The Season of Treason

Happy Mother’s Day to my Mom and all the wonderful American mothers across these United States.

Now that the important item is complete let’s get to the rest of it.

I love Progressivism.

I love Progressivism like a kick to the groin or kidney stones.

Progressives are similar to ticks.

No plan in sight, just jumping from one host to another slowly sapping their strength, and if left to their own devices, will kill the host they so badly need to survive.

Maybe a better comparison would be the one celled amoeba, with of course my apologies, to the amoeba.

They shift and morph into different shapes and sizes.

Referencing shapes, Jerry Nadler strikingly resembles Humpty Dumpty. With too many in the population unable to pull up their pants, it appears Jerrold is doing his best to even the score.

Nancy Pelosi looks like death warmed over, but both of them want to tell the rest of us what kind of health care we should have.

That’s like asking Gavin Newsom how to remain sober, faithful, or tell the truth.

Speaking of telling the truth James Yes Hillary Was Guilty and Yes I Covered it up Comey stated that, “You can’t have a president who is a chronic liar. ”

Au contraire mon frère.

Clinton, Bush, and Obama were and are still chronic liars and of course Homey the Clown Comey knows this as he has been the Fixer in many of their situations/crimes.

To those in the know these three are referred to a distinction without a difference.

I digress.

According to Aunt Nancy we are now having a Constitutional Crisis.

This is hilarious coming from a Democrat.

Democrats referring to the Constitution is similar to Bernie Sanders talking about the protection of women, Elizabeth Warren discussing “native” facial structure, Beto O’Rourke and after school child care, or AOC bumping her gums about “like” anything.

These people aren’t just rotten to the core.

They are stupid without a bottom.

There is no floor to their insecurity, imbecility, or ineptitude.

This is Progressivism at its finest.

Talking about one of the greatest written documents in the history of Man and getting it all wrong!

There is no crisis. There is no Democracy.

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Let me try it in the simplest of ways.

According to the USA Today, California politicians have voted to keep Donald Trump’s name off of the 2020 Presidential Ballot if he doesn’t release his tax returns.

Now I know the Dims haven’t read the Constitution but the “releasing of tax returns” isn’t a prerequisite to running for President.

Still they continue to ramble and have moved from Collusion to Obstruction to a Constitutional Crisis.

By attempting to keep an American Citizen off the ballot in any State, specifically the one with the largest population, a court battle will indeed ensue.

With that said this attempt could be construed as Secession, and although Secession isn’t directly found in the Constitution, another term is.


“Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

The Democrats and RINOS have been adhering to our enemies and giving them aid and comfort for decades.

Tens of million of illegal foreign nationals are running all over America, in many cases murdering our citizenry.

What do the Democrats do?

Sneak them out the back of our courthouses, increase their EBT cards, or pile so many of them in one area a Somali, a “Palestinian,” and La Raza are now found in the House of Representatives.

Obama was so blatant with his support of Hamas and Hezbollah he didn’t even try to hide a helicopter drop of cash to Iran.

Roseanne might be a crass ass but she wasn’t incorrect about Valerie Jarrett’s connections to the world’s leading State sponsor of Islamic Terrorism.

Nancy Pelosi and her fellow idiots are one hundred percent wrong.

There is nothing wrong with the Constitution nor is it in any peril.

Keeping Donald Trump off the ballot in California is a completely different thing.

There’s nothing Constitutional about it but I can guarantee if that happens there will be a crisis.

For the Democrats.

Jason Kraus

Libs Need to be Progressive with Their Bigotry

While our National Guard was apparently being disarmed by the Mexican (Drug Cartels) military, the Democrats decided to focus on “environmentalism” by creating a Senate Caucus that will deal with “Race and Class”.

Let me help you Libs.

You are losing the race because you haven’t any class.

According to one of the Democratic Senators “Often times black and brown communities are the ones that suffer the biggest consequences of pollution.”

Whoa whoa whoa!

What is this black and brown stuff?

You Libs need to be Progressive with your bigotry.

African-American, Hispanic, or Latino are your 21st Century choices.

