Happy Birthday to the Red White and Blue

Born in Southern California every 4th of July celebration I can remember was pretty much the same.  Playing in the neighborhood all day while stopping to eat a wide variety of foods usually only available on holidays.  I’m sure some type of large firework show took place but I don’t really remember them.  I do remember Whistling Petes, Black Snakes, and Sparklers.  The acrid smell of smoke and burnt vegetation as a Spinning Flower once bounced off a street curb and into one of our neighbor’s ivy.

That left a mark.

It wasn’t too long after that my family moved to Trinity County.

Northern California.

Even back then things were different.

The hub of Trinity County was and is a town called Weaverville.  Those of you who’ve read Late Bird I’m sure recognize the name.

Weaverville is surrounded by little mill towns that hold anywhere from thirty to one hundred people each.

Certainly not sprawling metropolises.  Probably more coyotes than people and without a doubt more snakes and scorpions.

I sometimes laugh when I hear “snakes are more scared of you than you are of them.”

They should be.  We have a corpus callosum and opposable thumbs.

At least those of us who voted for Trump.

In Weaverville the 4th of July was an event because the citizens and community leaders loved the United States.

Flags and bunting decorated the town.

Red, white, and blue hats, shirts, and bandanas were found everywhere.

Veterans were shown respect because of their courage to serve, protect, and defend.

The same type of courage found more than two hundred years ago.

The courage of men and women who if caught would be hung as traitors to the Crown.

The term American back then was whispered by many as it could get you beaten, robbed, or killed by the English or those loyal to the King.

American heroes like Francis Marion known as the Swamp Fox and John Paul (I have not yet begun to fight) Jones engaged in the battle on land and sea and American legends like Nathan Hale were created when unmeasurable courage met an unbreakable noose.

In the name of the United States.

In the name of Freedom.

Fireworks are a large part of most 4th of July celebrations.  Many ooh and aah at them.  I have done so as well.  We are gifted with their visual beauty because nothing horrific follows the streaking of light through the sky followed by a large explosion.

“And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.”

The flag was still there but many Americans were not and would never see the Stars and Stripes ever again because “Don’t tread on me” actually meant DON’T TREAD ON ME.

I hope each and every one of you enjoy your 4th of July celebrations.

My point of this article is to continue the knowledge, lessons, and stories that were given to me by my parents, teachers, and books.

That before we partake in the ice cream, hot dogs, and apple pie we pause for a moment or two to appreciate those who made it possible that we see fireworks as a beautiful sight because we don’t live in a war zone.

That before we run off to the lake to barbecue and swim that we say thank you to the Big Fella Upstairs for whom this nation was found under.

That before the carnivals start, the cotton candy sticks to too many little faces, that before the rockets red glare, we understand the ultimate truth.

Freedom isn’t Free.

Jason Kraus


Article 4 Section 4

I was recently having a conversation with an incredibly bright individual about western civilization (specifically Socratic Theory which was introduced through Plato’s Republic) and different types of government.

A question was then asked of me which I answered.

When I finished, a comment was made that my next column should be “exactly what I just said”.

Here goes.

Socrates theorized about different types of governments that started with Aristocracy and eventually succumbed to Tyranny.

In between the two are Timocracy (control by land owners) Oligarchy (control by a small select group) and Democracy (control by the Majority).

With the conclusion and success of Americans during the Revolutionary War a form of Government was needed.

Many voices including James Madison DID NOT want any of the five listed above including Democracy.

These voices wanted a form of government that protected the Individual.

Not just Kings and Queens.

Not just property owners.

Not just a select group based on the whims of the select group.

Not just the Majority.

The protection of every single American equally.

Hence a form of Plato’s concept of a Republic was put into action.

Yes, I am aware every American did not have equal rights as this was happening, but that every American does now shows the power of the concept of a Republic.

Had America been set up as a Democracy, slavery could still be legally protected, with the approval of the Majority.

So could the beating of women and the murder of homosexuals.

In other words Sharia Law.

