Knowledge is Power

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

For those with knowledge this statement is referred to as the 2nd Amendment.

For those with an “education” this statement is referred to as the reason “humans keep killing each other”.

Our educational system is in a sad state of affairs.

I don’t blame the children.  They are just repeating what they are being told.

So listen up kids. I’m going to provide factual information that you will need to absorb and apply so you can stop being “educated” and start being knowledgeable.

I will do this all by explaining the usage of the comma.

According to, a comma is defined as “a mark of punctuation used for indicating a division in sentence.”

A division in a sentence.

A well regulated Militia COMMA

being necessary to the security of a free State COMMA

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms COMMA

shall not be infringed PERIOD

Now in today’s world where men can be women and women can be men, simply by verbally stating this desire, I am not surprised that many in America will argue, conflate, and even falsify their explanations of the 2nd Amendment.

This is why we as Individuals must understand EXACTLY what our Rights are as Americans.

Specifically the 2nd Amendment, as it is the greatest insurance policy, known to Man.

It is very clear to those who can read that the writers of this incredible statement meant for every Individual Citizen in America to have the Right to have a GUN.  The usage of the terms Arms allows for other types of weapons but the “musket” was the primary weapon at the time.

The usage of the term Arms also shows the forward thinking of the writers as they knew the possibility of technology could bring even stronger weapons and didn’t want to pigeon-hole the American Citizen to only one choice (the Gun) while “Government” could have anything they like.

Their forethought was quite incredible to say the least.

With that said let us put the 2nd Amendment in the context of today’s readers as to lessen the confusion.

A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State AND the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

The Right of the People to bear Arms and the Right to assemble as a well regulated Militia are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS and both SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED upon.

Finally a regulation I can get behind.

In order for Americans to keep their government under control they each have the Right to bear Arms and in order to secure a free State (country) we need to join together.

The 2nd Amendment does come with a choice and that choice isn’t whether we can Arm ourselves.

It’s whether we will.

Owning a gun(s) is a Right and as we know Rights are only as strong as those willing to protect them.

The Framers were correct. A well regulated Militia is necessary to be free and that Militia is made up of Americans bearing Arms, guaranteeing that the greatest experiment of Freedom to have ever existed, never goes quietly into the night.

It roars, standing shoulder to shoulder, one voice at a time providing the world with that ever of American messages.

Not on my watch or in today’s vernacular.

Lock and Load.

No comma required.

Jason Kraus

Being an American is an Individual experience.

As stated many times over the last few years I’ve stopped watching or listening to most “news” networks.  Beside the fact that they rarely report anything new, the propaganda is over the top.  When I do tune in I have become numb to verbiage like “racist” or “bigot” or “nazi”.

My pulse doesn’t jump, my heart doesn’t race.  I simply yawn and turn the channel. There is one phrase though, or its derivative, that drives me nuts and I hear it constantly from “educated” mouthpieces.

“We are a Democracy.”

“We are losing our Democracy”.

“Our Democracy is under attack.”

I’ve even heard this stated by REPUBLICAN politicians.

Now this isn’t a new phenomenon nor is it something I haven’t addressed many times in the past.

I have, but let me say it again for all the “educators, teachers, media chatter boxes, etc”.

The United States of America is NOT a Democracy.

Never has been, never will be.

Even if America repeats our history and succumbs to another War Between the States (nothing civil about war) we still will not be a Democracy.

I’m not sure what we will be after that but I can guarantee it won’t be a Democracy.

Democracy is the fourth option in a sliding slope known as Socratic Theory.

Not Socratic Method.

Socratic Theory.

Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, Tyranny.

Due to time constraints, I’m not going to walk, through them all.  For those who want a more in depth understanding of this please go to our website and find the column titled Article 4, Section 4.

It explains in depth why we are not a Democracy.  It also explains what we are.

A Constitutional Republic.

Of course in today’s society we have the “academicians” and the “experts”.

The “historians” and the heretics who drone on and on parsing words, conflating issues and many times simply lying.

We don’t do that here.

Here, we believe communication is found in clear, concise and truthful statements.

Purity is found in simplicity.

There are, right and wrong answers, in life.

Good and Evil, both do indeed, exist.