Why are there two different options of bigotry for the “brown” people?

I don’t know.

Maybe the Senate will create a Caucus and get us an answer to that.

In other action happening in Washington D. C. , a few voices SLOWLY are starting to ask whether or not Barack Obama was responsible for the spying on then Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Of course he was.

It can be a bit surreal to listen to talking heads finally start to discuss things that EVERYONE already knows.

Speaking of talking heads Cheekbones Warren has announced it is time to impeach Donald Trump…again.

The beer swilling “Cherokee” apparently doesn’t understand she has no authority during the Impeachment process.


Then again she thinks the United States is a Democracy.

Unsurprisingly so does Humanitarian Hamas Pelosi.

Who down with HHP!

Aunt Nancy the ultimate acronymic three letter virus.

How do Libs feed themselves?

With other People’s money!

Thank you. Thank you.  I’ll be here all week.

In other Dumb Lib News it appears Medicare will start to run out of money in about seven years.

I’m sure putting everyone on it will make it all better.

Due to the limited intellect of the Liberal let us explain this issue with song.

Hush little Libby don’t say a word, don’t bother with the truth, just follow the herd.

If that herd shifts to reverse, Medicare will be there, with your hearse.

Too late Libby, stop that wailing, Sarah was right, you should’ve listened to a Palin.

Okay enough singing. Let us continue in sotto voce to soften the blow to the Dims.

According to “scientists” (propaganda) “feedback loops will make climate change even worse.”

Let’s use the AOC translator to explain this further.

“It’s like you know, like, yeah, (hair flip) like, instead of like twelve years, like it’s like now six years, until we all like die.”

I cannot speak for all but in my opinion, in the case of Progressives, the sooner the better.

Six years is like way too long, dude.

Ya feel me.

Surely you do.

I do and don’t call me Shirley.

Of course Shirley is better than Kareem.

Speaking of worthless humans Bernie Gang Rape Sanders is leading the Democratic Party’s Presidential nominee process without actually being a Democrat.

This shouldn’t surprise anyone.  The Party of Criminality wants to count illegals as citizens in the next Census.

What’s one more comrade on the Hindenburg leading his flock back to their Schultzstaffel roots.

The Dims appear to enjoy the repetition of consonants.

The SS, the KKK, the CBC.

One can only imagine their stupidity with the addition of a vowel.

Jason Kraus

A Very Hilly Xmas

Every year at Christmas time I try to provide some levity with brevity and lessen the gravity, of our current political cranial cavity.

A situation that soon shall correct itself, without the help of Santa’s elves.

In the meantime let us borrow from Rudolph and Santa, and share a little Xmas banter.

A ditty that’s witty.

A song about the wrong, and I encourage you all, to carol along,

Or if you are so inclined, gather your mind and your behind, and record your time.

Singing a yule tide tune, that’s sure to make the Liberal loons, howl at the moon.

It’s only fair that we share, with the Progressive bunch,

They can at least entertain us once.

Without further ado or aplomb, I welcome one and all to sing, to hum, to bump the gums about the dumb bums until you’re numb on rum, or out of Tums and please enjoy… a very Hilly Xmas.

You know Nancy and Alex and Chuckie and Barry,

Billy and Willie and Louie and Harry,

But do you recall, the most famous traitor of all,

Bump ba da bump bump,

Hilly the red backed commie, couldn’t stand without a hand

(Like a Ginsburg)

Filled with so much hate and vodka

They picked her up and threw her in a van,

(Like a criminal)

All of the other Libbys, cowered and voted thrice in the booth,

They chose the red backed commie because they couldn’t handle the truth.

Like Jack Nicholson,

Then one shiny November day, the American people had enough,

They soared and roared and said no way,

And kicked the traitors in the duff. 

Bump ba da bump bump,

Then all the country was happy, as a red-haired man took the stage,

America dreamed of justice, and the red backed commie in a cage. 

Like a Weinstein.

Bump bump


Merry Christmas America, Happy New Year and have no fear.

2019 is near, a year in the Democratic mirror filled with jeers and leers and Hollywood tears giving Americans an opportunity to break out our gear!

