
As the Twitter world turned and burned it has become almost comical to listen to the all media Liberals, RINOS, etc., try to explain the lies their brethren tell and continue to tell.

In most cases it isn’t even up for debate as there are screenshots and video of their statements and behavior.

“We never said anyone had to wear a mask.”

“Those who don’t get vaxxed will die.”

“Those who do get vaxxed can no longer get Covid.”

Get real.

Now as the overwhelming proof continues to be released the truth of our particular situation must be determined, accepted, and then acted upon.

The truth is the Liberals are at war and have been so for a while now.

BLM, Antifa and ACORN et al. have all ripped through America causing misery, destruction and death.

The open border allows thousands if not tens of thousands of new criminal foreign nationals to roam anywhere in these United States bringing drugs, rape, child trafficking and murder at every turn.

Both the FBI and CIA are involved in this and even more so the Chamber of Commerce.

Liberals and their voters are perfectly fine with this because they genuinely believe America is filled with Nazis and/or Earth is dying because America is filled with Nazis.

Again we must determine the truth.

Liberals are at war and I mean this in the most specific definition.

Next we must accept this. . .and too many do not want to.

As all of our systems break down right in front of everyone, on a daily basis, most believe things can’t get much worse.

How wrong they are.

This week I sadly had a conversation with an elderly woman who on her face appeared pleasant enough. She made small talk as we waited our turns in a store, normal grandmotherly chatter until a random topic, which I cannot recall, brought out the real person hiding behind fifty extra pounds, glasses and a quilt.

The aforementioned topic somehow turned to Trump and the old lady dropped an f-bomb followed by multiple references to fecal matter.

While snarling she kept turning in a circle, one moment attempting to flee a situation where no man pursueth, and the other spewing more profanity about the dastardly Donald.

Dastardly is my word. I doubt this individual knows any words with a minimum of three syllables.

As the rabid animal spewed and sputtered epithets I watched with a bored look and waited for her rabies to calm.

Breathless she stood, punched out, and I took that opportunity to tell her everything she said was a lie.

The look on her face was priceless, as though I’d just turned off her mainframe.

Just a blank stare as she tried to reboot.

Finally through the vacuous chasm, that must exist between her left and right brain, her mouth began to move as presumably B.E. tweets (Before Elon) flashed before her very eyes.

I didn’t wait for her to begin again, and as she had mentioned she voted for Biden I looked at her and continued, “Joe Biden is a child molester.”

Her maw sputtered as her hollow head asked Scotty for more power Captain and her streak of two syllable words or less continued with “I’ve never heard that.”

“He is,” I answered. “You need to do better research.”

The rest of our conversation lacked greatly and she exited shortly thereafter.

Of course she won’t do any research.

This is the kind of person who votes straight Dem ticket every time and these people are directly responsible for children continuing to receive the RONA jab.

These kinds of people are responsible for the daily murders and rapes that are committed by criminal foreign nationals.

These are the kind of people described perfectly in a meme that states, “You took the shot and I hoped it worked, I didn’t take the shot and you hoped I’d die.”

They will never change but trust me when I say this they will suck the very life out of you, your family and this country.

Similar to the stages of grief, for Freedom to return, and as priorly stated, we have three stages.

Most who support Freedom are through the first stage of determination.

We all, Number One, know the Truth, and everyone who knows the truth has a visceral idea of what Number Three “acted upon” will entail.

The problem is Number Two.


Acceptance that tens of millions hate everything America stands for.

Acceptance that there are tens of millions of criminal foreign nationals just floating around the country.

Acceptance that the Liberals are already at war and have been so for decades.

The good news is this.

The time it is still taking for both Determining and Acceptance to merge will overwhelmingly be longer than the Acted Upon phase and when this occurs the requirement of Freedom will unleash Free Will who will always be required to clean up all messes or in this case to rescue mathematics from the mob.

In this country One + Two will eventually always equal Three.


The Great Experiment is in a holding pattern but Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison will again breakthrough and open the door for Washington, Jackson, Grant and Patton.

Freedom isn’t free.

Jason Kraus

Welcome to the New Normal

In a backroom, probably in Atlanta, the Senate seat in Georgia has already been decided.

It will be the Democrat.

Interesting times where an entire State voting population elects Republicans to their highest offices yet somehow will send two Democrats to the US Senate.

Most living in New York reportedly want crime to stop yet continued forward with the Democrat in the Gubernatorial race.

Los Angeles is losing citizens, businesses, and companies on a daily basis yet according to what we are told Karen Bass is the People’s choice for Mayor.

California is now working through a package where every “black” person will receive over two hundred grand to “heal” the sins of the past, never mind California entered the union as a free State.