The moral American doesn’t live under Fifty Shades of Grey.

To put it simply Democracy is the last stop before Tyranny.

It’s not my theory.

Argue with Socrates and Plato.

Men like James Madison and Alexander Hamilton did not want Democracy so they took some of its positives and created a completely new system we now refer to as a Constitutional Republic.

This system is completely removed from Democracy.

It’s easy to understand.  It’s quite simple.

Democracy allows the “majority” of the group to dictate to the “minority”.

The idea of a Republic was to guarantee certain Freedoms, to the Individual, regardless of who or whom was in the “majority”.

At the time these Freedoms were referred to as Rights, and they were documented in written form on parchment and referred to as the Constitution of the United States.

There’d never been anything quite like it in history, or anything, since.

The Magna Carta was used as a reference point, but just like Democracy, was a completely different system than the Republic now known as the United States of America.

The protection of the Individual known as American, guaranteed very specific Rights, to ensure the opportunity of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness found in the former Declaration, heard around the world.

These concepts and written absolutes resonated across the globe because at their core they tell us what we inherently know.

They reaffirmed the thoughts of Adam Smith.

Life is an Individual experience.

It is, has, and always will be.

Democracy was the rotting molding fruit, found on the ground, and turned into a 1st Amendment fine wine.

Those lucky enough to drink from the cup of Freedom realized that first found fruit came from ever fertile ground gifted by a greater hand than their own.

The hand that granted Free Will also granted the ability to understand the difference between  Freedom and Oppression.

The difference between the Individual and the Group.

The difference between guaranteed Rights and the drunken swaying back and forth of the Majority.

Still, the United States Constitution is only as strong as those Individuals who require it be enforced.

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Our country is asking.

It’s time to give her an answer.

Jason Kraus

Leveraging the military for “safe spaces”

I haven’t written about debt in a while, but due to the Liberal teeth gnashing, or whatever Nancy Pelosi was doing at the State Of The Union, I thought it pertinent to cover this subject one more time.

According to reports, the United States of America’s public and private sectors are now leveraged to the gills.

Never in our history has more debt been accrued.

A generation of politicians, and many of their electorate, famously called the Me Generation, decided they would “live for the now” and boy have they.

As if this wasn’t atrocious enough many passed this carcinomic gene to their children and their children’s children.

The generation known as Millenial, is in debt trillions of dollars, to the Federal Government because “everyone needed to go to college”.

The last twenty years of mainstream university education has not only been a waste of money but also antithetical to the culture of Freedom.

The kids were “educated” (see indoctrination) on many subjects and it appears too many of them still haven’t grasped reality.

Most of their professors were worthless and so are their degrees.

“Higher Education” is filled with drunkards, junkies, bigots, and pill popping Anti-American “teachers” who have called for the fall of these United States.

I know this personally as a professor of mine talked about “overthrowing the government”.

This was in the Nineties.

As if that wasn’t bad enough (and it is) they are also castigating and belittling the military.

This brings us back to the debt.

How is that Jason you may ask.

The reason the United States is able to “borrow” or “print” money is due to the fact that the U.S. Dollar is the Reserve Currency for the planet.

What this means in layman’s terms is our Dollar is accepted anywhere and everywhere in the world.

This gives us incredible power (that our politicians have used incredibly poorly) to virtually buy things and “promise to pay for them later”.

In one word…debt.

We have now done so for multiple generations and there appears to be no end in sight to the theory of YOLO or You Only Live Once.

Smoke, snort, and sleep with whomever.  You might be gone tomorrow.

No rainy day funds, no pride of ownership, no more saving your money earned from hard days at work.

Just get it on credit.

You want it?

You got it!

One thousand dollar cell phones?

No problem.

Sixty thousand dollar vehicles?

Get two.

Half a million dollar homes?

Just keepin’ up with the Joneses.

Of course all of this comes with a cost.

Newtonian Law is still in effect.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and most people aren’t going to enjoy the opposite reaction.

All of this borrowing must be guaranteed by something.

It isn’t gold is it Jason?

No it is not.

It can’t be the paper it’s printed on is it Jason?

No that combination of ink and cottonesque fibers carries no intrinsic or extrinsic value.