So for one last time, in rhyme, dropping dimes, lemon-limes, I like most chimes,

I wish you a very Hilly Xmas with much hasten,


Kraus Jason

One bad apple

I used to think America was in trouble because of the crushing debt that was bestowed upon us by Clinton and Bush. Settle down Liberals. Clinton did indeed leave us with debt and a burgeoning housing crisis that made Warren Buffett wealthier. Barry Soetoro was then given the keys to the car and made them both look like amateurs by doubling the debt in eight years of Dope and Deranged.

Again Progressives settle down.

You can blame Bush all you like.

He is one of you and always will be. Michelle just loves herself some of the man who cost us the lives of thousands of our best and bravest because he couldn’t figure out the geographical difference between Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. 

Thanks W.

I’ve written about the Federal Reserve, our crumbling infrastructure, human trafficking through our open southern border and drug usage being problems that could eventually harm America to the point of no return. 

All of those things are certainly possible but after watching thirty-seconds of Cruella de Vil Pelosi and Uncle Tumor Schumer with President Trump, I came to the conclusion those aforementioned items are dwarfed by one thing. 

The Stupid Humans who voted for these imbeciles. 

Our collective problems lie in the fact that a majority of the voters WANT systemic oppression and regardless of proven data known as the truth, will continue to choose that type of existence. 

This isn’t new to human behavior. Let us peruse the world in which we live. 

Russians, Chinese and Indians have been living under oppression for as long as anyone can remember.  Africa is filled with humans who have no desire to try something new. The Middle East sans Israel continues to crank out people who fight over what some nutbag said centuries ago. 

So pray tell what is the solution? 

Better technology?

Possible but doubtful. 

The human condition seems to push through all new inventions and rear its ugly head. 

The condition of Good versus Evil and currently Evil is doing better than its historical norm. 

For any problem to be fixed, one first has to identify the issue.

The issue is US. 

There will always be bullies, punks and even dictators. 

Although most humans simply want to get “along” it only takes one bad apple to ruin the barrel or turn over the cart. 

When those “apples” aren’t removed or dealt with their rot spreads much faster than most realize.

Is it as easy as removing bad apples one at a time?

Yes it is although war, in its slash and burn mentality, seems to be the way that these things “work themselves out”. 

In today’s America we have a culmination of barrels, carts, and bad apples strewn all over the country. 

We weren’t willing to remove the individual rotten fruit and even validated its presence over the years with “legislation,” “executive orders” and “judicial review”. 

None of this matters anymore.

The Great Experiment has devolved into humans at our highest positions referencing skunk urine and our media bringing up “butt boys”.

If we are a measurement of our “leaders” then we deserve what is coming.

Fortunately WE are not. 

The solution is simple. 

WE all know what needs to occur. 

With that knowledge and personal preparation, we must allow any doubt or consternation, to evaporate. 

Let those who choose neither carry the burden of fear. 

We choose freedom, passion and pride in our country, in our beliefs, in our way of life. 

In doing so we guarantee, in the case of these United States, the pride will not goeth, as there will be no fall. 

A mouthpiece on Yahoo stated that Donald Trump is in trouble and no longer has a defense. 

Oh he has a defense. 

Unleash the American Lion Mr. President and let the reckoning begin. 

Jason Kraus

We Gather

Over the years many comments and questions have been sent my way.  I’ve done my best to answer as many as possible. The overriding theme of Americans across this great country has been simple.

What can we do and when can we do it?

What can we do to stop the corruption found at all levels of government when it is so pervasive?

We gather.

When can we do it?


The concept known as Three Percent is easy to understand and explain. Only three percent of the population has reportedly ever engaged in actual combat to protect, support, or defend these United States.

Most humans living on planet Earth are very comfortable living under Oppression.

China, India, Russia, most of the Middle East, and Africa make up billions of humans who are willing to live at the hand, and under the thumb, of other humans.

They’ve been doing this for centuries.

It isn’t about to change anytime soon.

Tens of millions of humans living in America are also very comfortable living this way.

This isn’t about to change anytime soon either.

