama) opening the door for the Shiite (Iran).

Some will say this language is a bit harsh.

To them I will say had our language been harsh thousands in our military may still be alive.

“The truth is like poetry…and most people f*&cking hate poetry”. Quote from The Big Short.


I digress.

Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, and Janet Yellen (Federal Reserve Chairmen and Chairwoman) all willingly admit they “missed” the last housing boom and bust.

How is it that the smartest (supposed) people trained in the field of economics missed what the rest of us knew was happening all along?

They didn’t.

They are either bonafide morons or complicit characters.

There is no room for any other option and although “marble mouth” Yellen is a nightmare to listen to…she isn’t stupid.

She’s a fraud.

Just like Greenspan, just like Bernanke, just like Clinton(s), just like Bush, just like Obama.

We have allowed the physically weak, morally bankrupt, and evil personified to dictate to us from up on Mount High.

Idiotic charlatan “funny men” like Bill Maher, John Stewart, and sometimes Bill O’Reilley (I say sometimes because he is never funny and occasionally not wrong) are treated like GODS while propping up this charade known as “democracy”.


We are a Constitutional Republic…or at least we use to be.

The Federal Reserve has taken hold of our Freedom and doles out snippets of oxygen through the Federal Government via “programs”.

We have housing and food programs for the “poor”.

Programs for the “needy”, the tired, the lazy, the drug induced, the alcohol imbibers, the crack pipe connoisseur, the emotionally challenged, the banks, the car manufacturers, the “green energy” crowd, Solyndra, and the Elon Musk’s of the world.

We even pay people to sit in prison and if the Democratic Governor in the State of Virginia had his way felons would be able to vote.

Terry McAuliffe.  Another rotten branch from the Clinton tree of monarchy.

This is all happening because the Federal Reserve is allowing the United States of America to “borrow” any and all amounts it deems necessary.

A question was asked of one of the Fed Chairs a while back.

“Aren’t we going to run out of money by constantly borrowing and spending?’

The pompous twit answered “no” that we would never run out of money, that governments can always create more “money”.

“What we will run out of are assets.”

In other words there will always be money…just nothing to spend it on.

For some this is hard to imagine.

For others that reality has already arrived.

Many say “this will never happen in my lifetime”… and there you have it…the meth addict in our midst.

Selling off their body, their children, their children’s children, and the lives of the unborn…just to get their fix.

Jason Kraus

The Rule of Law no longer exists in America

Almost two decades ago (seemingly a lifetime) I had the unfortunate experience of working for an individual whom I did not like.

This person had all the prerequisites.

Communicated poorly, lied, cheated on their spouse, institutional fraud, etc.

Without walking down the entire path again it is fair to say it wasn’t a positive experience.

I rarely think about this walking cold sore as my time now is spent moving forward with my life but if one day horrible things were to happen to this individual I will nod and acknowledge the arrival of karma.

With that said I would vote for this foul piece of feces everyday, and twice on Sunday, over Hillary Clinton.

Too many times over the years we’ve heard “this is the most important election in our lifetime”.

The Liberals have ranted (if Trump is elected) that the country will be taken over by “Nazis” or “White Supremacists”.

Children will collapse without “a free education”.

Citizens will choke from dirty air and water and old people will die from a lack of medical care.

Aside from this all being false I’m quite sure millions of humans didn’t die at the hands of the Nazis because they didn’t receive a “free education”.

Medical care, dirty water and air don’t make much of a difference either when you are being MURDERED with guns, knives, rifle butts, and bare hands.

Nothing quite like a Progressive…then again they should know.

Black Lies Matter, CAIR, and La Raza are all Naziesque.

Many Conservatives on the other hand continue to wistfully call for the return of Ronald Reagan.

This is the same man who gave the Liberals both of what they are screaming for now and frankly a big part of the reason we are in this mess now.

Amnesty and free medical care (IRCA and EMTALA, 1986).

Disregarding a Herbert Walker, Bill Clinton followed with eight years of absurdity, Bush gave us eight more of pure lunacy, and then we graduated to full blown arrogance, stupidity, and asininity with Barack Insane Obama.

A little known fact is this.

Every single one of these individuals GREW the Federal Government…whether we want to admit it or not.

Rather than really understanding how humans actually work, Plato, Adam Smith, Abraham Maslow, etc., the individual American has given way to “group think”.

Free Will has been replaced with “Gender Rights”, “Racial Rights”, Republicans, Democrats, Progressive Liberals, and Compassionate Conservatives.

After listening to thirty seconds of FOX, MSNBC, CNN, or lately ESPN, most believe they can speak from a knowledgeable point of view.

I’m not sure which is more dangerous.

The narcissism or the inanity of it all.

Through all the madness, the Central Banks continue to extract wealth from individuals, every second of the day.

One need only watch the “debt clock” to see this madness in action as every dollar in debt, is another taken, from the Individual.

But hey “what difference does it make?”

This time it will make a very big “difference”.

The Rule of Law no longer exists in America.

The only reason anarchy hasn’t broken out is most of us are good people who aren’t looking to hurt others.

Still, the longer any behavior continues, the more “conditioned” most will become.

Like Pavlovian dogs when the bell rings, too many start to salivate, not realizing the bell isn’t our friend.

Trump is not a savior.

He isn’t God.

He is a man who hopefully will get an opportunity to put the Rule of Law back in place.