Again the concept of a Republic is to protect the Individual.

The question everyone should be asking, regarding the Individual, is what does a Republic protect?

This depends on whether the Republic has any rules or guidelines to follow.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the People’s Republic of China are both examples of systemic oppression.

They are both “Republics” but both of these “governments” treat their citizens as useful idiots to be manipulated, threatened, beaten, enslaved, and even killed.

The concept of a Republic can only go so far.  For it to flourish it must have two things.

First it must have Absolutes.

Very specific items that never change and are beneficial to the protection of the Individual.

Second these Absolutes must be enforced across the board regardless.

Our Founding Fathers created a document of Absolutes.

We call this The Constitution of the United States and these specific items are called Rights.

Constitutional Rights of the Individual American Citizen.

These Rights do not stretch to other nationalities nor do they extend beyond the border of these United States regardless of what oligarchical figures or democratic mouthpieces continue to spew.

In fact to proclaim that the Constitutional Rights of the American are also carried by any non-citizen is ignorant by the private citizen and illegal by the government “servant”.

This began with Reagan, and has continued at least through Obama, that humans from a wide variety of countries have not only been afforded the Constitutional Rights of an American, they have also been given the ultimate gift, through multiple amnesties.

The gift of Citizenship.

For almost five decades both political Parties have literally spat in the face of the American Individual to protect their own oligarchies ( a small select group) by using democracy (majority over minority) to build voting blocks and coalitions.

The Republicans have done this historically to protect what is called Big Business, and open borders are advocated for by the United States Chamber of Commerce.

Big Business wants cheap labor so profits increase.  I am all for profit but not at the expense of Freedom.

Of long gone Justice.

Of the Law.

The United States of America was set up as a Republic.

A very specific set of rules called the Bill of Rights was created to serve all members of the Republic equally.

Today’s America is a collection of oligarchies inside and out of our Local, State, and Federal Government that are using the “vote” (Democracy) to manipulate and control human behavior.

We still have the Absolutes but for them to matter they must be enforced and equal for all.

They are not.

What we do have is Free Will and for those with knowledge, a very real understanding of why our Constitutional Right under the 2nd Amendment was created.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed.

Let the removal of oligarchies and democracies begin.

Freedom First.  Freedom Only.

A Republic First.

A Republic ONLY.

Jason Kraus


Rope Is Recyclable

It can be a truly bizarre thing to watch human behavior.  Millions of souls making decisions that go against their very survival.

How do we change the “hearts and minds” of those who haven’t any heart and absolutely no mind?

It is the curse of the “good” to have to wait to be attacked before “justification” allows the moral to defend itself against the criminal.

Left unto herself Justice is supposed to be blind but in today’s America she now carries the burden of deaf and dumb as well.

To be sure I am quite unsure if justice has actually ever prevailed.

Human history supports the concept that it has not.

To have her in our lives many have had to suffer unprovoked attacks that left the victim in pain and in many cases dead.

No amount of time or restitution will ever make that person whole.

A common and correct statement is to “never allow oneself to ever need an attorney or be in front of a judge.”

It seems quite fitting as this is where “justice” lies.

Again whether justice has ever existed is doubtful but of this I am sure.

She no longer lives amongst us and yet the scream for her presence can be heard and felt in all walks of life.

This will continue to occur because we are lead by the immoral, the unethical, and the stupid.

We are lead by physical cowards and intellectual drunkards who care not about knowledge or safety.

They are driven by their infantilistic Freudian desires and continue to teach our children that egocentrism, gluttony, greed, and promiscuity are positives.

Our leadership is emotionally, financially, and spiritually destitute and have lead us into a shallow grave as they were too lazy to dig a proper place to rest.

The grave shall be theirs.

Around the world leadership has been more of the same.

Venezuelans are reportedly eating rodents to survive.

Mexico has a war happening inside its borders and within ours.

Some form of Castro continues to control Cuba.

Puerto Rico is bankrupt.