The one thing we do know about those who will live under the culture of Oppression is that they will believe whatever they are told to believe, do whatever they are told to do.

Hard work, personal responsibility, and ethics do not exist under the culture of Oppression.

Nor does courage.

Those with these characteristics would rather fight and die than cower to other humans.

We know this because the human known as American has proven this year after year, decade after decade, century after century.

This culture is known as Freedom and fortunately it doesn’t take a large group to ensure it survives and thrives.

In fact it doesn’t need millions or even hundreds of thousands.

As I’ve stated before 10,000 strong will do it.

The rest of the population will do whatever they are told, willing to take the “easiest” way out.

They will never challenge courage or corruption.

They can’t even be bothered to vote, and those that do, vote without knowledge.

Our problem right now is a few hundred politicians, judges, and high ranking appointees.

That’s it.

Cut the head off of the snake, and as the dead carcass flops to the ground, watch tens of millions immediately decide, the “easy” way is to follow the Rule of Law.

Freedom isn’t complicated.

We need to stop bothering with the sheep.

Shepherds exterminate the wolves.

Very few humans actually live lives that matter.

Be one of the few.

Gather you brave souls, secure in the fact that you are not alone.

Gather in twos and threes, fives and tens, tens and twenties.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

They comfort me too.

No hashtag required.

Jason Kraus

Hammers Required

My life has always been pretty simple in regards to those who like to run their mouths or give me unsolicited advice.

When something is said that I don’t like I tell the person to stop.

If they do it again I invite them to deal with this issue in a nonverbal way.

Most of the time as a child, adolescent, or an adult the idiots stop running their mouths.

Now this is not to say there haven’t been times when something was said that I didn’t catch right away or it just took me a little while to get angry.

On this issue I have no doubt EVERYONE knows what I am referring to.  That stupid comment some relative, friend, or co-worker said that you stewed on the rest of the day and sometimes even longer.

I don’t “stew” very well.

Never have.

If there is something you’ve said or done that irritated me I will deal with you as quickly as I can and purge you from my life.

Whether you like the way I deal with you, or not, is irrelevant.

Your mouth is causing you your problems, not me.

Sounds like you think you are some kind of tough guy Jason?

I’m not Pat Miletich but who is.

I have a brother from another mother with a nickname of Caveman who has been reminding me in person for a few years that I’m not even the toughest guy in the Rocklin, CA area but aside from UFC Hall of Famers or wrestling/grappling/jiu jitsu physical freaks of nature with nicknames like Caveman, I’ll be your Huckleberry.

That’s just my game.

Again this is the way I was raised and most Americans understand what I am saying but sadly things have changed dramatically in these United States.

The concept of live and let live coupled with turn the other cheek has created tens of millions of humans who believe they can say or do anything they want from their “safe spaces” without repercussion.

These safe spaces used to be their cars.

The problem these days are the cowards have graduated from their cars and onto the internet.

I cannot tell you how many “keyboard warriors” I’ve dealt with over the years.

I’ve heard it all.  If you can think it I have read it.

Now I put my columns up for FREE.  If you don’t like something you’ve read move on.

You may as well.

I just delete your comment and you from the page.

I read items on social media all the time that are lies, half-truths, or just wrong but I don’t comment negatively on these things.

On the net?

What’s the point?

I have a life.

In person I will gladly engage in providing knowledge to the ignorant.  If they don’t like it they can walk away or if they have enough courage take it to the next level.

Not once have I had someone attempt to do so in person.

Not once.

Maybe it’s because of my big smile.

I doubt it.

On the internet though it’s any entirely different world.

I’ve had people call me things that even in my most angered state have never come out of my mouth.  One time a rather disturbed soul said such vile things to me I told him, “I am easy to find. That is my name and my picture.  But when you coming looking pack two lunches.  I’m going to eat the first one and feed you the second.”

His response:  “You’re crazy.”

Lucky for him I’m not.  These weasels think they are safe behind their computer screens.

Finding them isn’t hard at all.

I didn’t bother to respond.