Around the country all contracts signed by anyone under the age of eighteen are null and void yet children are now allowed to decide, without parental consultation or consent, to take hormone blockers supplied by the “government” otherwise known as the first one is free.

Doctors wear masks when the “science” is very clear that the masks have no positive effect.

Humans take shots seemingly every three months to make themselves feel better only to feel horrible or even die from the aforementioned shots.

Marijuana and its usage, the answer for the last fifty years to all ailments, is rampant while testosterone levels plummet and cancer soars across the country.

Maybe it’s the munchies, caused by Mary Jane that drive people to highly processed foods that provide no actual nutrients, and the run on Pepto Bismol that is increasingly harder to find in the grocery stores.

Then again what isn’t hard to find in the grocery stores.

Workers, that’s what.

A few days ago I struck up a conversation with a grocery employee while he stocked shelves.

Nice guy, hard worker not a tattoo or facial piercing in sight.

It took all of ten seconds to realize we were on the same page, the rest of the time we just shook our heads at the absurdity of it all.

Where does it all end Jason?


I don’t know.

When does it all end Jason?

Don’t know that either.

One thing is for sure.

It will end.

Unfortunately by the time it does the majority of the population will be used to the daily grind of lies, and the days of solid finance, safe travel, good music, and Freedom will be a distant memory to be replaced by Wakanda, Wokeism and the ever watchful eye of Tik Tok.

It took the bigoted anti-semitic American hating Jimmy Carter Democrats half of a century to arrive but arrive they have.

Where Liberal women vote to support the Weinstein’s, Epstein’s, Clinton’s, and Farrakhan’s of the world.

Where homosexuals vote to support Sharia.

Where Jews vote to support Hamas.

Where children are poisoned to make the adults feel safer.

Welcome to the New Normal.

2023 is going to be a blast.

Jason Kraus

That was as bad as chemo

As lies continue to plague the greatest nation in the history of Man the unnecessary suffering, and many times death, staggers forward.

Why are humans, in the face of overwhelming evidence, still willing to let strangers inject them with chemicals?

Do some people have to pay the ultimate price before they open their eyes to what has and is really happening?

How much longer will the Adam Smith individual allow the peer pressure and bullying of the communist/government controlled mob to kill their parents, grandparents and children?

I am saddened by those who went along to get along and I am disgusted by those who forced others to kneel and submit.

My hope for the first group is survival and an awakening.

My desire for the second group are trials and executions by booster.

Nevertheless as the horrific “unexplainable” deaths stack up every day across the world, and commercials cover the airways with Covid coercion and threats, an old lie has been grouped with the new jab, and is now moving across the nation.

The old lie is the flu shot, that mainstream”Doctors” across America have said for decades only cover “thirty percent of viruses each new year.”

On its face it has always been ridiculous as though “viruses” have a time clock.

Are you ready Freddy, December is right around the corner. Better fire up Cyrus and let’s get to it!

Furthermore, thirty percent?

What kind of product only works thirty percent of the time?

Could you imagine your car only starting three out of ten turns?

How about your washer and dryer?

At a thirty percent clip you may as well turn those underwear inside out.

The thirty percent condom?

So seven out of ten times you’ll either end up with an STD, a new mouth to feed, or an abortion.

Sounds like a Bill Clinton trifecta.

The “good news” of these old flu shots is we don’t believe they actually killed anyone, then again “Physician error” kills hundreds of thousands every year so anything is possible.

Still, with the assumption the old shots only real benefit was to the pharmaceutical companies bottom line, those with real health concerns followed their physicians advice.

Doing so now may cost you more than you can afford.

Many times I write about things I’ve read or had reported to me.

This next story I personally witnessed and the only reason I am telling it now is to hopefully prevent the suffering or death of others.

An individual with multiple co-morbidities including multiple-myeloma, and in his seventies, received his annual flu shot.

A few hours later he started to not feel well.

Things only worsened from there.

Day One was horrible , followed by the nightmare known as Day Two.

Coughing, difficulty breathing, the shakes which eventually lead to laying in one place for hours on end suffering greatly as the flu shot ravaged his body.

The quote given to me after was this.

“That was as bad as chemo.”

Chemotherapy is bad enough on its face.

Chemotherapy for multiple-myeloma is a special kind of hell and although you don’t know this individual, I do, and for him to say  this, is all I need to know about the brutality of the “flu shot” experience.

On day three the infamous Nobel Prize winning horse dewormer known as Ivermectin was taken and I have to admit I had my doubts as the situation looked bleak.

Twelve hours later he was able to sit up and drink some water.

Twenty-four hours later he was up and made soup.