Yes I will absolutely vote for Donald Trump, but the most important part of Trump being elected, isn’t what he will do, rather it shows, America has finally awakened.

This is what makes this election so important.

Are our eyes finally open?

I don’t know.

As I am writing this now, and possibly as you are reading, another member of law enforcement was murdered.

This time in Kansas City.

Sadly this probably won’t be the last before I publish this column.

There is quite a bit of instability and fear in the country, and world right now, as the culture of freedom gives ground to the culture of oppression.

Living free without fear is a choice.

A conscious decision.

Nothing is free in this world.


Everything comes with a cost.

Whether you believe that or not…is irrelevant.

Too many have paid with their lives in America, for us to simply go quietly, into the night.

Remember what we are.

Human Beings gifted with Free Will who do not cower, will not waver, and never quit.

In other words…An AMERICAN.

Jason Kraus

Why do you Matter?

For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you will recognize Trinity County and Del Loma, California.

For those of you who haven’t, Del Loma, California is a tiny town (population 30) in Trinity County adjacent to the better known County of Humboldt (those of you unfamiliar with Humboldt County…good for you as back in the 70’s and 80’s it was synonymous with marijuana).

I’d just been named to the twelve year old “major league” all-star baseball team that covered Weaverville and the small mill towns up and down the Trinity River.

Feeling quite proud of myself I strode down the middle of the trailer park my family owned and managed.

As I moved down the gravel road and passed different single wide trailers, not a word was said to me.

It was as though they didn’t realize an “all-star” was in their midst.

After passing  three quarters of the park I said to my brother “I can’t believe no one is saying anything. Don’t they realize I am representing them, that I matter?”

Ah…the egocentrism of a child.

I’m laughing at myself as I write this.

Fortunately while maturing and experiencing life, humility and knowledge were both uncovered.

The realization that there are BILLIONS of humans on the planet having their OWN personal experience is a fascinating and sobering thought to those who actually think.

The things that matter, and the things that don’t, become very clear when the struggles of life occur.

Being a man or woman doesn’t mean you matter.

Neither does being gay or straight.

Those that think the color of their skin (any color) matters are bigots and the weak links in a free society.

The concept of diversity pertaining to the color of a human’s skin also shows a lack of intelligence and self-awareness.

No situation is better with the addition of citizens because of the level of melanin in their body.

To think so is unadulterated ignorance.

Neighborhoods become better, safer places to live and raise children when responsible, ethical, hard working people live in those environments.

It has nothing to do with skin color and yes I can and do speak from EXPERIENCE.

Unfortunately some in our government believe that moving “brown and black” humans into “white” neighborhoods will “diversify” us.

What bigots like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Julian Castro are really saying is this:

Black and Brown humans are incapable of creating their own quality neighborhoods and must live among Whites.

Of course this is false and this same type of “irrationalization” was used to create Affirmative Action, the attempt at Ebonics as a “black” language, the allowance of the dangerous growth of La Raza, and the term “token”.

Imagine if we implemented the same types of programs everywhere in our country.

Let’s take athletics.

Black and Brown humans receive four strikes in baseball rather than three.

In football Black and Brown humans have to be tackled twice to be considered down.

In soccer “non-whites” can use their hands, and in basketball a layup counts as three and a three counts as four depending upon the color of your skin.

It wouldn’t be long before White humans would stop competing in these organizations and move on to create their own leagues…or neighborhoods.

Sadly this is exactly what has happened for decades across America through Federally induced, financially and morally bankrupt housing programs (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac through Clinton, Bush, and Obama) and how Pandora’s Box was initially opened that created the last housing crisis…and the current one awaiting its day of reckoning.

Of course these programs are wrong and antithetical to one of the strengths of living in the United States.

Freedom of Movement.

Humans in America can move anywhere they like at anytime.

We don’t need Federal programs to do so.

In fact if you don’t like being in these United States one can head south into Mexico, Guatemala, or Honduras and for the cost of a plane ticket can land almost anywhere in the world.

Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, and Liberia are all available.

To attempt to financially incentivize some, while punishing others, because of the color of their skin, is fomenting anger and frustration while making neighborhoods LESS safe.

Furthermore because Americans have the Freedom of Movement those who don’t want to live with humans who are being subsidized with their neighbors tax dollars will move, weakening the society as tax paying citizens jettison their towns, streets, and wards.

Terminology like “White Flight” and “Regentrification” have been created to explain the exodus and then return.

This isn’t a theory.

It’s already happened in Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco and will continue as long as Progressivism reigns.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Many politicians in San Francisco, through “regulation and regentrification”, have driven up prices and driven out the “poor” over the last decade.

To liberals poor means “black and brown” or “mentally ill” and they are quietly forcing the results of their progressive policies out of their own “backyards” and into rural California and sometimes Nevada depending upon the bus schedules.

For those who need “proof” multiple stories in liberal “rags” such as the L.A. Times and the S.F. Chronicle covering these issues exist.

Stop being so lazy and do your own research Pelosi supporters.

Not that you care…you bigots are voting for this.

Ah the Democratic Party or otherwise known as the Party of the Klan (Robert Byrd), La Raza (Luis Guiterrez),  CAIR (Maxine Waters), and Black Lives Matter (Barack Hussein Obama).

Ward Connerly and Shelby Steele (both humans with black skin) warned against this type of thinking and outlined exactly what would happen.

Years ago in Steele’s case and decades ago for Connerly.