As stated earlier I’ve been called anything and everything and I am just one guy with a website and a decent presence on Facebook.

Imagine what Donald Trump goes through on a daily basis.

He’s been called a Nazi, a rapist, a child molester, and a traitor.

His wife and children have been attacked.

Twenty-four hours a day seven days a week hate is spewed at him on the Internet, television, and radio.

Well he’s President Jason.  He’s going to have to turn the other cheek.


Not anymore.

That’s how we got here in the first place.

We are out of cheeks.

We are out of turns.

Actually THEY are out of turns.

It’s OUR turn as in it’s OUR country.

Liberals have taken advantage of our “kindness” and now believe we are weak.

I don’t care what Donald Trump tweets, states, or yells, I will back him every step of the way.

It’s time to choose sides.


If the House actually puts his impeachment on the floor or somehow the 25th Amendment is attempted (which still goes to the House)  I will be on my way back to Washington D.C.

I won’t be alone.

That is our line in the sand and if this is attempted we must ensure it is not successful.


Many have asked over the years what will it take for Americans to rise up?  Who will make the call?

Any attempt at Trump’s impeachment is what it will take for me and although I will make the call right here I doubt I will be the only one.

Regardless it will be made.

We are coming off the 4th of July Weekend.

The Birthday of The United States.

The Declared Independence of Americans.

From this day forward let it be known that in order for a house to stand the nails must be driven purely, forcefully, and literally into the structure.

There are nails aplenty.

Hammers required.

Lunch will be provided.


Jason Kraus

Happy Birthday to the Red White and Blue

Born in Southern California every 4th of July celebration I can remember was pretty much the same.  Playing in the neighborhood all day while stopping to eat a wide variety of foods usually only available on holidays.  I’m sure some type of large firework show took place but I don’t really remember them.  I do remember Whistling Petes, Black Snakes, and Sparklers.  The acrid smell of smoke and burnt vegetation as a Spinning Flower once bounced off a street curb and into one of our neighbor’s ivy.

That left a mark.

It wasn’t too long after that my family moved to Trinity County.

Northern California.

Even back then things were different.

The hub of Trinity County was and is a town called Weaverville.  Those of you who’ve read Late Bird I’m sure recognize the name.

Weaverville is surrounded by little mill towns that hold anywhere from thirty to one hundred people each.

Certainly not sprawling metropolises.  Probably more coyotes than people and without a doubt more snakes and scorpions.

I sometimes laugh when I hear “snakes are more scared of you than you are of them.”

They should be.  We have a corpus callosum and opposable thumbs.

At least those of us who voted for Trump.

In Weaverville the 4th of July was an event because the citizens and community leaders loved the United States.

Flags and bunting decorated the town.

Red, white, and blue hats, shirts, and bandanas were found everywhere.

Veterans were shown respect because of their courage to serve, protect, and defend.

The same type of courage found more than two hundred years ago.

The courage of men and women who if caught would be hung as traitors to the Crown.

The term American back then was whispered by many as it could get you beaten, robbed, or killed by the English or those loyal to the King.

American heroes like Francis Marion known as the Swamp Fox and John Paul (I have not yet begun to fight) Jones engaged in the battle on land and sea and American legends like Nathan Hale were created when unmeasurable courage met an unbreakable noose.

In the name of the United States.

In the name of Freedom.

Fireworks are a large part of most 4th of July celebrations.  Many ooh and aah at them.  I have done so as well.  We are gifted with their visual beauty because nothing horrific follows the streaking of light through the sky followed by a large explosion.

“And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.”

The flag was still there but many Americans were not and would never see the Stars and Stripes ever again because “Don’t tread on me” actually meant DON’T TREAD ON ME.

I hope each and every one of you enjoy your 4th of July celebrations.

My point of this article is to continue the knowledge, lessons, and stories that were given to me by my parents, teachers, and books.

That before we partake in the ice cream, hot dogs, and apple pie we pause for a moment or two to appreciate those who made it possible that we see fireworks as a beautiful sight because we don’t live in a war zone.

That before we run off to the lake to barbecue and swim that we say thank you to the Big Fella Upstairs for whom this nation was found under.