Italy still has the mafia and the Pope.

France has elected another buffoon and La Raza controls many parts of California.

It appears the romance languages aren’t providing too much love these days.

Over the last few years many have wondered what must happen for Americans to awaken from the slumber of overindulgence.

From indebtedness.

From the culture of Oppression.

What would a revolution look like?

Who would make the call?

Would others answer?

I state this as an American.

We do not need a revolution.

We need a cleansing.

A very public one.

Maybe on the steps of our House or our Senate.

A cleansing where justice is no longer our measurement, as it is no longer measurable or relevant, and is replaced by retribution.

Then again a cleansing implies the cleaning of material.  A purification of sorts.  For something to be cleaned it must have a core worth saving.

Liberalism has nothing that is salvageable or worth saving as Liberals have no core.

A purge is needed.

That purge could certainly start with the cowardly leaker known as James Comey but it cannot stop there.

In fact American Liberty cannot survive until traitors are illuminated by our torches, proverbially impaled by our pitchforks or literally hung with our rope.

It may not happen tomorrow or even in a year but human history is very clear.

Freedom isn’t free.

This may seem scary to some or unbelievable to others.

What is unbelievable is the Democratic Party still pushing Sharia Law onto Americans through diversity.

What is unbelievable is the dissection, removal, and sale of body parts of small humans that continues everyday.

What is unbelievable is women and children still being molested, raped, and murdered through our open border that Congress will not close.

Rope is recyclable and as we are told recyclables will save the planet.

According to the “experts” the climate can’t wait too much longer.

Let the “change” begin.

Jason Kraus


Only evil flies in jets while proclaiming the world is dying because of people flying in jets.

Roughly three quarters of the planet is covered in specific molecular combustion.

Certain “gasses” smashing into each other that create, restore, and allow life.

Unlike today’s “snowflakes” the real McCoy requires Hydrogen (2 parts) and Oxygen (1 part).  Without this incredible process of evolution, life as we know it, would not exist.

According to the powers that be the human body is about 60 percent H2O.  I’m pretty sure to be a registered Democrat, Methane must make up the other 40 percent, although listening to the noise coming out of Paris ( and Kathy Griffin) it appears those numbers need to be reversed.

Talk about piles of steaming…gasses.

The rest of our bodies are a collection of other compressed gasses or elements, including carbon.

Say it with me libs.


I just drafted ten sentences that should be easily understandable to any thinking human, and as thinking humans, everyone should be able to describe, using only five letters, what I am referring to, and has been called the “solvent of life”.

The sad thing is most liberals have no idea what they just read (they probably think “allow life” was about abortion) yet millions of them think human behavior is controlling the “climate” here on Earth.

Talk about hubris.

Of course with self-proclaimed nicknames like Yeezus and Charlamagne tha God, believing one can control the planet seems par for the course.

Makes me wistful for the lip syncing of Milli Vanilli.

They knew they didn’t control the Earth.

They blamed it on the rain.

I digress.

I won’t bother this time trying to explain that climate, weather, and pollution are three different things.

It wouldn’t matter to the dems as these are all non-monosyllabic words.

We just lost them again as half of them giggled about “mono” and thoughts of high school, and the other half think syllabic means Islamophobia.

It appears the vaginas and hijabs have cut off the blood to their brains.

How is it we breathe the same air?

Maybe a question for another time.

Maybe not.

The Earth is made up of three primary layers or at least that’s what we humans have decided.

I doubt Mother Earth cares at all about what we do, think or say.

After dealing with the dinosaurs (and whatever actually created the Grand Canyon) we are probably a breath of fresh air or at least a lesser form of “change”.

Could you imagine the consumption pattern of the T-Rex?

Then again probably couldn’t be any worse than an H-Clinton.

We’ve labeled Gaia (no liberals this isn’t about homosexuality) in three steps.

Crust, mantle, and core.

The humans who really love this stuff have sub-labels and terminology like deformation patterns and thermal convection.

I find the Earth fascinating.