I am sure they are both disappointed to be correct.

Yet correct they are as the Progressive agenda plays on surrounded by more promises of “free healthcare, education, and a guaranteed living wage”.

One need only look to Venezuela to see the end of the road for those who allow the takeover of the private sector through “government intervention.”

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Russia, China, etc., are also examples.

We have another name for this.

It’s called Organized Crime.

Al Capone would be so proud of his fellow Chicagoan(s).

While the Central Banks continue to drive up the cost of stocks, housing, food, energy, and everything else the American citizen needs to survive and thrive too many are willing to focus on ” historical proximity to the sun” (skin color).

The Human Experience begins and ends everyday across the world.

Those who focus on the color of anyone’s skin will rue the day that so much of their life, time, and energy was wasted.

It is egregious and egocentric to give something, no one has control over, so much attention.

It’s also a poor usage of time and resources.

There are important things to address in the world.

Human trafficking, rape, child molestation, never ending wars, the imprisonment of the Clintons, Bush, and Obama, and the criminality of Central Banks are just a few.

If your skin color is so important that you are willing to abuse others and/or ignore the abuse of others then please take a deep breath and listen closely as I say this.

You don’t matter…and you never will.

Furthermore for those of you who support the murder of law enforcement (quietly or otherwise) or are calling for them to be “fried like bacon” I STRONGLY suggest you check your hole card.

When the bullets started flying in Dallas (and you fled like cowards, unwilling to clean up the mess you created) it was the “PIGS” that ran into the fire and gave their lives for you.

Those that think Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore are rough places to live now…just wait until no one is willing to defend you anymore.

One more thing for all the “liberals”.

I was in Law Enforcement and assigned to a County Jail as a Sheriff’s Deputy.

I know therefore I speak.

Our primary job was to ensure that our fellow Deputies, inmates, and ourselves were all alive at the end of each shift.

I’ve been kicked, punched, spit on, watched an inmate eat his own feces, and had my life threatened, and at the end of each shift those of us who started were all there in the end…including the inmates.

Inmates who had raped and sodomized women, beaten family members and strangers, and mutilated and murdered children.

Tragically, on a different shift, a fellow Deputy was murdered.

As it was early on in my time I didn’t know him very well but I attended his funeral with his friends, family, and fellow Deputies who sat stoically or cried at the loss of a young man willing to put his life on the line, and ultimately give it, to protect his community.

Sitting in the crowded church were humans with all colors of skin.

There is a line from a song by the country duo Brooks and Dunn:

“Only in America…dreaming in red, white, and blue…only in America…where we dream as big as we want to”.

We aren’t dreaming big enough.

Jason Kraus

Slavery still exists

Yesterday I went through my day as I always do.

The pursuit of happiness to the best of my ability through hard work, saving my money, and being beneficial to others.

Throughout the day the radio brought me propaganda about unisex bathrooms, the rights of “refugees” and “immigrants” and incessant noise about free college and why everyone deserves health care.

I guess the most important issue “climate change” wasn’t so important anymore…at least not yesterday.

Now for those of you who know me personally or have been here with me for a while you know I move with a purpose and a big smile on my face.

I believe in leading by example and positive energy.

I also believe in the very simple message of love God love one another.

With that said neither of my cheeks will ever turn allowing abuse to myself or anyone around me.

I believe in grace not victimization.

I digress.

Even though many of you in California and around the country sent letters requesting I be put on the stage at the Senate Debate last night our collective voices to have an Independent up there was ignored.

Instead a third Republican was put on the stage.

Yes a third Republican…in California.

It appears UOP has already chosen their candidates.

Can you guess which Party?

For those not familiar with the process in California only two make it to the General Election.

Two…not three.

As I watched the debate last night my slow burn began.

On the stage were five individuals who have taken money (campaign contributions) are willing to take more (salary, benefits, retirement) and will do it as long as they can.

My burn increased as I listened to individuals who support CAIR, La Raza, and crushing debt.

I listened to humans who have zero understanding of human behavior or intrinsic motivators.

I listened as the stage filled with “I” statements and braggadocio.

They sounded exactly like…Politicians.

Imagine that.

This of course isn’t new to any of us.

We’ve been so saturated by this behavior many have simply returned to the message of the Sixties.

Live for the now.

Tune in, turn on, drop out.

There is a new name now for irresponsible behavior that leads to millions of humans now unwilling to take care of themselves.

YOLO…or You Only Live Once.

Unfortunately too many have lived this way for too long and now want the rest of us to carry them the rest of their lives.

What’s even worse is this message of rationalization and justification has seeped into the upcoming generations.

So let us be clear.

You cannot borrow your way to financial freedom.

You cannot smoke, inhale, imbibe, or consume your way to emotional and biological health.

You must engage in only three practices to find success.

Work HARD.

SAVE your money.

Be beneficial to OTHERS.

As I turned off the television last night I thought about everything I just listened to.

The same talking points from two Parties (one who doesn’t exist in California).

No one was willing to take on our two real problems.

Crushing debt.

Human Trafficking through our open border.

As the stage was filled with nonsensical verbiage and economic absurdity more women and children were trafficked and sold in both directions through the magnet for crime known as our Southern Border.

More rapes, murders, and molestation continued and continue every day while Politicians talk about bathrooms.

It’s time we tune in to the truth and turn on to reality.

Dropping out isn’t going to be an option for too much longer…if you require Freedom.

Regardless the smile on my face has disappeared.