That before the carnivals start, the cotton candy sticks to too many little faces, that before the rockets red glare, we understand the ultimate truth.

Freedom isn’t Free.

Jason Kraus

Thank you Dad

In this day and age the verbiage used in everyday discussion is neglect and void.

Neglect of substance.

Void of humility.

Too many are self-proclaimed “geniuses” or “experts” or the “greatest of all time”.

Lost souls referring to themselves as God, Jesus, or followers of Bernie Sanders .

Oy vey.

It appears the axiom “there are no new thoughts, only those new to thinking” is right as the rain.

Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.

I have never had much usage for overindulgent vernacular, nor found those who needed it, to be of any use at all.

I’ve always believed in action rather than blather.

In right over wrong.

Truth over lies.

Good over evil.

In fact Good is the ultimate prize to my way of thinking.

We have millions of written documents but only one is referenced as the Good Book.

Good morning, good afternoon, and good night set the tone and temperance for a quality 24 hour period.

“Good morning America how are ya?”

This would be a very difficult answer for me to give in these current times if not for one thing.

I was raised by a GOOD man.

I was raised by a man whom I watched work three jobs to make sure our family was fed.

I was raised by a man who never once complained while he drove a tractor trailer for almost a year on a broken leg to make sure his family had a roof over our head.

I was raised by a man who told me I could do anything I wanted in this world, and because I could, I had the responsibility to do it, whatever it was, to the best of my ability.

“When someone gives you a job you give them more than they expect.  Be grateful.  They could have given that job to someone else.”

I was raised by a man who told me to never look for trouble but if it found you to hit first and hit hard.  “There are no winners in a fight but there will definitely be a loser.  You don’t want that to be you.”

Amen Dad.  Amen.

To be raised by a Good man isn’t always an easy thing.  There are expectations, requirements, and rules. There is right and wrong and when you are raised by a Good man you better be right and more importantly you better not be wrong.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.

When one is raised by a Good man fear is a very real thing.

Fear of ever letting him down.

I hope while you are reading this Dad you smile and nod and understand how loved you are.  Because of you I understand the definition of unconditional.

It’s easy to write things about Good men but I know this particular man will find them uncomfortable to read as with all Good men he is filled with grace, substance and humility.

Good Works over glad handling.

Peace over Pride and always at the front.

A Good man always fights the good fight because Good men must and a good fight is happening as I write this now.

To the man who left me a bear claw on my pillow on my fifth birthday.  You raised me to stand and fight and I stand with you.  We fight Dad and we win.

Just a few more weeks Hero and we will be victorious.

A good man can.

A good man must.

A good man will.

Happy Father’s Day Dad.

Thanks for being a Good Man.


Your son.

To be an American moral choices must be made

As always there is a lot going on in the world.  Information and misinformation flows continuously.  The days of taking anything at face value are long gone.  I’ve received many questions from concerned Americans about what is happening to our country and what they can do to stop this runaway train.  Of course voting properly is the key but as we’ve all seen even doing this still doesn’t guarantee the correct decisions will be made.

Paul Ryan is the perfect example.

Yet here we are.  More questions than answers or answers that are incorrect, false, or outright lies.

How do we change this dynamic?

First we must understand our own needs.

For the most part water, food, and shelter is being fulfilled in these United States.

Security has slowly been weakening over the last three decades and is the primary reason Donald Trump was elected.

Still the reason we are having so much pain right now is the wildly damaging ways we are attempting to meet our need to belong.

For decades American children have been told such things as oral sex isn’t sex, marijuana isn’t bad for you or is the same as drinking beer or wine, debt and deficits don’t matter, food is comfort, and certain crimes are acceptable.

Think about that as a lifestyle.

Sex, drugs, debt, criminality, and EBT cards.

Sounds like the Democratic Party.

Food is energy.  It isn’t comfort or love.  Love is the giving to others without expectation.

Hammering down a box of donuts isn’t love…or comfortable.

Talking about physical fitness and nutrition is now body shaming.

Type-Two Diabetes is now thought of as actual Diabetes.