I find the professorial usage of verbiage, to explain educated guesses (opinions), annoying.

A quote attributed to one of the smartest minds in the history of Man says it all.

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

Could you imagine Albert Einstein trying to explain “climate change” to a liberal?

I doubt he’d even try, but if he did, it wouldn’t matter.

They’d just wink and nod at each other, and whisper behind the back of a Son of Isaac.

Let us attempt this in the simplest of ways.  Current science says the Earth could be billions of years old.

Of course we also created the measurement of “years” and “billions” so when it comes down to it we think this collection of compressed gasses has been here a long time. We also think it was uninhabitable to many species, including our own, for billions of years.

It only became livable for man and mankind when the “climate changed”.

Did you get that liberals?

When the climate changed.

The concept that the usage of fossil fuels is killing the planet is absurd.  The entire planet is in one form or another made up of components of the same gasses found in fossil fuels.

Furthermore “climate” measurements are supposedly taken over centuries.

By the liberals own definition there hasn’t been enough time to get any measurable information that the usage of fossils fuels in the combustible engine is “warming the planet”.

Only evil would fly around in jets, while proclaiming the world is dying, because of people flying around in jets.

Only the colossally stupid would proclaim the world is dying, because of people flying around in jets, and then vote for people FLYING AROUND IN JETS.

In other words the followers of Clinton and Sanders and apparently Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, et al.

Be very careful Europe.

Germany was the instigator in two World Wars and supported Stalin until Hitler thought he didn’t need to anymore.

The EU is already in bed with Putin.

Where do you think they get their fossil fuels?

Don’t worry Clintonistas.  Russia got their uranium from us courtesy of the organized crime family known as the Clinton Foundation.

That isn’t true Jason.

Of course it isn’t.  She never had a private server either.  Oh wait she did.  She just didn’t mean to or was too stupid to understand she had one according to Jimmy The FBI Fixer Comey.

Maybe that’s what all the C’s stood for.

By the way Sanders athletic supporters I have a question.

How can you HATE Hillary and then support Bernie after he endorsed the Crooked One?

This is a special kind of stupid.

The same kind of stupid that screams about fossil fuels, purchases overpriced Priuses and Teslas, but loves natural gas.

Out here in the Golden State (Northern) we have a new name for these types of wretched tools.

We call them Jerry (Don’t flush until) Brown voters.

Dear libs.  We have so much water and snow pack in Northern California our dams have been open for months.

There will be skiing in Tahoe, on the snow and on the lake, in July.

I am a huge fan of climate change.

Without it none of us would be here.  It would just be the cockroaches and the one celled amoebas.

Then again after pondering that last line I stand corrected.

I guess the Clinton and Sanders voters would be here after all.

Can’t you just hear the heads of the parasitic liberals popping right now like a fat tick you just took off your dog and then threw into the wood stove.

Country and mountain folk know exactly what I’m talking about.

They can also spell H2O using five letters.

Jason Kraus


In Memoriam

How do you say thank you, to humans you’ve never met in this world, and never will?


How do you say thank you to those still on Bunker Hill?

At Gettysburg?

Those still on the beach at Omaha or Normandy?

Those still located around the 38th Parallel.

How do you say thank you to those still in the Mekong Delta?

Those whose last breath came in Kandahar or Mosul?

I can’t.

I don’t have the words to say thank you, to those who paid the ultimate price, that Americans may be born into a free country.

I don’t have the words to say thank you to those who are the reason the United States of America exists and is the greatest country in the history of man.

I don’t have the words.

I believe in God but I am not a religious man.  When my time is over on Mother Earth I will have but one request.

That I may join, if only for a moment, those precious souls that gave of their blood so mine could flow freely and without fear.

Just a moment before I am shuttled to wherever I am destined so two words can leave my lips to every individual known as an American Soldier that never returned to their home town, never felt the love and appreciation of Americans while walking in a parade on Veterans Day or the 4th of July.

Never saw their families again.

Two words.

Thank you.