Forty-eight hours later the individual, who not that long ago had appeared close to death, went outside to garden, albeit slowly, as the Ivermectin killed the virus implanted in his body but it didn’t fix his twice broken back.

Two weeks later he is back to normal and stated with a certain ferocity, “I will never get another shot.”

Flu or otherwise.

Life is an individual experience but as Americans we have a responsibility to hold the line when others cower, fade, or line up to be poisoned.

The information I provide is always the truth.

How it is used is up to you.

A message was sent to me about Ivermectin that I will now share.

“Just found a compound pharmacy in Columbia Tennessee. They will take phone orders for Ivermectin and ship to you. They do treatment or preventative. They customize the dose to your weight. It was $60 plus $10 for shipping for 30 and $120 for 60. That will last me 30 weeks if I take 2x weekly. They recommend 2 days a week for preventative. Super nice people. 931-388-3999. You call your order, pay, and they send it to your home. Easy peasy and US based!”

If you call them tell em Falcon Sane said hi.

Jason Kraus

One State at a Time

America is currently broken into specific groups which then splinter from there.

It’s like religion.

Many forms of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.

Roughly five percent of humans in America subscribe to the Liberal mantra which today states that Joe saved Democracy.

The “leaders” of these PT Barnum references want everyone around them to suffer while greedily grabbing everything in sight.

Their intellectual capacity is slightly higher than their acolytes which is why most of them are one issue voters, and that issue is self-loathing, relabeled as defenders of abortion anytime and on demand.

This is their only mantra and they wield it like a drunk swinging a bottle of Jack in the middle of a bar but you can count on one thing for sure.

They vote.

Our second five percent are those who take the exact opposite of the abortion issue.

It doesn’t matter if they agree with everything else, if someone isn’t their type of pro-life, no dice.

Pregnant at sixteen?


Molested by a family member.

Figure it out.

Raped by a stranger.

Shouldn’t have been out after 2:00 am.

I’ve had conversations with this type of person.

I am not exaggerating and with that said, they vote.

The next group comprises of around ten percent.

They flow back and forth dependent upon what has happened in their lives.

They don’t approve of late-term abortions but they also don’t think abortion should be outlawed completely.

They tend to have a live and let live philosophy, “experimented with drugs” in their youth, and occasionally now on the weekends, and because of this don’t really pay attention to their surroundings, schools, local elections, etc.

They are too “busy” watching on average four to six hours of television, on the internet or their phones daily.

This group does vote and provides an explanation as to how America can elect an Obama followed by a Trump.

Our fourth group makes up around thirty-five percent.

This mass of cellular dysfunction never votes, never will.

There is simply too much porn, Minecraft and Tik Tok videos for them to ever care.

Finally our last group is around the forty-five percent size.

This group is incredibly smart, overwhelmingly compassionate, fiercely loyal, knows the difference between a Constitutional Republic and Democracy, and tries to not watch television or listen to the radio because they can feel both slowly crushing their souls.

This is the group that knows Freedom is the American Dream not home ownership.

This is the group that voted for Perot, twice.

This is the group that all neighborhoods want because these Americans require their environments to be clean, safe, and most importantly FREE.

Either a huge majority of this American group moved to Florida OR the Governor and his staff reclaimed their elections from Broward County.

I’m going with the latter as it is statistically improbable a State will improve fifteen percentage points in one election cycle.

Those votes were always there.

If Florida can do it so can you Arizona.

There is no way hiding in her house Hobbs has this much support.

It’s all about Broward County west.

Also known as Maricopa, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Las Vegas.

There has never been a time in recent memory when an elongated count ever went to the Republican candidate and if the House seats aren’t wrapped up soon the Dems will keep that as well.

The overwhelmingly majority doesn’t want Wokeism.

This, however, doesn’t mean it will stop.

The large majority of Russians and Chinese don’t want Communism and yet it gets stronger everyday.

We’ve just witnessed two election cycles rife with fraud.

Wait until the social credit scores begin.

Oh, that cannot happen here Jason.

Already has.

Jason Kraus

Sometimes you’re the Hammer, Sometimes you’re Paul

Oh to be a Liberal.

The concept of ignoring facts, although not a new phenomenon, is truly a pathetic thing to witness and we only have to turn on our televisions or radios to still hear Covid commercials playing every day regardless of truckloads of data and the continuous stack of bodies due to “unknown causes”.

Days ago a report from the Epoch Times stated, “Data analyst concludes from CDC, Worldometers, Walgreens data: “A 7:1 appetite in the virus for the recently vaccinated”.

In case some Progressives are still reading let me explain simply.

You increase your chances at a seven to one rate of contracting the Rona by getting the poke.

Still not clear?

Okay let me try again.