It isn’t.

Diversity is no longer a responsible economic plan but rather synonymous with color of skin.

Bernie Sanders has become the voice of the millennials.

Black masks, black clothing, hijabs, and suppressing speech is now the measurement of fighting the “man”.

We wonder why the kids don’t want to talk to anyone anymore.

Energy is a physical thing.  It can be touched, used, and measured.

Your energy, and how much you have, depends upon your diet, amount of exercise, and your understanding of anatomy, specifically your own body.

All of this information is widely known and available at our fingertips.

What we do with it is the key.

“Government” isn’t our friend.  It never has been and never will be.

Until humans evolve into the process of “being” government will “be” a “necessary evil”.

Today’s government, especially in States like California and New York are no longer necessary yet are still evil.

La Raza, CAIR, and support for Hamas are all examples.

Sadly too many in these States do not recognize these names.

The hate, control, misogyny, bigotry and financial oppression raining down on American citizens in these States must be stopped.

Those who continue down the path of debt, drug usage, and obesity are now being hit with the reality of “only living once” as they are physically suffering and are clawing and screaming for things like medical care that they were unwilling to earn, causing others who have, to suffer by too many trying to live off systems, they never paid into.

What do we do?

We must understand the power of the Individual.  Your life is exactly what you make of it.  Each breath, each step, each word uttered must be put forward in service or in search of Freedom.

Only you can provide this.

The opportunity to do so has been granted by the generations before us.

We are Americans.

We must push forward to ensure that being an American always means more in America than it does around the world.

Freedom is a choice.

Choose wisely.

Your future, or whether you will have one, depends on it.

Jason Kraus

We can’t be Kind-Of-Free

It was the early nineties and some of my teammates and I were in a van riding to a baseball game in Southern California.  I don’t remember how the conversation began but one of my teammates started in about no longer being black but rather an African-American. This was the new verbiage being introduced reportedly by Jesse Jackson. I liked my teammate. He was kind of a quiet person (my kind of guy) who also happened to not play very much.  I always felt for the guys who didn’t play much.  It wasn’t like they didn’t want to be out there but this was college athletics not Little League.  The best play because most coaches need to win to keep their jobs.

I listened until he finished and then told him he was wrong.  As stated earlier I liked my teammate.  This wasn’t one of those yelling at each other conversations but I had facts (or so I thought) and I stated them clearly.

I had taken an anthropology class and in the class we had been taught that there were three types of humans.

Caucasoids, Mongoloids, and Negroids, not black, white, brown, or African-American.

I’d been given just enough information to sound as though I knew what I was talking about.

In today’s world this is called “education” and as we know “education” and knowledge are two different things.

We are Homo sapiens.

Colloquially known as humans.

This doesn’t change regardless of the color of our skin, the size of our skulls, one’s like or dislike of certain foods, or our ability or inability to dance.

Races created because of sociological or “social construct theory” is pure propaganda otherwise Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner and Rachel Dolezal would both have created different “races”.

The conversation ended with my “facts”.  I truly believed everything I was saying (I’d been “educated”) and when you are using verbiage that others aren’t familiar with (cue Bernie Sanders followers) it’s pretty easy to sound as though you are right.  Furthermore I knew (on this I was correct) that African-American was not a new type of human, or a nationality, as there was no nation called the United States of Africa-America.

As college aged adults my teammate and I were both introduced to skin color bigotry.

Mine came from those who called themselves Professor.

His came from someone who called himself Reverend.

Is it any wonder most of have zero respect for many of our elders?

Whether it’s too many in the Catholic Church covering up sexual abuse (still happening), thousands of physicians medicating hang nails (still happening), or most of our politicians lying about EVERYTHING (still happening) the concept of fact, truth, respect, and ethics has disappeared a long time ago.

I digress.

As stated earlier my teammate and I were both given false verbiage based on the color of a human’s skin.  Sadly this has only gotten worse.


Of course.

How about Latino?  When asked what a Latino is, you will hear it all, including it is a “culture”.

What do you mean by culture?

Many will answer, “It’s the language spoken, the food, the music, etc.  The “culture”.”