It isn’t enough and never will be but as long as I am here, I will humbly serve those to the best of my ability whom served us, to the best of theirs.

Please God, bless those, who have blessed us, with so much.

Jason Kraus


We Have Your Six Mr. President

ABC ran a long piece on the “philanthropy” of George Soros and how he is currently being demonized due to anti-semitism.

Insert laughter here.

George Soros supported and still supports Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the traitors known as the Democratic Party.

There is a word for this and it isn’t philanthropy.

Enough said on this as words alone probably aren’t going to fix this problem.

On the other hand Michael Flynn has been excoriated by the press and many politicians.  I’d throw in the voters of the Democratic Party but who am I kidding.  They have no idea who he is.  Most of them think Bernie Sanders is actually related to Hugo Chavez.

They might be on to something here.

George Soros is an enemy of Freedom.

Michael Flynn has served the freest country on the planet (currently) to the best of his ability.

Donald Trump is trying to but the aforementioned traitors have a lot too lose and are willing to throw out the baby, the bath water, the tub, and even burn down the house in order to stay out of jail or off the gallows. Through the process of transitioning from a billionaire businessman to the President of the United States Mr. Trump has made some mistakes.  It’s understandable.  He’s sitting at the top of a government that is corrupt to and at its very core.

He knows it.

We know it.

They know it.

Yet life continues on everyday.  I know it does as I am a part of it.  I’ve mentioned this in the past but with all the “drama” coming out of any and all forms of government every twenty-four hour cycle I still go to work and am passed by Mercedes, BMW’s, lifted trucks that seem to be the size of a small tank, and little beaters that drive on their spare tire and without current registration tags or most likely insurance.  All of these vehicles can be found at drive-thru’s ordering and consuming sixteen hundred calorie meals (twelve if they go “diet”) enough sodium to be referred to as a lake, and enough fat to float a boat on the aforementioned water grouping.

What did the TV dinner start?

Television and pre-made food.

The downfall of a once great society.

Then again there is always hope.

Marijuana is almost legal and a cure for everything!

Now that our savior has arrived we can do any and all things without fear of persecution, prosecution, or decomposition.

Drugs.  Who knew they’d be better than the Bill of Rights.

They aren’t.

A little while ago I read a book about the fall of Germany during World War II. As bombs were falling on Berlin, Germans were still going to work, still preparing meals, and still falling in love.  They were also sprinting towards the American Army and surrendering as fast as they could knowing the Russians were coming and the atrocities committed by the Nazis on Russians, particularly women, were going to be reciprocated upon them.  It was an interesting perspective that humans continued to drink water, read books, and have babies even in the middle of ducking for cover.

Of course those Germans who dashed towards the United States soldier ended up with a better lot in life.

Many of those who sat still and did nothing ended in a place called East Germany surrounded by humans who preached “community” and service to the “greater” Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

In other words Democratic Socialism.

Bernie, Hugo, and Joseph.

Two horrible humans holding a place for a third.

Coming full circle Donald Trump is and has done some very good things.  The border is slowly being secured.  Deportations are happening.  Americans feel dramatically better about our country than last year regardless of what Al NBC Jazeera says.

Yes he’s made a few mistakes.  He should have fired Comey immediately and kept Flynn indefinitely if only to show who is in charge.

With all that said and as we go about our daily lives in the greatest country in the history of man there’s really only one question.

In our last election we had a binary choice.

Could you imagine the alternative?

Sadly the Democrats, RINOS, Liberals,”Tribalists” and seemingly endless groups of traitors known as the media continue to push the agenda of impeachment and the cannibalizing of America.

I guess they still haven’t got the memo so let me say it again.


President Trump isn’t the “stick”.

He’s the carrot we’ve offered you parasites.

If you are unwilling to eat your vegetables, trust me, we will make our way back to Washington D.C.  We will gather on the steps of OUR House and walk through the halls if required.

You see you pathetic cowards, WE ARE THE STICK.

We are also the torches, the pitchforks, and the rope.