So what is it Jason?

Pay attention all you wine guzzling, pill popping, six dollar mocha frappachino drinking Liberals because I’m only going to say this once.

The United States Dollar, and your current lifestyle, is backed by one thing and one thing only and that thing is the biggest baddest military the world has ever seen.

That’s why when this debt “bubble” finally bursts all programs, including Social Security and Medicare, will be cut to the bone long before the military to ensure the stabilization of the Dollar.

Without the military we aren’t the reserve currency for the planet.

Without being the reserve currency the United States Government is flat broke.

Wake up Liberals before it’s too late.

Money talks while Progressives squawk on about DACA.

You can’t afford to keep the illegals and it won’t be too much longer before enough Americans realize we can’t afford to keep you.

By the way the next time you self-proclaimed “Progressives” see a nineteen or twenty year old walking through the airport dressed in fatigues and boots with an American Flag on their arm go up and shake their hand and say thank you.

They’re the only reason you are still alive and not struggling to learn Mandarin.

Jason Kraus

Hello America…it appears it’s…well past…time

Last Monday night I was driving home spinning the dial on the radio.  As I’ve mentioned in the past I don’t normally bother with the sports talk shows.

Didn’t want to listen to how many Eagles weren’t going to the White House.

I didn’t bother with the news networks either.

Didn’t want to listen to the end of the world because of the stock sell off.

I flipped to a music station that played 80’s country music.

In some ways the 80’s seem like yesterday.  In others it’s pretty clear “things, they are a changing”.

A strong voice accompanied, but not drowned out by instruments, with excellent harmonizing, rang through my speakers.

“Hello Detroit Auto workers let them thank you for your time. You work a 40 hour week for a living…just to send it on down the line.”

My head started slowly to nod as the very familiar lyrics from Alabama continued.

“Hello Pittsburgh Steel Mill Workers let me thank you for your time. You work a 40 hour week for a living…just to send it on down the line.”

A small smile crept onto my face as I pushed the gas pedal down with a little more force.  I love positive songs about America.

“Hello Kansas Wheat Field Farmers let me thank you for your time. You work a 40 hour week for a living…just to send it on down the line.”

I sang along, “Just to send it on down the line”.

Everybody doing their part.

Grinding through.

All work has value.

Showing appreciation for our fellow citizens, our fellow brothers and sisters.

Our fellow Americans.

“Hello West Virginia Coal Miners let me thank you for your time. You work a 40 hour week for a living…just to send it on down the line.”

“This is for the one who drives the big rig…up and down the road…or the one out in the warehouse…bringing in the load…or the waitress…the mechanic…the policeman on patrol…for everyone who works behind the scenes…”

“With a spirit you can’t replace with no machine
Hello America…let me thank you…for your time…”

Fast forward to 2018.

Detroit is now bankrupt and more famous for murder than Mercurys, for felonies than Fords.

Pittsburgh still has the Steelers but they can only be seen AFTER The Star Spangled Banner has been played and they come out of hiding.

If one is to believe the media the State of Kansas is now the home of the Klan, Nazis, and every horrible white person on the planet.

Finally in West Virginia the Liberal/RINO machine has worked together to crush the coal miners and replaced them with opioid addictions that arrive through our wide open southern border.

Amazing what a Generation of politicians can do.

In less than 40 years the Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll generation has legitimized marijuana, stacked upon us crushing debt, and is so confused about “sex” they aren’t even sure what gender they are anymore.

The FBI, IRS, DOJ, and every other letter of the government alphabet is beyond corrupt and according to reports Obama knew about it every step of the way.

Forgive me.  I’m being kind.

Obama “organized” it all from Lerner to Fast and Furious to helicopter cash drops to Iran to targeting Donald Trump.

Hello America…it appears it’s…well past…time.

Jason Kraus

Enforce The Law. No Amnesty. Build The Wall.

Last Tuesday as Congress settled in to receive a Constitutionally bound message from the Commander-in-chief I noticed the Democrats were all dressed in black.

Was this “cultural appropriation” or just “racism”?

One has to laugh at the Stupid Humans.

In the middle of all of this the Black Caucus was found sitting tightly together.

Segregation anyone?