You decrease the chances of getting the Rona astronomically by NOT getting the jab.

An aside, you also decrease your chances of dying from an unexplained heart attack, stroke or blood clot but by all means pile in to your local Walgreens or CVS and let er rip.

Maybe AOC was right.

A lot of you who follow her lead won’t be here in ten years.

Speaking of parasites who hopefully will be gone in the next ten years, through usage of the FBI and other government “resources” the Democratic Party continues to keep the Hunter Biden crime wave from doing any real damage to their communistic agenda.

Pressure, coercion, and threats have so far kept Brandon’s son out of the mainstream media and jail.

Apparently the Speaker of the House doesn’t have that type of family protection in the media or otherwise as her insider trading husband continues to get rave reviews weekly and remind us of the good ol days when a Liberal (Harry Reid) showed up face smashed and no explanation.

The criminal Reid knew how to cover his tracks.

No crime announced.

No crime recorded.

No charges, nothing.

Just a pair of sunglasses trying to hide his purple complexion.

Old school communism.

Not today, no way, no how as Progressive Paul Pelosi was popped one night for driving while hammered, and then came into public view again apparently in his underwear while reportedly getting hammered.

A tool with a tool married to a ghoul who treats Liberal voters as the fools they are.

According to reports there were “three men, two in their underwear” fighting each other when one took a break, went into the bathroom and called 911.

There were other reports that a welfare check was the reason law enforcement arrived.

Either way a Party who wants Pigs in a Blanket Fry em like Bacon and open borders called the cops to arrest a criminal foreign national while allowing and supporting tens of millions of humans here illegally over the last forty years.

Sounds progressive to me.

Now that the Libs have their “man” it has been reported he will be deported after facing trial.

What this means is he’ll be sent from the Bay Area to Los Angeles.

With all this going on CNN released a “breaking news” story to explain how much dinner cost for some Oath Keepers at an Olive Garden.

This is called Chris Cuomo hard hitting reporting.

It would’ve been Don Lemon but no discussion of racism occurred as the Keepers apparently enjoyed bread sticks rather than Subway sandwiches.

Finally, CNBC decided they wanted to stick to business and cut Shepard Smith loose, not that it mattered as no one watched his show.

Cuomo, Lemon, and Smith.

Three good little Germans who’ve lied to the American people for a very long time.

I sincerely hope they are triple vaxxed, quadruple boosted and please gentlemen don’t forget the new Covid flu shot.

It’s the new rage.

All the Libs are doing it.

Jason Kraus

Captained By Brandon

As always in today’s America the repeated lies far outweigh the facts.

I’m not sure if Twitter going private and axing three quarters of its staff will make a difference but it’s unlikely to get any worse.

Good luck with that kitchen sink Elon.

Maybe one day you’ll learn these United States aren’t a Democracy but until then tallyho, and head up, as the Progressives await your arrival.

Those who have been with me for a while know I am not a fan of Kanye West.

I have even less interest in Kim Kardashian and frankly found it ridiculous when Donald Trump brought them both to the White House.

With that said the reason “Ye” is taking a beating isn’t because he is anti-semitic.

This has nothing to do with what he said about “Jews”.

Obama and the Clintons are both friends with, and Barack hugged, Louis Farrakhan who wants all Jews murdered.

In das Vaterland the company Adidas “canceled” The Gold Digger singer.

For all the Liberals, Das Vaterland is Germany, the nation almost as white as your constant “socialist” country of choice known as  green Sweden.

The Swedes aren’t socialist, or green, as that is another lie repeated ad nauseam, and rely on timber and imports of yes you guessed it, oil and natural gas, to run their country, yet somehow Greta keeps getting older, unfortunately none the wiser.

I digress.

The Squad (AOC, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Presley and Rashida Tlaib) hates the sons and daughters of Abraham, and for that matter the entire Democratic Party supports Iran, who want to push Israel off the face of the map and into the sea.

The canceling of Kanye West is because the man wore a shirt that said White Lives Matter (another lie as the only life that matters is one that is beneficial to others) and told the truth about the criminal George Floyd and Black Lives Blather.

The word went out in Democratic circles to rile up the sheep, and as the bleating began, the financial bleeding of Yeezus, was under way.

Fortunately West doesn’t have a computer filled with information, like Seth Rich, or it’s quite possible he’d be murdered while “robbed” as he walked down the street. Interestingly enough the “robbers” took nothing and yet somehow Rich’s laptop ended up in the hands of the FBI who recently requested from a judge to not release anything on it for 66 years.

Seth’s laptop and all the Covid info have two things in common. Many associated with either continue to die from “unknown causes” or 22-2801, and the government doesn’t want anyone to see anything connected to this or that for at least half a century.