Keep yapping about impeachment and lot of you are going to meet us up close and personal.

Very close.

Very personal.

Continue forward President Trump.

We have your front and your back.

The United States of America is our country.


Jason Kraus


Mother’s Day

Everyday something new, and quite frankly bizarre, seems to happen in these United States.

Each morning “and as I rise” (Alabama) I no longer check to see whether there is  “new” news.  There doesn’t seem to be an original thought on television anymore and the humor has disappeared completely.

Everyday we have “journalists” who’ve never written a cogent sentence in their entire lives repeating nonsensical blather.

Every night we have “comedians” with writing staffs who believe Nazi references and literally crying is what Americans now find entertaining.

We don’t.

It goes even further than that as most of us in America have finally arrived at sensory overload and are now choosing to not listen to anything coming from the Boob Tube.

How do we know this?

Rating are horrible across the spectrum.

There will always be a “winner” when two or more entities vie for the same customer but interestingly enough, we the customer, have decided that poison comes in many shapes and sizes and this does include at least one square box in virtually everyone’s home.

Yet, as they say, time marches on.

We measure time in many ways.  The most common is minutes and hours.  Seconds move too quickly for most activities to matter unless you run track or did at Chico State and then you want less seconds not more. My superstar nephew will understand that better than most.

Although months are part of our measurement equation, we as humans, really look at time through two prisms.

Days and years.

We remember very specific days, that are important to us, or are important to others, that we do indeed remember.

There also appears to be subjects that most of us pay little attention, that some in our society believe, we should.

For a year to pass without a leap 365 days must occur.  In those days we celebrate “incredible” feats like Chicken Dance Day, Root Canal Appreciation Day, and Nylon Stockings Day.  Putting aside the nylons, who doesn’t like a quality chicken dance or appreciate a good root canal.

We just completed the month of April which began with One Cent Day, Peanut Butter and Jelly Day, and Find A Rainbow Day.

I wish some people had only one scent although I didn’t realize this was something that needed to be cheered.  On the other hand Peanut Butter and Jelly Day, especially grape, could happen, at least for me, once a week.

It doesn’t but it could.

Find a Rainbow Day?

I prefer Melting Snowflake Week.

Fifty-two weeks of it to be precise.

Wednesday April 5th was Deep Dish Pizza Day followed by New Beer’s Eve and completed on Friday April 7th with Walk to Work Day.

That joke writes itself.

As April wound to a close Pig in a Blanket Day was followed by Malaria Day.

True story.

With the arrival of May it appears the build up to a maternal moment was carefully planned.

Both Mother Goose Day and Mother Ocean Day arrive early in May.

Not sure if the geese care and it seems a bit redundant to attach Mother to Ocean.

I’m pretty sure Mother Earth has this covered but then again what do I know?  I’m just a guy.

Still every year, one day in May, we set aside a day to celebrate those that we call Mom, Mother, or in some cases “what’s up Gladys?”

We send cards, candy, and gifts.  We take them out to breakfast, lunch, or even dinner if someone is running late or hasn’t planned properly.

We tell stories from years past that were funny at the time or have now become laughable.

We say Happy Mother’s Day and thank you.  Thank you for the days of getting us out of bed before the sun rose and off to school with full bellies.  Thanks for brushing our hair especially when we fought you the entire time.  Thank you for requiring us to take bathes and later showers whether we wanted to or not.

Thank you for teaching us to read and “doing” our numbers with us.

Thank you for Christmas gifts that were wanted and the socks, nightshirts, and puppet show building that wasn’t.

Thank you for re-creating Aunt Millie’s fudge (I like yours better) making sure we always ate our fruits and vegetables (who knew it could snow on broccoli)  and not freaking out when we hoisted the dogs into the tree house (and couldn’t figure out how to get them down).

Thank you for listening when I needed to talk and letting me be when I didn’t.

We thank the mothers of America who know that these United States are a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy.

Who know the truth isn’t a sometimes thing and hard work doesn’t stop at the end of a ten hour shift.