As if this play on “color” wasn’t enough the Lib media attacked the First Lady for wearing an all white outfit.  One could only imagine how “triggered” they would have become had her clothes been made out of cotton.

One comment was made that they hoped this outfit showed that she was “woke”.

For those of you who do not speak Imbecilic Progressivism “woke” is the term they like to use to show their level of enlightenment.

Not awake or even awoken.

Straight up “woke” from the shnizzles.

Don’t you just love Common Core.

Ebonics has come a long way.

I digress.

President Trump’s speech was well done and I appreciate his speech writer(s) talent.

I also enjoy the President when he simply speaks off the cuff.

The combination of the two is like mixing water and wine.

It takes out some of the kick but makes it easier to drive.

Many will disagree but I prefer Trump straight from the bottle and this is from somebody who doesn’t drink.

Humor aside it appears Americans gave the State of the Union a thumbs up while Liberals continued to ram theirs in their mouths.

One Democratic politician was reportedly playing a game on their cell phone as the State of the Union was unfolding.

I’m pretty sure this was Fake News.  We all know Democrats don’t have opposable thumbs.

As the week continued we had Liberals attacking each other on a show called Morning Joe.  I don’t personally tune in as that show needs less Morning Joe and more Joe the Plumber.

Nothing quite like backed up Progressives.  I’ll bet they have Proctologists on speed dial.

Finally on Friday the “memo” was released and referred to as “circular reporting”.

Otherwise known as Wagging the Dog.

Of course none of this was news to those of us with a corpus callosum but it still made for great ratings for the cable networks.

As the prompter readers drooled all over themselves and worked in dramatic pauses, panicked squawks about the markets, and commercial breaks, we were provided with even more proof that the Democratic Party is the greatest danger to the survival of America.


Not North Korea.

Not Russia.

Not even China…yet.

The most Anti-American Institution in the world is the Democratic Party found in these United States.

They are members or supporters of La Raza, CAIR, Black Lives Matter, The Nation of Islam, Hamas, and Harvey Weinstein.

Through back door channels, and helicopter drops, they have literally funded Iran.

They actually think Hamas is a Humanitarian organization.

These are terrorist outfits that hate the U.S.A.

Yet for some reason we continue to hear about a deal, that will offer millions of humans who support these groups, Amnesty.

That would be like finally getting the drunk in the tank, to then turn around and invite 20 of his friends and family over, while dropping a keg in the cell, and leaving the door wide open.

Nobody with opposable thumbs would do this.

Besides I thought it was the policy of the United States to NOT negotiate with terrorists.

Then again what do I know.

According to recent reports several DACA recipients (“poor children who were brought here through no fault of their own”) were arrested for trafficking in SLAVERY .

Not only did these “poor kids” live off the American tax payer for decades but they decided the best way to pay us back was to mule in more of their brethren for a profit.

What country, state, city, or neighborhood doesn’t need more of this?

As we all know the Democratic Politicians make up the Evil Party and the Republican Politicians make up the Cowardly Party, but are the Republicans so stupid that they will do another Reagan Deal when only one side of that deal was ever enforced?

Why are they even bothering to ask for funds?

The deal in 1986 gave us everything we need to BUILD THE WALL.

Cash that check NOW and back up the concrete trucks.

Those are shovel ready jobs.

Of course liars lie and cheaters cheat.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Even Tom Hanks knows this and that’s saying something.

Still with all the drama, memos, and hashtags floating around it seems pertinent that we stay focused and continue to focus OUR President on exactly why he was elected.

“I will build a great big wall.”

We believed you.

Get er done.

Jason Kraus

10000 Strong

I don’t watch the news too much anymore.

I don’t consider murders in Chicago, illegals protesting, or deleted emails/text messages to be “new”.

Anybody “surprised” that Obama was/is a friend of Louis Farrakhan just shows how out of touch some people really are.

The man called for the killing of all White People in the United States.

Barry didn’t say a word.

Now we hear about a “#secret society” within the government.


Secret to who?

Those with knowledge have known about this corruption for quite a while.

Recently I heard someone proclaim to be tired of hashtags.


Of course the new hashtag is in reference to “releasing the memo”.