Their incredible hypocrisy can be illuminated by the absurd line the Libs continue to spew as “Democracy dies in darkness”.

While Musk and West sucked up most of the media oxygen a few debates were held across the country.

Libs began the celebration of Halloween early in Georgia as Warlock Warnock couldn’t tell the truth, the State of William Penn hosted a Hoodieman who couldn’t speak, and Arizona’s Katie Bar the Door Hobbs wouldn’t even try.

A famous Liberal and Stalin supporter once said We have nothing to fear but fear itself yet ol Katie said I don’t think so, found a safe space and put herself in timeout.

Around the country Progressives continued to puke and pander as Liz Cheney endorsed a Democrat in Michigan.

Let us hope she has the same influence in Michigan as she did in Wyoming.

There can be no doubt the only vote this cycle must be for the Republican candidate, even though most of them are lacking in creativity, individual life success, and courage, and those who have these positives almost always lose their way upon election.

With that said the alternative is Oppression and any vote for the Democrats edges us closer to the very reality of not only Politics is war by other means but war itself.

History and lies repeat all the time, as we witness the stupid and parasitic criticize Jerome Powell for finally stopping the madness of currency devaluation, something he tried to do under Trump.

Make no mistake the Federal Reserve isn’t a friend of Freedom as we find it overall in solidarity with the reaching of government control in everything we do, but out of all the Fed Chair’s that got us into this position (Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen) Powell appears to be trying to go around the titanic iceberg.

In reality he is rearranging the deck chairs on this Liberal sinking ship started with Clinton and now captained by Brandon.

If you have no idea what was just stated you are a big part of the problem, and will most likely suffer the effects of what decades of idiots and criminals have created, as greed and corruption replaced fiscal responsibility.

Gordon Gekko wasn’t right or real and even Charlie Sheen realized that the Progressive lifestyle doesn’t lead to “winning”.

When this historically occurs “government” takes over and we have a word for a State run economy.

It is Communism and that particular system has been the death of tens if not hundreds of millions who died from murder, disease, or starvation.

Whether many realize, we have watched this and are continuing to witness this in real time, as today’s oligarchies control the “pharmaceutical” companies while threatening gas and oil businesses every single day.

Let me make this very clear.

Without the “drug” companies, over time, most humans would become healthier and frankly happier.

The polio vaccine, mumps/measles/rubella nor the concept of inoculation was not created by Big Pharma unlike Tardive Dyskinesia or the side effects of virtually every invented product known as “anal leakage, clots, stroke, paranoia or death”.

Without fossil fuels three quarters of the Earth’s population is dead in less than six months.

The gangs around the world known as government have one and want both.

Systemic Oppression (Communism) is allowed to flourish because certain systems have been put in place.

The most systemically glaring and egregious killer of Freedom is Income Tax.

To punish the working human for inherently enriching themselves, and providing a way to nourish their own bodies and minds, is  criminal.

To not stop it is evil.

Years ago, and unlike any of these politicians, I offered my services to the State of California, and potentially America, with three caveats.

I would not accept any campaign contributions, a salary if elected, and would only serve one term.

Furthermore I created two systemic policies to fix our main issues.

Border security and the removal of all forms of income tax.

Until these two are addressed nothing will change in America.

Actually it will get worse.

For example, we now have new information from the University of Utah that states, “Vaccinated people had higher odds of experiencing symptomatic COVID-19 than the unvaccinated, even if they had received a booster shot on top of a primary series.”

The viral “cure” which doesn’t exist has always been the poison.

Just ask Ashton Carter.

Sorry you can’t.

Sadly we should not expect anything different from Republican politicians.

They don’t have the backbones (we are already hearing them back down from Impeachment) as they’ve historically proven, nor any new thoughts.

Don’t expect anything different from Liberals.

They are a joyless soulless bunch and as we know misery loves company.

It will be you the American who pushes Freedom forward as Americans always have.

This time with the Pen and your brilliant minds in hopes that the Sword, although honed to a razor’s edge, need not be used.

For things to get better we must offer better.

Better is a click away in the link provided below

The U.S. Personal Responsibility Act Of 2017

In the meantime it is Republican all the way.

Don’t let the Liberals cut off your nose to spite their face.

Jason Kraus

Riddle Me This

Dear Jason,

Do you think the craziness happening right now has topped?

To quote the fictional John Bender, “Not even close bud”.

Let us use parts of Los Angeles to explain.

We’ve forever heard that only “white people” are racist but as the “white people” left many districts in Los Angeles, the humans still there with black skin, now called African-Americans, Crips or Bloods, have transferred the “racist” tag to the humans who replaced the “Krackers,” predominantly “brown people” from Mexico now called Hispanics, Latinos or La Raza.