That being a mom is so much more than a “job”.  It’s an adventure.  An adventure filled with success and love, sleep deprivation, Friday night collapses on the couch and crazy Sunday morning hair.

It’s filled with tiny bodies jumping on the bed begging to be held followed by the teenage years of “please drop me off down the block and stop trying to kiss me” moments.

There are moments of pride and relief with graduations and weddings, empathy and tears with divorce, and of course the ultimate “payback” as I’ve heard it said many times.


All of the fun and none of the calories.

So to all the mothers on this day, their ONE day, I say Happy Mother’s Day and thank you.  Thank you for the bake sales, the car washes, the silver dollars in Vegas that were traded for stuffed animals at Circus Circus and for chaperoning the school field trips…I think.

Thanks Mom.  Between Duffy Moon and the Little Engine that Could I always knew “I could do it” or at least “I think I can, I think I can, I think can.”

This I know.

I love you.

Happy Mother’s Day.



Breaking the law is no longer a crime

James Comey sat in front of the world and stated that Huma Abedin had committed multiple crimes and yet not one politician called for her indictment.

Not one.

Comey furthered his part of ruining America and proving that emasculation does indeed physically exist by proclaiming to be “mildly nauseous”.

His willingness to openly proclaim for all to hear that crimes, many of them felonies, have been committed, yet nothing is being done about it, should be all we need to hear.

The man is so sure crimes were committed he didn’t even bother to use the attorney’s favorite word.


Thousands of classified documents were found on the laptop of a man who calls himself Carlos Danger.

Felonies. Plural.

Comey said they were taken from Hillary’s private server by Abedin.

Felonies. Plural.

Is intent needed to make these felonies?


Crimes are crimes.  Why people do them becomes irrelevant when you have them 100% dead to rights otherwise every person charged with a crime could simply say “I had no idea that was illegal”, or “my intent wasn’t to rob the bank my intent was to pay off my bills.”

Intent matters in SENTENCING.




How about you make us sick Jimmy.  How about as we are laughing at you Jimmy there is no humor in our eyes.

Justice is supposed to blind.

Comey’s version gives us a complete view of what deaf and dumb look like as well.

This is nothing but B level acting and even worse writing.  Listening to Dianne Feinstein and Comey go back and forth like they hadn’t already worked out the particulars weeks ago was ridiculous.

Where are you Attorney General Jeff Sessions?

Putting aside Sessions (currently) these are stupid people and of course responsible minds must then ask.

What does that make us?

I have a friend.  A good man.   A man who served his community.  A man who did indeed put his life in jeopardy to help others.  He was railing on a few days ago telling me things that I’ve written about many times.  Crime is increasing, the debt is out of control, the border is killing our country.

“We need to do something,” he said.

I asked him if he could run a mile.


Fight with his hands and feet longer than two minutes?

“Probably not,” he answered.

Do you own a weapon?

“No,” was his response.

Now I am not banging on my friend.  He is indeed a good man.  Handles his own business, pays his taxes and is very involved in the community but what if?

What if the crime increases so much it shows up at his door…or yours?

What if the debt debacle finally collapses and everyone attached to a Local, State, or Federal program no longer receives their check or if they do it isn’t enough to cover the basics like water, food, and shelter?

What if somebody tries to rob you without a weapon and you’re simply so out of shape you collapse from a lack of oxygen trying to fight them off?

What if someone points a gun at you and wants your most precious things?

What if breaking the law is no longer a crime?

I reminded my friend that sadly these horrific events happen every day in these United States.

Every single day.

Speaking of horrific humans Nancy Pelosi said this week that the new healthcare bill (that isn’t even close to being implemented) is a destruction of government.

Oh if only this was true.

If only this was true.

History is very clear.

Human behavior is easy to understand.

Part of hoping for the best is preparing for the worst.

Ill or unprepared humans have no hope at all.

Let that not be these United States.

Let that not be you.

Jason Kraus