A memo reportedly seen by more than 200 members of Congress.

Not surprisingly none of them seem to have more intestinal fortitude than a Dianne Feinstein cold.

The media and the cowards in D.C. are frothing over a memo that if/when released will only be “news” to Rip Van Liberal.

Our government is corrupt at all levels.



As I’ve watched this ridiculousness play out over the years it was my contention that eventually American Citizens would have to join together and physically remove the corruption in Washington D.C.

After President Trump was elected I wrote that, “we’ve bought ourselves a little time.”

Not too long ago I put forward the premise that although Washington D.C. was indeed a “swamp” it appeared the real fight was going to take place in California.

Interestingly enough right in my home State.

It appears our purchased time is almost up.  With the Dems and RINOS trying to outflank Mr. Trump, the State of California has literally lost its mind.

Declaring itself a Sanctuary State, freeing murdering foreign combatants, increasing taxes seemingly everyday and having roughly ten million humans living in poverty doesn’t seem to be enough.

The La Raza supporting Brown appointed Attorney General has threatened to prosecute any company that works with ICE to uphold Federal Law.

Let me explain this plainly.

Xavier Becerra is threatening American Citizens, and humans here legally, with fines and imprisonment while protecting foreign nationals.

This is called Treason and is not only punishable but punishable by execution.

It’s gotten so bad out here a California Assemblyman named Travis Allen (who is also running for Governor) has called for the arrest of the California Attorney General by the Federal Government.

He is absolutely 100% correct but of course this will never happen as that decision would have to be made by one Jeff Sessions, who is either in collusion with Mueller, the Clintons, Obama et al, or the biggest coward the world has ever seen.

Even if this took place the Ninth Circuit would release him immediately and it is doubtful John Obamacare Roberts would overrule them.

This is all happening while “Dreamers” are reportedly trying to shut down Disneyland.

Apparently it’s a smaller world than we thought after all.

Over the years I’ve discussed Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.  Jesus Christ, John Locke, and Adam Smith. I’ve written about Abraham Maslow and Abraham Lincoln, Shakespeare’s “to be or not to be” and the Tytler Cycle.

I’ve explained Nature vs Nurture, Marbury vs Madison, and that Humans don’t have Rights.

We have Free Will.

I now see I should have spent some, if not all of that time, on Americans like Francis Marion, Audie Murphy and Carlos Hathcock.

The way things are going in our country it appears the Pen isn’t going to get it done.

The Rule of Law is long gone.

So…what do we do?

I think it is very clear.

Our question isn’t what but rather how and when.

Then again we all know how.

The question is when.

When will we decide that the deaths of Brian Terry, Kate Steinle, Hediya Pendleton and thousands of others will be addressed.

Will be adjudicated.

Will be avenged.

When will we decide that morally bankrupt and physically weak politicians will be taught a permanent lesson for the world to see.

When will we realize that it won’t take three percent or two percent or even one percent of the population to address our problems.

10000 strong will be more than enough.

Shoulder to shoulder.

One American at a time.

Jason Kraus



It’s a pretty common occurrence each time I turn on the television, radio, or open the internet, to watch, listen, or read one thing.

Racism, racism, racism.

Oh, how I so miss Jan Brady.

Of course those of us with knowledge know our genetic make-up is covered under the sub-species known as Homo sapien sapien colloquially known as Human.

Yes Homo’s do indeed rule the world.

Apparently the media, politicians, colleges and universities have decided actual Science doesn’t matter anymore.

Everything is now “Social Theory”.

Okay then.  If that’s the way we are going to play it then batter up.

I can pretend to be an idiot…err…Liberal.

Acting is easy.

Just look at the morons in Hollywood.

Here we go.

If media mentions are the measurement of importance, then the African-American Race, must be number one.

It does get a little confusing when groups like Black Lives Matter arrive on the scene.

Is this a new race?

Are they racing together?

If so how is a winner chosen or do they all get participation trophies?

Furthermore I’ve looked into this Africa place and there are a lot of humans there that don’t “look black”.

Is this another race?

Are humans from Egypt living in America African-Egyptian-Americans?

So many questions so little time.

What to do what to do?

I’m all about diversity and inclusivity so let’s create a new race called Black Lives African-Americans Matter.