You got all that?

Let me surmise.

White people still bad, brown people now bad, black people still victims and don’t get me started on the black/brown transvestite queers as I’m quite sure, in their “protection,” Gavin Newsom will be passing a law soon.

Still not clear on this mess and looking for one word to bring it all together?


Ah yes, you are with me now.

Currently this collection of “intelligent life form” spends their days calling black children monkeys while drug infested tent cities continue to grow ever larger even through the “deadliest pandemic” of our lifetimes.

Riddle me that one Archie.

The meth heads running free without teeth survived, as they did unspeakable things to each other, but somehow every school, gym, and restaurant in Los Angeles had to be closed.

Through all this “Liberal Love” the two remaining candidates for the Los Angeles Mayoral position have one thing in common.

They aren’t brown.


The elected representatives of most of L. A. are indeed supporters of La Raza, who hate black and white people with the same vigor, yet according to reports they are stuck choosing between a “monkey” and a “Kracker”.

Yes, it gets better. . .or worse for the children who have to live in this Progressive hell hole.

One of the candidates is named Karen Bass who makes Kamala Harris sound like Albert Einstein.

The other is Rick Caruso who recently stated he isn’t white, he’s “Italian” or in another word “latin”.

Yes, this billionaire actually said this.

So, in the midst of poverty, crime, gas prices, school failures, and a million other things this microcosm of Liberalism in Los Angeles shows us exactly what the Progressives (Communists) offer.

Bass, a Louis Farrakhan supporter, who hates white and brown people.

Rick Caruso, a billionaire buffoon, who hates himself.

The City of Angels has lost its wings, its way, and its “whites” and welcomed in Idi Amin, Che Guevara and Benito Mussolini or Jack Geoghan if you prefer.

I remember when pot holes were the problem.

Jason, this sounds horrible.

It does and it is.

Sadly though I haven’t even scratched the surface of this (these) diseased Democratic cities.

Some will say it “isn’t that bad”.

They are right.

It’s dramatically worse.

Still, there is hope down the road.

Most in these areas have been vaxxed and boosted and that story will eventually be written in the next decade yet unlike most history it won’t be scribed by the “victors”.

It’ll be by the survivors.

Jason Kraus

Death Con, Armageddon, and Ese Changuito

As the world turns and the “electric” car makers send out recall after recall,  the Dems, God love em, someone has to, are at it again.

With early voting already taking place the Liberal bigots are plowing ahead devil may care.

Supposedly reformed Progressive Kanye West, a man who compared himself to Jesus, wore a White Lives Matter shirt and those without lives flipped out on Social Media.

His response was to go “death con” on “three jews”.

Death con?

Come on Yeezus although I think we now have two excellent case studies of why people should no longer wear a hoodie.

John The Hood Fetterwoman can barely speak and She Aint No Gold Digger can hardly read.

The combined IQ of these two might reach 100 but today’s “society” thinks one is a genius and the other might be elected to the United States Senate, where we know genius need not apply.

Clearly Hunter Biden’s hair sniffing daughter showering father was wrong.

Armageddon, and according to West, the second coming of Christ, has already arrived.

Free the locusts.

As gas prices soared, children were trafficked, and FJB mumbled more tough guy profanity, the Internet was “outraged” at the idea that “White people” could matter and let their fingers do the talking, safely ensconced behind fences, walls, and weapons they say they don’t work, won’t build and pay others to carry.

John (married to a raging bigot who’s “canceled” plenty of others) Legend in his own mind, of course felt the need to comment, and Sarah Silverman wants to know why only “Jews speak up against Jewish hate”.

Hey Sarah, I’m sure there are plenty who “hate” you but it isn’t because your Jewish.

It’s because you are a comic who isn’t funny.

Besides, the term staring you in the mirror is “self-hating Jew” which may explain why too many sons and daughters of Abraham reportedly continue to vote for Democrats and then wonder, along with the “Asians” why you are targeted in the streets of New York City.

Curtis Sliwa and his Guardian Angels (that horrible white man) has protected all of you for decades but no you had to have the second coming of Warren Wilhelm Jr.

Elections have consequences Sarah.

Welcome to your’s.

What would we do without Libs and Twitter?

We should rename it Litter because these imbeciles do nothing but spread trash everywhere.

Jack Dorsey should be ashamed of himself and never allowed to invent anything ever again.

Steve Jobs was a complete a-hole but at least he allowed us to stop carrying pagers and listen to good music anytime we wanted.

Of course we are now tracked everywhere we go and it appears the “technology” in the phone is slowly frying our minds but hey as long as one can post pictures of food and feet it’s worth the brain drain to the masses, never mind the Zuckerberg zeitgeist and his attempt to put virtual reality headsets on everyone.