Okay, so then Latinos would speak Latin right?

“Uh no…they speak Spanish,” is the usual response.

Then why are they called Latinos?

This is usually followed by a blank stare or “they come from Latin America,” with an eye roll.

You mean Central America?  What about South America? What about Mexico?

Return of blank stare.

Let’s come back to that one.  How about this?  Are Brazilians Latino?

“Yes. Brazilians are Latino,” they answer emphatically.

You know Brazilians speak predominately Portuguese?

“Uh…no I didn’t know that.”

You also mentioned food.  What exactly do you mean by that?

“You know, beans, rice, salsa, guacamole, hispanic food.” (Incredibly these conversations happen every day.  In fact every single one of us has heard a version of it over the airwaves in America. Taco Bell tells us repeatedly to “Make a run for the border”)

I like and consume all of those things.  If I eat them am I a Latino?


What if I eat all of those things and speak Spanish am I now a Latino?


Why not?

“Because you are white.”

There we have it.

The term Latino is skin color bigotry.

It means brown skin (La Raza) and for those of you who are a bit skeptical, this type of conversation happens every day in homes, businesses, on busses, and most commonly on-line.  We hear it about hair straightening, rap lyrics, or the media trying to feed us that the “Chinese people are boiling mad because one of their own was dragged off of a plane”.

The individual dragged off the United plane was reportedly from Vietnam but I guess “they all look the same” to the press.

Hence the term Asian-American.

More skin color bigotry and completely false as there is no nation called the United States of Asia-America.

Everything I just stated is completely true but because too many Americans are infested with another form of skin color bigotry known as “White Guilt” (yes this is actually a title of a book) the United States is not only struggling as a country but as a People as well.

As Americans.

As Humans attempting to Be.

Skin color has nothing to do with success or failure regardless of your personal opinion.  If this were true humans would group themselves by their own skin color and live happily ever after.

Both of these issues are based on behavior, not the evolutionary process of proximity to the sun over tens if not hundreds of thousands of years, but it takes a willingness to embrace the truth to stop all this ridiculousness.


Something that will not happen as long as we continue to hyphenate these United States.

If after all this you still choose to put African, Asian, Irish, Mexican, or Guatemalan before American I STRONGLY suggest you search out those continents or countries and live there.

This is a FREE society, as in you are FREE to leave, at any time.

Your presence isn’t required or needed.

If after all this, skin color is your primary issue, I STRONGLY suggest you search out countries with humans whom you believe look like you.

Regardless of your color there are lots of options.

Your Constitutional Rights will disappear, protection by the most powerful military in the world will hasten to exist, a job might be hard to come by and water might be scarce but the color of your skin won’t matter anymore.  Your life won’t get better because of it, as it is behavior that will still dictate this, but OUR lives in America will benefit, as your behavior, is removed.

If after all this you still choose to put Islam or Muslim in front of American I STRONGLY suggest you search out those countries that practice Sunni or Shiite Islam and are ruled by Sharia.  Your life will get dramatically worse as living under systemic oppression always has that effect but you can remove the American completely along with many of your “rights” as men, most of your “rights” as women and all of your Constitutional Rights as an American.

Finally if you choose to put Hispanic or Latino in front of American I STRONGLY suggest you stop as neither of these places are in existence.

Jesse Jackson is a bonafide moron to assume that only humans with black skin live on the continent of Africa but at least Africa can be found on a map.

The usage of Hispanic and Latino might be worse for those who use them, as they are both fictional labels created by hateful souls, whom have brainwashed too many humans, who are simply looking to meet their need to belong.

One last thought.  There’s no such thing as Native-American.

They’re called Chippewa, Seminole, Kickapoo, Apache, or wait for it…AMERICAN.

Hyphens are suppose to connect words, to bring ideas together, and by doing so, strengthen the concept.

They aren’t meant to be used to push the agenda of one by negating the other.

We can’t be Kind-Of-Free.

We are free or we are not.

We are Americans or we are not.

Freedom First.  Freedom Only.

America First.


Jason Kraus