That’s quite a handle so let’s shorten it to BLAAM!

I’m down with BLAAM.

See how easy it is to be an imbecile.

One down so many Races to go.

The second most common Race I hear about is Latino.

This is also confusing as not once have I heard any Latin EVER from anyone using this Race Label.

Can’t we get a Carpe diem once in a while?

Strangely I have seen quite a few Molon Labe photos and comments in the last few years.

Now I could be wrong but I don’t think the humans using this terminology would be called Latinos by others.

Of course this is Greek but “what difference does it make now?”

Are there two types of Latinos?

Is this why the Race known as Hispanic was created?

In doing my own research I have indeed asked other humans to define Latino for me.

There first answer is overwhelmingly “you know a Hispanic.”

I don’t know.

That’s why I asked.

What if an Hispanic procreated with a Latino?



What happens if an Hispanic has a first name like George or a last name like Zimmerman?


This one I have the answer to.

According to what was reported this Race is called a White-Hispanic.

Of course this leads us to our next question?

Why White?

According to the media there is a Race called White and boy do these people suck!

They are the reason for every problem in every city in every State in every Country all over the world.  Now I don’t know about you but from what I’ve heard I’d stay away from this Race or Species, especially the sub-species known as White Male or even worse the White Hated American Male.


I’d hate to be one of these guys.

According to the same minds that brought us global warming, Hepatitis A break outs, and Sharia as compatible with the United States Constitution, the greatest plague and danger to the Earth, flat or otherwise, is the animal know as White American Male.

I’m telling you the colleges and universities have been warning us for decades to watch out!

Now let us remember I am all about diversity and inclusivity and this creature known as White Hated American Male does use AMERICAN in their Race title and as we all know I am all about America.

If I’m down with BLAAM then I have to be rolling with WHAM.

That’s me.

Mr. Inclusivity.

Still it would behoove us to keep an eye on this Race.

I could be wrong but they appear to be tired of all the Racism.  They also appear to be quietly settled in, ready at a moments notice.

I have one in mind I’ll be watching.

I see him every day in the mirror.

He’s always yammering about Adam Smith and that life is an Individual experience.

That the color of one’s skin has nothing to do with anything other than the proximity to the sun of each human’s ancestors.

He thinks life is about working hard, saving his money, and being beneficial to others and for all intents and purposes it appears he actually does these things.

What a freaking clown.

He told me once that being a Racist meant you hated Humans.

What does he know?

His skin is covered in freckles.

Poor bastard.

That’s a dying breed right there.

Jason Kraus

American Children First. American Children Only.