It’s been replaced with rage as the border costs more lives of those who don’t have the option of “dropping out” while these Politicians talk about “rights”…and bathrooms.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example.

Speak the truth LOUDLY!!!

Words have value.

Words used properly have power.

Because of the PC crowd many are afraid to wield such verbiage.

It isn’t the words we use that get us into trouble…it is the words we don’t use.

It isn’t the things that are said to us that cause us pain.

It is the things we don’t say in response that create stress, ulcers, and cancer.

Our communities are under incredible stress right now.

I talk to a wide variety of people on a daily basis.  I always have.   I enjoy it.  It’s been like this my entire life, so when I say people are stressed…people are stressed.

It isn’t just stress anymore though.  The anger can be seen and heard everywhere.

Normally easy going Americans aren’t so willing to turn the other cheek.

While the Bernie Sanders crowd continues to do whatever they want, responsible Americans are seething.

While Obama covers up Hillary’s criminal behavior (more than likely to hide his own) ethical Americans are really starting to wonder if the laws matter anymore.

When law abiding citizens decide laws don’t matter….

Americans are screaming at TV’s, radios, the internet, family members and friends…more than normal.

The disease known as Political Correctness has allowed the cowards in our society to hide behind American compassion (and computers), creating millions of citizens who not only offer nothing, but are actually hurting us while slowly eating away at the soul of our country.

After almost three decades we are sitting at the precipice of an economic calamity (crushing debt) while the ignorant continue to pontificate about sexual preference, skin color, and a “fair” society.

The pain is becoming too great and must be purged.

The time to parse words is over.

Anyone still supporting a Clinton, a Bush, or an Obama…is a traitor.

Anyone supporting Bernie Sanders not only has no value to a free society but is parasitic in nature.

Anyone still supporting Marco Rubio obviously enjoys being lied to.

I will be on the ballot in California for the United States Senate and as this individual I will only vote for one of three candidates.

Trump, Cruz, or Carson.

No they aren’t perfect.

None of us are.

No they aren’t going to change our lives or save us.

Only you can do that.

What one of these individuals will do (hopefully) is break the stranglehold the RNC and DNC have over our country.

Do I wish Trump and Cruz would have a behind the scenes meeting and agree to stop attacking each other?


Do I wish they would show a modicum of maturity and put America first by leading by example?


Obviously this isn’t happening but that doesn’t mean we have to continue to follow their lead.

I have lots of friends and family who are strong Trump or Cruz supporters.  Both are strong in their values and have facts to base their views on.

I agree completely…but we must stop attacking each other.

It serves no purpose to hammer away at each other when all of our votes will be needed for one or the other.

I will readily admit I have no patience for anyone who supports Hillary, Bernie, Jeb, or Marco.

I view them with disgust and have no respect for their unwillingness to face reality.

Because of this we must come together through the rest of this primary and not dissuade voters to stay home if their “guy” (Cruz or Trump) isn’t nominated.

This isn’t about Trump, or Cruz, or Carson.

It is about us.

We must be leaders of at least one.


Please reach out to each other and bury the hatchet…or at least stop throwing it at each other.

Our enemy is very clear.

$19 Trillion in debt, an open border, an oppressive tax system, the abuse of our veterans, or in other words…the Democratic and Republican Political Parties.

If we don’t focus on these things they will only get worse.

We cannot allow this.

Stand shoulder to shoulder with me.

Your voice, vote, and effort are the keys to success.

Let them ROAR!!!

Jason Kraus

United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions

No salary

One term

Leadership by example

Time to remove the unholy alliance

Josh (it’s hilarious his last name is) Earnest stood up in front of the world and stated Donald Trump disqualified himself from being President of the United States with his statements about Islam.

Hmmm…did the Freedom of Speech disappear along with Obama’s red line?

Paul (I wish I was in Janesville) Ryan stood up in front of the world and declared Donald Trump’s statements about Islam to not be representative of the Republican Party.

Maybe that new beard is putting too much stress on his ability to read and understand things like polling.  Trump’s numbers went UP with Republican voters.  Then again what else can we expect from a person who learned about Washington D.C. from none other than Barney Frank.

Do your research Paul Ryan supporters. If you are honest with yourselves you will not like what you find unless you are a believer in the government borrowing trillions of dollars.  Who do you think just approved the debt ceiling be removed?  Kind of a bizarre concept…borrow and spend as much as you want until 2017.

Nothing quite like “compassionate conservatism” or “progressivism” to ruin a country.

Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs…if you think the Republican and Democratic Parties aren’t both responsible for driving us into an economic catastrophe…well…here’s your sign.

Let us return to our original topic.

Months ago Trump spoke about our need to close our porous border or in other words…enforce the law.

I’ve been talking about this for years but better late than never.

He spoke about rapists and killers coming through the border from among other places, Mexico.  He stated facts (human trafficking happens every day through the border or in another word…slavery…and if you think these traffickers aren’t raping and killing children and women I suggest you trade places with one of the victims) and was called a racist by truly ignorant minds.

Mexico is a nation…albeit a corrupt one.  (Then again who are we to talk after almost 24 years of Clinton, Bush, and Obama.)

Being from Mexico makes one…a Mexican.

Mexican is not a color.  It is a nationality.  It is impossible to use the term Mexican and be a racist for one simple reason.

Mexican is not a race.