In the name of progress and technology the population spirals into a world of synthetic weed, fentanyl and Chinese Tik Tok videos.

Chris fake weights Cuomo has started his rehabilitation tour on another desperate network.

I cannot wait until Don Lemon Lime joins him and they can both lie through their teeth with even less people watching. I hope they bring in Jussey Subway Sandwich Smollet and all talk about the time those black Russians put a noose on his neck courtesy of MAGA and Donald Trump.

Better yet let’s go straight to NASCAR where a door pulley caused grown men to cry and Let’s Go Brandon began.

Finally La Raza reared its ever present and ugly head again in California where three Democratic “latino” politicians were caught on tape calling a black baby “ese changuito” which reportedly means “little monkey” in Spanish.

Dems filled with hate in two languages and as always abusing the kids.

Words, jabs, or LTA (Late-Term Abortion) the Progressives continue their onslaught of those who cannot defend themselves.

Will it change anytime soon?


It’s football season.

Time to start taking a knee again.

Jason Kraus

Four Wolves and a Lamb for Lunch

Recently I was again asked how bad it would have to get before the “woke” awakened.

Let us take a quick look and see if we can figure this out together.

According to “polls” across America the citizenry is tiring of rising crime, gas prices, and losing or “loosing” Democracy as Liberals enjoy opining.

Is this true?

Well. . . .

This depends where in these United States one resides.

The majority of people in Texas, Florida, South Dakota et al. are indeed tired of the first two, and hopefully know there is no chance of losing Democracy, as you cannot lose something you’ve thankfully never had.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic.

The Founders weren’t interested in Democracy.

They wanted individual Freedom.

As stated earlier most people in the aforementioned States will vote to support Liberty and stop the Liberals.

On the other hand New York (City) is trying to allow criminal foreign nationals (illegals) to vote, not that this is any different from the last few elections.

In California most citizens won’t vote at all.

As we can see it depends where you call home.

Inexpensive fuel, good jobs, border security, and support of law enforcement will vote straight ticket Red.

Fuel shortages, food stamps, one big North American wasteland and “Pigs in a blanket fry em like bacon” will vote straight ticket Blue.

There will be a few who “split the ticket” simply because they think they are “nuanced” and smarter than everyone else.


With all this happening a story written by “Yahoo News” was published about the Gubernatorial election in the State of Oregon with the catch line, “Oregon may be on the verge of electing its first Republican governor in a generation next month.”

Say what?

The article continues, “It would be a heavy blow for Democrats, an indictment of the party’s brand in what has been one of the most progressive states in the country. Portland, its largest city, has been an epicenter of left-wing activism in support of causes like defunding the police and drug decriminalization, but by all accounts, Portland is struggling. Crime is up, the city is facing a homelessness crisis and residents are worried.”

You don’t say?

Wait it gets better.

The writer continues, “Things are so bad, in fact, that some of the state’s left-leaning voters might support a Republican candidate for governor this November. “There’s just a huge feeling of lawlessness,” a Portland resident told the Oregonian this week.”

I love the word “might”.

Things are a disaster in Portland.

Urine, feces, needles everywhere. Graffiti, rape, and murder as the Summer of Love moved in year round and the “left leaning voters” MIGHT try something new but let us get back to the article.

A poll found homelessness to be the top issue for voters in the state, with crime and public safety the next most important. The survey found that 64% of Oregonians think the state’s justice system is “not tough enough” on crime.

There’s no doubt that things in Portland and around much of the state are grim. More than two-thirds of residents think Oregon is on the wrong track and Democratic Gov. Kate Brown is the most unpopular state executive in the country, with a 54% disapproval rating,”

Hang on. . .there’s more.

“The murder rate is on pace to break another record, after 2021 set a new one. Last weekend, four Portland people were killed in separate incidents, two by shootings and two by stabbings involving homeless persons. One of the stabbings occurred in the Old Town neighborhood around lunchtime.”

Okay my friends.

This is a lot to unpack.

Murder continues to break records, two-thirds think things are going in the wrong direction, and 54% hate the current Lib governor not to mention one of the murders happened in the “Old Town neighborhood around lunchtime”.


Not lunchtime!

Don’t these animals know “lunchtime” is sacred in Old Town!

Allow me a moment to compose myself but “lunchtime” happened to be my first meal today and I cannot imagine having to defend myself from a murderer at noon.

Breakfast or dinner is fine but don’t mess with Oregonian Old Town’s mid day meal.