As a child growing up in the 70s I sat in gas lines with my father. Democrats had decided that Jimmy Carter was the way to go so fist fights broke out over odds and evens on license plates depending upon the day of the week.
Fortunately America decided four years of self flagellation was enough and the New Normal was flushed into the annals of history or so we thought.
Reagan arrived on the scene and gas began to flow again as the Soviet Union started to implode.
Reagan was excellent in some things and horrible in others. The Gipper gave us the first version of Obamacare and of course Amnesty.
Clinton and Bush added onto these travesties and the Generation infamous for drug usage gave us a full blown cocaine and marijuana user in Barry Barack Soetoro Hussein Obama or in other words the most famous member of the Choom Gang.
The return of Carter Policies arrived and the anti-American/anti-Semitism of the Democratic Party was back in power.
Eight years of an Eeyoric enema lead the American People to scrap and scrape together enough votes in the right places to remove the plague known as Obama.
Enter a businessman who would build a great big wall and deport all illegals.
American Children First.
American Children Only.
Its very clear the Democratic Party doesn’t care about American Children as they do nothing while children are murdered every day in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and other strongholds of Democracy.
They also are very comfortable profiting off the murder and dismemberment of humans known as Late Term Abortion.
Now I hear lots of calls for bipartisanship from the Republicans.
It’s time to do away with reaching across the aisle to liars, traitors, and those that murder children.
“Resist” isn’t strong enough for these parasites.
It’s time to remove.
Lead from the front President Trump.
We have your back as long as you will STAND for what is right.
No deals.
Not now.
Not ever.
You cannot be another Reagan.
We cannot afford it.
Sadly your own words appear to be taking us down this path.
Mr. Trump,
I say this without malice or antipathy.
DACA is Democratic Propaganda.
There is no such thing as a Dreamer.
These humans are overwhelmingly citizens of Mexico.
According to reports almost half of them do not speak English.
No one here their entire lives doesn’t learn English.
While you are announcing returning humans to El Salvador and Haiti (well done) you are also amnestying one million Mexicans, many who are members of La Raza, and will vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party?
This is absurd on any level.
Let me remind you of the Real Deal.
We would elect you President and you would secure the border, deport, and permanently remove the criminals in our country and yes anyone here illegally is a criminal.
They simply haven’t been convicted nor in this day age would they be.
Without this Deal it is my opinion you would be an answer to a jeopardy question while we called Ted Cruz or Ben Carson Mr. President.
We are not sycophantic Liberals that will toe the line like La Raza, CAIR, BLM and Antifa.
You’ve done good work but that work wasn’t why you were elected.
This isn’t a warning or a threat.
I am on your side but the reality of the situation isn’t good if you reward criminal behavior.
Without those of us willing to physically protect you it is my guess articles of impeachment will take place.
No it doesn’t matter that you haven’t committed an impeachable offense and any attorney telling you this is wrong and should be fired.
The House of Representatives simply need the votes and if the RINOs join their Lib counterparts the votes are there. If the votes are there in the House they will probably be found in the Senate for conviction, and removal.
Furthermore half the voting population is convinced you are a Putin stooge and should be imprisoned or executed for Treason.
Those are the half you will be benefiting with Amnesty and adding to their power by increasing the count of Democrats in America.
Reagan thought he would be seen as “compassionate”.
He was wrong.
Democrats hate him.
They hate you too.
Stick with those that brought you to the dance otherwise the music will stop and you will be without a chair.
This may seem hyperbolic to some.
It isn’t and if anyone should know this it would be you as you are the largest target.
Do not load the gun pointed at us.
Pointed at you.
Human behavior is easy to see as it repeats constantly.
Reagan Amnesty.
Clinton Amnesty.
You are there to make sure this doesn’t repeat.
It’s up to you Mr. President.
You wanted the job.
We put you there.
Don’t let us down.
The fall from here won’t be pretty and it will be the children of America who suffer the most.
American Children First.
American Children ONLY.
Jason Kraus


Each week I choose a few things to discuss.

I cannot cover it all.

The absurdity in California alone would fill a 24-hour 7 day a week period.

Speaking of absurdity a story was passed along to me that I thought I would share.

An incredibly large and successful corporation made an announcement that due to the new tax law it was to give each of its employees a one thousand dollar bonus.  Upon hearing this one employee was giddy and telling others about the company’s decision.  This employee then stated that although they wanted the money they still didn’t like the new tax law because it gave “money to the rich and corporations not the people who need help.”

This is why I call Liberals Stupid Humans.

The new tax law is barely in place yet the evil “corporation” just gave out one thousand dollar checks to tens of thousands of EMPLOYEES who are neither “rich people” nor “corporations”.

They can do ANYTHING they want with this money.

Pay their rent, car payments, groceries, credit card bills, utilities, medical insurance, go to the movies or heaven forbid, save it.

Apparently this mental midget used their’s to buy “legal marijuana” in California.

They’d have to be stoned.

Nobody can be this dumb.

Then again we have Bernie the Corn Kernel Sanders calling for resistance (this guy is the ultimate staph infection) and the spread of Liberalism to every corner of the country.

Why don’t they “resist” the one thousand dollars?

If corporations and capitalism are so evil then “resist” the cash you are being handed.

Have you no pride, no strength, no moral turpitude in your own beliefs?

Of course you don’t, now sit down and shut up.

It’s safer for you bottom dwellers to be at lower elevations where damaged lungs, hearts, and brains need less oxygen to survive.

In other matters ICE just announced that they are doubling their efforts in California.

It’s about damn time!

If one wants to gamble one would go to Vegas where opportunity to do so is on every corner.

If one wants to remove millions of humans, California’s corners, neighborhoods, schools, jails, prisons, and emergency rooms are the place to be.