In fact I will offer a factual angle.  Those who called him a racist were in fact the racists themselves.  They heard “Mexican” and with their inference showed exactly their cards.

To a racist “Mexican” means brown skin.

For those of you racists who haven’t traveled, Mexico has plenty of humans living within its borders that do not have a brown dermis.

Sorry La Raza.

Your dream of a nation filled with the brown “race” just shows how pathetic and racist you really are…and for goodness sake let us please stop calling humans with brown skin (who may or may not speak Spanish) Latino or Hispanic.

Talk about overt, mainstream racism.

I digress.

As most are now aware Donald Trump stated bringing in Syrian Muslims, when we’ve already proven we cannot vet them properly, (also cited by the FBI Director BEFORE San Bernardino) is a mistake.

He was again called a racist.

Maybe if he was in the FBI this would be okay.

Sigh…let us try again.  Syria is a country and Islam is systemic oppression.  Neither are races although Arab Sunnis and Shiites will tell you they are a “superior” race.

What’s that?  That kind of language sounds familiar?

Well now…that type of language titled “Eugenics” was found in America and used by a women named Margaret Sanger.

Yes that is the same Margaret Sanger, Hillary Clinton has said, she admires.

What’s that?  You think you’ve heard it somewhere else?

My apologies.  You have.

It was labeled “Nazism” and its leader was known as a guy named Adolph Hitler.

So lets clear this up.

Trump is talking about nationalities and systemic oppression (Islam) and is smeared as a racist by what Lou Dobbs calls the Unholy Alliance:

Republican National Committee, Democratic National Committee, and the Mainstream Media.

Finally we have arrived at our dilemma.

Two corrupt political parties, and a lack of ethics and courage in today’s coverage, by those who are uniquely protected by the 1st Amendment, in order to protect the freedom of the American Individual.

Problem found.

Now how do we solve our problem?

First we lead by example and speak from a position of truth and only engage in factual discussion.  The need to belong is so powerful the human animal will spew horrendous things looking for the attention of anyone or anything at anytime.

Don’t engage with this absurdity.  When lies float from their lips, cut them off.  This is a free country. You are free at anytime to provide the truth…or just walk away.

When someone is given a book and they eat the pages it is time to stop giving them books…and your attention.

Trust me they will return eventually.

Someone will have to bail them out of jail.

Joking aside (or was I?) we must change the dynamic, create new models, find new algorithms and these new ideas must be wrapped around one thing:  The Ethical Individual.

We must understand the difference between the human animal and the human being.  Animals cannot control themselves.  Human Beings are in control of their bodies and minds and use their actions to benefit themselves, others, and society in general in a positive self-sustaining fashion.

The fancy terminology for this is personal responsibility.

Personal responsibility is the reason America is strong and leads the way in life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness!

Happiness is a fluid creation.  You gotta go get it!

You gotta want to feel joy, spread love, and be FREE!

Okay Jason, I am with you!  I want joy!  I am spreading love!  I am FREE but there is a storm brewing and we are in the eye in the hurricane.  What do we do?

First we show our appreciation to the Big Fella Upstairs for the gift of Free Will.

Second we say thank you to America, and the greatest species of the human race known as the American, that allowed most of us to be born free and receive the greatest home field advantage in the history of man.

Finally we join to together in protection of Freedom and our way of life, to ensure that the choice “to be” or “not to be” is always in the positive.

To be…is the answer.

“Be” well and “Be” free to the best of your abilities.

America is counting on you…and so am I.

I only ask that you share the message.

I will take care of the rest.

One last thing.

We aren’t in the eye of the hurricane.

We are the hurricane…with both eyes wide open.

Jason Kraus


United States Senate 2017

Love One Another

Eckhart Tolle once wrote about the process of “presence” or “being”.

William Shakespeare spoke about this as well, long ago, in the ever famous line, “to be or not to be that is the question.”

I believe the concept of “being” is the positive evolution of the animal known as human, but it seems with all things, we take two steps forward and one step back.

In the second half of the 20th Century we turned the idea of “being” into immediate self-gratification.

Everything must be done right here right now with no thoughts or cares to or of our actions.

In the late Sixties and Seventies the Me generation lived for the “now”.

“Tune in, turn on, drop out”.

The Eighties were the Go Go, Gordon Gekko, Greed is Good times leading us into the Nineties and “the end of big government”…when really the beginning was just taking place.

Clinton, Bush, and Obama have now set America on a path of destruction and as this cycle of Boomeritis comes to fruition the kids are again starting down this road, just with a new moniker, picked up from the free love crowd.

YOLO…or You Only Live Once.

Sex, drugs, and rock n roll have “progressed” into oral (President Clinton said it wasn’t sex) copulation, Ecstasy and Meth, and rappers screaming homophobic, misogynistic, racist rantings about women and killing cops.

Rather than the beautiful poetry and angst given to us by Don Henley and the wail of an electric guitar captured forever with the lyrics ” I can tell you my love for you will still be strong… after the Boys of Summer… have gone” we have again “progressed” to “now I ain’t sayin’ she’s a gold digger but she ain’t messin’ with no broke niggas” brought to us by a man who compares himself to Jesus.

As the kids say these days…”he be trippin’.”

He be somethin’ all right.

I have no doubt this isn’t what Tolle had in mind and if Shakespeare were here now my guess is his head would be shaking followed by a short statement:

“Apparently we have chosen NOT to be.”