Believe it or not the article gets better as it lauds the Democratic candidate Tina Kotek, the same Democratic candidate who has been in Oregon politics for years, with “her” plan to help the homeless situation, the same plan that’s causing all the madness, by stating, “Kotek was a religious studies major in college and has a background in humanitarian causes. She worked for the Oregon Food Bank in the late 1990s, and then for a group called Children First for Oregon.”

Well now that should do it!

A religious studies major who undoubtedly hates God with a background in humanitarian causes while creating and overseeing a humanitarian crises for the last decade.

She also worked for the Oregon Food Bank in the 90’s and then a group called Children First for Oregon.

I doubt if either of those “organizations” are what they are implying but even so it appears she learned nothing as the homeless search for food (be careful at lunchtime) and the children are noticeably in last place.

Undoubtedly you want to know how far ahead is the Republican.

With all that Progressivism the Republican is up one point and the only reason this is occurring is another “independent” (See Liberal) candidate is pulling votes from the Dem, otherwise the Dem would be up by twenty but don’t take my word for it.

I’ll give you a quote from an Oregonian.

“I’m a born, raised, and resident of Oregon. Oregon is comprised of more than Portland. The Oregonian is a Portland-based newspaper. I can guarantee they are skewing the narrative to trying to equate Portland as Oregon. I live in OR, there’s no chance we’re electing a republican governor – maybe folks in Portland have lost their minds and no longer care about civil rights, but the rest of the valley certainly does.”

Please allow me to decode.

I’m a born, raised, and resident of Oregon. There’s no chance we’re electing a republican governor because we care about our civil rights.

In other words, we want abortions, the safety of children be damned.

In the beginning I referenced a question to me about how bad would things have to get before change occurred.

As you can see from above dramatically worse than where we are now.

Factoring in the economy, crime, food, electricity and of course the stock markets, in my opinion we are barely through the 1st inning.

Stretch those legs and pick out a quality bat.

You are going to need them especially at lunch.

Jason Kraus

Trick or Treat

For those with short or selective memories Joe Biden was and continues to be very clear.

The cost of oil, gas, fossil fuels was purposely increased because he and his Liberal brethren do not want you to use them anymore.

He specifically stated many times how he would kill the oil industry and make their products so expensive no one would use them and instead turn to “electric” power.

Still struggling to believe or somehow cannot remember this?

Obama stated the exact same things before he was elected and under the Liberal’s “Black Jesus” the cost of fuel (energy) soared.

The easiest comparison to see this change under Obama, is the almost immediate price decline of gasoline when Donald Trump took office, and then the complete reversal of cost, soaring virtually overnight of petroleum, when Biden stepped or fell into the chair.

This isn’t an opinion or a measurement of “feelings”.

These things are facts and easily provable in less than five minutes with a few internet searches or a visit to AM/PM.

The same things happened with the border, Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine, and Iran.

Under Obama the border was a disaster, Putin took Crimea, and Iran received billions from Barack.

Some of that cash was airdropped from a US helicopter in the middle of the night.

Yes Liberals, your hero kept the lights on in Iran which also allowed the beatings and murder of women and homosexuals to continue but keep flying those rainbow flags because as we all know if you didn’t vote for Joe you ain’t gay.

I digress.

Those Obama dollars, John Kerry later admitted, were used to fund Hezbollah and Hamas, who targeted and murdered Americans as well as our allies.

Biden made it even easier for the Wahhabis and the Taliban and “abandoned” American military equipment to the tune of billions in Afghanistan.

Years ago I was asked my opinion of the worst President in my lifetime.

This question had always been easy.

Jimmy Carter.

Easy until George W. “I’m the decider” Bush took office who was so bad the door was opened for a communistic Farrakhan supporting bigot named Barry Soetoro.

Now after two years I never thought I’d see the day when Jimmy Gas Lines Carter was moved to number four.

Number three is Bush.

Number two is Barry.

Number one is Brandon.

Amazingly enough W may be pushed off this list as Gavin Newsom circles America waiting for the hair sniffer to croak.

Hang in there Joe.

We want to impeach you first you traitorous piece of dung.

In the meantime just in case that wasn’t enough it appears someone is digging into the Seth Rich case.

Due to the fact that most won’t remember Seth was a young Democratic operative murdered one night while he walked home. His death was ruled a robbery gone bad, although this begs the question how one can justify the label of robbery when nothing was taken.

Isn’t that right Donna Brazile.

Last but certainly not least earlier this month Brandon took the opportunity to sign the “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe and Secure American Bioeconomy”.

Basically this “order” allows all new jabs to move through the pipeline apparently without any human trials with the end game of using them on…humans.

The “vaccine” and its boosters may be nothing compared to this year’s flu shots.

Welcome to October.

Where the tricks keep coming and the treats may kill you.

Jason Kraus