Half of the criminals in the United States here illegally, (yes that is what they are, CRIMINALS) probably reside in the Number One Sanctuary State.

ICE should be camped out in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Francisco and Sacramento.

Once a massive purge is complete and the Rule of Law is back in effect we can initiate a new Census.

California will probably lose a dozen seats in the House of Representatives, if not more, due to a massive decrease in population.

What do you mean Jason?  Illegals can’t vote.

Actually they can and do out here in the Golden State (See Loretta Sanchez), but even if they couldn’t, or didn’t, the lovely Census takers count every human they come across, legal or otherwise.

This information is then used to add or subtract House Seats.

Sounds crazy and illegal huh?

It’s been happening for decades.

Still, ICE is making this too difficult.  Just come out and deputize ten thousand AMERICAN Citizens here in Cali.

We’ll have this mess cleaned up in no time.

The all Volunteer Immigration Protective.

It’s coming one way or another.

Too many VIP’s (Very Irritated People) have had enough.

Dear ICE,

Just deputize myself and others solely for the removal of criminals in California. We will make it a bipartisan effort as Citizens across our Land arrive to protect and defend these United States.

It won’t cost you one thin dime or a fat one as a matter of fact.

Ready when you are but don’t dawdle.

Too much longer and we won’t be making requests out here.

We’ll be making statements that begin and end in Retribution.

We are no longer interested in Justice, not that it would matter.

She’s been deaf, dumb, and blind for quite a while if not deceased.

When a criminal can “find a gun”, try to “shoot seals” while murdering an American woman and then walk free, Justice is long gone.

Long, long gone.

We are at the ready and waiting…for now.

Liberals and La Raza have been running around unchecked for decades.

The days of Checkers are over.

This isn’t a game.

Jason Kraus

Stay the course Mr. President

Dear President Trump,

It’s been a while since I have last written.   I thought it appropriate to reach out now.  First let me say well done.  The constant barrage of hate and vitriol being launched in your direction is quite stunning and frankly disgusting.

I sometimes ponder how I would react to this absurdity and I have to admit your overall responses have been much more calm than what would have come from me.

Again well done.

The corruption and nightmare left behind by Barack Obama appears to have finally caught the attention of some in Congress. Of course none of this is new to those of us who care about our country.

I recall you even mentioning this concept about one Hillary Clinton before you were elected.

“You’d be in jail,” if I was President.

You are now President.

Let’s make the rest of that sentence happen.

I’m not going to walk down 2017.  It is behind us now.

History can be beneficial but those who dwell in the past waste the present and rarely have a future.

Let us push forward in speed and scope to ensure that America is indeed free again, safe again, and always great.

We have cancerous traitors at every level of our Judiciary and Justice Department and their aim is squarely on you.

Tax cuts aren’t going to stop this.

Recognition of Jerusalem isn’t going to stop this.

Removing the Obamacare penalty isn’t going to stop this.

These parasites are panicked and rightly so.

They are panicked that the lid on Pandora’s Box is about to be lifted, and that the People are about to not only see the Emperor without clothing, but that the Emperor has lots of friends without attire in both the Democratic and Republican Parties.

It is my opinion and educated estimation that a dangerous time lies ahead for not only you but the entire concept of Freedom, the Constitutional Republic known as the United States and Adam Smith’s premise that society is better served when Individuals pursue their greatest dreams.

With this said you are in a position of strength and although storm clouds are on the horizon you are well equipped to navigate this time in our history extremely well because I believe you understand where your greatest strength is found.

It is found in US.

It is found in the Individual Human known as The American whom at a moments notice from the bully pulpit will put our shoulders next to yours in the greatest showing of ferocity the planet has ever witnessed.

We are but one call, one tweet, one word away.

We are your greatest strength, and in that strength we will not falter, but the outcome of your personal experience rides upon one thing.

The keeping of your word.

“America First.”

“We will build a great big wall.”

Many have compared you to Reagan.

Learn from his mistake of Amnesty that we are living with now.

DACA is your Achilles Heel.

Let not a 21st Century Homer write your story.

Be brave, be bold, and be certain as long as your word is good, ours is as well.

America First.

American ONLY.

Jason Kraus