Not only have we chosen not to “be” but because of our unwillingness to do away with hero worship or looking to others for solutions in our own lives…we are right back where we started.

In the Seventies we had social unrest, problems in the Middle East (Iran), the Cold War (U.S.S.R), high unemployment, and a weak, feckless man whom some would call an anti-semite at the helm (Carter).

We are now in the 21st Century.  The year 2015.

Social unrest?


Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, etc.

Problems in the Middle East?


Of course Iran and for the record both Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden still exist.  They’ve just morphed into what is now known as…wait for it…ISIS.  Great job George.  Excellent work Barry.

The Cold War with the U.S.S.R?

Been replaced with “hot” wars happening in multiple places around the world with Russia…whether you are paying attention or want to admit it or not.

High unemployment?

Yes.  Just because they’ve changed the calculations and stopped counting people doesn’t mean they have a job.

They don’t.

A weak feckless man whom many call an anti-semite at the helm?

Yes, yes, and yes.

We couldn’t just have one coward serve as the last Commander-in-Chief.  We tripled down and elected the three worst Presidents the country has ever seen.

So with 19 trillion in debt and counting, human trafficking continuing unabated through our border, 47 million on food stamps, “refugees” who swear their allegiance to Allah running through Europe (and apparently soon here), Russia ordering us around, secret deals with Iran (who wants to kill us and everything we stand for) the Republican Establishment want to give us a third helping of Bush.

If this wasn’t laughable enough the Democratic Party cannot make up its mind whether Hillary should be indicted, if so when, and how they are going to roll out the Biden/Cheekbones team.

Excuse me.  For anyone not familiar with the college admissions issue I am referring to Elizabeth Warren.

When will we learn?

None of these people including Rubio, Sanders, Trump, or even Ben Carson are ever going to make your life better.

Although Trump is right on several issues and in my opinion Ben Carson is a good person neither of them have any understanding or control of your life.

They never have and never will.

You are the only one that will make your life better.

That will make America stronger!

That will push freedom forward for the next generation!


No more hero worship!  No more Popes, or Presidents, and certainly no more politicians!

YOU!  The American Citizen!  The beacon of Freedom!  Unleash the Lion in each one of you!

You, me, and millions of Americans standing shoulder to shoulder requiring the United States Constitution continue to guarantee its most important purpose.

The rights of the individual.

But in current times our days can be long and our burden heavy.

In these days comfort can be found in messages from above…written below.

Do unto others as you would have done unto you.

Or my favorite as depth is found in the simplicity of three words.

Love one another.

Jason Kraus


“Is Barack Obama a muslim?”

Come on already.  It’s an easy question to answer.

“Is Barack Obama a muslim?”

When you watch Donald Trump and Ben Carson and the muslim issue is brought up it is very clear by their body language where they stand.

They believe Obama is a muslim.

They aren’t alone.

My guess is at least half the country, over their kitchen tables and work water coolers, think so too.

But they are struggling because they are still caught up in the PC world.

Trump is now saying it isn’t his responsibility to defend Obama (he’s right but what an interesting choice of words) and Carson is now explaining Sharia rather than answering the question and finally getting to the root of the matter.

Let me help them:

“Mr. Kraus do you think Barack Obama is a muslim?”

“It is a fact Barack Obama supports Islam.  He has said so many times in many different ways.  It’s on video and in his books. His father whom he cherishes was a muslim.  He once said the Islamic call to prayer was ‘one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.’  Only Barack Obama knows whether he drops down five times a day and faces Mecca but with all that said…HE BETTER NOT BE.”

“What do you mean he better not be?”

“Because if he is he has been lying to us for almost seven years by telling us he is a Christian.  More importantly if he is a muslim then he is the ultimate fraud and America is under attack.  So I will say it again…HE BETTER NOT BE.”

Simple and to the point.  I give Carson a pass because he is still figuring out how to communicate but Trump…come on now Donald this is what you do!

Scorched Earth!

You should have been waiting for this opportunity and then leveled everything you had at Obama.

Whether Americans will say this next statement out loud is irrelevant…at least half of America believes Obama is a closet muslim (taqiya), most will proclaim or admit (factually) that he cherishes Islam, and the entire country, including his supporters, know that he lies.

“Smidgen of corruption”

“Heard about events on television like everyone else”

“Benghazi was about a video”

“Obamacare will save us all money”

“ISIL is the J.V. team”

“Syria is my red line”

“islam is woven into the fabric of our country”

and on and on and on.

I’d cover some of his economic calamities in depth (47 million Americans on food stamps, almost 19 trillion in debt, roughly 100 million of age Americans not in the labor force, criminal suppression of interest rates) but I don’t believe he understands economics in any way shape or form as is shown with his keeping Ben Bernanke, anointing Janet Yellin, and “listening” to Paul Krugman.

None of whom have any understanding of human behavior.

I digress.

The next question is easy.

“Mr. Kraus do you believe Barack Obama is an United States citizen?”

This answer is even easier.

“HE BETTER BE.  When all this mess is unfolded and his college transcripts are unsealed Barack Obama and members of the DNC better hope he is…otherwise there won’t be a corner of the Earth safe for them.”

“What are you saying Mr. Kraus?”

“What part didn’t you understand?  If Barack Obama isn’t a citizen then he is an enemy of the State sitting in the most powerful position in the world.  If it is uncovered that he was a foreign exchange student he and his cohorts, muslim or not, will be tried, found guilty of treason, and executed.

Just like any traitor would be.

So for his sake he damn well BETTER BE an American citizen.”

Question asked and answered concisely and to the letter of the law with facts and TRUTH.

This one is a freebie Donald.

You’re welcome.

Try not to butcher it by telling us how great you are at the same time…and Donald…just try and hang in there.

There’s a pride of Lions and a Falcon arriving soon to send you back to television…or didn’t you hear?

Rosie is back on the View.

America First.

American Only.

Shoulder to Shoulder.

One voice at a time.

Jason Kraus


Let’s understand how this really works shall we.

The Republican Party doesn’t answer to you, me, or the United States Constitution.

They answer to their donors.

Reince Priebus and his cohorts only exist because they continue to receive money from, presumably, Americans.

Let’s fast forward and for sake of this exercise declare Donald Trump the choice of the Republican voter.

If the Party leaders don’t agree, they can and will remove him, and enter someone else, maybe Jeb Bush in his place.

The Democratic Party is even worse.  They receive billions from willing and unwilling donors (many not Americans, see Clinton Foundation) as well as the public unions as each member is forced to pay dues that are then funneled back to the DNC.

This tiny group decides where that money will be spent all over the nation (or in Obama’s case even in Israel trying to oust Netanyahu).  Dues out of California (because there is no competition in the Golden State) might be used in a tight race in Colorado, or North Carolina, or Florida.

If the Democratic Party doesn’t think Hillary Clinton is electable she can be removed from consideration at any time, whether she likes it or not.

These parties aren’t law enforcement or even law.

Not that it matters as the rule of law is currently in the past.

The Party system isn’t a Constitutional or Representative Republic.

It isn’t even Democracy.

In fact the direct correlation attached when the word Party was used in the 70’s and 80’s was…Communist.

Let’s call it what it is.


A country of over 300 million being controlled by two Parties.  Those parties are controlled by a small group of donors and servants of the donors known as:

House Representatives, Senators, Judges, and Presidents.

All three branches of government controlled by two tiny groups of people.

Okay Jason…sounds depressing and brutal…what is the answer?


Okay Jason…how?

Well now I am glad you inquired.  It’s actually quite easy.

Through the last three years I and many others, while spreading the word of Freedom, have been looking for avenues to correct this absurdity known as debilitating government.

It’s been hard work and taken lots of hours of research but finally a nugget of truth was uncovered.

We are still waiting for the final verbiage to be released in September but according to our research to run for United States Senator in California only two things are necessary.

65, that’s right, Sixty Five signatures of registered voters and a check for a little under $4000.00.

That’s it.

$4000.00 seems like a lot of money Jason.  People are struggling right now.

If the sixty five people who sign all kick in sixty bucks you could choose whomever your group wants and they would be on the ballot in California for the position of United States Senator.

What about the parties?

When you register to vote you have an option to select NO PARTY PREFERENCE.

That will be the name of the Party.  NO PARTY PREFERENCE or NPP.

Who’s down with NPP yeah you know me! ( A little Naughty by Nature reference).

My point?


Number one.

This is easy!  65 people!  Come on America!  I can get 65 signatures from my family and friends alone!

All things are possible through belief and hard work…so believe…and let’s get to WORK!

Number two.

The info about California is covered.  That leaves 49 other opportunities!  Do the work in your State and share it to my page.  This can all be done through the internet and telephone.

Each State may be a little different and have some quirks.

Figure it out.

Let’s have an American on every State running for something this year under No Party Preference or NPP.

No more Republicans,Democrats, Libertarians, etc.

We want AMERICANS!!!

Let’s replace Party with three letters NPP or also known as U.S.A.

America first!

American only.

Shoulder to shoulder.

ONE voice at a time.

Jason Kraus


Political Parties are the Past…Free the American Citizen

Simply put the definition of Democracy is the Majority ruling over the Minority.  You may get some pseudo-intellectuals (lawyers/professors)  pontificating around the edges but stripping away all the noise Democracy is about the Majority dictating to the Minority.

Those in the Majority think this is great…those in the Minority…not so much.

Let’s call it what it is.

Gang mentality.

Are there things worse than Democracy?


Socialism, Communism, Islam (Sharia) are all worse than Democracy although one could factually argue that Democracy molds to whatever the majority dictates.

If the “majority” dictates that women are property or have second class status and can be legally beaten (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc.) then it appears the usage of the word Democracy would be correct.

It makes one wonder about anyone in America calling themselves a Democrat, and for the record all of the countries just listed have one thing in common.

Their system is Islam, Sunni or Shiite majorities.

Is there anything better than Democracy?

I’m glad you asked.

Here in these United States it is called a Constitutional Republic.

A Constitutional Republic’s primary goal is to protect the rights of the Individual Citizen.

Not gangs known as Crips or Bloods, or groups known as Republicans or Democrats.

The purpose of the Constitutional Republic in America is to protect each AMERICAN citizen guaranteeing very specific rights that are beneficial to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Neither Democracy or a Constitutional Republic are animate or inanimate objects.

They are systems.

I’ve mentioned many times Freedom and Oppression are the only two cultures in human existence which is why multiculturalism fails so miserably.

No sane person will willingly mix or “diversify” Freedom and Oppression.

No sane human will trade being dictated to on Mondays and Wednesdays to be free on Fridays.

No sane human will barter being beaten or raped on Tuesdays and Thursdays to be safe on Saturday.

We want to be free and safe every day of the week and twice on Sunday to fulfill our dreams, to strive, succeed, fail, and strive again. To pursue happiness.

Under these two cultures, as the human animal as evolved or changed, systems have been created.

Economic systems like Capitalism and the aforementioned Socialism and Communism have spread all over the world as humans require freedom from other humans…or bow to enslavement.

The reason Capitalism is so much more powerful than all other stated economic systems isn’t complicated.

It is ingrained in the individual to take care of themselves.

Capitalism is the only economic system where humans are motivated intrinsically rather than extrinsically…and that’s why it works.

All humans are born with free will and very specific needs to be met.  Both free will and our needs are met individually.

Your extra consumption of water in the mountains isn’t going to quench the thirst of someone standing in the desert.

Your eating dessert isn’t going to hurt your neighbor three doors down with type two diabetes.

Your usage of an umbrella in a rain storm doesn’t stop the guy down the street, without one, from getting wet.

The human animal comes with specific emotional coping techniques to allow pain to be handled.  Denial and rationalization almost always come first.

Responsible humans move through these relatively quickly and grasp acceptance through TRUTH.  The truth isn’t always pretty but it never changes.

It can be counted on.

Truth isn’t hypothetical.

Truth is universal.

Truth is so easy to see and more importantly even easier to feel.

We know truth.  We embrace truth.

Truth is the only permanent solace known to man.

Time to rip off the bandage in one giant pull.

This is the TRUTH.

The only thing keeping the Democratic Party alive is…the Republican Party.

The only thing keeping the Republican Party alive is…US.

When I refer to US I mean those of us working in the private sector (Capitalism) creating the profits that allow the country to run.

Yes the military is important (incredibly) and a requirement to remain free, but without real profit, that is then taxed, a military cannot be properly maintained (which is why the debt is putting us in an increasingly dangerous place).

Those same profits created are being used against US to hire more “government” workers on many levels.  This increases the size of the “public unions” and requires each new hire to pay dues.  These dues are then funneled back to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) where that money is spread all over the country trying to keep the Democratic Party alive.  Yes New York public union dues do end up in swing-states like Colorado and Florida every election cycle.

The current Democratic Party is dead.

They just don’t know it yet.

The Millenials hate the Democrats almost as much as they hate the Republicans.

Almost half of all Millenials are beginning to call themselves Independents not knowing there isn’t actually an Independent Party.  There is an American Independent and the Independent American Party but they are so small, and not recognized beyond a couple of States, no one knows who they are.

The overwhelming majority in America abhors the Democratic Party.

There’s just nowhere else for them to turn because the Republican Party is simply awful.

The largest Democratic State in the country is California.

In California’s last election it was reported less than 20 percent of eligible citizens even bothered to vote.

Less than 1 in 5.

Or put another way more than 4 out of 5 Californians didn’t even try.  Didn’t hang a chad, mark an x, write in Charlie Brown…and Charlie would have been so much better than Jerry.

Californians don’t love the Democratic Party…they just don’t have anywhere else to turn.

So instead of voting for either party they are choosing in massive numbers to stay home.

The Republican Party has been so bad for so long it lost…California!

How do you lose the largest economy in the country and do nothing about it?

How do you lose 40 million people, 55 electoral votes, dozens of House Representatives, 2 Senators, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and the greatest piece of land the Earth has ever created…and do nothing!!!

How can you call yourself a Political Party when the votes of more than eighty percent of the citizens in the Golden State are available and you cannot put together a cogent plan to get ANY of them!!!

The truth is this.  Most of America hates both parties.  Most of America has decided to stay home on election night.  Some out of laziness.  Others out of apathy.  Many to send a message. But an overwhelming amount would jump into the fray overnight if they had someone, anyone to believe in.

That’s why we are here.

To serve America.

To replace Democrats and Republicans with AMERICANS who swear their allegiance to country not party.

Doors continue to open.  We have to be ready to move through them.

If Donald Trump is removed from the Republican ticket or deems he isn’t being treated fairly he will presumably strike out on his own which will “split the Republican vote”.

If the Democrats decide Hillary Clinton is finished the reported potential combination of Joe Biden/Elizabeth Warren may be chosen by the DNC.

Bernie Sanders has already made noise about going “independent” which will split the vote.

The Party system is dead.  America has had more than enough of debt, crime, and lies but the individual isn’t sure where to turn.

This is OUR time!

I will be in Nevada and Arizona next week followed by Detroit on the weekend of the 11th, 12th, and 13th of September where I will meet with AMERICANS whose loyalty is to these United States.

The 12th will be spent seeing Detroit and its suburbs and the 13th will be spent on Cave Radio with Tony Schwartz and his show Freedomworx.

Because it does!!!

The show will start at 2:00 and end at 5:00 Eastern Time.  I will be on the air with Tony for three hours after which I will catch the next flight out and return home to California.

I was one voice two years ago.  I am still one voice but I am willing to take my voice wherever it is necessary at my own expense.  I will never ask or accept any money but I need your voices!

The Parties are the past.  Democracy is dead.

It is time for the Individual to embrace the two systems that have never let them down.

Capitalism and The Constitutional Republic known as the United States of America!

Things are lining up for the unknown American to step into the fray and reclaim and restore our country.

Three percent…or ten million unknown Americans shoulder to shoulder should do the trick.

Join me brothers and sisters.

One voice at a time.

Jason Kraus

